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Learning Web Design Third Edition- P20 pps

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  • Learning Web Design

    • Preface

    • Part I Getting Started

      • Chapter 1

        • Where Do I Start?

          • Am I Too Late?

          • Where Do I Start?

          • What Do I Need to Learn?

          • Do I Need to Learn Java?

          • What Do I Need to Buy?

          • What You’ve Learned

          • Test Yourself

      • Chapter 2

        • How the Web Works

          • Serving Up Your Information

          • A Word About Browsers

          • Web Page Addresses (URLs)

          • The Anatomy of a Web Page

          • Putting It All Together

          • Test Yourself

          • Browser Versions

      • Chapter 3

        • The Nature of Web Design

          • Alternative Browsing Environments

          • User Preferences

          • Different Platforms

          • Connection Speed

          • Browser Window Size and Monitor Resolution

          • Monitor Color

          • Know Your Audience

          • Keeping the Big Picture in Mind

          • Test Yourself

    • Part II HTML Markup for Structure

      • Chapter 4

        • Creating a Simple Page

          • (HTML Overview)

            • A Web Page, Step by Step

            • Before We Begin, Launch a Text Editor

            • Step 1: Start with Content

            • Step 2: Give the Document Structure

            • Step 3: Identify Text Elements

            • Step 4: Add an Image

            • Step 5: Change the Look with a Style Sheet

            • When Good Pages Go Bad

            • Test Yourself

            • (X)HTML Review: Document Structure Elements

      • Chapter 5

        • Marking up Text

          • Building Blocks

          • Lists

          • Adding Line Breaks

          • The Inline Text Element Round-up

          • Generic Elements (div and span)

          • Some Special Characters

          • Putting It All Together

          • Test Yourself

          • (X)HTML Review: Text Elements

      • Chapter 6

        • Adding Links

          • The href Attribute

          • Linking to Pages on the Web

          • Linking Within Your Own Site

          • Targeting a New Browser Window

          • Mail Links

          • Test Yourself

          • (X)HTML Review: The Anchor Element

      • Chapter 7

        • Adding Images

          • First, a Word on Image Formats

          • The img Element

          • Imagemaps

          • Test Yourself

          • (X)HTML Review: Image and Imagemap Elements

      • Chapter 8

        • Basic Table Markup

          • How Tables Are Used

          • Minimal Table Structure

          • Table Headers

          • Spanning Cells

          • Cell Padding and Spacing

          • Captions and Summaries

          • Table Accessibility

          • Wrapping Up Tables

          • Test Yourself

          • (X)HTML Review: Table Elements

      • Chapter 9

        • Forms

          • How Forms Work

          • The form Element

          • Variables and Content

          • Form Accessibility Features

          • The Great Form Control Round-up

          • Form Layout and Design

          • Test Yourself

          • (X)HTML Review: Forms

      • Chapter 10

        • Understanding the Standards

          • Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About HTML But Were Afraid to Ask

          • Enter XHTML

          • From the Browser’s Point of View

          • Declaring the Document Type

          • Which One Should You Use?

          • Validating Your Documents

          • Character Encoding

          • Putting It All Together

          • Test Yourself

      • HTML Markup for Structure

    • Part III CSS For Presentation

      • Chapter 11

        • Cascading Style Sheets

        • The Benefits of CSS

        • How Style Sheets Work

        • The Big Concepts

        • Moving Forward with CSS

        • Test Yourself

      • Chapter 12

        • Formatting Text (Plus More Selectors)

          • The Font Properties

          • Changing Text Color

          • A Few More Selector Types

          • Text Line Adjustments

          • Underlines and Other “Decorations”

          • Changing Capitalization

          • Spaced Out

          • Test Yourself

          • CSS Review: Font and Text Properties

      • Chapter 13

        • Colors and Backgrounds (Plus Even More Selectors and External Style Sheets)

          • Specifying Color Values

          • Foreground Color

          • Background Color

          • Introducing.... Pseudoclass Selectors

          • Pseudoelement Selectors

          • Background Images

          • The Shorthand background Property

          • Finally, External Style Sheets

          • Style Sheets for Print (and Other Media)

          • Test Yourself

          • Review: Color and Background Properties

      • Chapter 14

        • Thinking Inside the Box (Padding, Borders, and Margins)

          • The Element Box

          • Setting the Content Dimensions

          • Padding

          • Borders

          • Margins

          • Assigning Display Roles

          • The Box Model in Review

          • Test Yourself

          • Review: Basic Box Properties

      • Chapter 15

        • Floating and Positioning

          • Normal Flow

          • Floating

          • Positioning Basics

          • Relative Positioning

          • Absolute Positioning

          • Fixed Positioning

          • Test Yourself

          • Review: Basic Layout Properties

      • Chapter 16

        • Page Layout with CSS

          • Page Layout Strategies

          • Fixed Layouts

          • Elastic Layouts

          • Page Layout Templates

          • Centering a Fixed Width Page

          • CSS Layouts in Review

          • Test Yourself

      • Chapter 17

        • CSS Techniques

          • Style Properties for Tables

          • Changing List Bullets and Numbers

          • Using Lists for Navigation

          • Image Replacement Techniques

          • CSS Rollovers

          • Wrapping Up Style Sheets

          • Test Yourself

          • Review: Table and List Properties

    • Part IV Creating Web Graphics

      • Chapter 18

        • Web Graphics Basics

          • Image Sources

          • Meet the Formats

          • Image Size and Resolution

          • Working with Transparency

          • Web Graphics 101 Summary

          • Test Yourself

      • Chapter 19

        • Lean and Mean Web Graphics

          • Why Optimize?

          • General Optimization Strategies

          • Optimizing GIFs

          • Optimizing JPEGs

          • Optimizing PNGs

          • Optimize to File Size

          • Optimization in Review

          • Test Yourself

    • Part V From Start to Finish

      • Chapter 20

        • The Site Development Process

          • 1. Conceptualize and Research

          • 2. Create and Organize Content

          • 3. Develop the “Look and Feel”

          • 4. Produce a Working Prototype

          • 5. Test It

          • 6. Launch the Site

          • 7. Maintain the Site

          • The Development Process in Review

          • Test Yourself

      • Chapter 21

        • Getting Your Pages on the Web

          • www.“YOU”.com!

          • Finding Server Space

          • The Publishing Process

          • Transferring Files with FTP

          • Test Yourself

    • Appendix B

      • CSS 2.1 Selectors

    • Appendix A

      • Answers

    • Index

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Part II: HTML Markup for Structure 176 Which One Should You Use? Which One Should You Use? With so many DTDs to choose from, it may seem daunting to choose the best one. Here are some guidelines to help you. Transitional or strict If you are learning markup for the first time, there is no reason to learn legacy HTML practices or use deprecated attributes, so you’re well on the way to compliance with one of the Strict DTD versions. However, if you inherit a site that has already been heavily marked up using deprecated elements and attributes, and you don’t have time or resources to rewrite the source, then a Transitional DTD may be the appropriate choice. HTML or XHTML Whether to use HTML or XHTML is a more subtle issue. XHTML offers a number of benefits, some of which leverage the power of XML: It is future-proof, which means that it will be compatible with the web technologies and browsers that are on the horizon. XHTML is the way of the future, but because it is backward compatible, you can start using it right away. Its stricter syntax requirements make it easier for screen readers and other assistive devices to handle. Stricter markup rules such as closing all elements makes style sheet appli- cation cleaner and more predictable. Many mobile devices such as cell phones and PDAs are adopting XHTML as the authoring standard, so your pages will work better on those devices. It can be combined with other XML languages in a single document. As an XML language, it can be parsed and used by any XML software. You can take information and data from XML applications and port it into XHTML more easily. To use the proper term, XML data can be easily transformed into XHTML. While it is true that the future of web markup will be based on XHTML, HTML is certainly not dead. It remains a viable option, and is universally supported by current browsers. If none of the benefits listed above sound like a compelling reason to take on XHTML, HTML is still okay. However, because you are learning this stuff for the first time, and because the differences between XHTML and HTML are really quite minor, you might as well learn to write in the stricter XHTML syntax right off the bat, then you’ll be one step ahead of the game. Writing well-formed XHTML is even • • • • • • • Validating Your Documents Chapter 10, Understanding the Standards 177 easier if you are using a web authoring tool such as Adobe (Macromedia) Dreamweaver or Microsoft Expression Web because you can configure it to write code in XHTML automatically—just be sure you have the latest version of the software so it is up to speed with the latest requirements. What the pros do For professional-caliber web site production, most web developers follow the XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD. Doing so makes sure that the markup is semantic and does not use any of the deprecated and presentational elements and attributes (style sheets are used instead, as is the proper practice). It also has all of the benefits of XHTML that were just listed. This isn’t to say that you have to make all of your web sites XHTML Strict too, but I thought you might like to know. Validating Your Documents The other thing that professional web developers do is validate their markup. What does that mean? To validate a document is to check your markup to make sure that you have abided by all the rules of whatever DTD you are using. Documents that are error-free are said to be valid. It is strongly recom- mended that you validate your documents, especially for professional sites. Valid documents are more consistent on a variety of browsers, they display more quickly, and are more accessible. Right now, browsers don’t require documents to be valid (in other words, they’ll do their best to display them, errors and all), but any time you stray from the standard you introduce unpredictability in the way the page is dis- played or handled by alternative devices. Furthermore, one day there will be strict XHTML browsers that will require valid and well-formed documents. So how do you make sure your document is valid? You could check it yourself or ask a friend, but humans make mistakes, and you aren’t really expected to memorize every minute rule in the specifications. Instead, you use a valida- tor, software that checks your source against the DTD you specify. These are some of the things validators check for: The inclusion of a DOCTYPE declaration. Without it the validator doesn’t know which version of HTML or XHTML to validate against. An indication of the character encoding for the document (character encoding is covered in the next section). The inclusion of required rules and attributes. Non-standard elements. Mismatched tags. • • • • • Validation Tools Developers use a number of helpful tools for checking and correcting errors in (X)HTML documents. These are a few of the most popular. HTML Tidy HTML Tidy, by Dave Raggett, checks (X)HTML documents for errors and corrects them. There is an online version available at infohound.net/tidy. Find out about downloadable versions of HTML Tidy at www.w3.org/ People/Raggett/tidy and tidy. sourceforge.net. Firebug Firebug is a popular plug-in to the Firefox browser that debugs (X)HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, among many other features. It is available as a free download at addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1843. Validation Tools Developers use a number of helpful tools for checking and correcting errors in (X)HTML documents. These are a few of the most popular. HTML Tidy HTML Tidy, by Dave Raggett, checks (X)HTML documents for errors and corrects them. There is an online version available at infohound.net/tidy. Find out about downloadable versions of HTML Tidy at www.w3.org/ People/Raggett/tidy and tidy. sourceforge.net. Firebug Firebug is a popular plug-in to the Firefox browser that debugs (X)HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, among many other features. It is available as a free download at addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1843. Part II: HTML Markup for Structure 178 Validating Your Documents Nesting errors. DTD rule violations. Typos, and other minor errors. The W3C offers a free online validator at validator.w3.org. Figure 10-2 shows the W3C Markup Validation Service as it appeared as of this writing (they are known to make tweaks and improvements). There are three options for checking a page: enter the URL of a page on the Web, upload a file from your computer, or just paste the source into a text area on the page. The best way to get a feel for how the validation process works is to try it yourself. Give it a go in Exercise 10-2. • • • Figure 10-2. The W3C’s Markup Validation Service. Figure 10-2. The W3C’s Markup Validation Service. exercise 10-2 | Validating a document In this exercise, you’ll validate some documents using the W3C validation service. The documents in this exercise are provided for you online at www.learningwebdesign. com/materials. Start by validating the document blackgoose.html (it should look familiar because it was the basis of the examples in Chapter 4, Creating a Simple Page). I’ve included a DOCTYPE declaration that instructs the validator to validate the document against the HTML 4.01 Strict DTD. I’ve also purposefully introduced a few errors to the document. Knowing what the errors are in advance will give you a better feel for how the validator finds and reports errors. The required title element is missing in the head element. The img element is missing the required alt attribute. Note also that the img element uses HTML syntax, that is, it does not have a trailing slash. The p elements are not closed. OK, let’s get validating! Make sure you have a copy of blackgoose.html on your hard drive. Open a browser and go to validator.w3.org. We’ll use the “Validate by File Upload” option. Select “Browse” and navigate to blackgoose.html. Once you’ve selected it, click the “Check” button on the validator page. The validator immediately hands back the results (Figure 10-3). It should come as no surprise that “this page is not HTML 1.0 Strict. ”There are apparently three things that prevent it from being so. First, although it is not listed as an error, it complains that it could not find the Character Encoding. We’ll talk about character encodings in the next section, so let’s not worry about that one for now. The first real error listed is that the head element is “not finished.” If you look at the source, you can see that there is indeed a closing </head> tag there, so that isn’t the issue. The problem here (as hinted in the second paragraph under the error listing) is that the element is missing required content. In this case, it’s the missing title element that is generating the error. This is a good example of the fact that validation error messages can be a bit cryptic, but at least it points you to the line of code that is amiss so you can start troubleshooting. The second error, as expected, is the missing alt attribute in the img element.    1. 2. Validating Your Documents Chapter 10, Understanding the Standards 179 Try adding a title element and alt attribute, save the file, and validate it again. This time it should “tentatively” pass. It still doesn’t like that missing character encoding, but we know we can take care of that later. Figure 10-3. The error report generated by the W3C validator. Now let’s validate another document, x-blackgoose.html. It is identical to the blackgoose.html that we just validated, except it specifies the XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD in its DOCTYPE declaration. This will give us a chance to see how the rules for XHTML differ from HTML. Go to validator.w3.org and upload x-blackgoose.html. It is not valid, of course, and there is still that character encoding problem. But look at the new list of errors—there are 14 compared to only two when we validated it as HTML. I’m not going to show them all in a figure, but I will call your attention to a few key issues. First, look at Error 3, “Line 27 column 30: end tag for “img” omitted.” The problem here is that although img is an empty element, it must be terminated with a closing slash in XHTML ( <img /> ). Now look at Error 5 that states something to the effect that you aren’t allowed to use an h2 in this context. It’s saying that because it thinks you are trying to put an h2 inside an unclosed img element, which doesn’t make any sense. The lesson here is that one error early in the document can generate a whole list of errors down the line. It is a good idea to make obvious changes, and then revalidate to see the impact of the correction. Try fixing the img element by adding the alt attribute and the trailing slash, then reupload the document and check it. There will still be a long list of errors, but now they are related to the p elements not being closed. Continue fixing errors until you get the document to be “tentatively” validated. Now it’s time to take care of the character encoding so we can get a true sense of accomplishment by having our documents validate completely. 3. 4. 5. Part II: HTML Markup for Structure 180 Character Encoding Character Encoding Before I show you how to specify the character encoding for your documents, I think it is useful to know what a character encoding is. Because the Web is worldwide, there are hundreds of written languages with a staggering number of unique character shapes that may need to be displayed on a web page. These include not only the various alphabets (Western, Hebrew, Arabic, and so on), but also ideographs (characters that indicate a whole word or concept) for languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Various sets of characters have been standardized for use on computers and over networks. For example, the set of 256 characters most commonly used in Western languages has been standardized and named Latin-1 (or ISO 8859- 1, to use its formal identifier). Latin-1 was the character encoding used for HTML 2.0 and 3.0, and you can still use it for documents today. Unicode The big kahuna of character sets, however, is Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646), which includes the characters for most known languages of the world. There are tens of thousands of characters in Unicode, and room in the specification for roughly a million. The Unicode character set may be encoded (converted to ones and zeros) several ways, the most popular being the UTF-8 encoding. You may also see UTF-16 or UTF-32, which use different numbers of bytes to describe characters. UTF-8 is the recommended encoding for all HTML 4.01, XHTML, and XML documents. You may remember seeing “Falling back to UTF-8” in the error message in the validator results Now you know that it was just assuming you wanted to use the default character encoding of Unicode for your document type. Specifying the character encoding There are several ways to associate a character encoding with a document. One way is to ask your server administrator to configure the server to include the character encoding in the HTTP header, a chunk of information that a server attaches to every web document before returning it to the browser. However, because this information can be separated from the document content, the W3C also recommends that you include the character encoding in the document itself. In HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0 documents, character encoding is indicated using a meta element (see the sidebar, XML Declarations for the method for XML documents). The meta element is an empty element that provides information about the document, such as its creation date, author, copyright N ote Other specialized character encodings include ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic), ISO 8859- 6 (Arabic), ISO 8859-7 (Greek), ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew), and three Japanese encodings (ISO-2022-JP, SHIFT_JIS, and EUC-JP). N ote Other specialized character encodings include ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic), ISO 8859- 6 (Arabic), ISO 8859-7 (Greek), ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew), and three Japanese encodings (ISO-2022-JP, SHIFT_JIS, and EUC-JP). XML Declarations The character encoding for XML documents should be provided in an XML declaration. XML declarations indicate the version of XML used in the document and may also include the character encoding. The following is an example of the XML declaration that the W3C recommends for XHTML documents. It must appear before the DOCTYPE declaration. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> XML declarations are not required for all XML documents, but the W3C encourages authors to include them in XHTML documents. They are required when the character encoding is something other than the defaults UTF-8 or UTF-16. Unfortunately, despite the W3C’s encouragement, XML declarations are usually omitted because they are problematic for current HTML browsers. XML Declarations The character encoding for XML documents should be provided in an XML declaration. XML declarations indicate the version of XML used in the document and may also include the character encoding. The following is an example of the XML declaration that the W3C recommends for XHTML documents. It must appear before the DOCTYPE declaration. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> XML declarations are not required for all XML documents, but the W3C encourages authors to include them in XHTML documents. They are required when the character encoding is something other than the defaults UTF-8 or UTF-16. Unfortunately, despite the W3C’s encouragement, XML declarations are usually omitted because they are problematic for current HTML browsers. Putting It All Together Chapter 10, Understanding the Standards 181 information, and, as we’ll focus on in this section, the character encoding and the type of file. The meta element goes in the head of the document, as shown in this XHTML example (note the trailing slash in the empty meta element): <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" /> <title>Sample document</title> </head> The http-equiv attribute identifies that this meta element is providing infor- mation about the content type of the document. The content attribute provides the details of the content type in a two-part value. The first part says that this is an HTML text file (in technical terms, it identifies its media type as text/html). But wait, didn’t we just say that this is in an XHTML document? That’s fine. XHTML 1.0 documents can mas- querade as HTML text documents for reasons of backward compatibility (XHTML 1.1 documents, however, must be identified as application/xml, and unfortunately, browsers don’t support that well quite yet). Finally, we get to the second part that specifies the character encoding for this document as utf-8. For another look, here is a meta element for an (X)HTML document that uses the Latin-1 character encoding. Try it out yourself in Exercise 10-3. <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"> Putting It All Together Okay! We’ve covered a lot of ground in this chapter in the effort to kick your documents up a notch into true standards compliance. We looked at the vari- ous versions of HTML and XHTML and what makes them different, how to specify which version (DTD) you used to write your document and how browsers use that information, how to validate your document, and how to specify its character encoding and media type. N ote Information provided by the http-equiv attribute is processed by the brows- er as though it had received it in an HTTP header. Thus, it is an HTTP EQUIValent. N ote Information provided by the http-equiv attribute is processed by the brows- er as though it had received it in an HTTP header. Thus, it is an HTTP EQUIValent. exercise 10-3 | Adding the character encoding In the earlier exercise, you should have fixed all of the errors in blackgoose.html (the HTML document) and x-blackgoose.html (the XHTML version of the same content). The meta element with the character encoding should be all that stands between you and the thrill of validating against the Strict DTDs. Try adding the meta element as shown in the previous section to both documents, and reupload them in the validator. HINT: Be sure that the meta element has a trailing slash in the XHTML document, and be sure to omit the space and slash in the HTML version. exercise 10-3 | Adding the character encoding In the earlier exercise, you should have fixed all of the errors in blackgoose.html (the HTML document) and x-blackgoose.html (the XHTML version of the same content). The meta element with the character encoding should be all that stands between you and the thrill of validating against the Strict DTDs. Try adding the meta element as shown in the previous section to both documents, and reupload them in the validator. HINT: Be sure that the meta element has a trailing slash in the XHTML document, and be sure to omit the space and slash in the HTML version. Part II: HTML Markup for Structure 182 Putting It All Together What it boils down to is that the minimal document structure for standards compliant documents have a few extra elements than the basic skeleton we created back in Chapter 4. The following examples show the minimal markup for HTML 4.01 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict documents (you can adapt these by changing the DTD in the DOCTYPE declaration and the character encod- ing). The good news is that, if you’ve read the chapter, now you understand exactly what the extra markup means. HTML 4.01 strict This is the minimal document structure for HTML 4.01 Strict documents as recommended by the W3C. <!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTDHTML4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>An HTML 4.01 Strict document</title> <metahttp-equiv="content-type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <p> The document content goes here </p> </body> </html> XHTML 1.0 strict This is the minimal document structure for XHTML 1.0 Strict documents as recommended by the W3C. <!DOCTYPEhtmlPUBLIC"-//W3C//DTDXHTML1.0Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <htmlxmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"xml:lang="en"lang="en"> <head> <title>An XHTML 1.0 Strict document</title> <metahttp-equiv="content-type"content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> </head> <body> <p> The document content goes here </p> </body> </html> Note that this example omits the XML declaration (see the XML Declarations sidebar earlier in this chapter), because it is problematic for current browsers as of this writing. N ote These document templates are also avail- able for download at www.learningweb- design.com/materials/. N ote These document templates are also avail- able for download at www.learningweb- design.com/materials/. Test Yourself Chapter 10, Understanding the Standards 183 Test Yourself This chapter was information-packed. Are you ready to see how much you absorbed? Who fought in the infamous Browser Wars of the 1990s? What is the difference between Transitional and Strict HTML 4.01? How are HTML 4.01 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict the same? How are they different? Name four significant syntax requirements in XHTML. Look at these valid markup examples and determine whether each is HTML or XHTML: <IMG SRC="panda.jpg" ALT="panda eating leaves"> __________ <img src="orchid.jpg" alt="orchid" width=100 height=150 > __________ <img src="flipflop.gif" alt="closeup of foot in sandal" /> __________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part II: HTML Markup for Structure 184 Test Yourself What extra attributes must be applied to the html element in XHTML documents? How do you get a standards compliant browser to display your page in Standards Mode? Name two advantages that XHTML offers over HTML. What is ISO 8859-1? 6. 7. 8. 9. IN THIS PART Chapter 11 Cascading Style Sheets Orientation Chapter 12 Formatting Text (Plus More Selectors) Chapter 13 Colors and Backgrounds (Plus Even More Selectors and External Style Sheets) Chapter 14 Thinking Inside the Box (Padding, Borders, and Margins) Chapter 15 Floating and Positioning Chapter 16 Page Layout with CSS Chapter 17 CSS Techniques CSS FOR PRESENTATION PART III . also avail- able for download at www.learningweb- design. com/materials/. N ote These document templates are also avail- able for download at www.learningweb- design. com/materials/. Test Yourself. W3C validation service. The documents in this exercise are provided for you online at www.learningwebdesign. com/materials. Start by validating the document blackgoose.html (it should look familiar. that you have to make all of your web sites XHTML Strict too, but I thought you might like to know. Validating Your Documents The other thing that professional web developers do is validate their

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 13:21