lUlip ]Wist TH E TU LlPDI%, is u sed to make th e T ul ip, the ce nt ers of seve ra l R owe r s, a nd th e p ro pe ll er or je t eng in e of aircra ft . It al so ad ds d eta il to the Swor d a nd Pi sto l. ~ Ho ld th e i nn ated ba ll oon in yo ur le ft hand wi th the uninflated end pointing left. Push the knot in side the ba ll oon about I ~ in ches with you r ri ght index finger. ~ Pinch the sides of the ba ll oon and grasp the knot through the balloon w ith your l ef t thumb and index Finge r. 5. 2&00 f1gur~5 T illip Twl~1 ~ While holding the knot with your left hand, carefully take your right index finger out of the bubble. ~ Twist the balloon three or more times at the base of the bubble with your right hand. Be sure the knot is tucked in the twis t. Slightly push the knot into th e base of the bubble as you release it to complete the Tulip Twist. 51 THE S IMP LE BEAUTY of th e T ulip is we ll -i nt erpreted w ith the 260Q. ~ Inflate a 260Q to about 2 inches, and tie it. Hold the uninflated end of t he balloon at the base of the bubble with your left hand. ~ Pu sh the knot through the middl e of the bubble, gras p it through the balloon with yo ur left hand, and remove your finger. Do not allow any ai r to escape from the bubble. ~ While holding the knot with your left hand, twist the bubble three or more times at the base with your right hand, making SU fe the knot is locked in the Dvist. Slightly push the knot into the base of the bubble with your left hand as you release it to complete the Tulip. 52 Dais THE DAJSY MAKES" great co r sage for a lape l or w ri s t. Inflate a 260Q to about 3 inches, and ti e it. Hold the bubble in your left hand with the uninAated end pointi ng right. Make a Y2 -in ch tulip twist at the knot end of the balloon followed by two Yl -inch bubbles, :J Hold the tulip twist and the Yz -i n ch bubbles in your left hand with t he uninflated end of the balloon pointing right. Make a chain of five .:x -inch bubbles. 53 ~600 fj~u ! es lIil i s Y ~ Lock twist the first and last -X-i nch bubbles together at th e base to make a five-bubble loop. ~ Tuck the tulip twist through the five-bubble loop to make the center of the blossom and complete the Daisy. 54 . th e T ulip is we ll -i nt erpreted w ith the 260Q. ~ Inflate a 260Q to about 2 inches, and tie it. Hold the uninflated end of t he balloon at the base of the bubble with your. a 260Q to about 3 inches, and ti e it. Hold the bubble in your left hand with the uninAated end pointi ng right. Make a Y2 -in ch tulip twist at the knot end of the balloon. ri ght index finger. ~ Pinch the sides of the ba ll oon and grasp the knot through the balloon w ith your l ef t thumb and index Finge r. 5. 2&00 f1gur~5 T illip Twl~1 ~