Everyday we are bombarded with complexity, task, information. Simplicity is rare. But what does simplicity mean ? Simplicity means the achievement of maximum effect with minimum means. Something simple works intuitively. Simple things are made unnecessarily complicated. The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
Simplicity [...]... definitive success in taming complexity An effective scheme for organization achieves definitive success in taming complexity 1 Sort An effective scheme for organization achieves definitive success in taming complexity 1 Sort 2 Label An effective scheme for organization achieves definitive success in taming complexity 1 Sort 2 Label 3 Integrate An effective scheme for organization achieves definitive... definitive success in taming complexity 1 2 3 4 Sort Label Integrate Prioritize An effective scheme for organization achieves definitive success in taming complexity 1 2 3 4 5 Sort Label Integrate Prioritize Done! 3 Savings in time feel like simplicity The average person spends at least an hour a day waiting in line When forced to wait, life seems unnecessarily complex Maximizing your available...Think of Apple’s famous Mac computer “It just works!” Or Google Search Despite its vast and complex network of computers and databases… …when you want to do a search all you see is this: …when you want to do a search all you see is this: Simplicity is not simple Simple things are made unnecessarily complicated You can complicating John Maeda, author of The Laws of Simplicity, gives... complicating John Maeda, author of The Laws of Simplicity, gives some advice on how to declutter life and make it a worthwhile experience John Maeda, author of The Laws of Simplicity, gives some advice on how to declutter life and make it a worthwhile experience Here are 5 of those laws 1 The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction When functionality is reduced without penalty When... time feel like simplicity The average person spends at least an hour a day waiting in line When forced to wait, life seems unnecessarily complex Maximizing your available time Time Complexity Maximizing your available time can greatly reduce complexity Time Complexity . Simplicity