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Ship or sheep third edition part 29 ppsx

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Diagnostic Test A: Answers and interpretation Section I On the Result sheet (page xii) place a cross against any items that were incorrect or had a question mark or no answer was written. This indicates work on these sounds may be needed. Check in the Lsr o/ Iikely errors on the website (http: / /www.cambridge.org/ elt/elt-projectpage.asp?id=2500905). Same (1a, 5c, 8b, 9b, 12b, 15b, 17b, l8b, l9b, 24a) Different (all other items) Section2 l up 2 dor,rm 3 down 4 uP 5 up 6 up 7 down 8 down 9 up l0 down Errors in this section indicate that work on intonation may be needed. Check for this aspect of pronunciation in the List of likely errors. Section3 I mistake 2 English 3 away 4lemonade 5 conversation Errors in this section indicate that work on word stress may be needed. Check for this aspect of pronunciation in the List of likely errors. Section AVowels Making English sounds I I The first sound is a diphthong. All the others are short vowels. 2 The second sound is a short vowel. All the others are diphthongs. 3 The first sound is a short vowel. All the others are long vowels. 2 Lb 2c 3d 4a 3 lb 2a 3d 4e 5c 6g 7f 8i th Key 187 UNIT 1 litl sheep 3c lPeter 2cheese 3beef 4please 5 beef 6 eat 7 tea 8 me 9 teas 10 three 4c China - Chinese, Bali - Balinese, Malta - Maltese, Portugal - Portuguese, Lebanon - Lebanese, Iapan - fapanese, Nepal - Nepalese, Vietnam -Vietnamese 4d Yes, it's Chinese. It's Chinese tea. Yes, it's fapanese. It's lapanese seaweed. Yes, it's Balinese. It's Balinese ice cream. Yes, it's Vietnagre_Sc. It's Vietnamese rice. 5 The sound /irl is usually witten with the letters 'ee' (three, sweet), 'ea' (eat, speak), 'e' (be, these). Some other spellings:'i' (policeman), 'eo' (people), 'ei' (ceiling),'ie' (piece). UNfT 2 hl ship 2b Patr2: 2,2, I,2,2 Pair 3: I,I,2, I,2 Pair 4: I,2,2, I, L Pair 5: 2,2, l, I, I Pair 6: 2,2, 1,2,I 2d L(2) 2(r) 3(2) 4(1) 5(2) 6(2) 2e Pair l: Look out for that sheep!/Look out for that ship! Pair 2: Stop it leaking!/Stop it Usking! Pair 3: \Mhat lovely cheeks!/\,Vhatiovely chicks! Pair 4: This pccls got vitamin C in it./This nills got vitamin C in it. Pair 5: Throw out that bean./Throw out that bin. Pair 6: He's going to leave./He's gOing to live. 2f I a - He wants a sheep for his birthday, 2 b - That's a very small bin. 3 b - Look at these chicks. 4 a - That's a cheap machine. 5 a -What a high heel! 6 b - Dont eat that pill. 3c lfestival 2prize-winning 3interesting 4 chimpanzees 5 g1'rnnastics 6 History 7 terrific 8 beginning 2f UNIT 4 2b 2d 2e 4c 5 UNIT 5 2b 2d 2e r<*v 1!F,,$ lTl man Pair 2: 1,2,2, I, I Pair 3: L,1,2,2,2 Pair 4: 2, l, I,2,2 Pair 5: l,l, 1,2,2 Pair 6: 2, l,1,2, I | (2) 2 (r) 3 (1) 4 (2) 5 (2) 6 (1) Look at the men./Look at the man. I'm sending the table./I'm sanding the table. It's a lovely gem./It's a lovelypm. We had bread for lunch./We had Brad for lunch. 1 b - I've bought a new pan. 2 a-Didyou see the men? 3 b - Did you say'and'? 4 b - I like the fatter cheese. 5 a - Don't pet the dog. 6 a - These are bedclothes. 1c 2a 3b 1b 2c 3a 2 Amsterdam 3 Allen 4 anchor,y, salad sandwich 5 had, map, Africa, had, Saturday 6 bad, absent 7 passenger, Salvador, animals, antelope, alligator B crashed, back, advertising, angry g contracts, cancelled, management l0 have, back, travel, sacked lb 2c 3a The sound /e/ is always written with the letter 'a' (angry, taxi). ltr,l cup Pair 2: l,1,2, 1,2 Pair 3: 1,2, 1,2, I Pair 4: 2,2, I,2, I Pair 5. I,2,2, I,2 Pair 6: 2, l, I,2,2 r (2) 2 (r) 3 (1) 4 (2) 5 (1) 6 (2) Pair 2: d) ooOooOo There's a hat in the garden./There's a hut in the garden. Pair 3: c) ooOooO See the tracks on the rcad./ See the trucks on the road. 3a 3b ffi*t 4c I No, not forty - fourteen. 2 No, not ninety - nineteen. 3 No, not sixty - sixteen. 4 No, not eighty - eighteen. 5 No, not thirty - thirteen. 5 The sound /r/ is usually written with the letter'i' (finish, window), and with the letter'y' at the end of a word (very study). Some other spellings: 'e' (example, because),'u' (minute),'ee' (coffee), 'a]" (Monday). UNIT I lel pen 2b Pair2: I,2,2,I,2 Pair 3: 2, I, \,2,2 Pair 4: I, I,1,2,2 Pair 5: 2, I, L,2, I Pair 6: l, l,2,2, I 2d r(l) 2(r) 3(2) 4(2) 5(2) 6(1) 2e Pair 1: I need a pln./I need a pen. Pair 2: That's my bin./That's my Ben. Pair 3: It's a big tin./It's a big ten. Pair 4: \fhere's the Blg?/\{here's the pcg? Pair 5: There's the bill./There's the bell. Pair 6: She wants a chick./She wants a cheque. 2l I a - Give me another pin, please. 2 b - There's a peg over there. 3 a - I buy them in tins. 4 a - I'll just sit the alarm clock on this shelf. 5 b - He needs a new desk. 6 b - She'll just peck at her food. 3a jealous (2) help (1) everybody (4) arry (2) bench (1) Kevin tl America (4) Mexican (3) Emily (3) Ben (1) very (2) bread ri Eddie (2) 3c ld 2b 3f 4a 5g 6e 7c 4d ex cept exercise ex pect expe dition ex'pel exlperiment ex penditure expert ex pression ex tend 'extra lextrovert 5 The sound /e/ is usually written with the letter'e' (pen, hotel). Some other spellings: 'ea (heavy, ready),'a (any, many),'ie' (friend), 'ai'(again). ffi r"v Pair 4: b) ooOoo There's a ban on it./There's a bun on it. Pair 5: a) oooO She's got a bag./She's got a bug. Pair 6: e) oOooOo My ankle was !4.jured./My uncle was injured. 2t la-lVhatadirtycap! 2 b - This hut is too small. 3 b -There's a black bug on the table. 4 a-Theylive in a mad house. 5 a - I hang my coat on the door, 6 b - The children run quickly. 3c lnothing 2honey 3brother 4other Slovely 6does Tmonth 8worry 9 company l0 wonderful 4a 1N 2A 3A 4N 5A; wordsforstatement:strong,dor,rrn 5 The sound /n/ is usuallywritten with the letter'u'. Some other spellings: 'oe' (does), 'ou' (cousin), 'o' (many common words with the sound ltl have this spelling, e.g. words in 3c above; others: love, above, onion, monkey, comfortable, gloves, coloured, London, money) UNIT 6 ls'^l heart Minimal pairs A 2b PairZ: r,2,2, 1,2 Pair 3: l, I,2,2, I Pair4:2, 1,2,2, I Pair 5: I, I, I,2,2 2d r(2) 2(r) 3(r) 4(2) 5(r) 2e Pair 1: \,Vhat a lovely capl/\iVhat a lovely carp! Pur2: He touched his hat./He touched his heart. Pair 3: It's a farm cat./It's a farm cart. Pair 4: There's a ban on it./There's a barn on it. Pair 5: I'll pack the car./I'll park the car. Minimal pairs B 2b Pair2: 2,2, I,2,1 Pair3:2, 1,2,2, 1 Pair 4: I, 1,2,2, I Pair 5: 2, I,2, l, I 2d I (l) 2(r) 3(2) 4 (l) 5(2) 2e Pair l:What a beautiful cupl/What a bcautiful carp! 2t Key l9I Pair 2: There's a problem with my hut./There's a problem with my heart. Pair 3: He covered his cut./He covered his cart. Pair 4: \Mhat's in that bun?/lVhat's in that barn? Pair 5: 'Come down', she said./'Calm dor,rrn', she said. I c - He's broken my heart. 2b-That'sabadcut. 3a-Igavehimacap. 4 b - There's a mouse in this barn. 5 a -rvVhy don't you come down? 6 a - I don't like Patty's. I marvellous 2 fantastic 3 smart 4 fabulous 5 attractive The sound /all is usually written with the letter 'a (father, ask). Some other spellings: 'au' (aunt), 'al' (half), 'ear' (heart), 'ar' (star). Review 1 ban 2bet 3 bud 4 peak 5 party 1 done, doesn't, does, come, us z}ralf, arm, are, arent, cant 3 people, piece, these, she, need 2f 3d 4b 5a 6e aglvertising undersland Lebanon lemonade sanelwich expg4sive sunglasses fantastic phOtograph guitar review task cheaper, cheapest, eat, Marguerite's, cheese, please, beef, tea, teas, me, three, Christina, Peter, Ianine interesting, films, evening, Mrs lmrslzl , is, Kim, in, coming, cinema, it's, Children's, film, festival, ill, Bill, we've (weakform of we),tickets,prize- winning, children, listen, is it, gorillas, chimpanzees, Africa, six, Olympic, nastics, competitions, big, History, English, Cricket, terrific, pity, miss, kids, begins, fifty, minutes, quick, beginning. friends, Emma, Ben, hello /heleu/ or /heleu/, Emily, Eddie, everybody, except, Adele, again /egen/ or /egern/, Kevin, Red, Peppers, terribly, yes, better, said, help, yourself, Mexican, bench, French, bread, shelf, get, lemonade, met, yet, very friendly, spend, America, best, Kerrie, well, jealous, expensive, spent, everything, any, left Aaron, AjaxTravel, Amsterdam, Mrs Allen, anchovy, salad, sandwich, contact, Anthony map, ica, had, Saturday, bad, habit, absent, passenger, San Salvador, animals, anteater, antelope, alligator, crashed, backup, advertising, programmes, angry, contracts, cancelled, management, have, come back, sacked Strong forms: He had to ; He hadnt done the ; He doesn't have to 3c 5 UNIT 7 I 2 3 4 Additional Unit I Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 E ""v Unit 5 doesnt, love, honey, Duncan, nothing, unhappy, understand, much, untrue, cousin, Iustin, brother, Dudley, funny, one, other, Hunter, I ly, unattractive, utter rubbish, does, just once, month, lunch, mustnt, worry company, just, shut up, wonderful Note: buf is usually pronounced with the weak form /bat/. dance, dancer, photograph, Martin Note: Strong forms: They are. Here you are. UNIT 8 lol clock 2b Pair2: I,I,2, I,2 Pair 3: 2,2, l, 1,2 Pair 4: I,2,2,2, I Pair 5: 1,2, I,2,2 Pair 6: 2,2, 1,2, I 2d r(2) 2(r) 3 (1) 4(2) 5 (l) 6 (1) 2e Pair 2: b) oooOO He's got a white cat./He's got a white cot. Pair 3: a) OooO Look for the fax./Look for the fox. Pair 4: e) OoooO Put it in a sack./Put it in a sock. Pair 5: d) OoOOo Turn that 1ap slowly./Turn that top slowly. Pair 6: c) ooOoO I can see their backs./I can see their box. 2l I b -'What a pretty little cot! 2 a-He tried to put his head in a sack. 3 b - The top was made of metal. 4 a -'vVhich Pat do you want? 5 a - I liked the baddie in that film. 6 b -Write in block letters. 5c lhorrible 2soft 3strong 4hot 5long 6popular 4b 2 tbox (command) 3 . hot, MrsWong (suggestion) 4 'washing machine, Robin (suggestion) 5 I office (command) 6 / shops, Oscar (suggestion) 7 t doctor, Bronwen (suggestion) 5 The sound /o/ is written with the letter 'o' (on, stop). Some other spellings:'a' (want, what), 'au' (because). . items that were incorrect or had a question mark or no answer was written. This indicates work on these sounds may be needed. Check in the Lsr o/ Iikely errors on the website (http:. 4lemonade 5 conversation Errors in this section indicate that work on word stress may be needed. Check for this aspect of pronunciation in the List of likely errors. Section AVowels Making. the door, 6 b - The children run quickly. 3c lnothing 2honey 3brother 4other Slovely 6does Tmonth 8worry 9 company l0 wonderful 4a 1N 2A 3A 4N 5A; wordsforstatement:strong,dor,rrn 5

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 18:20