T9.5. HIGHER-ORDER EQUATIONS 1333 6 ◦ . The Boussinesq equation is solved by the inverse scattering method. Any rapidly decaying function F = F(x, y; t)asx → +∞ and satisfying simultaneously the two linear equations 1 √ 3 ∂F ∂t + ∂ 2 F ∂x 2 – ∂ 2 F ∂y 2 = 0, ∂ 3 F ∂x 3 + ∂ 3 F ∂y 3 = 0 generates a solution of the Boussinesq equation in the form w = 12 d dx K(x, x; t), where K(x, y; t) is a solution of the linear Gel’fand–Levitan–Marchenko integral equation K(x, y; t)+F (x, y; t)+ ∞ x K(x, s; t)F (s, y; t) ds = 0. Time t appears here as a parameter. 2. ∂w ∂y ∂ ∂x (Δw) – ∂w ∂x ∂ ∂y (Δw) = νΔΔw,Δw = ∂ 2 w ∂x 2 + ∂ 2 w ∂y 2 . There is a two-dimensional stationary equation of motion of a viscous incompressible fluid—it is obtained from the Navier–Stokes equation by the introduction of the stream function w. 1 ◦ . Suppose w(x, y) is a solution of the equation in question. Then the functions w 1 =–w(y, x), w 2 = w(C 1 x + C 2 , C 1 y + C 3 )+C 4 , w 3 = w(x cos α + y sin α,–x sin α + y cos α), where C 1 , , C 4 and α are arbitrary constants, are also solutions of the equation. 2 ◦ . Any solution of the Poisson equation Δw = C is also a solution of the original equation (these are “inviscid” solutions). 3 ◦ . Solutions in the form of a one-variable function or the sum of functions with different arguments: w(y)=C 1 y 3 + C 2 y 2 + C 3 y + C 4 , w(x, y)=C 1 x 2 + C 2 x + C 3 y 2 + C 4 y + C 5 , w(x, y)=C 1 exp(–λy)+C 2 y 2 + C 3 y + C 4 + νλx, w(x, y)=C 1 exp(λx)–νλx + C 2 exp(λy)+νλy + C 3 , w(x, y)=C 1 exp(λx)+νλx + C 2 exp(–λy)+νλy + C 3 , where C 1 , , C 5 and λ are arbitrary constants. 4 ◦ . Generalized separable solutions: w(x, y)=A(kx + λy) 3 + B(kx + λy) 2 + C(kx + λy)+D, w(x, y)=Ae –λ(y+kx) + B(y + kx) 2 + C(y + kx)+νλ(k 2 + 1)x + D, w(x, y)=6νx(y + λ) –1 + A(y + λ) 3 + B(y + λ) –1 + C(y + λ) –2 + D, 1334 NONLINEAR MATH EM ATI CA L PHYSICS EQUATIONS w(x, y)=(Ax + B)e –λy + νλx + C, w(x, y)= A sinh(βx)+B cosh(βx) e –λy + ν λ (β 2 + λ 2 )x + C, w(x, y)= A sin(βx)+B cos(βx) e –λy + ν λ (λ 2 – β 2 )x + C, w(x, y)=Ae λy+βx + Be γx + νγy + ν λ γ(β – γ)x + C, γ = λ 2 + β 2 , where A, B, C, D, k, β,andλ are arbitrary constants. 5 ◦ . Generalized separable solution linear in x: w(x, y)=F (y)x + G(y), (1) where the functions F = F (y)andG = G(y) are determined by the autonomous system of fourth-order ordinary differential equations F y F yy – FF yyy = νF yyyy ,(2) G y F yy – FG yyy = νG yyyy .(3) Equation (2) has the following particular solutions: F = ay + b, F = 6ν(y + a) –1 , F = ae –λy + λν, where a, b,andλ are arbitrary constants. Let F = F (y) be a solution of equation (2) (F const). Then the corresponding general solution of equation (3) can be written in the form G = Udy+ C 4 , U = C 1 U 1 + C 2 U 2 + C 3 U 2 U 1 Φ dy – U 1 U 2 Φ dy , where C 1 , C 2 , C 3 ,andC 4 are arbitrary constants, and U 1 = F yy if F yy 0, F if F yy ≡ 0, U 2 = U 1 Φ dy U 2 1 , Φ =exp – 1 ν Fdy . 6 ◦ . There is an exact solution of the form (generalizes the solution of Item 5 ◦ ): w(x, y)=F (z)x + G(z), z = y + kx, k is any number. 7 ◦ . Self-similar solution: w = F (z) dz + C 1 , z =arctan x y , where the function F is determined by the first-order autonomous ordinary differential equation 3ν(F z ) 2 – 2F 3 + 12νF 2 + C 2 F + C 3 = 0 (C 1 , C 2 ,andC 3 are arbitrary constants). 8 ◦ . There is an exact solution of the form (generalizes the solution of Item 7 ◦ ): w = C 1 ln |x| + V (z) dz + C 2 , z =arctan x y . REFERENCES FOR CHAPTER T9 1335 References for Chapter T9 Ablowitz, M. 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General solution: u = –ψ t (t) bnψ(t)–akϕ(x) 1/k , w = ϕ x (x) bnψ(t)–akϕ(x) 1/n , where ϕ(x)andψ(t) are arbitrary functions. 4. ∂u ∂x = uf(w), ∂w ∂t = u k g(w). 1 ◦ . First integral: ∂w ∂x = kg(w) f(w) g(w) dw + θ(x)g(w), (1) where θ(x) is an arbitrary function. The first integral (1) may be treated as a first-order ordinary differential equation in x.Onfinding its general solution, one should replace the constant of integration C with an arbitrary function of time ψ(t), since w is dependent on x and t. 1337 1338 SYSTEMS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2 ◦ . To the special case θ(x) = const in (1) there correspond special solutions of the form w = w(z), u =[ψ (t)] 1/k v(z), z = x + ψ(t)(2) involving one arbitrary function ψ(t), with the prime denoting a derivative. The functions w(z)andv(z) are described by the autonomous system of ordinary differential equations v z = f (w)v, w z = g(w)v k , the general solution of which can be written in implicit form as dw g(w)[kF(w)+C 1 ] = z + C 2 , v =[kF (w)+C 1 ] 1/k , F (w)= f(w) g(w) dw. 5. ∂u ∂x = f(a 1 u + b 1 w), ∂w ∂t = g(a 2 u + b 2 w). Let Δ = a 1 b 2 – a 2 b 1 ≠ 0. Additive separable solution: u = 1 Δ [b 2 ϕ(x)–b 1 ψ(t)], w = 1 Δ [a 1 ψ(t)–a 2 ϕ(x)], where the functions ϕ(x)andψ(t) are determined by the autonomous ordinary differential equations b 2 Δ ϕ x = f (ϕ), a 1 Δ ψ t = g(ψ). Integrating yields b 2 Δ dϕ f(ϕ) = x + C 1 , a 1 Δ dψ g(ψ) = t + C 2 . 6. ∂u ∂x = f(au + bw), ∂w ∂t = g(au + bw). Solution: u = b(k 1 x – λ 1 t)+y(ξ), w =–a(k 1 x – λ 1 t)+z(ξ), ξ = k 2 x – λ 2 t, where k 1 , k 2 , λ 1 ,andλ 2 are arbitrary constants, and the functions y(ξ)andz(ξ)are determined by the autonomous system of ordinary differential equations k 2 y ξ + bk 1 = f (ay + bz), –λ 2 z ξ + aλ 1 = g(ay + bz). 7. ∂u ∂x = f(au – bw), ∂w ∂t = ug(au – bw) + wh(au – bw) + r(au – bw). Here, f(z), g(z), h(z), and r(z) are arbitrary functions. Generalized separable solution: u = ϕ(t)+bθ(t)x, w = ψ(t)+aθ(t)x. Here, the functions ϕ = ϕ(t), ψ = ψ(t), and θ = θ(t) are determined by a system involving one algebraic (transcendental) and two ordinary differential equations: bθ = f(aϕ – bψ), aθ t = bθg(aϕ – bψ)+aθh(aϕ – bψ), ψ t = ϕg(aϕ – bψ)+ψh(aϕ – bψ)+r(aϕ – bψ). T10.1. NONLINEAR SYSTEMS OF TWO FIRST-ORDER EQUATIONS 1339 8. ∂u ∂x = f(au – bw) + cw, ∂w ∂t = ug(au – bw) + wh(au – bw) + r(au – bw). Here, f(z), g(z), h(z), and r(z) are arbitrary functions. Generalized separable solution: u = ϕ(t)+bθ(t)e λx , w = ψ(t)+aθ(t)e λx , λ = ac b . Here, the functions ϕ = ϕ(t), ψ = ψ(t), and θ = θ(t) are determined by a system involving one algebraic (transcendental) and two ordinary differential equations: f(aϕ – bψ)+cψ = 0, ψ t = ϕg(aϕ – bψ)+ψh(aϕ – bψ)+r(aϕ – bψ), aθ t = bθg(aϕ – bψ)+aθh(aϕ – bψ). 9. ∂u ∂x = e λu f(λu – σw), ∂w ∂t = e σw g(λu – σw). Solutions: u = y(ξ)– 1 λ ln(C 1 t + C 2 ), w = z(ξ)– 1 σ ln(C 1 t + C 2 ), ξ = x + C 3 C 1 t + C 2 , where the functions y(ξ)andz(ξ) are determined by the system of ordinary differential equations y ξ = e λy f(λy – σz), –C 1 ξz ξ – C 1 σ = e σz g(λy – σz). 10. ∂u ∂x = u k f(u n w m ), ∂w ∂t = w s g(u n w m ). Self-similar solution with s ≠ 1 and n ≠ 0: u = t m n(s–1) y(ξ), w = t – 1 s–1 z(ξ), ξ = xt m(k–1) n(s–1) , where the functions y(ξ)andz(ξ) are determined by the system of ordinary differential equations y ξ = y k f(y n z m ), m(k – 1)ξz ξ – nz = n(s – 1)z s g(y n z m ). 11. ∂u ∂x = u k f(u n w m ), ∂w ∂t = wg(u n w m ). 1 ◦ . Solution: u = e mt y(ξ), w = e –nt z(ξ), ξ = e m(k–1)t x, where the functions y(ξ)andz(ξ) are determined by the system of ordinary differential equations y ξ = y k f(y n z m ), m(k – 1)ξz ξ – nz = zg(y n z m ). . 1335 References for Chapter T9 Ablowitz, M. J. and Segur, H., Solitons and the Inverse Scattering Transform, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1981. Andreev, V. K.,. 280–294, 1961 . Polyanin, A. D. and Zaitsev, V. F., Handbook of Exact Solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations, 2nd Edition, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2004. Polyanin, A. D. and. Korteweg-de Vries equation for multiple collisions of solutions, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 27, p. 1192, 1971. Ibragimov, N. H. (Editor), CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations,