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Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective - Part 75 potx

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710 DEPLOYMENT CONSIDERATIONS References [Coo00] H.K. Cook. The economics of metro DWDM deployment. In Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. [Dos01] B. Doshi et al. Ultra-long-reach systems, optical transparency and networks. In OFC 2001 Technical Digest, 2001. Paper TUG4. [DSGW00] A. Dwiwedi, M. Sharma, J. M. Grochocinski, and R. E. Wagner. Value of reach extension in long-distance networks. In Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. [GR99] O. Gerstel and R. Ramaswami. Upgrading SONET rings with WDM instead of TDM: An economic analysis. In OFC'99 Technical Digest, pages 75-77, 1999. [Mae00] Y. Maeno et al. Cost comparison of an IP/OTN integrated node against a pure IP routing node. In Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. [OSF00] G. Ocakoglu, K. Struyve, and E Falcao. The business case for DWDM metro systems in a pan-European carrier environment. In Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. [PCK00] G.N.S. Prasanna, E. A. Caridi, and R. M. Krishnaswamy. Metropolitan IP-optical networks: A systematic case study. In Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. [PCW+00] V. Poudyal, R. H. Cardwell, O. J. Wasem, J. E. Baran, and A. Rajah. Comparison of network alternatives for transporting high capacity tributaries for IP router interconnection. In Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. Acronyms Acronym Expansion 1R 2R 3R AAL ACTS ADM AGC AIS ANSI AOTF APD APS AR ASE ATM ATMOS AWG BCH BDI BER BLSR Regeneration without reshaping or retiming Regeneration with reshaping but no retiming Regeneration with retiming and reshaping ATM adaptation layer Advanced communications technologies and services Add/drop multiplexer Automatic gain control Alarm indication signal American National Standards Institute Acousto-optic tunable filter Avalanche photodetector Automatic protection switching Anti-reflective Amplified spontaneous emission Asynchronous transfer mode ATM optical switching Arrayed waveguide grating Bose-Chaudhuri-Hochquenghem (code) Backward defect indicator Bit error rate Bidirectional line-switched ring 711 712 ACRONYMS Acronym Expansion CBR CGM CLP CMIP CO CORBA CPM CRC CW DARPA DBR DCF DCN DCS DFB DGD DM DPRing DSB DSF DSL DTMF DWDM EA EDFA EDFFA EMS ESCON FCC FDDI FDI FDM FEC FET FOM FP FSAN FSR Constant bit rate Cross-gain modulation Cell loss priority Common management information protocol Central office Common object request broker Cross-phase modulation Cyclic redundancy check Continuous wave Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Distributed Bragg reflector Dispersion compensating fiber Data communications network Digital crossconnect Distributed feedback Differential group delay Direct modulation Dedicated protection ring Double sideband Dispersion-shifted fiber Digital subscriber loop Dielectric thin film multicavity filter Dense wavelength division multiplexing Electro absorption Erbium-doped fiber amplifier Erbium-doped fluoride fiber amplifier Element management system Enterprise serial connection Federal Communications Commission Fiber distributed data interface Forward defect indicator Frequency division multiplexing Forward error correction Field effect transistor Figure of merit Fabry-Perot Full service access network Free spectral range ACRONYMS 713 Acronym Expansion FTP FTTC FWHM FWM GCSR GDMO GFC GMPLS GVD HDLC HEC HFC HIPPI HOL IBM IETF ILP IP IR ISI IS-IS ISO ISP ITU KEOPS LAN LDP LEAF LED LH LLN LMDS LR LSP LSR LT LTD LTE File transfer protocol Fiber to the curb Full-width half maximum Four-wave mixing Grating coupled sampled reflector Guidelines for definition of managed objects Generic flow control Generalized multiprotocol label switching Group velocity dispersion High-level data link control Header error control Hybrid fiber coax High performance parallel interface Head of line International Business Machines Internet Engineering Task Force Integer linear program Internet Protocol Intermediate reach Intersymbol interference Intermediate system-intermediate system International Standards Organization Internet service provider International Telecommunications Union Keys to optical packet switching Local-area network Label distribution protocol Large effective area fiber Light emitting diode Long-haul Linear lightwave network Local multipoint distribution service Long reach Label-switched path Label-switched router Line terminal Lightpath topology design Line terminating equipment 714 ACRONYMS Acronym Expansion MEMS MIB MILP MLM MMDS MMF MPLS MS MSP MZI NA NALM NEBS NLSE NNI NOLM NP NRZ NSIF NTSC NZ-DSF OADM OBLSR OBPSR OCDMA OCh OC-x O/E/O OFC OIF OLT OMS ONU OOK OSC OSI OSPF OTDM OTN Micro-electro-mechanical systems Management information base Mixed integer linear program Multilongitudinal mode Multichannel multipoint distribution service Multimode fiber Multiprotocol label switching Multiplex section Multiservice platform Mach-Zehnder interferometer Numerical aperture Nonlinear amplifying loop mirror Network equipment building system Nonlinear Schr6dinger equation Network-to-network interface Nonlinear optical loop mirror Nonpolynomial Non-return-to-zero Network and Services Interoperability Forum National Television Standards Committee Nonzero-dispersion-shifted fiber Optical add/drop multiplexer Optical bidirectional line-switched ring Optical bidirectional path-switched ring Optical code division multiple access Optical channel Optical carrier-x (x = 1, 3, 12, 48, 192,768 ) Optical-to-electrical-to-optical Optical Fiber Communications Conference Optical Internetworking Forum Optical line terminal Optical multiplex section Optical network unit On-off keying Optical supervisory channel Open systems interconnection Open shortest path first Optical time division multiplexing Optical transport network ACRONYMS 715 Acronym Expansion OUPSR OXC PC PDH PDL PLL PMD PNNI PON PPP PPS PSK PT PWDM QAM qos RF RN RS RSVP RWA RZ SAN SBCON SBS SCM SDH SDM SLM SMF SN SNMP SNR SOA SONET SOP SPE SPM SPRing Optical unidirectional path-switched ring Optical crossconnect Personal computer Plesiochronous digital hierarchy Polarization-dependent loss Phase-locked loop Polarization-mode dispersion Private network-to-network interface Passive optical network Point-to-point protocol Photonic packet switching Phase-shift keying Payload type Point-to-point WDM Quadrature amplitude modulation Quality of service Radio frequency Remote node Reduced slope Resource reservation protocol Routing and wavelength assignment Return-to-zero Storage-area network Single byte command code sets connection architecture Stimulated Brillouin scattering Subcarrier multiplexing Synchronous digital hierarchy Space division multliplexing Single longitudinal mode Single-mode fiber Sequence number Simple network management protocol Signal-to-noise ratio Semiconductor optical amplifier Synchronous optical network State of polarization Synchronous payload envelope Self-phase modulation Shared protection ring 716 ACRONYMS Acronym Expansion SR SRS SSB STM-x STS-x SWP TCP TDM TE TFMF TL-1 TM TMN TOAD TPON TWC UBR UDP ULH UNEQ UNI UPSR UV VC VC VCI VCO VCSEL VLSI VOA VP VPI VT WA WDM WPON WRPON Short reach Stimulated Raman scattering Single sideband Synchronous transport module-x (x = 1, 4, 16, 64,256 ) Synchronous transport signal-x (x = 1, 3, 12, 48, 192 ) Spatial walk-off polarizer Transmission control protocol Time division multiplexing Transverse electric Thin-film multicavity filter Transaction Language-1 Transverse magnetic Telecommunications management network Terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer PON for telephony Tunable wavelength converter Unspecified bit rate User datagram protocol Ultra-long-haul Unequipped User network interface Unidirectional path-switched ring Ultraviolet Virtual circuit Virtual container Virtual circuit identifier Voltage control oscillator Vertical cavity surface emitting laser Very large scale integrated circuits Variable optical attenuator Virtual path Virtual path identifier Virtual tributary Wavelength assignment Wavelength division multiplexing Wavelength PON Wavelength-routed PON Symbols and Parameters Table B.1 indicated). Parameters and symbols used in Part I (dimensionless unless otherwise Parameter Symbol Typical Value/Units Effective area Pulse envelope Fiber core radius Bit rate Electrical bandwidth Optical bandwidth Bit error rate Normalized effective index Capacitance Speed of light in vacuum Dispersion parameter Electric flux density Material dispersion Polarization-mode dispersion Waveguide dispersion Dispersion-shifted fiber Electric field Energy level Electronic charge Amplifier noise figure Finesse Optical carrier frequency Pump frequency Ae 50 #m 2 A(z,t) a 4 #m (SMF) B Mb/s or Gb/s Be GHz Bo GHz BER 109-10 -15 b C #F (microfarad) c 3 x 108 m/s D ps/nm-km D coulombs/m 2 DM ps/nm-km DpMD ps/~ Dw ps/nm-km DSF D = 0 (1.55 #m) E V/m E differences, AE, expressed in nm using AE = hc/X e 1.6 x 10 -19 coulombs F dB F fc THz fp YHz 717 718 SYMBOLS AND PARAMETERS Table B.1 Parameters and symbols used in Part I (dimensionless unless otherwise indicated) (continued). Parameter Symbol Typical Value/Units Signal frequency fs THz Amplifier gain G Amplifier unsaturated gain Gmax Brillouin gain coefficient g8 4 • 10 -11 m/W Raman gain coefficient gR 6 x 10 -14 m/W Magnetic field H A/m Planck's constant h 6.63 • 10 -34 J/Hz Photocurrent Ip #A or nA Thermal noise current Ith 3 pA/x/-Hz Boltzmann's constant k8 1.38 )< 10 -23 J/~ Dispersion length L D km Effective length Le km Link length L km Nonlinear length L NL km Coupling length l #m Distance between amplifiers l km Average number of photons per 1 bit M Nonzero-dispersion-shifted-fiber NZ-DSF -6 < D < 6 ps/nm-km (1.55 #m) Effective index neff Refractive index n Spontaneous emission factor nsp Core refractive index n l Cladding refractive index n2 Nonlinear index coefficient Amplifier output saturation power PoSua~ Amplifier saturation power psat Electric polarization P Linear polarization 79L Local-oscillator power PLo Nonlinear polarization J')NL Power P Power penalty PP Penalty (signal-dependent noise) PPsig-dep Penalty (signal-independent noise) PPsig-indep Receiver sensitivity Psens Load resistance RL Photodetector responsivity 7~ Reflectivity R Real part of x ~[x] Extinction ratio r 2.2-3.4 • 10 -8 #m2/W mW mW coulombs/m 2 coulombs/m 2 dBm coulombs/m 2 W or mW dB dB dB dBm or k~2 A/W SYMBOLS AND PARAMETERS 719 Table B.1 Parameters and symbols used in Part I (dimensionless unless otherwise indicated) (continued). Parameter Symbol Typical Value/Units Standard single-mode fiber Signal-to-noise ratio Bit period Decision threshold V-number Optical frequency Number of wavelengths Absorption coefficient Fiber attenuation Propagation constant Group velocity GVD parameter Coupling ratio Nonlinear propagation coefficient Fractional core-cladding refractive index difference Brillouin gain bandwidth Interchannel spacing Permittivity of vacuum Detector quantum efficiency Four-wave mixing efficiency Input coupling efficiency Output coupling efficiency Chirp factor Coupling coefficient Grating period Filter center wavelength Wavelength Permeability of vacuum Shot noise power Thermal noise power Signal-spontaneous noise power Spontaneous-spontaneous noise power Phase Susceptibility Third-order susceptibility Angular frequency SMF SNR T Td v 1) W 0/ of 1/r f12 ?, Y A zxf8 A)v G0 /7 r]i /7o K K A )~o /zo 2 o-shot cr 2 slg-spont O-2 spont-spont )( X(3) (_O~ 09 0 D = 17 ps/nm-km (1.55 btm), D = 0 (1.3 #m) dB or no units ns Hz 1/cm 0.22 dB/km at 1.55 #m 1/#m m/s s2/m (or in terms of D) 0-1 2.6/W-km 20 MHz at 1.55/2m nm 8.854 x 10 -12 F/m 1 for pinFETs 1/#m #m #m #m or nm 47r x 10 -7 H/m radians 6 x 10 -15 cm3/erg . line-switched ring Optical bidirectional path-switched ring Optical code division multiple access Optical channel Optical carrier-x (x = 1, 3, 12, 48, 192,768 ) Optical- to-electrical-to -optical. services Add/drop multiplexer Automatic gain control Alarm indication signal American National Standards Institute Acousto-optic tunable filter Avalanche photodetector Automatic protection. Proceedings of National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, 2000. Acronyms Acronym Expansion 1R 2R 3R AAL ACTS ADM AGC AIS ANSI AOTF APD APS AR ASE ATM ATMOS AWG BCH BDI BER

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 13:20