ptg 306 Chapter 18 Using clipping masks When layers are formed into a clipping mask, the content of the bottommost layer, called the “base” layer, clips (limits the display of pixels on) the layers above it. e mode and opacity of the base layer — which can be a type, image, Smart Object, or shape layer — is applied to the clipped layers. To create a clipping mask: 1. Position the base layer so it is stacked directly below the successive layers to be clipped. 2. Do one of the following: Shift-click the layers to be clipped (not the base layer), then press Ctrl-Alt-G/Cmd-Option-G. A–B Alt-click/Option-click the line between two layers (the pointer becomes two overlapping circles). Right-click a layer to be clipped (not the base layer) and choose Create Clipping Mask. e base layer name has an underline; the thumbnail for each clipped layer has a down- ward-pointing arrow and is indented. 3. Optional: To include more layers in the mask, either repeat the preceding step or restack other layers between existing layers in the mask. C–D ➤ All the layers to be put in a clipping mask must be listed consecutively. When creating a clipping mask of layers in a group, all the layers (including the base layer) must be part of the group. Note: When a layer is released from a clipping mask, any masked layers above it are also released. To release a layer from a clipping mask: Do either of the following: Alt-click/Option-click the line below the layer to be released. Click a layer to be released (not the base layer), then press Ctrl-Alt-G/Cmd-Option-G. To release an entire clipping mask: Alt-click/Option-click the line above the base layer. ➤ To merge all the layers in a clipping mask into a base image layer and apply the clipping eect to the result, click the base layer, then press Ctrl-E/ Cmd-E. D e t y p e ( b a s e ) l a y e r i s c l i p p i n g t h e f o u r i m a g e l a y e r s . A e o r i g i n a l i m a g e c o n t a i n s v e l a y e r s . ( A n e d i t a b l e t y p e layer is obscured by the image layers.) B Four layers are selected. C We pressed Ctrl- Alt-G/Cmd-Option-G. e c l i p p e d l a y e r s a r e now indented and the base layer name (“SKI”) is underlined. ptg More Layers 307 Linking layers Layers that are linked together will move as a unit in the document window and drag-and-drop as a unit to other les. If you align, distribute, or trans- form (e.g., scale or rotate) a linked layer, your edits will also be applied to the layers it’s linked to. To link layers: 1. On the Layers panel, select two or more layers (Ctrl-click/Cmd-click to select nonconsecutive layers). A–B 2. Click the Link Layers button at the bottom of the Layers panel. A link icon appears to the right of that layer and the layers it’s linked to. C ➤ To unlink a layer, click the layer, then click the Link Layers button. e link icon disappears. ➤ To deactivate a link temporarily, Shift-click the link icon for a layer. A red X appears over the icon. (To reactivate the link, Shift-click it again.) To move layers that are linked: 1. Click a linked layer. 2. Hold down the V key to spring-load the Move tool, drag in the document window, then release the V key. D ➤ Don’t link any layers to the Background, because you won’t be able to move them. ➤ To align or distribute multiple layers, see page 247. D We moved the linked image layers to the left, while the base layer (the type layer) stayed put. A i s i m a g e c o n t a i n s m u l t i p l e l a y e r s ( a n d a c l i p p i n g m a s k ) . B We selected four layers (they happen to be in a clipping mask). To link them, we will click the Link Layers button. C When a linked layer is clicked, the link icon displays for that layer and the layers it’s linked to. ptg 308 Chapter 18 Creating Smart Object layers A Smart Object layer is created when you convert one or more layers in a Photoshop document to a Smart Object. It is also an option when you open, paste, or place an AI (Adobe Illustrator), PDF, PSD, or Camera Raw le into a Photoshop document. If you double-click the thumbnail for a Smart Object made from Photoshop layers, a separate document opens in Photoshop, containing the embedded layers, whereas if you double-click the thumbnail for a Smart Object made from imported contents, the embedded le opens in the creator application. In either case, when you edit, save, and close the new window, your changes will appear in the Photoshop document. (To edit a Smart Object layer, see page 310.) To create a Smart Object layer by converting existing Photoshop layers: 1. Open a Photoshop document. 2. Select one or more layers on the Layers panel (such as an image or type layer). 3. Right-click a selected layer and choose Convert to Smart Object (this command is also available on the Layers panel menu). A–B To open a PSD, AI, PDF, or TIFF file as a Smart Object layer in a new Photoshop document: 1. In Photoshop, choose File > Open as Smart Object. Locate and click a PSD, AI, PDF, or TIFF le, then click Open. 2. For an AI or PDF le, the Open as Smart Object dialog opens. C Choose umbnail Size: Fit Page and a Crop To option, then click OK. A Smart Object layer appears in a new document. To create a Smart Object layer from a Camera Raw file: 1. From Bridge, open a photo into Camera Raw. 2. Apply any needed adjustments, then hold down Shift and click (or just click) Open Object (see page 86). e image appears as a Smart Object layer in a new Photoshop document. To create a Smart Object layer from an AI or PDF file by using the Paste command: 1. In Illustrator, copy art by pressing Ctrl-C/Cmd-C. 2. Click in a Photoshop document, then press Ctrl-V/Cmd-V. e Paste dialog opens. D Click Paste As: Smart Object, then click OK. A Vector Smart Object layer appears on the Layers panel. A We selected four layers. C i s d i a l o g o p e n s w h e n y o u u s e t h e O p e n a s S m a r t Object command to open an AI or PDF le into Photoshop. D i s d i a l o g o p e n s w h e n you paste an AI or PDF le into Photoshop. B e C o n v e r t t o S m a r t O b j e c t c o m - mand combined the layers into one Smart Object layer. All Smart Object layers have this icon in the thumbnail. ptg More Layers 309 You can use the Place command to place les of many formats into a Photoshop document, such as an AI or PDF le. To place a file into Photoshop as a Smart Object layer: 1. Optional: Open a document in Photoshop. 2. Go to Edit/Photoshop > Preferences > General and check Resize Image During Place to allow the image to be scaled automatically and Place or Drag Raster Images as Smart Objects to have it arrive as a Smart Object layer. Click OK. 3. Do either of the following: Choose File > Place, locate and click a le, then click Place. In Mini Bridge, click the thumbnail for the le to be placed, then from the Tools menu, choose Place > In Photoshop. (Or in Bridge, choose File > Place > In Photoshop.) 4. For an Illustrator or PDF le, the Place PDF dialog opens. A Choose a umbnail Size to preview the le. For a multipage PDF le, choose the desired page. Also choose a Crop To option (to exclude any white areas outside the artwork, choose Bounding Box). 5. Click OK. e art appears in a bounding box in the current document or in a new Photoshop document. 6. To transform the placed art, do any of these optional steps: To scale it, drag a handle on the bounding box (Shift-drag to maintain the aspect ratio). B To reposition it, drag inside the bounding box. To rotate it, position the pointer outside the bounding box (two-headed arrow), then drag. ➤ To undo the last transformation, use Undo. 7. Double-click inside the bounding box, or click the Commit Transform button on the Options bar, or press Enter/Return. C e art becomes a Smart Object layer. ➤ If you change your mind, you can delete the placed art before accepting it by pressing Esc. ➤ For another way to create a Smart Object, drag an object or group from an Illustrator docu- ment window into a Photoshop document window, then follow steps 6–7, above. A e l e p r e v i e w s i n t h e P l a c e P D F d i a l o g . C When we accepted the object, it became an embedded Smart Object layer. (We added a drop shadow eect to it in Photoshop; see pages 356–357.) B Reposition and transform the placed object, if desired, then double-click inside it to accept it. ptg 310 Chapter 18 Editing and replacing Smart Objects To apply some types of edits to a Smart Object layer, such as Smart Filters (see pages 320–324), blending mode and opacity changes, and layer eects, you simply click the layer rst. Edits that change pixel data, however, such as those made by the paint- ing, healing, sharpening, and cloning tools, can’t be made directly to a Smart Object layer (try it, and you’ll get an alert prompt about rasterizing the layer; click Cancel). To make those types of edits, you double-click the Smart Object layer thumbnail r s t . e e m b e d d e d o b j e c t o p e n s i n a t e m p o r a r y n e w document in Photoshop, in the creator application (Illustrator), or in the Camera Raw dialog. When you close the temporary window or dialog, your changes will appear in the Photoshop document. e original le, from which the Smart Object layer was created, remains unchanged. To edit a Smart Object layer: 1. Double-click the Smart Object layer thumbnail. If an alert regarding saving changes appears, click OK. If the PDF Modication Detected alert appears next, A ★ click “Discard Changes, Preserving Illustrator Editing Capabilities,” then click OK (don’t worry… the “changes” are internal and inconsequential). If the Smart Object layer contains one or more Photoshop layers, a separate document will open in Photoshop, containing those layers; if it con- tains imported content, that content will open in a document in the creator application; and if it’s a Camera Raw image, the photo will open into the Camera Raw dialog. 2. For a Camera Raw le, adjust the settings, then click OK. For any other type of Smart Object, edit the temporary document, save it without changing the le name or location (press Ctrl-S/ Cmd-S), and then close it. Your edits will display in the Smart Object layer in Photoshop. ➤ When you place vector art as a Smart Object into a Photoshop document, it stays as vector art. When you output the Photoshop le, the vector art is rendered at the resolution of the printer. RASTERIZING A SMART OBJECT LAYER If you rasterize a Smart Object layer (convert it to a standard image layer), the contents of the embedded fi l e b e c o m e i n a c c e s s i b l e , a n d s o m e e d i t s , s u c h a s Smart Filters, are applied. For this reason, we recom- mend copying the Smart Object layer fi rst by using the New Smart Object via Copy command (see above). Then to rasterize the duplicate layer, right-click it and choose Rasterize Layer. ere are two ways to duplicate a Smart Object layer. If the duplicate is linked to the original Smart Object layer, any pixel edits made to the original embedded le will automatically appear in the copy, and vice versa. is is useful, say, if you want to apply identi- cal pixel edits to both the original and duplicate but apply a dierent Smart Filter or transformation, or dierent opacity, mask, or layer style settings. If the duplicate isn’t linked to the original, you will be able to rasterize the copy, while keeping the original as a Smart Object layer. To duplicate a Smart Object layer: 1. Click a Smart Object layer. 2. Do either of the following: To create a duplicate of the layer that is linked to the original Smart Object layer, press Ctrl-J/ Cmd-J. Pixel edits to the original will appear in the copy, and vice versa ( A–B , next page). To create a duplicate of the layer that isn’t linked to the original, right-click the layer and choose New Smart Object via Copy. Edits made to the original Smart Object layer won’t aect the copy, and vice versa ( C , next page). A new Smart Object layer appears in the Layers panel, bearing the same name as the original layer, and by default, the word “copy” is added. A i s a l e r t d i a l o g w i l l a p p e a r i f y o u t r y t o e d i t a S m a r t Object that was created from an Adobe Illustrator le. ptg More Layers 311 Via the Replace Contents command, you can swap existing Smart Object content with a dierent le. Or if you open the creator application and edit the original le that a Smart Object was created from (not by double-clicking the Smart Object thumbnail), you will need to use the Replace Contents command to update the embedded le. Any transformations, lters, or layer style settings that were applied to the Smart Object layer are applied to the replacement content. To replace the contents of a Smart Object with another file: 1. Right-click a Smart Object layer (not the thumb- nail) and choose Replace Contents. e Place dialog opens. 2. Locate a replacement le (either the same le that you have edited separately or an altogether new le), then click Place. Respond to any dialogs that open (e.g., the Camera Raw dialog or the Place PDF dialog). e new image appears in the Smart Object layer. Photoshop layers that are converted to a Smart Object become embedded in the layer, and are acces- sible for editing only in the temporary document that opens when you double-click the layer thumbnail. If you need to, however, you can bring a copy of an embedded layer back into your document by follow- ing these steps. To reclaim embedded Photoshop layers from a Smart Object: 1. In Photoshop, double-click a Smart Object layer thumbnail, then click OK if an alert appears. e embedded le opens in a separate document tab. 2. Via the Arrange Documents menu, display both documents. With the window for the embedded le active, drag a layer from the Layers panel into the original document window. Or to copy multiple layers, Ctrl-click/Cmd-click the ones you want to copy rst. 3. Close the window for the embedded le. (Any Smart Filters or layer styles that you applied to the Smart Object layer won’t be applied to the copies.) 4. Optional: Delete the Smart Object layer. A We duplicated a Smart Object layer via the Ctrl-J/ Cmd-J shortcut, then double-clicked one of the layers. B e S m a r t O b j e c t o p e n e d i n a t e m p o r a r y w i n d o w in Illustrator, and we changed the color of the laundry basket to green. In the Photoshop docu- ment, the change registered in both Smart Objects. C Here we copied the layer using the New Smart Object Via Copy command, then edited one of them in Illustrator. e change appeared only in that layer. . formats into a Photoshop document, such as an AI or PDF le. To place a file into Photoshop as a Smart Object layer: 1. Optional: Open a document in Photoshop. 2. Go to Edit /Photoshop > Preferences. changes will appear in the Photoshop document. (To edit a Smart Object layer, see page 310.) To create a Smart Object layer by converting existing Photoshop layers: 1. Open a Photoshop document. 2. Select. in the Smart Object layer in Photoshop. ➤ When you place vector art as a Smart Object into a Photoshop document, it stays as vector art. When you output the Photoshop le, the vector art