Although this country has a very short history compared with that of the other large countries in the world, it is an example to the world of how people of different races could live to
Trang 1Talk about the country you would like to visit.
I have heard much about the beauty of the East as well as the West, about the wonderful islands in the Pacific and also in the Atlantic In short, the whole world seems to be full of beautiful places The country that I would like to visit, however, is the United States of America.
My knowledge of the United States of America is derived from the geography
and history books that I have read, the films that I have seen and the stories that I have heard from people who have visited this country.
The United States of America is a vast country with a mixed population
People from many different lands have come and settled here This mixture of different races of people with different customs, religions, cultures and
abilities have created a nation unique in history Although this country has a very short history compared with that of the other large countries in the
world, it is an example to the world of how people of different races could live together in peace and harmony The exchange of ideas among the people of so many racial origins here has contributed greatly to the progress and
prosperity of the nation There are world famous scientists, doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers and politicians whose original homes were in many
different lands The work of such men has made this country a wonderful land indeed The roads, buildings and cinemas here may be said to be the best in the world There are many places and things of interest such as Hollywood, the United Nations building, Niagara Falls and the sky-scrapers Even the natural vegetation and features are rich in variety If one travels across the land, one will find different kinds of scenery in different places Further, as the people here still follow their original customs and traditions, one will also have the feeling that one is passing through many different countries.
The people of the United States are proud of their country, for it was their country that gave the modern world ideas of freedom The name of Abraham Lincoln will always be remembered by those who believe in the freedom of men It was the United States, again, who saved the world from destruction in two world wars Such a country must be a wonderful land, and it is for this reason that I would like to visit this country some day.
Talk about an ideal house
At first when I thought of purchasing a house, I wanted one that was neither too far nor too near a town If it was too far, I may feel lonely and then, there was the question of transport Finally, I chose an elevated, land enabling easy drainage and firm The site is spacious allowing ground for the house and a decent big garden I wanted an elegant look for the house I intended to build The house has four rooms with a well-furnished kitchen and modern bathroom facilities The living rooms are comfortable The furniture has been chosen with great care The walls have been painted with soft colors to match the curtains, the materials of which had been bought from the best textile manufacturing company Each room is fitted with a radio so that one can enjoy programs from the bed The drawing room is elegantly furnished with
Trang 2sofas, chairs and a central table The walls are lined with built-in cupboards, a library to house well-chosen volumes by master novelists There is a niche for the television and the room can be used for viewing programs All the rooms
are airy and air-conditioned.
The kitchen is beautifully done up It is fitted with electric grills and things can
be stacked neatly away in specially designed cabinets It is provided with
modern gadgets for grinding, pulverizing or cutting.
In front of the house there is an artificial pool with a fountain spray One or two fish tanks are kept in the big porch to add the beauty of the place There is
a garage at the side of the house for my car, cattle and poultry There I keep a few fowls of the high breed like the white leg horn, Black Monorca, and Rhode Island from which I get a supply of eggs and meat I have two jersey cows in the shed which supply the milk for the family In the backyard there are a few fruit bearing trees On the margin of the house, there are some coconut trees.
In front of the house there are certain bushes of croton and exotic plants The well-kept lawn with luscious green grass is very pleasing to the eye There is
also a small playground for my children with a swing.
I have a couple of chandeliers in the drawing room showing rainbow colored lights whenever light falls on them I could specially mention the marble Buddha I got from Sian and a bronze Nataraja from India There are a few
selected pictures by masters in gilded frames.
Thus I am surrounded by beauty and peace.
Do you think that “Honesty is the best policy”?
This is an old and often repeated proverb, but it is true? It has a suspiciously worldly flavor, for it means that from a worldly point of view it pays to have honesty Now a man of complete honesty will not ask whether honesty pays or not He feels he must be honest, even if honesty brings him loss or suffering, simply because it is right to be honest and wrong to be dishonest This proverb
is therefore of little use to people of sincere honesty: it is really meant only for those unprincipled men who will be honest only if honesty pays, and will be
dishonest if they think honesty will pay them worse.
Probably honesty does pay in the long run In business, for example, a man who deals straight forwardly with the pubic, who sells at fair prices, who gives good quality, and can be relied upon not to cheat, will generally establish a reputation that will be a fine business asset People will be glad to deal with him; and though he may not make a fortune he will have a sound and
satisfactory business.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that success is often due to trickery, and great fortunes have been built up upon dishonesty Too many successful rogues have proved by experience that for them dishonesty had been the best policy.
Of course some of these people come to a bad end, and lose all they have gained by their lies; but many maintain their worldly success is more due to ability, lucky opportunities, and business cunning, than to honesty.
And many examples could be given of men who, from a worldly point of view, have failed because they have scrupulous honesty A martyr who prefers to be burned at the stake rather than say what he believes to be false, may be a hero; but in the eyes of a worldly man, who thinks only of worldly success, he
is a sad failure.
Trang 3But if we look at such cases from the spiritual point of view – if we consider that truth and righteousness are far more important than wealth and rank and prosperity – then, in the highest sense, honesty is the best policy in the end –For what it shall profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his
own soul?–
A lesson learnt
I was shopping for a wallet in a large shopping center Suddenly, a naughty
thought ran through my mind.
The counter where the wallets were sold was at a corner of the store There was nobody around me then Stealthily, I put one of the wallets into my pocket.
I felt guilt written all over my face As I was about to leave the shop, a pair of
arms grabbed me by my shoulders.
–We have to refer you to the police for shop-lifting,– the man said I was horrified My parents were notified and they were furious to learn what I had done However, they pleaded with the shop manager on my behalf.
The shop manager finally decided to drop the charge against me I truly regretted stealing the wallet and promised to turn over a new leaf He nevertheless referred the case to my school principal I was given a demerit point as punishment and my teachers explained to me the seriousness of
It had indeed been a painful lesson I resolve never to commit the same
mistake again.
Labels: an incident that taught me a lesson
What makes an ideal teacher
Trang 4What makes an ideal teacher Give your opinion
(Qualities of a good teacher)
An ideal teacher is a friend as well as a teacher to his students A good teacher should also be a good friend
In the classroom, he looks grave and solemn but he is a man of sweet and soft temper He
sometimes appears rather old and sometimes young and bright but he is always, active and alert
He is like and respected by all who know him When he finds any of his students lazy, he
admonishes him, for he wants them all to do their work satisfactorily He explains the lessons in much detail, and does his best to answer any questions possibly raised by his students He is indeed a patient man; he continues to explain to his students the points that they do not
understand until they are perfectly familiar with their lessons He takes great trouble in correctingpapers, and is very strict in giving marks In the classroom, he always keeps the dignity of a teacher
But outside the classroom, he becomes the student’s best friend He is an adviser to the clubs organized by the students, and also helps them manage their sport teams When a student is in trouble, he comforts him and tries to help the latter solve any problems he may have
A good teacher should not only mind the academical work of his students but should also
encourage them to take part in sports and games so as to keep themselves fit He always sets a good example himself so as to influence his students
He keeps in touch not only with his students but with their families as well The purpose in doing
so is to obtain the assistance of parents in educating the students He tries to learn about the family condition of the students Those whose family conditions are good, he urges them to studyhard in order to further their study in the universities but those who have no means to carry on their study at a higher level, he advises to switch over to other branches such as: commercial course, business school, military career, and so forth He thus increases the efficiency of their work, and guides them at the appropriate moment in their choice of a profession
The teaching profession has many responsibilities, yet it is full of hardship Personally, when I
am grown up, I will engage in educational activities that is, I shall be a teacher myself, for
education is full of life The students you teach are like fruit-trees you plant It is very interesting
to plant seed and to see it sprout, grow leaves, put forth flowers and bear fruits In like manner, it
is a great spiritual comfort to think that you are contributing an important and useful part to the future of your country For this reason, I find the work of teachers both interesting and hopeful and I will become ideal teacher so as to lend the younger generation on the path of knowledge
Talk about rainy season
When the grass dry, the trees have lost their leaves, the rivers have very little water in them andthe fields are parched, everyone prays for the coming of rain But when it continues to rain forseveral days, there are prayers everywhere for the rain to stop, for heavy and continuous rainoften causes great hardship to many people, especially in the equatorial region The rainy season
Trang 5is therefore welcomed at times, and at other times, it is hated.
In equatorial countries like Malaysia, the rainy season often causes much damage to crops, lifeand property People who work in the paddy-fields, rubber and other plantations have to stoptheir work for sometime As a result, they lose income and suffer hardship Farmers too suffer asthey have to stop selling vegetables and poultry for a few days Even school children experience alot of inconvenience They find it difficult to go to school in comfort and ease Some places arecompletely under water and many children are unable to go to school Sometimes the schoolshave to be closed Even to go to the market becomes a problem, and people cannot go out to
enjoy or do any work
Continuous rain during the rainy season also causes much illness among children and adults.Sometimes many children are drowned in the floods caused by heavy rains Bridges and houses
are swept away by the floods and there is much suffering
But if the rains are not heavy, the rainy season can bring a lot of joy to farmers and others Rainsbring water for our crops and for use in our homes Light rains make the day cool and pleasantand people find it easy to work in the fields and other places The soil remains moist Plants andflowers grow easily to make our gardens beautiful Vegetables too grow well and markets are full
of green vegetables Even animals, like cows and goats find enough grass to eat There is also
enough water for them to drink
Yet, those who live in places where there is a lot of rainfall do not realize how fortunate they are.Only those who live in the hot deserts realize the value of rainfall They would surely welcome
the rainy season
Importance of Geography
Express your opinion on the importance of studying Geography.
Geography is a fascinating subject It reveals all the wonderful changes and activities that have been going on in the world since the beginning of time
By reading geography we learn not only about our own country but also about countries beyond the seas We also learn about the mountains, oceans, islands, lakes, volcanoes, the winds and a number of other interesting things about the world and the universe
Among the important things that we learn in Geography are the infinite varieties of creatures, plants, birds and land features that exist in the world We know that there are millions of
Trang 6creatures, small and large, of various kinds in all parts of the earth We also know that many of the early creatures have now become extinct, while many of them have changed from their original forms Reading about all these is indeed very interesting.
We also learn about the various types of plants and birds that exist throughout the world The plants and birds in the cold lands are not the same as those in warmer lands In the same way, the land forms in the cold regions are different from those in other regions In the equatorial regions, for example, plant and animal life is luxuriant, while in the poles the land is covered with snow, and animal and plant life is less abundant In equatorial regions abundant rain has produced large rivers and lakes, while in areas where little rain falls there are large deserts without many rivers and lakes
As the climate and vegetation of one place are not the same as those of another, the habits and activities of the people of different regions are also different Even their religious convictions andlanguages are different from those of other parts of the world
Thus, Geography is a very important subject, and because of its width and variety it is one of the most interesting subjects to read
Importance of good roads in a country Talk about the importance of good roads in a country
Good roads are essential for the development of a country The Romans realized this centuries ago Wherever they established themselves, they tried to improve the roads there Today, the governments of all countries in the world are building more and more roads to gain access to the remotest regions of their countries
Roads link towns and villages and enable the people of one place to communicate with the people
of another place When food is scarce in one place, it can be brought from another place without much difficulty Even things which cannot be produced in one region can be brought from another region where they are produced in abundance The invention of motor-vehicles has made
it easy to transport goods from place to place These vehicles, however, require good roads to travel faster The better the roads are, the more goods can be transported from place to place Thus, trade is improved
Trang 7Further, good roads help people to travel easily to places where they can work and to develop their lands and industries In Malaysia, for example, the improvement of roads has made it easy for skilled workers from the towns to work in remote villages The people of the villages, on the other hand, have been able to learn much from the towns As a result, there has been a lot of improvement in this country in all spheres of activity.
Finally, in times of war, good roads help armies to move about without difficulty Sometimes, a country is defeated because its army is not able to reach a place in good time due to bad roads Even the police may not be able to reach a place where there is some trouble if the roads are bad.For all these reasons, it is always necessary for a country to have good roads
How you spent your last holiday.
How you spent your last holiday (Describe my last holiday)
During my last school holidays, I spent a few days at my cousin’s house at Morib, a well-known
sea resort I shall never forget that visit
On the day I arrived at Morib, my cousin told me that he would do to make my stay there a very interesting one He said that he would make a raft to use it in the sea Then he would buy fishing net to catch some fish in the shallow water near the coast When I heard all this, I was very delighted because it was one of the reasons that I had decided to visit my cousin We then walked
up to the beach which is near his house
While we were there, sometime in the evening, the sea looked extremely beautiful I saw the islands and hills in the distance, the birds in the air, and a few boys and girls playing on the beach I also saw some fishermen coming out of the water with their catch All this was indeed very interesting to look at
On the next day, my cousin and I collected some tree trunks from the forest nearby As my cousin’s house is close to the sea, we decided to make the raft on the beach itself It took us almost the whole morning to make the raft We then had our lunch and went to Banting, the nearest town, to buy fishing net After that we returned to my cousin’s house
Trang 8In the evening we put the raft on the sea The water was still high, but the raft floated quite well
My cousin and I sat on it and began to row it by using the oars that we had made ourselves We felt very happy indeed and continued to row it We remained on it for a long time, but as it was already getting dark we did not go far We returned to the shore and tied the raft to a tree
On the next day, we went out to catch some crabs and fish We used the net that we had bought and caught a lot of fish Then, we had our lunch and went out again on the raft We continued to row it as far as we could It was really a pleasure to be away from the shore The sea was calm and we could row with ease My cousin told me many interesting things about Morib We then returned to the shore
In this way, I spent my holidays happily at Morib, a place I shall never forget
Water is important to all living things
"Water is important to all living things" Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinion.
“Water is important to all living things” Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your opinionWithout water no living thing on the earth could survive We need water to quench our thirst, water our lands to grow crops or to keep the animals and fowls in our homes alive Even the plants and insects in all parts of the world need water to live
We also need water to produce electricity and to carry out goods or trade Electricity is very important for our comforts today Almost everything that we use in our homes today depends on the use of electricity In the same way, water also helps to transport many or the goods that we need for our homes Ships, rafts and boats carry many things from distant lands and help to exchange goods between one country and another Transport by water is easier and cheaper than
Trang 9Describe a pet which you have kept.
Rosy is a dog which I have been keeping for the past four years It was by sheer accident that Rosy came into my hands Our neighbour Mr Jones was a dog lover He has a good kennel in his house where he reared different types of dogs.Suddenly, he got tranfered from the town and he wanted to dispose some of the dogs, he had He was talking to my father Then I told my father that we could have one of the puppies; though reluctant, my father agreed That was how Rosy came into my possession
Why, it was named Rosy, I cannot say It is an Alsatian It is of medium height, grey in color withdark spots near her belly, bushy and glistening eyes It grew into a beautiful and magnificent dog much to the envy of others
Rosy can be seen about our house when she is playing or when she is not sleeping She takes pleasure in sniffing about the comers when she has nothing particular to do She is as docile as a deer in our presence When we are not at home she will be at her mettle and no one can easily come near our gate or house Though she does not bite, she will bounce on the person baring her teeth so much so that she can paralyse any intruder She recognizes the postman as a friend and
so does not do him any harm
I give her some biscuits and milk in the morning, rice and curry in the afternoon Usually she is not given any food in the night When we are at our table, Rosy keeps company with me but she shows no eagerness to touch even a crumb unless offered So my father likes it Rosy cries in peculiar way It is between barking and howling Sometimes she raises a cry like moaning That means she wants to go out for toilet
Whenever I go out in the evening, she accompanies me My friends are afraid of her because she does not like silly mischievous boys She shows her displeasure by barking and that is enough to unnerve the boys My father says, Rosy would soon become a mother Then I will have a few nice puppies
Hobby in free time
Tell about your hobby in free time
Trang 10My hobby is stamp colleting When I was still only a baby, my mother began to collect for me
Of course, she did not let me touch the stamps until I was old enough not to spoil them I
remember that it was on my fifteenth birthday that she first put them into my hands They were infour fat books, but since that time I have added three more, so that now I have a bigger collection than any of my friends
How do I get my stamps? I have never bought a single one from a shop so my collection has really cost me nothing My father, who works in a big office, sometimes brings me home stamps from many countries of the world And I have friends both here and in other lands who send me stamps in return for ones which I send to them
Now that I am working for my living, I do not have as much time as before to spend on my stamps But in the evenings, what can be better than to sit down at a table with my precious books, arranging new stamps in them, writing in the names of countries, or, if I am too tired, onlylooking through the stamps already in the books? Each stamp has a story to tell me of far
countries and strange peoples I see pictures of men and women, birds and animals that I have never seen Kings and presidents pass before my eyes, and I can follow the history of nations I can see Hitler's Germany spreading over Europe and then suddenly breaking into pieces; Pakistan
is born before my eyes; countries rise and countries fall - and the whole time I remain
comfortably in my armchair at home
But my stamp collection does not make me think only of the past Just as my mother collected for
me, so I, too, am collecting for my future child What better way will there be of interesting him
in history, geography and languages, and of making these subjects live for him instead of being only things in school books? If I pass my hobby on to him, he will bless me for it as I have blessed my mother for her wise action
Life in the city
Life in the city
Trang 11Life in the city is full of activity Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes
in the manner ants do when their nest is broken Soon the streets are full of traffic Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day's work begins The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise Hundreds of sight-seers tourists and others visit many place of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrive to transact business.The towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close Many of the shops too close There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home As a result of this rush, many accidents occur One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of the city These parts are usually the business centers
With the coming of night, another kind of activity begins The streets are now full of colorful lights The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely
People now seek entertainment Many visit the cinemas,
parks, and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio Some visitfriends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move
Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and increase their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many As a result, the people of the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity Here, the drama of life is enacted every day
Homework should be abolished?
Do you think that homework should be abolished? Discuss its value
Homework is a bitter pill for many students Teachers always give homework They are given to help students to revise what has been done in the class and also the finish task set in school whichthe pupil could not finish on time
Education and mastery of knowledge, is a matter of skill so the more practice one has the better skill There are skill subjects and knowledge subjects Both these categories require drill and repetition The teacher, to some extend, drill the student in the class but each individual student cannot be expected to do the same amount as skills of students vary from each other
Homework need not necessarily be repeating what has been done in the class, it may be more study The student goes through references and acquires more and better knowledge The world
of knowledge is so wide that the class alone cannot bring everything into the grasp of the student
So the student must take up some initiative of his own This is one of the purposes of homework.The school also must see that the students are overburdened homework The teachers must see to
it that the homework is distributed evenly throughout the week Still there are subjects like