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Foundation Fireworks CS4- P11 docx

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  • Prelims










    • Fireworks as a web design tool

    • Fireworks as a design and illustration tool

    • Fireworks as a prototyping tool

    • Fireworks and the Creative Suite

      • Photoshop support

      • Illustrator support

      • Flash support

    • Summary

      • Chapter 2


    • What is integration?

      • How integration helps

      • Integration within the Creative Suite

    • Integration with Photoshop

      • Importing a Photoshop file

      • Opening a Photoshop file

      • Photoshop Live Effects

      • Saving as PSD

    • Integration with Illustrator

      • Opening an Illustrator file

      • Importing an Illustrator (AI) file

    • Integration with Flash

      • Import as a single flattened bitmap

      • Import

      • Into

      • Objects

      • Text

    • Summary

      • Chapter 3


    • Bitmap layers

    • Bitmap tools

    • Selection tools

      • Common selection techniques

      • Converting selections to paths and vice versa

    • Drawing tools

      • Pencil tool

      • Brush tool

      • Eraser tool

    • Image adjustment/effects tools

      • Blur and Sharpen tools

      • Dodge and Burn tools

      • Smudge tool

    • Additional retouching tools

      • Rubber Stamp tool

      • Replace Color tool

      • Red Eye Removal tool

    • Summary

      • Chapter 4


    • Using the Vector tools

      • Line tool

      • Pen tool

      • Vector Path tool

      • Rectangle tool

      • Text tool

      • Freeform and Reshape Area tools

      • Knife tool

    • Using the Paths panel

      • Combining paths

      • Altering paths

      • Selecting points on a line or path

      • Editing points

    • Summary

      • Chapter 5


    • File optimization: The tools

      • Slice tool

      • Hotspot tool

    • Image optimization

      • Choosing the right file type

      • Compression and color settings

      • Dither

      • Side-by-side comparison

    • Using the Export command

      • The Export dialog

      • Using the Export Wizard

      • The Preview window

    • Summary

      • Part 2



    • Building blocks

      • Gradient fills

      • Texture fills

      • Blend modes

      • Filters

      • Styles

    • Creating popular effects

      • Creating glass buttons

      • Creating reflections

      • Creating web headers

      • Adding fimagic

    • Summary

      • Chapter 7


    • The States panel

      • Quick onion skinning

      • State position and name

      • State delay

      • Quick glance

      • Onion skinning options

      • GIF animation looping

      • Distribute to states

      • New/Duplicate state

      • Delete state

    • Building an animation

      • Manipulating objects

      • Fading around the circle

      • Creating the animation frames

      • Previewing the results

    • Morphing an animation

      • Preparing the document

      • Making some shapes

      • Applying a morph effect

      • Separating the groups

    • Creating the animation states

      • Duplicating and reversing states

    • Exporting animations for the Web

      • GIF animations

      • Flash (SWF) animations

    • Summary

      • Chapter 8


    • Creating a new Flex skin in Fireworks

    • Reskinning the button

    • Exporting the skin

    • Importing the skin in Flex

      • Creating a new Flex project

      • Adding a Button component

      • Importing the skin images

      • Modifying the nineslice scaling

    • Summary

      • Chapter 9


    • Designing the master page

      • Defining the background

      • Defining the content container

      • Adding the tabs

      • Adding the application title

      • Designing the information page

      • Designing the gallery page

      • Building the portfolio detail pages

    • Adding hotspots and interaction

      • Global navigation

      • Defining links on the gallery page

    • Creating the Adobe AIR package

      • Packaging content

      • Creating a digital signature

      • Previewing the AIR file

      • Creating and installing the AIR file

    • Summary

      • Chapter 10


    • Types of extensions

      • Command and command panel extension types

      • Other extension types

      • Default Fireworks commands

    • Finding extensions online

      • Browsing Adobe Exchange: A repository of extensions

    • Additional extension resources

      • Community sites

      • Personal sites

    • Using the Extension Manager

      • Installing new extensions

      • Disabling an extension

      • Uninstalling an extension

    • Summary

      • Chapter 11


    • Foundation terminology

    • Learning the basics of an advanced workflow

    • Defining a Fireworks workflow

      • Step 1: Creating a simple JSF command

      • Step 2: Creating a Flash UI

      • Steps 3 and 4: Importing and executing the JSF

      • Step 5: Publishing and testing the SWF

    • Building a functional UI in Flash

      • Draw Rect.jsf updated with the CreateRectangle function

      • Working with returned values: Adding a ColorPicker

    • Streamlining your workflow with the Fireworks developer toolbox

      • Converting JSF to AS using the FDT

      • Updating the Draw Rect panel

    • Defining Flash panel resize behavior

    • Responding to Fireworks events

      • Detecting change of selection

      • Detecting tool changes

    • Building panels with ActionScript 3

      • Creating ActionScript 3 panels in Flash

      • Creating ActionScript 3 panels in Flex

    • Packaging and deploying your panel

    • Learning the Fireworks object model

      • The Extending Fireworks documentation

      • The History panel method

      • The FWAPI_Inspector panel

    • Summary

      • Part 3



    • Phase 1: Project planning and preparation

      • Project details example

    • Phase 2: Exploring layouts with wireframes

      • Wireframe example

    • Phase 3: Turning wireframes into gray frames

      • Gray frame example

    • Phase 4: Creating a logo for the design

      • Logo example

    • Phase 5: Putting all the pieces together: The design composition

      • Design example

    • Phase 6: Buildout: From graphics to code

    • Phase 7: Integrating into a CMS

    • Summary

      • Chapter 13


    • Creating site navigation with sprites

    • Preparing a new page

    • Writing the HTML

    • Writing the CSS

      • List reset

      • Extreme negative text indent

      • Defining the dimensions

      • Sliding the background into position

    • Summary

      • Chapter 14


    • Checking out with shared layers and pages

    • Setting up the workspace

      • Designing the site’s background

      • Creating a header

      • Defining the page body

      • Establishing the site’s navigation

      • Organizing the document’s objects and layers

      • Organizing the site design into pages

    • Building all the graphics in Fireworks

      • Creating the logo

      • Drawing a T-shirt graphic

      • Making a button

    • Assembling the pages

      • Building the Store page

      • Using symbols for efficient workflow

      • Creating the Cart page

      • Making the Checkout page

      • Building the Confirmation page

    • Summary


Nội dung

INDEX 279 Initial content, in Create AIR Package dialog, 168 init method, defined in CDATA section of <mx:Script />, 216 Inset/Expand paths command, in Alter Paths section, 63 installing, new extensions, 186 integration defined, 17–18 how it helps design process, 18 within the Creative Suite, 18 Intersect Paths command, in Paths panel, 59 Into option, in Import Fireworks Docu- ment dialog, 29 Invert Gradients command, in Alter Paths section, 64 Invert Paths command, in Alter Paths section, 64 J JavaScript and Flash, developing an ef- fective workflow using, 189–223 Join Paths command, in Paths panel, 58 Join Points command, in Edit Points section, 72 JPEG compression options, in Optimize panel, 82–84 JPEG images, smoothing and sharpen- ing, 83 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format, for use in Fireworks, 78 JPEG or GIF preview mode, 94 .jsf extension, 190 JSF (JavaScript Fireworks), 190 creating a simple command, 191–195 editing and understanding, 194–195 importing and executing, 196 K Knife on Points command, in Edit Points section, 72 Knife tool, in Vector tools section of Tools palette, 56 L Lasso tool, 32 creating free-form selections with, 35 image of selection, 33 settings, 35 layer comps, creating in Photoshop, 20–21 Layers panel bitmap object in, 32 Flex skin, 145 Line tool, in Vector tools section of Tools palette, 50–51 links, defining on Gallery page, 166 List reset, 250 Live Filters concept, pioneered by Fireworks, 107 live marquee option, as selection technique, 34 loading spinner building an Ajax-style, 136 creating the animation frames, 135–136 fading around the circle, 134 manipulating objects in, 134 previewing the results, 136 logo adding some detail and dimension to, 260 creating, 259–260 defining basic shape and color of, 259 polishing up, 260 logo example, creating in Fireworks, 237 Lorem Ipsum command, generating filler text with, 161 Lorem Ipsum panel on Fireworks Ex- change, Mayur Mundada’s, 161 Lossy compression option, in Fireworks optimization, 80 M Magic Wand tool, 33, 36–37 Tolerance settings, 36 main title, creating for web headers, 119–120 Make Handles Same Length command, in Edit Points section, 72 Make Handles Tangent command, in Edit Points section, 72 Markup Factory, web site address, 242 Marquee tool, 34–35 automatically selecting, 35 list of settings, 35 master page adding application title to, 160 adding tabs to, 158 adding your logo to, 238 designing content container for, 158 designing for AIR application, 157 designing the background, 157 for blog web site, 229 playing with background patterns and graphics in, 238 Matte option, in Fireworks optimization, 80 Milbourne, Paul, et al, The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 with Action- Script by, 29 Mirror Points command, in Edit Points section, 69 MMExecute() method, 191 passing JSF to Fireworks via, 196 Moll, Cameron, CSS Mastery Advanced Web Standards Solutions by, 241 MonkCMS, web site address, 242 morphing an animation, 136–139 creating the animation states, 138 making some shapes for, 137 preparing the document, 136 separating the groups, 137 shapes on your canvas, 137 ungrouped objects in animation, 138 Mouse.onRelease event handler, adding, 198 Move Points command, in Edit Points section, 69 MovieClips, managing with Alignment- Manager, 209–210 multistate editing, changing, 130 Mundada, Mayur, Lorem Ipsum panel on Fireworks Exchange, 161 <mx:Application> tag, of DrawRect. mxml, 215–216 <mx:Script />, init method defined in, 216 N Name field, in Create AIR Package dialog, 167 navigation image, nav.png, 247 navigation page, Export window for, 247 nav.png defining the dimensions of back- ground bitmap, 251 navigation image, 247 New Flex Skin, autogenerated layout, 144 New Flex Skin dialog, 144 New/Duplicate States button, in States panel, 132 nine-slice scaling, modifying in Flex project, 152 NumericStepper component creating four instances of, 200 setting values via Component inspec- tor, 201 INDEX 280 O objects manipulating in animation, 134 ungrouping, 259 objects and layers, organizing for docu- ments, 258 Objects option, in Import Fireworks Document dialog, 29 Offset Points command, in Edit Points section, 71 onFwActiveSelectionChange event, 210 onFwActiveSelectionChange function, ActionScript defining, 210 onFwActiveToolChange event, 211 onFwStartMovie event, 211 onFwStopMovie event, 211 onion skinning options, 131 quickly in States panel, 130 onRelease event, adding event handler to a button, 198 Open/Close Paths command, in Alter Paths section, 65 Optimize panel JPEG compression options in, 82–84 selecting Sharpen JPEG edges in, 83 Oval Marquee tool, 34 P package, defining along with DrawRect class, 213 page body, defining, 256 page concept, in Fireworks, 4 pages assembling, 263–271 organizing site design into, 258–259 Pages panel preparing new page in, 246–247 setting master page in, 229 with four added pages, 258 palette index, options available for color palettes via, 80 panels building with ActionScript, 211–218 packaging and deploying, 219–220 paths altering, 61–66 combining, 58–61 created from a selection, 37 defining initial for web headers, 123 with particle effects for web headers, 124 Paths panel categories organized in, 57 commands in Combine Paths section, 58–61 using in vector graphics, 56–57 Pencil tool, 38–39 Pen tool curved vector object drawn with, 52 in Tools palette, 51–52 Photoshop creating a new PSD in with Rectangle tool, 24 Fireworks integration with, 19–25 importing a file in Fireworks, 19–21 importing a PNG file into, 24–25 support in Fireworks, 11–12 working with shapes from, 24 Photoshop CS4. See Photoshop Photoshop Export Options dialog, 12, 25 Photoshop File Import Options dialog, in Fireworks CS4, 19 Photoshop File Open Options dialog, 11 in Fireworks CS4, 21 Photoshop file (PSD), opening in Fire- works, 21–22 Photoshop Live Effects, 22–25 dialog box, 23 Photoshop PSD file, saving file as, 12 PICT format, available in Fireworks, 79 Pixel Dimensions section, in Photoshop File Import Options dialog, 20 Plastic styles, selecting from combo box, 147 plug-ins. See filters (or plug-ins) PNG file, importing into Photoshop, 24–25 PNG (Portable Network Graphic) format, available for use in Fireworks, 78 points editing, 68–73 selecting on a line or path, 67 Polygon Hotspot tool, drawing header- drag-area hotspot with, 165 Polygon Lasso tool, 32 Polygon Slice tool, 76 portfolio detail pages applying Hue/Saturation filter to, 164 building, 163–164 duplicating and finalizing page names, 164 portfolio viewer application, creating simple mockup of, 156 Prefer native filters over Photoshop Live Effects option, in Photoshop File Open Options dialog, 21 preview window, reviewing file settings recommendations in, 94 primary rectangle, defining for web headers, 117 Property inspector, when Rubber Stamp tool is active, 32 Punch Paths command, in Paths panel, 59 QR RadioButton symbol, setting properties for, 9 Rectangle Hotspot tool, drawing hotspots on navigation buttons with, 165 Rectangle tool, 4 creating a new PSD in Photoshop with, 24 creating a single rectangle with, 133 in Vector tools section of Tools pal- ette, 53 Rectangle type, properties included in, 194 Red Eye removal tool, 46 reflection effects creating, 113–115 final reflection of glass button, 114 reflection object adding linear gradient opacity mask to flipped, 113 flipping, 113 Render as images option, in Vector File Options dialog, 27–28 Replace color tool, 45–46 Resize Selected Objects command, 178 Resize Selected Objects dialog, 180 Resolution setting, in Vector File Options dialog, 27 retouching tools, additional, 44–46 returned values, working with, 202–204 Rotate Points command, in Edit Points section, 69 roundness argument, for addNewRectan- glePrimitive method, 194 Round Points to Pixels/Round Points to Half-Pixels command, in Edit Points section, 69 Rubber Stamp tool active in Property inspector, 32 fixing blemishes on photographs with, 44 settings, 44 using to remove areas of an image, 45 INDEX 281 text elements, adding to web headers, 119–120 text indent, extreme negative, 251 Text option, in Import Fireworks Docu- ment dialog, 29 Text Properties panel, 54 Text tool, in Vector tools section of Tools palette, 54–55 texture fills, 105 The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 with ActionScript, by Paul Milbourne, et al., 29 thumbnail symbol adding a shadow or color to, 162 adding highlights to, 161 converting thumbnail elements to, 163 creating for AIR application, 161–163 gradient handle positions for, 161 TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) available for use in Fireworks, 78 preview window, 95 Tolerance property, added to Magic Wand tool, 36 Tools palette, Vector tools section of, 50 Tools panel, bitmap tools housed in, 32–33 Transparency property, in image optimi- zation, 81 Trim Paths command, in Paths panel, 61 T-shirt graphic, drawing, 261 Twist and Fade command dialog, 176 U Uniform color palette, available in palette index, 80 Uninstall extension confirmation dialog, 187 Union Paths command, in Paths panel, 59 unordered list reset, with no bullets or indentation, 250 V Vector File Options dialog, 12 settings in, 26–28 vector graphics, working with, 49–73 Vector Path tool in Vector tools section of Tools pal- ette, 52 random line drawn with, 52 Vector tools, using, 50–56 Version field, in Create AIR Package dialog, 167 visual effects, creating, 101 Slices select box, deciding how you want slices treated in, 89 Slice tool, 4 in Fireworks, 76 vs. Hotspot tool, 76 Smart Polygon tool, using, 259 Smith, Nathan, 960.gs templates by, 233 Smoothing setting, for JPEG images, 83 Smooth Points command, in Edit Points section, 68 Smudge tool, 44 Specific components radio button, for skinning a specific component, 145 Split Paths command, in Paths panel, 58 sprites, creating site navigation with, 246 sprite sheet, example of, 245 state delay, between states when anima- tion is playing, 130 states, duplicating and reversing, 138–139 States panel, 129–132 with options menu open, 129 Store page building, 264–266 propagating, 266 Straighten Points command, in Edit Points section, 68 styles in Fireworks CS4, 109–110 reviewing applied in Property inspec- tor, 110 Styles panel, launching, 147 Styles panel, selecting style library in, 109 Subdivide Points command, in Edit Points section, 71 Subselection tool, 6 using in vector graphics, 51 SWF files, 190 keyboard shortcut for publishing, 204 updating Add Rect button event handler, 204 Symbol Properties panel, setting proper- ties on selected control with, 9 symbols editing, 266 indicating properties of color in slice’s color palette, 81 using for efficient workflow, 266 T terminology, for developing effective workflow, 190 TextBox method, for importing your JSF, 204–205 S scaleModel and align properties, basics in action, 208 Scale Points command, in Edit Points section, 69 Scale setting, in Vector File Options dialog, 27 Select All Points command, in Select Points section, 67 Select Contour command, in Select Points section, 67 Selected Slices Only option, images-only Export dialog, 89 Select First Point command, in Select Points section, 67 Select Inverse Points command, in Select Points section, 67 selections, converting to paths and vice versa, 37–38 selection tools, 33–37 selective compression, optimizing JPEG images with, 82 Select No Points command, in Select Points section, 67 Select Points section, commands in, 67 Select/Deselect Next/Previous Points command, in Select Points sec- tion, 67 Select Top/Right/Bottom/Lefts Points command, in Select Points sec- tion, 67 SetColor method, how it works with Fire- works-returned color value, 203 setFillColor method, 195 shared layers and pages, 255–256 Share Layer to All Pages option on Base layer, 258 Sharpen JPEG edges, selecting in Opti- mize panel, 83 Sharpen Points command, in Edit Points section, 70 Sharpen tool, 41–42 Shift key, as selection technique, 34 Show Preview option, in Photoshop File Import Options dialog, 20 sight design, example of, 246 Simplify Paths command, in Alter Paths section, 62 site navigation, creating with sprites, 246 skin importing in Flex, 148 naming, 145 skin images, importing, 149–152 slices, tips to consider when creating, 76 INDEX 282 W web, exporting animations for, 139–141 Web 216 color palette, available in pal- ette index, 80 Web Adaptive color palette, available in palette index, 80 web design tool, Fireworks as, 4–6 web headers adding, 121, 126 adding foreground glass to, 121 adding highlight border to, 118–119 adding text elements to, 119–120 adding texture to primary rectangle, 117 changing Stroke setting and setting properties for, 123 color palette, 116 creating in Fireworks, 115–121 creating thick diagonal background texture, 116 defining primary rectangle, 117 defining the container rectangle, 116 evolving the particle effect, 125 final background texture for, 126 final for My Web Site, 115 final magical layout, 126 finding the right color palette for, 116 Web layer, slices stored in, 4 web-safe color palette, 80 web site addresses Adobe AIR information, 156 Adobe Flex, 147 Adobe trial edition applications, 17 downloads for book, 24 Fireworks Developer Center, 223 Fireworks developer tools, 205 Fireworks Exchange, 161 Fireworks Exchange, 182 FWAPI_Inspector panel, 222 Mac OS X Extension Manager, 185 Markup Factory, 242 MonkCMS, 242 Nathan Smith’s 960.gs templates, 233 starter MXI file, 219 Windows Extension Manager, 185 Web site case study #1 blog, 227–242 building out:from graphics to code, 241–242 creating a logo for the design, 236–237 design composition, 237–241 exploring layouts with wireframes, 229–232 integrating blog into a CMS, 242 project details example, 228 project planning and preparation, 228–232 turning wireframes into gray frames, 233–236 Web site case study #2, CSS Sprites, 245–253 Web site case study #3, e-commerce, 255–272 Weld Points command, in Edit Points section, 73 Width and Height options, in Vector File Options dialog, 27 Windows and Mac OS color palette, available in palette index, 80 Window Size field, in Create AIR Package dialog, 168 Window Style drop-down, in Create AIR Package dialog, 168 wireframes basic showing size and placement of elements, 229 creating for the home page, 231 exploring blog layouts with, 229–232 turning into gray frames, 233–236 workspace, setting up for checkout process, 256–259 1-59059-543-2 $39.99 [US] 1-59059-593-9 $49.99 [US] 1-59059-304-9 $49.99 [US] 1-59059-581-5 $39.99 [US] 1-59059-518-1 $39.99 [US] 1-59059-355-3 $24.99 [US] 1-59059-614-5 $34.99 [US] 1-59059-651-X $44.99 [US] 1-59059-409-6 $39.99 [US] 1-59059-558-0 $49.99 [US] 1-59059-555-6 $44.99 [US] 1-59059-517-3 $39.99 [US] 1-59059-554-8 $24.99 [US] 1-59059-748-6 $49.99 [US] 1-59059-314-6 $59.99 [US] 1-59059-381-2 $34.99 [US] 1-59059-542-4 $36.99 [US] 1-59059-619-6 $44.99 [US] 1-59059-315-4 $59.99 [US] 1-59059-533-5 $34.99 [US] EXPERIENCE THE DESIGNER TO DESIGNER ™ DIFFERENCE 1-59059-638-2 $49.99 [US] 1-59059-765-6 $34.99 [US] 1-59059-594-7 $39.99 [US] foEDGalleryBOB_CMYK-75x9.qxd 4/23/07 4:46 PM Page 1 . trial edition applications, 17 downloads for book, 24 Fireworks Developer Center, 223 Fireworks developer tools, 205 Fireworks Exchange, 161 Fireworks Exchange, 182 FWAPI_Inspector panel, 222 Mac. a new PSD in with Rectangle tool, 24 Fireworks integration with, 19–25 importing a file in Fireworks, 19–21 importing a PNG file into, 24–25 support in Fireworks, 11–12 working with shapes from,. example, creating in Fireworks, 237 Lorem Ipsum command, generating filler text with, 161 Lorem Ipsum panel on Fireworks Ex- change, Mayur Mundada’s, 161 Lossy compression option, in Fireworks optimization,

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2014, 08:39


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