- A vocabulary spread This section extends the topic vocabulary of the unit and also provides more comprehensive word analysis and construction features word formation, word patterns, c
Trang 1'-. , I
Trang 2Illu s tration A cknowledgements
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Malli E u genia, Ma ll i Maria, Mama l ouka Eleftheria, Mrs Mandali ,
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Merkouri Miran d a, Meto h ianaki Despina , Michou Aspasia , Migga
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Kateri n a, Mpampa li ki-0' Ha ll oran Vicky, Nelson Peta, Palikyra Maria,
Panaretos Kimo n a Papadirnitriou Stamatis, Mrs Papadokostaki-
Kyttea , Papadopou l ou Aikaterini , Papageorgiou Cli , Papageorgiou
Ir e ne, Papahatzi Lydia , Papaioannou Maria Papamihalopoulou Niki ,
P a ti raki Ma r y, P a vl ako u - P a n agio t o oulo u Jenny , Petrakou Panagiota ,
Pi manido u Geo r gia, Pollard Katherine, Mrs Poupou, Rambota Chariklia,
Ri ga l o u Maria, Mr Rigas, Mr Robos, Mrs Rozaki , Sakali Helen , Samara
D ionisia, S m b a Athanasia, S rsonis Dimitris Mrs Sgoura , Mrs Sifinou ,
Mrs S i n i gal i a-Abataggelou, Smyrnaki-Spanaki Katerina , So c ratous -
P ap an astasio u An t igoni, Sofogianni E len i, Mr Solomon, Sotiropo u lou
Ka t hy, So u g l a Stavroula, So u t os Kimonas, Mrs Sovolaki, Spiliopo u los
Panagiotis, S t a m atakis Kyr i akos Mrs Stamatiou-Papadopoulou , Stiles
E ri ka, Triantafy ll os An dr eas, Tsam i s Jackie, Tsatsouli Siss y , Tseggelides
K o ns t antinos, Mrs Tsikou-Ts ir ka, Tso uki a Nelly, Tzartza Rita, Vaina
Z oi , Mrs Vai t sa, Vare l a Joanna, Vasiliou Maria Vas i lopoulou Emilia,
V l ac h ara Katerina , Mr Waldron, Xefteri Maria Zacharias Nikos Mr
Zafiridis, Zaharopo ul ou Irene, Zara-Bourganou Anastasia , Zara Vicky,
Z i ogka Kateri n a, Mr Zouglos
Trang 3Every care has been taken not to include irrelevant
or unnecessary information, as we appreciate that teachers are busy people who need precise guidelines that are both accessible and constructive
These Teacher's Notes have been written with the needs of teachers in mind The Notes have been prepared in such a way as to provide you with a clear and comprehensive guide to the Students' Book material You will find detailed suggestions as to how you might like to teach each of the lessons, along with extra details which we hope you will find helpful
Taking into consideration the pressures that are put
on teachers to complete a coursebook within the time available, Cosmic Bl+ has been carefully planned so
as to be teachable within one school year The units have been designed so that everything is covered
in sufficient detail and is given enough time By the end of the school year, teachers will feel satisfied that they have fully covered all the essential language and structures for this upper-intermediate level
Skills training is a vital attribute for students who are seeking to gain exam success and become competent students of English In acknowledgment of this fact, the Cosmic series retains a strong emphasis
on all aspects of skills and sub-skills development, with plenty of opportunities for practice and consolidation Wherever possible, separate skills or linguistic features are presented on separate pages, for clarity Students are given full support whilst they learn - there is a clear progression from receptive skills to productive ones; students are carefully prepared and guided through the language skills before they are expected to use them to produce their own material
The course as a whole presents the material in an
exciting and up-to-the-minute way, incorporating
themes and topics that today's teenagers find
both interesting and motivating The emphasis on
technology and gadgets, topics that are familiar to
and popular with the teenagers of today, is present
throughout the series and places the course firmly at
The Students' Books in the series are all attractively
laid out and easy to navigate, both for students and
for teachers Unit topics have been carefully chosen
so that they not only fit with the common topics used
in the various exams but are also appropriate to the
level and experience of the students The use of bright,
lively photographs, along with age-appropriate, up-to-
date illustrations, serves to enhance the overall feel of
the book and make it eye-catching and attractive
Cosmic is a three-level course for Bl, Bl+ and B2 and
has been specially written with the needs of today's
teenage learners as a guiding factor Throughout the
series, the guiding aim is to achieve a pass in one or
more of the various B2-level examinations
Teaching teenagers can be a challenging task but
at the same time, it is immensely rewarding One
crucial factor is to create the right kind of learning
environment; one in which students feel safe and
supported, where they know they can learn but where
they also know that if they fail at times to understand,
they will get the support and encouragement they
need Given that supportive and positive environment,
another of the key factors is to make sure that the
students are motivated and engaged and that they
find the material interesting and relevant The Cosmic
series has been prepared with those considerations in
Trang 4-
A vocabulary spread
This section extends the topic vocabulary of the unit and also provides more comprehensive word analysis and construction features (word formation, word patterns, collocations , compound nouns, phrasal verbs ,
expressions , etc.) that will equip the students with vital lexical skills The spread also i ncludes a Chatroom, which enables oral activation of the target vocabulary:
A grammar spread
Each grammar section presents at least one new grammar top i c and includes both interactive presentation and practice There is also a detailed
Grammar File at the back of the Students' Book, which goes into more detail about the spe ci fic grammar
or relevance for them personally The material in the reading sections has been presented in different formats so as to provide the students with as wide a range of text types as possible in accordance with the texts in the var i ous B2 exams Post-text reading skills tasks reflect B2 exam task types and are accompanied
by useful skills tips and a web link to one or more sites that are relevant to the theme of the unit The section also features Chatroom, which provides the opportunity for students to react to the r eading text and express their views on related topics Another feature of all the reading sections is the addition of an audio component All the reading texts are included in full on the Class audio CD and can be used alongside the exercises in order to complement reading , or can
be used at the end of the reading tasks in order for students to check their answers
There are ten units in the B 1 + book, all of which
incorporate the following items:
A unit opener
As well as a photographic presentation , this includes
a character blog and a presentation of the vocabulary
related to the unit topic Careful thought has been
Unit format
As in the Bl book, reading texts have been specially
prepared so as to be interesting to mid - teens, moving
out from the 'teen' world to the wider world outside
Every unit has a unit lead-in , which is a vehicle for the
introduction of key vocabulary and ideas , but always
with a light, non-threatening approach through
photos, quizzes and puzzles
The book contains 10 units, making it possible to
complete the course in one school year and giving
teachers the flexibility to progress through the course
at a pace best-suited to the needs of their students
The B 1 Students ' Book is aimed at students who are
working towards one or more of the various B2-
level examinations Students will be using the Bl+
coursebook as part of their exam preparation This
shift in emphasis from the Bl book has been carefully
accommocfated during the writing of the material The
Bl+ coursebook places a strong emphasis on exam
support, whilst not overlooking the fact that many
of the students will still be relatively young The r e is
a strong support element throughout the book so
that students will feel secure rather than intimidated
B2 - level exam tasks are overtly included whilst at the
same time care has been taken to ensure that the skills
emphasis is in no way compromised The Bl+ book also
includes plenty of recycling of previously - learnt material
The Teacher's Book is interleaved to make it easier for
you to instantly see the Students' Book page you are
work i ng on
Trang 5Apart from including suggested procedures for
As well as teaching suggestions, the Teacher's Book
contains detailed answer keys The answer keys include notes explaining the justification for the
answers wherever this is appropriate This is a key feature as it helps students to understand how they should go about certain exercises and where to look for justification for their answer choices Helping them
to develop these skills at this stage will stand them in good stead as they progress towards exams
The Teacher's Book consists of full instructions for each
of the Students' Book activities An element of variation has been incorporated so that the same exercise type
is not necessarily dealt with in exactly the same way every time, though when it best serves the needs of the students there are times when that is the case
Interleaved Teacher's Book
Active Teach (teacher's IWB materials) with extra editable tests
vocabulary, the second two pages focus on grammar
At the back of the Students' Book, there are five 4-page
Use Your English sections Each one consolidates
the language from the relevant two units through B2
v exam-style task types The first two pages focus on
The spread also includes Back up your grammar,
a B2 exam-style grammar consolidation task, and
Chatrooms, which provide the opportunity for oral
activation of the target structures
A dedicated listening section
The section is led by a pre-listening character blog
to set the scene Two different listenings have been
incorporated in the section so as to provide the
students with as many different listening skills as
possible The listening section includes supported B2
exam-style listening tasks and listening skills tips
A dedicated speaking section
A number of speaking opportunities are built in to
every lesson, so as to reinforce this essential skill There
is also a dedicated speaking section in which students
have a chance to develop and practise the various oral
skills they need in the context of supported B~ exam-
style tasks accompanied by skills tips The Language
Upload box provides the students with useful language
A dedicated writing section
Each writing section is based around the ultimate
production of an extended B2-style writing task
Students are carefully guided through the necessary
stages that prepare them for the specific writing task in
each unit There is always a model to refer to and extra
help is provided in the form of a writing plan and the
provision of useful words and phrases in the Memory
Flash feature The Connecting words feature focuses
on useful linking devices and discourse markers The
writing sections throughout the book cover all the
relevant writing task types (letters, emails, reports,
articles, essays, etc.) that are needed for B2 exams
There is a Revision page at the end of every unit This ,
reviews the language and structures from the unit in a
number of different exercises
Trang 6'- ,/'
Get better results! Using the screens and the tools on
the interactive whiteboard makes a huge visual impact;
students often learn better is they can picture what they learn
Using the interactive whiteboard involves students physically by allowing them to move words around on the board; this helps them memorise
Using the interactive whiteboard means you can repeat exercises as many times as you want whenever you want, without this being boring for the students
Repetition helps them learn
Pace your lessons! Working with the whiteboard enables you to work at a fairly fast pace, allowing you
to focus on and spend extra time on what your class really needs time for
Control your students! Because the class is focused,
interested and concentrated you have far fewer classroom management problems
Motivate your students! Students are excited by
working 'physically'; they tend to concentrate better on what is going on because the whiteboard focuses their attention They are more interested in what they are doing and much more enthusiastic, even about things which they would usually consider boring!
- What the interactive whiteboard does for you is to help
you to:
Using the interactive whiteboard
In this Teacher's Book you will find extra notes on most pages to give you ideas for using the Cosmic interactive whiteboard software with the class These are by no means exhaustive and, as you become more proficient
at using both the whiteboard and the software, you will find yourself becoming more and more inventive as you explore this exciting teaching aid
Full audioscripts of the audio material in the listening
tasks are included at the end of this Teacher's Book,
with relevant sections containing the answers
underlined, for easy reference for the busy teacher
There is also a writing model answer for every writing
task This can be used in whatever ways the teacher
feels will be most constructive for the students
There are a number of Extra activities throughout the
notes; these are particularly useful in mixed-ability
classes where there are likely to be a number of fast
finishers There is significant evidence to suggest
that students learn best in a teaching environment
where the differences in learning styles and abilities
are taken into account The selective application
of Extra activities is one way in which this can be
accommodated However, the Extra activities can
also be used as a general supplement to the lessons if
Wherever there are skills tips , the Teacher's Notes
elaborate on these
The Teacher's Book also contains details of the
websites listed in the WebSearch feature
Every reading spread includes background
information relating to the theme of the reading texts
Where appropriate, there are pre-reading and
pre-listening activities, designed to set the scene for
the tasks that follow and prompt the students to think
about the topic
There are specific warm-up activities wherever
appropriate, designed to get the students to think
around the topic and explore ideas
your students might fi~d helpful or interestlnq: /
Trang 7Unit Reading Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Writing
Prepositions, phrasal verbs
Personality: adjectives Word formation: nouns from adjectives with
-ty/-ity, -ence, -tion
Appearance: descriptive nouns and adjectives
Present simple, Present continuous, Stative verbs Articles
Multiple choice True or False
Talking about yourself
Descriptive article
Matching photos with parts of text Multiple choice
Life experiences
Word formation: nouns and verbs
Collocations Time: times of day, expressions with time Dates
Days out
Past simple, Past continuous,
used to / would
Sentence completion Multiple choice
Comparing pictures
Letter to a newspaper
Verb-noun collocations Compound words Adverbs
Verbs: ways of looking, speaking, walking Verbs + prepositions
Present perfect simple, Present perfect continuous Past perfect simple, Past perfect continuous
Dictation Multiple choice
Making a choice
accommodation, activities
The future Future time clauses
Multiple matching Table completion
Making a decision
Useful phrases Phrasal verbs Word formation: suffi xes
-ship, -hood
Adjectives + prepositions Verb antonyms Verbs + prepositions
Modal verbs Past modals
Notes completion Picture multiple choice
Revision 5 page 64
Trang 8Unit Reading Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Writing
Free time
Word formation: verbs
and nouns (-ment, -tion)
Phrasal verbs Hobbies: music, visual arts and crafts Sport
-ing form / to +
infi nitive Infi nitive without
The causative
True / False / Not stated Multiple choice, short extracts
Matching headings to paragraphs Open questions
Gadgets and gadget adjectives
Word formation: verb, noun, adjective Useful phrases Machines, gadgets and inventions Phrasal verbs
Adjectives ending in -y
Extreme adjectives Order of adjectives
wish / if only
Dialogue completion Sentence completion
Information gap
Matching short texts with photos Multiple matching
Word formation: nouns
and adjectives
Collocations Money: verbs, prepositions Clothes: accessories, parts of clothes, adjectives Phrasal verbs
The passive Comparatives and superlatives
Multiple matching Multiple choice
Comparing two pictures
Scanning for information Multiple choice
The great outdoors
Verbs with the prefi x
re-Useful phrases Survival: equipment, weather
Extreme adjectives
Expressions with heart
Reported speech Other reporting verbs
Picture multiple choice
Answer completion
Solving a problem
Open questions Missing sentences
Word formation Dependent prepositions Jobs
Types of programme Phrasal verbs Comedy
Adjectives with -ive
Relative clauses Question tags
so, neither, nor
Multiple matching Multiple choice, short extracts
Making a decision
Revision 10 page 124
Acti viti es and Keys page 125 Use Your English page 128 Word List page 148 Grammar File page 158
Trang 10How would you feel if the thin s in Exercise 2 happened to you Why?
c time as a child _
e make another person's chi d your own child by law _
f time wh n a baby comes out of its mother's b dy _
g s op speaking or writing to someone _
h g t mon y from someone who dies _
1 Y ur rich great-aunt dies and you inherit everything
2 Your best friend mo es to another town and you lose touch
3 There's a new person in your class and the two of you have a lot in common
4 At your birthday party, your mum shows y ur friends a video of yo r birth
5 You trav l back in time and re eat your early chid ood
6 Friends keep saying that you look simiar to your favourite film star
7 You and a iend arri e at a party wearing ide tical clothes
8 Your parents decided to ad pt a baby
Match the underlined words with the definitions below
1 Explain the difference between the following:
a half-brother and a stepbrother
2 a niece and a nephew
4 a sibling and a twin
5 a relative a d an ancestor
7 a first cousin and a second cousin
8 a great-aunt and a great-uncle
9 an only child and a lonely child
Vocabulary Starter
P eople
Hi , guys! Everyone ' s di ff erent, but what makes us who we are?
Who has had t he biggest influence on your life?
ShyBoy27 Logg ~'ih'
l J
Trang 1110 Find the word or phrase in the passage that follows in these word sequences:
none, a few, (paragraph 2 _ possibly, probably, (paragraph 6) _
For que s tion s 9- 7 0 , w rite th e word s
9 Find the word or phrase in the passage which means the same as:
w a t e d very much (paragraph 2 ) _
people you don ' t know (paragraph 3) _
me e tings that h a ven ' t been ar ranged (paragraph 4)
8 Maddy is wor ied that
A boys don't like identical twins D
B her boyfriend might prefer Kathryn D
C Kathryn hasn't got a boyfriend D
For que s tion s 4 - 8 , tick ( ,/) the b ox
4 Maddy and Kathryn are identical twins
True D False D
5 Maddy and Kathryn grew up in similar families
TrueD FalseD
3 Why was Kathryn angry when someone kissed her?
2 Read the article again and answer the questions
When Kathryn was a young child, what aspect of her life did
2 What started happening when she moved house?
When you first read a text, read it quickly to find out
what it is about Don't read every word Read the first
and last paragraphs, and the first sentence of the other
a Life as an only child
1 You are going to read a ma azine article Read the article
quickly and choose the most suitable title
I've got friends who are identical twins It's funny
I usually know which twin
is which, but the teachers don't Sometimes the twins swap lessons and they don't get into trouble for it ! Do you know any twins? Are they identical? Would you like to
be a twin?
Trang 12be an only child? Would you like more siblings?
l ikes the way your sister looks too You definitely don't want
to give him the cha.nee
to work out which one of you he prefers! '
What ' s the best thing about having an identical twin? 'It sounds silly,' says Kathryn, 'but it really helped my self- confidence I used to think that I was too fat, but Maddy is the same size as
me and she looks great
So now I know that my worries about my weight are just in my head '
Later that week, the twin sisters met up for the first time, and since then they have become good friends 'We are doing the same course at university ,' says Kathryn , ' so we see each other almost every day.'
'We get on incredibly well ,' continues Maddy , ' and we have
a lot in common But we've got completely different personalities
I grew up with two older brothers, and I'm probably more outgoing and sociable than Kathryn, and more energetic too! Kathryn's definitely lazier She's always chilling out instead of studying But she's also more generous, and much more sensible than I am.'
I knew nothing about One guy came and gave me a kiss , and I'd never met him in
my life I was really angry!' Kathryn started to realise that there was a girl in Bristol who looked very like her In one of Kathryn ' s strange s encounters on the street , she found out that the girl's name was Maddy She asked for Maddy's email address and soon got in touch It turned out that Maddy had been having similar experiences over the past few months , and that she too had been brought up by adoptive parents They arranged to exchange photos by email Neither of them could believe what they saw when they opened the photos on their computers The two girls looked absolutely identical: the same green eyes, the same long dark hair , the same smile They were even holding their heads in exactly the same position in the photos !
Kathryn Greet grew up as an only child in the north of England 'I had a happy childhood,' she says, 'but I always longed for a brother or sister I had several pets , but it wasn ' t the same I was adopted at birth, and I sometimes wondered if my genetic parents had had any other children I dreamed that I would meet them one day '
In many ways , only children are lucky s Compared to children with siblings, they get more attention from their parents , more presents , more help with homework , more space to themsel v es
But for some, life as an only child can be very lonely
Trang 13S Make a list of other personality adjectives that you know
2 isn't easily scared is
3 always supports his her friend is
4 dreams of perfect love is
5 doesn't often talk about his/her abilities and achievements is
6 enjoys meeting and talking to people is
7 wants to get an important job is
8 is careful to avoid danger and risk is
9 gives a lot of presents is
10 is very active and full of energy is
11 behaves and speaks in the correct way and is never rude is
12 isn't kind is
13 gets upset easily is
14 always tells the truth is
15 shows good judgement is
Someone who:
outgoing energetic loyal polite romantic modest brave moody sensible cautious mean naughty generous ambitious honest
4 Complete the crossword with adjectives from the box
7 get information about something _
3 Match the phrasal verbs from Exercise 2 with these
Cha r lie Murp h y grew 1 on the same street
as me We were best fr i ends until Charlie ' s mum
married someone from I reland and they dec i ded
to bring 2 Charlie there We we r en ' t very
good at emailing, so we lost touch
later I tried to find 3 what hod happened to C h a r lie , but I cou l dn ' t The r e were
a l ot of peop l e called Charl i e Murphy i n Ireland
and I couldn't work 4 wh i ch one he was
Then, lost yea r, I w ent o n ho lid ay to Ir e l and wi t h
my fam i ly , and I s ow a b i g post er for o new lV
show Charl i e was i n the poster ! It turned 5 -
that he was a b i g star i n I r e l and I sent h i m an
email , and soon after that we met 6 -
• After all those years, we still got on really we ll Now
Charl i e hos moved bock to England and we see
each other every week He ' s o great person to
6 T night Im going to see my new baby brother
_ the first time
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences
Trang 14Morepracticeon~s 128 129 •·
wrinkles a tattoo a beard
a moustache freckles a scar make-up
9 Where on the body do yo u fi nd these th i ng s ? Do you think any of them are att r ac t ive? Which ones?
1 means thin in a good way?
2 mean thin in a bad way?
3 is a more po l te way to say fat?
4 is u s u a l ly on l y used to desc r ibe men an d b oys?
5 is usu lly only used to describe women and gi rl s?
6 mean a lit le bit curly?
7 means not Jong and not short?
12 Descr i be t h ese people
cheek eyebrow chin forehead nose lip fringe ponytail
8 Match th e words w it h t h e pa r ts o f the fac e
7 Decide which of the nouns in Exercise 6 are qualities ,
wh i ch are faults and which are neu tr a l
slim wavy elderly pale straight c rly middle-aged teenage wel l- buit blond pretty shoulder-length tanned dark overweight skinny good-looking ugly handsome fair s ik cute
10 Complete the table with these words You can write some words twice
noun adjective
- Word formation: nouns from adjectives 6 Complete the table
Trang 15(chose) for an exchange
programme to Canada!
The grandkids say the Internet has made t h e world a sma ll er place , but I'm not s o sure
in Year Nine
Mum: Th a t 's a good id ea ! B u t do n' t wo r ry You
• ( h ave) l ots of friends i n Eng l and , and yo u' l l be back here soon
Mark: But New York is great i n l ots of ways
de fi nitely 5 (prefe r ) th e wea th e r
h ere It 6 (s no w) a t th e m o m en t
A lo t o f New Yorkers '- - - (no t l ike)
t h e wi nt er, but I 8 ( think ) t h is cold wea th e r i s wo n derful
Mum : Oh, I 9 (n ot ag r ee) w i t h you Warm weather is so m u c h n i cer In fact, at t h e moment we 1 0 ( try) to orga n ise a winter holiday to Tunisia
Mark: I t's O K, but I ' - (not know) enough peo pl e here I' - (think) o f joining
a basketbal l cl u b so t h a t I ca n m ake some new friends
Mum: He ll o , Ma r k It ' s great t o hear yo u r voice ' - (yo u I have) a goo d t im e i n
N ew York?
I've got relatives all over the world My half-
New York this year, but he's coming home after
Christmas Mum will be happy when he's back
(phone never) us
up in Australia and my grandparents
(live still) over there
Flights from Australia to Britain
( take) at least twenty-
hundreds of pounds, so we' - -
(not see) each other very often
I've also got relatives in Canada I
(study) really hard
at the moment because every year the top
Mark: Mum! Hi ! I t ' s Mark
4 Complete the phone conversat i on w i th the present simple or present continuou s
2 Complete the te xt w i th the p r e s ent si mp l e or present
continuous , act iv e or p a ss i ve
o See Grammar File, pages 158 - 159
$ee Grammar File , page 158
I'm thinking of learning Frenc h
I think she's cool
(have = eat) 's ta ti ve verb I ord i nary verb ( think= believe )
•s ta ti ve verb I o r d i nary ve r b ( think = consider )
5 stative verb I ordinary verb
I'm having l u c h
Present simple
a regular action or habit' -
a permanent situation o r general truth ' -
a We ' re doing the same co u rse at u n iversity
b A class is he l d every morning
c We see eac h other a l most e v r y day
d She 's a l ways c h i ling out in s tead of studying
e On l y children get more attent i on from their parents
f They are be i ng photographed for the magazine
g T hey ' re h olding their he a ds in the same posit i on
Stative verbs include:
agree , be , believe , like , love , hate, have , hear, imagine ,
know , mean , need , own , prefer , pro m ise , rea l ise ,
remember , see , u d e r stan d, w a nt
We usua ll y u se stative verbs in t h e ' pre se nt simple I pr e sent c ont i nuous, even whe n they are describing a temporary situat i on
I don ' t understand the question
I love your hair today
Some wo r ds ca n b e s t ati v e v r bs wi th o e
m eani n g an d ordinary ve r bs w i t h a n other meaning
I have a new watch ( have = posses s)
's tative verb I ord i nary verb
3 Read the grammar not e s and circle the
co rr ect options
Present simple and Present continuous
1 Match the e x ample s ( a - ) wi t h the forms and uses in th e
g r ammar no t es
Trang 16More practice on pages 130 131
Hi Ed, Thanks for 1 your email It was nice to hear fromyoul
I had 2 interesting day yesterday My dog
3 Bi.ggles loves digging in 4 garden, and yesterday he dug up 6 big pile of earth
I W BB looking ate pile when I saw 7 _ ring! It turns out that 8 ring had been my · great-great-grandmother's She gave it to my grandmother and she lost it 9 ten years ago
My great-great-grandfather WBB 10 King's
11 doctor and my great-grandmother WBB
12 politician!
Come and visit in 13 summer We can meet
in 14 centre of 16 London and see
1 6 sights Would you like to go for 1 7 _ walk next to 18 River Thames?
Write soonl Love Jess
See Grammar File, page 159 ')
7 Egyp t i s Afr ica
A a l o ng tim e a t C long tim e at th e
B the long t ime at D a lon g t i me a t t h e
6 I gener os i t y is a v er y i m po rt a nt q ual ity in people
a/an+ singular countable noun
t o t a l k abo u t something or someone th at is n o t
s pe cific, or one of m an y , or m e tio n e d for t h e fir s t m e
(See examples J
the +countable, uncountable or plural noun
• t o ta l k a b u t somet hi ng or someone th a t is s p eci fi c,
u iq ue, men t ioned before, or w i th s u per l atives
(See examples J
no article+ uncountable or plural noun
• t o t a l k abo u t t h ings or peop l e in gene r a l
A t h e last day i n the C las t d ay.i n
B a d ay in the D t h e last day in
3 S h e It a l ia bo y in her cl ass
C sm i ng
A smiles Loo k ! T h at gi rl a t yo u!
7 Choose t he correct word or phrase , A, B , C or D to complete the sentence s
a Ch i ldren without sibl i ngs are lucky
I love music
We both li ke e a ti g c ho co la t e
b I alwa y s l onged for a bro th er or sister
There was a girl in Bris t o l who looke d very l ike K a t hr y
c L ater that week, t h e twin s i s ers met up
W h at's t he best thing abo ut it
Th e g i rl 's name was Maddy
T h e music at the concert was lo v ly
Back up your grammar
5 Match the r ules i n the grammar not e s w i th the groups of examples , , band c
Trang 17Tom is e x pl ai n i ng ho w w e inherit our char a ct e r from our par e nts 0
2 Th e re are a lot of politician s who are e ldest childr e 0
3 Eld st ch i ldren hate making mi s take s 0
4 Th e second child i s usually th e naughti es t member
of the family 0
5 Second children ar e often comp titive 0
6 Middle children often think they'r e very lucky 0
7 A lot of s cientist s ar e middle children 0
8 Youngest child re n u s ually choo se v r y se riou s,
r es pon s ibl jobs 0
9 Only childr e n u s ually help their parent s a lot a t hom e 0
10 A lot of only children are v ry creativ e 0
· listening 2
@ 2 You are going to hear a radio interview with Tom Bevan, who is talking about his research Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F)
6 Wha t doe s Ethan think of K a tie' s idea s about st ar sign s?
A He wa nt s to learn more a bout th e m
B H e do e sn't b e lev e them
C He think s they will ma ke h r unhappy
D He think s they'r e true
7 Eth a n w a nt s to
A get in tou h with R e becca
B find o ut wh e n Reb e cc a ' s b i rthday i s
C keep talking to Kati e
5 Katie knows about sta s igns from
A a boo k tha t sh e got for her birthday
B her friend Jas mine' s book
C Kyle and Liam
D a book from the librar y
C C a pricorn
D Sagitta r ius
B She 's got da r k ha i r D She wears glasse s
3 Ethan and Rebecca don ' t like the same
Where was Ethan last night ?
A at Sam and Ma x 's house c a t p a rty
B at his girlfriend's house D with Katie
2 What does Rebecca look like?
Read the questions carefully before you listen , and
under li ne the key words
Listening 1
@ 1 Listen to this conversation and circl the correct
you read your horoscope?
Do you think your star sign has any influence on your
My cousin's really into star signs and reads her horoscope every day I wonder if any of it's true
Trang 1813
I go to the city centre 9 every week I about once a month I three times a year
We sometimes go 10 clothes shopping I to a cafe for a chat I to the cinema
I m really into 1 1 football I video games I dancing Free time
It (only) ta es me five minutes to walk to 5 the shops I the sta t ion I t h e bus stop I school
A lot of m 6 friends I relatives live nearb There's (not) a lot to do in the area
It would be good if there were more 7 shops I sports facilities I restaurants
It would be good if there was 8 a cinema I a bowling alley I a school nearb
, ,., Your local area
I live in 1 a flat I a house
My home has got 2 three bedrooms I a balcony I a garden
It's on 3 the ground floo r I the first floor I the top floor It's in 4 the city centre I a quiet residential area I a town I a village I the
Your home (See pages 5, 8 and 9.)
Could you tell me something ab ut ?
C uld you describe to me?
What do you like about ?
Is there anything you'd like to change about ? How often do you go to ?
What (else) do you like d ing in your free time?
• Language Upload
Mum, it'll only take me five minutes to install this new software My friend Jason and
I are really into a new game rll do my homework later
r Speaking Tip:
talkir:ig about yourself
Try not to give one-word answers
If you don ' t understand a question, say calmly : Sorry
Please could you repeat the question?
3 Work with a partner T ke turns being the interviewer and giving information about yourself Talk about these things:
• your family
• your home
• your local area
• free time
@ 2 Listen to the conversation
Underline the words in b lue
in the Language Upload box that you hear
Talking about yourself
1 How well do you know your classmates? Tell a partn r two true sentences and one false sentence about yourself Your partner has to ask questions and work out which sentence is false
Trang 19v
hard work Say what i nfluence he / she has had on me
Paragraph 4
honest Describe h is / her persona li ty
Paragraph 3
face: big grey , nice smile, red , kind brown , big grey _ hair : not mu c h
body : tall, _ age: an old man (but very energetic)
Descr i be hi s her appearan c e
4 Complete Jason 's plan for his article
3 Now complete the gaps with a suitable wo r d or phrase
uni t w i ll you fin d us e ful
v c ab ul ary for th e a r t icl e?
Write about someone who
on your life Descr i be t h e
pe r son ' s appeara nc e an d
p er s onali ty , a n d ex pla i n the
i n fl u nce that he o r she has
to become 7 profess i onal basketball player Because of my grandfather , I have the conf i dence to ach i e e that a m b i t i on
I lo v e sport , a d one of the ma i n
reas o ns fo r t hat is my gr a d f athe r
H e c ome s to ev e ry t ennis and bas k etball match that I play in
a d he always shouts words of encouragement He ' s 1 _
wonderful person, and he has had a huge influence on my life
Whe n y ou fi rst see 2 _
grandfa th er , you o nly n ot i ce one
th i n : his m o us tache It ' s bi a d
grey , an d c overs ha lf h is fa c He ' s
go t a n ic e smile , red chee k s and
k ind brown eyes He hasn ' t 3 _
much hair , but his eyebrows are big and grey and move a lot whe n
he talks 4 tall a n d well -
b uilt He ' s 5 old man , but
w hen he ' s playing sport with me he
see m s l i ke a t e enage r because h ' s
1 Read the writing task and
answer the quest i on s
B efo re you wr i te
Trang 20W hen you first see m
g r andfa t her, you only notice one thing: h i s : H e's g ot a nic e s m ie
• When he , h e s eem s/
• doe s n't se em
H e's a wonderful person
H e has had a huge influence on my li f e
Describing appearance Introducing the person
P op le don ' t think I ' m good at things because I ' m very m o dest
/3ecavre of my moderry, people don't think I'm 9ood atthin9r
2 Thanks to my stepmother ' s generosity , I can buy a new MP 3 player
B eca us e my ste p m o t h er _
3 We k n ow wh at h appened to the mo n ey beca u se you were honest
4 I m impatient because I stay up too l ate at night
M y late nig h ts a r e t he reason _
6 Rew r ite the sentences using the connect i ng words from Exercise 5
8 You a r e go i ng to do the wr i ting task in Exercise 1
Choo s e a person to writ e about then make a plan for your article us i ng the plan opposite to help you Time to write
S a t i me wh en you we r e ver y l ate fo r so meth i ng
4 a time w h en you were very an g ry
3 an ac hi ev em e t i n a h ob by o r spo r t
noun + is the reason for + noun
M y grandfather's encouragement is the reason for m y successful sporti n g caree r
because + clause
I 'm i nterested in sport be c au s e my grandfather has always encouraged me
because of I thanks to + noun Because of my gra n dfather's encou r agement,
I 'm quite a co n f i dent person
Thanks to m y gra n dfather's encouragement, I've won lots of matches
1 , , J
7 Wr i t e s e ntences about the following, and the reasons for them Use the connecting words from Exercise 5
a fantastic day
Lart Saturday war fantaftic becavre I war with my
bertfriendr all day
2 your results in a test
5 Find some e x amples of these connect i ng words in Jason ' s article
I j
Trang 21" about you?
If you are 1 of buying a pet , be warned! People can find out a lot about your personality from your choice of pet
2 you have a cute lttl e dog t hat g oes with you eve r ywhere? 3 he sitting
in your bag at this moment? T hen you a r e a
k ind a d genero u s pe r so n, a nd a r e p ro b a b ly
in t eres t ed in fashion II , however , you
• 4 a larger dog , this shows that you : a re e n ergetic a n d out g o ing
; P e r haps you have a cat 5 home I s it : 6 on your bed now , waiting for you?
: hen you a re t h ar d -work in a d : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : loyal person
Ow n ers of reptiles like s n akes and liza r ds don ' t like t o be 8 - same a s others T hey see themselves as b r ave a n d independe n t
If goldfish are your thing , that may be because you 9 a cautious
pe rson who likes routine T ropical fish , however, tell a different sto r y
T h ey s h ow tha t you are romantic a n d 10 adve n tu r e
4 Complete the gaps with a , an or the Leave the gap empty if no article is needed
fact , sh e ' s 4 be s t friend I ' v e ever had 5 _
la s t year , our familie s we nt to 6 Wales on ' - holiday together She ' s got 8 little broth e r He ' s • very energet i c boy He can cycle 10 hundred kilometr e s in one day! We had 11 pool , and spent " - hours in i t every d a y
S Complete each gap with a suitable word
o coff ee
h mework Can you h lp me?
to Jack ' s ?
B: Y s it ' s ea sy My grandpar e nt s _ ( live ) on the same street
5 A: You ( not drink ) anyth i ng I ' ve got s om e j uic e , if you like
B: Y es pl e ase I ~ - - -( prefer ) juice to tea
the party?
people here
in Manchester
3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the present simple
6 I can ' t how I know you
7 He ' s got a lot of wr i nkle s on his -·
4 Sh ' s got long blond ha ir that she wear s i n a
2 He i s n ' t skinny He 's and v e ry handsome
2 Choose the correct word, A , B, C or D to complete
the sentences
4 Why are you so ? Ju s t w a it - I l b e
inherit it from our parents ? SELF - CONFIDENT
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
word in capitals
She paints beau t iful pictures , a nd s h ' s a w ri t er too
2 He ' s thirteen , but h e loo ks and behave s much old e r
Trang 22• Have you ex pe r ienced any o f the even t s i n t h e phot os?
What w ere they like?
5 My stepbrothe r Char l ie's gett i ng married!
after that they will be officia ll y married
D making y our face go red when y ou t hink a b out it
D very unusua l or surprising
D v ery i mpressive and exciting to look at
D liked by a lot of people
D very intere s ting
D diffi c ult in an i ntere s ting way
D too painfu l or di ffi cu lt
D providing u seful or i nter e sting information
D making you w ant to ach i eve something , eve n if
Wh ich clue ? N mb er th e clues t o t h e adjectives crossword below
different language
2 People usua ll y get ma r ried in t h eir twe n ties or
3 In Eng l and two thousand year s ago, the r e wer e
cultu r e a do l es c n ts tri bes cerem on y tr ad i ti o n wedding
Trang 23B They are full of wasps
C T ey cau s e a great deal of pain
D Only ov e r 18 s a re allow e d to w e ar them
6 What happ e n e d to Mar i whi e h e was wearing the gloves ?
A The gloves permanently damaged his hands
B Hi s uncle took away his pain
c;; He screamed and screamed
D His brother tried to help him
7 What are Mari 's intention s for the future?
A To wear the gloves many more times
B To go on a journey
C To wear th e glov es for three hours
D To find other ways to prove that he ' s grown u
Which se nten ce abou t la nd d i v i ng is corr e ct?
A It is a newer sport than bung ee jumping
B It is done to make sure there is e nou g h food on the island
C It isn ' t very dang e rous
D It is import a nt th a t the s houlder s don ' t touch the ground
2 Why wa s David ' s mother holding a toy car ?
A B c use she planned to giv it to David after his jump
B Becau s e s he u se d to like playing with it
C Becaus e ca r i s the symbol of becoming an a dult
D Becau s e s he plann e d to thro w i t a w ay a ft er his jump
3 Why did David decide to jump?
A Because thi s allowed him to become a man
B Becau s e hi s mother could see him
C Bec a use he w a nt e d to b e inj u r e
D Becau s e he knew that he wouldn ' t be seriously injured
4 Since jumping , how ha s life c hanged for Dav i d?
A Ev e ryone now sees h i m a s an adult
B He i s more interested in girls
C H e i s more attractive to the oppos i te se x
D H e i s no longe r i nterested in toys
First read the text Then read the questions, but
not the multiple-choice answers
Find the relevant part of the text
Read the multiple-choice answers and choose the
best one
2 Read the article again and choose the best answer,
A, B,CorD
1 You are going to read an article about teenage
ceremonies Read the article quickly and find out
where the photos were taken and what they show
in different cultures
There are some really weird traditions! Are there any traditional ceremonies for children and young people
country? What
in them?
Trang 24• What do you think of the ceremonies described in the article? Would you be interested in taking part?
• When do people officially become adults in your country? Do they have to behave differently after that?
What are they allowed to do that they can't do before?
1 gave people an idea (paragraph 1) -
2 plants grown for food (paragraph 2) -
3 someone who isn't brave (paragraph 2) -
4 felt so scared that it was impossible to think clearly (paragraph 4) -
5 purple or brown marks on the skin, caused by falling
or being hit (paragraph 5) -
6 a small piece of metal that comes out of a gun (paragraph 6) -
7 a yellow and black insect that stings (paragraph 6)
Becoming an acult is never easy
'Can't you see that I'm not a child any more? What do I have to do to prove 7 Fourteen-year-old Mari recently that I've grown up?' It's a question that is asked time after time by teenagers went through this extraordinary around the world, and in every culture there's a different answer ceremony 'All my family was there
1 For David, growing up on Pentecost Every year someone would get an advice: he remembers 'I had to keep Island in the South Pacific, the answer injury For a second, I panicked I the gloves on for ten minutes The had always been clear He had to thought about changing my mind pain was unbearable and I wanted become a land diver Land diving is a but you can't become a proper man to scream, but that wasn't allowed It tradition on Pentecost Island which without being a land diver: was important not to make ' a noise inspired the better known sport 5 David jumped While the people in front of the rest of the tribe I was
however, is much more dangerous and singing, he fell head-first to the older brother because I couldn't stand
2 Every year at a ceremony called ground Luckily, he landed safely and on my own My brother was saying Naghol, the men of the island jump walked away with just a few bruises encouraging things in my ear, but off towers thirty metres tall, with long And does he feel like a man now? I wasn't listening The pain was too vines, not elastic, tied to their feet 'Well, I certainly feel more mature: great When the gloves were taken off,
A perfect jump is one in which the he smiles 'And the girls in my village the pain didn't stop The next three shoulders land gently on the ground are much more interested in me than hours were the worst of my life My
is too short and the jumper's fall is 6 The people of Pentecost Island are was fine :
stopped before the shoulders touch not alone in giving their adolescents 8 So, is Mari now seen as an adult the ground, the jumper is considered a dangerous, painful or challenging by the rest of his tribe? 'Not yet: says
a coward If the vine is too long, the task to prove their maturity In Mari with an uncomfortable smile result can be serious injury or death the Amazon, the teenage boys of 'I have to put on the bullet ant gloves
As David climbed the tower, his the Satere Mawe tribe have to go twenty times in total I don't think I'll mother watched from below She was through the terrib l e pain of the glove ever get used to that pain, but it's still holding a toy car that he used to play ceremony A pair of big ceremonial worth it After the twentieth time I'll with when he was younger After a gloves are filled with 400 highly be a man:
boy's first land dive, his favourite toy poisonous bullet ants Bullet ants have
is thrown away to show that he is no their name for a reason: a sting from 9 Becoming an adult is rarely an easy
'Before my jump, I felt very feels like a gun shot It causes thirty than in others What would you do to nervous: remembers fourteen-year- times the pain of a wasp sting prove you've grown up?
o l d David 'As a child, I always used
to watch the land divers at Naghol
Trang 25G
a sometimes _
b time passes quickly _
c at t h e rig h t time _
d l ess than thirty-five h ours pe r week _
e more than thirty-five hou r s per week _
f ear l y eno u g h to do so m e thin g _
g time when you a r e no t working _
h t h ere's no m or e t ime _
5 R ea d t he se n tenc es and match exp r ess i ons 1 - 8 with
de fi iti ons a - h
They a l ways get up on time
2 We arrived just in time to see the start of the fil m
3 You ' ve been studying for h u rs Take some time off
4 I 'm st ud yi n g full time at the moment
5 N ex t year she wants to work part time i n
a restaurant
6 Oh no! It's six o'clock already How t i me flies !
7 I e n joy go i ng to the cinema from t i me to time
8 Time 's up ! T hat's th e end of the exam
Expressions with time
wha t yo u a re usu ally do i ng at ea c h t ime
a twelve o'clock - also ca ll ed 'm i dday'
b the time when the sun disappears in t h e e v nin g
c the time of evening when it starts to get dark
d the time when the sun first appears in the morning
e t h e ti me of day w h n li g h t first appears
f twelve o'clock, the middle o f the n i ght
A choice B decision C thought D mind
6 T he y don't e n joy p l aying wit h t oys more
A for B now C a n y D at
7 We ' ve been to the rainforest seven times _
t o ta l
3 Choose t he bes t w o r d to comple t e t he s en tences
Then look back a t the t e xt on p a ge 19 t o c h ec k
S he d ived head- into the swimming pool
A d ow n B first C ways D forwa r d
2 I sugges t you bring a of gloves with you
A coup l e B pair C double D two
3 H ave you got any cream to p ut on a wasp ?
A bite B sting C injury D hurt
4 I do n ' t li ke tr ave ll ing on
A myself B own C my own D alone
5 S orry, I 'm not coming after all I've changed my
2 Comple t e the se nt ences wi t h a w ord fr om Ex ercise 1
If you jump from too high, you might _ your legs
2 I told you not to do it, but you never listen to
3 The of the town has been very fast I t was
o nl y a small vil l age ten years ago
4 We've found some of his hair in the room We ' ve
now got t h at he was there
5 P l ease don't_ · ! Put the gun down before you
do something that you'll regret!
6 Yo u r fantast i c score in the test is a of all
yo u r hard work this term
7 Sports injuries can sometimes h ea l t h
prob l ems i n l ater l i fe
8 Let's off the boat and into the sea
Word formation: nouns and verbs
1 Comp l e t e the t a ble Yo u ca n fin d t he w o r ds i n the
Trang 2621
Wha t p l a es do you l ke go in g to on a day ou t w i t h your friends r family? What p l aces do you h a t e going to? Give reasons
10 Explain the d i fference between the following:
1 a zoo and a safari park
2 a fire and firework s
3 a picnic a n d a meal out
Days out
9 Match t he words with the places 1 - 12
7 Put t hese time s in the past into t h e correct order
b in the early twentieth century D
c t h e day b fore y sterday D
d in pre istoric times D
e in the first millennium BC D
h the year before last D
in the Middle Ages D
8 Match th e s e events to times from Exercise 7 Then writ e your own sentences for the remain i ng t h r ee
t i mes in your notebook
you ' re having fun!
6 She see h i m , b t not very o f e
to fi ish
2 The train didn't leave the station _
It was ten minutes late
3 They took some last week and had
a rela in day on the beach
4 He works so he goes to wo r k three days a week
5 I can ' t believe it's so late! wh n
, I m afraid Did you ma n age
Ex e rcise 5
Trang 27The next few minutes were terrible
Kate 9 (cry) and her dad 10 {sh o ut) at
me I felt really bad Eventually, though,
borrowed) from Kate's cousin, and we could drive to the Prom By the time we finally 12 (arrive), all our friends 13 (have) dinner They w ere very pleased to see us
- even if we were three hours late!
2 Complete different people's memories below with the past
simple or past cont i nuous , act i ve or passive
See Grammar File , page 160
Past continuous
• an act i on in progr ess a t a p a rticul a r ti me i n the past
At the time of David's jump , his mother 5 (hold) a toy car
• two action s in proqre ss at th e s m tim e in the p a st
My brother " (s ay ) encouraging things in my ear , but I
( not listen )
• a n unfin is he d a c ti on i nterrupt ed b y a s ho r t ac t i on
While 18 ( stand ) there , I panicked for a second
• t h e b ac k g round i n fo rm a tion i n a s tory
The people down below 9 (play ) drums and singing
David jumped
P as t co n t inu o u s passive: I was being held up by my uncle
R m e mb e r! Stati ve ve rb s cannot b e u se d in th e past continuou s
But then - disaster! As we
in the path I 7 (fall),
Kate would never forget her Prom night
In past years , David always' - - ( have ) fun at Naghol
• a situat i on in th e pa s t
I 4 ( feel) very nervous
Pa s t si mpl e p assi v e: The gloves were taken off
Past simple
a completed act i on a t a s p cific tim e i n t he pa s t
I ' ( go ) to Pentecost Island last year
a se qu e nce of c o m p le t e d a ct i on s in th e p as t
He landed safely and 2 ( walk ) away
• a p a st h a bit or r e gu lar past e v en t
3 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous , active or passive
Past simple and Past continuous
1 Read the grammar notes and complete the gaps
Trang 285 Th e fir st fi l m s wi th s ound wer e ma de in t h e l a t e
1 92 0 s T ey a m aze d t h eir a ud i e ces, w h o _
t o s ent fil ms
A u sed C g t u s ed
B wo u l d D were u se d
6 Th e fi rst Disney film, Snow Whi t e , was rel ease d i n
1938 Did y o u enjoy watchi n g D n y fil s
4 T he firs t film makers ar r ived i n H o l ywoo d in 1 9 1 0,
an d t h ey soon to the friendly people a nd
th e lon g s un ny days
_, , -, , _~~~ ,.-~~ - -~ , _-~-~ ~-~-~ M ,~ o - _ p ~ ~ cti ~ · ceol\pages 130 - 131
• W h at w e r e y o r f av ou rit e film s a nd T V s how s w hen you we r e littl e? Wh a t di d y ou use to e nj oy m os t abo u t t h em ?
• Ta lk a bout a b ig a n d ex citin g c h a ng e in your li e
Wha t w a s l if e li k e for you befo r e a n d after t h at
C w o l d
D u s e t o
A was use d to
B u se d to
3 New Yo r k b e th e ce ntre o f t h e A m e ric a n
film i ndu s r y back th en
is now a famous Hollywood actor, star of the latest
Indiana Jones and Transformers films,
show business career at the age of ten, telling jokes in comedy dubs
Every weekend he 2 go surfing One
of his surfing friends always used 3 _ have cool stuff - new games consoles, new shoes, new watches Shia 4 not have any of these things, and he was jealous He found out that his friend acted in a TV show and Shia decided to try something similar
A few days later he walked into an agent's office, and before long he 5 chosen to be the star
of the Disney TV show Even Stevens It was challenging
at first because he wasn't 6 to the long working days When he 7 filming, he hardly saw his parents But he soon 8 _ used to it
D di d ' t use
B got u se d t o
S Choo se the best w o rd or ph rase , A , B , C o D to
comple t e the se nten ces
R i ch A mericans li ving in t h e nort h of th e U S A
_ to like t h eir cold wi n te r s
A didn ' t u se C wasn't used
B wo ul d 't D didn't used
2 Some of them come and spend t he wi n ter
in a small Californian v i ll age ca ll ed Hollywood
See Grammar File , pages 160 - 161
used to+ infinitive
be used to + -ing form
• to sa y t h t somet h i n g is n o lo n ger stra n ge beca u se
we h ave ex er i enced it so often
I 'm used to seeing enormous insects I've li ved in the
rainforest for years
ge t used to mean become used to
I' ll never get u s ed to that pain
6 Read t he text Complete each gap with one suitable word Don ' t forget to read t he whol e text before you
c omplete the gaps
Trang 29B No , because th e w h eel w a s n 't safe
C N o , beca u se Emma a nd h e r moth e r w e r e n ' t well
A rid e on a b i g w h ee l
B vi s it r e l a tiv es in London
c buy ti c e t s t o a conc e rt
2 A a n gry B em b a rr asse d c exc ited
Look at the possible answers before you listen, and try to guess what sort of question it might
be: What ? How ? Who ? Why ? or a
to t he conv er sation and th e q e s tions , then c hoo se the best
an s wer s, A, B or C
Read the sentences before you listen and try
to guess what kind of information is missing: a
person's name, a place name , a date ?
Listening 1
@) 1 Y u a r e go i ng t o h ar a r a i o prog ra mm e de scr i b ing
th e fir s t moments of th e t wen t y - fi r st century Li st e n
and complete the s enten c es
I'm really looking forward
to New Year's Eve I'm going to a friend's house
to celebrate At midnight, they're going to have a fireworks display in the
What do you usually do at
Trang 30I
I 'd d fin itely rather go to
beca u se I'm not too keen on
b eca u se I ' v e ne v er b een to a p ar t y l ik e th a t b e for e
I'm guessing it's 's b i rthda y
I d o n ' t thi n k i t 's 's b i r thd ay
It 's p ro b ably 's b i rt h day
Both the pictures are of
In one picture, In the other (picture),
In the first p i ct ur e, In th e seco n d (pict ur e),
Talking about similarities and differences
The picture shows The people in the picture look happy
They seem to be having a great time
In t h e top lef t hand corner there's
A t the bottom of the picture yo u can see Describing a picture
Read the task carefully before you start spe a king
Make sure you cover all parts of the task
You have to speak for about one minute
T hink about the similarities and differences in:
the people, the place, what they are doing, how they feel
Compare these two photos of birthday celebrations
would you prefer to go to , and why?
4 Now read t h e task in Exerci s e 2 again and take i t in turns to c ompare photos A and D and B and C Use the Language Upload box to help you
3 Listen again and comple t e t he table
Comparing pictures
1 What makes a birthday fun? Work w ith a partner and try to agree on the th r ee most i m po rt an t thing s '
a b ei n g with yo u r best frie n ds
e h av i ng a big party
@ 2 Look at these photos of different birthday ·
c elebrations Listen t o a person do i ng the task below and decide which tw o photo s she is talk i ng abou t
Trang 31contain?
W rite a l ette r to t h e e d ito r of th e
The Daily Ti;;,s
Best London Museum
The Dail ~ Times is sponsoring
a compeuuon to find the best
museum in London We want
readers to tell us about their
favourite museum and explain
Its appeal Please send your
nomination to the editor
Writing: Letter to a
Before you w r ite
1 Read the newspaper extr a t a nd
the task below Then ans wer the
quest i ons
Trang 32Remember to use formal language, especially when you close your letter Use Yours faithfully if
you don't know the name of the person you are writing to, and Yours sincerely if you use their
7 Now write your letter ( 140 - 180 words ) Use the Memory Flash and the Connecting words box to help you
Wri t e a letter to the e itor o f t he D a il y Ti m es Na m e you r
fa vo uri t e p l a ce fo r a day o u t i n y o ur l oca l area D es cr i be
y o u ex p r ie n ce ( s t here S ta rt y ur l ett e 'D ea r Editor '
Saying what was good about a place
Opening a formal letter
1 s u m up , it's a fantastic film in every way
2 co n cl u s i o , my visi t t o the muse um was
one o f the worst e x perience s of my life
3 All · considered, I won ' t be going back to t h e
bowl in g a ll ey soo n
4 i n all, th e new safari park is superb for all
t he family
teache r I'd ever h a d
6 s h r , the pe r formance co ul d h a ve
been better
5 Complete the gaps with one su i tabl e word
To sum up, it's a p lace that ev er yo n e can
To conclude, I wasn' t imp r essed by the boo k
4 Which of the ph r ases in bold can you find in
Rick ' s letter?
The Daily Times
Best Days Out Website
The Daily Times is cr eating a new website covering the best places for days out in your region We want readers to te ll
us about their favourite place for
a day o ut and ex p lain i ts appea l
P l ease send your nomina t ion to the editor
6 Read the writing task below Then make a plan for your letter , us i ng the plan opposite to help you Time to write
Trang 33_ to the cinema last night?
2 This hot weather i s becoming normal for us
We a r e this hot weather
3 She met some nice people d u ring he r v isit
to Norway
wh il e She met some nice people _ visiting Norway
4 It still feels weird living in my new house
us ed I'm still living in my
Were you at the cinema last night?
S Complete the second sente n ce so th a t it h as a s im ilar meaning to the first sentence, using t he w o r d gi ve n
Use between two and five w o rds
( wat c h) the fir ew orks , Pogo _ _ _ _ ( run ) a w ay beca u s e the
_ _ _ _ ( ook) for him for ages
4 Comp l ete t h e text with the past simple o r past continuous
6 When she started running again, the _
in her self - confidence was amazing GROW
7 Milly ' s extraordinary success is that a book can change lives PROVE
5 While she was resting , she read a very _
book about sport psychology INFORMATION
Whenever there ' s daylight , he ' s work i ng
3 Comp l ete th e t e xt wi t h the correct form of the word
4 When she hurt her foot , her doctor _
her to stop running for three months
B Maybe, but you can get more into a football
B Twelve midnight or twelve _
B Oh , sorry I've changed my - · I ' m going to the ice with Ellie instead
1 Circle a word or phrase in the second sentence so that
it has a similar meaning to the first sentence
I don ' t have to study during the school holidays
I can have some par t t im e I time off I time up during the school holidays
2 I really hate this :
This is un b ear able I brillia n t I sp e ctacular
3 In European culture, few people get married
as teenagers There aren't many weddings between a do lesc en ts I
tri bes I pa irs in European culture
4 He was born in 1998
He was born in the e a rly 19 9 0s I
in th e 1 9th ce n t ury I m ore than a decade ago
S I was bored by the TV show
The TV show was fascinating I dull /painful
6 I was late, so I d i dn ' t see the first part of the concert
I didn't arrive in I on I from time to see the first part
of the concert
7 Everyone liked the ceremony
The ceremony was relaxing I challenging I
popula r
2 C omple t e each mini-dialogue with a suitable word
A You said you ' d come to that new art _ with me today
Trang 34• Ta l k about one of your favour i te sto r ies: m ention
t he type of s ory , settin , c aracters an d p l ot
• If you were writing stories based on t h e sentences in Exercise 3 , what type of story would you choose for each o e?
I ta l ian teena g e rs Romeo an d Juli et Fact)
g o t ma rr d in s c re t b e a s e t h ei r F t fl\
fami l e s h ted e ac h ot h r ic 10\. ;
T he fir s t two types of cr e ature
t h at tra v ll ed from our planet i nt o
s ace were flie s a nd monkey s
All i g a t or s h v e fo r m a ny y e ars Fa ct) been l ivin g i n t he d a rk , wet t u nne ls
un d er t h e city of Ne w Yo rk v
T he G ree ks w on t h i r ten - year war Fa ct)
a g a i n t the Troj a s b y h i di n g in a
A 15 - yea r-o l d fut u re ki n g n arrow l y
e sca p ed deat h whe n a bullet hit the medal t hat he wa s w ea ri n g o n
2 Circle th e corre c t word Then make sen t ences ab ou t
th e other w o r d s U se y ou r dic t i o na r y to hel p yo u
T e main female c h racter in a story is called the
5 If y u do something bad to someone because
t h ey ' ve do e something bad to you, you ta e
Trang 35Yeah , but he can't s i ng '
Waiting for Mr Emsvvorth ' s lasson, Nina h ar "dty llsterro to
her friends' conversation about the atest talen t soow on TV She was too vvorried aloout the test 1 'I reed rmre tim e I haven't done enough revision more time,' she thought The vvords went round and round inside her read lke a dog chasing Its tall
An d then It happened Ore minute her friends were arguing aloout the competition , and the next m i nute they had stopped mid-sen t enoe , open-mouthed Fro z en She stared
at them , not understand i ng She gmoed i nto the classroom
Mr Emsvvorth was there , walking towards the classroom
d oo r Except , he was n't l110v1 ng 2 A statue Ore foot was i n the air ready to talke another step Nina got
o ut her bool<s hurried ly and spent a fetv hours reading her geography no tes Then fi nally she started to relax She
s c ratched her ear ' His singi ng 's really bad ! Its not surprisi ng no ore vo ted for him '
Her friends were back The conversation went on as if
It had never stopped Mr EmSv\ath called them into the class r oom to start the test It was not too difficult noN that Nina had studied for It It was l u nc htime before N i na could talk
to anyone about what had happened
VVllil e we were V\18iti ng outside Mr Emsvvorth's classroom ,
di d you notice anythi ng str ange ?' s he asked her best
fri end J az VVllat, apart fr o m peopie li king Robb ie rmre than Conrad? '
Yeah I wel time seemed to .'
'Come on , N i na Tel l me later Lets get some l u nc h Ther e n ever was a right tlme to talk to anyone aloout It
'Time st op ped , and I studied for the test for three hours that
d idn ' t exist ' She couid i magire Jaz's response 'Nina , stop being wei r d You've been read i ng too many sci-fi stories '
A H e pa i d her we l l
B W i th h er extr a ordinary power s, she fe l t no pain
C She pushed a p ot of pa i nt off he r desk , then foc u sed
her mind
D I n horro r, N i na real i sed that the woman wa s ta l king
to her
E Anyon e who failed it had to do extra wor k every
night for a month
F He wa s l ke a man in a photograph
G Nina s aw th e car cent i metres from the boy ' s no se,
and focused her mind
Use the nouns and pronouns in the sentences to
help you The pronouns often refer to people and
things that have been mentioned in the previous
sentence The nouns may be referred to again in
the following sentence
1 You a r e g o i ng to r ead a s ho rt story S i x s entences
have been re m oved fro m th e te x t Ch o ose from
sentences A - G the one which fits each gap ( 1- )
There is one extra sentence th a t you do not need
supe r heroes I've been reading a fantastic comic book about people who can fly, change their shape and freeze time - but I can't decide which superpower
is the coolest Have you got a favourite superhero?
Who? If you could have one superpower, what would
it be?
Trang 36a reply or reaction
b person who saves someone from danger
c someone who is travelling
in a car, train, bus , etc
d take something to the place where it ' s being sent
e follow someone or something quickly in order
What was h a ppen i ng the first time Nina froze time?
A Nina ' s friend s were dancing
B Someone was tak i ng a photograph
C Nina was thinking about a dog
D Mr Em s worth was walking across the classroom
2 When d i d Nina tell Jaz about the strange incident ?
A Before lunch
B Afte r l unch
C After reading some sci - ti stories
D N e ve r
3 What did Nina pr a ctise in her bedroom?
A Freezing time C Throw i ng and catching
B Painting D Keeping secrets
4 Which s entence is incorrect about Nina a year after
th e Geography te s t?
A She was a good student
B She enjoyed her li f e
C She didn ' t get enough sleep
D She always at e healthy food
S What did Nina realise during her shopping trip?
A That she wasn ' t wearing make - up
B That she looked thirty years older than she was
C That she was ageing faster than her friends
D That the woman in the shop could freeze time
6 At the end , what did Nina decide to do?
A Never freeze time again
B Freeze time in order to help people
C H e lp people without freezing time
D Never become m i ddle - aged
3 Match the words and phrases from the story with their definitions
Nina spent a bt of time shopping
'For old er skln like yours, you might prefer ths,' said the
eo woman in the make-u p shop 5 _
Sh e studied her face in the mirro r Wrth her fl nger , she fobNed the lines of her wri n kles The 'AOman w as right Nina had the face of a thirty - year - old
She rushed out of the shop Ths was terrible She was beoo m i ng mid d le-aged, and the onty expk:lnation was her freeze-time lifestyle Each time everyone fr ze and she oon ti nued IMng, she got dder than her friends There had been too much freez e-time It had to stop
A car came down the str ee t, too fas t Th e drrver ha d n't
10 notioed the littJe boy c r ossing 6 The car fro z Gentry, she moved the boy out of the way of the car, then touched her ear The drrver s ped on, and the boy ran into the park aft er
h s mother
'Sometimes you have to make an exception,' she thought
'But that's It Freeze-time has finished.' She walked past a lV shop A news report caught her eye
A bus ha d had an aocident on a mou n tain road Rescuers were gettin g the passengers off but they didn't think they 'AOuld have time to save 1ihern all
so Ni n a didn't want to be a h eroine, and she d i d n't want t o be
m id d le -aged No t ye t But s h e knw that she cou ld he lp these
people R eluctantly, she focused her mind again
'Hey, Jaz, do you want to oome an d see that netv fantasy film k3.ter? I'll pay.'
Since that Geography t est last year, Nina had been
d e lrvenng newspapers around town Her boss couldn't understan d how a school g irl cculd d e lrver 20,CXX) netvspapers each week, but he didn't ask too many question 4 _ She could invite her frlencs to all the films, pop concerts and meals out that they'd ever dreamed of She had never been
oo more pop u l ar She always did her homework on time these days After all,
It never interfered with having fun She spent freeze-time days relaxing on the beach She stayed up all night, but froze time whenever she needed to sleep Once , when her mum asked her to tidy her room, she froze time for a month so that she could lie in bed eating crisps and popccm Life couldn't get any better
But in her bedroom, in secret, she practised 3 The
40 pot stopped in mk::i-air, and Nina caught It safely before paint went all aver the floor
" "'
Trang 37d l ooked angr i y at s o m e one for a l ong ti me _
e l o oked qu ick ly at s om e th i ng or s ome o ne _
a looked care fully , b eca u se it a s i fficult t o see _
b looked at so mething o r someon e for a l ong time w it ho u t moving t h e e ye s _
c l ooked a t s om e th i ng ca r e fu l ly in order to find s ometh in g out
The y sar e d a t m e fo r se vera l min ute s w i thout sm iling H ow rude! ' I t hought
2 She glared at h e sis e r Sh e was t oo a gr y to s peak
3 He s tudied th e d i amo nd car e f ull y ' Yes , it 's r e a l ; he s a i d at l a s t
4 I g lanced at my watc h I sti ll h a d plen t y of t i m e
5 She p eered t h rough the w i nd o w So m eo n e was t her e, but i t
was t oo dar k to see th ei r fac e
d efi n iti o ns b e l o w
Ways of looking
1 I ' ve b een wo r ki n g hard a a lmost n o t
2 I ' ve har dl d n e a ny work b r e cently
3 She a l ways a r ri es l at e c not on time
4 Sh e ha sn ' t bee n here lately d w ith a lot of eff or t
1 ' Have you wa lk ed ? " No , o nly a co upl e o f ki l o m et r es :
2 I h a d a n ig ht y es terd a y I d idn ' t get t o b ed un t i l 1 a m
3 T h a t t est was , bu t you g t a good mark Well d o ne!
4 I a l ways get u p s o th a t I can s ee t h e s unrise
5 Yo u ' ll h ave to m o e t o ge t to th e s hop befor e it closes
har d f ar e ar l y fa st lat e
5 Th e se words can b e adjectiv e s or ad ve r bs Complete t he
sen t en c es a n d d ecid e if th e word is us e d as a n ad j ective o r adve r b
4 What are the adj ec tive fo rms o the ad verb s i n Ex e rcise 3?
I didn ' t wan t t o , but I agree d
2 S h e can si n g rea ll y Sh e sh o uld b e a pop st a r
3 I j u st h p e th a t they all ge t back h me - ·
4 The y la y in t h e s un W h at a r e l a xi ng day!
5 We l o st th e m at ch 6-0 W e p layed ver y
6 , she p ic ked up t he s l eepi n g b oy w ithout w ak i ng him up
7 ' Id l ove to g o on the t ri ! ' she sa id - - -·
s fe l y reluctantly well gen tl y lazi l y ba dl e nt h usi astica lly
3 Com p le t e t h e s entences wit h th e s e adve rb s
2 Mat c h th e t w parts o f the compound
words and use t h em to c omp lete the
sentence s Then l ook ba ck a t t he text on
page 30 to check
( cat ch m ake ta ke move fai l ha v e J
U sua ll y w e don ' t h ave s tu den t s un d r the
age o f six t een her e , but w e ' ll an
exception i n your case
2 The ne w s up e rh e r o book s always _
my eye when I'm i n the book s hop
3 L e t' s ou t of the w a y of the
p e opl e in the r ace
4 If they the test , th ey ' ll h a v e to
Trang 38e g I had an ar g ument with my br o therlast w ee k ,
a nd I r e all y ye ll d at him for t he fir s t tim e
• a n i nju ry
,\;% ·w o escri b e situatlonswhen yo u h v ' \ it alk e ~ ld 0 ke d
~ 3:"'"~
or spoke n i n a differe nt w a y from n o rma l U s e
some of t h e i de a s bel ow o r your own id eas
They have those silly commun i c a t i on boxes li ke our ancestors d i d!
4~ r;'M '\ '1-r-w:
Of co ur se, we shouldn ' t rely 5in I on I of
t he s t or i e s of a f e w i ndi v i d als , bu t thousands
of peopl e ar o nd t h e w o r ld , i ncluding several
as t ronauts , te ll v er y s im i lar stor i es of w h t they
have seen F our hundre d year s a o , sci ent i sts wer e punis h ed 6 for I on I about saying that the Earth was r ound , not flat Now few people
d i sagre e 7 to I with I against t he ir ideas Will an alie n e n ounte r be the next g reat event to change
o ur be l ief s fo r eve r?
Many people think that they have seen spaceships
f ro m other p lan e ts here on Earth Many others
la u gh 2for /to I at these people and blame sc i- fi
w riters 3 about I with / for putt i ng crazy ideas
i nt o th e ir h eads ' I t' s easy t o mistake a pla n e 4 for
Oo LJOU believ e 1 in I at I f'or
i p a i i' fft;ill y ii lik~ e s l dier ~ iii quick l y '.{8 i11 quietl if •·
'v i n aslo w and rela x ed w a
a s t ro ll b lmp c c r e ep d ma r c h e r u h
Ways of walking
1 0 Match the verb s ( a-e ) and adve r bs I adve r bial p h rases
( i-v) with the pictures (1-5)
How are the peop l e speak i ng ? Lis t en a nd complete the ien tences with verb phrases from Exercise 8 Use the past simp l e form
1 'H e lp!' she - ·
2 'Y ou s t up i d id i o t ! ' he -·
3 ' I'm ov e h re ! ' h e - ·
4 ' l-l - h - hellol N-n - n i ce t o rn -rn -rn ee t you ; she - ·
5 'Yo u l ook bea u t i f u l ton i g h t ; he -·
8 Circle the correct option
1 s ammer loudly I nervously
2 whisper softly I in terror
3 scream softly I in terror
4 hiss loudly /'quietly but angrily
5 yell softly I loudly Ways of speaking
Trang 39of people
Last week , w e 3 ( speak)
to mo b ile phone a uth r As uka ' So Asuka , can you explain how these
'Well, readers download a sto r y f rom a website onto their mobile an d read it on the
m ob ile screen Some mob il e ph o e n o v el s
4 (also be ma d ) in to t r adi tio nal book s , b ut m ost y oun g
p eo ple p ref e r r e adi ng th em o n t h ei r ph o nes '
• s (y(Ju I want) to be an a thor'"' a long time? '
' No , n t r e ll y As a y oung ch il d , I 6 (neve r b e ve ry
intereste d i n books Then one d ay 1 7 ( e lis e ) t hat y u could tell a s tory i n more modern ways, and s uddenly m y i nt e re s t i n
writing 8 (begin) I 9 ( s t art) m first
novel in 2009 , and 1 10 · (w r i t e) full t im e s ince t h en Fou r
of my novels 11 (already b e pu blish e d).'
news Th e y 1 ( gr ow)
i n po pul arity in t h e l ast few y e r , nd
2 (be read) b y m ill i on s
3 Complete the text w i th the past simple , present perfect simple or present perfect contin u ous
_ _ (just go ) out
8 ' I s N ew Moon a good book? '
'It's br i ll i a n t! It ' s on e of the b es t book s I
_ _ ( e er r ead ) :
, )
_ I
Time expressions often used with the Present perfect :
for, since , just, already , yet , ever, never, before , this week/month/year , today, recently , lately
Past simple vs P r esent perfect The pa s t s i mp l e is us e d for a 6 spe ci fied I unsp e cified time i n t h e past
I saw that film last week
Compare wit h t h e p re sen t pe rf e ct simp l e
I've seen that fi l m before
o n TV ? ' ' No , bu t I ' d l ke t o one day :
4 ' D o you k n ow London wel l ?
( pl ay ) footb a ll ther e for hour s:
6 ' So w h ere ' s yo u r new comput e r ? '
( not know ) each
'Why h as she go t p ai n t in h er h air? ' ' Beca u s e s h e _
( p ai n t) t h e ceil i ng :
2 ' Is Char l otte a fri e nd of your s? '
' Ye s altho u g h we
perfect s i mple or cont i nuous
ile, page t
Present perfect continuous
• actio n tha t beg a n in th e past an d • cont i nu e I don' t continue up
to now ( often with f o r and s in c ) She ' s been writing her autobiography since April
• l onger actions in t h e r ece n t past , w h r e th e res ult s 5 can I can ' t stil l
be seen
Yo u' ve been reading too many sci-fi stories , so now you ' re imagining aliens everywhere
Th er e is n o passiv e form
Present perfect simple
• state s a nd comp l e ted act i on s at a ( n
1 specified I unspecifie d t i m e in th e pa s t
I've heard that story before
s a t es and a cti on s t h at began in t he past
an d 2 con t inue I don ' t cont i nue up to now
( oft e n w i th f o r a nd si n c )
I haven't been interested in fa i ry tales since I was
five years old!
• act i o n s com pl e t ed 3 recently I lo n g ago
I've just finished reading it
• rep e ated ac ti on s in the re ce nt pa s t
They've met their favourite writer three times
• w ith e x p r e s ion s like th e fir s t , t h e b es t th e
wor s t
It ' s the first biography I've ever bought
Pa s sive : The film has been seen by millions of
1 Read the g ra mmar no t e s and ci r cle t h e co r rect option s
Present perfect simple and Present perfect continuous
I i
Trang 40s e e ra l yea r E x pe r t s think that
A has been s een c h as se e n
B had been s een D ha d been
6 A managed c ha d been ma n aging
B have b een m a ag in g D had managed
7 A h as now been c h as n ow
B h d n ow b een D ha d n ow
8 A br oken c ha d bee n br ea king
B h as broke n D h as b een bro k n
M ore practice on p\>;¥!~ 134-1.15 <
Yesterday morning, the one-
E - n ew s j u st in
Back up your grammar
complete each gap
Past perfect continuous
• t o say h ow lo n g so m e thin g co nt i nu e d , up to a t i m o
e v e nt i n th e pas t
(e x mpl e 3 )
• a l o ng er ac t io n th at was co mpl e t ed be for e a s p eci fi c t i m
in t h e p as t , w h ere t h e res u lts co ul d s t i ll b e see n
C They were tired because they ha d been s hoppi n g all day
D Megan had b een de v r ing newspapers for a year before she noticed her wrinkles
7 B y t h e ti me Saskia arr i ved , we
_ _ _ _ ( not re ad ) any of
w h n t h ey go t h om e
4 W h en I first met Pet e r I
I lea rn ) Eng li sh b e fore he went t o stay in
form of the verb in b r ackets
Past perfect simple
• a n ac t io t h at was co m p l e t ed before a n o th er
p a st ac t io (exa mpl e 1 )
• a n acti o n t ha t was completed b efo r e a speci fi c
t i m i n the p as t
(exa mpl e , )
A Two months later, Megan had found a job
8 The test wasn't difficult because she had studied for it
Passive : S e realised that she had been given a special skill