Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6Topic speaking level 6
Trang 1Topic: Smart phones
You should say:
1 Talk about the advantages of using smart phones
2 Talk about the disadvantages of using smart phones
3 If people in your country rely on smart phones too much
Trang 2Nowaday, smartphones are increasingly popuar andplay an important role in our life there are someadvantages of using smart phones you can make calls,send messages, read email, edit, store many documents
beside that smart phones have some disadvantages it candanage relationships can lead to addiction and impacthealth
Trang 3In my country, many people rely on smartphonesheavily, which can sometimes be unhealthy if they don'tbalance smartphone use with other activities.
Trang 4Topic: Sports.
1 What types of sports are popular in your country
2 If you think the types of sports that are popular will change in the future
3 What benefits of playing sports are
Trang 5In my country, popular sports include soccer, basketball,and tennis
These team and individual sports are likely to remainpopular in the future as they promote physical fitness,coordination, and teamwork
Playing sports has many benefits, such as improvinghealth, reducing stress, and building confidence anddiscipline
Trang 6Topic: Travel and transport.
1 How easy it is to travel around your country
2 Which method of travel you consider the safest
3 If travel has become safer in recent years
Trang 7In my country, it is generally easy to travel around Wehave a good network of roads, trains, and airlines.
I consider air travel to be the safest method oftransportation It has ít own flight line in the sky ánd canavoid most trafic creashes
Travel has become safer in recent years as vehicles haveimproved and transportation infrastructure has beenupgraded
Trang 8Topic: Holiday
1 Why people go on holiday
2 How important it is for families to go on holiday together
3 Why some people prefer going on holiday alone
Trang 9Holiday is an opportunity for people to have fun andentertainment after a tiring perios of studying andworking
The holiday provide an opportunity connection withfamily and friends Spending time together allows formeaningful ineraciestion, shared experiences and
Some people prefer going on holiday alone because
Trang 10being alone is good for the sould and can help youmanage probles of stress
Trang 11Topic: Education.
You should say:
1 What makes a good student
2 What role the teacher should have in the classroom
3 If computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom
Trang 12In my opinion teh best students have a mix of the ability
to do hard work and intelligence
Teacher have the role of leading their student , teachingthem useful lesson
Although technology develops but computers can notreplace human Computers can help teach, but they can'treplace teachers who can talk to students and give thempersonal attention
Trang 13Topic: Internet.
1 What most people in your country use the Internet for
2 Whether all the information on the Internet is true
3 How people can find reliable information on the Internet
Trang 14The internet is really useful for me People can use it toresearch topics for school, connect with friends, findinformation, watch films, listen to music or play games
on the Internet
However, not everything on the internet is reliable - Ionce read an article online about a celebrity that turnedout to be false
Trang 15People can to cross-check information by looking atmultiple trusted sources, read reviews, comments to seewhat people think, check the domain name carefully
Trang 16Topic: Leisure activities
1 What most popular leisure activities in your country are
2 Why it is important for people to have leisure activities
3 Why some leisure activities are more popular than others
Trang 17In my country, popular leisure activities include sports,reading, and watching TV.
Leisure activities are important for people to relax, havefun, and recharge
Some leisure activities are more popular than othersbecause they are more affordable, accessible, orenjoyable for certain people
Trang 18Topic: Reading books
1 If you read a lot of books prefer watching TV
2 What kind of books are considered good to read
3 If people nowadays read as much as they did in the past
Trang 19I greatly enjoy reading books and tend to prefer it over
The best books are ones that are well-written and teachyou new things
Nowadays, people may not read as much as in the past,
as there are more entertainment options available Butreading remains an important habit that helps developour minds
Trang 20Topic: Eating habits.
You should say:
1 Talk about the types of food that people eat in your country.
2 How healthy your country's food is
3 How the eating habits now are different from eating habits in the past in your country
Trang 21In my country, people eat a wide range of foods like rice,bread, meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits The food isgenerally healthy, with many home-cooked meals.
However, fast food and processed snacks have becomemore popular in recent years compared to the moretraditional eating habits of the past
Trang 22Topic: Media & News.
1 How most people get their news in your country
2 How people will get their news in the future
3 If you believe everything you read in the newspapers