This study applied drivers, pressure, state, impact and response modelDPSIR model in Ho Chi Minh city air data to determine the current status of air quality inenvironmental management..
Trang 2Table of content
CHAPTER 0: Introduction
1 Abstract
2 Objective
3 Scope of air quality research
CHAPTER 1: Overview of DPSIR model
1.1 About the history of DPSIR model analysis method
1.2 SWOT
CHAPTER 2: DPSIR model application
2.1 Current Status (AQI)
2.2 Data transformation
2.2.1 Drivers (D)
2.2.2 Pressures (P)
2.2.3 State (S)
2.2.4 Impact (I)
2.2.5 Respond (R)
CHAPTER 3: Solution
3.1 The good points and the weak points of response
4 Conclusion
5 Reference
1 Abstract
Air pollution is current global challenges that are affecting many sectors, like humanhealth, environmental and ecological pollution In developing countries like Vietnam,especially Ho Chi Minh city, urban areas with high populations dependent on tourism,various vehicles, and industrialization are the most affected The formulation of effectivesustainable management strategies necessitates accurate identification of the factorsinfluencing and the consequences affecting both the environment and the well-being ofimpacted communities This study applied drivers, pressure, state, impact and response model(DPSIR model) in Ho Chi Minh city air data to determine the current status of air quality inenvironmental management
2 Objective: Use DPSIR management model
The objective of this study was to determine the drivers and impacts of air quality inenvironmental management in Ho Chi Minh City and propose sustainable mitigationmeasures
3 Scope of air quality research:
The range of this study is to monitor and analyze the air quality from 2020 to 2023 byexamining spatial and temporal variations in air quality of Ho Chi Minh City Moreover,investigation to identify major sources of air pollution is also crucial
Trang 4CHAPTER 1: Overview of the DPSIR model
1.1 About the history of the DPSIR model analysis method
The DPSIR model stemmed from the PSR framework initially suggested by Rapportand Friend in 1979, and subsequently modified and extensively endorsed by the OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) for its environmental reporting
in 1993 Numerous global entities, including the US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA,1994), UNEP (1994), and the EU, have embraced this framework The EU specificallyacknowledged it as the most suitable method for organizing environmental data (EC, 1999) Nowadays, the changing of DPSIR models is to focus on addressing root causes,natural variability and response focus Moreover, alternative models are developed so as to fitwith many problems For examples, DPSIRE model added “Effective” element to rate howwell implemented responses have worked, or DPSER with ecosystem services which replaces
“Impacts'' with “Ecosystem Services'' to highlight the value of these services provided tohuman and the necessity to consider in environmental management Overall, while DPSIR iswidely used in many frameworks, there are many adaptations and alternative models withadditional elements in order to get the problems being addressed
Hiện nay DPSIR có gì thay đổi ko? Có thêm mô hình khác ko hay vẫn giữ nguyên, phùhợp
1.2 SWOT (Hà)
Rebecca L Lewison, Murray A Rudd, Wissam Al-Hayek, Claudia Baldwin, Maria Beger, Scott N Lieske, Christian Jones, Suvaluck Satumanatpan, Chalatip Junchompoo, Ellen Hines, How the DPSIR framework can be used for structuring problems and facilitating empirical research in coastal systems, Environmental Science
& Policy, Volume 56, 2016, Pages 110-119,
In the realm of environmental science, especially in the application to air qualitymanagement, the DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responses) framework haslong served as a cornerstone for understanding the intricate interplay between humanactivities and natural systems However, its application has not been without critique Despiteits widespread adoption, quantitative scientists have shown reluctance towards fully
Trang 5embracing DPSIR, citing limitations in its linear and deterministic approach Here, the authoraims to delve into a comprehensive SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)analysis of the DPSIR model, shedding light on its nuanced facets and exploring avenues forits refinement and integration within contemporary environmental research methodologies.
1.2.1 Strengths
The DPSIR model plays a vital role in advancing our understanding of ecological systems and informing environmental management and policy decisions.One of the primary strengths of the DPSIR framework is its ability to delineate thecausal linkages between human activities and environmental impacts By categorizing driversand pressures, the framework provides a clear roadmap for understanding how anthropogenicactions translate into changes in environmental states and subsequent impacts on ecosystemsand human well-being
socio-Moreover, the DPSIR framework encourages transdisciplinary collaboration bynecessitating the involvement of both natural and social scientists This interdisciplinaryapproach fosters a holistic understanding of environmental issues, allowing researchers tointegrate diverse perspectives and methodologies to address complex problems effectively This model serves as a valuable heuristic tool for analyzing complex socio-ecologicalsystems By breaking down the system into distinct components – drivers, pressures, states,impacts, and responses – the framework provides a systematic framework for organizing andanalyzing data, facilitating the identification of key leverage points for intervention andmanagement
The DPSIR framework serves as a valuable tool for engaging with stakeholdersbeyond the scientific community By providing a structured framework for communication,the model facilitates dialogue and collaboration between scientists, policymakers, resourcemanagers, and local communities, fostering inclusive and participatory decision-makingprocesses
In general, DPSIR can serve as a valuable tool for elucidating the genesis andramifications of environmental challenges Its utility is exemplified through various instances
of application, both independently and in conjunction with complementary methodologies.The effectiveness of DPSIR also extends to its integration with other analytical approaches,which further enhances its capacity for elucidating complex environmental phenomena
Trang 6Despite its strengths, the review of DPSIR models highlights the need for furtherintegration and refinement Many existing models focus predominantly on single sectors ordimensions of SESs, indicating the potential for further integrative work to enhance thecomprehensiveness and robustness of DPSIR-based analyses.
1.2.2 Weaknesses
While the DPSIR framework has garnered widespread usage, it has not been immune
to criticism Several shortcomings undermine its efficacy in capturing the multifaceted nature
of real-world environmental systems This is to elucidate, that the level of influence of eachcategory on the other, is determined by ecological, technological and social factors.The framework's reliance on static indicators fosters a somewhat rigid analyticalapproach, failing to accommodate the dynamic nature of environmental systems This staticnature inhibits the framework's ability to adapt to evolving circumstances, thereby limiting itsrelevance in addressing contemporary environmental challenges
Furthermore, the DPSIR framework's incapacity to depict trends without periodicreevaluation of identical indicators constrains its utility in providing timely insights intochanging environmental dynamics This limitation hampers proactive decision-making, asstakeholders may be unable to promptly identify emerging trends or shifts in environmentalconditions
The DPSIR model's inability to delineate clear cause-effect relationships for environmentalissues undermines its effectiveness as a diagnostic tool The complexity of ecological,technological, and social factors interplaying within environmental systems often eludesstraightforward categorization within the DPSIR framework, impeding accurate identification
of causal pathways
It should also be noted that the DPSIR model's depiction of linear, unidirectional causalchains oversimplifies the intricate interplay of factors contributing to environmentalproblems In reality, environmental phenomena often exhibit nonlinear dynamics andfeedback loops, necessitating a more nuanced analytical framework capable of capturing thecomplexity of interconnected processes
These shortcomings underscore the imperative for continual refinement and supplementation
of the DPSIR framework to better align with the complexities inherent in real-worldenvironmental systems
Trang 7The DPSIR framework, while subject to criticism for its limitations as well as praise for itsabilities, presents a myriad of opportunities for enhancing decision-making processes andpromoting holistic understanding within the realm of environmental management andbeyond.
First and foremost, the DPSIR model serves as a powerful communication tool, facilitatingdiscourse surrounding the intricate interplay of human activities, environmental impacts, andpolicy responses within social systems By structuring the analysis of complex systems,DPSIR fosters dialogue on issues of power dynamics, equity, and social justice, therebybroadening the scope of inquiry beyond traditional empirical studies
The versatility of the DPSIR framework also allows for integration with various analyticalapproaches, opening avenues for empirical analyses and quantitative efforts Whilequantitative endeavors within DPSIR frameworks have been limited thus far, ongoingadvancements in methodologies such as Bayesian belief networks (BBNs), indicator-basedapproaches, and multivariate statistics offer promise for addressing the complexity inherent inenvironmental systems and communities
Additionally, the dynamic nature of coastal ecosystems necessitates a shift towardsaccounting for non-stationarity and system dynamics within the DPSIR framework Recentdevelopments have demonstrated the potential for DPSIR-based quantitative analyses toidentify phase or regime shifts, highlighting the capacity of this framework to adapt tochanging environmental conditions
Incorporating participatory and transdisciplinary research approaches further enhances theutility of DPSIR in coastal management Methodologies such as agent-based models andinfluence diagrams offer opportunities for integrated modeling of SESs, facilitatingcollaborative decision-making processes and allowing for the exploration of various policyscenarios
By embracing quantitative analyses, integrating participatory approaches, and leveraginginnovative visualization methods, the DPSIR framework can serve as a valuable tool forinforming decision-making processes and promoting sustainable coastal development in anincreasingly dynamic world
1.2.4 Threats
Trang 8The DPSIR is not without its challenges and threats Several critical factors have receivedlimited inclusion within the DPSIR framework, posing potential obstacles to its effectiveness
in informing decision-making processes and guiding policy responses
One significant threat to the DPSIR model lies in its limited integration of economic factors.Despite efforts to incorporate ecosystem services into the framework, challenges persist inquantifying the economic value of coastal ecosystems due to data gaps and disparities ingeographic and temporal scales The introduction of a modified framework, such as DPSWR(Driver–Pressure–State–Welfare–Response), may offer opportunities for morecomprehensive integration of economic considerations However, achieving this wouldrequire extensive survey research and overcoming methodological hurdles in valuing culturalecosystem services, which are not amenable to traditional economic valuation techniques.Moreover, the DPSIR model faces challenges in effectively addressing responses toenvironmental issues While there is a desire to use DPSIR to inform management and policyresponses, the current framework primarily focuses on traditional governance and legislativeapproaches To enhance its utility, future DPSIR research must expand its scope to consider abroader range of response options, including those that alter rules and incentives, directinvestments in environmental variables, and influence human values and preferences.Another threat to the DPSIR model stems from its limited consideration of operational-levelactors and agents within environmental systems While the framework acknowledges theimportance of responses, it often fails to incorporate the diverse array of stakeholders, such asbusinesses and community groups, who play pivotal roles in shaping environmentaloutcomes Integrating actor-centered approaches into DPSIR frameworks may help addressthis limitation, fostering a more holistic understanding of the complexities inherent inenvironmental governance and management
In conclusion, while the DPSIR framework offers valuable insights into environmentalsystems, it faces threats stemming from its limited integration of economic factors, narrowfocus on response options, and inadequate consideration of operational-level actors.Addressing these challenges will be crucial for ensuring the continued relevance andeffectiveness of DPSIR in guiding sustainable decision-making and policy development in anever-evolving environmental landscape
CHAPTER 2: DPSIR model application
2.1 Hiện trạng (AQI): phải mô tả, số liệu, ở đâu, hiện trạng (Hà)
Trang 9The city’s population is increasing at an alarming rate to the point that infrastructure is notcapable of keeping up, meanwhile, the awareness and commitment to protecting theenvironment among citizens remain lacking Consequently, Ho Chi Minh City is currentlyfacing a significant environmental pollution problem
Recent reports have shed light on the major contributors to this pervasive problem, withtransportation emerging as a primary source of harmful emissions The report highlights thesignificant impact of transportation, particularly motorcycles, on air quality in Ho Chi MinhCity With nearly 95% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and 85% of carbon monoxide(CO) emissions originating from motorcycles, it's evident that these vehicles play asubstantial role in exacerbating air pollution levels The sheer magnitude of the motorcyclefleet, estimated at 72 million in 2022, further amplifies the issue Many of these motorcyclesare equipped with low-quality engines, leading to excessive fuel consumption and the release
of exhaust gasses containing high concentrations of CO and VOCs
Notably, industrial activities also contribute to air pollution, albeit to a lesser extent compared
to transportation Industrial emissions, primarily of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), account forapproximately 70% of total emissions, with transportation contributing the remaining 30%,
Trang 10primarily from trucks and buses However, reports underscore the localized nature ofindustrial emissions, with their impact primarily confined to industrial areas rather thanpermeating throughout the inner city.
The consequences of this widespread air pollution are keenly felt in Ho Chi Minh City, withHanoi and Ho Chi Minh City ranking as the two most polluted urban areas in Vietnam Theemissions from motorcycles, characterized by high levels of VOCs, contribute to the city'selevated concentrations of aromatics and saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons
Furthermore, the exponential growth in the number of vehicles, particularly motorcycles,exacerbates the problem Between 2020 and 2022, the number of motorcycles in Vietnamincreased by 2 million, reaching a staggering 72 million in 2022 Ho Chi Minh City aloneboasts over 8.7 million personal vehicles, the majority of which are motorcycles This rapidexpansion of the vehicle fleet is expected to fuel further primary emissions of CO, NOx, andVOCs, necessitating urgent measures to mitigate their adverse effects
It is imperative to recognize the broader implications of air pollution beyond primaryemissions The production of secondary pollutants, such as ozone and PM2.5, underscores theneed for comprehensive strategies to address the multifaceted challenges posed by airpollution in Ho Chi Minh City
2.1.2 Method:
Air Quality Index (AQI) data spanning the period from 2020 to 2023 was collected fromvarious sources, predominantly the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of HoChi Minh City This dataset encompasses readings obtained from 10 distinct air qualitymonitoring stations strategically positioned across the city These monitoring locationsencompass a diverse array, including those situated within residential areas, locationsdesignated to monitor regional air quality impacted by industrial activities, and roadsidemonitoring stations
Measurement frequency is standardized, with samples collected on 10 days per month.Sampling occurs twice daily, from 7:30 a.m to 8:30 a.m., and again from 3:00 p.m to 4:00p.m This rigorous sampling regimen ensures comprehensive coverage and a representativedepiction of air quality conditions within Ho Chi Minh City across different times of the dayand locations
Trang 11Dinh Tien Hoang - Dien Bien Phu
Tan Binh industrial zone, Tan Binh district KCN TB
F001, Tan Binh industrial zone, Tan Binh
Le Minh Xuan industrial zone, Binh Tan
An Lac intersection, Binh Tan district AL
An Suong intersection, district 12 AS
Quach Thi Trang roundabout, district 1 QTT
Thu Duc intersection, Thu Duc district TD
Nguyen Van Linh - QL1A intersection,
Binh Tan district
Table 1
2.1.3 Data and analysis:
The data from Table 2 were provided by the Department of Natural Resources andEnvironment, indicating AQI from the year 2020-2021 as the represent data to analyze anddraw conclusions about the air quality of Ho Chi Minh City
(μg/m3 ) 2020 12.433 13.000 4.784 6.550 9.200 9.967 13.184 15.250 5.000 14.000
2021 5.467 3.700 4.367 2.917 4.917 7.517 5.217 5.317 10.400 8.800Dust
(μg/m3 )
2020 327,0 205,0 128,0 179,0 262,0 680,0 398,0 165,0 495,0 315,0
2021 252,0 84,0 242,0 125,0 214,0 285,0 350,0 129,0 515,0 420,0PM10
(μg/m3 )
2020 69,0 15,0 20,0 18,0 29,0 57,0 100,0 52,0 93,0 70,0
2021 34,0 11,0 26,0 38,0 30,0 42,0 85,0 32,0 62,0 88,0NO2
(μg/m3 )
2020 91,0 28,0 38,0 19,0 26,0 87,0 93,0 41,0 62,0 76,0
2021 80,0 11,0 30,0 17,0 24,0 89,0 76,0 47,0 56,0 65,0
Trang 12KCN LMX
Trang 13The average hourly concentration of CO from 2020 to 2021 at 10 air quality monitoringlocations fluctuated between 2.917 µg/m³ and 15.250 µg/m³ 100% of the data at all 10monitoring locations from 2020 to 2021 met the QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT, which sets thestandard for average 1-hour CO concentration at 30,000 µg/m³ The trend chart for CO at the
10 monitoring locations from 2020 to 2021 indicates an increase in CO concentration at the
TD location by a factor of 2.1 and a decrease at the remaining 9/10 locations, with reductionsranging from 1.3 to 3.5 times
The average hourly concentration of dust from 2020 to 2021 at 10 air quality monitoringlocations ranged from 84.0 µg/m³ to 680.0 µg/m³ 60% of the data at all 10 monitoringlocations from 2020 to 2021 met the QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT, which sets the standard foraverage 1-hour dust concentration at 300 µg/m³ The trend chart for dust at the 10 monitoringlocations from 2020 to 2021 shows an increase in dust concentration at 3/10 locations (TBIndustrial Park, TD, NVL) by factors ranging from 1.04 to 1.9 times and a decrease at theremaining 7/10 locations, with reductions ranging from 1.1 to 2.4 times
Regarding PM10 dust at the 10 air quality monitoring locations from 2020 to 2021, theaverage hourly concentration ranged from 11.0 µg/m³ to 100.0 µg/m³ 100% of the data at all
10 monitoring locations met the Vietnamese National Technical Regulation on Ambient AirQuality (QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT), which sets the standard for average 24-hour PM10concentration at 150 µg/m³ The trend chart for PM10 dust at the 10 monitoring locationsfrom 2020 to 2021 shows an increase in PM10 dust concentration at 4/10 locations (TBIndustrial Park, KDC Industrial Park, LMX Industrial Park, NVL) by factors ranging from1.03 to 2.1 times and a decrease at the remaining 6/10 locations, with reductions ranging from1.2 to 2.0 times
The trend chart for NO2 at the 10 monitoring locations from 2020 to 2021 shows an increase
in NO2 concentration at 2/10 locations (AL, QTT) by factors ranging from 1.02 to 1.1 timesand a decrease at the remaining 8/10 locations, with reductions ranging from 1.1 to 2.5 times The trend chart for SO2 at the 10 monitoring locations from 2020 to 2021 shows equivalentSO2 concentrations at the AS location, decreases at 2/10 locations (AL, TD) by factorsranging from 1.08 to 1.1 times, and increases at the remaining 7/10 locations, with increasesranging from 1.1 to 1.3 times
The trend chart for Benzene at 6 air quality monitoring locations from 2020 to 2021 showsthat Benzene concentrations decreased at 2/6 locations (QTT, TD) by factors ranging from
Trang 142.2 Results of DPSIR modeling to assess the current status
sources: NOx, CO, SO2,
activities: NOx, SO2, CO,
VOCs, H2S, F, HC,
suspended dust (TSP), NOx,
CO, SO2, Benzene,
State (S)
The average concentration of pollutants such as
CO, NO , SO , PM ,2 2 10
PM2.5, Total Suspended Matter
Respond (R) SWOT analysis : environmental improvement
Strategy development: bus, waterbus, public
bicycle stations.
Government activities: developing and enforcing
environmental protection regulations
Technology improvements: biofuel
Impact (I)Human health
- Diseases, cancer, death,
Economic & Social problems
- Urban aesthetics
& ecosystem, labor productivitydecreases, healthcare expenses increase, tourism sector,
2.2.1 Drivers (D) (Nhi) Pollution due to population growth
Trang 15Drivers are general trends in society that cause pressure on air environmental quality.Urbanization, economic growth, fossil fuel use, and traffic are the main drivers of airpollution Vietnam is a country with rapid population growth and recent rapid urbanization isthe main driving force causing pressure on air quality issues.
In 2023, Ho Chi Minh City had approximately 8.9 million people with a density of4,375 people/km This creates great pressure on urban infrastructure, traffic congestion, andincreased demand for social services, which also means additional pressure on the airenvironment Some districts have very large populations of over 500,000 people such as:Binh Tan District 785,797 people; Binh Chanh District 707,112 people; Go Vap District675,369 people; District 12 is 623,276 people; Thu Duc District 591,764 people; Hoc Mondistrict 542,706 people; Binh Thanh district 500,172 people Compared with the populationdata of some provinces, it is approximately or even high such as Cao Bang, Bac Kan, QuangTri, Kon Tum, Hau Giang, The city's population density in 2019 was 4,289 people/km2, anincrease of 24.8% compared to the city's population density in 2009 (3,437 people/km2).Population distribution is uneven, and concentrated in central districts with very highpopulation density, some districts have a population density of over 37,000 people/km2 such
as District 4; District 10; District 11; District 3; District 5 In particular, the population ofthese districts is growing with the trend of increasing population density (building more high-rise buildings - exhausted land fund - not opening more roads or green spaces), meaning with
an ever-decreasing level of safety and loss of control
Moreover, some districts with a high rate of migrants are mainly concentrated insuburban districts such as Binh Tan district (12.3%), district 12 (9.4%), Binh Chanh district(8.9%) … The majority of people migrating to the city for economic reasons (41.4%) are inareas with industrial parks and export processing zones such as Cu Chi district (56.9%), BinhTan district (50 3%), Thu Duc district (47.3%); The city also has a large concentration ofeducational and training establishments, so there is also a large number of people migratingfor study reasons In addition to economic and educational reasons, the majority of migrantsmigrate for reasons such as family, retirement, or marriage (47.2%), and are also mainlyconcentrated in suburban districts From here we can see that migrants choose places withlow housing and living costs, convenient transportation infrastructure, etc This creates greatpressure on the city in terms of social security, infrastructure, and environmental changessuch as waste treatment, water, and climate change The above factors require the citygovernment to have appropriate long-term policies and strategies to cope Population growth
Trang 16increases pressure on environmental resources to exploit to serve human needs, reducing airquality, water environment, large amounts of production and domestic waste, noise pollution,and pressures to meet infrastructure, education, training, and medical needs,
Building a city to become more "green" or environmentally friendly will make animportant contribution to development goals towards sustainability More specifically, thegovernment needs to pay attention to policies that have a positive impact on the environmentrelated to the use of resources such as water, and land and policies that affect waste and wastetreatment It is necessary to review and improve the quality of planning, proactively prepareconditions for the population to be distributed accordingly, and link population distributionwith population density in accordance with socio-economic development to improve airquality in Ho Chi Minh City Pollution caused by traffic and industry
In Ho Chi Minh City, the number of vehicles is also the highest in the country As ofJune 2023, the total number of vehicles under management is more than 8,953 millionvehicles Of which, Ho Chi Minh City has more than 913,994 cars and 8,039,010 motorbikes
In addition to emissions from traffic, currently, emissions arising from productionactivities are mainly emissions from boilers and kilns (using fossil fuels or wood, rice huskcoal) of establishments By the end of the first quarter of 2020, the City had 781/806 (97%)
of exhaust gas sources treated through the exhaust gas treatment system before being releasedinto the environment Regarding establishments on the list of high-volume emission sources:
in the City there are currently 7 clinker and cement production establishments; 2 facilitiesproducing chemicals and chemical fertilizers with capacity of 10,000 tons/year or more; 1refining and petrochemical industrial facility; 5 establishments using industrial boilers with atotal capacity of 20 tons/hour or more, 2 hazardous waste incinerators; 7 facilities use thermaloil furnaces with a capacity of 3.5 million kcal/hour or more
2.2.2 Pressures (P) (Nhi) Pressure from traffic activities:
Overall, transportation accounts for the largest emissions of all air pollutants,contributing 99, 97, 93, 78, 23, 64, and 45% of total CO, NMVOC, NOx, and NOxemissions, respectively SO2, TSP, CH4, and PM2.5 of the entire city Total air emission loadfrom traffic activities is listed in the Table below