The tourism experience center is designed to include multiple virtual reality projection rooms?. Business model: Charge an admission fee for users purchasing travel experience tickets pr
Faculty of Computer Science
Da Nang, April - 2024
Faculty of Computer Science
Da Nang, April – 2024 SUPERVISOR’S COMMENT
Trang 3
Supervisor’s Signature
1 Reality: The tourism industry 1
1.1 The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic 1
1.2 The recovery in previous years 1
2 Interview: Survey customers to understand their needs and market demand 1
2.1 List of survey questions 1
2.2 The result of our survey 2
2.3 Conclusion 5
3 About our service: A central tourism experience 5
3.1 Product description: 5
3.2 Business model: 6
3.3 Customer survey on the business model: 6
3.4 Conclusion 7
4 Competitive differentiation 7
Figure 2-1 Could you please tell us your age? 2
Figure 2-2 Who do you usually travel with? (Family, friends, alone, etc.)? 3
Figure 2-3 How many times have you traveled in the past year? 3
Figure 2-4 Do you plan to travel more in the coming year? 3
Figure 2-5 When choosing a travel destination, what is the most important factor for you? (Cost, culture, nature, cuisine, etc.)? 4
Figure 2-6 What type of tourism do you prefer? (Exploration, relaxation, adventure, etc.)? 4
Figure 2-7 If given the opportunity, would you be willing to travel multiple times in a year? 4
Figure 2-8 Where do you usually seek information about travel destinations? (For example: social media, travel blogs, guidebooks, etc.) 5
Figure 2-9 What is most important to you when selecting a travel destination: culture, entertainment, relaxation, or adventure? 5
Figure 2-10 What is most important to you when selecting a travel destination: culture, entertainment, relaxation, or adventure? 5
Figure 2-11 In your opinion, can simulated travel experiences replace actual trips? 6
Figure 4-1 Competitive Analysis 8
Trang 61 Reality: The tourism industry.
1.1 The impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
The article "Thực trạng và giải pháp xây dựng du lịch bền vững tại Việt Nam" by demonstrates that:
- The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has plunged travel service businesses into crisis, with 90 - 95% of companies having to halt operations or shift their business models In 2021, the number of employees working full-time was only 25% compared to the previous year (according to the 2021 financial magazine statistics), leading to increased unemployment, reduced income, and significant effects on people’s lives
- Many experts believe that the COVID-19 pandemic, with its travel restrictions, will drive tourists back to domestic tourism The rise of local travel also promotes the demand for outdoor activities, closeness to nature, and rural experiences The trend of eco-tourism is likely to be emphasized in the coming period with a variety of forms
1.2 The recovery in previous years
The article "Ngành du lịch Việt Nam năm 2023: 'Cá hồi vượt thác' suy thoái" illustrates that:
- It can be affirmed that Vietnam's tourism industry in 2023 has had extremely impressive growth milestones According to statistics from the National Administration of Tourism, the number of international visitors to Vietnam has reached more than 11.2 million, 3.8 times higher than the same period last year and equal to 68.9% compared to the same period in 2019 – the year when the COVID-19 epidemic did not occur
- Thus, although this year 2023 has not ended, the tourism industry has far exceeded the 1st target (welcoming 8 million international visitors) and reaching over 85% of the new target (welcoming 12 to 13 million international visitors)
2 Interview: Survey customers to understand their needs and market demand.
2.1 List of survey questions
To capture customer needs and survey market demand in the tourism sector, and how people make decisions about their travel plans, we have conducted a survey based
on the following list of questions:
Trang 71 Personal Information
- Could you please tell us your age?
- Who do you usually travel with? (Family, friends, alone, etc.)?
2 Frequency and Preferences of Travel
- How many times have you traveled in the past year?
- Do you plan to travel more in the coming year?
- When choosing a travel destination, what is the most important factor for you? (Cost, culture, nature, cuisine, etc.)?
3 Travel Experience
- What type of tourism do you prefer? (Exploration, relaxation, adventure, etc.)?
4 Ready for Travel
- If given the opportunity, would you be willing to travel multiple times in a year?
5 Source of Information
- Where do you usually seek information about travel destinations? (For example: social media, travel blogs, guidebooks, etc.)
6 Deciding Factor
- What is most important to you when selecting a travel destination: culture, entertainment, relaxation, or adventure?
7 Virtual Tourism
- Are you interested in experiencing virtual tourism through virtual reality (VR) technology?
- In your opinion, can simulated travel experiences replace actual trips?
2.2 The result of our survey
The survey was conducted on a small scale (specifically, 30 people from various ages and professions) and due to the limited number of respondents, it is not yet possible to generalize the market needs However, it has somewhat informed us of customer needs, allowing us to grasp and create a viable business model Among those
30 responses, we have identified the following typical answers:
Trang 8Figure 2- 1 Could you please tell us your age?
Figure 2-2 Who do you usually travel with? (Family, friends, alone, etc.)?
Figure 2-3 How many times have you traveled in the past year?
Trang 9Figure 2- 4 Do you plan to travel more in the coming year?
Figure 2- 5 When choosing a travel destination, what is the most important
factor for you? (Cost, culture, nature, cuisine, etc.)?
Figure 2- 6 What type of tourism do you prefer? (Exploration, relaxation,
adventure, etc.)?
Trang 10Figure 2-7 If given the opportunity, would you be willing to travel multiple
times in a year?
Figure 2- 8 Where do you usually seek information about travel destinations?
(For example: social media, travel blogs, guidebooks, etc.)
Figure 2- 9 What is most important to you when selecting a travel destination:
culture, entertainment, relaxation, or adventure?
Trang 11Figure 2-10 What is most important to you when selecting a travel destination:
culture, entertainment, relaxation, or adventure?
Figure 2-11 In your opinion, can simulated travel experiences replace actual
2.3 Conclusion
Thus, it can be seen that most people of all ages have the need to travel and are willing to travel many times if they have enough time and economic conditions Their decision to travel will be influenced by the images reviewed on social media platforms At the same time, we know that they are interested in virtual reality tourism, but it cannot replace traditional forms of tourism
3 About our service: A tourism experience central.
3.1 Product description:
The tourism experience center model can be envisioned as a premium cinema model, where participants will see every landscape of the tourist spot they choose to experience, as well as experience the space and climate there in a realistic and vivid way This will be a place that helps tourists have a travel experience at a lower cost
Trang 127 compared to an actual trip It also helps them make a more informed choice before deciding to experience a real trip to any destination
The tourism experience center is designed to include multiple virtual reality projection rooms Each room is approximately 100 m in size The rooms will be2
integrated with the most modern LED screen technology covering the entire room, along with a 360 sound system to enhance the realistic and vivid experience.0
Moreover, the sensory experience will be heightened by applying temperature control technology specific to each tourist location (for example, the cold of Sapa, the heat of Saigon), ensuring that the authenticity is not only visual but encompasses all senses
3.2 Business model:
Charge an admission fee for users purchasing travel experience tickets (prices may range from 80,000 to 150,000 VND) depending on the location of the center Earn revenue from tourist attractions that want to promote their destinations
3.3 Customer survey on the business model:
We continued to conduct a survey after developing a complete business model This time, the questions were directly related to our business model, specifically including:
- What is your general impression of our business model ?
- Would you be willing to pay an amount equivalent to a movie ticket price for a virtual reality travel experience ?
- Do you think experiencing a virtual reality travel model will directly influence your decision to travel ?
Since these are difficult questions and cannot be answered with a quick online quiz, we have recorded the direct answers and filtered out the typical ones:
1 What is your general impression of our business model?
- Type 1: An interesting and novel business model, but in terms of efficiency, it needs to be considered further
- Type 2: I feel it's new but I'm not sure it will replace traditional travel.
- Type 3: I think this is an interesting and novel business model It can help me
experience the tourist destination that I am wondering about
2 Would you be willing to pay an amount equivalent to a movie ticket price for
a virtual reality travel experience?
- Just one point of view: I'm willing to pay a fee equal to the price of a movie ticket to get a virtual reality travel experience
Trang 133 Do you think experiencing a virtual reality travel model will directly influence your decision to travel?
- Type 1: I think experiencing the virtual reality travel model will directly affect
my decision to travel, it helps me decide whether to choose that place to travel in reality or not
- Type 2: It will completely replace traditional travel, I will be able to travel
cheaply and take less time
3.4 Conclusion
Thus, it can be seen that our application really has an impact on the tourism industry and directly affects travelers' travel decisions, but this model is unlikely to replace the traditional form of tourism that acts as a pre-travel service where visitors will experience before the real trip their sacrifice
4 Competitive differentiation
In the current market, most of them are just tourism experience applications at the tourist destination itself, it is just an accompanying experience to help the tourist destination itself promote its services instead of focusing entirely on a virtual reality tourism center
Figure 4-12 Competitive Analysis