Open source software has been and iscontributing significantly to the development of modern technology, withadvantages of transparency, flexibility and a large support community.However,
Da Nang, November 2024
Student : NGUYEN VIET KHANG – 22NS028
Class : 4th IT Base Project
Trang 3In the process of studying and learning for the 4th IT Base Project , irealized that network security and web security are indispensable factors whendeveloping and operating online systems Open source software has been and iscontributing significantly to the development of modern technology, withadvantages of transparency, flexibility and a large support community.However, security vulnerabilities can also appear if not detected and fixedpromptly, especially in the context of website development
This report is designed to understand how to build a website that containssecurity vulnerabilities listed in the OWASP Top 10, and to further researchhow these vulnerabilities can be exploited and how they affect the system.Through this research, I hope to have a more comprehensive view of security in
an open source environment, as well as grasp effective system protectionmethods
Trang 4During the process of implementing and completing this project, i havereceived very enthusiastic and useful help and guidance from the teacher of theFaculty of Computer and Electronics Engineering, Vietnam - Korea University
of Information Technology and Communications I would like to express mysincere thanks to the teacher who have provided me with valuable knowledge,information, documents and guidance during the project In particular, i wouldlike to thank Mr Nguyen Huu Nhat Minh - who directly guided me during theimplementation of this project
However, due to limitations in time, knowledge and practical experience,the topic is inevitably flawed I look forward to receiving sympathy fromteachers and welcome comments, assessments and feedback from teachers andstudents so that i can continue to improve and develop in future research andimplementation projects
Once again, i would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr Nguyen HuuNhat Minh , who have supported and helped me throughout the process ofimplementing this project
… ………
Trang 6CHAPTER I OVERVIEW OF THE TOPIC 21.1 Information about the topic 21.1.1 Introduce the topic and reasons for choosing the topic 21.1.2 Objectives, meaning and subjects of the topic 21.1.3 Meaning of the topic: 31.2 Technologies used in the topic 31.2.1 Oracle VM Virtual Box 3
Trang 72.2 Project implementation 14
2.2.1 Usecase diagram 14 2.2.2 Database 17 CHAPTER III IMAGES AND PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS 22
3.1 Website images 22
3.1.1 Normal user side 22 3.1.2 Administrator side 26 3.2 Vulnerabilities have been added to the site 27
3.2.1 Broken Access Control and Misconfiguration 27 3.2.2 Authentication Failures 28 3.2.3 SQL Injection 29 3.2.4 XSS 30 3.2.5 Path Traversal 31 3.2.6 Cryptographic Failures 32 CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTION 33
4.1 Results achieved: 33
4.2 Unfinished business: 33
4.3 Advantages and disadvantages of the topic: 33
4.4 Development direction of the topic: 33
Figure 1.2.1 VM Virtual Box 3
Figure 1.2.2 BurpSuite 4
Figure 1.2.3 JS 4
Figure 1.2.4 Bootsrap5 5
Figure 1.2.5 Nodejs 6
Figure 1.2.6 EJS 6
Figure 1.2.7 Express 7
Figure 1.2.8 MySQL 8
Figure 1.2.9 Github 9
Figure 1.2.10 Swagger 10
Figure 1.2.11 Vmware player 11
Figure 2.1.1 Project structure 12
Figure 2.2.1 Use-case diagram 14
Figure 2.2.2 User_table 18
Figure 2.2.3 Food 18
Figure 2.2.4 Cart 19
Figure 2.2.5 Type of food 19
Figure 2.2.6 general_info_order 20
Figure 2.2.7 order detail 20
Figure 2.2.8 comments 21
Figure 2.2.9 database 21
Figure 3.1.1 Login interface 22
Figure 3.1.2 Registration interface 22
Figure 3.1.3 Home page interface 23
Figure 3.1.4 Introduction interface 23
Figure 3.1.5 Menu Interface 24
Figure 3.1.6 Contact interface 25
Figure 3.1.7 Food description interface 25
Figure 3.1.8 Shopping cart and payment interface for multiple dishes 26
Trang 9Figure 3.2.2 Cookies 28
Figure 3.2.3 Decoding 28
Figure 3.2.4 Encoding 28
Figure 3.2.5 Access with admin rights 28
Figure 3.2.6 No attack payload yet 29
Figure 3.2.7 With attack payload 29
Figure 3.2.8 Malicious string insertion 30
Figure 3.2.9 Successful attack 30
Figure 3.2.10 Source path 31
Figure 3.2.11 Changing parameters 31
Figure 3.2.12 Encoding cookies with base64 32
Figure 3.2.13 Do not encrypt user passwords 32
STT Symbol Full text
1 HTML Hypertext Markup Language
2 CSS Cascading Style Sheets
3 JS JavaScript
4 EJS Embedded JavaScript
5 SCSS Sassy Cascading Style Sheets
6 API Application programming interface
1.1 Information about the topic
1.1.1 Introduce the topic and reasons for choosing the topic
Topic introduction:
This topic focuses on detecting and describing common securityvulnerabilities in the OWASP list, including SQL Injection, XSS (Cross-SiteScripting), Path traversal, Broken Access Control, Misconfiguration,Cryptographic Failures, and Authentication Failures These are allvulnerabilities that are frequently exploited by hackers to gain control or stealsensitive information from web systems, causing serious consequences for usersecurity and privacy
Reason for choosing the topic: I chose to study these vulnerabilities
because they are very common and have a profound impact on all web systems.Whether large or small businesses, organizations are still at risk of beingattacked if they do not implement appropriate security measures Moreover,understanding the operating mechanism and how to prevent these vulnerabilitieshelps us have a solid foundation of knowledge about web application securityand create safer products in the future
1.1.2 Objectives, meaning and subjects of the topic
Objective of the topic:
- Raise awareness of three common security vulnerabilities and their
exploitation mechanisms
- Deep analysis of how these vulnerabilities are implemented in real
- Provides prevention methods for each vulnerability, helping to develop
more secure systems
- Build a website that simulates vulnerabilities to provide a realistic
environment for developers and security researchers to learn and practice
Trang 121.1.3 Meaning of the topic:
This topic not only helps protect the system from external threats but alsocontributes to raising public awareness of information security Whendevelopers are clearly aware of vulnerabilities and how to prevent them, theywill contribute to minimizing attacks, better protecting user information andminimizing security risks for businesses
1.2 Technologies used in the topic
1.2.1 Oracle VM Virtual Box
Figure 1.2.1 VM Virtual Box
Concept: Oracle VM VirtualBox is an open source virtualization software
that allows the creation and management of virtual machines on personalcomputers It provides an environment to run multiple operating systems on thesame physical machine without the need for direct installation In this project,VirtualBox helps create an isolated test environment for website deployment,making it easy to test OWASP security vulnerabilities and analyze applicationperformance without affecting the actual production environment
Uses: VirtualBox helps create a separate virtual environment on the
computer, allowing for safe deployment and testing of websites withoutaffecting the main system You can set up and test many differentconfigurations, easily re-initialize the environment when necessary, and quicklydetect vulnerabilities without risking the actual system
Trang 13a variety of features, including proxies, automated and manual scanning, andtools to test, exploit, and remediate security vulnerabilities on your website.
Uses: Burp Suite is an important tool for detecting and testing website
security vulnerabilities It acts as a proxy, helping you monitor and modifyHTTP requests and responses between the browser and the server Burp Suitealso has an automatic vulnerability detection feature, allowing you to find andexploit security vulnerabilities such as XSS, SQL Injection, helping youimprove the security level of your web application
1.2.3 JS
Figure 1.2.3 JS
Trang 14Concept: A client-side programming language used to interact with and
change content on a web page JS allows for dynamic actions such as validatingdata, dynamically changing content, handling events, and interacting with users
Uses: JavaScript is used to make web pages interactive and dynamic It
allows adding effects, changing content based on user behavior, validating input,and interacting with APIs to get and send data from the server
1.2.4 Bootstrap 5
Figure 1.2.4 Bootsrap5
Concept: It is a popular and powerful CSS framework, used to build
responsive and mobile-friendly web interfaces
Uses: Provides a set of tools and CSS classes for building web interfaces
quickly and easily It provides interface components such as buttons, forms,tables, navigation bars, etc that are pre-designed and compatible across variousdevices and browsers
Bootstrap 5 uses a flexible grid system (flexbox) to layout and arrangeelements on the page It also provides CSS classes and JavaScript components toimplement effects, interactions, and custom features
With Bootstrap 5, we can quickly build professional web interfaces,compatible on many devices and save time in the development process
Trang 151.2.5 Nodejs
Figure 1.2.5 Nodejs
Concept: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows
JavaScript code to be executed not only on the browser but also on the server.Node.js uses JavaScript to build web applications and server-side applications
Uses: The main use of Node.js is to build server-side web applications.
With Node.js, you can build dynamic web applications, real-time applications,APIs, and other network applications Node.js provides asynchronousmultithreading capabilities, allowing you to handle multiple requests at the sametime without slowing down the application's performance
Node.js also allows the use of libraries and modules created by theJavaScript community through npm (Node Package Manager) This helps reuseopen source code and speeds up the application development process
1.2.6 EJS
Figure 1.2.6 EJS
Trang 16Concept: A template language for Node.js It allows dynamic HTML
templates to be created by embedding JavaScript code into HTML EJS helpsseparate logic and interface in web applications, allowing for easy reuse andmanagement of web page interface components
Uses: The main use of EJS is to separate logic and interface in web
applications Using EJS, it is possible to create reusable and easily manageableHTML templates EJS allows JavaScript code to be inserted into HTMLtemplates to create dynamic, repeating, conditional content and data charts.With EJS, you can pass data from the server into your HTML template anduse JavaScript expressions to manipulate that data during rendering This allowsyou to create dynamic web pages that interact with data from the server
1.2.7 Expressjs
Figure 1.2.7 Express
Concept: A powerful and flexible Node.js web application framework It
provides tools and features for building server-side web applications quickly andeasily Express allows for handling HTTP requests, managing routing, handlingmiddleware, creating APIs, and much more
Uses: Handles HTTP requests, manages routing, handles middleware, and
creates APIs With Express, you can build dynamic web applications, real-timeapplications, and RESTful APIs
Express helps create routes to determine how to handle requests from theclient side and create middleware to perform intermediate processing functions
Trang 171.2.8 MySQL
Figure 1.2.8 MySQL
MySQL is an open source relational database management system that
uses the SQL language to manage and query data It was developed by Oracleand is commonly used in web applications, especially on open source platformssuch as Linux
Uses of MySQL:
- Data Management: Store, query, and manage information efficiently
- Web application support: Commonly used in developing dynamic websitesand content management systems
- Big Data Processing: Manage and process large amounts of data with highperformance
- Security: Provides strong security mechanisms for the database
- High compatibility: Works on multiple operating systems and programminglanguages
Trang 181.2.9 Github
Figure 1.2.9 Github
GitHub is a source code hosting and project management platform for
software development It provides tools and features for developing, managing,and sharing project source code
GitHub's key features include:
- Source code hosting : GitHub allows you to create repositories to store yourproject's source code You can upload, branch, and manage versions of thesource code
- Project Management : GitHub provides tools to manage and track projectprogress You can create and assign issues, track and label issues, and trackchanges through a version control system
- Collaboration : GitHub allows multiple people to work on the same project.You can invite members to your project, manage access, and view andreview proposed changes via pull requests
- Share and discover : GitHub is a large community of software developers.You can share public source code, search and discover other projects, and
Trang 191.2.10 Swagger
Figure 1.2.10 Swagger
Swagger is essentially an ecosystem of tools and standards, with the most
popular standard data format being the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) OpenAPI
is a RESTful API description standard that allows defining API endpoints,HTTP methods, parameters, and responses
Swagger provides a powerful set of tools for various stages of APIdevelopment, including:
- Automatic API documentation: Swagger can automatically generate APIdocumentation by reading annotations in the source code or based onOpenAPI configuration files Users can view this documentation in webform and it is more intuitive than writing documentation manually
- Visual API Testing Interface: Swagger UI is a tool that provides a webinterface that makes it easy for users to interact with and test APIs Userscan enter parameters, call endpoints, and view the results directly on thisinterface
- Automatic source code generation and client SDK: Swagger Codegen allowsautomatic generation of source code for API clients (SDKs) in manydifferent programming languages, saving time and reducing the risk of errorswhen developing API clients
- Easy to share and understand API: Swagger helps stakeholders (likebackend, frontend, QA) have a detailed and easy-to-read APIdocumentation, which improves communication and collaboration betweenteams
Trang 201.2.11 Vmware player
Figure 1.2.11 Vmware player
VMware Player is a free virtualization software developed by VMware
that allows users to run virtual machines on Windows or Linux operatingsystems It helps create, configure, and manage virtual machines, simulatinghardware environments without requiring additional physical equipment.VMware Player supports many different operating systems, allowing users toinstall and run other operating systems on the same physical computer
VMware Player allows users to run multiple operating systems on the
same computer without the need for complicated partitioning or boot systems Itprovides a safe testing environment for installing and testing software, patches,
or system configurations without affecting the main operating system Foreducation and research, VMware Player is a useful tool for students andresearchers who want to experiment with new operating systems andtechnologies without additional hardware
2.1.2 Assets
This folder contains static resources such as CSS, JavaScript, images, andother interface support files This folder helps separate static resources from thesource code, making it easier to manage and increasing page loading speed
2.1.3 Controller
This folder contains controller files in the MVC (Model-View-Controller)model The controller is the intermediate layer between the model and the view,responsible for handling requests from users, manipulating data and returningappropriate results to the user