P/S toothpaste: is a famous brand of dental care products in Vietnam today, a product of Unilever Vietnam.. At that time, P/S was one of the famous brands, accounting for a large share o
HA NOI - 2021
1 Micro enVITOTINH Q0 Q22 2n ng HT HT HT TT Hn TT TH TH se 2
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1.4 Marketing intermedlarles 3 1.5 Suppliers cece ec ceeeessceeeeesssssessseessesesessesesseess 4
I rao an cee 4
2 Macro enVITOTIN€HI Q.02 ng TH TH TT TT gn n2 5
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2.2 ECOHOIHG., LG n g n2 22 6 2.3 Technologleal c1 1020001111 11 1 kg TT ng TT ST, 7
1 Marketing sfrafepy ng TT n ng HH ng HT TT TT Tnhh 8 1.1 Product strategy is always improved ee 8 1.2 Strong advertising in many areas ee 9
2 STP Model ee eee eee 10 2.1 Segmentation eee e eer eeeee ene: 10
2.2 HTargeting eee eects eeeeeees 10
2.3 Posflonin Q02 1c n2 TT TT TH ng ll CHAPTER 3 MARKETING PLAN :ccccssssssssssceessssesnnssesnnssennsasensnsnnsneees 12
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Trang 3INTRODUCTION Toothpaste is a general name for oral pastes or gels that, when used in conjunction with a toothbrush, clean and preserve the health of one's teeth Toothpaste helps by eliminating dental plaque and food from the teeth, reducing foul breath, and delivering chemicals such as fluoride and xylitol to help prevent tooth and gum disease While the mechanical motion of the toothbrush does the majority of the cleaning, taste, flavor, and color are all important
The Unilever Company, a British multinational with $15.3 billion in revenue in
2009, is one of the top manufacturers of toothpaste Unilever primarily manufactures household and personal care items such as soaps, detergents, veterinary products, and, of course, oral hygiene (P/S) P/S now manufactures 13 toothpaste products that are intended to enhance oral health in distinct areas
Nowadays, P/S became the country's fastest growing toothpaste after a few years
of operation, with a growth rate of 90% This milestone was attained via the development
of unique and appealing goods and services aimed at various market groups; aggressive enhancement of product quality and committed customer care; and excellent communication that emotionally linked customers with close up
Introducing a new product is never simple, but when a firm is the market leader in
a specific product area, adding to that category might be a wise financial choice P/S is in this scenario with toothpaste It is a market leader in this sector and is considering developing a new toothpaste product The toothpaste, which is aimed at children as end users, will also be sold to adults, who make purchase decisions in the majority of families
1 Micro enviroment
1.1 Company
Unilever is a multinational company, founded by the UK and the Netherlands Unilever specializes in the production of consumer goods such as cosmetics, cleaning chemicals, toothpaste, shampoo, food, etc
Unilever owns big brands like Lipton, Ragu, Magnum, Bertolli, Knorr, Dove, Pond, Signal, Close-up, Hug and P/S with more than 500 companies in 90 countries around the world with the same profit annual global profits of about 40 billion euros
P/S toothpaste: is a famous brand of dental care products in Vietnam today, a product of Unilever Vietnam
P/S is the original toothpaste from 1975 of P/S chemical company At that time, P/S was one of the famous brands, accounting for a large share of the toothpaste market in Vietnam
In 1997, Unilever succeeded in launching unique P/S products and programs to create social effects P/S is controling the Vietnamese toothpaste market
1.2 Competitors
In the current market context, where goods and services are diverse, consumers have difficulty m distinguishing and evaluating products Each business tries to create a style,
an image, an impression, a separate reputation for the product in order to give the product its own image, easy to enter into the perception of customers, in other words, to promote the brand in the mind of the customer
On the Vietnamese market, there are many products serving the needs of oral care Therefore, in order to gain a large market share, P/S has improved a lot for the
improvement of production techniques, designs and product quality In addition to P/S,
Trang 5there are other brands such as Collgate, Oral B, Close-up, etc These are formidable competitors of P/S In the current expanding economic situation in Vietnam, P/S also has potential competitors from foreign brands Therefore, P/S needs to assert itself and find
an effective business strategy to keep market share in Vietnam
For the competitors, P&G, undoubtedbly, is Unilever’s closet one There are firce rivalries between two companies in many fields like toothpaste products P&G has introduced C-rest succesively, known as professsional dental products Thus, Unilever has launched a new brand “P/S” in order to cover its shortage in toothpaste market 1.3 Customers
P/S has approximately 3.4 millionscustomers through its countries These customers rane from small, ndependent retailers to large international supermarkets and restaurants chains The changing needs and requirements must be continually assessed so that P/S can adapt and remain relevant P/S focus on dividing customers into distinct groups: Age: Because toothpaste is an essential product, everyone has a need to use the product from children to adults and older people For each age, the choice of toothpaste is different It is also different: with children will use strawberry-flavored baby toothpaste
or high-end kid's toothpaste or with teenagers and adults will use toothpaste with different flavors such as lemon, mint, green tea with different features such as preventing tooth decay, whitening teeth, reducing sensitivity
Gender: Includes both male and female Toothpaste also affects gender Men are afraid that their breath will not smell good or have dental problems due to smoking or drinking too much coffee, so P/S will launch creams with a refreshing feeling while deodorizing or increasing whitening agents non-toxic teeth to retain customers
1.4 Marketing intermediaries
Unilever sales their products in over 100 countries all over the world They sell it in all kind of stores, for example in Supermarkets, drudstores and small specialized shops To
Trang 6introduce their brand name to the world they use all kinds of organizations like World Food of the United Nations and the Olympic games But if Unilever wants to promote their products, they do not use the name Unilever and just the specific brandname od the product So they can rech their customers more directly
1.5 Suppliers
Among Unilever’s 400 global brands, most of them is purchased from original countries first and then popularized to the whole world Unilever’s success greatly depends on its deep root in local market and first-hand data of reginal culture
We source more than 200.000 different materials from 160.000 suppliers who work with
up to a million smallholders
1 Vietnam Chemical Corporation; supply to Unilever 100.000 tons/year
2 Cosmetic chemical factones Bicio is a leadig outsouring company Unilever VN International Ltd with well-known products
3 ALPLA and MuCell Extrusion- Unilever’s global packaging suppliers
1.6 Public
Everyone on the earth can give their opinion about Unilever’s products to others, especially P/S, and that will make sense for the nes consumers Because if they heard that the P/S products of Unilever are having a bad quality they probably willnot purchase them So, Unilever had the idea to make a TV commercial to promote their products all over the world In this TV commercials they showed that customers are really satisfied about their products and they will advocate to buy their products Aslo the media affect strongly to customer’s concious
Trang 72.1 Demographic
Vietnam’s demegraphic is in its golden age It ranks 15" among the most populous countries in the world, with approximately 10 million people in 2017 (Aappendix 8; CIA 2017) This number is expected to increase by about | million every year to reach 12 million in 2025 Viet Nam is a very young country with roughly 54.1% of total population under 30 years old (GSO 2010) In particular, about 24.1% of the population are children under 15 (CIA 2015)
This population recieves better education and earns higher income than their ancestors 20 years ago (World Bank 2014) However, family size is shrinking continually As at 2009, each Vietnamese couple expected to bear only 2.48 children Vietnam is in the rapid urbanization stage, with an increasing rate of 2.95% per year; currently, about 33.6% of populationlives in urban cities However, the percentage of urban citzens 1s still low in comparison with thw world’s statitics The urban population has increased in recent years but the percentage is still low compared to the world’s percentage of 54% In terms of income, Vietnamese people are still mainly in the lower middle class ( Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada 2015)
These statistics have significant implications for dental businesses such as Unilever As the majority of Vietnam’s population is middle-income (Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada 2015), P/S boasts a large market share with this segment Indeed, according to Nielsen (2013), the current shop chances lie significantly in the middle class This group od customers implies significant growth potential for the company Because the young people is educated, more receptive towards Western cultures, they are more inclined to consume dental products Smaller household pattern means that’s parents pay more attention to their family members As all family members are the targeted segment of P/S, this scenario implies more demand from market of the company Traditional consumers are typically urban citizens, who have more spending
Trang 8power aand more concerns about healthy dental products The increasing rate of urbaniztion indicates increasing demands
From 2000 to 2009, dental products reose considerably from 3.4 boxes/person/year to 5.7 boxes/person/year, showig a growth 7.2% Indeed, 10% of population in big cities accounts for 67% of dental products Businesses are promoting and distributing more products both in urban and rural areas in order to increase awareness about health values
of dental product According to Nielen, rural citizens purchase up to 46% of the total products, meaning that the demand in the rural areas is indeed very high
2.2 Economic
In the last six years, Vietnam has undergone significant economic modernization According to World Bank (2015), Vietnam’s GDP had accrued to 6.2% by Jun 2015, showig the highest growing rate in the past five years Thanks to the economic prosperity, average income per capita has increased by 200% (Tradingeconomic 2015) Inflation rate has receded to low figures, and the economic is making a recovery
This leads to a robust rise in Vietnamese purchasing power, whose GDP figure stands at 5070.14 per capita Consumption rate accordingly accelerating by 8.7% in the first half of
2015 (WorldBank 2015) However, the aftermaths of the Great Economic Recession is still there Moreover, despite the recent economic growth, Vietnam’s population is still mainly in the lower middle mcome
Healthy market, higher income and stronger consumption confidence lead to significant changes in the consumption trend Accordign to Unlilever, customers nowsadays are deeply concerned about health and inclined to purchase dental products.Statistically, with increasing demand for dental products, P/S has great opportunities to grow sales and expand its market However, P/S should put into consideration the fact that this stage of The Great Recession, consumers aslo pay critical attention to price
Trang 92.3, Technological
Unilever owns production technology of global standards It sterilizing equipment was imported from Netherland; all other machines originate from Europe countires International standards [ISO 50001: 2011 and HACCP are applied to control the product sytem In 2013, a futher of 27 transfer station were upgraded to international standards, raising the number of globally standardized station to 45 With modren, globally production system, P/S has been able to offer consumers products of internationally quality Increasign production capacity allows the company to expand its business; this could explain why P/S is expecting a growth in sales in the short term
1 Marketing strategy:
1.1 “Product strategy is always improved”
Continuous improvement of packaging and marketing recipes to increase consumption of P/S brands Besides,the company also deeply understands the need of Vietnamese consumers to "Vietnamize" their products, for example P / S Salt, P / S Green tea Increasingly being consumed by Vietnamese consumers In addition, Unilever Vietnam
is still looking for new technical methods, new materials to produce toothpastemore diverse, richer and better with cheap and suitable for Vietnamese consumers One ofthe marketing strategies of P/S is to diversify products in every segment to helpcustomers have more choices for themselves, the products that P/S currently have such as:
- P/S Green Tea Toothpaste - Chrysanthemum
- Lemon Lemon P/S Toothpaste
- Mint P/S Toothpaste
- P/S Toothpaste Milk
- Toothpaste P/S Complete 12 - Solve 12 dental problems
- P/S 8 Toothpaste Impact - Complete 8 Action
- Toothpaste P/S Three White Times
- P/S Toothpaste Superior tooth decay
- Green Core P/S Toothpaste
- P/S toothpaste Strong, fragrant
- P/S Toothpaste Whitening - White Now
- Sensitive Expert, P/S toothpaste, sensitive teeth
- Toothpaste P/S Protection 123
- Expert P/S Toothpaste
- P/S 3x toothpaste impact
- P/S toothpaste Good baby, strawberry flavor
- High quality Kid toothpaste