Giáo án LỚP 2 I LEART SMART START và Kế hoạch giảng dạy Tiếng Anh lớp 2 theo Công văn 2345 - Chi tiết, Hiệu quả, Dễ áp dụng Bạn đang tìm kiếm giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 2 theo Công văn 2345 của Bộ Giáo dục? Bộ giáo án này được thiết kế bài bản, giúp giáo viên dễ dàng triển khai các tiết học một cách hiệu quả nhất. Đặc điểm nổi bật của giáo án: Bám sát Công văn 2345, đảm bảo tính chính xác và khoa học trong giảng dạy. Phương pháp dạy học sáng tạo, kết hợp trò chơi, bài hát và thực hành giao tiếp, giúp học sinh lớp 2 tiếp cận Tiếng Anh dễ dàng và hào hứng. Cấu trúc rõ ràng: Mục tiêu, hoạt động dạy học, phương pháp kiểm tra - đánh giá kết quả học tập. Tài liệu hỗ trợ phong phú: Slide bài giảng, bài tập thực hành, file nghe phát âm chuẩn. Đối tượng phù hợp: Giáo viên Tiểu học cần tài liệu chất lượng cao để giảng dạy Tiếng Anh. Giáo viên mới bắt đầu muốn tiết kiệm thời gian soạn giáo án. Tải ngay bộ giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 2 theo Công văn 2345 để mang lại hiệu quả tối ưu cho tiết dạy của bạn!
Trang 1Date of teaching: 11/9/2024
GETTING STARTED Lesson 1 (page 5)
Count from one to ten, and ask how old someone is
Identify and follow classroom instructions
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing independent work habits to become life-long learners.
Presenting communicative competence through learning activities.
Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Warm-up (5’):
- Greet students by saying "Hello" and
asking their names
- Set classroom rules: sit nicely, hands
up, listen to the teacher
Option 1: Play “Simon says”.
Option 2: Play “Read my lips”.
- Respond with their names
- Follow teacher’s instructions
- Follow commands that start with
Trang 2Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A Listen and point Repeat (25’):
(CD1 - Track 02)
- Introduce numbers from 1 to 10 using
real items and pictures
- Play the audio and point to flashcards
- Rearrange flashcards and have students
say the numbers
- Have students work in pairs, one points
and the other says the word
Option 1: Play “Heads up What’s
Option 2: Play “Slap”.
- Listen and repeat the numbers
- Point to the corresponding numbers
in their books
- Say the numbers aloud
- Practice in pairs: pointing and saying the words
- Guess the missing flashcard in teams
- Race to the board and slap the correct flashcard after hearing the word
B Listen and point (CD1 - Track 03):
- Introduce the situation where students
and teachers ask about age
- Play the audio and ask students to
listen and point to the correct image
- Have students work in pairs to ask and
answer about age
- Look at the pictures and listen to theaudio
- Point to the characters and listen
- Practice asking and answering aboutage
C Sing (CD1 - Track 04):
- Have students turn to page 70
- Play the audio and have students listen
and sing
- Follow along in their books
- Sing along and do actions
D Point, say, and do
- Divide the class into two teams
- Show a flashcard, have Team A ask,
and Team B answer
- Swap roles and repeat
- Participate in team activities
- Perform dialogues in teams
- Change roles and continue practicing
E Play “Magic Finger”:
- Have Student A write a number on
Student B’s back with their finger
- Have students swap roles and repeat
- Try to guess the number and answer
Trang 34 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 13/9/2024
GETTING STARTED Lesson 2 (page 6)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:
1.1 Knowledge:
Vocabulary: open your book, close your book, hands up, hands down
Structures: (Open your book!)
1.2 Language Skills:
Understand and follow simple instructions in class
Ask and answer questions related to numbers (e.g., "How old are you?") 1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing independent work habits to become life-long learners.
Presenting communicative skills through classroom activities.
Collaborating and supporting teamwork.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebook, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Week: 1
Period: 2
Trang 4Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5’):
- Play the song "Hello, how do you do?"
(YouTube link provided)
Option 1: Play "Who is faster?"
Option 2: Play “Whisper”.
- Sing along with the song
- Students race to the board and tap the correct flashcard
- Whisper the word down the row, and the last student says it aloud
A Listen and point Repeat (CD1 - Track
- Use pictures to introduce classroom
commands (e.g., open your book)
- Play audio and ask students to point to the
pictures in their books
- Play audio again and ask students to
Option 1: Play “Heads up What's
Option 2: Play “Do as I say”.
- Listen and repeat the new words
- Point to the correct picture while listening to the audio
- Repeat the words aloud
- Guess the missing flashcard in teams
- Follow the teacher’s verbal commands, but not the teacher's actions
B Listen and point (CD1 – Track 06):
- Introduce the situation and play the audio
- Point to new vocabulary items (e.g., hands
up, hands down)
- Look at the pictures and point while listening
- Follow along with the pointing activity
- Follow along in their books
- Sing along and do the actions asinstructed
D Point, say, and do
- Divide the class into two teams
- Show a flashcard, have Team A give the
command and Team B perform the action
- Swap roles and repeat
- Practice in pairs: one student points and
says, the other does the action
- Participate in team-based practice
- Perform actions according to commands
- Change roles and continue practicing
- Work in pairs, taking turns to point and perform actions
E Play “Simon says”:
- Explain the game: students only follow
commands starting with "Simon says"
- Demonstrate by giving various commands
- Listen carefully to follow
"Simon says" commands
- Perform the correct actions for
"Simon says" and ignore others
Trang 5Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Have one student come to the front and act
Workbook review (pages 4 and 5)
- Play the audio and have students complete
the exercises in part C (listen and tick)
- Set a time limit using a 1-minute timer
- After time is up, swap workbooks and
check each other’s answers
- Teacher corrects as a whole class and gives
Period: 3
Trang 6GETTING STARTED Lesson 3 (page 7)
Review writing and correct pronunciation of letters from A to M
Practice listening and speaking numbers (from one to ten)
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing independence in learning and working responsibly.
Communicating effectively through classroom activities.
Collaboration and teamwork in learning activities.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbooks.
Option 1: Play "Memory Chain" game.
Option 2: Play "Flashcard Walk."
- Sing along and perform gestures
- Students in groups repeat and add sentences in a chain
- Walk around the flashcards, pick up the correct one when the music stops
New Lesson (25’):
- Play the alphabet song, have students listen
and repeat
- Display flashcards (Aa to Mm) and point to
each letter for students to repeat
- Sing the alphabet song together
- Repeat the letters after the teacher
Trang 7Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
1 Write the letters:
- Demonstrate how to write the letters, check
answers as a class
Listen and repeat: (CD1 - Track 08)
- Play the audio for letter sounds, have
students listen and repeat
2 Listen and point: (CD1 - Track 09)
- Play the audio and have students point to
the correct letter
3 Put a (v) or a (x):
- Show pictures and have students mark ticks
or crosses based on correct sounds
4 Follow the letters and say the sounds:
- Demonstrate how to follow the letter maze
with fingers, saying the sounds
5 Write the letters:
- Have students look at the pictures and write
the correct letters
Listen and repeat: (CD1 - Track 10)
- Play the audio for letter sounds, ask
students to repeat
6 Listen and point: (CD1 - Track 11)
- Play audio and have students point to the
correct letter or picture
7 Circle the letter:
- Have students look at the pictures, circle
the correct beginning sound
8 Play “Board Race”:
- Write two letters on the board, say a word,
and have students race to touch the correct
- Write letters and check with thewhole class
- Repeat the sounds after listening to the audio
- Point to the correct picture afterhearing the sound
- Circle the correct beginning sound for each picture
Race to the board, touch the correct letter, and say the sound
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Workbook review (pages 6-7).
- Play the audio, have students tick the
correct boxes, then check answers together
Option 2: Play "Memory Game."
- Complete exercises in Workbook, pages 6 and 7
- Tick the correct answers and check with the class
- Memorize and recall the order
of phonics cards
Homework Assignment:
Complete workbook exercises on page
Trang 8Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Review the phonics and practice the
alphabet song
4 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 20/9/2024
UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson 1 (page 8)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1.1 Knowledge:
Vocabulary: happy, sad, fine/OK, great
Structures: How are you? I'm (happy).
1.2 Language Skills:
Identify and use descriptive adjectives to express feelings
Talk about how they feel
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of caring for others in their family or community.
Collaboration and support in teamwork.
Week: 2
Period: 4
Trang 9 Developing independent learning characteristics.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
Review: Play "Follow the leader."
- The teacher does an action and shouts the
word (e.g., "open your book")
- Sing along and follow gestures
- Follow the teacher’s actions, repeat the words for the actions
- Copy the action and repeat the word
New Lesson (25’):
A Presentation:
- Introduce new vocabulary (happy, sad, fine,
- Ask students to repeat words individually
and in chorus, correct pronunciation
Practice: Memory Game
- Use flashcards to reinforce vocabulary:
- Show flashcards and have students repeat in
order Then mix and ask them to recall the
words in order
- Gradually remove flashcards and ask
students to recall the words from memory
B Listen and Point (CD1 - Track 13):
- Introduce the situation: Bill and Kim are
greeting each other
- Play the audio and ask students to listen and
point to the words in the picture
Option 2: Play the Slap game.
- Divide the class into four teams, have
students stand in lines
- The first student to slap the correct word
C Sing (CD1 - Track 14):
- Have students turn to page 70 in their
- Listen to new words
- Repeat the words together and individually
- Repeat and recall the words in order and mixed order
- Recall the words even when flashcards are removed
- Listen and look at the picture
- Listen and point to the words
as they hear them
- Four students race to the board
to slap the correct word when it
is called out
- Participate in the game and slap the correct flashcard
- Turn to the correct page
- Listen to the song
- Sing along and perform the actions
Trang 10Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Play the audio and ask students to listen
- Sing along and do actions to match the
- Practice asking and answering: How are
you? / I’m (happy).
- Pair up and ask and answer about their feelings
Production (5’):
Play the Guessing game.
- Have Student A perform an action for a
feeling (happy, sad, fine, great)
- Swap roles and repeat
- Ask students to summarize what they
- Sing the Goodbye Song to end the class.
- Work in pairs to guess feelings based on actions
- Guess the feeling and make a sentence: "I’m (happy)."
- Take turns acting and guessing
- Share what they’ve learned in the lesson
- Sing the goodbye song together
Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 11 of the
Practice using the new vocabulary to
talk about how they feel
4 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 25/9/2024
UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson 2 (page 9)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Week: 3
Period: 5
Trang 111.1 Knowledge:
Vocabulary: happy, sad, fine/OK, great
Structures: How are you? I'm (happy).
1.2 Language Skills:
Talk about how they feel
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of caring for others in their family or community.
Building non-verbal communication skills through expressing feelings.
Collaboration and support in teamwork.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Greeting + Warm-up (5’):
- Play the song “How are you?”
(Feelings) from YouTube.
Review: Missing Game
- Show words using a slide PowerPoint
- Ask students to close their eyes, then
remove one picture
- Ask students what’s missing after they
open their eyes
- Sing along and do the actions
- Call out the words they see
- Guess which picture is missing
- Answer the question about the missing word
New Lesson (25’):
Trang 12Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
D Point, Say, and Do:
- Divide the class into two teams
- Show a flashcard and have Team A ask
the question, "How are you?"
- Swap roles and repeat with another
- Point, Ask, and Answer: Have Student
A point to a picture and ask, "How are
- Have some pairs demonstrate in front of
the class
Hot Seat Game:
- Divide the class into teams and choose
one student from each team to sit on the
"hot seat" facing the classroom
- Write a word on the board, and have
other students describe it
- The team with the most points wins
E Play the “Chain” Game:
- Divide the class into groups of four
- Have Student A ask Student B, "How
are you?" and Student B answers
Continue down the chain to Student C,
then D
- Have some groups demonstrate the
activity in front of the class
Workbook - Page 9
- C Listen and Circle (WB 05): Play
audio and have students circle the correct
- D Look, Read, and Tick or Cross:
Have students tick the correct answers
and cross the incorrect ones
- Check answers and give stamps or
stickers for participation
- Participate in teams
- Team B answers using the appropriate response, e.g., "I'm great."
- Practice asking and answering in pairs and teams
- Student B answers, then they swaproles
- Present the conversation in front ofthe class
- The student in the "hot seat"
guesses the word based on teammates' descriptions
- The team earns a point if the student guesses correctly
- Work together in teams to describeand guess the words
- Stand up and work in groups
- Take turns asking and answering the question
- Demonstrate the activity as a group
- Listen to the audio and circle the correct answers
- Look, read, and mark the answers
Trang 13Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Correct answers with the teacher and receive feedback
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Mingle Game
- Stop the music and ask each pair to ask
and answer
Option 2: Interview Game
- Give each student an Interview
- Have students ask their friends, "How
are you?" and mark the answers
- Play music and move around the room When the music stops, find a partner and ask, "How are you?"
- Answer with an appropriate response, such as, "I'm happy."
- Use the handout to ask five friends about their feelings
- Mark ✔ or 🗶 depending on if the friend can spell from A to M or count from 1 to 10
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 12 of the Workbook
Practice the vocabulary (happy, sad, fine, great) and structure "How are you?" at home
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 27/9/2024
Lesson 3 (page 10)
1 Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Week: 3
Period: 6
Trang 141.1 Knowledge:
Vocabulary: Letter N, nut, nose, happy, sad, fine/ok, great
o How are you? I’m happy, sad, fine/ok, great
o What letter is this? It’s letter N
1.2 Language Skills:
Recognize and make the /n/ sound
Ask and answer about their feelings
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing non-verbal communication through letter recognition.
Collaborative skills in teamwork activities.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student’s book, notebook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Greeting + Warm-up (5’):
- Play the Hello song (YouTube link provided).
Review: Hot Seat Game
- Divide the class into teams and explain the
game rules
- Have a student (teaching assistant) sit in the
"hot seat" facing away from the board
- Write a word on the board, and the team
- Describe the word on the board for their teammate to guess
- Guess the word based on classmates’ descriptions
- Earn points for the team by guessing correctly
New Lesson (25’):
- Introduce new vocabulary (Letter N, nose, nut)
one by one
- Show flashcards and ask students to repeat the
- Listen to the new words
- Repeat the words together and individually
Trang 15Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
word after the teacher
Practice: Memory Game
- Use flashcards to reinforce vocabulary:
- Show flashcards, have students repeat each
word, and stick them on the board in order
- Gradually remove flashcards and ask students
to recall the words from memory in both order
and mixed order
- Repeat words in sequence asshown
- Recall the words in the order
or mix as prompted by the teacher
Flashcards: nut, nose, letter N
Option 1: Listen and Clap (CD1 - Track 18):
- Demonstrate the activity and have students
stand up
Option 2: Sticky Ball Game:
- Introduce the game and have students repeat
the game’s name
- Divide the class into teams
- Model the game with the teaching assistant:
the assistant throws the sticky ball to hit the
correct flashcard (e.g., "nut")
- Invite two students from different teams to
play the game
- Give stars to the winner
Musical Ball Game (6 mins):
- Model how to play: pass a ball while music is
playing When the music stops, the student
holding the ball answers a question
- Questions include: "What’s this?" or "What
letter is this?"
- Continue playing with different students
- Stand up and clap when theyhear the letter sound /n/
- Repeat the game’s name after the teacher
- Participate in their teams
- Observe the demonstration
- Play the game and throw thesticky ball to the correct picture
- Earn stars for correct answers
- Pass the ball and answer when the music stops
- Answer: "It’s letter N/nose/nut."
- Participate in asking and answering
Complete exercises on page 15 of the Workbook
Practice recognizing and pronouncing the /n/ sound at home
Trang 165 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 2/10/2024
UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson 4 (page 11)
1 Objectives:
After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
1.1 Knowledge:
Vocabulary: Letter O, octopus, orange
Language Skills: Recognize and produce the /ɒ/ sound in words.
1.2 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of caring for others in their family or community.
Collaboration and teamwork through group activities.
Developing independence and being responsive learners.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Greeting + Warm-up (5’):
- Play the Phonics Song (YouTube link
- Sing along and do the actions
- Follow the classroom rules
Week: 4
Period: 7
Trang 17Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Establish classroom rules: sit nicely, listen,
be quiet, raise hands to talk, speak English
Review: "What is Missing?" Game
- Divide the class into teams and place
flashcards on the board (letter N, nut, nose,
and other flashcards)
- Have students close their eyes while
removing one flashcard
- Award a point to the first team that guesses
- Have students work in pairs: one traces the
letter while the other guesses
- Listen to the audio and repeat
- Trace the letter O with their
- Trace and guess letters in pairs
- Have some students demonstrate in front of
- Show pictures and demonstrate the activity
- Play audio and have students point to the
letter as they hear it
- Play the audio again for students to listen
and repeat
- Have students trace and write the letters,
and demonstrate in front of the class
- Look at the pictures and followthe teacher
- Point to the correct letter whilelistening
- Repeat the letter sounds after the audio
- Trace and write the letters, then demonstrate if asked
C.Sing (CD1 - Track 21):
- Play the audio for students to listen
- Have students look at the lyrics and follow
- Play audio again, ask students to sing along
and do the actions
- Create a new verse with the word "orange"
and have students sing along to the same
- Listen to the song
- Follow the lyrics and do the actions
- Sing the song and perform actions
- Make a new verse and sing with the class
Trang 18Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Production:
D Listen and Hop (CD1 - Track 22):
- Demonstrate how to hop when hearing the
correct letter sound
- Play the audio and have students hop when
they hear the /ɒ/ sound
- Stand up and get ready for the activity
- Hop when the letter sound is heard
Hot Potato Game:
- Write a letter (e.g., N) on the board and
explain the rules
- Throw a soft ball to a student, who must say
a word starting with that letter (e.g., "nut")
- Continue until all students have had a turn
- Follow the instructions and get ready to play
- Catch the ball, say a word beginning with the letter, and pass it back
- Participate by catching the ball and saying a word
Wrap-up (5’):
- Review what has been learned today
- Sing the Goodbye Song to conclude the
- Recap the new vocabulary and practice sounds
- Sing the goodbye song with the class
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 16 of the Workbook
Practice tracing and writing the letter O at home.
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 4/10/2024
UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson 5 (page 12)
1 Objectives:
After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
1.1 Knowledge:
Week: 4
Period: 8
Trang 19 Vocabulary: scared, bored, hungry, thirsty
Structures: (Minh)'s (thirsty).
1.2 Language Skills:
Talk about how other people feel
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of caring for others in their family or community.
Collaboration and teamwork through classroom activities.
Developing independence and responsive learning in class.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
- Establish classroom rules: sit nicely, listen,
be quiet, raise hands to talk, speak English
Review: Pictionary Game
- Divide the class into teams and explain the
game rules
- Have a student from each team draw an
item (e.g., "nut") on the board while their
- Follow the classroom rules
- Participate in their teams
- Guess what their teammate is drawing
- Earn points for their team by guessing correctly
New Lesson (25’):
A Listen and Point Repeat (CD1 - Track
- Use pictures to introduce new feelings
vocabulary: scared, bored, hungry, thirsty
- Look at the pictures and listen
to the new words
- Play audio, have students listen and repeat
both individually and in groups
- Arrange flashcards on the board, and play
audio to point to each flashcard
- Have students repeat multiple times for
- Repeat after the audio to practice pronunciation
- Point to the pictures in their books while listening
- Listen and repeat the
Trang 20Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Mix the flashcards and ask students to
recall the words
- Pair students for practice: one points to a
picture and the other says the word
vocabulary several times
- Say the words aloud when asked
- Work in pairs to practice vocabulary
Option 1: Word Tennis Game
- Invite a student to come to the front and
play word tennis with the teacher Say a
word and hit it back to the student
- Divide the class into pairs to play with each
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity
- Respond with a different word from the unit and "hit" it back to the teacher
- Play word tennis in pairs
- Demonstrate the activity in front of the class
Option 2: Seven Lives Game
- Draw seven body outlines on the board
Write one line for each letter of a word (e.g.,
_ _ _ _ _ _ for "hungry")
- Write the correct letter on the line if
guessed correctly, remove one body if
- Raise hands and guess a letter
- Continue guessing until the word is complete or all bodies are removed
B Listen and Point (CD1 - Track 24):
- Have students call out the people they see
in the pictures
- Play audio and demonstrate pointing to the
correct images
Listen and Repeat (CD1 - Track 25):
- Introduce the useful language box, play
audio, and have students repeat
- Identify and say who they see
- Listen and point as instructed
- Listen to the audio and repeat the useful phrases
C Play the "Pretend" Game:
- Have one student come to the front to act
out an emotion silently (e.g., scared, happy)
- Swap roles and repeat with different
Pass the Card Game:
- Divide the class into teams, have each team
line up
- Give the first student a card and say "Go"
The student says the word and passes it to
the next
- The last student races to the teacher and
says the word
- The team with the most points wins
- Try to guess the emotion being shown
- Take turns acting out and guessing emotions
- Stand in lines as part of the team
- Pass the card over their heads while saying the word aloud
- Earn points for their team by saying the word correctly
- Compete to be the winning team
Trang 21Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Wrap-up (5’):
- Review what has been learned today
- Sing the Goodbye Song to conclude the
- Summarize the new vocabulary and sentence structures
- Sing the goodbye song with the whole class
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 17 of the Workbook
Practice using new vocabulary to talk about how others feel
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 09/10/2024
UNIT 1: FEELINGS Lesson 6 (p13)
I Objectives:
After completing this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:
1 Knowledge
scared, bored, hungry, thirsty
(Minh)'s (thirsty)
Week: 5
Period: 9
Trang 22What's your name?
My name's (Vinh)
2 Language skills
Talk about how other people feel and ask someone his/her name
3 Core competencies & Personal qualities
• Building up interests and good habits in learning English
• Building up awareness of taking care of others in their family orcommunity
• Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork
• Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be alife-long learner
II Teaching aids:
Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
"Musical dictation" game
Divide the class into teams
Have the teacher write the sentence in wrong
order (E.g thirsty/Minh’s/.)
Play some music and have teams pass their
Have each team take out a pencil and a piece of paper
Trang 23pencil from one student to the next within the
When the music stops, the students who have
just received the pencil write down on their
paper what the teacher has dictated to them
Give the first team to write the sentence in
correct order one point
The team that gets themost points wins
New lesson Presentation:
D 1 Listen and read (CD1 – Track 26)
Introduce the situation
Have students call out the people they can see
Play audio and have students listen and read
2 Listen and repeat (CD1 - Track 27)
Have students look at the useful language
Play audio Have students listen to the useful
Have students practice the useful language
"Hot seat" game
Divide the class into teams
Have a student from each team sit on the chair
facing the classroom with the board behind
Teacher writes a word on the board
- Students call out the people they can see
- Students practice the useful language
The other students describe the word
Trang 24 Give the first team to guess correctly one point.
The team that gets the most points wins
E Play the "Chain" game.
Have students look at the example
Divide the class into groups of four
Have the students stand up
Have Student A turn to Student B and ask the
question, then have Student B answer
Next, have Student B turn to Student C and ask
the question, then have Student C answer
Continue until all students have practiced
Workbook - page 13
Listen and (√) the box.
Have students look at exercise C page 13,
identify all pictures and guess the answers
Play audio Have students listen and tick the
correct box
Have students listen and check the answers
D Look, read, and (√) the box.
Have students look, read and tick the correct
E Look, trace, and draw lines.
Have students look at the pictures, read the
question and answers, then trace the answers
and draw lines
Check understanding part C, D, E as a whole
- The students stand up
- Some groups demonstrate the activity in front
of the class
Students look at the pictures, read the question and
Trang 25class and give the correct answers to the
answers, then tracethe answers and draw lines
Wrap up “Musical chairs” game
Have students sit on their seats
Play music and ask them to move around
Take away two chairs and suddenly stop
music Have students sit on any chairs The
two students who have no chairs to sit on will
make questions and answers
Student A: What’s your name?
Student B: My name is (Vinh)
Swap roles and continue
Students sit on anychairs The two students who have
no chairs to sit on will make
questions and answers
The last student in the row has to say out the
Give the first team to say the word/sentence
correctly one point
The team that gets the most points wins
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 18 of the Workbook
Practice using new vocabulary to talk about how others feel
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Trang 26………
Date of teaching: 11/10/2024
UNIT 2: SHAPES Lesson 1 (p14) 1.Objectives:
After completing this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:
Ask and answer about the shape of objects
- Core competencies & Personal qualities
• Building up interests and good habits in learning English
• Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork
• Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be alife-long learner
• Demonstrating problem-solving skills through learning activities
2.Teaching aids:
Week: 5
Period: 10
Trang 27Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks.
- The student with a red ball make a question for the child who has yellow ball
E.g Student with the red ball will ask
Play “Pass the balls” game
Give two different colored balls to two
students, a red ball (ask the question) and a
yellow ball (answer the question)
Have students listen to music and pass the
Stop music suddenly
Have the student with a red ball make a
question for the child who has yellow ball
E.g Student with the red ball will ask
“What’s your name?” The child with the
yellow ball will answer his/ her friend’s
question “My name is (Vinh).”
Trang 28A Listen and point Repeat (CD1 - Track
Use some pictures to introduce the shapes
(circle, square, rectangle, triangle)
Have students listen to each new word
Have students listen to each new word and
repeat all together and individually Correct
student’s pronunciation if necessary
Arrange the flashcards on the board, play
audio, and point to each flashcard
Play audio again and have students point to
the numbers in their books
Play audio again and have students listen
and repeat
Have students work in pairs, one points to
the shapes and one says the words Swap
roles and continue
Play "Heads up What's missing?" game
Divide the class into two teams
Arrange the flashcards on the board and
remove one card when students are not
Students work in pairs, one points to theshapes and one says the words Swap roles and continue
- Student from each team calls out the missing flashcard
B Listen and point (CD1 – Track 29)
Introduce the situation Bill and Sue are
asking and answering about shapes
Play audio and have students look at the
Trang 29 Demonstrate the activity by pointing to the
new vocabulary items
Play audio Have students listen and point
Have students work in pairs and play roles
of the conversations, using all words of part
- Students listen and point
C Sing (CD1 – Track 30)
Have students turn to page 70
Play audio and have students listen
Read the lyrics and do actions following
Play audio and have students listen, sing
along, and do the actions
Divide the class into two groups, one sings
the questions and one sings and draw in the
air the answers
Workbook page 14
A Look, read, and put a (√) or a (x)
Have students open their Workbooks page
14 and have them look at the pictures and
read the works, then put a tick or a cross
B Look, write, and draw lines.
Teacher makes a first example to guide
students how to do the task
Have students look, write and draw lines
Wrap up
Students listen, sing along, and do the actions
- Students look, write and draw lines
Trang 30Throw the dice
Put children in pairs Each pair has a die
with the numbers 1–6
Number the sentences like the list below:
1.Draw a triangle
2.Draw a rectangle
3.Draw a square
4.Draw a circle
5.Draw your favorite shape
6.Draw a circle and a square
• Student 1: What shape is it?
• Student 2: It's a circle
- Children take turns throwing the die, draw the shape, thenask and answer the question
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 19 of the Workbook
Practice using new vocabulary to talk about how others feel
5 Adjustments After Teaching: