Giáo án và Kế hoạch giảng dạy Tiếng Anh lớp 1 theo Công văn 2345 - Chi tiết, Hiệu quả, Dễ áp dụng Bạn đang tìm kiếm giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 1 theo Công văn 2345 của Bộ Giáo dục? Bộ giáo án này được thiết kế bài bản, giúp giáo viên dễ dàng triển khai các tiết học một cách hiệu quả nhất. Đặc điểm nổi bật của giáo án: Bám sát Công văn 2345, đảm bảo tính chính xác và khoa học trong giảng dạy. Phương pháp dạy học sáng tạo, kết hợp trò chơi, bài hát và thực hành giao tiếp, giúp học sinh lớp 1 tiếp cận Tiếng Anh dễ dàng và hào hứng. Cấu trúc rõ ràng: Mục tiêu, hoạt động dạy học, phương pháp kiểm tra - đánh giá kết quả học tập. Tài liệu hỗ trợ phong phú: Slide bài giảng, bài tập thực hành, file nghe phát âm chuẩn. Đối tượng phù hợp: Giáo viên Tiểu học cần tài liệu chất lượng cao để giảng dạy Tiếng Anh. Giáo viên mới bắt đầu muốn tiết kiệm thời gian soạn giáo án. Tải ngay bộ giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 1 theo Công văn 2345 để mang lại hiệu quả tối ưu cho tiết dạy của bạn!
Trang 1Date of teaching: 9/9/2024
Lesson 1 (page 5)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!"
1.1 Language Knowledge and Skills:
Vocabulary: hello, goodbye
Skills: Listening and Speaking.
1.2 Competences:
Self-control and independent learning: understand and follow simple
instructions in class
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups to practice
the classroom commands
Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to respond to each instruction
correctly and immediately
1.3 Attributes:
Kindness: support their friends to complete learning tasks.
Diligence: focus on the lesson and work hard to complete all tasks.
Honesty: play fair.
Accountability: appreciate kindness, diligence, and honesty.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5’):
- Play “i-Learn Smart Start” song from
YouTube and make gestures following the
- Lead into the new lesson
- Stand up, sing, and make the gestures
- Follow the teacher’s guidance
Week: 1
Period: 1
Trang 2Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A Listen and point Repeat (10’):
- Play CD1-Track 03, have students listen to
each new word
- Ask students to repeat the words all
together and individually Correct their
- Arrange flashcards on the board, play audio
and have students point at the pictures in
their books
- Play audio again and ask students to repeat
- Change the order of flashcards and ask
students to name the words
- Have students work in pairs, one points at
the picture, the other says the word
- TPR practice: Perform actions while
saying the words (e.g., stand up, sit down)
Optional Activities:
- Option 1: Play “Heads up What's
Missing?”: Students identify the missing
- Option 2: Play the game “Who is faster?”:
Students race to tap the right card
- Listen to each new word carefully
- Repeat the words together and individually
- Point to the pictures in their books as they listen
- Listen, repeat, and point at the correct flashcards
- Say the words as the teacher points at the flashcards
- Work in pairs: one points, theother says the word, then swap roles
- Follow teacher’s instructions and do the actions
- Participate in the game in teams
- Participate in groups, tapping the correct card when called
B Listen and point (8’):
- Introduce the situation and play the audio
- Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the
words in the book
- Play the audio again and ask students to
- Point at the words, have students call them
out (e.g., hello, goodbye)
- Look at the picture and listen carefully
- Follow along and point to the pictures
- Listen and repeat after the audio
- Say the words aloud
C Now, sing a song (7’):
- Play the song’s audio and have students
- Have students turn to page 68 and follow
- Ask the whole class to sing together
- Invite some students to sing in front of the
- Listen to the song
- Look at page 68 in the book
- Sing the song as a whole class
- Selected students perform in front of the class
Wrap-up (5’):
- Option 1: Play the game “Matching”:
Match flashcards to the correct words on the
- Read the words and match them with the flashcards
- Guess the word and say it out
Trang 3Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Option 2: Play “Lips read”: Teacher
mouths the words silently and students
Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 3 in the
Prepare Lesson 2 on page 6 in the
Student’s Book
4 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 11/9/2024
GETTING STARTED Lesson 2 (page 6)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand basic classroom language such as "stand up," "sit down," and "listen."
1.1 Language Knowledge and Skills:
Vocabulary: stand up, sit down, listen
Skills: Listening and Speaking.
1.2 Competences:
Self-control and independent learning: understand and follow simple
instructions in class
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups to practice
classroom commands
Critical thinking and creativity: learn how to respond to each instruction
correctly and immediately
Week: 1
Period: 2
Trang 41.3 Attributes:
Kindness: support their friends to complete learning tasks.
Diligence: focus on the lesson and work hard to complete all tasks.
Honesty: play fair.
Accountability: appreciate kindness, diligence, and honesty.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5’):
Option 1: Play audio from Part C and have
students sing the song
Option 2: Play the game “Look and Point”.
- Write "hello" and "goodbye" in different areas
on the board Show a flashcard and ask students
to point to the word
- Sing along with the song
- Point to the words on the board and say them aloud
- Use their fingers to point and call out the words
A Listen and point Repeat (10’):
- Play CD1-Track 06, ask students to listen to
each word
- Ask students to repeat the words all together
and individually Correct pronunciation if
- Arrange flashcards on the board, have
students point to the pictures in their books
- Play audio again and ask students to repeat
several times
- Rearrange the flashcards and ask students to
say the words
- Have students work in pairs, one points at the
picture, the other says the word
- TPR practice: Perform actions for "stand
up," "sit down," and "listen" while saying the
Play the “GUESS” game Arrange flashcards
on the board and ask students to guess the
- Work in pairs: one points
at the picture, the other says the word
- Do actions and say the words together
- Participate in the guessing game
- Try to guess the flashcard
as it’s being revealed
Trang 5Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Practice
B Listen and point (8’):
- Introduce the situation and play the audio
- Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the
words in the book
- Play audio again and ask students to repeat
- Point at the words, have students call them out
(e.g., stand up, sit down, listen)
- Look at the picture and listen attentively
- Follow the teacher and point to the correct pictures
- Listen and repeat
- Call out the words as the teacher points to them
C Now, sing a song (7’):
- Play the audio of the song and ask students to
- Have students turn to page 68 and follow
- Encourage the whole class to sing together
- Invite some students to perform the song in
front of the class
- Listen to the song carefully
- Look at page 68 and follow the song
- Sing the song as a class
- Selected students sing in front of the class
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Play “Thumbs Up or Down” Show
flashcards, ask students to identify the words
with thumbs up/down
Option 2: Play “Listen and point.” Write
vocabulary on the board, ask students to point
and say the words
- Use thumbs up or down to identify the words correctly
- Point to the words on the board and say them out loud
Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 4 in the
Prepare Lesson 3 on page 7 in the
Student’s Book
4 Adjustments After Teaching:
Trang 6 Vocabulary: father, mother
Structures: This is my (mother).
1.2 Language Skills:
Listening and speaking skills, focusing on introducing family members
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing independence and responsive learning in class.
Communicating effectively through classroom activities.
Collaboration and teamwork through group activities.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Greeting + Warm-up (5’):
- Play the Finger Family song from YouTube,
have students sing and make gestures
- Review: Play "Simon says." Give commands
with or without “Simon says ” (e.g., “Simon
says stand up”)
- Have a student stand in front to lead as
- Stand up and follow the gestures
- Follow commands only if
"Simon says" is used
- Participate as "Simon" or follow commands
Week: 2
Period: 3
Trang 7A Presentation (15’):
- Introduce new vocabulary (e.g., father,
- Ask students to repeat the words all together
and individually, correcting pronunciation as
Practice: Memory Game
- Show flashcards, ask students to listen,
repeat, and remember
- Gradually remove flashcards and ask
students to recall the words in order
- Repeat with mixed order and ask students to
- Recall words in both correctand mixed order
B Listen and Point (8’): (CD1 - Track 09)
- Introduce the situation and point to family
members in the picture
- Play the audio, ask students to listen and look
at the picture
- Play the audio again, ask students to listen
and repeat
- Play audio again and have students point to
the correct person in the picture
- Call out the words “father, mother” in the picture
- Listen and follow along with the picture
- Repeat after the audio
- Point to “father,” “mother,” and other family members as directed
- Listen to the song
- Turn to page 68 and follow the lyrics
- Sing along with the song in unison
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Play "Listen and Point." Write
vocabulary on the board and have students
point and say the words aloud
Option 2: Play "Lips read." Teacher says the
word silently and students guess the word
- Point to the correct vocabulary on the board and say it aloud
- Guess and say the word aloud based on the teacher’s lip movements
Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 5 of the
Review vocabulary and practice
introducing family members
Trang 84 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 19/8/2024
Unit 1: FAMILY
Lesson 2 (page 8)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to introduce family members
1.1 Knowledge:
Vocabulary: father, mother
Structures: This is my (mother).
1.2 Language Skills:
Listening and speaking skills, focusing on introducing family members
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing independence and responsive learning in class.
Communicating effectively through classroom activities.
Collaboration and teamwork through group activities.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Greeting & Warm-up (5’):
- Play the Finger Family song from YouTube
and have students sing along and make gestures
- Stand up, sing, and follow the gestures
Week: 2
Period: 4
Trang 9Review: Who is missing?
- Display flashcards with vocabulary words
(father, mother)
- Have students close their eyes and remove one
- Show the flashcard again and have students say
the word aloud
- Call out the words based
- Point to each family member in the picture and
have students call out "father/mother."
- Model the role-play using speech bubbles: This
is my mother.
- Show flashcards and have students repeat the
sentence structure: This is my [father/mother].
- Divide the class into pairs for role-play
- Have some pairs demonstrate the activity in
front of the class
- Name the family members in the pictures
- Follow along and practiceusing the structure
- Practice repeating the sentence structure
- Work in pairs to practice introducing family
- Divide the class into groups of four
- Model the activity by introducing family
members: Student A introduces Student C and D
as their family members to Student B, and
Student B says “Hello!”
- Have students swap roles and repeat the
- Have some groups demonstrate the activity in
front of the class
- Work in groups to practice
- Take turns introducing classmates as family members
- Swap roles and repeat thedialogue
- Demonstrate the role-playactivity in front of the class
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Play Step away lines Students
prepare a photo or drawing of their
father/mother, stand in two rows, and introduce
their family members while taking a step back
after each sentence
Option 2: Play Unscramble sentences.
- Give groups flashcards with words on them,
and set a time limit
- Check the answers as a whole class
- Participate in the activity,introducing family
members and stepping back after each sentence
- Work in groups to arrange flashcards into the correct sentence order
- Arrange the words to form sentences within the time limit
- Check answers and correct them if necessary
Trang 10Homework Assignment:
Complete exercises on page 6 in the
Practice introducing family members at
4 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 24/09/2024
UNIT 1: FAMILY Lesson 3 (page 9)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will:
Be able to say family member names: mother and father.
Be able to recognize the /æ/ sound
1.1 Language Focus:
Vocabulary: mother, father, Aa, ant.
1.2 Language Skills:
Listening and speaking skills with focus on vocabulary recognition and phonics
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Collaboration and teamwork through activities.
Developing independence in phonics and vocabulary learning.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Week: 3
Period: 5
Trang 11 Students’ aids: Student book.
Option 2: Play the game “Matching”
- Write words/sentences on the board
and give students flashcards
- Have students match flashcards with
the words and call them out
- Sing the song together
- Read the words on the board and match them with the correct
- Place flashcards for letters in red (A
and B) on the board
- Point to each flashcard, call out the
letter's name, and ask students to
- Listen to the alphabet song
- Sing the alphabet song together
- Observe and follow the flashcards
- Repeat the letters after the teacher
Letter A (10’): Listen and Repeat,
- Have students look at the letter A.
- Play audio and have students listen
and repeat both individually and in
- Have some students demonstrate the
activity in front of the class
- Look at the letter A.
- Listen and repeat the letter sounds
- Repeat until the pronunciation is correct
- Call out the letter sound
- Observe the teacher’s demonstration
- Trace the letter A with their
- Demonstrate tracing in front of the class
Trang 12Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Listen and Repeat (5’):
- Show a picture of an ant and the letter
- Play audio and have students listen
and point to the letter and word
- Ask students to listen and repeat
individually and as a class
- Correct pronunciation as necessary
- Have some students demonstrate in
front of the class
- Look at the picture and the letter
- Point to the letter A and the word ant as they hear it.
- Listen and repeat in unison and individually
- Practice until pronunciation is accurate
- Demonstrate repeating the letter and word
Sing (5’):
- Have students look at the lyrics and
corresponding pictures
- Read the lyrics as a class and play the
- Have students sing and make a
gesture representing an ant.
- Ask some students to perform in front
of the class
- Follow along with the lyrics and pictures
- Read and listen attentively
- Sing the song while making a gesture
- Sing and perform the gesture in front of the class
Wrap-up (5’): Listen and Clap:
- Demonstrate the activity to students
- Have students stand up and clap when
they hear the /æ/ sound
- Invite some students to demonstrate
the activity in front of the class
- Watch and understand the demonstration
- Stand up and clap whenever the /æ/ sound is heard
- Demonstrate clapping on the /æ/ sound in front of the class
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete the tracing exercises for the letter A in the Workbook.
Practice saying the words mother and father at home.
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Trang 13o What letter is this?
o It’s letter a/b
1.2 Language Skills:
Recognize and make the /æ/ and /b/ sounds
Talk about family members
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Developing awareness of family roles and vocabulary.
Collaboration in group activities.
Independent learning through pronunciation practice.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: flashcards, sticky ball, music, ball.
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks.
Game: Flash Game (3 mins):
- Show a flashcard very quickly, and ask
students to guess who or what it is
- Show the flashcard again to check their
- Guide students to say the word in a full
sentence: "This is my mother."
- Guess the word on the flashcard and say it aloud
- Answer with the correct vocabulary (e.g.,
Trang 14Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Repeat the activity with different flashcards - Continue participating by
guessing and saying the words
- Show flashcards and ask students to repeat
Stick the flashcards on the board in order
- Ask students to repeat the words in sequence
and mix them to practice
- Remove flashcards gradually and ask
students to recall the words
- Watch as the teacher displays flashcards and listen to the pronunciation
- Repeat the words together andindividually
- Repeat the words in different orders to reinforce memory
- Say the words from memory
Option 1: Listen and Tap Game:
- Write letters and words in different areas on
the board Divide the class into groups
- Call out a letter sound or a word, and invite
one student from each group to the board
- Repeat with different students
- Participate in groups
- Run to the board, slap the correct letter or word, and say italoud
- Compete to be the fastest and earn points
Option 2: Sticky Ball Game:
- Introduce the game and ask the class to
repeat the name
- Divide the class into teams and stick
flashcards on the board
- Model how to play: say a word (e.g., "nut")
and throw a sticky ball to the corresponding
- Invite two students from different teams to
- Award stars to the winner
- Repeat the game’s name:
"Sticky Ball Game."
- Get ready in teams
- Observe the demonstration
- Play by throwing the sticky ball to the correct flashcard
- Earn stars for correct throws
Musical Ball Game (6 mins):
- Model how to play: give a ball to a student,
play music, and ask them to pass the ball until
the music stops The student holding the ball
answers a question
- Pass the ball to friends while music is playing
Trang 15Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Ask questions like: "What letter is this?"
- Guide the whole class to ask and answer
- Answer: "It’s letter a/b." or
"It’s an ant/boy."
- Practice asking and answering
in pairs and groups
Wrap-up (5’):
- Summarize the lesson by reviewing the
vocabulary and sounds learned
- Say goodbye to conclude the lesson
- Review and repeat the vocabulary and sounds
- Say goodbye to the teacher and classmates
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete the tracing exercises for letters a and b in the Workbook.
Practice saying "This is my mother/father" at home
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 01/10/2024
UNIT 1: FAMILY Lesson 5 (page 11)
o Nice to meet you
o Nice to meet you, too
1.2 Language Skills:
Practice speaking and introducing family members
Practice polite greetings
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of caring for family members.
Collaboration in group activities.
Politeness in social interactions.
Week: 4
Period: 7
Trang 162 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5’):
Option 1: Singing Review
- Have students sing the letter 'b' song and make
the gesture of a boy
- Invite some students to sing and perform in front
Option 2: Jump Game
- Call out a letter sound or a word starting with
that letter
- Jump if they hear the /b/sound
Option 3: Clap or Jump
- Call out a letter sound or a word starting with
- Introduce new words: "brother" and "sister".
A Listen and Point Repeat (CD1 - Track 20)
- Play the audio and ask students to listen and
repeat both individually and in groups
- Arrange flashcards on the board and play the
audio Ask students to point at the pictures in their
- Change the order of the flashcards, point to
them, and have students say the words Correct
pronunciation as necessary
- Have students work in pairs: one points at the
picture and the other says the word
- TPR Practice: Say the word and make the
gesture together as a class
- Listen to the new words
- Listen and repeat the new words
- Point at the pictures in the book as they hear them
- Say the words as pointed out by the teacher
- Practice pointing and saying the words in pairs
- Follow the teacher and make the corresponding gestures
Activities (Optional):
Option 1: Guess Game
Trang 17Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Arrange flashcards on the board and write
numbers under them
- Turn the flashcards face down and call out a
number Students take turns guessing the card
- Look at the flashcards and try to remember them
- Guess the flashcard based on the number
Option 2: Pass the Flashcard & Name It
- Give a flashcard to the first student, play a song,
and have them pass the card
- When the music stops, the student holding the
flashcard says the word
- Pass the flashcard whilethe music plays
- Say the word aloud if holding the flashcard
B Listen and Point (8’):
- Pre-Listening: Introduce the family members in
the picture (father, mother, brother, sister)
- While-Listening: Play audio, demonstrate
pointing, and have students repeat the words
- Post-Listening: Point at each picture and have
students call out: "This is my
- Have some students demonstrate the activity in
front of the class
- Identify the family members in the picture
- Point to the pictures andrepeat after listening
- Practice saying the sentences for each familymember
- Present the activity to the class
C Play “Board Race” (7’):
- Stick two flashcards on the board, divide the
class into teams, and have students stand a
distance from the board
- Say one of the words on the flashcards, and have
students race to touch the correct one and say the
sentence: "This is my brother."
- Award a point to the first student to touch the
flashcard and say the correct sentence
- Stand at a distance fromthe board, ready to race
- Race to the board, touchthe correct flashcard, and say the sentence
- Compete in teams to earn points
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Whispering and Writing Game
Trang 18Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Have students form two lines Whisper a word to
the students at the back, who pass it forward
- The students at the front write the word on the
- Repeat with different words and switch
Option 2: Jump to Say Yes
- Hold up a flashcard and say a word If the word
matches the flashcard, students jump If not, they
stay still
- Alternatively, students can raise their hands if
the word matches the flashcard
- Whisper the word to the student in front
- Write the word on the board when they receive it
- Participate in the game
by changing roles
- Jump if the word matches the flashcard or stay still if it doesn’t
- Raise hands if the word
is correct
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete the exercises on page 14 of the Workbook
Practice introducing family members to family members or friends using,
"This is my brother/sister."
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Date of teaching: 03/10/2024
UNIT 1: FAMILY Lesson 6 (page 12)
1 Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to introduce family members and meet someone politely
1.1 Knowledge:
Week: 4
Period: 8
Trang 19 Vocabulary: brother, sister.
o This is my (mother)
o Nice to meet you
o Nice to meet you too
1.2 Language Skills:
Practice speaking and introducing family members
Practice polite greetings and responses
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of family relationships and expressing politeness in
Collaboration in group activities.
Building social skills for meeting people.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
Warm-up & Review (5’):
Option 1: Review - What is the
Missing Letter?
- Show flashcards and have students
call out the words
- Write the words on the board and
erase 1 or 2 letters
- Have a student come to the board
to fill in the missing letters
- Repeat with other students and
Trang 20Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
- Draw a line on the floor, label one
side "True" and the other "False"
- Hold up a flashcard and say a
word Students move to the true or
false side
- Students who make mistakes return
to their seats
- Stand along the line to start
- Move to the side of the line depending on if the statement is true or false
- Follow instructions to continue participating
New Lesson (25’):
D 1 Listen to the Story (10’):
- Show students the picture and point
to each character Have them call out
who they see
- Play the audio and have students
look at the picture while listening
- Point to the speech bubbles and
have students point and read
- Point to each person in the picture
and ask students to say: "Hello
2 Listen and Repeat (5’):
- Show students the useful language
- Play the audio and have students
- Have students practice repeating
the phrases: "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."
- Ask some students to demonstrate
in front of the class
- Look at the language box
- Listen to the audio attentively
- Practice saying the useful language phrases individually and in groups
- Demonstrate the phrases in front of classmates
E Role-Play (5’):
- Divide the class into pairs Have
pairs practice the conversation and
swap roles
- Invite some pairs to demonstrate in
front of the class
Greeting (5’):
- Ask students to go around the
- Practice the conversation in pairs, taking turns to introduce each other
- Demonstrate the conversation for the class
- Move around the room, introduce themselves, and use the phrases in conversation
- Demonstrate greeting and introducing
Trang 21Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
room, greet three friends, introduce
their names, and say, "Nice to meet
- Invite some students to
demonstrate in front of the class
Wrap-up (5’):
Option 1: Family Fingers
- Ask students to draw faces on their
fingers and work in pairs to
introduce family members
- Example: "This is my father This
is my brother."
Option 2: Singing Review
- Have students listen and sing the
song from Lesson 1, Part C, and add
new lyrics: "This is my brother This
is my sister."
- Draw faces on their fingers and take turns introducing family members in pairs
- Practice saying, "This is my father/mother/brother/sister."
- Sing along with the teacher and add the new lyrics to the song
4 Homework Assignment:
Complete the exercises on page 15 of the Workbook
Practice using phrases like "Nice to meet you" with family members or friends at home
5 Adjustments After Teaching:
Trang 22 Structures: It’s a (pencil).
1.2 Language Skills:
Practice listening and identifying classroom objects
Practice speaking and using vocabulary in context
1.3 Core Competences & Personal Qualities:
Building interests and good habits in learning English.
Awareness of classroom environment and vocabulary.
Collaboration in group and pair work.
2 Teaching Aids and Materials:
Teacher’s aids: Student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards,
IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV
Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook.
3 Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Warm-up (5’):
Option 1: Introduce Family
- Have students bring photos of their families
and work in pairs to introduce their family
- Invite some students to demonstrate their
introductions in front of the class
Option 2: Singing Review
- Have students listen and sing the song from
Lesson 1, Part C, adding new lyrics: “This is my
brother This is my sister.”
- Work in pairs to introducefamily members using photos
- Introduce family members to the whole class
- Sing along and add the new lyrics
New Lesson (25’):