Các vấn đề phát triển LRFD
TT--11 200511 2005 11Grand Challenges:Grand Challenges:A Strategic PlanA Strategic Planfor Bridge Engineeringfor Bridge EngineeringNCHRP Project 20NCHRP Project 20--07/Task 19907/Task 199Final ReportFinal ReportDennis R. MertzDennis R. MertzUniversity of DelawareUniversity of DelawareReport from a Workshop inReport from a Workshop inWoods Hole, MassachusettsWoods Hole, MassachusettsApril 18April 18--20, 200520, 2005 TT--11 200511 2005 222000 WORKSHOP2000 WORKSHOPA workshop was conducted February 14A workshop was conducted February 14--16, 2000 in16, 2000 inIrvine, California to develop a strategic plan forIrvine, California to develop a strategic plan forbridge engineering.bridge engineering.The product of the original workshop is sixThe product of the original workshop is six““thrustthrust””discussions. Each thrust focuses on a specificdiscussions. Each thrust focuses on a specificbusiness need of the AASHTO bridge engineers.business need of the AASHTO bridge engineers. TT--11 200511 2005 33The unprioritized thrusts are as follows:The unprioritized thrusts are as follows:Enhanced Materials, StructuralEnhanced Materials, StructuralSystems, and Technologies;Systems, and Technologies;Efficient Maintenance, Rehabilitation,Efficient Maintenance, Rehabilitation,and Construction;and Construction;Bridge Management;Bridge Management;Enhanced Specifications for ImprovedEnhanced Specifications for ImprovedStructural Performance;Structural Performance;ComputerComputer--Aided Design, Construction,Aided Design, Construction,and Maintenance; andand Maintenance; andLeadership.Leadership. TT--11 200511 2005 44A second workshop was conducted AprilA second workshop was conducted April1818--20, 2005, in Woods Hole,20, 2005, in Woods Hole,Massachusetts, to refine the 2000Massachusetts, to refine the 2000strategic plan.strategic plan.2005 WORKSHOP2005 WORKSHOP TT--11 200511 2005 55The products of this workshop are a focusedThe products of this workshop are a focusedset of critical problems extracted from theset of critical problems extracted from the2000 strategic plan that, if solved, would2000 strategic plan that, if solved, wouldlead to significant advances in bridgelead to significant advances in bridgeengineering. Borrowing from intellectualengineering. Borrowing from intellectualcompetitions set in motion by Germancompetitions set in motion by Germanmathematician David Hilbert in 1900, thesemathematician David Hilbert in 1900, thesecritical problems are termedcritical problems are termed““Grand Challenges.Grand Challenges.”” TT--11 200511 2005 66The prioritized grand challenges are:The prioritized grand challenges are:Extending Service Life,Extending Service Life,Optimizing Structural Systems,Optimizing Structural Systems,Accelerating Bridge Construction,Accelerating Bridge Construction,Advancing the AASHTO Specifications,Advancing the AASHTO Specifications,Monitoring Bridge Condition,Monitoring Bridge Condition,Contributing to National Policy, andContributing to National Policy, andManaging KnowledgeManaging Knowledge TT--11 200511 2005 77EachEach““grand challengegrand challenge””is defined through ais defined through abrief statement of the challenge and anticipatedbrief statement of the challenge and anticipatedoutcome, and discussions of the practicaloutcome, and discussions of the practicalimportance, the technical importance, and theimportance, the technical importance, and thereadiness of the challenge to be solved. Finally,readiness of the challenge to be solved. Finally,lists of important activities/research areas andlists of important activities/research areas andminimum measures of success, calledminimum measures of success, calledbenchmarks, are included. The benchmarks arebenchmarks, are included. The benchmarks aregrouped as: short term (in 2grouped as: short term (in 2--3 years), mid3 years), mid--termterm(in 4(in 4--5 years) and long term (beyond 5 years.)5 years) and long term (beyond 5 years.) TT--11 200511 2005 88GRAND CHALLENGE 1:GRAND CHALLENGE 1:EXTENDING SERVICE LIFEEXTENDING SERVICE LIFETo understand the processes that decrease theTo understand the processes that decrease theserviceability of existing bridges and highwayserviceability of existing bridges and highwaystructures, and to develop approaches to preservestructures, and to develop approaches to preserve(maintain and rehabilitate) the existing system by(maintain and rehabilitate) the existing system bymanaging these processes.managing these processes.Anticipated Outcome:Anticipated Outcome:Strategies to extend the service life of existingStrategies to extend the service life of existinginventory of bridges and highway structures.inventory of bridges and highway structures. TT--11 200511 2005 99GRAND CHALLENGE 2:GRAND CHALLENGE 2:OPTIMIZING STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSOPTIMIZING STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSTo understand the advantages and limitations ofTo understand the advantages and limitations oftraditional, newer and emerging materials in termstraditional, newer and emerging materials in termsof safety, durability and economy; and to developof safety, durability and economy; and to developstructural systems (optimized materials, details,structural systems (optimized materials, details,components, structures and foundations) forcomponents, structures and foundations) forbridges and highway structures that efficientlybridges and highway structures that efficientlyemploy theseemploy theseand even newer optimized materialsand even newer optimized materialsto assure a safe, minimum 75to assure a safe, minimum 75--year service lifeyear service liferequiring minimal maintenance.requiring minimal maintenance. TT--11 200511 2005 1010Anticipated Outcome:Anticipated Outcome:Structural systems which utilize existing andStructural systems which utilize existing andnew materials more efficiently in terms ofnew materials more efficiently in terms ofsafety, durability and economy.safety, durability and economy.GRAND CHALLENGE 2:GRAND CHALLENGE 2:OPTIMIZING STRUCTURAL SYSTEMSOPTIMIZING STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS(continued)(continued) [...]... design manner relatively consistent with traditional design practice and effort. practice and effort. Anticipated Outcome: Anticipated Outcome: A stable and comprehensive A stable and comprehensive LRFD Bridge Design LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Specifications that addresses all applicable limit that addresses all applicable limit states. states. TT 11 200511 2005 55 The products of this workshop are . Outcome:Anticipated Outcome:A stable and comprehensiveA stable and comprehensiveLRFD Bridge DesignLRFD Bridge DesignSpecificationsSpecificationsthat addresses all applicable