Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen Legend coffee Neuyen Duc Huy 20DH121508 CHAPTERL INTRODUCTION 1.1 An overview of the research Following the flow of modernity, many typ
Trang 2Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen Legend coffee Nguyen Duc Huy
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION cccccccceseeseenteeneecnecnsecnsenseeeseettseenees l 1.1 An overview of the research cece ccc cence cteeeneceeteeeeecteeeeesenteeeetaeas l II 0) 1n l 1.3 The significant of the research 0 0122211211212 11112 111152 1111111221151 e2 l 1.3.1 Coffee features 1 1.3.2 Service quality 2 1.4 Research strucfuIre .- ác L1 c1 211211111111 111111111 111111111111 11k KH kg 1kg 2 CHAPTER IT LITERATURE REVIEW 4
QV, COMCe pts c cece c crete renee ee ene cece e ee teesesdeecesaesessnseesesseeiaeseeeeeenesiteaaes 4 2.2 The need to measure customer satisfaction 0 00.00 ccc ccccceeeeceeteeeneentees 4 2.3 The concept of customer safisfacfion 00 21211222 n2 Hee 4 2.4 Satisfaction classification Á- Q12 n1 1112 1112111111 1111111111111 1811 1611181 x ra 5 2.5 Factors determining satisfacfion - - Q0 20 1112221112211 157 11191111 11x crrry 5 2.5.1 Service quality 5
2.5.3 Product Features 6 2.5.4 Situational factors 6 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 8 KSN0)) 920) -XDếii 8 KV nùg ế333 8
3.3 Research approaches 0Q 22 n2 HH2 HH 111011111 k n1 11 1x xkg 8 3.3.1 Problem of research: Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen
3.3.2 Design research 9 3.3.3 Data collection 9 3.3.4 Analysis of datas 9 3.3.5 Interpret and report 9 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS 10 4.1 Method of finding đata Q0 00220111122 111121 11510111152 11151011 11 ke kg 10 LÝ) ch 10 4.2.1 Data collection 10
Trang 320DH121508 4.2.2 Secondary data 13 4.2.3 Compare data between collected đata and available đata 13 5071" 13 CENkR))‹-/1)//Ũ 13 xTÀ, na 14 0))) 0 .ắắ 14
“mẽ nh ố ố6./:(|ÔỎÔôỎÖ14AEEääă .Ẽ.Ẽ 14 CHAPTER TY CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 15 5.1 Conclusion 15 5.2 RecommendatiOII5 - c2 02111211111 121 11211181 111111112111 111111 1111111111111 11kg 15 REFERENCES 5001057 17 SURVEY 18
Trang 4Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen Legend coffee Neuyen Duc Huy
1.1 An overview of the research
Following the flow of modernity, many types of coffee were born on the Vietnamese market, which are well received and loved by many people Especially for young people who like novelty and uniqueness, not only coffee quality but also eye-catching appearance is required In particular, the attractive and excellent coffee flavors of Trung Nguyen have captivated many people and are always on the list of top choices
of Vietnamese consumers Customer loyalty is defined as a measure of how likely a customer is to do repeat business with a company or brand It is the result of customer satisfaction, positive customer experiences, and the overall value of goods or services that customers receive from a business
1.2 Reason choosing topic
In the current economy, the competition between industries and fields is fierce and the coffee industry is one of the industries with a high rate of competition in the market Therefore, in order to attract customers, developing and improving the quality of products that businesses provide to customers is the most effective measure This report studies on customer satisfaction for coffee products of Trung Nguyen coffee group to assess the impacts on coffee quality and customer satisfaction on the coffee industry of the group Trung Nguyen Thereby, the study helps companies to know the influence of product quality through customer satisfaction and propose measures to improve product quality
With the above problems, have chosen the topic “Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen coffee"
1.3 The significant of the research
1.3.1 Coffee features
The products of Trung Nguyen legend cafe are always different from other products
on the market Trung Nguyen coffee undergoes a careful selection process Many people choose Trung Nguyen coffee because of the convergence of 3 famous coffee
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civilizations including Ottoman, Roman, Zen Therefore, when enjoying Trung Nguyen coffee, customers also have more understanding about the long-standing culture but not only feel the delicious coffee taste
1.3.2 Service quality
Service is understood as an interactive process between a service provider and a customer, the purpose of this interaction is to satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer in the way the customer wants
Customer-focused approaches tend to be based on looking at customer wants and trying to figure out how to satisfy those wants in order to make a sale This is an outside approach, helping to solve immediate problems that customers are facing A customer-centric approach tries to see the world from the customer's point of view, which is an inside-out perspective Approaches such as programmatic advertising and customer experience testing are focused Businesses will always find ways to listen and understand customers
Proactive and reactive businesses: Customer-focused businesses tend to chase customers, seek to please everyone who walks through the door, and find ways to match the product/service sold with each customer client Customer-centric businesses focus on core customer groups, identify needs (not just wants) and find ways to solve problems This is a strategic approach and encourages businesses to cooperate with customers to create long-term development together
1.4 Research structure
This scientific research consists of 5 parts: introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis, and conclusion It to explain customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen Legend coffee
Figure 1.1- Tables of Structure
or Trung Nguyen Legend coffee Nguyen Duc Huy
Trang 7of people, businesses, etc who have a need to use the company's products and want to satisfy that need [CITATION LeT17 \I 1033 ]
2.2 The need to measure customer satisfaction
Understand customer satisfaction levels to decide on activities to improve customer satisfaction, can evaluate the effectiveness of activities to improve customer satisfaction, the information and investigation results help to compare the level of customer satisfaction, if the results are not achieved or the customer satisfaction level
is low, the cause can be found out and corrective action can be taken, create a basis to compare with competitors [ CITATION LeT17 \I 1033 ]
2.3 The concept of customer satisfaction
According to Philip Kotler, customer satisfaction is the level of a person's sensory state derived from comparing the results obtained from consuming a product/service with expectations theirs Customer satisfaction is an important factor creating competitive advantage High levels of satisfaction bring many benefits: - Stay loyal longer , buy more when the company introduces new products/services and improves the quality of existing products, speak well about the company and its products, pay less attention to competitors’ brands and advertising and less price sensitive, proposing ideas for products and services for the company, lower costs compared to new
Trang 8Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen Legend coffee Neuyen Duc Huy
to the customer's mental reaction, customer satisfaction includes the following categories: satisfaction, joy, release, novelty, delight The statuses are all customer satisfaction but there is a huge difference, according to the stages in the buying process, customer satisfaction is divided into four categories as follows: Satisfaction before purchase, during purchase, during use and after use[ CITATION LeT17 \l
1033 ]
2.5 Factors determining satisfaction
There are many factors that affect customer satisfaction, but the following factors stand out:
2.5.1 Service quality
Service quality is defined in many different ways depending on the object of study and the research environment Service quality is the extent to which a service meets the needs and expectations of the customer[ CITATION LeT17 \I 1033 ]
The quality of green coffee of farmers depends quite a lot on processing technology
In order to contribute to improving the quality of coffee products, Trung Nguyen has applied advanced technology such as roasting machines from Germany and the United States, automatic roasting and packaging lines from Europe, packaging machines from Korea, etc Italian coffee grinders and machines, etc Thanks to the guaranteed product quality, Trung Neuyen's coffee market is constantly expanding In order to gain market share, Trung Nguyen has built a unique feature, while promptly and maximally responding to the constantly changing needs of consumers Today's customer demand
is not only the quality of coffee, but also the quality of service With the motto of "best
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coffee quality and service quality", Trung Nguyen has launched a control coffee form
to the market.[ CITATION LeT17 \ 1033 ]
2.5.2 Service price
Price is a form of monetary expression of the value of goods and services, determined based on the use value and perception of customers about the products and services they use use Customers do not necessarily buy products and services of the highest quality, but they will buy products and services that bring them the most satisfaction
In addition, to evaluate the impact of the price factor on customer satisfaction, we need to consider more fully the following three aspects: Price versus quality, price compared to competitors, price compared to customer expectations.[ CITATION LeTL7 \ 1033 ]
2.5.3 Product Features
In simple terms, a feature is what a product or service or creates It is a quantifiable characteristic/feature, an indisputable entity.[ CITATION LeT17 \I 1033 ]
2.5.4 Situational factors
It is the totality of events that happen in one place, in a period of time, forcing people
to think, act, cope, endure [ CITATION LeT17 \1 1033 ]
Brand: Brand is a concept that is always associated with intangible values in the subconscious of consumers All businesses operate in the market when building a brand, in addition to the purpose of building an identity system for the company and products, there is also a higher purpose that is how to occupy the TOM (Top) position
of Mind) in the mind of the customer The relationship between the brand and the customer's association with the brand's attributes through the brand's reputation, prestige, and consumers’ own trust in the brand.[ CITATION LeT17 \I 1033 ]
Personal characteristics: An individual's characteristics are those factors that do not overlap (or rarely overlap) of an individual with other individuals in a defined range When an individual has too many non-duplicating elements, they are considered to be
unique.[ CITATION LeT17 \I 1033 ]
Value-added services: This is one of the factors to distinguish services of providers in the market The same business in the same service industry, but the business that
Trang 10Research on customer satisfaction for Trung Nguyen Legend coffee Neuyen Duc Huy
The quality of green coffee of farmers depends quite a lot on processing technology
In order to contribute to improving the quality of coffee products, Trung Nguyen has applied advanced technology such as roasting machines from Germany and the United States, automatic roasting and packaging lines from Europe, packaging machines from Korea, etc Italian coffee grinders and machines, etc Thanks to the guaranteed product quality, Trung Neuyen's coffee market is constantly expanding In order to gain market share, Trung Nguyen has built a unique feature, while promptly and maximally responding to the constantly changing needs of consumers Today's customer demand
is not only the quality of coffee, but also the quality of service With the motto "best coffee quality and service quality", Trung Nguyen has launched a control coffee form
to the market.[ CITATION LeT17 \ 1033 ]
Trang 113.2 Research types
3.2.1 Quantitative
This report uses quantitative method by direct survey via google forms by conducting
a survey through 30 questions, with the number of survey participants is 100 people Then collect survey results with high confidence and conduct data analysis
3.2.2 Sampling
This report collects secondary data from previous studies and primary data from 108 respondents The focus of this research paper will be on customer satisfaction about Trung Nguyen Legend
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Use primary and secondary research methods But primary research method plays the main role, based on direct interview through google form questionnaire, in google form questionnaire used multiple choice questions Secondary research methods are used from reports on articles, websites [CITATION The22 \I1 1033 ]
3.3.4 Analysis of datas
This report uses SWOT to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, thereby assessing the level of customer satisfaction.[CITATION The22 \ 1033 ] 3.3.5 Interpret and report
Interpretation of research data to clarify the information collected and monitored is created for researchers to review during the research process
Research results report is a document that systematically presents research results, should highlight the following basic issues: Research problem overview, theoretical basis and research methods, content Research content and results have new proposals, innovative applications, conclusions and recommendations
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4.1 Method of finding data
This report uses primary and secondary research methods
In which, primary research plays a key role, using the collected data this method will make comments and conclusions of the author The data was collected through a 30- question survey from 100 people in various locations
For secondary research will use information from reports already available in newspapers, websites and other media
4.2 Data analysis
4.2.1 Data collection
From information data collected from 108 people in various locations such as universities, office workers, unskilled workers, etc., the respondents to the customer satisfaction survey about Trung Nguyen Legend Of the 108 people who responded to that survey, 59.3% were female and 40.7% were male
Figure-4t Age
m 18-25 (Source: m 25-30