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PROJECT MANAGEMENT made easy Additional Titles in Entrepreneur’s Made Easy Series ̈ Accounting and Finance for Small Business Made Easy: Secrets You Wish Your CPA Had Told You by Robert Low ̈ Business Plans Made Easy: It’s Not as Hard as You Think by Mark Henricks ̈ Meetings Made Easy: The Ultimate Fix-It Guide by Frances Micale ̈ Strategic Planning Made Easy by Fred L. Fry, Charles R. Stoner, and Laurence G. Weinzimmer ̈ Advertising Without an Agency Made Easy by Kathy J. Kobliski ̈ Managing a Small Business Made Easy by Martin E. Davis ̈ Mastering Business Growth and Change Made Easy by Jeffrey A. Hansen PROJECT MANAGEMENT made easy Entrepreneur Press and Sid Kemp Editorial Director: Jere Calmes Cover Design: Beth Hansen-Winter Editorial and Production Services: CWL Publishing Enterprises, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, www.cwlpub.com This is a CWL Publishing Enterprises book developed for Entrepreneur Press by CWL Publishing Enterprises, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin. © 2006 by Entrepreneur Press All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the express permission of the copy- right owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Business Products Division, Entrepreneur Media, Inc. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional serv- ices. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a compe- tent professional person should be sought. —From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations ISBN 1-932531-77-7 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kemp, Sid. Project management for small business made easy / by Sid Kemp. p. cm. ISBN 1-932531-77-7 (alk. paper) 1. Project management. 2. Small business Management. I. Title. HD69.P75K4552 2006 658.4'04 dc22 2005030986 10 09 08 07 06 05 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 v For Kris, my wife, who has stood by me as I've started my own business, struggled, succeeded, and found joy. vi vii PPrreeffaaccee xxii 11 GGeett IItt DDoonnee RRiigghhtt!! 11 Small Business in a Changing World 1 What Is a Project? 3 What Is Management? 4 Conclusion: Project Management for Your Business 10 22 SSmmaallll BBuussiinneessss PPrroojjeeccttss 1122 Where Do Projects Fit into Your Business? 13 Eight Ways Projects Benefit Your Business 18 Who’s Who on a Project 21 The 14 Questions for Every Project 23 Conclusion: Pick a Project and Go! 24 33 PPrreeppaarree,, DDoo,, FFoollllooww TThhrroouugghh 2266 Businesses, Projects, and Systems 27 Stages and Gates 28 The Nine Areas of Project Management 31 Conclusion: Tying It All Together 34 44. . DDrreeaammss aanndd OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess 3366 Rules for Making Dreams Real 36 Defining Your Dream or Opportunity 37 From Dream to Deadline 41 Conclusion: Making Your Dreams Real 43 Contents Introduction viii Contents 55 PPrroobblleemmss aanndd SSoolluuttiioonnss 4444 What Is a Problem? 44 From Problem to Project 50 Conclusion: Making the Solution Work 51 66 WWhhaatt AArree WWee MMaakkiinngg?? 5533 The Steps of Defining Scope 54 Write a Basic Statement of What We Are Making 54 Choose a General Approach to How We Will Make It 56 Draw and Write a Detailed Description of What We Are Making 57 Write a Detailed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 58 Write a Detailed Action Plan 60 Conclusion: A Leader with a Plan 61 77 PPllaannnniinngg TTiimmee aanndd MMoonneeyy 6622 Allocating, Estimating, Scheduling, and Budgeting 62 Detailed Scheduling 66 Detailed Budgeting 67 Conclusion: Ready to Stay on Track 68 88 MMaakkiinngg IItt G Goooodd 6699 Simple Quality Basics 70 Defining Quality 71 Planning for Quality 73 Conclusion: Taking the High Road 74 99 MMaakkiinngg SSuurree tthhee JJoobb GGeettss DDoonnee 7766 Risk Identification: Listing the Risks 78 Risk Analysis 81 Risk Response Planning 81 Risk Monitoring and Control 82 Conclusion: If It Doesn’t Go Wrong, It Will Go Right 83 1100 TTeeaammwwoorrkk aanndd CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss 8855 Getting the Right Team 86 Defining Jobs Clearly 89 Supporting Self-Management 91 Supporting Effective Team Communications 91 Conclusion: Team Success™ 93 Introduction ix Contents 1111 GGeettttiinngg WWhhaatt YYoouu NNeeeedd 9944 Purchasing for Projects 95 Getting Expertise 97 Getting Information 98 Getting Permission 99 Evaluating Vendors 100 Tracking and Saving Money in the Purchasing Process 103 Conclusion: Hassle-Free and Good to Go! 104 1122 PPuulllliinngg tthhee PPllaann TTooggeetthheerr 110055 Tying the Plan Together 105 What if the Plan Changes? 109 The Preparation Review Gate 111 Conclusion: Set Sail! 114 1133 KKeeeeppiinngg EEvveerryytthhiinngg oonn TTrraacckk 111166 The Status Meeting 116 The Feedback-and-Control Concept 118 Practical Course Correction 119 Conclusion: Steady as She Goes! 122 11 44 PPrreevveenntt SSccooppee CCrreeeepp 112244 Sources of Scope Creep 124 Managing Scope Creep 129 Conclusion: Don’t Move the Goals 131 1155 SSttaayy oonn TTiimmee aanndd oonn BBuuddggeett 113322 Time Management in the Doing Stage 132 Cost Management in the Doing Stage 137 Conclusion: The Iron Triangle Delivered 140 1166 QQuuaalliittyy:: EElliimmiinnaattee EErrrroorr 114411 Work Systems That Eliminate Error 142 Creating a Quality Team 145 Quality at the Business Level 147 Quality at the Project Level 148 Quality at the Technical Level 149 Conclusion: Quality All the Way Through 150 11 77 RRiisskk:: MMaannaaggee UUnncceerrttaaiinnttyy 115511 Watch for Risks 151 Monitor Risk Status 153 [...]... mpr et Mark I Project 2 Production Delivers Value t roduc 2nd p Project 4 Company Type 2: Projects lead to production value Figure 2-1 Projects for two types of companies External Projects: Making Money from Projects Type 1 companies do external projects Their customers pay for them to finish projects and deliver results Here are some examples: 13 Project Management for Small Business Made Easy ̈ ̈ A... companies benefit from projects and from good project management, but in different ways mall businesses need project success— we simply can’t afford to waste money the way big companies do S Company Type 1: Projects for customers Delighted Customer Delighted Customer Support Project 3 Support Project 2 Support Project 1 Delighted Customer Production Support of Projects Project 1 Dev elop Project 3 new Add... it easy to put all of Project Management for Small Business Made Easy to work If you want these forms on full-sized sheets, plus a whole lot more, they are a free download away at www.qualitytechnology com/DoneRight As you learn project management and do your next project, I’ll be with you every step of the way I know the journey will be rewarding Make it fun, too! Learning Project Management Is a Project. .. we make money by projects, how big our projects are, and how fast our industry changes—we can decide what types of projects will help our company grow 17 Project Management for Small Business Made Easy Do You Have Money to Burn? ad project management equals wasted money B Do you have money to burn? Of course not—no small business owner does That’s why businesses need good project management But that... work, and get things done ̈ Project management makes order out of chaos Sometimes, we are overwhelmed and things get out of control In Project Management for Small Business Made Easy, you’ll learn what it means to bring things under management, bring things under control And you’ll learn how to do it ̈ xii Any dream, opportunity, or problem can become a project So project management is the way to realize... business problems—and many others as well project management is the solution Most businesspeople think project management is either complicated or irrelevant It’s neither It’s simple and relevant In fact, project management includes simple tools that solve small business problems Here are some key points that make project management really simple and valuable: ̈ ̈ Project management cuts big things down to... see, good project management is essential to a Type 1 com14 Small Business Projects Do Your Projects Make Money? If you do projects for customers, you already know some project management Evaluate your ability and results with these questions: ̈ ̈ ̈ ̈ ̈ Do your projects get done on time? Do you make money on most projects? Do your customers ever say, “This isn’t what I wanted?” Or is it easy to get... just to deal with change? It’s called project management The field has been growing for the last 35 years, and you can learn from the best and make it your own with Project Management for Small Business Made Easy mall business owners have to deal with change, and good project management is the key to successful change S 2 Get It Done Right! What Is a Project? A project is: ̈ A dream with a deadline... and make sure all your vendors get paid and all contracts are signed off 9 Project Management for Small Business Made Easy When you have done all of these, you have a completed project and a delighted customer Internal and External Projects xternal projects make you money Internal projects get your business running right E Some projects are internal They don’t make money directly, but they change the... boat So, project management is about success for your business In this chapter, you’ll learn: ̈ ̈ the eight ways projects benefit a business ̈ who’s who on a project ̈ 12 where external and internal projects fit into your business and the 14 questions to ask on every project Small Business Projects Where Do Projects Fit into Your Business? In Chapter 1, Get It Done Right! we talked about external projects . Agency Made Easy by Kathy J. Kobliski ̈ Managing a Small Business Made Easy by Martin E. Davis ̈ Mastering Business Growth and Change Made Easy by Jeffrey A. Hansen PROJECT MANAGEMENT made easy Entrepreneur. PROJECT MANAGEMENT made easy Additional Titles in Entrepreneur’s Made Easy Series ̈ Accounting and Finance for Small Business Made Easy: Secrets You Wish Your CPA. Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kemp, Sid. Project management for small business made easy / by Sid Kemp. p. cm. ISBN 1-932531-77-7 (alk. paper) 1. Project management. 2. Small business Management. I. Title. HD69.P75K4552

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2014, 23:20