Team Leader: Đào Đức Hiếu
ID: 22070102 Class: BEL 2022C
Hanoi, 4/ 2024
Hoàng Tuyết Minh TEAM MEMBER
Hanoi, 4/2024
I, the undersigned, hereby certify my authority of the study project report entitledLINGUISTIC FEATURES OF IDIOMS CONTAINING THE WORDS "BLACK"AND "WHITE" IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of Master in English Language Except where thereference is indicated, no other person’s work has been used without dueacknowledgement in the text of the thesis
Hanoi, 2024(Leader’s signature and full name)
Date: Hanoi, 2024
Trang 4We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our supervisor, Hoang Tuyet Minh,for her invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement throughout this researchjourney Her expertise and dedication have been instrumental in shaping this study andhelping us navigate its complexities
We are also grateful to the organizers at IS-VNU (International School - VietnamNational University) for providing a conducive environment for academic growth andresearch exploration
To all our friends who have supported and encouraged our team along the way, weextend our heartfelt appreciation Your camaraderie and encouragement have been asource of motivation and inspiration for us Your unwavering support has not onlybolstered our spirits during challenging times but also contributed significantly to oursuccess We are truly grateful for your friendship and for being an integral part of ourjourney Thank you for believing in us and cheering us on every step of the way
Last but not least, we are deeply indebted to all members of our family for theirunwavering love, encouragement, and understanding throughout this journey Theirsupport has been the pillar of strength that has sustained us through the ups and downs
of academic pursuit
Trang 5This research delves into the linguistic features of idioms containing the words
"black" and "white" in both English and Vietnamese, aiming to uncover their syntacticand semantic characteristics while comparing similarities and differences between thetwo languages It addresses two main questions: What are the syntactic and semanticfeatures of such idioms? And, what are the similarities and differences between theseidioms in terms of their syntactic and semantic features? The purpose of this study is
to provide valuable insights into the structures and meanings of these idioms in bothlanguages To achieve this, a mixed-methods research design is employed, involvingdescriptive, comparative, and contrastive analyses of over 80 idioms in English andVietnamese Data collection includes the examination of syntactic and semanticfeatures of these idioms The findings reveal a comprehensive understanding of thelinguistic features present in these idioms, drawing from seminal works and previousresearch Notably, idioms containing "black" and "white" are crucial for understandinglanguage beyond literal interpretations, offering insights into figurative andmetaphorical expressions Moreover, they provide a window into cultural andhistorical contexts, enriching cultural and linguistic studies In today's interconnectedworld, this research contributes to better cross-cultural understanding andcommunication, highlighting the significance of idiomatic expressions in bridgingcultural divides Overall, this study offers valuable implications for language learners,educators, and researchers interested in the intricacies of language and culture
Figure 5.1 Idioms containing the word “black" and “white" in English
Figure 6.1 Idioms containing the word “black" and “white" in Vietnamese
Table 1.1: Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white" in The relationship between culture and language 16
Trang 82.4 Summary 18
CHAPTER 4: Syntactic features and Semantic features of idiom containing the
4.1 Syntactic features and Semantic features of idiom containing the words
4.1.1 Syntactic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white” in
4.1.2 Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white” in
4.2 Syntactic features and Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black"
4.2.1 Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white” in
4.2.2 Syntactic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white” in
5.1 In terms of their syntactic features of idiom containing the words "black" and
5.2 In terms of their semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and
Trang 9Researching the linguistic features of idioms containing the words "black" and "white"
in English and Vietnamese offers a multidimensional exploration that can providevaluable insights into the cultural, semantic, and linguistic nuances of theseexpressions By analyzing idioms, one can uncover the societal values and beliefsassociated with the colors "black" and "white" in each language, contributing to adeeper understanding of their symbolic meanings Comparative analysis betweenEnglish and Vietnamese idioms adds to the field of comparative linguistics,highlighting similarities and differences in linguistic structures and expressions related
to color symbolism The study's relevance extends to cross-cultural communication,aiding language learners, translators, and interpreters in navigating the subtle nuances
of these idioms to prevent misinterpretations Additionally, the research hasimplications for language teaching by enhancing materials and incorporating culturalelements into lessons, fostering a comprehensive language learning experience.Furthermore, the exploration of metaphorical and figurative language in idiomscontributes to the broader understanding of how colors are metaphorically used indiverse linguistic and cultural contexts Psycholinguistically, studying idioms canunveil cognitive associations and mental representations linked to the colors "black"and "white" in each language, while tracking the evolution of these expressions over
Trang 10time provides insights into language change and adaptation In essence, this researchencompasses a holistic approach, touching on cultural studies, linguistics, languageeducation, cross-cultural communication, and cognitive science.
That is the reason why we have chosen the title: “LINGUISTIC FEATURES OFIDIOMS CONTAINING THE WORDS "BLACK" AND "WHITE" IN ENGLISHAND VIETNAMESE” We believe that the result of this careful study may give us asolid knowledge of the syntax and semantics of the idioms containing the words
‘black’’ and "white" in English and Vietnamese, coupled with how they are used indifferent contexts, thereby identifying how two cultures differ in the ways applyingthem in communicating and conveying meanings
1.2 Aim(s) and Objectives of the study
The aim of this study is to offer valuable insights into the linguistic features of idiomscontaining the words "black" and "white" in both English and Vietnamese Byidentifying the syntactic and semantic characteristics of these idioms, the researchaims to provide users with substantial evidence for a deeper understanding of theirstructures and meanings in the two languages
In order to gain the aim of the study, the following objects are set:
- To identify the syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing the words
"black" and "white" in both English and Vietnamese
- To make a comparison between idioms containing the words "black" and
"white" in both English and Vietnamese in terms of their syntactic andsemantic features
1.3 Research questions
1 What are syntactic and semantic features of idioms containing the words "black"and "white" in both English and Vietnamese?
2 What are the similarities and differences between idioms containing the words
"black" and "white" in both English and Vietnamese in terms of their syntactic andsemantic features?
1.4 Scope of the study
The scope of this study encompasses a focused exploration of the linguistic featuresfound in idioms containing the words "black" and "white" in both English andVietnamese The research adopts a dual approach, employing both semantic andsyntactic perspectives to systematically determine and describe the characteristics ofthese idioms 86 idioms both in Vietnamese and English are collected fromDictionaries in English and Vietnamese and also searched in the Internet The methodsemployed involve a comparative and contrastive analysis, drawing insights from
Trang 11seminal works such as "Metaphors We Live By" by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson(1980) and the research conducted by Nguyen Dinh Tam in 2011 and idiomsdictionary The study aims to provide implications for the learning of color idioms,particularly those involving "black" and "white," in English and Vietnamese, offeringvaluable insights for language learners and educators alike.
1.5 Methods of the study
The study will employ a mixed-methods research design, based on descriptive,comparative, and contrastive analysis of more than 136 idioms both in Vietnameseand English Data will be collected through syntactic features of idioms, and semanticfeatures of idioms
1.6 Significance of the study
The research project focused on idiomatic expressions containing the words 'black'and 'white', which are of paramount importance for a multitude of reasons Firstly, itserves as a pivotal avenue for delving into the depths of the language, providinginvaluable insights into the figurative and metaphorical nature of language andshedding light on how meanings are constructed beyond literal interpretations.Furthermore, idioms are deeply intertwined with cultural and historical contexts.Exploring these idioms contributes to a broader comprehension of cultural nuances,traditions, and beliefs, making it an invaluable tool for cultural and linguistic studies.Lastly, in our increasingly globalized world, where cross-cultural interactions arecommonplace, this project plays a vital role in bridging cultural divides and promotingbetter cross-cultural understanding, communication, and translation
1.7 Structure of the Study
This research is organized into five chapters to comprehensively address theintersection of vocabulary learning and the influence of AI on education
Chapter 1, Introduction, outlines the rationale, aims, objective, the research questions,scopes, methods, and significance of the study
Chapter 2, Literature review, explores theoretical concepts, educational theoriespertinent to vocabulary learning, and the existing body of research on AI's role inlanguage learning and its effects on vocabulary acquisition
Chapter 3, Methodology, elucidates the chosen research methods, such as surveys,pre-post tests, and case studies, justifying their selection and detailing data collectionprocedures
Chapter 4, Findings and discussion, delves into the syntactic and semantic features of
Trang 12idioms containing "black" and "white" in English and Vietnamese.
CHAPTER 5:similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idiomsChapter 6, Conclusion, summarizes key findings and their broader significance withinthe realms of vocabulary learning and AI in education, providing a cohesiveunderstanding of the research outcomes
2.1 Theoretical background
2.1.1 Linguistic features of idioms
Linguistic analysis of idioms in English and Vietnamese that involve the terms "black"and "white" shows fascinating peculiarities of culture and symbolic meaningsingrained in these languages
In English, idiomatic expressions utilizing "black" and "white" carry contrastingconnotations On the one hand, "black" often symbolizes negativity or darkness,evident in phrases like "black sheep" or "blacklist," denoting outcasts or exclusion Onthe other hand, "white" usually denotes positivity or purity; this is seen in expressionslike "white lie" or "white as snow," which suggest sincerity or innocence Theseidioms are a reflection of moral principles and society's views
In Vietnamese idiomatic usage, "đen" (black) and "trắng" (white) similarly depictcontrasting meanings, yet cultural contexts alter interpretations The phrase 'đen tối'(pitch black) refers not only to actual darkness but also alludes to a state of uncertainty
or confusion, akin to not knowing something On the other hand, "trắng" impliespurity but can also signify emptiness or lack, exemplified in "trắng tay"(empty-handed) The dichotomous nature of these linguistic phrases reveals howperceptions of colors and their symbolic representations differ across linguisticlandscapes, underscoring the rich tapestry of cultural values and societal standardsimprinted into the languages
To comprehend the characteristics and cultures of Vietnamese and English, it is crucial
to look at the semantic, syntactic, and cultural features of idioms that combine theterms "black" and "white" in those languages In English, idiomatic uses of thesecolors frequently incorporate metaphorical extensions, where "black" signifiesnegativity or concealment while "white" indicates innocence or truth Vietnameseidioms display both similarities and differences in their use of language to convey
Trang 13ideas and opinions They employ distinct syntax and utilize these colors as bothmetaphorical modifiers and adjectives.
While both languages utilize idioms containing 'black' and 'white' reflecting societalnorms and values, they diverge in cultural nuances and contextual interpretations.While English often leans towards moral or ethical connotations, Vietnameseidiomatic usage of these colors encompasses a broader spectrum, embracing luck,fortune, emptiness, and darkness These linguistic disparities highlight the intricateinterplay between language, culture, and perception, emphasizing the significance ofcontext in understanding the nuanced meanings embedded within idiomaticexpressions Syntactic features of idioms
In the extensive literature on idiomatic expressions, several scholars have madenoteworthy contributions to our understanding of these linguistic phenomena,particularly in relation to their syntactic features Linguist Martin Everaert has played
a pivotal role in this exploration, engaging comprehensively with both the syntacticand semantic aspects of idioms Similarly, the edited volume "Idioms: Processing,Structure, and Interpretation," overseen by Cristina Cacciari and Patrizia Tabossi,extends the discussion beyond semantics, incorporating a focus on structural elements.This compilation, featuring contributions from various authors, collectively addressesthe subtleties inherent in the syntactic features of different types of idioms.Additionally, Carol J Evermann's research delves into the discussion on various types
of idioms, with a specific emphasis on exploring the syntactic properties Her worksignificantly contributes to a nuanced understanding of the categorization of idioms,enriching the literature on the intricate interplay between syntax and idiomaticexpression Together, these scholars provide a multifaceted perspective on thesyntactic dimensions of idioms, contributing to a more comprehensive comprehension
of their linguistic intricacies Semantic features
In the literature exploring the intricate facets of idiomatic expressions, prominentscholars have made substantial contributions to our understanding of both syntacticand semantic dimensions George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, in their influential work
"Metaphors We Live By," underscore the pivotal role of metaphors, closelyintertwined with idioms, in shaping our comprehension of the world and conveyingabstract concepts Editors Cristina Cacciari and Patrizia Tabossi, through thecollaborative effort in the edited volume "Idioms: Processing, Structure, and
Trang 14Interpretation," delve into the semantics of idioms This comprehensive collection,featuring various authors, collectively addresses the nuanced semantic features ofdifferent idiomatic expressions Raymond Gibbs, a cognitive psychologist andlinguist, has extensively researched figurative language, including metaphors andidioms, contributing valuable insights into the cognitive processes involved ininterpreting the semantic aspects of idioms Martin Everaert, a linguist, and Carol J.Evermann, whose research extends beyond syntactic considerations, both enrich thefield by exploring the intricate interplay of syntactic and semantic features withindiverse types of idioms, thus providing a holistic perspective on these complexlinguistic phenomena.
2.1.2 An overview of idioms Definition of idiom
In the realm of linguistic inquiry, scholars such as George Lakoff, a prominent figure
in cognitive linguistics, have illuminated the intricate relationship between idioms andour cognitive processes, emphasizing how these linguistic expressions are deeplyembedded in our understanding of conceptual domains Raymond Hickey, a linguist ofnote, has contributed significantly to the exploration of idioms by delving into theirstructural and semantic dimensions, offering valuable insights into their formation anddiverse meanings across linguistic contexts Further enriching this discourse, thecollaborative work "Idioms: Processing, Structure, and Interpretation," edited byCristina Cacciari and Patrizia Tabossi, compiles a range of perspectives on idioms,elucidating their definitions and interpretations Together, these scholars and theirrespective contributions contribute to a comprehensive literature review that enhancesour understanding of the multifaceted nature of idiomatic expressions Types of Idioms
In the comprehensive literature exploring the varied realm of idioms, several scholarshave significantly advanced our comprehension of different types of idiomaticexpressions The linguist Martin Everaert has intricately examined the syntactic andsemantic dimensions of idioms, providing a valuable contribution to the exploration oftheir linguistic intricacies Editors Cristina Cacciari and Patrizia Tabossi, through theircollaborative effort in the extensive volume "Idioms: Processing, Structure, andInterpretation," have orchestrated a collective discourse among various authors,unveiling the nuances of different types of idioms This discussion extends to theprocessing intricacies, structural elements, and interpretative complexities inherent in
Trang 15idioms Carol J Evermann's research emphasizes the multifaceted nature of idioms,engaging in discussions on various types and their fundamental role in language Herinvestigation into the syntactic and semantic properties of idioms significantlycontributes to a nuanced categorization understanding Additionally, Peter Siemund'swork on language typology, specifically focusing on idioms, explores cross-linguisticaspects and variations in idiomatic expressions across different languages, furtherenriching the literature on this intricate linguistic phenomenon Collectively, thesescholars offer a diverse and comprehensive perspective on different types of idioms,contributing substantially to a holistic understanding of their linguistic intricacies.Notably, our research incorporates the exploration of "Similes and Metaphors" as aspecific type of idioms, further broadening the scope and depth of our inquiry.
2.1.3 An overview of culture What is culture?
In the literature on cultural anthropology, foundational perspectives on the definition
of culture have been offered by eminent figures Edward B Tylor, considered apioneer in anthropology, articulated an early definition in his seminal work "PrimitiveCulture" (1871), conceptualizing culture as "that complex whole which includesknowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habitsacquired by man as a member of society." Clifford Geertz, a prominent culturalanthropologist, emphasized the interpretive nature of culture, defining it in "TheInterpretation of Cultures" (1973) as "a system of inherited conceptions expressed insymbolic forms by means of which men communicate, perpetuate, and develop theirknowledge about and attitudes toward life." Bronisław Malinowski, another keyfigure, focused on the functional aspects of culture in "Coral Gardens and TheirMagic" (1935), viewing it as a set of practices and beliefs fulfilling human needs.Ruth Benedict, in "Patterns of Culture" (1934), explored the integrated wholes anddistinct patterns within cultures, while Clyde Kluckhohn's collaborative work
"Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions" (1952) underscored thevariability of cultural patterns Edward Sapir's contributions to the Sapir-Whorfhypothesis, particularly in "Culture, Genuine and Spurious" (1949), delved into theintricate relationship between language and culture Additionally, the work of LouisLeakey, a paleoanthropologist, has implications for understanding the evolution ofculture in the human species These scholars collectively form a foundationalframework for comprehending the diverse dimensions and interpretations of culturewithin anthropological discourse
Trang English Cultural features
In the expansive landscape of idiomatic expressions, several scholars havesignificantly contributed to our understanding of the cultural dimensions embeddedwithin language Wolfgang Mieder, a prominent folklorist and proverb scholar, hasextensively delved into the study of proverbs and idioms, exploring how theselinguistic forms intricately mirror the values and beliefs of specific cultures LinguistAnna Wierzbicka's research in cultural linguistics has provided valuable insights intothe encoding of cultural meanings within language, a crucial aspect forcomprehending the cultural features inherent in idioms English language expertRichard Nordquist's work focuses on idioms and their cultural implications,highlighting how these expressions capture nuanced cultural facets, contributing toeffective communication Linguist and English language scholar John Algeo hasaddressed the cultural aspects of language, including idioms, illuminating theconnections between language use and cultural contexts Psycholinguist SusanErvin-Tripp, while concentrating on language development, has explored the broaderinfluence of culture on language, offering insights into how cultural features shapeidioms and language use Together, the works of these scholars offer a comprehensiveand nuanced perspective on the intricate interplay between language, idioms, andculture within the realm of linguistic studies Vietnamese Cultural features
In the literature examining Vietnamese culture, several scholars have madenoteworthy contributions to our understanding of its multifaceted dimensions.Historian and scholar Hue-Tam Ho Tai's extensive writings delve into Vietnamesehistory and culture, providing valuable insights into cultural transformations,identities, and historical developments Anthropologist Lê Thị Minh Khai's researchfocuses on Vietnamese cultural practices, exploring areas such as traditional rituals,gender roles, and the repercussions of modernization on traditional communities.Keith W Taylor, a historian, enriches the discourse by covering various aspects ofVietnamese history and culture, including topics such as the historical trajectory ofVietnam, Confucianism, and the influence of foreign elements on Vietnamese society.Nguyen Ngoc Bich, a researcher and anthropologist, contributes to the understanding
of Vietnamese culture through studies on rituals, folklore, and the diverse culturalpractices of ethnic minority groups Notably, Philip Taylor, while primarily recognizedfor his works on media and communication, extends his insights to contemporary
Trang 17Vietnamese culture, particularly examining its dynamics in the context ofglobalization and media influences Together, the works of these scholars provide acomprehensive and nuanced panorama of Vietnamese culture, spanning historicaltrajectories, traditional practices, and contemporary dynamics. The relationship between culture and language
In the expansive literature exploring the intricate relationship between language andculture, several eminent scholars have made indelible contributions Edward Sapir, apivotal figure in linguistics and anthropology, introduced the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,positing that language not only mirrors but also actively shapes thought, with a keenemphasis on the cultural influences embedded in linguistic structures Building onSapir's ideas, Benjamin Lee Whorf, a linguist, expanded the discourse by proposingthat language structures wield significant influence over how speakers perceive andconceptualize the world, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of howlanguage serves as a reflection of cultural patterns Geert Hofstede, a renowned socialpsychologist, advanced cultural dimensions theory, elucidating key cultural values andtheir impact on communication and behavior, offering invaluable insights into howculture shapes language use across diverse societies Edward T Hall, a culturalanthropologist, made substantial contributions to the field through his exploration ofproxemics and cross-cultural communication, unraveling the intricate ways in whichculture influences communication styles and, by extension, language use SociologistErving Goffman delved into the concept of "face" and the role of rituals incommunication, enriching our understanding of the cultural underpinnings oflinguistic politeness and interaction Anthropologist Clifford Geertz underscored theinterpretation of culture as a symbolic system, shedding light on how languagefunctions as a cultural symbol and actively molds social reality Additionally,intercultural communication scholar M J Bennett's Developmental Model ofIntercultural Sensitivity (DMIS) provides a structured framework outlining stages ofcultural sensitivity, offering a relevant lens for comprehending the intricate interplaybetween cultural awareness and language use Together, these scholars form acomprehensive tapestry of knowledge that enhances our understanding of theprofound connections between language and culture
2.2 Previous studies
2.2.1 Studies on idioms in English
A substantial body of scholarly work has delved deeply into the intricacies ofidiomatic expressions within the English language Researchers have explored various
Trang 18facets, including the structural, semantic, and pragmatic dimensions of Englishidioms Notable investigations have focused on the origins, variations, and culturalimplications of idioms, shedding light on their dynamic nature within the linguisticlandscape Pioneering studies by linguists such as George Lakoff and Mark Johnsonhave emphasized the metaphorical foundations of idioms, illustrating how theseexpressions play a crucial role in shaping conceptual thought Furthermore, thecontributions of scholars like Raymond Hickey and Carol J Evermann havesignificantly enriched our understanding of English idioms, with a particular focus onsyntactic and semantic considerations Their research has contributed nuanced insightsinto the cognitive processes involved in comprehending and interpreting idiomaticexpressions in English.
2.2.2 Studies on idioms in Vietnamese
In parallel, the literature on idioms in the Vietnamese language offers a unique andculturally specific perspective Studies in this domain have sought to unravel thedistinctive features of Vietnamese idioms, exploring how they encapsulate culturalvalues, historical contexts, and societal norms specific to Vietnam Vietnameselinguists, including Nguyen Dinh Hoa and Nguyen Phu Phong, have made notablecontributions to the field, delving into the semantic structures of Vietnamese idiomsand unraveling their symbolic meanings Their research has provided valuable insightsinto the intricate relationship between language and culture within the Vietnameseidiomatic expressions Additionally, cross-cultural studies that compare idiomaticexpressions in English and Vietnamese contribute to a broader understanding of howcultural factors influence the usage and interpretation of idioms across differentlinguistic contexts
2.3 Theoretical framework of the study
Linguistic analysis of idioms in English and Vietnamese that involve the terms "black"and "white" shows fascinating peculiarities of culture and symbolic meaningsingrained in these languages
In English, idiomatic expressions utilizing "black" and "white" carry contrastingconnotations On the one hand, "black" often symbolizes negativity or darkness,evident in phrases like "black sheep" or "blacklist," denoting outcasts or exclusion Onthe other hand, "white" usually denotes positivity or purity; this is seen in expressionslike "white lie" or "white as snow," which suggest sincerity or innocence Theseidioms are a reflection of moral principles and society's views
Trang 19In Vietnamese idiomatic usage, "đen" (black) and "trắng" (white) similarly depictcontrasting meanings, yet cultural contexts alter interpretations The phrase 'đen tối'(pitch black) refers not only to actual darkness but also alludes to a state of uncertainty
or confusion, akin to not knowing something On the other hand, "trắng" impliespurity but can also signify emptiness or lack, exemplified in "trắng tay"(empty-handed) The dichotomous nature of these linguistic phrases reveals howperceptions of colors and their symbolic representations differ across linguisticlandscapes, underscoring the rich tapestry of cultural values and societal standardsimprinted into the languages
To comprehend the characteristics and cultures of Vietnamese and English, it is crucial
to look at the semantic, syntactic, and cultural features of idioms that combine theterms "black" and "white" in those languages In English, idiomatic uses of thesecolors frequently incorporate metaphorical extensions, where "black" signifiesnegativity or concealment while "white" indicates innocence or truth Vietnameseidioms display both similarities and differences in their use of language to conveyideas and opinions They employ distinct syntax and utilize these colors as bothmetaphorical modifiers and adjectives
While both languages utilize idioms containing 'black' and 'white' reflecting societalnorms and values, they diverge in cultural nuances and contextual interpretations.While English often leans towards moral or ethical connotations, Vietnameseidiomatic usage of these colors encompasses a broader spectrum, embracing luck,fortune, emptiness, and darkness These linguistic disparities highlight the intricateinterplay between language, culture, and perception, emphasizing the significance ofcontext in understanding the nuanced meanings embedded within idiomaticexpressions
2.4 Summary
The research undertaken includes a thorough exploration of idiomatic expressions indifferent linguistic and cultural contexts, drawing on a diverse range of scholarlycontributions By delving into the works of linguists, research has achieved a deepunderstanding of the syntactic and semantic aspects inherent in idioms
Building on previous studies, the study incorporated a theoretical framework toanalyze idioms containing the words “black” and “white” in English and Vietnamese,shedding light on fascinating cultural nuances and Symbolic meaning is deeplyingrained in these languages While English idioms often express moral or ethicalmeanings, Vietnamese idiom usage covers a broader range, including the concepts ofluck, fortune, emptiness and darkness dark This comparison emphasizes the
Trang 20importance of context in explaining the nuanced meanings attached to idiomaticexpressions in different linguistic contexts.
As a result, the study provided insights into the dynamic nature of idiomaticexpressions, highlighting their role in reflecting and maintaining cultural values andbeliefs Furthermore, comparative analysis between English and Vietnamese idiomsshows how cultural context influences the interpretation and use of idioms,emphasizing the importance of cultural awareness in linguistic research language.Going forward, the lessons learned from this study may inform future research onidiomatic expression, language, and culture By integrating insights from diverselinguistic and cultural perspectives, researchers can deepen our understanding of howlanguage reflects and shapes cultural norms and values
Overall, this research contributes to a broader understanding of idiomatic expressions
in linguistic and cultural contexts, paving the way for further exploration andinterdisciplinary collaboration in the field of linguistic studies language
3.1 Context of the study
The study focused on surveying 136 idioms in both Vietnamese and English,emphasizing descriptive, comparative, and contrasting analysis These idiomaticexpressions were chosen for their popularity and cultural significance, reflecting therichness of the language and the nuances contained within it The choice of idiomsprovides a wide scope for the study of linguistic features and cultural meanings acrosslanguages Understanding idiomatic expressions is essential not only for languagelearners but also for translation studies and cross-cultural communication By delvinginto these idioms, the study aims to shed light on the complex interactions betweenlanguage, culture and cognition
3.2 Methods of the study
The research employs a mixed methods approach to thoroughly analyze over 136idiomatic expressions in both Vietnamese and English languages
Quantitative research methods, including comparative and contrastive analyses, areutilized to systematically examine the linguistic features of idioms in both languages.Through quantitative analysis, patterns and trends in the usage of idiomaticexpressions can be identified, offering valuable insights into cross-linguistic variationsand similarities
Trang 21Moreover, qualitative research methods, particularly the survey method, are employed
to delve deeper into participants' perceptions and interpretations of idiomaticexpressions This qualitative component allows for the exploration of cultural nuancesand contextual usage of idioms, enriching the analysis with nuanced insights Bycombining quantitative data with qualitative insights, the research aims to provide arobust examination of idiomatic language use, considering both linguistic structuresand cultural contexts
In comparing Vietnamese and English idioms, the research highlights both linguisticand cultural differences between the two languages Linguistically, idiomaticexpressions in Vietnamese and English may differ in terms of structure, syntax, andmetaphorical usage For instance, idioms containing color terms "black" and "white"may convey different metaphorical meanings in each language, reflecting uniquecultural perspectives Vietnamese idioms may be deeply rooted in cultural traditions,reflecting specific values and social norms, whereas English idioms may draw fromdifferent cultural references and historical contexts
Through the comparative and contrastive analysis of Vietnamese and English idioms,the research aims to uncover the cultural intricacies embedded within language andexplore how these nuances shape communication and interpretation across cultures.3.3 Data collection and data analysis procedures
● Data collection
In the project of “Linguistics Features of Idioms containing the words “black” and
“white” in English and Vietnamese”, the utilization of the secondary data method asthe data collection method presents a robust foundation for delving into the conceptualframework established by Lakoff and Johnson (1980) Lakoff and Johnson proposethat metaphor serves as a cognitive mechanism, enabling individuals to comprehendabstract ideas by drawing parallels with their direct physical and social experiences.This theoretical perspective underscores the importance of metaphorical language inbridging the gap between tangible and abstract concepts
Through an exhaustive analysis of secondary data, the project endeavors to unravelthe intricate interplay between metaphorical language, cultural context, and linguisticrepresentations of abstract concepts across different linguistic and cultural landscapes
By contextualizing idioms within the broader framework of metaphor theory andcultural semiotics, this research aims to shed light on the deeper layers of meaning
Trang 22embedded within these linguistic artifacts and their implications for cross-culturalcommunication and understanding.
● Data analysis
The data analysis method employed in this study involves a mixed methods approach,incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research designs Quantitative analysisutilizes a comparative and contrastive method to assess linguistic patterns, whilequalitative analysis employs a survey method to delve into deeper understandings Themethods of the study encompass descriptive, comparative, contrastive, and statisticalanalysis techniques Descriptive methods are utilized to outline the linguistic features
of idioms containing "black" and "white" in English, comparing them to Vietnamesetranslations Comparative and contrastive analysis methods are applied to examinesimilarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idioms, categorizingtheir linguistic features Statistical analysis methods, predominantly descriptivestatistics, are employed to summarize participant responses, providing insights intofrequency, percentages, means, and standard deviations among linguistic andnon-linguistic learners Through this comprehensive approach, a nuancedunderstanding of idiom usage across languages is attained
3.4 Summary
The study employs a mixed methods approach to examine 81 idiomatic expressions inboth Vietnamese and English languages Quantitative methods, including comparativeanalyses, are utilized to investigate linguistic features and identify usage patterns,while qualitative methods, such as surveys, explore cultural nuances and contextualusage A comparative analysis is conducted to highlight linguistic and culturaldifferences between idioms in both languages By integrating quantitative data withqualitative insights, the research aims to offer a comprehensive examination ofidiomatic language use Research procedures involve systematic identification ofidioms, review of previous literature, and application of an analytical framework tocategorize and analyze idioms Data collection relies on secondary data analysis toexplore metaphorical language and cultural context The analysis includes bothquantitative and qualitative approaches to assess linguistic patterns and participantresponses Ultimately, the study aims to uncover cultural intricacies in language andexplore how these nuances shape communication across cultures
Trang 23CHAPTER 4: Syntactic features and Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white"
4.1 Syntactic features and Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black"and "white” in English
4.1.1 Syntactic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white” in
Structure: Pre - modifiers + N head + Post - modifiers
● Pre - modifiers + N head
1 Open system items + N head
Ex: white liewhite knucklerpearly whiteswhite marriage
Trang 24white lie
2 Closed system items + Open system items + N head
Ex: A black day
● Pre - modifiers + N head + Post - modifiers
Ex: A black mark beside one’s name
The black sheep of the family
Closed system
Open system items
N head Post - modifiers
Trang 252 Adjective phrase
Structure: Pre - mod + Adj head + Post - mod
● Pre - modifiers + Adj head
Ex: not all black and white
● Adj head + Post modifiers
Ex:black as a dog's gut
black as thunder
white as a ghost
3 Prepositional phrase
Trang 26Structure: Preposition + Prepositional complement
● Preposition + N phrase
Ex: in the black
● Preposition + Adj phrase
Ex: in black and white
4.1.2 Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and "white” in
Indicating object's characteristics 15 32%
4.2 Syntactic features and Semantic features of idiom containing the words "black"and "white” in Vietnamese
4.2.1 Semantic features of idiom containing the words
"black" and "white” in Vietnamese
Trang 27Số lượng Tỉ lệ
Biểu thị sự vật về dấu hiệu, dự báo 2 6%
Trang 29● Chủ ngữ 1 + Động từ 1, Chủ ngữ 2 + Động từ 2
Trang 30Mệnh đề phụ thuộc 2
Mệnh đề phụ thuộc 3
Động từ
Tân ngữ
Tân ngữ
Động từ
Tân ngữ
4.3 summary
Chapter V delves into the intricate analysis of the syntactic and semantic features ofidioms containing the words "black" and "white" in both English and Vietnameselanguages In section 5.1, the focus lies on exploring the syntactic structures ofidiomatic expressions incorporating these color-related terms in both linguisticcontexts This examination offers insights into how these idioms are constructedwithin sentences, considering factors such as word order, grammatical markers, andsyntactic flexibility By comparing and contrasting the syntactic features of theseidioms across languages, a deeper understanding of the differences and similarities intheir structural organization emerges
Trang 31Transitioning to section 5.2, the attention shifts towards the semantic dimensions ofidiomatic expressions featuring the words "black" and "white" in English andVietnamese This analysis delves into the underlying meanings, connotations, andcultural associations embedded within these idioms By dissecting the semanticnuances and cultural references associated with the color symbolism of "black" and
"white" in each language, this section illuminates the rich tapestry of cultural heritageand linguistic diversity inherent in idiomatic expressions Through a meticulousexamination of semantic features, readers gain valuable insights into how these idiomsreflect and shape the collective consciousness of their respective languagecommunities
5.1 In terms of their syntactic features of idiom containing the words "black" and
"white” in English & Vietnamese
embarks on a journey through the syntactic landscape of idiomatic expressions
incorporating the hues "black" and "white" in both the English and Vietnamese
languages This section meticulously dissects the structural organization of theseidioms within sentences, scrutinizing elements such as word order, grammatical
markers, and syntactic flexibility Through comparative analysis, we unveil the subtlenuances and distinct features that characterize the construction of these idioms acrosslinguistic contexts By elucidating the syntactic intricacies, readers gain a deeperunderstanding of how these idioms are woven into the fabric of language, shapingcommunication and expression
5.2 In terms of their semantic features of idiom containing the words "black" and
"white” in English & Vietnamese
Transitioning to section 5.2, our focus shifts towards the semantic dimensions ofidiomatic expressions featuring the chromatic spectrum of "black" and "white" in bothEnglish and Vietnamese Here, we embark on a voyage into the rich tapestry ofmeanings, connotations, and cultural associations that underlie these idioms Throughmeticulous analysis, we unearth the layers of symbolism and cultural referencesembedded within the color imagery of these idiomatic expressions By delving intothe semantic intricacies, readers are invited to explore the cultural heritage andlinguistic diversity encapsulated within these idioms, gaining valuable insights intotheir profound impact on communication and cultural expression
6.1 Recapitulation
This study has delved into the syntactic and semantic features of idiomatic expressionscontaining the words "black" and "white" in both English and Vietnamese, offering acomparative analysis to uncover similarities and differences between the twolanguages While this research provides valuable insights into idiomatic languageusage, it's important to acknowledge its limitations, such as its narrow focus onspecific idioms and languages, as well as potential biases in data collection
Moving forward, future research endeavors could broaden the scope to include idiomsfrom additional languages and delve deeper into pragmatic and cultural analyses toenhance our understanding of idiomatic usage Employing advanced methodologiessuch as corpus linguistics and integrating AI and NLP technologies could open upinnovative avenues for analysis and interpretation Furthermore, pedagogical researchcould focus on developing effective instructional strategies for teaching idiomaticexpressions to language learners
In conclusion, while this study contributes to our understanding of idiomatic languageusage, there remains ample opportunity for further exploration and refinement in thisfield By addressing these areas of inquiry, future research has the potential to advanceour understanding of idiomatic language usage and its implications for linguistics,language education, and communication on a broader scale
6.2 Implication of the study
The implications of this research are diverse and span many different fields, fromlanguage education to cross-cultural communication
First, in the field of language education, these findings provide practical insights forlearners and language educators, supporting the teaching and learning of idiomaticexpressions in both English and Spanish Vietnamese By identifying the syntactic andsemantic characteristics of idioms containing the words "black" and "white" Inaddition, the comparative analysis of English and Vietnamese idioms also provides afoundation for enhancing language learners' linguistic and cultural awareness,promoting a deeper understanding of cultural nuances culture and linguistic diversity.Furthermore, this research has important implications for cross-culturalcommunication and translation By shedding light on the cultural and symbolicmeanings embedded in idiomatic expressions, this research facilitates more accurateand culturally sensitive communication between speakers of different languages.Beyond language education and cross-cultural communication, the study's findingshave broader implications for cultural studies and cognitive science By examining
Trang 33how idiomatic expressions reflect and maintain cultural values and beliefs, thisresearch enriches our understanding of social norms and cultural dynamics.
In essence, the implications of this research go far beyond the limits of linguisticanalysis By shedding light on the complex interactions between language, culture andcognition, the research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of humancommunication and cultural diversity
6.3 Limitations of the study
Despite its contributions, this study has several limitations that warrantacknowledgment Firstly, the scope of the research is limited to idiomatic expressionscontaining the words "black" and "white" in English and Vietnamese, which may notfully represent the breadth of idiomatic usage in these languages Additionally, thesample size of idiomatic expressions analyzed may not be exhaustive, potentiallyoverlooking less common or region-specific idioms
Furthermore, the study's focus on syntactic and semantic features may overlook otheraspects of idiomatic usage, such as pragmatic considerations or cultural connotations,which could provide further insights into their usage and interpretation Additionally,the research methodology, although employing a mixed-methods approach, may notcapture the full complexity of idiomatic expressions and their variations acrossdifferent contexts and speakers
Moreover, the study's reliance on existing sources for collecting idiomatic expressionsmay introduce biases or inaccuracies in the data, as the selection of idioms may beinfluenced by the compilers' perspectives or preferences Additionally, the research isconducted within the context of English and Vietnamese languages, limiting thegeneralizability of findings to other languages or cultural contexts
Finally, while efforts were made to provide a comprehensive analysis of the syntacticand semantic features of idiomatic expressions, the subjective interpretation of thesefeatures may introduce potential biases or discrepancies in the analysis Futureresearch could address these limitations by expanding the scope of idiomatic analysis,incorporating diverse sources of data, and employing more nuanced methodologies tocapture the multifaceted nature of idiomatic usage in language and communication
6.4 Recommendations for further study
Further studies in the field could significantly enhance our understanding of idiomaticlanguage usage and its broader implications Expanding the scope of analysis beyondEnglish and Vietnamese to encompass idiomatic expressions from a diverse array oflanguages would enable comprehensive comparative studies, shedding light on
Trang 34cross-linguistic variations and similarities in idiomatic usage Additionally, pragmaticanalyses could delve into the contextual factors influencing the interpretation andusage of idiomatic expressions, exploring how situational factors, speaker intention,and discourse context contribute to their meaning and function Cultural analysescould further illuminate the cultural nuances and implications embedded withinidiomatic language, uncovering how cultural beliefs, values, and historical contextsshape the meanings and usage of idioms in different cultural settings.
Utilizing corpus linguistics methodologies could provide valuable insights intoidiomatic usage patterns, frequency distributions, and contextual variations acrossdifferent linguistic registers and genres This approach could offer a morecomprehensive understanding of the distribution and prevalence of idiomaticexpressions in natural language usage Pedagogical research could focus ondeveloping effective instructional strategies and materials for teaching idiomaticexpressions to language learners, considering learners' proficiency levels, learningstyles, and cultural backgrounds Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence(AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies could revolutionize theanalysis and interpretation of idiomatic language, offering innovative tools forlanguage learners and researchers alike
Socio-linguistic perspectives could illuminate the socio-cultural factors influencingthe adoption and transmission of idiomatic expressions within speech communities
By considering factors such as age, gender, social status, and regional dialects,researchers could gain a deeper understanding of the variation and adaptation ofidiomatic language in different social contexts Longitudinal studies could trackchanges in idiomatic usage over time, providing insights into language evolution,diachronic variation, and language change processes By addressing these areas ofinquiry, future research has the potential to advance our understanding of idiomaticlanguage usage and its implications for linguistics, language education, andcommunication on a global scale
a) Books:
Johnson, M., & Lakoff, G (1980) Metaphors we live by University of Chicago Press.Nguyen Dinh Tam (2011) Idioms dictionary Vietnam National University Press.Adichie, C N (2013) Americanah Anchor
Cacciari, C., & Tabossi, P (Eds.) (1993) Idioms: Processing, structure, and
interpretation Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Eco, U (1986) The name of the rose Harcourt
García Márquez, G (1967) One hundred years of solitude Harper & Row
Lee, A (Director) (2000) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon [Film] Sony PicturesClassics
Ngugi wa Thiong'o (1977) Decolonising the mind: The politics of language in
African literature Heinemann
Nigris, D P (1995) The idiom advantage: Fluency in diverse cultures Allyn &
No relevant citations provided
d) Scientific Reports, Doctoral thesis:
No relevant citations provided
e) Newspaper article:
No relevant citations provided
f) Sources from the internet:
No relevant citations provided
Trang 36● Idioms containing the words "black" and "white" in Vietnamese
1 Đen đầu thì bỏ, đỏ đầu thì nuôi Human Character
3 Quạ mà đã biết quạ đen, có đâu
4 Rau muống sâu đen, rau dền
sâu trắng
5 Rồng đen lấy nước thì nắng,
rồng trắng lấy nước thì mưa
9 Gà đen chân trắng, mẹ mắng
cũng mua; gà trắng chân chì,
mua chi giống ấy
Object/ Animate Appearance
10 Gần mực thì đen, gần đèn thì
12 Kiến đen tha trứng lên cao, thế
Trang 3717 Mặt sắt đen sì Human Appearance
18 Giấy trắng mực đen, làm quen
thiên hạ
19 Mưa tránh chỗ trắng, nắng
28 Mùa hè đang nắng, cỏ gà trắng
29 Nhân hiền tại mạo, trắng gạo
30 Mây xanh thì nắng, mây trắng
31 Trời đang nắng cỏ gà trắng thì
32 Người khôn con mắt đen sì,
người dại con mắt nửa chì nửa
Trang 38● Syntactic features of idioms containing the words "black" and "white" in Vietnamese
STT Idioms cụm danh từ cụm động từ cụm tính từ cụm giới từ
"den dau" and
"do dau"
describing thecolor of theanimal's headand referring
to a man whobetrays hisfirst wife andchildren andloves hisconcubineand children
2 Đen như cột
considered anadjectivephrase,describing:
very black,very bad, here
it refers to adisparagingattitude
Affirming thebeauty ofinner qualitiesover outer
Trang 39form, badthingsbecome good,all difficultiesand obstaclesare resolvedwell.
4 Chó đen giữ
adjectivephrase, with
"cho" beingthe noundescribing theanimal and
"den" beingthe adjectivedescribing thecolor of thedog Thesecondsentence can
be seen as aphrasal verb,with "giu"
being a verbdescribing theaction and
"muc" being anoun
describing theobject theblack dog isholding
Therefore, thefolk song hasboth anadjectivephrase and averb phrase Itmeans
stubbornpeople whorefuse tocorrect their
Trang 40bad habits andrefuse torepent
a noundescribing thebird, "biet" isthe verb, and
"qua den" is theadjective
phrasedescribing thecolor of thebird crow
"có đâu quạdám mon menvới cò": This isalso a nounphrase, inwhich "dau" is
a fixed phrase,
"qua" is still anoun, "dam" is
a verb, and
"mon men" is aphrasal verbthat describesthe actions ofcrows "voi conco" is a
prepositionalphrase,describing therelationshipwith thestork.Themeaning of thissentence is:
People rarelyknow their ownbad habits orweaknesses