Background of the study
In two decades, the Internet has developed rapidly, with many benefits that the Internet brings There is always a large number of people using it, which drives the digital economy around the world For consumers, the Internet provides a greater variety of interactive information than information sources such as newspapers, magazines, TV, etc Through social networking platforms on the Internet, it has been shown that consumers' online information search has become a popular trend today, which has increased interest in word of mouth (WOM) as well as electronic word of mouth (eWOM) (Hussain et al., 2017; Yang,
2017) In a time where consumers' decisions and purchasing intentions depend on companies' online advertising, WOM has also greatly contributed to guiding consumers to the actual purchase stage (Al Halbusi & Tehseen, 2018) However, with the continuous development of the Internet, we have witnessed the birth and rise of new communication channels giving rise to EWOM information (Bilal et al., 2021; C Cheung & Thadani,
2012) Electronic word of mouth (eWOM) is the sharing of information about products and services through word of mouth, or through the anonymous or public expression of opinions by any individual or organization, and takes place online on various platforms such as websites, blogs, forums, social media, etc (Bussiere, 2015) One of the trending social media today is TikTok; based on the average cumulative user time of about 13.8 hours per month, TikTok is in the top 5 most used social networking platforms with 1 billion users (Figure 1, n.d.) In Southeast Asia, in 2021, Vietnam is the country with the highest number of TikTok users, on average each person spends 28 minutes/day accessing TikTok It allows users to easily share their thoughts in text, images or videos through retweeting posts or sharing them through mobile applications (Chu & Kim, 2011; Erkan & Evans, 2016b; Kozinets et al., 2010; Moran & Muzellec, 2015) The significant increase in the number of users sharing their opinions and thoughts on TikTok is creating a strong eWOM (Electronic Word of Mouth) impact on consumer shopping decisions (Cham et al., 2022; Daugherty & Hoffman, 2013) Therefore, businesses also take full advantage of the TikTok social network to promote promotion and enhance the image of products and services to interact
10 with customers EWOM is leveraged for businesses to identify the factors that motivate customers to post comments and capture the impact of their comments (Serra Cantallops & Salvi, 2014) The use of social networks and eWOM has a positive impact on purchasing decisions, brand awareness and trust are connected to purchase intention, thereby increasing the ability to attract new customers for (Prasad et al., 2017) However, eWOM can have a negative effect on credibility, as both the person conveying the information and the recipient of the information often remain anonymous (Tantrabundit, 2018).
Research objectives and questions
This research analyzes how perceptions of eWOM's authenticity influence consumers' purchasing decisions This includes assessing their level of trust in information from eWOM and how this veracity impacts purchasing decisions We identify which key factors are influencing the relationship between perceptions of eWOM authenticity and purchase intentions.
Hence, we provide recommendations on how to improve the legitimacy of eWOM for companies on TikTok and suggest actions to boost users' inclination to make purchases on TikTok by enhancing eWOM authenticity.
In order to achieve these objectives above, four research questions are addressed as follows:
1 How does eWOM authenticity contribute to the purchasing intention of TikTok consumers?
2 What are the critical factors that mediate the relationship between eWOM authenticity and the purchasing intention of TikTok consumers?
3 Without considering eWOM authenticity, what factors influence TikTok users' purchasing intentions and how?
4 What initiatives can entrepreneurs use to create authenticity for eWOM to enhance consumer purchase intention on the TikTok platform?
Research findings
The results of this research will provide valuable insights about eWOM, understanding the factors that contribute to the authenticity of eWOM on the social networking platform TikTok for businesses, thereby helping businesses make informed choices about their TikTok marketing strategy, minimizing the risk of negative interactions online, to gain customer trust, contributing to customer loyalty and awareness brand positivity Highly authentic eWOM activities will help strengthen their brand and ultimately bring in more revenue.
Structure of Study
This research chapter not only provides the research context but also goes into detail describing the specific objectives, important research questions and the research process applied to ensure the achievement of these objectives
A review of the literature on Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) and its validity in influencing consumer perceptions of purchase intention was an important part of this research This review focuses not only on synthesizing information but also on exploring the complex relationship between perceived authenticity and consumer purchase intention, and delves into the different aspects of eWOM and the mechanisms through which authenticity is established and its impact on consumer behavior
This chapter details the process of conducting research through specific steps, designing the questionnaire, deciding on sample size, sampling methods, data accumulation, and how to perform data analysis
- Chapter 4: Data analysis & Research results
This chapter plays an important role as the heart of the study as its authenticity lies in the analysis of the actual data collected during the research process These data are not only presented but also discussed in detail in each section, and displayed in the form of numbers,
12 tables, images, graphs and models This chapter covers the main sections, including descriptive statistics and reliability tested through models
Our discussion reviews the findings after analyzing the data we collected in Chapter 4 and puts them into the context of the overall research It brings together all the sections that came before and shows to readers the connections between each part of this research After investigating the implications of the research based on the findings and results, we acknowledge the limits of the research and discuss the new contributions for future research
The study concludes where the research findings are discussed and the research conclusion is drawn Also, limitations of the study are addressed and suggestions for future research are provided.
Overview of the field
2.1.1 EWOM and eWOM authenticity a) Electronic Word-of-mouth
Word-of-mouth has traditionally been a type of direct communication between peers regarding companies or items with no commercial purpose With the rapid growth of the internet, word-of-mouth has become electronic, called Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) EWOM can take several forms, including social media sites, weblogs, community discussion forums, review websites, newsgroups, and e-commerce (C Cheung
& Lee, 2012) Another definition of eWOM is the bad and/or good features of a brand, product, or services produced by past, current, and future consumers, which are posted on the internet and available to anybody (Navitha Sulthana & Shanmugam, 2020) (Ismagilova
13 et al., 2017) defined eWOM as the exchange of dynamic and continuous information about a brand, product, company, or service by past, current, and future customers that is posted on the internet and accessible to anybody EWOM can take many various forms and contexts, including blogs, social media, discussion forums, and review websites EWOM is defined as information transfer whose influence varies across recipients depending on their attitudes and behavior (Erkan & Evans, 2018) EWOM is seen as more influential because of its independence from the firm This is because consumer reviews reflect personal experiences EWOM has been strongly linked to consumer purchase decisions and reducing purchasing decision risks (Miremadi & Haghayegh, 2022) (Filieri, 2015), (Tien et al.,
2018), and (Chang et al., 2015) all applied the information adoption model in their eWOM research b) EWOM authenticity
Electronic word-of-mouth authenticity refers to the degree to which online reviews, recommendations, and opinions are perceived as genuine, trustworthy, and reliable by consumers Authentic electronic word-of-mouth content is characterized by transparency, honesty, and credibility, and it is free from bias or manipulation Research has shown that the authenticity of electronic word-of-mouth plays a crucial role in influencing consumer purchase behavior Consumers are more likely to trust and act upon authentic electronic word-of-mouth content, leading to increased purchase intentions and actual purchases Authenticity in electronic word-of-mouth helps to build consumer trust, enhance brand credibility, and foster positive relationships between consumers and brands Therefore, businesses must prioritize authenticity in their online communication strategies to leverage the power of electronic word-of-mouth in driving consumer behavior According to (Liao
& Yang, 2012), the authenticity of e-WOM should have been considered E-WOM spread anonymously, which means higher possibility of online rumor or fake information Surveys show only 31% of netizens are satisfied with the authenticity of e-WOM, which will obviously reduce the marketing effectiveness
Purchase intention is the preference of consumer to buy the product or service In another
Purchase intention plays a crucial role in customer behavior, representing the consumer's decision to buy a specific brand This intention is influenced by various factors, including perceptions, attitudes, and customer behavior As a significant premise in buying behavior, purchase intention aligns with the customer's desire to evaluate and purchase a particular product, highlighting its complexity and importance in the modern era.
Current status of the research problem
Social media platforms facilitate eWOM conversations, which significantly influence consumer purchase intentions A survey conducted by Erkan & Evans (2016a) involving 384 university students demonstrated the positive impact of positive eWOM on buying behavior This highlights the value of social media as an avenue for eWOM, where individuals engage in discussions about brands and their offerings The Information Acceptance Model provides a theoretical framework for understanding the interrelations between social media, eWOM, and consumer behavior.
(Ruiz-Mafe et al., 2018): They discovered that across sizable online user communities, positive eWOM has a greater social influence Positive eWOM is formed when users integrate communication between a website's social environment and social influences The authors discovered that social presence is a predictor of good eWOM among 262 online user community respondents The greater the impact of interpersonal influences, the stronger the link between eWOM and social presence This article examines the impact that online community reviews and recommendations have on the tourism sector a) Electronic Word of Mouth, Trust and Purchase Intention
Saba anwar khan et al (2015): They discovered that word-of-mouth has a direct and positive impact on purchasing intentions Purchase Intention is strongly influenced by comparison, source attractiveness, and trustworthiness Word-of-
15 mouth has become a popular and vital promotional strategy for sharing product/service information New and existing customers communicate product and service information via electronic word-of-mouth communication Word-of-mouth communication is a key method for promoting products and businesses in social media marketing
(Sa’ait et al., 2016): They conducted a survey of 361 respondents to determine the impact of positive eWOM on purchase intention They discovered that eWOM aspects such as accuracy, comprehensiveness, relevance, and timeliness have a significant impact on client purchase intentions Teenagers are more aware of products or services, and they rely on consumer reviews published via eWOM before making a purchasing decision The eWOM data comes from an unpaid source, and previous purchasers have provided honest feedback Following the assessment of numerous reviews, the eWOM receiver who obtained prior purchaser information will have a purchase intention
(Kala & Chaubey, 2018): The authors discovered that marketers should use eWOM to improve brand popularity and persuade consumers to make a purchase With the rise of the internet, customers connect with one another, creating known facts such as electronic word of mouth regarding products/services eWOM communications are the quickest and easiest way to build brand image and affect purchase intention Among 313 social media online respondents, the authors discovered that brand image serves as a mediator between eWOM and purchase intention b) Electronic Word of Mouth, Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention
(Abbas et al., 2017): They investigated the effects of eWOM and brand awareness on customer purchase intentions, using brand image as a mediator Customers seek brand information before selecting whether or not to purchase the product Before making a purchasing decision, the user considers various tips and opinions from experts who have purchased online Electronic information can also help an offline user make a purchasing decision Because eWOM information is saved in internet- rich social media, it may be shared and viewed anywhere in the world at any time
(Seo & Park, 2018): They emphasized that customers seek for and obtain eWOM information published on social networks to lessen anxiety before making a purchasing decision Consumers believe the eWOM information supplied by previous customers who purchased the products online They observed that brand recognition and trust have an impact on eWOM Brand awareness refers to a brand in which the user identifies a certain brand among the many brands available online, and as a result, the customer trusts the brand After reading positive electronic word of mouth on social media, an online user intends to make a purchase Electronic word of mouth had a direct impact on users' trust in social media.
Research gap
eWOM (online word of mouth) has garnered significant attention in marketing and customer behavior research due to its influence on purchase intent (Bickart & Schindler, 2001; Chan & Ngai, 2011; Kumar & Benbasat, 2006; Park et al., 2007; J Zhang et al., 2010; See-To & Ho, 2014; Wang et al., 2012) Notably, scholars view eWOM as an advanced form of traditional WOM, recognizing its impact on consumer sentiments and behavior These prior studies serve as a foundation for further research, motivating graduate students to delve deeper into the influence of eWOM on social media platforms However, a comprehensive literature review has identified research gaps that warrant exploration.
- There are not many empirical studies on the impact of eWOM on purchase intention on the electronic application TikTok
- Most scholars often focus on eWOM research on the Internet in general, there is very little research on the emerging social network in the post-Covid years, TikTok
- Research on eWOM has been quite popular in countries around the world such as Taiwan, Korea, and the US However, in Vietnam this is a very new topic
Theoretical background for research framework
This study explores factors that influence consumer perceptions of eWOM authenticity on TikTok and how these perceptions affect purchase intentions We propose an integrated model that combines the Information Application Model (IAM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to provide a comprehensive framework for assessing these factors and their impact on consumer behavior.
2.4.1 The information adoption model - IAM
The impact of information can change as it is transmitted from one person to another The same content can be received differently and lead to differences in concepts and ideas among information recipients (C M K Cheung et al., 2008) (Sussman & Siegal, 2003) studied this topic further when considering eWOM in a theoretical model named the information adoption model - IAM
The goal of IAM is to describe how individuals are persuaded by information (Li et al.,
2016) The IAM model posits that individuals can be influenced by a message in two directions: centrally and peripherally (Sussman & Siegal, 2003) Central orientation refers to the core content of the message, while peripheral orientation refers to indirect issues related to the content of the message (C M K Cheung et al., 2008) IAM includes four main elements: information reliability, information usefulness, information quality and information reception (Erkan & Evans, 2016b; Filieri & McLeay, 2014); which can be seen in the figure 1
Figure 1: Information Adoption Model - IAM
To accept certain information, the recipient must first evaluate the usefulness of receiving that information based on two factors: the quality of the information and other external suggestions within the same message stream (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986) The IAM model is found to be the most suitable model when applied to research with the goal of exploring the impact of eWOM on users' purchasing intentions and behavior in the online context (V Abedi et al., 2021; Erkan & Evans, 2016b) (E Abedi et al., 2019) proposed that peripheral information routes such as quantity could be analyzed in future research on information adoption (Teng & Khong, 2015) also considered the number of arguments as a relevant property of peripheral signals (Ismagilova et al., 2017) also agree that the amount of eWOM affects the usefulness of eWOM Therefore, this study applied IAM and its components (information reliability, information quality and information reception) adding the variable Quantity of information to study the influence of factors in eWOM authenticity on the purchase intention of TikTok users in Vietnam
2.4.2 Theory of Planned Behavior – TPB
Theory of Planned Behavior - TPB was developed by Icek Ajzen in 1991, originating from the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1977) Attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control are the main constructs of the TPB (Ajzen, 1991) Accordingly, (Ajzen, 1991) believes that intention is directly affected by "attitude",
"subjective norms" and "perceived behavioral control" The model is based on the premise that individuals make rational decisions to perform particular behaviors by evaluating the information available to them as shown in the figure 2
Figure 2: Theory of Planned Behavior - TBP
There are many different factors that influence how a person perceives eWOM and thereby directly impact purchase intention Predicting behavioral intentions due to eWOM using TPB has been thoroughly investigated by previous studies (Bilal et al., 2020; H Lee et al., 2021; Miao, 2015)
Attitude refers to “the degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation or assessment of the behavior in question” (Ajzen, 1991) Consumers' attitudes influence their intentions (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1977) Consumers' attitudes toward online shopping have been shown to have a positive impact on their shopping intentions (Yoh et al., 2003) This relationship has been supported by many other empirical studies (Lin, 2007; Pavlou
& Fygenson, 2006) For our study, we address the extent to which consumers evaluate eWOM authenticity in purchase intentions
Subjective norms can be described as individual perceptions of social pressure to perform or not perform certain behaviors (Ajzen, 1991) Previous studies have shown that there is a positive relationship between subjective norms and intentions (Hansen et al., 2004; Lin,
2007) Subjective norms refer to a consumer's perception of the use of online shopping according to the opinion of a referent group (such as friends or colleagues) (Lin, 2007) With eWOM, subjective norms can be influenced and influenced by two factors: the amount of information and the credibility of the source, thereby directly affecting purchase intention
In the context of online shopping, trust is the willingness to accept the possibility of adverse conditions in order to make purchases with online companies with the expectation that they will act in accordance with what is best for the consumer base (M Lee & Turban, 2001) With eWOM, trust is the willingness to accept risks in the hope that the information that is widely spread on a regular basis about a certain product is accurate and meets what is best for them Previous studies show that trust is an important factor affecting online shopping intention (Gefen et al., 2003; Pavlou, 2003; Wen et al., 2011) In our research, trust is affected by three factors: eWOM authenticity, amount of information and source reliability From there, trust in eWOM directly impacts consumers' purchasing intentions.
Develop research hypothesis
2.5.1 Information quality & the authenticity of eWOM
The quality of information has been an important factor that consumers use to evaluate the information they receive to ensure it accurately and fully meets their needs and desires According to (Yeap et al., 2014), information quality is the power of the words used in conveying the true nature and meaning of the message Information quality has shown a positive relationship between information quality and information usefulness (Erkan & Evans, 2018) In fact, the increase in the number of Internet users, social networks, especially TikTok, has now allowed people to freely give their reviews and comments about a certain product or service This freedom has made eWOM popular with the huge amount of information that readers can consume In addition, the active participation of businesses in marketing strategies related to eWOM also contributes to making information quality as assessed by consumers difficult Information quality has a direct impact on the recipient's attitude, especially in the online environment in general and TikTok in particular (Cheng
Information quantity positively influences perceived eWOM credibility and authenticity, leading to a positive attitude and increased trust in the information Therefore, it is hypothesized that higher eWOM quality positively influences receivers' attitudes and their belief in the information's trustworthiness.
H1: Information quality has a positive influence on the authenticity of eWOM
2.5.2 Information quantity & the authenticity of eWOM
Information quantity is conceptualized as the number of OCRs published by consumers about a product or service (Filieri, 2015) In other words, information volume reflects the frequency or number of times information, eWOM, or reviews are exposed to consumers When consumers search for reviews on SNSs, the large amount of information makes the reviews more observable The amount of information or eWOM represents the popularity of a product or service A higher number of reviews indicates a higher probability of finding useful information for users (Indrawati et al., 2023) From there, the amount of information can enhance the authenticity of eWOM among consumers, and help consumers evaluate the quality of a brand or product more accurately
However, the authenticity of information that users can initially perceive has a certain correlation with the amount of information up to a certain point (Keller & Staelin, 1987) The number of alternatives increases, and as the number of attributes per alternative increases and exceeds human processing capacity, selection accuracy decreases (Paul & Nazareth, 2010) This is clearly shown by the Bell-shaped relationship between decision quality and information quantity
From the above studies, we proceed to propose the second hypothesis
H2: The amount of information has a positive influence on the authenticity of eWOM
2.5.3 Source credibility & the authenticity of eWOM
Source credibility is defined as the degree to which an information source is perceived by the information recipient as trustworthy and authoritative It allows the recipient to evaluate whether the source of information should be taken seriously or not before placing trust in the information posted, as information received from highly reliable information sources can significantly change the information tell the receiver's point of view in the direction that the communicator advocates (Ramayah et al., 2014) In other words, the credibility of the source greatly contributes to forming the authenticity of information in consumer
22 perception Information provided by highly credible sources is considered valuable and they promote knowledge transfer, which is also an initial element in the personal persuasion process (Erkan & Evans, 2016a)
In online environments, such as our paper covers TikTok, eWOM recipients cannot use communication cues such as speech or language to infer the credibility of a source (Tidwell
& Walther, 2002) Evaluating the reliability of a source is very difficult However, with the advancement of technology, consumers can evaluate the credibility of the source by analyzing the information contained in the web profile By evaluating the credibility of the source, recipients of eWOM information can validate the accuracy and usefulness of the information they receive, as a basis for future decisions Thus, we put forward the third hypothesis:
H3: The eWOM sender's perceived source credibility has a positive impact on eWOM authenticity
Authenticity is central in our proposed model Current literature has not established a means to evaluate the authenticity of eWOM through consumer perceptions, especially with an extremely developed social networking platform today In this study, eWOM authenticity refers to consumers' likelihood and perception of information transmitted by eWOM on social networks, specifically TikTok
The anonymity of e-WOM presents challenges for customer trust, particularly amidst prevalent fake information online (Liao & Yang, 2012) While consumer awareness of e-WOM authenticity is low due to various influencing factors, its persuasiveness has the potential to impact consumer preferences and purchasing behaviors (Teng et al., 2014) Consequently, we posit that the effectiveness of e-WOM in shaping consumer behavior hinges on its perceived authenticity.
H4: The authenticity of eWOM has a positive impact on purchase intention
The quality of the information described from the beginning is also when information in online shopping or e-commerce services is in the form of consumer reviews or can be classified in eWOM (Y Zhao et al., 2020) Information quality represents the most basic communication capacity between online shoppers and sellers, and is considered a basic factor in building trust between the two (Gaberamos & Pasaribu, 2022)
Technological advances allow groups of people to want to use technology and make it an important part in carrying out their lives and activities (Gaberamos & Pasaribu, 2022) Besides, according to (Sharma et al., 2016), the decisions users make when using the system are determined by security and trust So, information quality is the power of a persuasive message in influencing consumers' purchasing intentions (Reichelt et al., 2014) In other words, the quality of information spread through eWOM builds purchase intention for customers looking for reviews related to products and services posted through other consumers on social networks (Park et al., 2007; See-To & Ho, 2014) Good information of good quality will lead to joy and positive behavioral intentions for users According to (Kang & Namkung, 2018), when buying a food product, the quality of information provided by e-commerce positively affects perceptions of usability and ease of use
From the above explanations, we hypothesize:
H5: Information quality through eWOM affects consumers' purchase intention
The continued growth of the Internet has boosted the number of consumers using the Internet to find information related to products or companies through eWOM At the same time, consumers not only read and use relevant reviews on shopping websites for their purchasing decision process but also share opinions (eWOM) found on shopping websites with others (Aggarwal & Aakash, 2020; Chua & Banerjee, 2016) In addition, eWOM has an obvious benefit because it is available to everyone who can use Internet-based channels to share their recommendations and reviews with other consumers That makes the amount
24 of information spread through eWOM popular, consumers have a large information network to be able to evaluate the quality of products or brands
Consumers rely heavily on reviews to gauge a product's worth A greater quantity of reviews aids in the assessment of a brand's or product's quality Ample product information fosters consumer interaction, leading to consistent evaluations, improved acceptance, and heightened quality perception This comprehensive understanding empowers consumers to make informed purchase decisions.
From there we make the following hypothesis:
H6: The information quantity spread through eWOM has a direct impact on purchase intention
According to (Filieri, 2015), online comments and SNSs allow consumers to virtually work together and disseminate reviews, information, and feelings about products, services, and brands Consumers have a large amount of information sources on social networking platforms including: friends, colleagues, experts, and even strangers Consumers rely on their trust in information sources to perceive and evaluate the quality of the information they receive
According to (Erkan & Evans, 2016b), information reliability is a factor that increases consumer interest in a product Products that are reviewed by trustworthy sources (as perceived by users) are more likely to be purchased Credible information is more likely to persuade buyers and strengthen the buyer's desire to purchase (Sohaib et al., 2018) If the product ensures the quality that consumers expect through their trust in information sources, they will tend to have the intention to repurchase in the future and increase their trust ideas about information sources Therefore, our study proposes the following hypotheses:
H7: Source credibility of eWOM information has a direct impact on purchase decisions
From the above research and analysis results, we propose a conceptual framework on the impact of eWOM authenticity on purchase intention as follows:
Figure 3: The Conceptual framework of the study
This study is a causal research design employing a quantitative approach Data collection in this research utilized purposive sampling techniques, which were applied with certain limitations and considerations regarding their suitability for the research topic In determining the sample size, this study employed a method to ascertain the minimum representative sample size, which is determined by multiplying the number of indicators by
Data for this study was collected through questionnaires distributed to TikTok users in Vietnam, yielding 181 responses (Hair et al., 2021a) The EM-PLS technique was employed for data analysis, incorporating an external model assessment/measurement model to evaluate the validity of the measurement structure (Table 3) An interval scale using a 5-point Likert scale was implemented for questionnaire measurement, ranging from "strongly disagree" (level 1) to "strongly agree" (level 5) (Sekaran & Bougie, 2019).
26 technique used was the Structural Equation Model – Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) SEM-PLS data analysis is a quantitative or statistical analysis technique with a variance- based approach to confirm relationships and measurement models (Hair et al., 2018), which will be tested using SmartPLS 4 (Sabol et al., 2023) This study included dependent variables (purchase intentions), independent variables (Information Quality, Information Quantity, and Source Credibility), and mediating variables (Authenticity of eWOM)
The questionnaire comprises two sections – Section A and Section B Section A includes questions about the social demographic characteristics of the respondents (age, gender, and monthly income) Whereas Section B contains questions related to descriptive analysis by employing the operational variables of this research, as follows:
Variable Source Dimension Measurement Item
QAL1 I think the information of something on TikTok is based on facts
QAL2 The information of something on
TikTok explains the product attributes
QAL3 The information of something on
TikTok is relevant to my needs
QAL4 I can understand the information of something on TikTok
QAL5 In conclusion, I think the information of something on TikTok is high in quality
QAN1 The number of product reviews on social networking platforms is very large
QAN2 Popular products have a large number of online reviews
QAN3 Easily find reviews about certain products on the TikTok application
QAN4 When shopping on TikTok, I care about the amount of information reviewed about the product
SC1 People writing online product reviews are not necessarily the real customers
I can believe in the contact list on my social networking site such as friends or peers etc…
I care about the expertise of review or comment in relation to information or opinion about products/services
I trust that a TikTok users would give me their real opinion about a product/service, if I were in a similar situation eWOM
EA1 We can hardly depend on getting the truth from most online reviews
EA2 Most online reviews are intended to mislead
The internet has enough safeguards to make me feel comfortable using online reviews
I feel confident that all the technological advances on the internet make it safe for me to trust online reviews
In general, the internet is now a robust and safe environment in which to use online reviews
I intend to make a purchase on TikTok after reading reviews/comments about that product
I intend to make a purchase on the TikTok platform because the reviews/comments on this platform are
29 more trustworthy than shopping websites
I intend to make a purchase on the TikTok platform when there are positive posts sharing consumer experiences about that product
I plan to make a purchase on TikTok based on the large number of reviews about that product
I intend to purchase on the TikTok platform and will be willing to recommend this product to others to purchase
In terms of survey data collection, the study utilized online surveys through Google Forms The survey URL was distributed using electronic communication means such as email, Messenger, and social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram Additionally, the questionnaire template included instructions that clearly stated the purpose of the research and the method for responding to the questionnaire to enhance the respondents’ understanding Completing the survey took approximately 15 minutes.
Characteristic of Respondents
The characteristics of the 181 respondents were classified into three things of classification, which that gender, job, and education The classification can be seen in Table 1 below
Education Graduated from secondary school
Based on the table above, from 181 respondents that have been collected, there were 45 male respondents (24.9%) and 136 female respondents (75.1%) Female respondents dominate the gender classification The respondent's job was dominated by graduated from high school, with as many as 143 respondents or as many as 79% The highest income level of the respondent is under 5 million VND with 47%.
Common Method Bias
In this study, it was necessary to measure the increase in errors in research data obtained through questionnaires This study evaluates the increase in bias using VIF, a tool that tests for the presence or absence of collinearity in data(Hair et al., 2021b) When VIF values exceed 5, there may be collinearity problems between concepts in the prediction study However, collinearity problems can also occur at lower levels, from 3 to 5 (Mason & Perreault, 1991) Collinearity will not occur when the VIF value is less than 3 (VIF < 3) (Hair et al., 2018), so there is no common method bias
Measurement Model Assessment: Construct Validity
The next step is to check the validity and reliability of the data obtained The measurement of construct validity is classified into two types: convergent validity and discriminant validity As for convergent validity, it assesses the degree of association between indicators measuring the same construct, measured by looking at external loadings, where the value must be greater than 0.70 to be considered valid reliability (external loading > 0.70) (Sekaran & Bougie, 2019) Besides, the average variance extracted (AVE) value must be greater than 0.50 (AVE > 0.50) (Hair et al., 2021a) Discriminant values will be explained separately
Reliability testing aims to evaluate the stability and consistency of the instrument as it interacts with variables or constructs during the research process (Sekaran & Bougie, 2019) Cronbach's alpha can be used as a rigorous measure of convergent reliability; for exploratory research, values between 0.60 and 0.70 are acceptable, while for more advanced stages of research, values between 0.70 and 0.90 may be considered satisfactory Values above 0.90 (or even above 0.95) are undesirable as they often result from semantically redundant indicators meaning (Morrison, 2001) In addition, the composite reliability index is also a value to measure the reliability of a research tool, it must have a value greater than 0.70 (Composite Reliability > 0.70) (Hair et al., 2021a) Convergent validity and reliability test results are shown in Table 3
Table 3: Reliability and Convergent Validity Assessment
I think the information of something on TikTok is based on facts
QAL2 The information of something on TikTok
Cronbach’s Alpha CR AVE explains the product attributes
The information of something on TikTok is relevant to my needs
I can understand the information of something on TikTok
In conclusion, I think the information of something on TikTok is high in quality
The number of product reviews on social networking platforms is very large
Popular products have a large number of online reviews
Easily find reviews about certain products on the Tik Tok application
When shopping on Tiktok, I care about the amount of information reviewed about the product
Source credibility SC1 People writing online product reviews are not
Cronbach’s Alpha CR AVE necessarily the real customers
I can believe in the contact list on my social networking site such as friends or peers etc
I care about the expertise of review or comment in relation to information or opinion about products/services
I trust that a TikTok users would give me their real opinion about a product/service, if I were in a similar situation
We can hardly depend on getting the truth from most online reviews
EA2 Most online reviews are intended to mislead
The internet has enough safeguards to make me feel comfortable using online reviews
I feel confident that all the technological advances on the internet make it safe for me to trust online reviews
In general, the internet is now a robust and safe environment in which to use online reviews
I intend to make a purchase on TikTok after reading reviews/comments about that product
I intend to make a purchase on the TikTok platform because the reviews/comments on this platform are more trustworthy than shopping websites
I intend to make a purchase on the TikTok platform when there are positive posts sharing consumer experiences about that product
I plan to make a purchase on TikTok based on the large number of reviews about that product
I intend to purchase on the TikTok platform and will be willing to recommend this product to others to purchase
From the table above, it can be seen that the external loading value and the AVE value demonstrate the validity and high correlation of convergent validity (Hair et al., 2021a)
The indicators on the above panel data have achieved the above criteria because the value of external load is greater than 0.7 and the AVE value is greater than 0.5 (> 0.5) (Sekaran
The reliability of the data was assessed using Cronbach Alpha and Composite Reliability values The Cronbach Alpha scores and Composite Confidence values were all within acceptable ranges, indicating the reliability of the data The Cronbach Alpha scores for Information quality, Information quantity, Source credibility, eWOM Authenticity, and Purchase Intention were 0.833, 0.763, 0.792, 0.863, and 0.766, respectively The Composite Confidence values were 0.877, 0.848, 0.861, 0.901, and 0.858, respectively These values support the reliability of the data used in the study.
Discriminant Validity
Discriminant validity is created when the predicted concepts are not highly correlated or uncorrelated with other constructs (Sekaran & Bougie, 2019) The heterotrait- monotraitratio (HTMT) criterion was used to accurately assess discriminant validity, where
36 the value must be less than 0.90 (HTMT < 0.90) (Hair et al., 2021a) In the unknown table, the obtained value of HTMT (Heterosexual-Monotrait Ratio) of all constructs is less than 0.9 indicating that all constructs used are not correlated with other constructs different structure and has discriminant value (Hair et al., 2021a)
Table 4: Discriminant Validity: Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio Statistics
Structural Model Assessment: Hypotheses Testing
Inner model measurement assesses structural measurements to determine the importance of predicting linkages between variables or constructs (Hair et al., 2018) This measurement uses SmartPLS 4's Bootstrapping process to test existing hypotheses to obtain path coefficients and t-values To ascertain the positive-negative connection among constructs, path coefficients are used A positive association is shown in the measurement if the path coefficient value is less than 0.05 (< 0.05) and the significance level is set at 5% (Jr et al.,
2023) Meanwhile, if the value of the t-values is greater than 1.645 (> 1.645) with a 1-tailed test, the constructs' measures are classified as having a significant association This value
37 determines the degree of significance in the link between the constructs (Jr et al., 2023) Table … shows the results of the hypothesis testing
Table 5: Summary of Hypotheses Testing
Information Quality has a positive influence on the authenticity of eWOM (QAL->EA)
Information Quantity has a positive influence on the authenticity of eWOM
Source Credibility has a positive impact on eWOM authenticity (SC->EA)
The authenticity of eWOM has a positive impact on purchase intention
Information Quality directly affect to Purchase Intention (QAL->PI)
Information Quantity directly affect to Purchase Intention (QAN->PI)
Source Credibility directly affect to Purchase Intention (SC->PI)
Base on table ( ), the result shows that Information Quality (t = 3.727; p = 0.000), Information Quantity (t = 2.261; p = 0.024) and Source Credibility (t = 3.069; p = 0.002) positively and significantly influenced the authenticity of eWOM Then, the eWOM’s authenticity also has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention (t = 3.553; p 0.000) Therefore, H1, H2, H3 and H4 are accepted In addition, with t = 2.279 and p 0.023, the hypothesis H6 is supported Therefore, the Information Quantity directly affects the Purchase Intention of customers in the TikTok platform
The hypothesis H5 and H7 are unsupported in the 5% significance level because p-values are 0.055, 0.091 > 0.05 respectively As the result, Information Quality and Source Credibility are not related directly to Purchase Intention
Coefficient of Determination (R² Value)
The most commonly used measure to evaluate the structural model's solving power is the coefficient of determination (R²) R² measurement variance, explained in each variable depends and is therefore a measure of solvability model preferences (Shmueli & Koppius,
2011) This coefficient is representative of quantity variance in endogenous concepts explained by all external factors associated with it R² is also known as power predictive power in the sample (Rigdon, 2012) (Hair et al., 2021a) explain that the model can be said to be weak, moderate, and strong if the identification of R² values of 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75
Table 6: Coefficient of Determination (R² Value)
In our study, the R² value of eWOM’s Authenticity is 0.25; which is a weak precision level However, the R square used is the R square adjusted version with the precision level 0.237 because there are many connected lines This value is shown as an indication of weak prediction accuracy to evaluate the model Therefore, the Authenticity of eWOM accounts for 25% which was influenced by Information Quality, Information Quantity and Source Credibility Meanwhile, the R² value of Purchase Intention is 0.291 In other words, the remaining percentages are determined by other factors that are not included in our research
The level of influence f 2 creates favorable conditions beneficial for evaluating closed exogenous structures and contributes to the R² value of the latent predictor variable The f 2 values are 0.02, 0.15 and 0.35 respectively to denote small, medium, or large impact of the exogenous construct on the endogenous construct (Hair et al., 2021a)
The results in table 7 show that the model has a medium impact of Information Quality, Information Quantity and Source Credibility on eWOM’s Authenticity in the current study with an f2 value of (0.073), (0.024), (0.087) respectively, while The Authenticity of eWOM also had a medium impact on Purchase Intention with an f 2 value of (0.077)
Moreover, with f 2 values 0.025 and 0.037 denote the medium directly impact of Quality and Quantity of Information on Purchase Intention whereas the Source Credibility does not influence (f 2 value = 0.016)
The 𝑄 2 value assessed the predictive capacity of the out-of-sample model or the importance of prediction employing the blindfolding process (Hair et al., 2021a) The examination focused on endogenous constructs, which in this case were tourist attitude and visit intention If the 𝑄 2 value is large or greater than zero, it suggests predictive importance (Hair et al., 2018) As a consequence of this investigation, the 𝑄 2 anticipated value of each indicator was greater than zero It suggests that predictive models have significance for endogenous entities Most indicators in the PLS-SEM analysis yields, which include RMSE and MAE, have smaller prediction errors than the LM analysis offers Then it shows that the model has medium predictive power.
Researchers use the authenticity of eWOM through the factors of information quality, quantity of information, and reliable sources to understand the purchasing intentions of Vietnamese consumers on the Tik Tok platform, specifically Tik Tok Shop To ensure the authenticity of eWOM, this study considered the relationship between authenticity and the amount of information, and the result was positive In research by (López & Sicilia, 2013) and (Ngarmwongnoi et al., 2020), the popularity, performance, authenticity, reliability of the product are the results that the amount of information brings In addition, researchers also presented positive results that information quality and reliable sources have brought to the authenticity of eWOM Information quality as defined by (Filieri, 2015) refers to the quality of content in eWOM It is consistent and has supplemented previous research indicating the positive relationship between information quality and usefulness along with the authenticity of information (Erkan & Evans, 2016a) Clarifying the relationship between reliable sources and authenticity, the available information identifies the origin of expertise and reliability as the basis for measuring the reliability of information (Applbaum & Anatol, 1972; The Nine Elements of Digital Transformation - ProQuest, n.d.) (Filieri, 2015) argues that the reliability of information or its accuracy affects the ability to persuade customers about which information can be trusted
The research findings suggest that the quality of information and the reliability of sources do not have a significant and credible impact on the intention to purchase on the Tik Tok platform However, the study also indicates that these two factors, along with the factor of the quantity of information sources, when mediated by the authenticity factor of eWOM, bring about a positive impact on the dependent variable of purchase intention Individuals, when using social media, are exposed to a large volume of eWOM information, which may lead to a tendency to amalgamate information that appears to be more beneficial to them (E Abedi et al., 2019) When assimilating this information, users require the mediating factor of authenticity to facilitate decision-making Furthermore, this research outcome
43 provides us with an insight into the importance of the authenticity variable of eWOM for the dependent variable of purchase intention
In addition, researchers also highlight the positive impact on purchase intentions through the factor of information quantity The quantity of information represents the number of people giving reviews about the product, meaning that the product has good sales and a good reputation, which helps to reduce doubts when buying the product (Ho et al., 2021) This is the basis that users of the TikTok platform can rely on to decide to buy the product they are considering
This study demonstrates that the authenticity of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has a positive impact on consumer purchasing intentions on the Tik Tok platform, with the scope of research being the Vietnamese market This research supports previous studies that highlight the importance of eWOM content on social media, i.e., its quality and reliability, which ultimately influences behavioral intentions towards online ordering based on eWOM reviews (Rahaman et al., 2022) Reviews on social media platforms like TikTok significantly assist online users in determining the traceability, authenticity, and quality of online businesses, thereby encouraging them to make decisions (Rahaman et al., 2022) Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the reception of information has a significant and positive correlation with online purchasing intentions as the reception of information is often acknowledged as something that enables or hinders decisions (Dang-Van et al., 2020; J Zhao et al., 2018) Supporting previous research, when the source of product reviews on platforms like TikTok has high authenticity, it leads customers to higher purchase decisions Notably, this study is considered the first to evaluate the impact of eWOM authenticity on purchasing intentions on the TikTok platform, and the results indicate that the authenticity factor of eWOM is one of the necessary factors when considering purchasing intentions on social media platforms like TikTok
The current research findings provide marketers with a perspective to recognize the importance of the impact of Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) information on the online
44 purchasing intentions of social media users As this study reports that the online purchasing intentions of social media users are related to eWOM information, it suggests that marketers create brands by leveraging social media platforms The research results indicate that both the quantity of information, the quality of information, and reliable sources enhance the authenticity of eWOM information, which will affect the application and purchase intention Therefore, marketers need to post reliable and quality information about their products or services on social media websites to create a better impression in the minds of online consumers To enhance the purchasing ability of online consumers, marketers should focus on uploading useful and understandable content to promote their products/services on social media websites to enhance the product purchasing trend of online consumers The information that marketers provide along with good experiences from those who have purchased the product will help enhance the intention to leave reviews for the product after having a satisfying experience and emotion Recent research has shown that managers need to understand the impact of emotions as factors that drive attitudes towards eWOM behavior (Keiningham et al., 2018) Social media users, especially on platforms like Tik Tok, often seek additional information before making an online purchase decision; therefore, businesses can consider building and developing company accounts to increase more information sharing updates about the latest products/services and present authentic and complete information for online consumers on social media pages Furthermore, business managers and marketers should closely monitor and supervise eWOM created by consumers on social media to always update the current views of consumers To do this, businesses can hire online customer managers, who will support online consumers by providing useful, authentic, reliable, quality, and understandable information as requested by consumers so that consumers provide positive eWOM about the company or product, this will affect the purchasing behavior of other consumers on social media platforms like TikTok.
Research demonstrates the correlation between eWOM authenticity and consumer purchase intentions on TikTok Key factors shaping authenticity include information quality, quantity, and source credibility Information quantity and source credibility contribute to higher perceived eWOM authenticity Notably, eWOM authenticity heavily influences purchase intent High-quality information and credible sources, without perceived authenticity, exert minimal impact on purchasing decisions This underscores the importance of authenticity in shaping consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions.
Contribution and Implications of the study
This research on the impact of eWOM authenticity on TikTok offers valuable insights for various stakeholders Consumers can enhance their awareness and ability to evaluate the authenticity of eWOM, empowering them to make informed purchasing decisions Businesses, on the other hand, can recognize the critical role of eWOM authenticity on TikTok and other social media platforms, enabling them to understand its impact on consumer behavior and the significance of fostering authentic eWOM to drive sales.
46 verifying information on social platforms From there, businesses plan to build appropriate marketing strategies to increase sales, awareness and reputation in the market.
Limitations of the study and future research
This study is limited to TikTok users in Vietnam as the target population or respondents That limits the scale of application of the research Besides, most of the survey results were received mainly from consumers aged 17 - 21, which also limits the comprehensiveness of the research For future research, the study can be developed by adding more variables and increasing the number of respondents to expand the scope of the study or it can also be done by changing the existing variables equal to other suitable variables
In addition, making purchasing decisions based on the authenticity of eWOM on the TikTok platform in particular and social networks in general is a relatively complicated process This process is not only influenced by consumer perception or the quality of information itself, but is also influenced by many other external factors Therefore, future research can dig deeper into the external factors that affect this process From there, we get the most objective view of the impact of eWOM authenticity on consumers' purchasing intentions
3 Academic level: o Secondary school graduation o High school graduation o Graduate
4 Evaluate frequency of use (1: not use, 5: frequently)
Rate how often you use TikTok: 1 2 3 4 5
How often do you read comments or product reviews on TikTok: 1 2 3 4 5
PART 2: Evaluating information quality through eWOM on TikTok
1 I think information about a product on TikTok (1: disagree, 5: strongly agree)
2 In summary, I think the quality of product information on TikTok is:
3 Do you evaluate the quality of information on TikTok based on any other factors?
PART 3: Assessing the amount of information spread through eWOM on TikTok
1 Do you often write reviews or product reviews on TikTok?
2 In your opinion, the number of product reviews on TikTok:
3 Popular products with large online reviews on TikTok:
4 Finding reviews of certain products on the TikTok app:
5 When shopping on TikTok, I care about the amount of product review information:
PART 4: Evaluate the reliability of information sources on TikTok
1 Please rate your level of understanding about the origin of information on TikTok:
2 In your opinion, the number of people who write product reviews online are not real customers:
3 I trust my TikTok contact list (including friends or colleagues)
4 I am interested in the expertise of reviews or comments related to information or opinions about products/services
5 I trust TikTok users to give me their honest opinion about the product/service if I were in a similar situation
PART 5: Perceptions of eWOM authenticity on TikTok
1 Rate your understanding of the authenticity of eWOM on the TikTok platform:
2 In your opinion, can we count on getting the truth from most online reviews?
3 Most online reviews are intended to mislead
4 TikTok has enough protections in place for me to feel comfortable using online reviews
5 I feel confident that all the technological advances on TikTok make it safe for me to trust online reviews
6 Overall, TikTok is a powerful and safe environment to use online reviews
7 Are there other factors to determine the authenticity of eWOM?
1 I have plans to buy (1: definitely not buy, 5: definitely buy)
After reading reviews/comments about that product 1 2 3 4 5
Because the reviews/comments on this platform are more trustworthy than shopping websites
When there is a positive article sharing consumer experiences about that product 1 2 3 4 5
Based on the large number of reviews about that product 1 2 3 4 5
2 I intend to make a purchase on the TikTok platform and would gladly recommend this product to others to purchase
3 Are there any other factors that motivate you to buy products on TikTok Shop?
4 In your opinion, is eWOM authenticity one of the key factors in buyers' purchasing decisions?
PHẦN 1: Thông tin nhân khẩu học
3 Trình độ học vấn: o Tốt nghiệp THCS o Tốt nghiệp THPT o Tốt nghiệp Đại học
4 Đánh giá tần suất (1: không sử dụng, 5: rất thường xuyên) Đánh giá mức độ tần suất sử dụng TikTok của bạn: 1 2 3 4 5
Bạn có thường xuyên đọc những bình luận hoặc đánh giá sản phẩm trên TikTok: 1 2 3 4 5
PHẦN 2: Đánh giá chất lượng thông tin qua eWOM trên TikTok
1 Tôi nghĩ thông tin về một sản phẩm trên TikTok (1: không đồng ý, 5: hoàn toàn đồng ý)
Giải thích các thuộc tính của sản phẩm 1 2 3 4 5
Phù hợp với nhu cầu của tôi 1 2 3 4 5
2 Tóm lại, tôi nghĩ thông tin về sản phẩm trên TikTok có chất lượng:
3 Bạn có đánh giá chất lượng thông tin trên TikTok dựa trên yếu tố nào khác không?
PHẦN 3: Đánh giá số lượng thông tin lan truyền qua eWOM trên TikTok
1 Bạn có thường xuyên viết bình luận review hoặc đánh giá sản phẩm trên TikTok
Không bao giờ 1 2 3 4 5 Rất thường xuyên
2 Theo bạn, lượng đánh giá sản phẩm trên TikTok:
3 Sản phẩm được ưa chuộng có lượng đánh giá trực tuyến lớn trên TikTok:
4 Việc tìm các đánh giá về một số sản phẩm nhất định trên ứng dụng TikTok:
5 Khi mua sắm trên TikTok, tôi quan tâm đến lượng thông tin review về sản phẩm:
Không quan tâm 1 2 3 4 5 Rất quan tâm
PHẦN 4: Đánh giá độ tin cậy của các nguồn thông tin trên TikTok
1 Bạn hãy đánh giá mức độ hiểu biết của bản thân về nguồn gốc của các thông tin trên TikTok:
2 Theo bạn, lượng người viết đánh giá sản phẩm trực tuyến không phải là khách hàng thực sự:
3 Tôi tin vào danh sách liên lạc trên TikTok của mình (bao gồm bạn bè hoặc đồng nghiệp)
Không tin tưởng 1 2 3 4 5 Rất tin tưởng
4 Tôi quan tâm đến tính chuyên môn của việc đánh giá hoặc nhận xét liên quan đến thông tin hoặc ý kiến về sản phẩm/dịch vụ
Không quan tâm 1 2 3 4 5 Rất quan tâm
5 Tôi tin tưởng rằng người dùng TikTok sẽ cho tôi ý kiến thực sự của họ về sản phẩm/dịch vụ nếu tôi ở trong hoàn cảnh tương tự
Không tin tưởng 1 2 3 4 5 Rất tin tưởng
PHẦN 5: Nhận thức về tính xác thực của eWOM trên TikTok
1 Đánh giá mức độ hiểu biết của bạn về tính xác thực của eWOM trên nền tảng TikTok
2 Theo bạn, chúng ta có thể tin vào việc nhận được sự thật từ hầu hết các đánh giá trực tuyến không?
Không thể 1 2 3 4 5 Hoàn toàn có thể
3 Hầu hết các đánh giá trực tuyến đều nhằm mục đích đánh lừa
4 TikTok có đủ biện pháp bảo vệ để tôi cảm thấy thoải mái khi sử dụng các đánh giá trực tuyến
Không yên tâm 1 2 3 4 5 Yên tâm
5 Tôi cảm thấy tự tin rằng tất cả những tiến bộ công nghệ trên TikTok giúp tôi an toàn khi tin tưởng vào các đánh giá trực tuyến
Không tự tin 1 2 3 4 5 Tự tin
6 Nói chung, TikTok là một môi trường mạnh mẽ và an toàn để sử dụng các đánh giá trực tuyến
7 Có những yếu tố nào khác để xác định tính xác thực của eWOM không?
1 Tôi có dự định mua hàng (1: chắc chắn không mua, 5: chắc chắn sẽ mua)
Sau khi đọc các nhận xét/nhận xét về sản phẩm đó 1 2 3 4 5
Vì các đánh giá/nhận xét trên nền tảng này đáng tin cậy hơn các trang web mua sắm 1 2 3 4 5
Khi có bài viết tích cực chia sẻ trải nghiệm của người tiêu dùng về sản phẩm đó 1 2 3 4 5
Dựa trên số lượng lớn đánh giá về sản phẩm đó 1 2 3 4 5
2 Tôi có ý định mua hàng trên nền tảng TikTok và sẽ sẵn sàng giới thiệu sản phẩm này cho người khác mua
Không sẵn sàng 1 2 3 4 5 Rất sẵn sàng
3 Có yếu tố nào khác tạo động lực cho các bạn mua hàng trên TikTok Shop?
4 Theo bạn, tính xác thực của eWOM có phải là một trong những yếu tố chính trong việc ra quyết định mua hàng của người mua?
We are grateful for Dr Nguyen Thi Huong Ly's invaluable guidance and insights that enabled us to complete this project on schedule Her unwavering passion and feedback were crucial to its success We are eager to collaborate with her again in the future and appreciate her continuous support.
Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to our colleagues, mentors, and students at the International School, Vietnam National University Hanoi, whose time and assistance were greatly appreciated Special thanks are due to the respondents who graciously participated in our online questionnaire, contributing to the acquisition of primary data essential for this study
Lastly, we express our profound thanks to our families for their unwavering love, enduring support, and encouragement throughout this endeavor
Author 1: Conceptualization, writing original draft, formal analysis, contact instructors and relevant organizing committees
Author 2: Design questionnaire online; data curation and filter data as appropriate for research analysis
Author 3: Planning, outlining the report’s contents and structure; design poster and slide for presentation
Author 4: Designing and preparing tables, figures and other supplementary material; analyze data and supervision, validation, visualization, evaluate results
Author 5: Drafting the sections of the report in the most productive order; finishing citations and references; revising content, editing language and correcting errors
This article is unsupported and unaffiliated with any funding organization
The researchers behind the study claim that they had no financial or commercial ties that could have created the possibility of a conflict of interest
Table 10: Abbreviation eWOM electricity word of mouth
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