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The Capwise Leader & The Ten Powers of Principles doc

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1 The Capwise Leader & The Ten Powers of Principles Table of Contents Page 2. . . . . . Intro: A Bold Promise 3. . . . . . Give It Away! 3. . . . . . To Be A Wise Leader Is To Be A Capwise Leader 4. . . . . . Strategies; Not the Goal 7. . . . . . Principles; A Leader’s Best Friend 9. . . . . .The 10 Powers of Principles 9. . . . . .1. Universal 10. . . . .2. Timeless 10. . . . .3. They are not Age Biased. 11. . . . .4. Principles are Infinite 11. . . . .5. They are Binary 13. . . . .6. Lowest Common Denominator 14. . . . .7. Inter-Relational; Always enough resources to apply principles. 14. . . . .8. They are FREE! 15. . . . .9. Creates Freedom & Safety 16. . . . .10. Foundation of Wisdom 18 . . . . The Principle of Cause & Effect 18 . . . . Action Steps 2 A Bold Promise You have in your possession the definitive and final answer to all business leadership and organizational growth strategies. If you are a leader of any field, you are holding the answer before all other answers for leadership in any and all fields! There will never be another business book that can be before this book. You now have the fundamental power to enhance your leadership abilities and your organization’s productivity. It may be true this book is fresh off the press, but the information in this book is before all other business and self-help books. I believe you will find this book to be of great value to you! The Truth Before All Truths This is the information before all other information. There is no business book or strategy that is before this book. How can I make such a bold proclamation? It is elementary. This book is about principles, and principles come before strategies. Before strategies, before habits and before leadership models, there were and still are principles. Principles have been used to write every other self-help book, every leadership book, and every business growth book. Every other book uses principles but rarely ever points to the principles for the success of the proposed model or strategy. This book looks at the reason all successful business books work. This book is intended to give you the first and final information about leadership growth and the path to use the information. All other books are strategies that give you a plan to follow. This book gives you the purpose to follow a plan, the “what” before the “how”, and puts into your hands the power to build your own effective strategies with measurable results. Based On Principles Highly Recommended Reading 3 No Copyright on this book! Give It AWAY! Once you have experienced how powerful this information is, share it with other leaders. Get this information into the hands of any leader you know. Give this book to successful leaders. Get this book into the hands of struggling leaders to empower and encourage. It will be the beginning of new victories for all leaders. Pay it forward! Ways to share. You have permission to copy this book! Send a gift copy of the E-book or hard copy to someone you care about. If you must, make a copy of this book. Just make sure you get this book into the hands off leaders you care for! The 1 st & 2 nd Most Powerful Principles in the Universe In this book I will make reference to the 1 st and 2 nd most powerful principles in the universe. It is hard to write a book about principles without acknowledging the first two principles in all creation. The purpose of this book is to draw your attention to the greatest untapped power in the world for leaders, readily available and waiting for you; principles! Capwiseleader.com offers another powerful book entitled, The Golden Rule for Leaders. This book will open your mind and heart to the greatest untapped source for any business or organization. These resources are free and are waiting to be put to use through the leader’s heart! Learn to tap into these resources. Principles are free and will empower your organization in amazing ways. You cannot beat the R.O.I. of free! What about the 1 st . most powerful principle? This is going to sound kind of funny but I will not tell you about the 1 st principle and here is the reason. The 1 st most powerful principle is so powerful that you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. At best you might think it is a platitude and shrug it away. Our limited human minds cannot comprehend the power that is waiting for us in the 1 st principle. I can promise that any person interested in knowing the first principle, and pursues it, will find it. I can guarantee it! To Be A Wise Leader Is To Be A Capwise Leader The first and most important goal of a leader who wishes to be wise is to identify and correctly apply principles to your organization. How effective is your leadership CAP (Correctly Applied Principles)? Can you identify and list core leadership principles and core organization principles? Principles are the bedrock foundation of an organization and its leader. 4 What is your goal as a leader? I am not referring to this year’s strategic goals for your organization; but, what are your personal goals for becoming a more effective leader? When one considers the ten powers of principles, and the necessity of principles for truly effective leadership, a purpose becomes self-evident. The wise leader will collect as many principles as possible and apply them correctly. Principles truly are a leader’s best friend. Results from wise leadership is, increased ownership, morale, productivity and profitability. Notice the cause and effect path. One increase leads to another. You can chart the course and the results. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Let someone else do the work for you. Capwiseleader.com provides more information for you to understand and gather principles. What this means to you is a wise leader will increase the morale, productivity and profits of the organization! In order to be a wise leader you must identify and apply principles correctly. It really is that simple! Why strategies are not the goal of a wise leader. It is never a bad idea to listen to other leaders and the strategies they used to grow their organization. The reason it is good to listen to other leaders, is O.P.E. (Other Peoples Experiences). Wisdom is a form of leverage: other people’s pain is your gain. Listen to all the stories you can, buy audio books of successful leaders and listen to them. The most common mistake of unwise leaders The common mistake leaders make when listening to the strategies of others is the tendency to think, “It worked for them, and it will work for me.” It is never a good idea to take strategies used by someone else and implement it carte blanche. The Growth Model To Rule Them All! A minister went to a day seminar about church growth. Keep in mind a church is a non- profit volunteer run organization. The true purpose of the seminar was to sell a boxed program to ministers. It was a day long infomercial. 5 “When a church uses the strategies we have designed, the church is guaranteed to grow!” stated the promise of the seminar. The minister, full of zeal and excitement, brought the idea back to the board. The minister gave all the reasons why this plan would revolutionize the church, and it would only cost $6,000 dollars. Thankfully the board was not under the spell and rejected the idea entirely. The board then asked the minister gently, “Why don’t you build it? That is why we are paying you.” The moral of the story is strategies must be custom fit for each unique organization, but principles fit all organizations. The minister never considered why the strategies would or would not work. The minister never considered the principles underneath the strategies. He never learned the WHY before the HOW. Why would the seminar strategies work? What fundamental principles would empower the strategies to be the answer for organizational growth? The minister never took the time to identify the principles within the strategies. Once the principles are identified one can take a personal and organizational inventory to determine how many of those principles are being used properly and decided what strategies to employ. There are several reasons not to apply someone else’s strategy directly to your organization. The goal of all organizations may be the same; better communication, greater productivity and higher profitability, but the strategies are rarely ever the same. Four good reasons to custom tailor organizational strategies. 1. Strategies are not universal. One size does not fit all. Strategies which would work for a small non-profit may not work for a large corporation. A small non-profit might take everyone out to lunch once a month to build unity. That will not work for a corporation of a thousand or more people. Many leaders are sucked into fad strategies. Leaders hunt for that one magical strategy which will finally revolutionize the organization. Fad strategies are a form of gambling. When enough money is spent and that right strategy is found then the organization will finally succeed. Strategy gambling is very poor leadership. Instead of taking inventory and building strategies based upon principles, the leader looks for shortcuts, to take the easy way out. 2. Strategies are not timeless. Strategies change as the organization changes. It takes different strategies to pursue the same goals within the same organization as the organization grows. 3. Strategies can be complicated and confusing, or dull and boring. Ineffective and complicated strategies happen when the strategies are not built upon principles. 4. Strategies can be limited by the organizations resources. Resources are limited to three categories; time, money and people. If strategies are not built upon principles, they will be costly in time, money and people. Strategies limited by resources might be purchasing a 6 growth model, or seeking expensive consultants to give needed leadership the leader did not give. Many leaders go to various kinds of conventions and seminars to find new strategies. Everyone is hunting for new strategies to give their business a new edge. Strategies may or may not fix organizational problems or improve productivity. The power of a strategy is in the principle it rests upon. Strategies are circumstantial and change with time and the next business fad. Principles always remain the same, they are timeless. The durability of a strategy is in direct proportion to its use of foundational principles. The most important practice a leader must obtain is the pursuit and application of principles. Principles are the foundational building blocks that make a leader wise. Imagine a principle as a cinder block. When you are building a house you gather up the needed amount of blocks in order to build the foundation. The foundation is the most important part of a house. The size, depth and footers of the foundation determine the size and height of the structure. The stronger the foundation the stronger the home will become. The same holds true in an organization. The organization can grow stronger and larger with the proper foundation of principles. Let us use the cinder block illustration a little further. You might have all the cinder blocks you need and all the materials to build a firm foundation; however, if you do not know how too properly mix the cement, and you don’t know how to make the footers level, and you don’t know how to line up the cinder blocks, there will be problems. As a leader you might have read numerous leadership books, have an MBA from a prestigious university and a lot of start-up capital. If you do not know how to properly implement all the information, you’re organization will not be stable. I am not referring to the business end of the organization, which is the paperwork and policies. There are many educated people who are experts on logistics of a business structure. I am referring to the “people to people” principles which are the true foundation of all organizations. The principles that define the heart and soul of an organization are the most important principles. It is the heart of the leader that determines if principles will be applied correctly. 7 Principles; A Leader’s Best Friend! What is a principle and what do principles have to do with running a business? Before we discuss the ten powers of principles which have the ability to propel your business or organization to new levels of achievement, it is important to define a principle. Dictionary.com defines a principle as: 1. an accepted or professed rule of action or conduct: a p erson of good moral principles. 2. a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth from which others are derived: the principles of modern p hysics. When we acknowledge and use principles correctly, we will begin to rely on them and become thankful for them. If we think principles are subjective and try not to use them, then we are only fooling ourselves and consequently using the principle incorrectly. Then wonder why our business has a high turn over and low profit margins. If you want a successful and profitable business or organization, use principles correctly and you will be a wise leader. There are two kinds of principles: physical principles, and moral principles. Examples of physical principles are “the law of gravity”, or “Newton’s 3 rd law of motion”. Physical principles are inescapable truths that we all must obey. Someone might argue that we can disobey physical principles. Try disobeying the law of gravity. Moral principles are the relational laws used between two or more human beings. Dictionary.com defines morals; 1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical There are certain self-evident rules which must be obeyed if a leader wishes to be effective and influential. Moral principles are not a type of rocket science, nor are they a type of religion. Moral principles are simply facts that when used properly creates win/win scenarios for all involved. If you need proof that moral principles exist, ask anyone to describe what 8 good customer service looks like. We all know how good customer service looks, because we all know when we have not received it. Good customer service is a correct application of a moral principle. Peanuts and Potato Chips My wife and I were enjoying a lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. I quickly ordered my meal, but before my wife ordered she asked the waitress for the ingredients of the potato chips that accompany the sandwich she wished to order. My wife explained she needed to know what type of oil the chips where cooked in. The waitress, not wanting to go back and find the large box that stored the chips, stated she was sure the chips were cooked in vegetable oil. My wife quickly losing patience with the waitress, asked again to please go back and bring the box to her so she could read it for herself. Now the waitress was losing patience and stated more sternly that the chips were cooked in vegetable oil. I could see the situation was about to go critical so I jumped in and gave the waitress a little more information. I explained that my wife has an acute allergic reaction to peanuts. We needed to know absolutely sure that the potato chips were not cooked in peanut oil. We did not want to spend our afternoon in the emergency room. Once the waitress had a better understanding of the situation, she went back and confirmed the chips were not cooked in peanut oil. In the peanut story who was right and who was wrong? It doesn’t matter. One could argue the waitress was right, that the potato chips were cooked in vegetable oil, or one could argue the waitress was giving poor customer service. In business, what is important is that the waitress did not correctly apply the Golden Rule. If the waitress had applied the Golden Rule correctly there would have been a far greater level of understanding and a win/win situation for both parties. My wife would have felt she was properly taken care of, thus increasing the waitress’s tip. If you were the business owner, I am sure you would want your waitress to have applied the Golden Rule for the sake of maintaining a happy and repeat customer. That is why most customer oriented businesses use the motto; “The customer is always right”. It all begins by knowing how to harness the power of 2 nd most powerful principle in the universe for leaders; The Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is truly an untapped gold mine! Get your copy of “The Golden Rule for Leaders”. 9 The 10 Powers of Principles The 10 powers of principles are not only the effects of principles the characteristics also. Use these 10 definitions to help you identify a principle. 1. Principles are Universal Universal Principles are everywhere. They are woven into the creation of the universe. We use principles in every aspect of our life. We may use principles correctly or incorrectly but we are all subject to principles. The same principles apply to all. In the world of business the same principles apply to a large corporation as to a small non-profit. The same principles will grow a volunteer run organization or multi-level international business. The very same principles that empower a business are the same principles used by families, and are the same principles used by the Cub Scouts. Any place where two or more people are together the same universal principles apply. The success of an organization is dependant on the correct application of those same principles. Here is a comparison between the Cub Scout Motto and a local bank’s “Monster Service Principles” If you look closely you will notice fundamental similarities. Cub Scout Promise I, (say your name), promise to DO MY BEST To do my DUTY to GOD And my Country To HELP other people, and To OBEY the LAW of the Pack “Monster Service” Principles We project a professional and trustworthy image through our integrity, appearance and behavior. We pride ourselves on being financial information experts on the products and services we offer. We work as a partner with our customers by understanding their needs and suggesting products that will assist them in the achievement of their financial goals. We strive to do what is takes to satisfy our customers and have them notice the difference in our approach. We consistently strive to make everything right, but, if a mistake happens we take personal responsibility to follow up and let nothing go unresolved. “To the customer, You are 1 st Bank.” [...]... Consider the power freedom of responsibility can bring to your organization The #1 cry of most leaders is their employees don’t have the same heart and drive as they do The followers don’t feel the same ownership for the organization The followers are not responsible for the outcome of the business These people do their time and leave it behind When the followers do not feel a responsibility for the outcome... willing to acknowledge the obvious Start with the basics Find principles, use them correctly and become a Capwise leader Action Step Become a Capwise Leader! Now what? 1 Learn to find and identify principles 2 Use the principles correctly (this is the tricky part) 3 Start at Capwiseleader.com 4 Share the good news with others Creating a Win/Win Situation Capwiseleader.com 1 Principles are everywhere,... Organizations, whether non-profit or for-profit have the same fundamental principles that make an organization organized 19 Don’t reinvent the wheel Let someone else do the work! It’s all about leverage; someone else’s pain is your gain! Capewiseleader.com can get you started fast and easy Here’s how! The Capwise Leader & The Ten Powers of Principles! This Ebook is the paradigm builder for leaders CEO’s,... genuine 8 Principles Are FREE! There are no copyright laws on principles The principles you will find at Capwiseleader.com are not owned by Capwise Consider Stephen R Covey’s, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People A must read for people who wish to be effective leaders He has copyright laws on the labels he gives the habits, but the strategies, and the principles behind them were around long before the. .. more profits! So were does a leader start a collection of principles? Capwiseleader.com! It seems every other leadership book out there wants to give some exciting strategies that worked for other leaders Capwiseleader.com wants to give you the ability to develop your own exciting strategies and then you can write your own book about how your business succeeded! Capwise means Correct Application of Principles. .. if there is punishment for mistakes If you want the heart of your follower to give their best, they need freedom of responsibility and the support of the leader A Capwise leader can create a spirit of unity and ownership within the organization that shares responsibility and purpose It is hard to play the blame game when everyone is taking responsibility for the outcome Principles create freedom of. .. Wisdom! A wise leader knows how to effectively grow an organization There are three major categories of principles 1 Personal /Leader Principles Before you can lead others, you must have guiding principles that you live by, and they must be correctly applied! 2 Leadership Principles Leadership principles are the over-arching principles that leaders must have to be successful 3 Organizational Principles. .. leaders you care for! The Meaning of the Treeheart Heart: As a leader, everything begins with the way you see the world through your heart! Tree Trunk: Principles must be rooted in the heart of the leader in order to work! That means principles must be genuine Branches: CAP; Correct Application of Principles, i.e effective strategies designed from principles Designed by you; the leader! Fruit: It’s all... correctly apply principles and become wise beyond their years The fundamental reason a person of any age can harness the power of principles, is due to the value and power of The Golden Rule High School Elections I remember back in the old high school days two guys were running for the office of student president The first student we will name Ed, spoke in a traditional fashion He stood 10 behind the podium... different strategies but always the same principles 5 Principles are Binary Principles are binary The term binary became better known with the dawn of computer age Binary is used to describe the core process of a computer Binary looks like this; 0, 1 Something is either on or it is off Computers are a series of on/off switches The more on/off switches a computer has the more powerful it will be Believe . copy of The Golden Rule for Leaders”. 9 The 10 Powers of Principles The 10 powers of principles are not only the effects of principles the characteristics also. Use these. are not the goal of a wise leader. It is never a bad idea to listen to other leaders and the strategies they used to grow their organization. The reason it is good to listen to other leaders,. The Capwise Leader & The Ten Powers of Principles Table of Contents Page 2. . . . . . Intro: A Bold Promise 3. . . . . . Give It Away! 3. . . . . . To Be A Wise Leader

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2014, 19:20

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