Con t e n t s INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 5 SCOPE OF THE COURSE................................................................................................................................. 5 WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS TRAINING COURSE?.......................................................................................... 6 PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................................ 6 TOPICS TO BE COVERED ............................................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................................................................. 9 INTRODUCTION TO NETWORK DEPLOYMENT ............................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER 2................................................................................................................................................ 11 SCANNER THRESHOLDS, PREFERENCE ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................. 11 UE THRESHOLDS, PREFERENCE ATTRIBUTES ........................................................................................ 15 ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................................................. 23 EXERCISE 1: EXAM YOUR OWN DATA (ATTRIBUTES) ............................................................................... 31 CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................................................ 32 SITE AND CLUSTER INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................. 32 INTEGRATION PREREQUISITES ................................................................................................................. 33 CHAPTER 4................................................................................................................................................ 36 SITE INTEGRATION .................................................................................................................................... 36 POST PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS USING ACTIX SOFTWARE .................................................................... 38 EXAMPLE: HOW TO DETERMINE HARDWARE PROBLEM OR CROSSFEEDER DURING SITE INTEGRATION? . 39 EXERCISE 2: SITE INTEGRATION ................................................................................................................ 46 CHAPTER 5................................................................................................................................................ 47 CLUSTER INTEGRATION ............................................................................................................................. 47 FIRST DRIVE TEST: SC SCAN AND DEDICATED MODE ................................................................................ 49 IMPORTANT CRITERIA FOR CLUSTER INTEGRATION .................................................................................. 52 MISSING NEIGHBOURS ............................................................................................................................... 58 MISSING NEIGHBOURS ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................................................... 69 SCANNER BASED NETWORK ROLLOUT ANALYSES: NEIGHBOUR LIST ANALYSIS ..................................... 71 INTERFERENCE FACTOR (F FACTOR) ......................................................................................................... 74 F FACTOR REPORT..................................................................................................................................... 77 EXAMPLE: COVERAGE ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 78 EXAMPLE: CPICH POLLUTION ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 80 SECOND DRIVE TEST: DEDICATED MODE WITH SC SCANNING ................................................................. 83 TYPES OF DROPS (RADIO AND NONRADIO RELATED): ............................................................................. 86 EXAMPLE: DROPPED CALL ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 89 EXAMPLE: CALL SETUP FAILURE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 91 EXIT CRITERION DRIVE TEST .................................................................................................................... 93 EXERCISE 3: CLUSTER INTEGRATION......................................................................................................... 96 SITE INTEGRATION IN INTEGRATED CLUSTER............................................................................................. 97 CHAPTER 6................................................................................................................................................ 98 CELL RESELECTION ................................................................................................................................... 98 RESELECTION CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................ 99 MEASUREMENT RULES ............................................................................................................................ 100 INTRA FREQUENCY SOFT HANDOVER ...................................................................................................... 101 HANDOVER ATTRIBUTES AND RELATED EVENTS .................................................................................... 105 HANDOFF ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................ 108 EXERCISE 4: HANDOVER ......................................................................................................................... 111 CHAPTER 7.............................................................................................................................................. 112 REPORT.................................................................................................................................................... 112 EXERCISE 5: SINGLE FILE REPORT TEMPLATE ......................................................................................... 113 WHERE TO GET MORE HELP............................................................................................................ 116 HELP FILE................................................................................................................................................ 116 TECHNICAL SUPPORT............................................................................................................................... 118 APPENDIX A UMTS EVENT DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 119 Introduction Scope of the course Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network workshop provides a comprehensive overview of the integration and radio optimisation procedure for WCDMA networks making use of the Actix Analyzer. Our goal is to give new users an understanding of what Analyzer can do and how it can help them improve the quality of service for their network subscribers. Advanced users will be introduced to Analyzer features they may not know about and to new network applications that can be performed using Analyzer. The instructors for this course are experts in optimising 3G networks and are familiar with the challenges faced by engineers using measurement and postprocessing software. Class size is limited to ensure that everyone receives extensive one on one instruction. Participants are given ample opportunity to ask questions relevant to their particular optimization needs. Upon completing the course, participants will be able to use what they learned in class to identify and solve real network problems. Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network workshop begins with a highlevel presentation of the Analyzer interface and its capabilities. We will then cover how Analyzer can be customized to tailor existing optimization processes to the specific needs of the participants. We will try to establish procedures and create Analyzer customized solutions for these procedures Who should attend this training course? Engineers responsible for enhancing cellular performance and implementing wireless system optimization. System Performance Engineers responsible for measuring and quantifying network quality relative to competitors andor established benchmarks. Engineers looking to further understand the application of drive test, call trace and protocol data in optimizing networks. Experienced technicians involved in field optimization. Anyone looking to maximize the return on investment in Actix software. Prerequisites Familiarity with network infrastructure and operation of the air interface. A general understanding of drive test and call trace collection and postprocessing methodology and advantageslimitations with each dataset. Access to Actix software. Basic computer literacy, including familiarity with Windows and MS Office applications.
Troubleshooting and Optim izing UMTS Netw ork Actix Education Services April 2006 Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 2 All contents of this document are the property of Actix and are provided for information purposes only. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Actix will not be held liable for te chnical or editorial omissions made herein, and will not be held liable for incidental, consequential or other similar damages resulting from the use of its products. Copyright © Actix 2006 . All Rights Reserved Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 3 Contents INTRODUCTION 5 S COPE OF THE COURSE .5 W HO SHOULD ATTEND THI S TRAINING COURSE ? 6 P REREQUISITES 6 T OPICS TO BE COVERED 7 CHAPTER 1 9 I NTRODUCTION TO N ETWORK D EPLOYMENT 9 CHAPTER 2 11 S CANNER T HRESHOLDS , P REFERENCE & A TTRIBUTES 11 UE T HRESHOLDS , P REFERENCE & A TTRIBUTES 15 A TTRIBUTES 23 E XERCISE 1: EX AM Y OUR O WN D ATA (A TTRIBUTES ) 31 CHAPTER 3 32 SITE AND C LUSTER I NTEGRATION 32 I NTEGRATION P RE -R EQUISITES 33 CHAPTER 4 36 S ITE I NTEGRATION 36 P OST P ROCESSING AND A NALYSIS U SING A CTIX S OFTWARE 38 E XAMPLE : H OW TO D ETERMINE H ARDWARE P ROBLEM OR C ROSSFEEDER D URING S ITE I NTEGRATION ? . 39 E XERCISE 2: S ITE I NTEGRATION 46 CHAPTER 5 47 CLUSTER I NTEGRATION 47 F IRST D RIVE T EST : SC SCAN AND DEDICATED MODE 49 I MPORTANT C RITERIA FOR C LUSTER I NTEGRATION 52 M ISSIN G NEIGHBOURS 58 M ISSING N EIGHBOURS A TTRIBUTES 69 S CANNER B ASED N ETWORK R OLLOUT A NALYSES : N EIGHBOUR L IST A NALYSIS 71 I NTERFERENCE F ACTOR (F F ACTOR ) 74 F F ACTOR R EPORT 77 E XAMPLE : C OVERAGE A NAL YSIS 78 E XAMPLE : CPICH P OLLUTION A NALYSIS . 80 S ECOND D RIVE T EST : D EDICATED M ODE WITH SC S CANNING . 83 T YPES OF D ROPS (R ADIO AND N ON -R ADIO R ELATED ): 86 E XAMPLE : D ROPPED C ALL A NALYSIS 89 E XAMPLE : C ALL S ETUP F AILURE A NALYSIS 91 E XIT C RITERION D RIVE T EST 93 E XERCISE 3: CLUSTER I NTEGRATION 96 S ITE I NTEGRATION IN INTEGR ATED CLUSTER 97 CHAPTER 6 98 C ELL R ESELECTION 98 R ESELECTION C RITERIA 99 M EASUREMENT R ULES 100 I NTRA F REQUENCY S OFT H ANDOVER 101 H ANDOVER A TTRIBUTES AND R ELATED E VENTS 105 Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 4 H ANDOFF A NALYSIS 108 E XERCIS E 4: H ANDOVER 111 CHAPTER 7 112 R EPORT 112 E XERCISE 5: S INGLE FI LE R EPORT T EMPLATE 113 WHERE TO GET MORE HE LP 116 H ELP F ILE 116 T ECHNICAL S UPPORT 118 APPENDIX A UMTS EVENT DEFINITI ONS 119 Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 5 Introduction Scope of the course Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network workshop provides a c omprehensive overview of the integration and radio optimisation procedure for WCDMA networks making use of the Actix Analyzer. Our goal is to give new users an understanding of what Analyzer can do and how it can help them improve the quality of service fo r their network subscribers. Advanced users will be introduced to Analyzer features they may not know about and to new network applications that can be performed using Analyzer. The instructors for this course are experts in optimising 3G networks and are familiar with the challenges faced by engineers using measurement and post - processing software. Class size is limited to ensure that everyone receives extensive one on one instruction. Participants are given ample opportunity to ask questions relevant to their particular optimization needs. Upon completing the course, participants will be able to use what they learned in class to identify and solve real network problems. Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network workshop begins with a high - level present ation of the Analyzer interface and its capabilities. We will then cover how Analyzer can be customized to tailor existing optimization processes to the specific needs of the participants. We will try to establish procedures and create Analyzer customized solutions for these procedures Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 6 Who should attend this training course? Engineers responsible for enhancing cellular performance and implementing wireless system optimization. System Performance Engineers responsible for measuring and quantifying network quality relative to competitors and/or established benchmarks. Engineers looking to further understand the application of drive test, call trace and protocol data in optimizing networks. Experienced technicians involved in field optimization. Anyone lookin g to maximize the return on investment in Actix software. Prerequisites Familiarity with network infrastructure and operation of the air interface. A general understanding of drive test and call trace collection and post - processing methodology and advantag es/limitations with each dataset. Access to Actix software. Basic computer literacy, including familiarity with Windows and MS Office applications. Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 7 A computer meeting optimal (or at least minimum) requirements: Hardware Optimal Performance Minimal Performa nce Processor: P4 2.6 GHz Pentium II 440 MHz Memory (RAM) 1 GB 256 MB Disk Space 60+ GB Available 1 GB Available Monitor 1280x1024 64k colour resolution 1024x768 256 colour resolution CD - ROM drive To install the application One parallel port For sing le - use hardware key Mouse and keyboard Yes In addition to the hardware requirements listed above, the Actix platform performs best when the Windows Virtual Memory Paging size is set to between 1000 and 1500 MB. The method for setting this parameter vari es by operating system. Please consult your OS help for specific instructions regarding this parameter. Topics to be covered Configuring your workspace, including map, cell site, and parameter configuration in order to display your geographic area and netw ork cell plan. Viewing data in a variety of ways to gain insight into possible network problems. Diagnosing and solving quality of service problems with drive test and switch data. Using pre - defined and custom analyses to analyze data and devise tailored o ptimization solutions. Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 8 Identifying the impact of wide area network optimization changes in terms of Quality of Service, using advanced features to develop optimization process and procedures. Using some of the latest engineering processes, which highlight how to fine tune network performance and further enhance quality of service. U sing the Help options and maximizing the benefit of technical support. Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 9 Chapter 1 Introduction to Network Deployment The common practice for Network Deployment is shown below: Service Definition and QoS Requirements Link budget establishment and Nominal design Deployment activities (s ite acquisition, c ivil works, installation etc) KPI Definition and T racking Ongoing optimization Design V alidation Site and C luster Integration = Ongoing Optimization of Growing and mature network Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 10 Network Design Validation Design validation is executed on the first cluster (s) of a new area where 3G is deployed . The aim of the validation is to approve the link budget and eventually to change or update that link budget with some radio engineering meas urement quantities which can be typical for a certain region . Site Integration Site integration is performed to test how well Node B is functioning , h ardware ( e.g. insta llation of aerials and cabling), and software (e.g. correct parameters downloaded and c onnection with RNC functions ) . A drive test can be conducted where scanner and trace mobile are used to verify if node B is functioning well. Cluster Integration Cluster integration is performed to maximize the coverage in the cluster with the available sites. When performing on an unloaded network, c luster integration is coverage based . After the initial tuning (cluster integration ), ongoing optimization tasks , such as Dedicated Drive Test (dedicated mode with SC scanning) will be performed . The network deployment activities will deal with real traffic KPI s, and trouble tickets will be raised if necessary . Ongoing Optimization The ongoing optimization is performed on the growing and mature network to assure best quality of the network. Tracking and defin ing the optimum KPIs will be the key tasks in fine tuning and optimizing the network. If a new site or cluster is required, the site and cluster integration phases will be repeated. [...]... used Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 30 Exercise 1: Exam Your Own Data (Attributes) Exam these attributes from your UE and scanner logfiles by displaying them on a map, tables or charts: Exam the attributes from the UE and scanner Find out the interaction between the values under tab Nth best and Ec/Io Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 31 Chapter 3 Site and Cluster... multipath measurements for the same SC Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 26 UMTS Scanner Data Groups in Actix Software Due to the nature of the coding scheme in a UMTS system, scanner data is an invaluable tool for detecting problems in the network Because SCs are reused across a UMTS network with a much lower frequency than in an FDMA/TDMA network, each SC scan can be directly linked... tips should be considered when measuring the network: Always use the same trace mobiles Make sure all attributes you use contain the information you want Filter out the non-diagnostic attributes or attributes which are meaningless to you Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 24 UMTS Handset Data Groups in Actix Software Upon loading a UMTS handset file, note that several data groups are... Analysis and Handoff Analysis are both based on a calculated Active Set, which is determined by the Emulated Active Set module The Emulated Active Set module implements the 3GPP handoff algorithm and uses scanner Ec/Io measurements in conjunction with user-specific 3GPP handoff thresholds to emulate the Active Set at each point along a drive test Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop. .. 0 and 25 dBm Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 15 Uu_PilotPollutionThreshold (Pilot Pollution) Recommended value is -15 dB and value should vary between -10 and -18 dB Uu_CallSetupFailure_Num_RRCConnReq (Call Setup Failure event) Recommended value is 3 and value should vary between 1 and 5 Uu_CallSetupFailure_TimeDelay (Call Setup Failure event) Recommended value is 2 and value should... the SCs serving the call, such as Handoff State, are contained here Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 25 Uu_RRC Radio Resource Control is the protocol layer governing air interface communication within the UMTS network Parameters associated with protocol messaging can be found in this group Event Data Call events triggered by the current state of the UMTS mobile If an event is not present... to understand the coverage issues If the new SC is not meant to cover the specific area, optimization is probably the best solution and the engineer should not add the specific neighbour Example of missing neighbour before a dropped call Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 22 Attributes It is important to differentiate between the scanner and UE attributes Upon loading a UMTS data... each SC and try to find out what is the best way to optimize the area See the training document for a full detailed description on optimization techniques Example of too many servers around a dropped call Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 20 UE Attributes (System Related Events) Uu_HandoverProblem (Handover Problems) Actix Software s event detection allows you to visualize handover... Recomended value is 8000ms (8Sec) and value should vary between 0 and 15000 Note: Zero = disables this feature Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 16 UE Attributes (Coverage Related Events) Uu_SystemInterference (System Interference) The system interference event occurs when the CPICH_EcNo_in_ActiveSet is less than Uu_EcNoInterferenceThreshold (in dB) and the CPICH_RSCP_in_ActiveSet... simulated Active Set and Monitored Set SCs based on scanner data and user defined thresholds set under WCDMA in the Tools Preferences dialog Troubleshooting and Optimizing UMTS Network Workshop 28 Technology- Independent Data Under the Independent folder, you may find some technology independent parameters decoded in Actix Software such as GPS measurements, devicespecific data, and internal Analyzer