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... Applyprimer, and thencement,tothematingsurfacesofthebrackets and housing.Attach thehousingtothebrackets.Placesupportingblocksoneachsideofthehousingtokeepit fromrotatingorshiftingduringassembly.Waitatleast8hoursbeforelooseningtheclamps and movingthe housingassembly. Note Thecheckvalvehoseattachestoabarbedfittingtobeinstalledlaterintotheholedrilled instep9.Determinethedirectioninwhichyoupreferthefittingtopointinrelationtothe mountingbrackets.Irecommendhavingthefittingpointdirectlyleft(asshowninFigure 13) ordirectlyrighttominimizegeneratorspacerequirements. 6 RunaCaronWater  Directions: 84 PreliminaryAssembly and Testing 88 CylinderHeadTemperature 95 FinalAssembly and Testing 96 HelpfulHints and Tips 109 Maintenance 109 ColdWeatherOperation ... dsystem? Thesewaterhybridplansessentiallyconvert your vehicletousewaterasasourceof supplementaloreven(theoretically)primaryfuel.Theenginederivesfuelfromhydrogen and oxygen,generatedbytheelectrolysisofwater.Althoughpetroleumderivedfuel and an externalelectricalgeneratingsystemisnottheoreticallyrequired,inmostcircumstancesitisa practicalnecessity.Theonlybyproductresultingfromthehydrogen and oxygencomponentsof combustionwithintheengineiswatervapor.Therefore,emissionsareusuallycleaner,emitting fewerpollutingparticles.Inshort,theWater‐hybridsystemisa“cleaner”system;onethat derivessupplementalfuelfromafree and inexhaustibleresource;WATER!Ithastheunique advantageofbeingabletoremovepollutantsfromtheairduringcombustion, and even reducesthecarbonresiduewithintheengine(similartotheeffectofhigheroctanefuels). TheWater‐hybridsystemisproven and hasbeenimplementedinvariousforms and varietiesby engineers,mechanics, and hobbyistsaroundtheworld.Itistheendresultofmanyyearsof testing and experimentationwithamultitudeofhydrogengeneratingsystemsbasedonthe principleofelectrolysisofwater. Waterelectrolysisissimplythebreakingdownofwaterintoitsbasichydrogen and oxygen atomsbypassinganelectroniccurrentthroughit.Youdon’tevenhavetoaddanelectrolyte (suchasacid)tothewatertoassureelectricalconductivity,asisrequiredwithabattery;plain oldtapwaterworksfinebecauseitcontainsnaturalelectrolytessuchasminerals, and also municipal additivessuchaschlorinewhichalsoaidinelectricalconductivity.Infact,electrolysis isinmanywayssimilartothereactionwhichoccurswithin your vehicles’battery.Electrolysisof waterusnothingnew;itwasfirstaccomplishednearlyacenturyago.But,untiltechnologies likethewater‐hybridsystemwere developed,itrequiredahighvoltagepowersupply and consumedvastamountsofelectricalenergy.Itactuallyrequiredmuchmoreelectricalenergy thantheenergyderivedfromthecombustionoftheresultinghydrogen and oxygen.Inother words,itwasanextremelyinefficientprocessthathadlimitedpracticaluse. Thewater ‐hybridsystemisapracticalsolutiondevelopedforuseinfuel‐injected and carburetedmotorvehicles.Thesecretofthewater‐hybridsystemlieswithinitsHyTronic module.Itproducedrelativelylowvoltage,butuniquelyshapedelectronicpulsesofprecise ...  requiringnaturalgasorpropaneasasourceofheat;therebysavingvaluable and diminishing naturalresources.Spaceheaters and furnacesareexcellentcandidates.Stoves and other cookingunitssuchasbarbecuegrillscanalsobefueledbythewater‐hybridsystem.Such applicationsrequireaseparatepowersupplytoconvert your homes120voltACpowerintothe 12voltDCpowerrequiredbythewater‐hybridsystem.Youcanpurchaseaninexpensivepower supplyatanyelectronicsstoresuchasRadioShack,or havesomeonefamiliarwithelectronics buildoneforyousincethedesignisverysimple.Thecostofhomeelectricityusedbythe water‐hybridsystemisinsignificant,probablylessthan$3permonthinmostcases.  IstheWaterhybridsystemdifficulttobuild? No,thewater‐hybridsystemisrelativelyeasytoassemble and veryeasytoinstall,especially comparedwithotherconversionplansonthemarket.Nospecialtoolsarerequired.Theusual tool and equipmentfoundinatypicalhomeworkshopwilldothejob.AssemblingtheHyTronic moduletoachieveitsinherenthighlevelofreliabilityrequirescare and attentiontodetails, alongwithaverageelectronicsskills.Theonlyspecialpieceoftestequipmentyoumaywantto haveaccesstouseisanoscilloscope.ItISNOTnecessary,butmayhelpyouobtainpeak efficiencyfromtheHyTronicsmodule.But,youshouldn’thaveanyproblemgettinghelpfroma localelectronicsguruifyoudon’thaveanoscilloscope.Mostfolksaresofascinatedbyunusual electronicsystems and devicesthattheywouldalmostbewillingtopayyoufortheprivilegeof tweaking your HyTronicsmodule!  CanIbuyareadytoinstallWaterhybridsystem? Rightnow,thisspecificwater‐hybridsystemisnotbeingcommerciallymanufactured,butthere arevariousdistributorsaroundthecountrywhoofferDIY(Doityourself)partsorfully assembledkitsutilizingsimilartechnologies and principles. PlanningisintheinitialstagesforproducingWater‐hybridconversionkitsformost vehicles and eventuallymanufacturingtheentiresystem,oratleastitsmajorcomponents.We’re hopingtohavesomeprototypekitstestedsoon and deliveryofready‐to‐installkitsshould beginsometimebeforetheendof2008.However,you’llsoonbebuilding your own! 23 RunaCaronWater  2....

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 04:20

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