Thoroughly grasp the Party''''s viewpoints and policies on inspection andsupervision, under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee,presiding officers and the guidance and direc
Trang 11 Reason for choosing thesis topic
Inspection and supervision are the Party's leadership functions Inparticular, inspecting party organizations and party members when there aresigns of violations plays a very important role, ensuring the Party's views andpolicies, the State's policies and laws, resolutions and directives , regulationsand conclusions of Party Committees at all levels are thoroughly grasped andseriously implemented, directly maintaining the Party's discipline and discipline,preserving solidarity, unity and strengthening the people's trust
The Infantry Regiment Party Committee Inspection Committee is aspecialized agency in charge of the inspection and supervision of the regiment PartyCommittee, performing inspection and supervision tasks according to the provisions
of the Party Charter and the provisions of the Party Committee Central Inspectingparty organizations and party members when there are signs of violations is one ofthe key, basic, and regular tasks of the infantry regiment party inspection committee.Performing this task well directly deters, warns, prevents, and prevents violations ofdiscipline by party organizations and party members, contributing to preventing andrepelling deterioration in political ideology and morality, lifestyle, bureaucracy,corruption, waste, "group interests", manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally
Thoroughly grasp the Party's viewpoints and policies on inspection andsupervision, under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee,presiding officers and the guidance and direction of the superior inspectioncommittee, directly of the infantry regiment party committee, the inspectioncommittees of the infantry regiment party committee are regularly consolidatedand strengthened; The work of inspecting, supervising and enforcing partydiscipline in general, inspecting party organizations and party members whenthere are signs of violation by the infantry regiment party committee inspectioncommittee in particular has many innovations; The quality of efficiency isincreasingly high, contributing to improving the leadership capacity and fightingpower of party committees and organizations and improving the quality ofcadres and party members; Promote infantry regiments to successfully carry outpolitical tasks, build clean and strong infantry regiment party committees, andcomprehensively strong regiments "Typical models"
In addition, the quality of inspection of party organizations and partymembers when there are signs of violations by the inspection committee of theinfantry regiment party committee still has many limitations and weaknesses interms of awareness, responsibility, and capacity of subjects and forces, both interms of content, form and method of implementation; Proactivity, combat,education and effectiveness of inspections when there are signs of violations arenot high; the phenomenon of respect and avoidance, in order to pursueachievements, cover up and hide shortcomings, and not attach importance toself-inspection and handling of violations; The situation of violating Partydiscipline and State law by party organizations and party members in a number
of infantry regiments continues to develop complicatedly There are still cases
Trang 2where party organizations and party members show slow signs of violation.detected and handled promptly, causing frustration and skepticism amongcadres, party members and the masses at the grassroots, directly affecting theimage of "Uncle Ho's soldiers", the nature and good traditions of Army.
In the context of the world and regional situation continuing to have manycomplicated developments, in the coming years, the task of building arevolutionary, regular, elite, gradually modern Army to meet the requirements ofprotecting the Fatherland is in the new situation; directly is the implementation
of the Party's policy on arranging and consolidating the staffing organization of themain troops in the Army in the direction of "lean, compact, strong, flexible", trainingtasks, and combat readiness Fighting, building regularity, and enforcing discipline
of infantry regiments have seen new developments, requiring infantry regiment partycommittees to be built clean and strong, with leadership capacity and fightingstrength High Faced with the plots and sabotage tactics of hostile forces and thecurrent state of law enforcement and discipline by a part of cadres and partymembers in infantry regiment party committees today, improving the quality ofinspect party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations bythe inspection committees of the infantry regiment's party committee, therebyproactively detecting, preventing, and stopping shortcomings Violations by partyorganizations and party members are increasingly important, meeting the currentrequirements and tasks of building and rectifying the Party
The above situation has been posing objective requirements to improve thequality, effectiveness and efficiency of inspection, supervision and party discipline
of party committees, inspection committees at all levels in general, and inspectionorganizations Party officials and party members when there are signs of violations
by the inspection committee of the infantry regiment party committee in particular
Therefore, the doctoral student chose the issue: "The quality of inspection of party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations of the current inspection committees of infantry regiment party committees" as the doctoral thesis
topic Party Construction industry and State government
2 Research purposes and tasks
Research purpose
Clarifying theoretical and practical issues of inspecting partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations and thequality of inspection of party organizations and party members when there aresigns of violations by party inspection committees infantry regiment, proposesolutions to improve the quality of inspection of party organizations and partymembers when there are signs of violations by the current inspection committees
of infantry regiment party committees
Research mission
Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic; Draw outthe theoretical and practical value of the reviewed works for the thesis topic andidentify the thesis issues to focus on research
Clarifying theoretical and practical issues of inspecting partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations and the
Trang 3quality of inspection of party organizations and party members when there aresigns of violations by party inspection committees infantry regiment
Correctly assess the current status of the quality of inspection of partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations by theinspection committees of infantry regiment party committees; Identify a number
of issues raised in improving the quality of inspection of party organizations andparty members when there are signs of violations by the inspection committees
of infantry regiment party committees
Identify requirements and propose solutions to improve the quality of inspection ofparty organizations and party members when there are signs of violations by the currentinspection committees of infantry regiment party committees
3 Subject and scope of research
Research object
The quality of inspection of party organizations and party members whenthere are signs of violations by inspection committees of infantry regiment partycommittees is the subject of research of the thesis topic
Research scope
Focus on researching theoretical and practical issues of inspecting partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations by the inspectioncommittees of infantry regiment party committees and the quality of inspection ofparty organizations and party members When there are signs of violations by theinspection committees of the infantry regiment's party committees, identifyrequirements and propose solutions to improve the quality of inspection of partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations by the inspectioncommittees Check the party committees of full-armed infantry regiments of full-armed infantry divisions in military regions and army corps
Focus on investigating and surveying a number of infantry regiments withenough troops to perform training tasks and be ready for combat The documentsand data from investigations and practical surveys serve the thesis topic mainlyfrom 2015 to present The solutions are valid until 2035 and the following years
4 Theoretical basis, practice and research methods
Theoretical basis
The theoretical basis of the thesis topic is the theoretical system ofMarxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology, the views and guidelines of theCommunist Party of Vietnam on building and rectifying the Party and thepolitical system, on inspection, supervision and party discipline, on checkingparty organizations and party members for signs of violation
Practical basis
The entire reality of leadership, direction and organization of inspection ofparty organizations and party members when there are signs of violations by theinspection committees of the infantry regiment's party committee; resolutions anddirectives of the Central Military Commission, instructions of the Central MilitaryCommission Inspection Committee, the General Department of Politics oninspection, supervision, and inspection of party organizations and party memberswhen there are signs violate; resolutions, directives, preliminary and final reports on
Trang 4Party building work, inspection, supervision and party discipline of partycommittees and inspection committees at all levels.
Research methods
Based on the scientific methodology of Marxism-Leninism, the thesis uses acombination of interdisciplinary and specialized scientific research methods; whichfocuses on methods of analysis and synthesis, logic and history, statistics andcomparison, summary of practice, sociological investigation, and expert methods
5 New contributions of the thesis
Presenting concepts and explanations of regulatory factors, demonstrating thequality of inspection of party organizations and party members when there are signs
of violations by inspection committees of infantry regiment party committees.Identify some issues raised in improving the quality of inspection of partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations by theinspection committees of infantry regiment party committees
Proposing a number of specific and feasible contents and measures insolutions to improve the quality of inspection of party organizations and partymembers when there are signs of violations by the current inspection committees
of infantry regiment party committees
6 Theoretical and practical significance of the topic
The research results of the thesis contribute to deepening the theoreticaland practical issues of the quality of inspection of party organizations and partymembers when there are signs of violations by the inspection committees ofinfantry regiment party committees
The research results of the thesis contribute to providing scientific arguments toserve the leadership and direction of party committees and party organizations at alllevels in improving the quality of inspection of party organizations and party memberswhen there are signs of violations violations of the infantry regiment party committeeinspection committees The thesis can be used as a reference document for teaching andscientific research at academies and schools in the Army
7 Structure of the thesis
The thesis includes: Introduction, 4 chapters (9 sections), conclusion,scientific works of the author published related to the thesis topic, list ofreferences and appendices
Chapter 1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION RELATED TO THESIS TOPIC 1.1 Research projects abroad related to the thesis topic
1.1.1 Scientific works abroad related to the thesis topic Research works on inspection, supervision, and party discipline:
Phu-That-Thit Tha-Nu-Son (2003), Inspection work of the Lao People'sRevolutionary Party in the current period; Kham-phan Mi-la-vong (2005),Building a team of Party inspection officers (provincial level) in the LaoPeople's Democratic Republic today; Chan-Sy Seng-Sôm-Phu (2011), Quality ofinspection work of the provincial party and state inspection committees in thenorthern provinces of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in the currentperiod; Bach Lap Binh (2013), "Strengthening the building of practical cadre
Trang 5style to perform for the people, realistically, and with integrity"; Cholon pao-ho (2014), "Consolidating the Party's leadership in terms of statemanagement and socio-economic management by law"; Xi Jinping (2015), OnChina's national governance; Dao-bua La-pha Ba-vong-phet (2017), Quality ofinspection work of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party in the current period;Savat Chan-tha Pri-xay (2017), “Improving the quality of inspection andsupervision of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party”; Ly Luong Dong (Editor,2019), Research on the issue of reforming and perfecting the leadership andruling methods of the Communist Party of China.
Dia- Research works on inspecting party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations: Chu Huc Dong (2004), "Persisting
on the motto of strict party management, implementing the building of Partyintegrity and fighting anti-corruption”; Chu Chi Hoa (2010), Innovating partybuilding work in rural areas; Tang Thang Nghiep (2013), "Strengthening thebuilding of discipline, preserving the solidarity and unity of the party"; MaoZhaohui (2013), "The important meaning of the strategy of punishing corruption
to fight both tigers and flies"; Ho Thanh Quoc (2016), The Way of Being aMandarin; People's Daily Commentary, China (2020), Xi Jinping tells the story;Party Building Research Institute, Central Organizing Committee of theCommunist Party of China (2022), Comprehensive and rigorous Partygovernance - Achievements and experience in organizing and building theCommunist Party of China since the Great Assembly XVIII Research works on inspection, supervision, and party discipline
in the Military Party Committee: E Ph Shulimov, V V Seliac (1980),
Scientific leadership in the Soviet armed forces; Zhang Siyi (2006), Party workand political work of the Chinese People's Liberation Army; Bunfeng Sipaxose(2008), "Improving the quality of leadership and fighting power of grassrootsparty organizations in the Lao People's Army Party Committee"; Seng-Kham-Doong Phom-Ma-Pan-Nha (2009), "Strengthening inspection work of the LaoPeople's Army Party Committee in the new situation"; Seng-Kham-DoongPhom-Ma-Pan-Nha (2010), Quality of inspection work of the Party Committee
of the Ministry of National Defense of the Lao People's Democratic Republic inthe current period; Bun-lon Sa-luoi-sac (2016), Building a team of politicalleaders in infantry regiments of the Lao People's Army in the current period
1.2 Scientific works in the country related to the thesis topic
1.2.1 Research works on inspection, supervision, and party discipline:
Pham Thi Ngan (2015), "The importance of inspection and verification methods ininspection work"; Mai The Duong (Editor, 2016), The Party's inspection,supervision and discipline work through 30 years of innovation; Pham Ngoc Loi(2017), Quality of inspection work of the district inspection committee in theSoutheast region today; To Quang Thu (2018), "Inspection and supervision workcontributes to the successful implementation of Resolution 4 of the 12th CentralCommittee on strengthening Party building and rectification"; Tran Cam Tu (2018),
"Continuing to innovate and improve the quality and efficiency of inspection andsupervision"; Ha Quoc Tri (Editor, 2018), The Party's inspection and supervision
Trang 6work on waste prevention and combat in our country today - Issues and solutions;Cao Van Thong (Editor, 2020), Perfecting basic methods of inspecting, supervisingand enforcing Party discipline; Nguyen Phu Trong (2022), Some theoretical andpractical issues about socialism and the path to socialism in Vietnam; Le Khanh Ly,Dam Van Loi (2023), "Improving the mechanism to prevent and stop corruption instate power institutions in Vietnam".
1.2.2 Research projects on inspecting party organizations and party members when there are signs of violation: Nguyen The Tu (2005), Improving
the quality of inspecting party members when there are signs of violation by thedistrict inspection committee in Ho Chi Minh City Central coastal provincestoday; Le Hong Liem (Editor, 2010), Some solutions to remove difficulties andobstacles of inspection committees at all levels in performing inspection taskswhen there are signs of violations; Vo Van Thien (2017), "Supervision workcontributes to preventing party organizations and party members from violating";Cao Van Thong, Pham Xuan Dang (2017), "Innovating and improving inspectionquality when there are signs of violation"; Nguyen Thi Quynh Trang (2021),
"Lessons learned in inspection when there are signs of violation"; Tran Tien Hung(2022), "Promoting the role of inspection, supervision and party discipline,contributing to the fight against corruption and negativity in the new period"; BuiThai Trong, Luu Van Sinh (2023), "Improving the effectiveness of inspection ofparty organizations and party members when there are signs of political ideologyviolations"; Phuong Thuy (2024), "Strict inspection and verification is aconvincing basis in inspection conclusions when there are signs of violation"
1.2.3 Research works on inspection, supervision, and party discipline
in the Military Party Committee: Le Huu Duc (2012), "Improving the quality of
inspection and supervision, contributing to the successful implementation of theCentral Committee's Resolution Central Committee 4 (term XI) in the MilitaryParty Committee"; Pham Quang Thanh (2016), Quality of inspection andsupervision work of academy party committees and officer schools of theVietnam People's Army today; Nguyen Quang Dong (2020), Innovating theinspection and supervision of grassroots party organizations in military officerschool party committees in the current period; Le Viet Cuong (2021), TheInspection Committee of the Infantry Division Party Committee, VietnamPeople's Army inspects party members when there are signs of violations in thecurrent period; Trong Thanh (2021), "The Military Party Committee strengthensinspection and supervision of party members and heads of party committees";Luong Cuong (2023), Promoting the qualities of "Uncle Ho's soldiers" tocontinue building a politically strong Army in the new situation
1.3 The value of the scientific works reviewed and the issues the thesis focuses on
1.3.1 The value of scientific works has been summarized for the thesis topic
Firstly, about theoretical value Overseas scientific works have focused
on generalizing, explaining, and clarifying theoretical issues on inspecting partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations, improving
Trang 7the quality of inspecting party organizations and party members when there aresigns of violation; guidelines and viewpoints of the ruling political party on theissue of controlling state power, preventing corruption, preventing and handlingnegative manifestations and behaviors of party members holding positions inpublic apparatus; contributing to deepening and comprehensively developingtheory on inspection, supervision and party discipline Scientific works in thecountry have explained and clarified the theory of Marxism-Leninism, Ho ChiMinh's thought, and the views and guidelines of the Communist Party ofVietnam on inspection, supervision and upgrading high quality of inspectionand supervision work; on inspecting party organizations and party memberswhen there are signs of violations and improving the quality of inspecting partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations The abovetheoretical developments have practical significance, helping graduate studentshave a deeper understanding of theoretical and practical issues of inspectingparty organizations and party members when there are signs of violations andimproving the quality of party organizations the amount of inspection of partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations by partycommittees, party organizations, and inspection committees at all levels; Helpsgraduate students refer to and selectively absorb reasonable core elements in thethesis construction process, overcome duplication of clarified theoretical issues,and at the same time focus on issues that have not yet been discussed.clarification or emerging need to continue to be researched.
Second, about practical value Scientific works published domestically
and abroad have provided many practical documents, which have beendeployed and applied by political parties, scientists, educators, and partybuilding experts inspection and supervision work and improving the quality ofthe party's inspection and supervision work; In fact, the work of inspection,supervision, and inspection of party organizations and party members whenthere are signs of violation has seen many positive changes, making animportant contribution to improving the leadership capacity of the rulingparties rights The research results of published scientific works are valuablesources of information, helping graduate students have a full and in-depthawareness of the practical work of inspection, supervision and inspection ofparty and party organizations members when there are signs of violations byparty committees, party organizations, and inspection committees at all levels;have the opportunity to consult and learn how to view and evaluate objectivelyand comprehensively the quality and improve the quality of inspecting partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations; Helpsgraduate students have methods to approach, review, and evaluate the currentsituation, point out the causes, generalize experiences and problems, predictthe situation, identify requirements, and propose advanced solutions thequality of inspection of party organizations and party members when there aresigns of violations by the inspection committees of infantry regiment partycommittees in the Army today
Trang 8The scientific works related to the thesis topic published in recent yearsare extremely diverse and rich in subjects, content, research scope and approach.However, up to now there has been no scientific work that has gone into basic
and comprehensive research on theory and practice "The quality of inspection of party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations of the current inspection committees of infantry regiment party committees." Therefore,
the doctoral student's thesis topic has an independent research direction, notoverlapping with accepted and published works
1.3.2 Thesis research issues focus on
Firstly, research the basic issues of inspecting party organizations and
party members when there are signs of violations by the infantry regiment partyinspection committees
Second, research basic issues on the quality of inspection of party
organizations and party members when there are signs of violations by theinspection committees of infantry regiment party committees
Third, conduct practical research, evaluate the current state of quality and
identify a number of issues in improving the quality of inspection of partyorganizations and party members when there are signs of violations by partyinspection committees infantry regiment committee
Fourth, research the situation, influencing factors, identify requirements
and propose solutions to improve the quality of inspection of party organizationsand party members when there are signs of violations by inspection committees.Check the infantry regiment party committee
Conclusion of chapter 1
Overview of the research situation related to the thesis topic shows that,from many different approaches, scientific works by foreign and domesticauthors are mentioned and interpreted effectively both theoretical and practicalsystem of inspection, supervision and inspection of party organizations and partymembers when there are signs of violations by party committees, partyorganizations, and inspection committees at all levels
Research results of published works related to the thesis topic are a valuablesource of documents, solving many theoretical and practical problems and providing
an overall overview of inspection work, supervision, inspection when there are signs
of violation; At the same time, it suggests ways to approach and solve scientificproblems, identify content that can be absorbed and inherited in accordance with thesubject and scope of research of the thesis, especially issues that have not yet beendiscussed research, further clarification is needed On that basis, it helps graduatestudents identify thesis research issues to focus on, and at the same time overcomeduplication in implementing identified research contents
Overall, up to now, there has been no work that has studied systematically,comprehensively, and in-depth from the scientific perspective of Party Building and Stategovernment on "Quality of inspection of party and party organizations." members whenthere are signs of violations by the current infantry regiment party committeeinspection committees"
COMMITTEE 2.1 Basic issues regarding inspection committees of infantry regiment party committees and inspection of party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations by inspection committees of infantry regiment party committees
2.1.1 Infantry regiment party committee and infantry regiment party committee inspection committee Overview of infantry regiments and infantry regiment party committees
* Overview of the infantry regiment
In the organizational system of the Vietnam People's Army, full-armedinfantry regiments in full-armed infantry divisions (hereinafter referred to as infantryregiments) are the base unit, the main force, the main force mainly in training,combat readiness and carrying out assigned tasks Currently, the organization andstaffing of infantry regiments are relatively synchronized and unified Infantryregiments are often stationed and operating in key areas and strategic positions interms of national defense and security; regularly maintain a high state of combatreadiness and high training intensity; The family situation, material and spiritual life
of some officers and soldiers still face many difficulties
* Overview of the infantry regiment party committee and leadership of the inspection and supervision tasks of the infantry regiment party committee
The Infantry Regiment Party Committee is a 3-level grassroots partyorganization, including: Party Committee, Party Committee Standing Committee(where there are 9 or more members); Directly under the regimental party committeeare the sectional party cells in battalions, cells in regimental agencies and companiesunder the regiment; Directly under the battalion's party committee are the companycells and battalion units of the battalions; The Infantry Regiment Party CommitteeInspection Committee is the agency responsible for the inspection and supervision ofthe regiment Party Committee
The Executive Committee of the Infantry Regiment Party Committee (referred
to as the Infantry Regiment Party Committee) is elected by the Infantry RegimentParty Congress (representative congress) and is the political core, leading theimplementation of tasks politics and all aspects of the infantry regiment's activities andwork The inspection and supervision work of the infantry regiment party committee
includes: Firstly, leading and directing the inspection and supervision work; Second,
organize the implementation of inspection and supervision tasks Concept, organizational structure, number of members, organizational principles, working regime, functions, tasks, powers, and working relationships of the infantry regiment party inspection committee
* Concept, organizational structure and number of members of the infantry regiment party inspection committee
Trang 10The Infantry Regiment Party Committee Inspection Committee is a specialized agency in charge of inspection, supervision and party discipline of the regiment party committee, elected by the regiment party executive committee according to election regulations within the Party, with responsibility for performing tasks and powers according to Article 32 of the Party Charter, regulations of the Central Executive Committee and instructions of the Central Inspection Committee and Central Military Commission Inspection Committee; operates under the leadership and direction of the Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Infantry Regiment Party Committee and the guidance, direction and inspection of the Division Party Committee's Inspection Committee on inspection, supervision, and supervision party discipline.
Organizational structure and number of members of the infantry regiment party inspection committee
The infantry regiment party committee inspection committee has a number of 3
to 5 members; In which, the full-time member is the deputy head of the inspectioncommittee; The concurrent members include the heads of the inspection committee(the structure of deputy political commissars of the infantry regiment) and themembers of the inspection committee (usually the structure of assistant comrades fororganization, officers and an officer in the infantry regiment staff)
* Organizational principles and working regime of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee
Organizational principles of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee
The Infantry Regiment Party Committee Inspection Committee is elected
by the Infantry Regiment Party Committee according to the Election Regulationswithin the Party The Infantry Regiment Party Committee elects the chairman ofthe party inspection committee from among the party inspection committeemembers; The inspection committee elects the deputy chairman of the inspectioncommittee from among the remaining inspection committee members Theoperational term of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committeefollows the term of the infantry regiment party committee The new courseinspection committee runs its work immediately after being elected and receivinghandover from the previous course inspection committee The chairman of theinspection committee may sign and promulgate documents immediately after beingelected The members of the inspection committee and the chairman and deputychairman of the inspection committee of the infantry regiment party committee must
be approved by the division party committee, if the chairman of the inspectioncommittee of the infantry regiment party committee is transferred to the company.Other cooperation must be approved by the division party committee
The Inspection Committee helps the Infantry Regiment Party Committeedevelop and promulgate working regulations of the Inspection Committee;
Trang 11Advise on strengthening the inspection committee, training, fostering,implementing regimes and policies, and building a team of inspection officers.
Working regime of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee
The Infantry Regiment Party Committee Inspection Committeeimplements the principle of democratic centralism, works in a collective manner,and makes decisions by majority; Subject to the direct leadership of the PartyCommittee, the Standing Committee of the Infantry Regiment Party Committee andthe direction, guidance, inspection and supervision of the superior inspectioncommittee Strictly comply with the provisions of the Party Charter and workingregulations; Periodically report to the Party Committee (Party Standing Committee)
of the infantry regiment on programs, plans, results of implementing the Party'sinspection, supervision and disciplinary tasks, the implementation of resolutions anddirectives, Decisions, regulations and conclusions of the Party Committee (StandingCommittee of the Party Committee) of the infantry regiment on the inspection,supervision and disciplinary work of the Party, the implementation of workingregulations of the inspection committee and other activities tasks assigned by theparty committee (standing committee of the party committee) of the infantryregiment; Subject to the inspection and supervision of the party committee (standingcommittee of the party committee) of the infantry regiment
The infantry regiment party committee inspection committee works underthe direction and guidance of the division party committee inspection committeein: Carry out duties and powers according to the provisions of the Party Charter,regulations and instructions of the Central Government and the superior inspectioncommittee; directions, tasks, and expertise in inspection, supervision, andenforcement of party discipline; advising and developing the content and annualthematic inspection and supervision program; Report, provide information anddocuments related to the inspection and supervision content that the superiorinspection committee is conducting; propagate and disseminate the work ofinspection, supervision and party discipline; When necessary, the division partycommittee inspection committee directly directs the resolution of a number ofspecific issues in carrying out the inspection, supervision and disciplinaryenforcement tasks of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee
* Functions, tasks, powers, and working relationships of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee
Functions of the inspection committee of the infantry regiment partycommittee: is a specialized inspection and supervision agency of the infantryregiment party committee, directly researching and thoroughly graspingresolutions, directives, regulations and rules Party regulations, instructions fromthe Central Committee and Party Committees, and superior inspectioncommittees on inspection, supervision, and party discipline, advising andhelping the infantry regiment party committee decide on policies andprocedures measures to lead, direct, and conduct inspection, supervision, andparty discipline in the infantry regiment party committee; Carry out tasks ofinspection, supervision and enforcement of party discipline according to theprovisions of the Party Charter; Guide, direct, inspect and supervise lower-level
Trang 12party committees and organizations to carry out the tasks of inspection,supervision and enforcement of party discipline.
Duties of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee: Firstly, perform inspection and supervision tasks according to the Party Charter regulations; Second, carry out the tasks assigned by the infantry regiment party committee; Third, perform the task of serving as an advisor to the infantry
regiment party committee
Powers of the infantry regiment party committee's inspection committee:
in carrying out inspection and supervision tasks; in enforcing party discipline,resolving complaints and denunciations about the party
Working relationships of the infantry regiment party committee inspection committee: with the division party committee inspection committee;
with the party committee and standing committee of the infantry regiment partycommittee; with the secretary and deputy secretary of the infantry regimentparty committee; with party committees and lower-level party organizations;with advisory, political, logistics - technical, financial agencies, massorganizations and military councils in infantry regiments; with inspectionagencies, judicial agencies in the Army, party committees and local authorities
2.1.2 Basic issues of inspecting party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations by infantry regiment party inspection committees Organize party organizations and party members when there are signs of violations
* Concept of party organization and party members when there are signs
of violation
When party organizations and party members show signs of violation, it
is the time when party organizations or party members have phenomena, behaviors, or manifestations of disobeying, not doing, or going against the guidelines, guidelines, policies, and regulations Party regulations, State laws, resolutions, directives, conclusions, decisions, regulations of party committees
at all levels, regulations of units, but have not been reviewed and concluded by competent organizations essay.
* Basis and methods for detecting and identifying party organizations and party members when there are signs of violation
Basis for detecting party organizations and party members when there are signs of violation: Based on the Party's guidelines and opinions, regulations
and instructions of the Central Inspection Committee, State laws, and disciplinemilitary, unit regulations; Based on the functions, tasks, powers, programs andwork plans of the Party Committee and the Inspection Committee of the InfantryRegiment Party Committee; Based on the responsibilities and tasks of the partyorganization and party members being inspected and the responsibilities andtasks of the party committee members, members of the infantry regiment partycommittee inspection committee are assigned to be in charge or are assignedmonitor; Report on the results of inspection, supervision and party discipline ofparty committees and affiliated party organizations; Report on inspection,investigation and audit results; self-criticism and criticism reports of party