This book has been written specifically for people like you who want to viewsample writing answers that comply with the standards of IELTS scoring criteriaand would achieve a high score
Trang 3The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used
Trang 4This manual contains material protected under International and Federal
Copyright Laws and Treaties Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material isprohibited
IELTS is jointly owned by British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and the
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL)
ISBN: 9781310757716
Trang 7Sample Answer – (Discussion)
About the Author
Trang 8The IELTS can be a very daunting exam to achieve a high score in The
significance of the IELTS can be the difference between obtaining a visa or
position at a university for many people Therefore, it is important that if yourequire a specific IELTS score, you review what makes high quality writinganswers before you take the exam
All too many people take the IELTS several times without reaching their desiredscore and do not understand why
This book has been written specifically for people like you who want to viewsample writing answers that comply with the standards of IELTS scoring criteriaand would achieve a high score if written for an IELTS exam
Many sample answers on the internet today are not quality reviewed and can bemisleading
These answers however have been written by a professional IELTS teacher withmore than 10 years experience who has used these methods to reach high scoringresults with most of her students
If you want to succeed on the IELTS, then this book will assist you in
understanding what is required
Trang 9• You have taken the IELTS exam before and did not obtain a high score in thewriting section and don’t know why
• You have searched the internet for sample answers but you are unsure of thequality of the answers and who wrote them
• You have never taken the IELTS exam and you want to review how highscoring answers are structured, so you can follow a similar format
• Your IELTS exam is very soon and you need last minute guidance on how towrite high scoring answers
Trang 10Task 1 Writing - Academic
Trang 11In Task 1 of the Academic format, you are requested to write a report to a
university lecturer This report can be based on different types of visual diagramssuch as bar graphs, pie charts, tables and more currently, maps Alternatively youmight be asked to write a description of a process or sequence of events
You need to write this report in an unbiased and academic manner in at least 150words
Trang 12You should structure your answer in four different paragraphs:
1 Introductory paragraph: a paraphrase of the question
2 Overview: the description of the main features, changes or sequence observed in the diagram
3 Detailed paragraph: a more detailed description of the other features and trends
4 Summary: a short summary of the information observed
Trang 13You will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Task achievement: how well and thoroughly you answer the question
• Coherence and cohesion: how well you sequence, connect, and organize theinformation
• Lexical Resource: the variety of vocabulary you use
• Grammatical range and accuracy: the variety of structures you use and howwell you use them
Trang 14In task 1, there are three different question types However, you will receive onlyone type when you take the IELTS:
• Graphs and Charts: in this type you will see a series of numerical features
where the main purpose is to identify the trend (rising, falling) as well as toestablish comparisons when relevant (the highest, lowest etc.)
• Processes: in this type you will be presented with a sequence of stages or theprocess of how something works You will need to identify the steps and
functionality of the diagram
• Maps: this is a rather newer type, in which you are commonly given two mapswhich show the same place with a series of different features Another
possibility is to receive one map where you are asked to compare two differentlocations for a certain purpose
Trang 15High Scoring Task 1 Sample Answers
Trang 16Question:
Trang 19The graph represents the number of songs in millions downloaded from theinternet between the years 2011 to 2014 The graph compares the number ofdownloads between Australia, Chile and Canada over this period
The graph shows a general upward trend for all countries which signifies thatsongs are being downloaded in increasing numbers It is also observed that thereare no years where any country had a drop in downloaded songs
In the year 2011, Chile had the lowest number of song downloads with an
approximate number of 55 million In contrast, by the year 2014, Chile’s
downloads are the highest of all countries with an approximate number of 105million One the other hand, during the same period, Australia and Canada’sdownloads increase more steadily over time Another important note is thatAustralia and Chile experienced a year where there was no increase; the year
2012 and the year 2013 respectively
To summarize, this graph shows a clear indication that song downloading fromthe internet is an increasing trend However, even though there is an upwardtrend the percentage increase is not uniform and varies between countries
Trang 20Question:
Trang 23The map illustrates two possible sites where a playground will be built in thetown of Renmark The local council is looking to build the playground at one ofthe two sites
It is evident that the two locations are relatively close to each other and also bothare on High Street Both sites are also positioned in the northern section of themap
It is observed that the X2 site is in the vicinity of vegetation and the map showstwo trees adjacent to it On the other hand X1 is located on a corner and thereappears to be no trees or vegetation close to this site X2 has a pathway adjacent
to it which would allow easier access to this site as opposed to X1 where theonly access is via High Street or Alley Street
Even though both sites are located on High Street, their positions and adjacentfeatures make them different as proposed locations for a playground
Trang 24Question:
Trang 27The diagram illustrates the engineering process undertaken for providing a
solution to a problem The process represents a clear step by step approach witheach step clearly defined
The process is divided into 7 stages, however does include a step which retractsback to a previous stage if the solution is only partially solved or not at all
The first part of the diagram is the defining of the problem, which then moves on
to the defining of the requirements Once this stage is complete, the possiblesolutions are brainstormed and analysed, which then transitions to the developspecification stage Once the solution is developed, it is then tested At this pointthe problem can either be defined as solved, partially solved or not at all If thesolution is solved, it is presented to the client, however if it is partially solved,the brainstorm and analysis stage must be undertaken again
The process shows a clear staged approach to engineering problem solving.There is one point in the process where the following stage can go two ways andthis is based on whether the solution solves the problem or not
Trang 28Task 2 Writing - Academic
Trang 29In Task 2 of the Academic format, you are requested to write an opinion-basedessay regarding a perspective, argument or problem You need to write this essay
in an academic manner in at least 250 words
Suggested Answer Structure
You should structure your answer in at least four different paragraphs:
1 Introduction: This paragraph should present the topic of the question as well as the writer’s position or guideline of what the essay will discuss.
2 Body Paragraph 1: This paragraph should describe the first point/reason
or view in discussion A successful paragraph consists of a Topic Sentence, explanation and examples.
3 Body Paragraph 2: This paragraph should describe the second
point/reason or view in discussion The structure should be the same as body paragraph 1.
4 Conclusion: This paragraph should restate the writer’s position and also summarize the main points discussed in the essay.
Trang 30You will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Task Response: How well, thoroughly and directly you answer the question byproviding enough evidence and support
• Coherence and cohesion: How well you sequence, connect, and organize ideas
• Lexical Resource: The variety of vocabulary you use
• Grammatical range and accuracy: The variety of structures you use and howwell you use them
Trang 31In task 2, there are three possible question types You will receive one these inthe IELTS exam
This question type usually presents two points of view of the same issue orrequests to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a system or approach
There are two cases in the Argument question type:
Case 1) Two opposite views In this case, you are asked to describe rather objectively why the two different views are supported by dissimilar groups
of people Usually you are then asked to give your opinion or choose one of the two viewpoints The most important aspect of this question, is that both positions need to be discussed Taking just one stand is not an option.
“Some people believe that animal testing is a necessary part of medical and cosmetic research While others think animal testing should be banned What position do you believe is more correct?”
Trang 32Case 2) Advantages and disadvantages of a system In this case, you are asked to discuss the pros and cons of something Alternatively, you may be asked to describe only the advantages of two systems or even outweigh the advantages and disadvantages of an idea Similar to the previous case, the most important aspect of this question, is that both perspectives need to be discussed Taking just one stand is not an option.
“Modern food preparation and packaging technologies have allowed the creation
of ready-to-eat meals These have become extremely popular and supermarketaisles have been filled with this type of foods What are the advantages anddisadvantages of consuming these foods?”
agree/disagree or partially agree.
Trang 33statement?”
Case 2) To what extent do you agree or disagree This case is identical to the previous one, the only difference is the way the question is worded.
Therefore, you are asked to take a position regarding the statement in the question You can either completely agree/disagree or partially agree.
“Given the increasing rates of obesity worldwide, it should be compulsory for allchildren to practice at least one sport at school To what extent do you agree ordisagree?”
This question type usually presents a problem and you are requested to discussthe reasons of this issue and its effects or suggest solutions for it Alternatively,you might be given two different and unrelated questions and you are expected
to discuss both
There are two cases in the Discussion question type:
Case 1) Causes/solutions or causes/effects In this case, you are asked to
Trang 34describe the causes of a certain problem and then discuss the effects of it You may also be asked to describe the causes of a problem and then suggest solutions for it.
“The levels of pollution have increased dramatically over the last few yearsworldwide What are the reasons of this and what solutions can be suggested?”
Case 2) Two different questions In this case you will be asked two different questions about the same issue You are expected to discuss both questions.
“It has been stated that youngsters no longer treat the elderly with enough
respect in comparison with previous generations Why has this happened? Howwill this impact our future society?”
Trang 35High Scoring Task 2 Sample Answers
Trang 36Question:
Trang 38Todays’ demanding lifestyle has led many families to pursuit having two
incomes This means that for many parents, taking their children to childcarecentres has become a primary need Even though obvious benefits can be
observed from this activity, the drawbacks should not be ignored
To begin with, several advantages can be found when enrolling children in suchinstitutions First of all, the trained staff can help infants develop their cognitiveand motor skills much more effectively An example of this, is the variety ofactivities available in these places such as singing, dancing, story-telling paintingand others Additionally, the facilities provided in these centres allow children toparticipate in different activities indoors and outdoors as most places have cubbyhouses, a variety of toys, musical instruments and even trampolines Finally,being among other infants their age, will allow little children to develop socialskills which unless they had siblings, or cousins would be impossible to gain
Contrarily, negative aspects can also be observed The first evident drawback, isthe lack of bonding time parents and children will have Recent studies revealthe importance of parents spending quality time with their children in order tomake the little ones feel loved and appreciated which helps develop their
personality Another consequence is the loss of family traditions If parents areunable to be present in their child’s life on a daily basis, it would be very
difficult for them to teach their descendants values, customs and, in some cases,even their native language Last but not least, the younger the children, the
weaker their immune system is This may leave them exposed to a variety ofviruses and diseases infants typically pass on while in contact with other
To conclude, many families have been benefitted by having access to childcare
Trang 39centres which allows both parents to work Nevertheless, disadvantages are alsofound when children are sent to these places.
Trang 40Question:
Trang 42Travelling has become a common way to spend a vacation Whether it is one’sown home country or overseas, everyone seems to enjoy going on a trip Someare of the opinion that going abroad is better, but others argue that travellingaround one’s own land of birth is more rewarding
Firstly, a few reasons can be found to support travelling abroad One reason isthat it broadens people’s minds and creates more cultural awareness This isbecause by seeing and experiencing other cultures, we can learn to appreciateour own as well as respect others An example of this can be trying the typicalfood of a foreign country It might be a good or bad experience, but in any case alesson is learnt In addition, every country has its own beauty, which means that
by travelling to other countries we can see different landscapes which might not
be found in our own land
I spite of the above mentioned reasons, it is also possible to see why so manypeople would rather stay in their own country To begin with, by travelling
around our home land, we can absorb the intrinsic culture we were born into Inthis globalised world it has become more and more difficult to identify oneselfwith something Traditions are important since they are what make us differentfrom each other Therefore, by learning more from our country we can develop adeeper sense of belonging
To sum up, both ways of travelling offer advantages to people In my opinionboth are equally important and beneficial On one hand, exploring other landscreate more empathy toward other cultures, and staying at home helps us valueour traditions ion a more meaningful way