❖ User Modules: Admin: This user account is meant for the administrator who manages all account roles, view order list, update order’s status, manage account role requests.. - View com
S K L 0 1 0 5 5 2
Trang 2Ho Chi Minh City – February 2023 Last edited: February 10, 2023
Trang 3
(Signature and full name)
Mai Anh Tho
The success of a student always accompanies a lecturer We would like to express our sincere thanks to Ms Mai Anh Tho, who directly supported the group, give us suggestions, comments and suggestions as well as provide tips to help us make the best project Thanks to her instructions, helping our team understand the knowledge to do the presentation as well as the implementation of the project so we have completed the schedule with a lot of experience that we learn
Again, our team would like to thank our instructor Projects are made around two months, just enough to complete it However, due to some unexpected problems the project will have many errors that are inevitable We are looking forward to receiving all the comments from our teachers to help our project better Sincerely, thank you
Trang 6❖ Seller 34
Trang 8II Sign In screen 89
Trang 9CHAPTER 01: OVERVIEW I Introduction
In the context that the world is entering the Industrial Revolution 4.0, online shopping is currently receiving the attention of many countries because of its convenience In recent years, the online shopping method is no longer a strange concept in society or a new field in our country Along with the trend of technology development in the world, online shopping in Vietnam is gradually forming, growing strongly, and playing an increasingly important role in the shopping market system It can be considered that in 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to the commerce field and applying online shopping tools has been playing an essential role for the young generation in purchasing stuffs
From the strong development of the networks, web applications for these platforms are growing stronger and stronger Web applications in the commerce industry are seen as part of the success of IT services User experience, interface, features, and are the factors that retain customers
Using web applications to view products’ information with a beautiful friendly interface Products purchasing is very effortless and time efficient or checking the products that you had opted with all the products’ information that you selected just with a simple button press, you can also be able to check new advertise daily and all the flash sale time are what users are drawing into
Therefore, in this project, our group had decided to build a ecommerce website to make clients feel easier when tracking their purchasing process and shop owner can easily post new product
The report includes the following sections: 1) Application Overview Details 2) System Analysis
Trang 103) Designing System
II Overview detail
1 Project topic name
Building an ecommerce website
2 Reason to choose the topic
In the development process of society, information technology has been growing rapidly, playing an important role in daily life and turning into an effective support tool for people in all fields Especially with applications that come with multiple functions which are convenient for the mass population who have access to some type of technology devices such as laptop, mobile and an internet connection
Instead of going to stores, many shops have designed their own applications (abbreviated as App) to host their products and manage their clients Customers say that shopping websites are currently an effective shopping tool especially when the Vietnamese shopping system is trying to catch up with international commerce trends in developed countries
In the traditional way, clients have to spend time, getting up early and taking transport to store, from dressing up in formal cloths, taking transportation, furthermore, if there are an excessive number of clients, clients have to be in line to proceed the payment
Meanwhile, it only takes a few minutes to turn on your smart devices such as a personal computer, laptop or mobile phone and open a web browser, enter the website address and they are good to go
Therefore, we have decided to implement the web programming language that we have learned and use the integrated development environment (as Visual Code) to build a shopping website
Trang 113 Research Aim
website that serves some important purposes of a fully functioning shopping website, such as, being able to check products’ information, seeing stores’ advertisements, purchasing products, and track products
quickly when performing actions on the web
quantity, the details information of all the products, the availability will be much easier for the web administrator
4 Research achieves goal
5 Research subject and research range
good pattern for shopping website
6 Research method
Methods based on theoretical research: o Survey ideas and opinions about shopping website from clients: o Finding and checking out other shopping website
o Checking new technologies that are helpful and easy to use o Analyze must-have functions to implement in the system o Programming a shopping website
Trang 12o Using related tutorials videos on YouTube o Checking Stack overflow for debugging and fixing errors during
development o Running tests and adding suitable functions for the web
7 Practical meaning
products instead of going to stores to pay in cash, but it also helped clients to track advisements from teachers from a specific course
8 Technology Applied in the project a) Introduction to Visual Studio Code
Image 1.9.1
Visual Studio Code is a distribution of the Code - OSS repository with Microsoft-specific customizations released under a traditional Microsoft product license
Trang 13Visual Studio Code combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for their core edit-build-debug cycle It provides comprehensive code editing, navigation, and understanding support along with lightweight debugging, a rich extensibility model, and lightweight integration with existing tools
Visual Studio Code is updated monthly with new features and bug fixes You can download it for Windows, macOS, and Linux on Visual Studio Code's website To get the latest releases every day, install the Insiders build
b) Introduction to MERN Stack
Image 1.9.2a
The MERN stack is a JavaScript-based framework for developing web applications MERN is named after MongoDB, Express, React, and Node, the four key technologies that make up the layers of the stack
● MongoDB - document database ● Express(.js) - Node.js web framework ● React(.js) - a client-side JavaScript framework ● Node(.js) - the premier JavaScript web server
Trang 14There are variations to the MEAN stack such as MERN (replacing Angular.js with React.js) and MEVN (using Vue.js) The MERN stack is one of the most popular technology concepts for building web applications
MERN Stack Architecture
The MERN architecture is designed to make building web applications in JavaScript and handling JSON incredibly easy
Image 1.9.2b
MERN Stack Diagram
MERN Stack Components:
React.js Front End
The top tier of the MERN stack is React.js, the declarative JavaScript framework for creating dynamic client-side applications in HTML React lets you build up complex interfaces through simple components, connect them to data on your back-end server, and render them as HTML
React’s strong suit is handling stateful, data-driven interfaces with minimal code and minimal pain, and it has all the bells and whistles you’d expect from
Trang 15a modern web framework: great support for forms, error handling, events, lists, and more
Express.js and Node.js Server Tier
The next level down is the Express.js server-side framework, running inside a Node.js server Express.js bills itself as a “fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js,” and that is indeed exactly what it is Express.js has powerful models for URL routing (matching an incoming URL with a server function), and handling HTTP requests and responses
By making XML HTTP Requests (XHRs) or GETs or POSTs from your React.js front end, you can connect to Express.js functions that power your application Those functions, in turn, use MongoDB’s Node.js drivers, either via callbacks or using promises, to access and update data in your MongoDB database
MongoDB Database Tier
If your application stores any data (user profiles, content, comments, uploads, events, etc.), then you’re going to want a database that’s just as easy to work with as React, Express, and Node
That’s where MongoDB comes in: JSON documents created in your React.js front end can be sent to the Express.js server, where they can be processed and (assuming they’re valid) stored directly in MongoDB for later retrieval Again, if you’re building in the cloud, you’ll want to look at Atlas If you’re looking to set up your own MERN stack, read on!
Advantages of the MERN Stack
Trang 16Let’s start with MongoDB, the document database at the root of the MERN stack MongoDB was designed to store JSON data natively (it technically uses a binary version of JSON called BSON), and everything from its command line interface to its query language (MQL, or MongoDB Query Language) is built on JSON and JavaScript
MongoDB works extremely well with Node.js, and makes storing, manipulating, and representing JSON data at every tier of your application incredibly easy For cloud-native applications, MongoDB Atlas makes it even easier, by giving you an auto-scaling MongoDB cluster on the cloud provider of your choice, as easy as a few buttons clicks
Express.js (running on Node.js) and React.js make the JavaScript/JSON application MERN full stack, well, full Express.js is a server-side application framework that wraps HTTP requests and responses and makes it easy to map URLs to server-side functions React.js is a front-end JavaScript framework for building interactive user interfaces in HTML, and communicating with a remote server
The combination means that JSON data flows naturally from front to back, making it fast to build on and reasonably simple to debug Plus, you only have to know one programming language, and the JSON document structure, to understand the whole system!
MERN is the stack of choice for today’s web developers looking to move quickly, particularly for those with React.js experience
When Can the MEAN Stack be Used?
MERN follows the traditional three-tier stack pattern, including the display tier (React.js), application tier (Express.js and Node.js), and database tier (MongoDB)
Trang 17If you’re building a JavaScript application, particularly in Node.js, then you should give MERN a serious look
MongoDB stores data in a JSON-like format (BSON, a binary JSON extension), the MongoDB Query Language (MQL) is defined in JSON, and its command-line interface (CLI) is a JavaScript interpreter Not only is MongoDB essentially a JavaScript/JSON data store, but it’s full of advanced features like indexing and querying deep into JSON documents, has powerful native Node.js drivers, and is designed for horizontal scale-out It’s even easier to develop apps in the cloud using MongoDB Atlas, the cloud-native Database-as-a-Service from the creators of MongoDB
Whether you’re building a high-throughput API, a simple web application, or a microservice, MERN is the ideal stack for building Node.js applications
c) Introduction to MongoDB
Image 1.9.3
MongoDB is an open-source NoSQL database engine built in C++ It's a document store database which means it stores data as a "document" inside a collection, with multiple collections inside a database Multiple databases can exist for each server The document data is stored as BSON
Trang 18performance The data is schema-less which means each document can have as many keys and values as you want with no restriction on the type of data
It's easy to think of documents in collections like rows in a relational database table, except that these documents can have any arbitrary amount of properties (like columns for rows) and they can be different for each document and include lots of nesting like arrays of more properties This is a very powerful way to store complex data and matches up well with the object-oriented nature of most programming languages
MongoDB runs on both Windows and Linux servers and has lots of documentation and years of production usage now so it's considered a stable and useful database, although there are continuing issues with durability and an overly-complicated replication setup to keep in mind
The top features of MongoDB are: • Load balancing – MongoDB offers a database platform that can run
smoothly even when the load is high as it can run over multiple servers while balancing the load among them
• Ad hoc query – MongoDB supports ad hoc queries such as field or range queries
• File storage system – MongoDB is also being widely used as an efficient file storage system that can store files across multiple servers while using the load balancing feature
Trang 19CHAPTER 02: Status Analyst and User Requirements I Current Status Analyst
A shopping website is application software that aims to computerize shopping market, allowing the entire process of shop management depend on computers Since the operation of any shopping methods is almost the same, we have chosen “ONLINE SHOPPIE” to present the software and its design Without a computer, everything that goes on in the registry causes a lot of paperwork with very little efficiency, which is where this software can greatly improve the overall management Our aim in developing this application is to provide a very simple interface with requirements that are easy to navigate and operate, store and report the product that customers want to buy, and an application that can be deployed on desktop or client/server architecture i.e provide the following features:
• Highly user-friendly • Cross-platform • Easy-to-use • Tested system to track unnoticed error • Data entry restricted to valid domains (to avoid errors)
II Current status business report
1) Software Interface (Shoppee)
Link: https://shopee.vn/
Trang 20Figure 1 Shopee Homepage
Figure 2 Product details interface
● Modern interface ● User friendly ● Provide enough necessary function
Trang 21● Error with a server when receiving large requests
2) Website Interface (Tiki) Link: https://tiki.vn/
● Error with a server when receiving large requests
3) Website Interface (Lazada) Link: https://www.lazada.vn/
Trang 22Figure 4 Lazada Homepage
● Eye-catching interface, bright design ● Modern interface
● User friendly ● Provide enough necessary function
● Error with a server when receiving large requests
III Requirements Analyst
1) Functional Requirements
❖ Business functional requirements:
Storage: The information about:
- User: name, email, password, isAdmin, isSeller - seller: name, logo, description, rating, numReviews - review: name, comment, rating
Trang 23- product: name, seller, image, brand, category, description, price, countInStock, rating, numReviews, reviews
- order: name, qty, image, price, product - shippingAddress: fullName, address, city, postalCode, country, lat,
lng - paymentResult: id, status, update_time, email_address
- revenue: calculate shop revenue by day and compare data - itembyCart: calculate total product of each category
Trang 24- Log out of the system - Customer rate and comment on products - Clients buy products
- Add, Delete, Edit products (admin/Seller) - Update personal information
- Customer can check their current order details - Payment method: Paypal, VNPay, Coin
- Customer can search by sort, category, price, star - Customer can chat to admin
- Admins choose sellers - Admin update order status - Customer can add, edit, delete, confirm product order in cart
❖ User Modules:
Admin: This user account is meant for the administrator who manages all
account roles, view order list, update order’s status, manage account role requests The privileges allowed to the admin account are:
- View all accounts listed in the system - View statistic and revenue in the system - View chat for support
- Change account information - View comments of products
Seller: This user account is meant for shop owners to add, delete, update
products, and manage orders The privileges allowed to the seller account are:
- Create, edit product information, and delete product - Proceed and edit orders
- View order statistic and details - View comments of products
Trang 25- Change account information
User: This user account is meant for customer to buy products, confirm
order, check out The privileges allowed to the user account are: - View products details on website
- Order products - Check out - Search/filter products - Leave comments - Change account information These users have been explained in detail further in the report, about their privilege’s activities, and overall functions
Division (administrator): admin User ID: ad
OD Function Type Constraint/Formula
Form Code Notes
Find and list out all user account name
Trang 26Division: Seller User ID: SO
OD Function Type Constraint/Formula
Form Code Notes
Find and calculate data on system database
Show product’s comments
Division: User User ID: usr
OD Function Type Constraint/Formula
Form Code Notes
Find and list out all product’s details
Find and list out all product’s details
Update account’s details
2 System Functional Requirement
Trang 27ID Content Detailed description Note
Roles Privilege
● Admin has the privilege to manages all account roles, view order list, update order’s
status, manage account role requests ● The seller has the privilege to add, delete,
update products and manage orders ● The user has the privilege to buy products,
confirm order, check out
convenient, comfortable, and
Support the ability to approximate lookup, seeking by content,
Easy to use for even
non-IT background
directly into the database
No longer than 5 seconds to accomplish
all tasks
Trang 28searching must be optimal
convenient, comfortable, and
Support the ability to approximate lookup, seeking by content,
Allow adding, editing multiple products Managing
products list
Products are added and updated directly into
the database
Speed of performing and searching must
be optimal
No longer than 5 seconds to accomplish
Support the ability to approximate lookup, seeking by content,
Trang 29comfortable, and intuitive
Allow adding products to cart and
proceed orders, sending money, and
managing their orders
All actions related to managing bills and money will directly be updated to the database
Speed of performing and searching must
be optimal
No longer than 5 seconds to accomplish
all tasks
Trang 30CHAPTER 03: SOFTWARE DESIGN I Define Use Case Actor and Function
Guest - Search, Sort, View Product
- View Seller Page (seller product, seller
Administrator - Change Password
- Change Admin Profile - Update user Role - View all Orders - Update order delivery status - View revenue each month - Handle rollback order - Handle seller salary payment - View Statistics
- Logout
Seller - Change Password
Trang 31- Change Seller Profile - Create, Edit, Delete Product - View Client Orders of Seller - View Revenue Each Month - View Your Seller Page - Logout
Client - Change Password
- Change User Profile - Create Order
- Rollback Order - View Order History - Search, Sort, View Product - View Seller Page (seller product, seller information) - Add/Remove to Cart
- Forget Pass - Logout
II Actor and Function Description
1) Actor Description
Guest - Login
- Forget Pass - Register
Trang 32- Handle Product in Search Screen - Manage Cart (Add to Cart, Remove from Cart) - View Seller Page (seller product, seller
information) - Voice Command - Play Music
Administrator - Manage Accounts
- Manage Rollback - Manage Seller Salary Payment - Manage Order
- Analysis Revenue - Manage Personal Information - Logout
Seller - Manage Products
- Manage Seller’s Order - Manage Personal Information - Manage Seller's Shop Information - Handle Product in Search Screen - View Seller Page (seller product, seller
information) - Logout
Trang 33Client - Manage Client Orders
- Manage Order History - Manage Cart
- Manage Personal Information - Handle Product in Search Screen - View Seller Page (seller product, seller
information) - Logout
2) Function Description
❖ Guest
Allow users to view all product of the website, sort by categories, price, or search by product
from cart
Trang 346 View Seller Page Allow users view all product of the seller they
like or find the seller information
specific functions
while shopping
❖ Administrator
Order Feature Description
the payment for the clients
update the delivery status for client when the
goods successful delivery
account, revenue each month, …)
Manage Personal Information
Allow the admin to manage their own
Trang 358 Logout Allow admin to log out their account from
❖ Seller
Order Feature Description
products on the website
Manage Seller’s Order
Allow seller to view/search the client order have seller product and also view seller
revenue each month
Allow seller to manage their shop information (shop name, shop image, shop description,
payment method for admin to pay salary)
Allow seller view all product of the seller they like or find the seller information (can view
their own shop also)
Trang 36Allow client to view/search the order and also
can rollback order
like or find the seller information
Trang 37III Use Case Diagram
1) Use Case Diagram
Figure 5 Use-case diagram
2) Use Case Specification
Trang 38This use-case starts when the user wants to access the system 1 Users select “Login” function on the system
2 The system displays the “Login” page 3 Users enter the correct username and password, 4 The system will return the user to the Homepage
Alternate Flows Title Description
Enter the wrong login information
The application will pop up the message to announce that the user inputs the wrong username/password The user can check and retry input again
Pre-Conditions Title Description
The user already has an account on the system
Post-Conditions Title Description
Extension Points
❖ Manage Accounts
Name Manage Accounts
Brief Description Administrator can view and delete other accounts
Actor(s) Administrator
Flow of Events Basic Flow
Trang 39This use-case starts when the administrator chooses the function “Manage Account” The system displays the “Manage Courses” form
1 User logins to the system as Administrator 2 The administrator clicks the manage account on the admin menu 3 The list of accounts will appear with View/Delete button
The notification system has succeeded if the procedure has succeeded
Alternate Flows Title Description
the right to manage account
Pre-Conditions Title Description
The user (administrator) successfully login into the application
Post-Conditions Title Description
account in the website successfully
manage courses
Extension Points
❖ Manage Personal Information
Name Manage Personal Information
Brief Description Administrator, Seller, Client can get into the website to
change information/avatar/password
Actor(s) Administrator, Seller, Client
Trang 40Flow of Events Basic Flow
This use-case starts when the administrator, seller, and the client choose the function “Manage Personal Information” The system displays the “Manage Personal Information” form
1 Administrator, seller, client inputs or change the required information (information, avatar, password
2 Press the "Save" button The notification system has succeeded if the procedure has succeeded
Alternate Flows Title Description
Pre-Conditions Title Description
The user (administrator, seller, client) successfully login into the application
Post-Conditions Title Description
change information of them