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Chuyên đề thực tập: A study on training and developing human resources at viet nam gate advertising joint stock company period 2017-2019

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However, there are still shortcomings in the company'shuman resource management that hinder the company's development.Accordingly, the purpose of the study is that analyze the situation

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Pham Thi Thanh Thuy, Assoc Prof.

Hanoi, June 2020

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The study could not have been completed without the help, encouragement andsupport from a number of people who all deserve my sincerest gratitude andappreciation

First of all, my deepest gratitude and appreciation go to Ass Prof Dr Pham ThiThanh Thuy, my supervisor I am very thankful for her inspiration, intellectualsupport, comments that greatly improved the manuscript throughout the course ofwriting this research

Ireally appreciate of the assistance with the study from Viet Nam Gate AdvertisingJoint Stock Company The company not only gave me the opportunity toexperience a professional working environment, but also provided me with accessto the company's internal data, which is especially valuable for study In addition,the insights about the company's human resource management strategies that Igained from the survey with a number of staffs in the company contributed verymuch to the success of the research

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The study focuses on Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company, which issuccessful in the field of Digital Marketing It means that the company is not onlyfocusing on business strategy but also on human resource training anddevelopment strategy However, there are still shortcomings in the company'shuman resource management that hinder the company's development.Accordingly, the purpose of the study is that analyze the situation of humanresources, which bases on interview with the general manager, employee surveysand internal documents and then propose some suggestions for furtherimprovement the policy of training and developing employees at the enterprise.The analysis of the data indicated some main respects:

The process of training and developing the company still has many difficulties thathave not been methodically implemented In particular, the object of training andthe training needs as well as the evaluation of the staff after the training coursehave not been concerned by the business, resulting in the dissatisfaction of thetraining object Besides, the form of training is also one of the issues that need tobe more diverse, which is mainly an off-the-job training method

Based on these findings, it is suggested that the business should establish a specifictraining plan Training methods also need to be supplemented with other measuressuch as job rotation, ability-based assignment Moreover, the next requirement foreffective company training is that the company should accurately identify itstraining needs based on employee goal analysis, job analysis, as well as businessstrategy In addition to the existing assessments, the business should completeother forms of evaluation such as evaluation through student feedback, evaluationthrough teacher comments, evaluation of post-training performance and evaluatethe impact of training on the operation of the business


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IntroductionAims of the studyResearch Questions

FY YN Pp Research Objects5 Research Methodology5.1 Participants

5.2 Instruments

5.2.1 Questionnaire5.2.2.Secondary data5.3 Procedure

5.4 Data Analysis:

5.4.1 Methods of sociological survey5.4.2 Methods of data collection and processing5.4.3 Observation method


1.1 General theories of training and developing Human Resources

1.1.1 The concept of training and developing human resources:1.1.2 The role of training and developing human resources: Oo œ nDnn na fF FP + C2 C2 W W C2 WO NY NY NY NY KF

1.2 The process of training and developing human resources:

1.2.1 Determination of training needs 101.2.2 Training subjects selection 101.2.3.Selection of training programs and methods 111.2.4 Training teacher selection 11


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1.2.5 Estimation of training costs 121.2.6 Post-training evaluation 121.3 Classification of Training Forms: 13

1.3.1.On-the-job training: 131.3.2 Off-the-job training: 14CHAPTER 2: STATUS OF TRAINING AND HUMAN RESOURCE


2.1 Development process of the company 182.2 Business areas of the company: 182.3 Organizational structure: 19

2.3.1 Organisational structure diagram 192.3.2 Functions of each department 202.4 Actual situation of personnel at Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock

Company 21

2.4.1 Number of employees 212.4.2 Staff qualification structure 212.4.3 The training results 232.5 Actual situation of implementing staff training policies 25

2.5.1 Identify training needs and goals 252.5.3 Training cost: 302.5.4 Training teacher selection 312.5.5 The selection of training subjects 322.5.6 The post-training evaluation method 332.6 The evaluation of the effectiveness of the company's human resource

training and development policy 34

2.6.1 The outstanding points of training and developing human resources atAdsplus JointStock Company from 2017 to 2019 34

2.6.2 Limitations in training and developing human resources 35CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS 38


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3.1 Training plan3.2 Forms of training

3.2.1 Assignment based on ability3.2.2 Job rotation

3.3 Training method:3.4 The training object identification3.5 Training performance evaluation phaseCONCLUSION




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Diagram 1.2 The process of training and developing human reSOUrC€S 9

Figure 2.3.1: Organizing the business apparatus of Vietnam Gate Advertising JointStock Company 19

Figure Frequency of activities determining training needs at AdsplusCompany 26Figure Cause of organizing training at Adsplus Joint Stock Company 27Figure Evaluation of training content 28Figure The effectiveness of training methods 29Figure 2.5.3 The level of support when participating in training 30Figure 2.5.4 Staff evaluation of the teacher's style of teaching 32Figure 2.5.5 Evaluation of the selection of training subjects 33

Figure 2.6.1 The level of application of skills knowledge after training at AdsplusJoint Stock Company 35Figure 2.6.2 Clarity in training regulations at Adsplus Joint Stock Company 36Table 2.4.1 Number of employees of Adsplus Joint Stock Company 21Table 2.4.2 Qualification structure of staff 22Table The frequency of the organization of the training method 24Table Training costs at Adsplus joint stock company 25


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1 Introduction

Human is the most basic and important resource determining the existence,development and position of that country in the world as well as the leading centralfactor determining the success or failure in every organization The competitivepressure in the market is currently becoming more fierce and drastic Anorganization with a team of highly qualified and loyal professionals is a strongorganization, creating a great competitive advantage Each business to survive andthrive in the environment should have its own strategy as well as innovate in termsof goals, technology, in particular, human resource training is an significant factorto adapt and improve the sustainability of the business

Because of the important role of human resources in the development ofbusinesses, businesses should pay close attention to equipping the contingent ofcadres and employees with new skills of the times This is a significant andbeneficial investment.

After a period of internship at Viet Nam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company,recognizing that the company has many advantages, the company has seen theimportance of human resource training and development, the company has focusedon Investing in employees is allowed to attend training courses to improve capacityas well as have policies for human resource development, I chose the topic"Training and developing human resources at Viet Nam Gate Advertising JointStock Company" as the research topic

2 Aims of the study

The need for human resources training and development help businesses developand expand production both in depth and breadth based on their workforce.Nevertheless, the human resources management of businesses in the past few yearsreveal shortcomings and limitations Therefore, the research purpose of the topicis to make general assessments on the current situation of human resource trainingand development in recent years Thereby, draw on the positive sides, theremaining points and propose some suggestions and methods to ameliorate the

effectiveness of training and developing human resources in enterprises

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3 Research QuestionsQuestion 1: How did Adsplus Advertising Joint Stock Company train and developtheir human resources period 2017 -2019?

Question 2: What might be some problems the company has suffered from duringthe training process?

Question 3: What are some recommendations for further improvement in HumanResources Management at Adsplus Advertising Joint Stock Company period 2017- 2019?

4 Research Objects

The purpose of the research is to clarify general theoretical problems about humanresource training, to analyze the actual state ofhuman resource training anddevelopment policies at Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company and thento propose solutions to complete the training policies at the enterprise In order toaccomplish this purpose, there are three basic tasks that need to be implemented

Firstly, systematize the theories of employee training in the enterprise, trainingforms, process of developing employee training programs in enterprises

Secondly, researching the actual situation of implementing the staff trainingpolicies of Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company, the urgent issues thatthe business is facing in the recent 3 years 2017 - 2019 through surveys, collection.collect and process primary and secondary data

Finally, through an interview with the leader of the company to proposerecommendations to improve the training of employees at Vietnam GateAdvertising Joint Stock Company

5 Research Methodology5.1 Participants

The study was designed as a cross-sectional survey, in which participants werecurrent employees working at Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company,which is located at 1A Thai Ha, Dong Da district, Hanoi

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Participants completed a survey that provided information about their experiencesin training and developing human resources at the company Survey respondentsrange in age 23 and 40, but the majority of participants are aged twenty-five.Academic level are diverse as well which is from fresh graduate to master

5.2 Instruments5.2.1 QuestionnaireThrough the survey, it is possible to obtain the information, assessment or

satisfaction level of participants' thoughts in multiple-choice questions on currentHR management at the company In addition, survey respondents use criticalthinking which means giving their opinion or recommendations on currentadminnistration

5.2.2 Secondary dataIt is information that has been kept explored from textbook, research papers, onlinereference and so on In order to authenticate the detailed information, similarinformation from other sources is necessary for comparison Secondary data forthis study is mostly taken from the sources of textbooks, online references

5.3 Procedure

First, the researcher lists out the factors that might affect the training anddevelopment of human resources through personal experience, knowledge,references of HRM theory Thereby, the author design a survey questionnaire totake information from paticipants about their opinion and comments on current HR

management strategy.

The survey was conducted online by employees in the company Participantsanswer multiple-choice questions regarding the company's current human resourcemanagement situation, including questions that allow them to express their views.After completing the survey, the information is stored on the database to serve theanalysis of research data The author relies on databases to create charts and tablesto analyze data and draw conclusions

5.4 Data Analysis:5.4.1 Methods of sociological survey

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Sociological survey method is a scientific method to collect social informationserving a sociological topic mentioned in the research program This program mustbe carefully designed before opening an investigation It raises the issues, scope ofthe survey, time taken Based on that program, the researcher conducted a field

survey to gain practical information.5.4.2 Methods of data collection and processingThis is an aggregate method, presenting data to serve the process of analysis,prediction and decision making In order to have a general picture of the overallstudy, the collected data is processed, presented, calculated and the results helpgeneralize the characteristics of the whole

3.4.3 Observation method

Observation method is a method of collecting information by perceptions aboutemployees in the company and other related factors

6 Research outlineThe study includes three main parts:Chapter 1: Theoretical frameworkThe first chapter focuses on theoretical presentation of training and developinghuman resource including the definitions, the aims, types of training, process oftraining and human resources development

Chapter 2: Status of training and human resource development at Vietnam GateAdvertising Joint Stock Company in the period of 2017-2019

The next chapter analyzes the information collected and discusses the currentactual state from the figures to assess in overall the training and developingprograms and then to point out existing problems in the business’s trainingpolicies

Chapter 3: Recommendations The last chapter proposes a number of suggestionsfor futher improvement in Human Resources Management at the company

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CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK1.1 General theories of training and developing Human Resources

1.1.1 The concept of training and developing human resources: Human Resources:

It can be said that the concept of human resources is no stranger to theeconomy However, the concept of this issue has been almost inconsistent up tonow Depending on specific goals, people have different perceptions about human


According to Pham Minh Hac (2001), human resources includes those whoare available to take part in working Besides, it is said that “Social labor is thepopulation of working age population” and “Enterprise labor is the labor force ofeach enterprise as known as the number of employees in businesses ” (Le Van Tam& Ngo Kim Thanh, 2008) William R Tracey, in "The Human ResourcesGlossary," defines Human Resources as "The people that staff and operate anorganization,” as contrasted with the financial and material resources of anorganization

Thus, it can be understood that Human Resources is the ability of society to work,asource of socio-economic development consists of working age groups that canparticipate in labor and social production This means that all individuals who are

specifically involved in the labor process, are the sum of their physical, mental andoccupational skills that are mobilized into the labor process Human Resource Training:For an organization, an indispensable activity is the training of human resources.Through these activities, it helps organizations create their position in anincreasingly competitive business environment In order for human resources inthose organizations to meet the increasing development of the production andbusiness process, the human resources training must be conducted in an organizedand planned manner

Training is known as learning activities to help employees to perform theirfunctions and duties more effectively It is the learning process to make employeesmore aware of their work, which is the learning activities to improve thequalifications and skills of workers to perform labor tasks more effectively

(Nguyễn Văn Diém & Nguyễn Ngọc Quân, 2007) Additionally, according to the

Human Resource Management curriculum of the University of Labor and Social

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Affairs, Training is defined as "a planned and organized process to increase workperformance" [p.184]

The success of an enterprise depends on many factors, however, human resourcesare still a decisive factor for success Therefore, in order to comprehensivelydevelop the quality potential of the labor force, serving the goals of enterprises,businesses need to focus on well organizing the training of human resources (TranQuoc Ha, 2002) Human Resource DevelopmentAs the society grows and changes day by day, the requirements for humanresources quality also change, especially in the context of globalization and deepinternational integration today The issue of competition in the global market ischallenging for all areas of social life, including human resource development.Besides, the emergence of the knowledge economy requires manpower not only inits ability to meet all of the diplomas, qualifications and skills but also the abilityof lifelong learning, timely grasp catch changes and require rapid innovation of theprofessional world, thereby, timely adapting to new occupations and newindustries, also to be able to compete in the labor market

According to the Human Resource Economics Curriculum of National EconomicsUniversity (p.104), human resources development is defined as the process ofdeveloping physical, mental, cognitive, social dynamism and lightness create.Therefore, human resource development is synonymous with the process ofimproving social capacity and social dynamism of human resources in all aspects

such as physical strength, personality, which helps to allocate and promote thecapacity to develop the country In addition, Human Resource Development is atotal of organized learning activities conducted in certain time periods to createchanges in the employees' professional behavior (p.153)

Based on this concept, the content of human resources development includes threeactivities which are education, training and development (p.153-154)

First, Education is learning activities, money for future jobs Meanwhile, trainingis considered learning activities to help employees be able to perform moreeffectively their functions and duties It is the process of improving thequalifications and skills of employees to perform labor tasks more effectively.Development is learning activities that go beyond the immediate scope of work of

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workers in order to open up for them new jobs based on the business's futuredirections

From the above issues, in my opinion, human resource development is the processof increasing, significantly changing the quality of human resources and thischange is manifested in improving the capacity and motivation of workers Thus,the essence of human resource development is to find ways to better the quality of

such human resources In other words, if increasing the scale is interested inincreasing the number of human resources, then the development of humanresources is concerned with the quality of that human resource Improving thequality of human resources is the process of creating and developing thecomprehensive capacity of the people for the economic, social progress It is thecombined result of components including education, training and development.Education is understood as learning activities, to prepare people to enter a career,or to switch to a new, more appropriate career in the future It should be noted thatthe competency of the employee is reflected in the knowledge, skills andbehavioral attitude of the employee, and for each job goal, a certain type ofcompetence is required

1.1.2 The role of training and developing human resources:

The overall goal of training and developing human resources is to maximize theuse of available human resources and improve the efficiency of the business byhelping workers better grasp their careers and implement their functions and tasksvoluntarily as well as improving their adaptability in the future In enterprises,training and development have certain effects and meanings for both businessesand employees

Training and developing human resources not only helps enterprises improve laborproductivity and production and business efficiency but also maintain and improvethe quality of human resources, which creates benefits competitive advantage forthe business In addition, administrators need to apply management methods thatare consistent with changes in technology processes, techniques and businessenvironment to avoid outdated management Moreover, training and developmentcan helpexecutives solve the problems of conflicts between individuals andexecutives to set up effective human resource management policies of enterprises(Ha Van Hoi, 2006),

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On the contrary, from the perspective of employees, it creates professionalism andattachment between workers and businesses (Ha Minh Trung, 2002) Typically,executives directly help employees perform their jobs better, especially whenemployees perform jobs that do not meet the sample standards, or when employeestake on new jobs In addition, employees are updated with new skills andknowledge to successfully apply technological and technical changes in thebusiness as well as be equipped with necessary professional skills It can be saidthat it stimulates employees to perform better jobs, achieve better results, want tobe given more challenging tasks with more promotion opportunities In otherwords, giving employees a new perspective, a new way of thinking in their workis also the basis for promoting creativity of workers at work

1.2 The process of training and developing human resources:

According to Tran Kim Dung (2003), the training process consists of six mainsteps: determining training needs, selecting training subjects, and selecting trainingmethods, selecting teachers members, estimating training costs and evaluating

Selection of trainingDetermination of Training subjects programs and

training needs selection


Training teacher Estimation of Post-training

selection training costs evaluation

(Source: Human Resource Management - Tran Kim Dung)Diagram 1.2 The process of training and developing human resources

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1.2.1 Determination of training needsTraining needs are the gap between what managers and employees in the businessexpect to improve in the future (Tran Kim Dung, 2003)

Training needs identification is the process of collecting and analyzing informationas well as the expectation improving work performance results and developmentcapabilities of each specific staff member In addition, Training needs analysis isa systematic process to determine the priority of the goals, quantify the needs inthe field of training

Each employee's training needs are different because theirknowledge, ambition arenot the same Therefore, the training activities must aim to design the program sothat it meets the requirements of each object Training needs determine the trainingmethod, there are not any programs or methods suitable for all needs Trainingprograms are considered on the basis of balancing the desires of employees withthe goals of the enterprise, in which business performance is given as the criteriaof decisive influence In the book Human Resource Management published in2005, Nguyen Huu Than said that job analysis and job performance analysis aretwo important steps in determining training needs

Job analysis is study of job details that clarifies tasks, responsibilities andrequirements for knowledge, skills, and experience Meanwhile, job performanceanalysis is a thorough study of the work implementation to develop the optimalwork process as well as to train and train employees the ability to perform the job.This analysis focuses on the competencies and personal characteristics ofemployees, which are used to identify who can undertake the job and whatknowledge and skills they lack, from which identify the need to focus on trainingwhat knowledge and skills

1.2.2 Training subjects selectionIt is necessary to consider personnel records, performance evaluation results,assessment of direct managers to make the right decision in the subjects selection.The selection of training subjects should be timely to meet the current and futurework requirements of the organization In order to identify participants in thetraining program, organizations need to base on the motivation to participate in thetraining program, the learning ability of each student and their desire to identify


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exactly who needs to attend join a training course In particular, there are manydifferent selection methods

The first method is interview The important thing in this approach is to askingenious questions which the administrator can capture the opinion of theemployee During the interview process, it is necessary to create comfort for both

sides to get the interview to achieve the desired results.Secondly, it is observation method A method that observes the daily activities ofofficials and employees through their work performance and contribution to theorganization, thereby, it can be realized their motivation and ability to study

The final one is method of consulting experts or direct leaders In Vietnam, themost commonly used method is to get expert knowledge or direct managementleadership It can be said that experts or direct managers who understand their staffthe most Therefore, taking advantage of the opinions of these people is the mostconvenient and simple way However, these are subjective opinions of individualmanagers, so they sometimes conflict with the opinions of the employeesthemselves

1.2.3 Selection of training programs and methodsThe training program must be formulated specifically in terms of number of

subjects, subjects, duration of study and tuition The training program is based onthe training needs and training objectives identified After that, businesses base onthe specific situation of financial capacity, facilities to select the appropriatetraining method There are many different training methods to choose from andeach one has its pros and cons Enterprises can choose one method or combinemany training methods and low cost

1.2.4 Training teacher selectionIt probably depends on the choice of training method There are two sources tochoose from, which are external and internal sources

In internal sources, businesses should select highly qualified employees ormanagers with experience in the business to participate in teaching This is a greatway to both save costs and provide students with work-related skills close to thereality of the business However, there are also limitations such as difficulty in


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updating information, new knowledge and perhaps affecting the current job of theinstructor

In contrast, outside sources may be employees from other companies or teachersin training institutions or artisans The advantage of selecting teachers from outside

sources is the ability to choose good teachers who can provide updated knowledgeand information to keep up with the progress of the industry In particular, they arenot affected by the production process by switching to teaching as an internalsource selection However, the disadvantage of this method is that it is not close toreality and high cost

1.2.5, Estimation of training costsThe selection of training options is determined based on the training costs thatinclude the costs of learning and the costs of teaching These may include directcosts such as teacher salaries, student expenses, venue costs, textbooks,organization work as well as service work during school time

The determination of training costs is important because it determines the choiceof training methods, which greatly affects the effectiveness during and after thetraining process The determination of this funding requires careful calculations onthe basis of the financial situation of the business, the content and objectives of thetraining course so that it is reasonable and brings the highest efficiency, avoiding


1.2.6 Post-training evaluationTraining programs can be evaluated based on many criteria such as teacherevaluation, class manager evaluation, student evaluation and training effectivenessevaluation

Teachers need to assess the level of mastery of students' knowledge after thecourse Generally, teachers evaluate according to the points criteria, thereby, thelecturers base on the objectives and content of training to make the exam and testquestions to assess the level of mastery of the students’ knowledge and skills.Assessing the diligence and comprehension level of students in the learningprocess are also issues that teachers need to pay attention to make additionalassessments of classroom quality In addition to assessing the quality of students,Lecturers may be required to evaluate the curriculum as an expert In which, thecontent of evaluation includes the necessity of the training program as well as


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suggestions to improve the curriculum The organization may base on thoseassessments to adjust, amend and supplement appropriate training programs

Meanwhile, the class manager judges from the observation of the faculty andstudents The main evaluation criteria are the teacher's professionalism or thestudents’ performance in the learning process However, this opinion is only usedfor reference by managers and make suggestions to the instructor if necessary

At the end of the course, there is a need for students’ assessments of theorganization of classrooms, learning materials, services, content, teachingmethods, the reality of post-training knowledge and other comments Thisassessment can be done through a survey that is used to adjust curriculum, teachermanagement, and class organization

Moreover, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness that the training program hasachieved in terms of both quantity and quality The evaluation of trainingeffectiveness is conducted based on criteria including the change of productivity,quality and labor efficiency and the change of knowledge and skills of workersafter training The evaluation criteria applied depend on the type of trained worker

Training in addition to affecting knowledge and skills, thereby improvingproductivity, quality and labor efficiency also affects the behavior of employees ina positive way that has an impact on improving the productivity, quality,performance of individual's work, and reducing the dropout of employees

1.3 Classification of Training Forms:1.3.1 On-the-job training:

On-the-job training is a form of direct training at the workplace, in which trainesslearn the necessary learning and skills for the job through practical work under thedirect instruction of experienced employees Work instructionThis is a popular method of teaching job performance skills for most productionworkers and even some managerial jobs The training process begins with theintroduction and explanation of the teacher about the goals of the job and elaborateinstructions Trainees observe, exchange, learn and practice until mastery underthe guidance of the instructor


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Hoang Thi Thanh Lam — 11162642 - Business English 58A ApprenticeRegarding this training method, the training program starts with theoreticalknowledge, then students are put to practice under the guidance of skilled workersfor a few years until they become proficient Mentoring

This method is often used to help managers and supervisors to learn the knowledgeand skills necessary for immediate work and future work through the mentoring ofbetter manager Job rotation:

Job rotation and transfer is a forrm of transferring managers from a department toanother job in order to provide them with work experience in many different areasin the enterprise

1.3.2 Off-the-job training:Off-the-job training is a form of training in which trainees are aparted from realjobs Open classes:It is not sufficient for relatively complex or specific occupations and mentoringtraining in both quantity and quality Enterprises are possible to organize trainingclasses with equipment and facilities for training Specifically, the trainingprogram consists of two parts, that are theory and practice The theory isconcentratedly taught by officials and engineers The practice is carried out inpractice workshops guided by skilled engineers and seniors Dispatch to go to schools, training centers:Businesses probably dispatch employees to study at regular schools organized byIndustry or the Central Government at the enterprise's expense Employees mustcommit that after completing the course, they must work for the enterprise for acertain period of time

Theform is applied to train managers and engineers which trainees will berelatively equipped with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.Nevertheless, this requires a lot of time and training expenses Seminar participation:


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Lectures, conferences and discussions can be held at the enterprise or an externalinstitution, which can be held individually or in combination with other trainingprograms During the discussions, participants discuss each topic under theguidance of leaders to gain the necessary knowledge and experience

1.4 Factors affecting human resource training and development in

enterprises1.4.1 Internal factors Views of senior leadershipThe opinion and perception of the company's leadership decides the quality oftraining human resources in the company Some business leaders believe thatinvesting in training is an unfavorable investment because after training, workersmay leave the business But others believe that investment in training is aninvestment in the long-term development of the enterprise, which makes workersmore attached to the business Therefore, the views of leaders decide the qualityof human resources training and development in the enterprise Business production strategy of the enterpriseBusiness development strategy and long-term business plan of the enterprise playa decisive role in developing human resources This role is reflected in thedetermination of goals and directions for human resource development throughhuman resource development planning When planning training and developinghuman resources, business development strategies and business plans are analyzedto determine the requirements of labor resources development to meet productionand business development goals The strategy needs to closely follow and meet thedevelopment strategy and business production plan of the company Trainingactivities should reflect the organization's vision and strategy Enterprises need toanalyze the relationship between training and development and business resultsand the overall development of the business The role of the human resources department in the enterpriseThe number and quality of human resources department has a great influence ontraining and human resource development in enterprises If this department issufficient in both quantity and quality, the content and activities of training andhuman resource development will be effectively implemented In contrast, thereare difficulties in the process of developing and implementing plans related to


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training and human resource development impacts In other words, they may notbe able to recognize the issues to advise the unit leaders to perform well the workof human resources development in their units Financial capacity of the organizationTraining as well as all other work in the organization need funding forimplementation A sufficient funding source to ensure the full implementation ofthe given training plans and contents will ensure that the training plan is wellimplemented and not interrupted due to lack of funding Therefore, the people incharge of training, accountants and related departments need to plan and balancethe revenues and expenditures of the business to ensure training funding Corporate cultureBusiness culture and working environment greatly affect the development ofhuman resources It is considered as a system of values, beliefs and habits sharedwithin an organization, in which formal impacts and structures create behavioral


1.4.2 External factors1.4.2.1 Current situation of economyThe stable, developing or stagnant economy has an impact on most businessorganizations and the strategic goals of the business Therefore, it also greatlyaffects human resource training for businesses In particular, businesses tend togradually reduce production by reducing labor and wage costs when the economyis in recession Therefore, the organization of training courses will face manydifficulties, especially in terms of funding and training strategies In contrast, whenthe economy is stable and developing well, the need to expand knowledge andimprove skills of workers is urgent The development of science and technologyThanks to the development of Science and Technology, there are many newprofessions that require workers to be equipped with new knowledge and skills Inparticular, companies need to apply science and technology, improve equipmentand techniques to compete in the market Therefore, it is necessary to have highlyqualified labor force in the enterprise This means that managers have to trainforces to keep up with changes in science and technology and rearrange the


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redundant workforce in enterprises The development speed of science andtechnology is both a favorable factor but also a lot of difficulties for enterprises inthe development of human resources in accordance with the goals and orientationsof the organization CompetitorsHigh competitive pressure can spread to other areas such as attracting and retainingtalent In the current economy, businesses are affected by fiercely competitiveeconomic environment, businesses need to effectively use resources for productionto survive and develop, especially focus on human resources Human resources arethe most valuable assets, businesses must have long-term strategies and plans toattract and retain talented people


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2.1 Development process of the companyVietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company is a member of 24h Group, a

successful business in various fields, such as E-commerce (Deca.vn),Communications (24h.com.vn), Technology (Mobitech) and companies, such asPega, 30 Shine, Choxe.net, Kyna vn, Vieclam24h

Established in 2015, Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock Company, thecompany has built up significant achievements with staff, experienced technicians,in-depth knowledge in consulting and handling problems in Digital marketing Upto now, the company has become the top 3 important partners of Google inVietnam After more than 5 years of operation, the company has gained certainachievements, created trust for customers, affirmed its brand in the market

2.2 Business areas of the company:2.2.1 Google Adwords:

Google Ads is a commercial service that allows customers to buy text or image adsat search results or websites provided by Google partners According to TheEconomic Times, it is a type of “brief advertising copy with keywords that aredisplayed on Google web pages and partner websites (called publishers) aftermatching their content with the keywords” (“Definition of Adwords”,2020)

2.2.2 Facebook Advertising:Facebook Advertising is a type of advertising service that allows displayingadvertising information of organizations or individuals on Facebook socialnetworks Advertising on the Facebook network is automatically distributed basedon many criteria such as gender, age, geographical area, characteristics of userbehavior suitable to the target customers of each business

2.2.3 Youtube AdvertisingThis is a form of video advertising combining images, sound and motion Throughvideo, information about products and services, messages that the seller wants toconvey will be transmitted to customers For this type of advertising, access tocustomers will be done by when they watch movies, videos on Youtube, ads willappear in parallel at any time during the video playback They can save the video


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if you want to review and comment below The more views an ad has, the morelikely it is to reach new customers

2.2.4 Web DesignIt is defined as “the process of creating websites It encompasses several differentaspects, including webpage layout, content production, and graphic design Whilethe terms web design and web development are often used interchangeably, webdesign is technically a subset of the broader category of web development.”(Christensson, P.,2013)

2.3 Organizational structure:2.3.1 Organisational structure diagramThe total number of employees in the company until 2019 is up to 250 people.Each department has a function and each has a close relationship with each other,the company's apparatus is organized according to one level The departments are

General Director

Director of HCM Branch Director of HN Branch

Sale Human Resource Technical Customer Service Financial Accounting

Department Department Department Department Department

Figure 2.3.1: Organizing the business apparatus of Vietnam Gate Advertising

Joint Stock Company(Sources: Internal documents of Vietnam Gate Advertising JSC)


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2.3.2 Functions of each department2.3.2.1 Chairman of the board:

The Chairman of the Board of Directors is the person with full authority on behalfof the company to decide all matters related to the purpose and interests of thecompany, except for those issues under the authority of the General Meeting of

Shareholders (Nguyén Thi Hoai Thuong, 2019) Based on article 152 of Vietnam

Enterprise Law 2014), the Chairman of the Board of Directors, elected by theGeneral Meeting of Shareholders, is the representative of the General Meeting ofShareholders between the two General Meeting of Shareholders General DirectorGeneral Director of Adsplus Joint Stock Company is Ms Nguyen Nhu Mai, whoadminister and supervises all business activities, human resources and cooperationactivities of the business In a senior role in the business, Ms Nguyen Nhu Mai isresponsible for developing and implementing strategies to promote thedevelopment and increase profits of the business These strategies can be aboutinvestment plans, business plans, product development plans, branding plans.Moreover, she also organizes the implementation and supervision of theimplementation of strategies to ensure financial efficiency and cost effectivenessfor businesses Human Resources DepartmentAdvising the General Director of the Company on office management,conferences, archives, management and mobilization of office equipment, securityand communications In particular, this is the most important department in humanresource training and management After a certain period of time, the departmentreviews the working status of employees, then offers the most appropriate policiesand measures to improve the quality of human resources management at the

company. Technology DepartmentTechnical department is in charge of designing and creating products according tocustomers’ requirements Besides, it is the department for organizing, managing,checking technology and product quality in which employees are highly qualified,

computer proficient. Financial Accounting Department đánh số + tríchnguôn


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Finance - Accounting Department has the function of advising the Company'sleaders and organizing the implementation of such tasks as timely and fullaccounting of all assets, equity, liabilities, and financial revenue and expenditureactivities, business planning and financial planning of the unit (Pedro & Barry,2010) In addition, they also perform inspection and supervision of themanagement and compliance with the financial and accounting regime Sales Department

Sales department is responsible for capturing fluctuations in the consumer market,finding customers who want to consume the Company's products, helpingbusinesses to increase profits and grow The employees of the Sales Departmentmust have computer skills, business proficiency, and market knowledge in theareas where the company is trading

2.4 Actual situation of personnel at Vietnam Gate Advertising Joint Stock

Company2.4.1 Number of employees

Year Comparison (%)

2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2018/2017 | 2019/2018

Total number of 249 261 250 4.82 -4.21


Table 2.4.1 Number of employees of Adsplus Joint Stock Company

(Source: Internal documents of the Company)The table above gives information about the number of staffs of the Company inthe period 2017 to 2019 The size of the labor force is relatively stable over theyears and almost no changes are often changed by not more than 5% in 3 years.Specifically, the average number of employees that fluctuates between 110 and

120 people In particular, the largest number of employees in 3 years was 261people in 2018 and the lowest was 112 people in 2012 and 2010

2.4.2 Staff qualification structure


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The quality of the staff is reflected through the literacy, which is one of the factorsthat greatly affects the performance of employees

Bachelor’s 196 | 78.71 | 210 | 80.46 | 217 86.8 7.14 3.33degree


te’s 43 17.47 40 15.33 24 9.6 6.9 -40degree

Total 249 100 261 100 250 100 4.82 -4.21

Table 2.4.2 Qualification structure of staff

(Source: Internal documents of the Company)From the table above, it can be seen that the relatively highly qualified staff aremostly masters and bachelors In which, bachelor accounts for the highestproportion up to 80% Although the proportion of masters accounts for the least, ithas the strongest growth rate In addition, the percentage of employees who has adegree of Associate are increasingly declining This proves that the quality of the

staff is increasingly improved.In particular, the Adsplus Joint Stock Company staff is all indirect employees,therefore, the company should have a long-term human resource plan to improvethe level of management staff and employees Although the labor force is relativelyhigh, not only the quality and content of the training still need to be ensured at an


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intensive level as well as regularly updated information, knowledge and carefullyprepared but also teacher should also be highly qualified and experienced

2.4.3 The training results2.4.3.1 Human resource development strategy in period 2017-2019The company has equipped with enterprise management skills, professional skills,informatics, foreign languages as well as other supplementary knowledge with thepurpose of building a staff that enhance the production and business efficiency ofCompany According to the plan for training and developing human resources forthe period of 2017 - 2019, there are 3 specific goals such as building a system of

staff capacity assessment, identifying skills shortages to pass training, designingand implementing standard training programs for each position and specialty Training PlanIn the development plan of Adsplus Joint Stock Company, the human resourcedevelopment plan is given annually, typically the training deployment plan for2017

It can be a difficult and challenging year in 2017, so the training and developmentplan is designed to identify the actual needs of each unit Thereby, the SteeringCommittee for training activities of the Company cooperates with training centersto perfect the standard curriculum and supplement the number of excellentlecturers In addition, the managers directly encourage and facilitate for employeesto improve their work and plan budgets for training at each unit

All of the above directions are aimed at a strategy that increases thecompetitiveness of Adsplus's brand and products in the current economic situation. The frequency of the organization of the training method

Adsplus Joint Stock Company applies three training methods, which are sendingstudents to schools, centers, attending seminars and mentoring


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Table The frequency of the organization of the training method

(Source: Internal documents of the Company)

The table above shows that the training scale according to the training method atAdsplus Joint Stock Company from 2017 to 2019 It can be seen that the form ofoff-the-job training accounts for about 80% to 90% and increases over the years.The percentage of training methods sent to schools, centers only accounted for35.7% in 2017 but doubled in 2018, to 69.5% Meanwhile, the form of on-the-jobtraining that is the method of mentoring has not been popularly applied, accountingfor 10% to 20%, even tends to decrease The reason is that this method is currentlyonly applied in orientation training, while off-the-job training is applied toprofessional training, foreign language training and others Moreover, the number


Ngày đăng: 26/09/2024, 01:58