The stress concentration around a circular borehole subject to only uniaxial compression.An arbitrarily deviated wellbore with the orientations ofthe cirumferential Goo, axial ø;;, radia
Trang 2Characterizing the Full In-SituStress Tensor and Its Applications
for Petroleum ActivitiesDepartment of Energy and Resources Engineering
Graduate School, Chonnam National University
Do Quang KhanhSupervised by Professor YANG, Hyung-Sik
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor ofPhilosophy in Energy and Resources Engineering
Committee in Charge :
Dr So-Keul Chung (KIGAM) “hf \
Prof Tam Tran (CNU) ( a aProf Jeong-Hwan Lee (CNU) Tes
Prof Piyush Rai (BHU, India) pot aProf Hyung-Sik Yang (CNU) 5
August 2013
Trang 3CONTENTSCharacterizing the Full In-Situ Stress Tensor
and Its Applications for Petroleum Activities
ContentsList of figures and tablesNomenclature of symbolsAbstract
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1.1 Project rationale
1.2 Project philosophy and purposes1.3 Review
1.4 Outline of thesis
2.2 In-situ stress tensor2.3 State of in-situ stress2.4 Pore pressure and effective stress2.5 Frictional limits to stress
2.6 Stresses and rock failure
3.2 Stress and failure analysis for a vertical cylindrical wellbore3.2.1 Stresses around a vertical cylindrical wellbore
3.2.2 Failure analysis for a vertical wellbore3.3 Stress and failure analysis for an arbitrarily deviated wellbore3.3.1 Stresses around an arbitrarily deviated wellbore
3.3.2 Failure analysis for an arbitrary deviated wellbore
“SID WOW NO —| —13141517
Trang 4CHAPTER 4: METHODS FOR DETERMINING IN-SITU STRESS4.1 In-situ stress measurements in drilling boreholes
4.1.1 Hydraulic fracturing methods4.1.2 Overcoring methods
4.1.3 Breakout methods4.1.4 Drilling induced tensile fractures methods4.1.5 Earth focal mechanism (FMS)
4.2 New integrated method for determining ISSusing petroleum exploration data
4.2.1 Introduction4.2.2 Determining the orientations of horizontal stresses4.2.3 Determining the vertical stress
4.2.4 Determining the minimum horizontal stress magnitude4.2.5 Constraining the maximum horizontal stress magnitude4.2.6 Determining pore pressure
5.2 Structures of the FAoWB software packages5.3 Validation of the results of the packages FAOWB5.3.1 Case 1: Cross-checking Barton’s study (1998) on compressive failure
and breakout width analysis at the KTB wellbore, Germany.5.3.2 Case 2: Cross-checking Meyer’s study (2002) on the well stability
at the Swan Lake field, South Australia
6.2 Geological framework of the main studied area6.3 The White Tiger (Bach Ho) field, Centre of the Cuu Long basin, Vietnam6.3.1 Statement of problem
6.3.2 In-situ stress determination techniques6.3.3 In-situ stress tensor at the White Tiger field6.3.4 Implications
6.3.5 Summary of results
Trang 56.4 The X field, Northern of the Cuu Long basin, Vietnam6.4.1 Statement of problem
6.4.2 In-situ stress determination techniques6.4.3 In-situ stress tensor at the X field6.4.4 Implications
Trang 6Figure 2.1:Figure 2.2:Figure 2.3:Figure 2.4:
Figure 2.5:Figure 2.6:Figure 2.7:
Components of stresses acting on a plane.Components of stresses acting on the faces of a cube.The three states of stress and associated types of faulting.Frictional limits to stress based on the frictional strength
of favourably oriented fault planes for u = 0.6 and 1.0.Two-dimensional Mohr circle
Three-dimensional Mohr circle.Mohr diagram with a failure envelope that fits closely to
laboratory rock testing data.Three-dimensional Mohr diagram and Coulomb failure criterions
for pre-existing planes of weakness and for intact rock
Vertical cylindrical wellbore with the orientations of thecircumferential stress Ooo, axial stress o,, and radial stress o,,Stress concentration around a vertical in a bi-axial stress fieldbased on the Kirsch equations
The stress concentration around a circular borehole subject to
only uniaxial compression.An arbitrarily deviated wellbore with the orientations ofthe cirumferential (Goo), axial (ø;;), radial (6,,),
minimum (Timin) and MaximuM (Timax) Stresses.Three coordinate systems used to transform
for an arbitrarily deviated wellbore
Lower hemisphere projection used to display relatively stability
of wellbores with different azimuths and deviations
A schematic diagram with the equipment set-up andthe propagation direction of the induced fracture duringa hydraulic fracturing test
Typical procedure used in the overcoring techniqueCircumferential stress around a vertical wellbore
with respect to the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress
Trang 7for formation of BOs and DITFs.Figure 4.4: Section of four-arm dipmeter log data showing consistent
breakouts in a north-south direction.Figure 4.5: An imaging log data with borehole breakouts.Figure 4.6: Hollow cylinder laboratory test
Figure 4.7: An imaging log data with drilling induced tensile fracturesFigure 4.8: The three main fault regimes and their corresponding
fault plane solutions.Figure 4.9: Integration of density logs to estimate overburden stress at depthsFigure 4.10: Resistivity image, density log (RHOB),
density correction log (DRHO) and caliper log (CALI).Figure 4.11: Pressure vs time record showing LOP, breakdown, P, and P,.Figure 4.12: Pressure versus root time plot showing P
Figure 5.1: Start screen of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.2: Main screen of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.3: Menu File of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.4: Menu Input Data of the software packages FAoWB.Figure 5.5: Tab Description of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.6: Tab Stress of the software packages FAoWB.Figure 5.7: Tab Rock properties of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.8: Tab Well of the software packages FAoWB
Figure 5.9: Menu Failure Criteria of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.10: Menu Process of the software packages FAOWB.Figure 5.11: Menu Output of the software packages FAoWB.Figure 5.12: Stress distribution of case 1 (from packages FAoWB).Figure 5.13: Risk diagrams of case Ï (from packages FAOWB).Figure 5.14: The breakout risk diagrams of the KTB wells
for Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager and Mogi-Coulomb criteria.Figure 5.15: The mud weight required of the KTB wells
Figure 5.16: Risk diagrams of case 2 (from packages FAOWB).Figure 5.17: The breakout risk diagrams of wells at Swan Lake field
for Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager and Mogi-Coulomb criteria.Figure 5.18: The mud weight required at the Swan Lake field
Trang 8Figure 5.20: Stress polygon and constraints for case 1 and 2.
Figure 6.1: Location map of the Cuu Long Basin.Figure 6.2: Schematic cross-section of the Cuu Long Basin.Figure 6.3:Generalized stratigraphy column of the Cuu Long Basin.Figure 6.4 Location map of the White Tiger field at the Cuu long basin.Figure 6.5: Basement distribution at White Tiger field, Cuu Long basin.Figure 6.6: Main fault and fracture system at the White Tiger field.Figure 6.7: Generalized stratigraphy column at the White Tiger.Figure 6.8: Examples of the occurrence of BOs and DIFTs at
the basement intervals of the wellbores at the White Tiger field.Figure 6.9: Histogram and rose diagrams of the orientation of Sumax
from BOs at the basement intervals of the Whiter Tiger field.Figure 6.10: Histogram and rose diagrams of of the orientation of Snmax
from DITFs at the basement intervals of the Whiter Tiger field.Figure 6.11: Histogram and rose diagrams of the orientation of Symax from
both BOs and DITFs at the basement intervals of the Whiter Tiger field.Figure 6.12: Vertical stress or overburden stress at the White Tiger field.Figure 6.13: Plots of treatment pressure in the hydraulic fracturing tests.Figure 6.14: Minimum horizontal stress at the White Tiger field.Figure 6.15: Pore pressure at the White Tiger field
Figure 6.16: Stress Polygon and constraints at depths of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.17: Stress distribution at the depth 3900 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.18: Stress distribution at the depth 4100 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.19: Stress distribution at the depth 4300 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.20: Stress distribution at the depth 4500 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.21: Risk diagrams at the depth 3900 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.22: Risk diagrams at the depth 4100 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.23: Risk diagrams at the depth 4300 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.24: Risk diagrams at the depth 4500 m of the White Tiger field.Figure 6.25: Location map of the X field
Figure 6.26: The depth structural map at the X field.Figure 6.27: The stratigraphy column of the X field.Figure 6.28: Example of DITFs of the wellbore X1 at the X field.Figure 6.29: Histogram and rose diagrams of DITFs at the wellbore X1
Trang 9Figure 6.30: Vertical stress or overburden stress at the X field.Figure 6.31: Plots of surface pressure in the LOTs/FITs at the X field.Figure 6.32: Minimum horizontal stress at the X field.
Figure 6.33: Pore pressure at the X field.Figure 6.34: Stress Polygon and constraints at depth 2300 m of the X field.Figure 6.35: Stress distribution at the basement depth 2300 m of the X field.Figure 6.36: Risk diagrams at the basement depth 2300 m of the X field.Figure 6.37: Risk diagrams on evaluation for the applicability of
under-balanced drilling techniques (P,=22 MPa).Figure 6.38: Stress distribution at two deviated wellbores of the X field
Table 6.1: The full in-situ stress tensor at the basement depths
of the White Tiger field.Table 6.2: The full in-situ stress tensor at the basement depth 2300 m
of the X field
C: compressive strength
Co: uniaxial compressive strength
Cy: biaxial compressive strength
g: acceleration due to gravity
P: stress tensor due to pore pressure
P,: fracture closure pressure
P;: fracture initiation pressure
P,: pore pressure
P,: fracture reopening pressure
Py: wellbore fluid pressure
R,: coordinate transform matrix
Rg: coordinate transform matrix
S: applied stress tensor
S’: effective stress tensor
5¡, S2, S3: three principal stresses
Sp: Stress tensor in the borehole coordinate system
Sp: stress tensor in the geographic coordinate system
SHmax: Maximum horizontal stress magnitude
Shmin Minimum horizontal stress magnitude
Ss stress tensor in principal stress coordinate system
Sy: vertical stress magnitude
T: tensile strength
z: depth
a, B, y: Euler rotation angles
6: wellbore azimuth
Trang 11Ơi: Stress component acting in the j direction in the plane normal to the i direction
Ơn: Normal stress
Oi effective radial stress
Otmax Maximum effective stress tangential to the wellbore wall
Otmin Minimum effective stress tangential to the wellbore wall
Ơ;;: effective axial stress
Ooo: effective circumferential stress
Ooomin: Minimum of the effective circumferential stress
@: wellbore deviation
w: angle between Otmax and the wellbore axis
T: shear stress
Trang 12Characterizing the Full In-Situ Stress Tensorand Its Applications for Petroleum Activities
Knowledge of the full in-situ stress tensor has an importance for
petroleum activities A demand in the determination of in-situ stress using
petroleum exploration data available has increased during the last decades
over the world The new integrated method for determining the full in-situ
stress tensor using the available petroleum data has been accepted as more
reliable and widely applicable in many petroleum basins
This thesis developed and applied the new integrated method for determining
the full tensor of in-situ stress using the available petroleum data This
method involves many aspects in which the constraining related to the
magnitude of the maximum horizontal stress is the most challenge It also
requires the integration and modification many techniques for studying
specific problems using available datasets
Trang 13The software packages on failure analysis of wellbores (FAoWB) written in
the programming language MATLAB were designed and developed from this
new integrated method for determining the full stress tensor and the
extended theories on stresses and failures around the wellbore They
facilitate the determination of the full in-situ stress tensor using the
observations of wellbore failures (breakouts BOs and/or drilling-inducedtensile fractures DIFTs) in petroleum wellbores The forward calculating of
stresses around the wellbores will be constrained with the observations of
borehole failures and rock strength, pore pressure or mud _ pressure
depending on available data at a particular petroleum field Moreover, under
the full in-situ stress tensor determined they also help to derive easily the
implications related to the state of in-situ stress Their accuracy and
reliability were confirmed through the cross-checking of two well-known
investigations earlier Three different strength criteria including the
Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker-Prager and Mogi-Coulomb criteria also were applied to
recommend the selection of an appropriate criterion for relatively strong
rocks Furthermore, they have been demonstrated to be user-friendly,
attractive and easy to develop the codes for other real cases
The software packages FAoWB were used to characterize well the state of
the full in-situ stress tensors from the new integrated method with available
data of basement reservoirs of the petroleum fields belonging to the Cuu
Long basin, Vietnam Those are the White Tiger field located at the centre of
Trang 14the Cuu Long basin and the X field located at the northern of the Cuu Long
basin Results showed that the stress regimes at basement reservoirs of the
Cuu Long basin should be the normal faulting (NF) or the strike-slip (SS)
with the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress oriented in the
direction NW-SE being consistent with the previous studies The change of
the stress regimes from NF to SS together with the strength rock measured
should affect the risk of the occurrence of BOs and/or DITFs These
predictions are suitable to the practical problems at the petroleum fields of
this basin as the wellbore collapse (due to BOs) or the lost circulation (due toDITFs) Moreover, with advanced knowledge of the full in-situ stress tensors
including both the orientations and magnitudes, we could choose the optimum
drilling trajectories oriented in the direction NE-SW, change the suitable mud
weight to prevent wellbore instability or evaluate the applicability of
under-balanced drilling techniques at the petroleum fields of the Cuu Long basin
Keywords: In-situ stress, wellbore failures, breakouts, drilling-inducedtensile fractures, wellbore instability
Trang 15CHAPTER 1
1.1 Project rationale
Knowledge of in-situ stress plays a great role in solving both science and engineering
problems, encountered in geology, geophysics, civil, mining, and petroleum development It
is akey parameter in some activities including (Amadei and Stephansson, 1997; Tingay et al,
e plate tectonics and neotectonics;
e earthquake prediction and seal breach by fault reactivation;
e stability of underground excavations (tunnels, mines, caverns, shafts, stopes);
e slope stability;
e drilling borehole stability;
e induced hydraulic fracturing stimulation;
e reservoir drainage and flooding patterns;
e subsurface fluid flow in naturally-fractured reservoirs, and
e storage and extraction of oil and gas from the subsurface
A dramatic increase in the determination of in-situ stress using petroleum exploration data
and its applications to problems in petroleum exploration and production has been seen
during the last decades over the world One key driver for the increased awareness has been
the increasing quality and use of borehole imaging tools, and the geomechanical information
yielded by these tools Nowadays, drilling induced failures including breakouts and/or
drilling induced tensile fractures from borehole imaging tools are recognized and used to
determine in-situ stress (Zoback et al., 1985; Peska and Zoback, 1995) Furthermore, the
Trang 16increased incidence of deviated drilling has provided both new techniques for constraining
the in situ stress tensor and increased demand for solutions to problems related to the
state-of-stress such as wellbore stability and fracture stimulation
1.2 Project philosophy and purposes
There have been a number of different methods available to determine the in-situ stress in
the Earth’s crust These methods include earthquake focal mechanisms, hydraulic fracturing,
overcoring, borehole breakouts, drilling induced tensile fractures and geological indicators
Each stress measurement technique has advantages and limitations The relationship between
in situ stress and induced failures in drilling boreholes can have significant implications for
in-situ stress determination methods Therefore, the philosophy of this project was to
integrate and/or modify techniques as required for studying specific problems using available
datasets in the case studies
In-situ stress determination in any oil field or sedimentary basin involves some aspects, such
as determination of the maximum horizontal stress orientations, the magnitude of the vertical
stress, the magnitude of the minimum horizontal stress and the constraining related to the
magnitude of the maximum horizontal stress The approach to aspects of stress determination
is dependent upon the dataset available The main purpose of this project is to formulate and
apply the new integrated method for determining the full tensor of in-situ stress based on
new and existing techniques from available petroleum data Next, the use of these techniques
within several case studies at the petroleum fields will be analyzed to examine the wide
range of implications of in situ stress data to petroleum exploration and production activities
A significant part of this project has involved designing and developing the software
packages on failure analysis of wellbores (FAoWB) written by programming language
MATLAB They facilitate the determination of the full in-situ stress tensor using the
observations of wellbore failures in petroleum wellbores Moreover, under the full in-situ
Trang 17stress tensor determined the FAoWB software packages also help to derive easily the
implications related to the state of in-situ stress, such as the choice of the optimum drilling
trajectories for wellbore planning and the suitable mud weights for well stability
1.3 Review
During the last decades there has been extensive research on the determination of in situ
stresses and its applications, particularly 1n the petroleum industry To provide a contextual
framework for the more detailed discussion of the new integrated method for the in-situ
stress determination based new and existing techniques, a brief review of existing techniques
is presented here
Generally, in sedimentary basins occurred the petroleum activities, the vertical stress IS a
principal stress Consequently the full in-situ stress tensor can be reduced to four
components These components are the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress, the
vertical stress magnitude (S,), the minimum horizontal stress magnitude (Snmin) and the
maximum horizontal stress magnitude (Spmax)
The orientation of the maximum horizontal stress can be determined from observations of
breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures commonly seen on borehole image logs
Borehole breakouts (BOs) were first described by Bell and Gough (1979) as stress-induced
compressive failure of the wellbore, and have subsequently been used to determine
maximum horizontal stress orientations throughout the world (Zoback and Zoback, 1980;
Plumb and Cox, 1987, etc.) The advent of borehole imaging tools has confirmed the nature
of breakouts and has led to the recognition of stress-induced tensile wellbore failure known
as drilling induced tensile fractures (DITFs) DITFs are oriented orthogonal to breakouts and
can also be used to determine the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress (Aadnoy,
1990b; Brudy and Zoback, 1993, etc.)
The vertical stress magnitude can be determined from the weight of the overburden (McGarr
Trang 18and Gay, 1978), which can be calculated using density logs and checkshot velocity surveys.
Density logs are routinely run during petroleum exploration and conventionally provide a
density measurement every 15 cm However, density logs are rarely run to the surface
resulting in a lack of shallow data Density in the shallow section can be estimated by
transforming sonic velocity from a checkshot velocity survey (Ludwig et al., 1970)
Hydraulic fracture test is an early and reliable method for determining in situ horizontal
stress magnitudes and orientations (Haimson and Fairhurst, 1967) Hydraulic fracture tests
involve isolating a section of the wellbore and increasing the pressure in the isolated interval
by pumping fluid into it, and thereby creating a fracture in the wellbore wall This fracture
forms parallel to the wellbore axis (for a vertical wellbore) and orthogonal to the minimum
horizontal stress In general the fracture propagates away from the wellbore in this
orientation as fluid continues to be pumped into the interval In a thrust faulting stress regime
the fracture may rotate to horizontal, as it propagates away from the wellbore, complicating
the analysis However, in general it is the minimum horizontal stress that acts to close the
fracture (Hubbert and Willis, 1957), and consequently the pressure at which the fracture
closes is a measure of the minimum horizontal stress and can be determined from the
pressure versus time record (Haimson and Fairhurst, 1967, etc.)
In petroleum drilling, hydraulic fracture tests are not generally undertaken but the leak-off
test (LOT) is somewhat similar in procedure to the initial stages of a hydraulic fracture test
and is routinely conducted during petroleum drilling Leak-off tests are conducted to
determine the maximum fluid density that can be used in the next drilling section (i.e
fracture gradient) and not for stress determination per se During a LOT the pressure is
increased until a decrease in the rate of pressurization is observed Consequently the induced
fracture 1s comparatively small compared to that induced during a hydraulic fracture test,
resulting in fracture closure not generally being observed However, Breckels and van
Eeklen (1982) showed that leak-off test pressures provide an estimate of the Spmin, but not as
Trang 19accurate an estimate as that yielded by hydraulic fracture tests.
Recognizing the similarity between LOTs and hydraulic fracture tests, Kunze and Steiger
(1991) proposed the Extended Leak-Off Test (XLOT) This test uses the same equipment as
a LOT, but a procedure more similar to the hydraulic fracture test, with multiple cycles of
pressurization and de-pressurization, results in a pressure versus time record that can be used
to determine the Spmin with increased confidence The orientation of the maximum horizontal
stress may be determined by observing the orientation of the induced fracture using an
impression packer or a borehole imaging tool (Engelder, 1993; Haimson, 1993) The
magnitude of the maximum horizontal stress can be determined from XLOTs and hydraulic
fracture tests in some circumstances where a re-opening pressure can be interpreted
(Haimson and Fairhurst, 1967; Enever et al., 1996, etc.)
With the improvements of wellbore imaging tools, borehole breakouts BOs and/or DITFs
can be more accurately interpreted and their geometry observed Zoback et al (1985)
proposed a method for determining the magnitude of the maximum horizontal stress using
the angular width of breakouts around the wellbore is proposed This technique was used to
obtain Stimax 11 New Mexico (Barton et al., 1988) However, this technique is controversial
because attempts to relate size and shape of breakouts to stress magnitudes requiring
consideration of the geometrical effects of breakout development and the failure mechanisms
of the material (Detournay and Roegiers, 1986, etc.) Nonetheless if breakouts are observed
and compressive rock strength measurements available, a lower bound for Sumax can be
determined (Moos and Zoback, 1990, etc.) Like breakout occurrence, DITF occurrence can
be used to constrain Symax, 1n this instance given knowledge of tensile rock strength (Moos
and Zoback, 1990, etc.) Tensile rock strength is typically low compared to compressive rock
strength and rocks typically contain planes of weakness on which the tensile rock strength is
negligible Consequently the tensile rock strength can be assumed to be negligible (Brudy
and Zoback, 1999),
Trang 20Widespread application of deviated drilling led to new techniques being utilized for stress
determination Aadnoy (1990) proposed a method for inverting three or more LOTs from
wellbores of different trajectories to determine the complete stress tensor Gjonnes ef al
(1998) suggested the original method was inaccurate, because it ignored shear stresses, and
proposed an improved method However, the improved inversion also contained large
uncertainties, in part due to the inaccuracy of LOTs and suggested the use of multiple
techniques to determine the in situ stresses Image logging in deviated wells led to the
observation that breakout orientations rotate as deviation increases, depending on the stress
regime and borehole azimuth (Mastin, 1988) A technique for inverting the variation in
breakout orientations with borehole deviation and azimuth to determine the complete stress
tensor 1s proposed (Qian and Pedersen, 1991) Peska and Zoback (1995) developed a similar
technique for using rotation of breakout azimuths with deviation to constrain the stress tensor
However, the rotation of DITF azimuths and variations in the occurrence of both breakouts
and DITFs are considered to constrain the full in-situ stress tensor Using observations of
both DITFs and BOs occurrence and change in orientation, the full in-situ stress tensor can
be determined from a single deviated borehole
Besides the frictional failure provides a theoretical limit to the ratio of the maximum to
minimum effective stress beyond which failure of optimally-oriented pre-existing faults
occurs (Sibson, 1974) A large number of in situ stress measurements in seismically active
regions have shown stresses to be at frictional limit (McGarr, 1980; Zoback and Healy, 1984)
Where one or more of the stress magnitudes are known, frictional limits can be used to
constrain stress magnitudes in seismically inactive regions and estimate stress magnitudes in
seismically active regions Most commonly Sy and Spmin are known and the frictional limit 1s
used to provide an upper limit to Stimax
Trang 211.4 Outline of thesis
The thesis consists of seven chapters The first chapter states the rationale, philosophy and
purposes of project It also reviews studies on the determination of in-situ stresses and its
applications, particularly in the petroleum industry
Chapter 2 presents an introduction to the full in-situ stress tensor and its relating concepts,
such as the state of in-situ stress, the pore pressure and effective stress, frictional limits to
stress and rock failures
Chapter 3 provides the theoretical descriptions on stresses around borehole and wellbore
failures Especially, the stress concentration and wellbore failures in arbitrary wellbores
They are necessary background for the discussion of the methods for determining the in-situ
stress tensor used in the petroleum industry
Chapter 4 presents and discusses the methods for determining in-situ stress It introduces to
in-situ stress indicators in drilling boreholes from hydraulic fracturing, overcoring, breakout,
drilling-induced tensile fractures and earth focal mechanism Especially, it presents and
discusses in detail the new integrated method for determining in-situ stress using petroleum
exploration data available, covering the techniques for the determination of the maximum
horizontal stress, the magnitudes of S,, Simin and pore pressure P, and constraints of the
maximum horizontal stress magnitude Stmin from the occurrence of wellbore failures and the
frictional limits to stress
Chapter 5 introduces and presents the software packages FAoWB on failure analysis of
wellbores They are designed and developed based on the applying of the theories in chapters
2, 3 and the new integrated method for determining the full in-situ stress tensor presented in
chapter 4 Two well-known investigations earlier are considered and compared by the
software packages FAoWB The results obtained from these software packages have
confirmed their accuracy and reliability and showed their other potentials, such as their
Trang 22user-Chapter 6 reports the use of the software packages FAoWB to study the real cases at the
petroleum fields belonging to the Cuu Long basin, Vietnam General geological information
on the Cuu Long basin is introduced Two petroleum fields at the Cuu Long basins are the
White Tiger field, located in the centre and the X field, located in the northern of this basin
The full in-situ stress tensors at these petroleum fields are characterized by applying the new
integrated method using the available petroleum data from two petroleum fields and using
the packages FAOWB Next, under these full in-situ stress tensors the risk diagrams of the
occurrence of drilling-induce tensile fractures (DITFs) and/or breakouts (BOs) of the
packages FAoWB were established and analyzed With advanced knowledge of the full
in-situ stress tensors including both the orientations and magnitudes at these petroleum fields,
their implications should be derived on the choice of the optimum drilling trajectories, the
predictions and prevention the wellbore instability and the evaluation for the applicability of
the drilling under-balance techniques at these petroleum fields at the Cuu Long basin
Finally, conclusions and recommendations were drawn from applying this new integrated
method for determining the full in-situ stress tensor and the using of the packages FAOWB
with the available petroleum data at the petroleum fields
Trang 23CHAPTER 2
2.1 Introduction
Until now the in-situ stresses within the Earth’s crust have been of the main interest of many
researchers at scales ranging from the formation of mountain belts (~1000 km) to wellbore
failure (~ cm) In-situ stress data are critical to a number of areas such as understanding the
driving forces of plate tectonics, seismic hazard assessment and mine stability (Hoek and
Brown, 1980), especially in to the petroleum-related applications as wellbore stability,
hydraulic fracturing stimulation, reservoir drainage and flooding patterns, etc (Amadei and
Stephansson, 1997; Tingay et al, 2009)
The in situ stress field is the present-day stress field and is responsible for contemporary
failures It is the result of a variety of forces acting at differing scales These forces result in
variations in the stress field at the scales of several hundred kilometres to less than a
kilometre They can be dividing into first and second order forces (Zoback, 1992) First
order forces are the result of plate boundary interactions and are responsible for the
continental-scale stress field Second order forces are the result of topography, lithospheric
flexure, lateral density and strength variations and geologic structure
Stresses within rocks at a depth in the subsurface in the Earth’s crust are referred as in-situ
stresses The quantitative investigation of the above phenomena requires a mathematical
representation of in situ stresses within the Earth’s crust The state of in-situ stresses can be
mathematically described by using the concepts of the full in-situ stress tensor
2.2 In-situ stress tensor
Stress at a point is defined as a force (F) acting over a unit area (A) It is usually divided into
Trang 24acting normal to the plane The shear stress (7) is the stress component acting parallel to a
plane, inducing sliding along that plane Alternatively, the components of stresses acting on a
plane can be completely described by the normal stress (On) acting on the plane, the
maximum shear stress (T max) acting on the plane and the orientation of that shear stress
The maximum shear stress (T max) 1s also divided into two perpendicular directions (tT x and
Ty) on the plane (Figure 2.1)
To be more precise, stress is a tensor which describes the density of forces acting on all
surfaces passing through a given point The full stress tensor in a three-dimensional space at
depth can be described as a second-rank tensor by normal stress acting on each of three
orthogonal planes and the two orthogonal components of shear stress acting on those planes
(Figure 2.2)
Trang 25k
—.X Y
Figure 2.2: Components of stresses acting on the faces of a cube
These nine components of the full three-dimensional stress tensor can be written as:
( ẢO > Ory orS =| 0,0, Ø„ (2.1)
xz Fr Ox: |
where S is the stress tensor, S; is the normal stress in the 1 direction, Š; 1s the shear stress
acting in the j direction in the plane containing the j and k directions and $;, =S-
The stress tensor can be simplified by choosing a coordinate system such that the planes have
no shear stress acting upon them The normals to these planes are principal stress directions
In this case the complete stress tensor can be completely defined by the magnitudes of the
three principal stresses and the orientations of two of the principal stresses The stress tensor
is fully constrained if the magnitudes and orientations of the three principal stresses S1, Š›
and Sa with the convention S;>S›>_ S3 are known:
(S0 0Ì
S=|0 S, 0 (2.2)(0 0 6,
whereS[ is the maximum principal stress, S2 1s the intermediate principal stress and
533 1s the minimum principal stress
Trang 26The earth’s surface is in contact with a fluid which cannot support shear tractions.
Consequently, one principal stress is generally normal to the earth’s surface with the other
two principal stresses acting in an approximately horizontal plane Alternately, the vertical
orientation can be assumed to be one of the principal stress orientations Consequently, the
in-situ stress tensor, completely constrained by the orientation of one of the horizontal
stresses and the magnitudes of the vertical and two horizontal principal stresses, can be
Sr max 0 0
S =| 0 Simin Ö (2.3)0 0 S,
where Sy is the vertical principal stress, Shmin 1S the minimum horizontal principal stress
and SHmax is the maximum horizontal principal stress (note that the positions of SHmax
Shmin and Sy on the diagonal are interchangeable depending on which is larger)
Since no shear stress can exist in the plane of the earth’s surface, one of the principal
stresses in the upper crust must be oriented perpendicular to the surface In general, one
principal stress is usually within 20° of vertical except beneath very rough topography It
must be true close to the earth’s surface and it is also generally true to the depth to the
brittle-ductile transition in the upper crust at about 15 ~ 20 km depth (Zoback, 1992) Thus, the
other two principal stresses are oriented approximately horizontal, parallel to the ground
surface Throughout this thesis the assumption that the vertical stress (Sy) 1s a principal
stress and hence the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses (SHmax and Shmin) are
also principal stresses has been used Consequently, the state of the stress tensor at depth 1s
fully described by three principal stress magnitudes, including the vertical stress Sy
corresponding to the weight of overburden; SHmax, the maximum principal horizontal stress;
and Shmin, the minimum principal horizontal stress and one stress orientation, usually taken
Trang 27to be the azimuth of the maximum horizontal stress (M.D Zoback, 2010).
2.3 States of in-situ stress
According to the relative magnitudes of the vertical stress and two mutually perpendicular
horizontal stresses, Anderson (1951) assumed vertical and horizontal stresses are principal
stresses and classified three possible states of stress and associated faulting styles (Figure
Figure 2.3: The three states of stress and associated types of faulting (after Engelder, 1993)
The different states of stress and associated fault styles are the normal faulting stress
regime (S, > Shmax > Shmin), the strike-slip faulting stress regime (Sumax > Sy >
Shmin) and the reverse or thrust faulting stress regime (SHmax > Shmin > Sv)
These three states of stress correspond to the three commonly seen modes of faulting in the
earth’s crust and are used throughout this thesis to describe relative stress magnitudes in the
earth’s crust
When studying stress it is often convenient to consider the reference state of stress that
may occur in the absence of tectonic forces and density heterogeneities The simplest
Trang 28reference state is that of lithostatic stress found in magma:
Si =S2=S3 => Sunax 7 Shmin = Sy = Prag (2.4)
where P„a 1s the pressure within the magma The lithostatic state of stress implies that the
rocks have no long term shear strength and thus behave as a fluid (Engelder, 1993)
However, experiments suggest that most rocks support at least a small differential stress
for very long periods The lithostatic state of stress is likely to dominate in the deeper
mantle and core, but is likely to be rare in the lithosphere
The uniaxial strain reference state assumes the rocks in the sub-surface are constrained
laterally and deform elastically Hence, there is no strain in the horizontal direction and
horizontal compression is developed due to the inability of the rocks to expand laterally In
the uniaxial strain reference state, horizontal stress increases as a function of the depth of
burial, but at a slower rate than the vertical stress:
Stim ax= Samir = (=) Sy = (CC) 992 (2.5)
where v is Poisson’s ratio, varying between 0 and 0.5, g is the acceleration due to gravity
and z 1s the depth When v = 0.5 (e a fluid) the uniaxial strain reference state 1s the same
as the lithostatic reference state The uniaxial reference state is thought to approximate that
of newly deposited sediments in a sedimentary basin However, modification in the elastic
properties of the sedimentary rocks during diagenesis and creep relaxation may bring the
state of stress in sedimentary basins closer to lithostatic (Engelder, 1993)
2.4 Pore pressure and effective stress
Rocks under natural conditions generally contain pore fluid at some pressure Pore fluid
pressure has a critical influence on the physical properties of the porous solids (Terzaghi,
1943) Most physical properties of porous rocks obey a law of effective stress where the
effective stress (S’) is the difference between the total applied stress (S) and the pore fluid
pressure (P,):
Trang 29S’=S—P, (2.6)
Most porous rocks obey Terzaghi’s effective stress law for rocks, which states that a
pressure of Pp in the pore fluid of a rock will cause the same reduction in peak normal
stress as caused by a reduction of the confining pressure by an amount equal to pore
It has been demonstrated both by laboratory testing and in oil fields by the compaction of
sediments from which oil has been drained and pore pressure reduced (Teufel et al., 1991)
that rock deformation and failure occurs 1n response to the effective, not total stress
Pore fluid pressure is isotropic and the stress tensor associated with pore fluid pressure is
given by:
P 0 0P=|0 P, 0 (2.7)
Since rock failure obeys an effective stress law, the abscissa of the Mohr diagram is given by
the effective, not total stress
2.5 Frictional Limits to Stress
The stresses at which rocks in the subsurface fail provide useful theoritical limits to the
magnitudes of in-situ stresses Shear failure occurs if the ratio of shear stress to normal
stress becomes too large (Byerlee, 1978) Shear failure acts to reduce the ratio of principal
stresses to below critical levels Shear failure in the normal fault regime acts to increase Shmin,
Trang 30which moves the Mohr circle below the failure envelope and away from failure (Zoback and
Healy, 1992) Shear failure in the reverse fault regime acts to decrease Spmax, which again
moves the Mohr circle below the failure envelope and away from failure
The ratio of the maximum to minimum effective stress that causes slip on pre-existing
faults that are optimally oriented with respect to the stress field was determined by Jaeger
and Cook (1979):
Sy-P 2
S—P, = f(y) = |u + (w2 + 12)? ] (2.9)
This relation provides frictional limits to the ratio of maximum to minimum effective
principal stresses provided there exists optimally oriented faults of no cohesion If the ratio
exceeds the above function of h (usually from 0.6 to 1.0), then slip occurs in order to reduce
that ratio to within frictional limits For the case of u = 0.6 the ratio of the effective
maximum principal stress to the effective minimum principal stress equals 3.12 For the case
of u = 1.0 the ratio of the effective maximum principal stress to the effective minimum
principal stress equals 5.83 This requires the value of u to either be known or assumed A
large number of in situ stress measurements 1n seismically active regions have shown stresses
to be at frictional limit (Zoback and Healy, 1984) Consequently, this ratio can be used to
constrain the ratio of the magnitudes of the maximum and minimum stress in seismically
active regions Furthermore, this ratio can be used to place upper or lower bounds on the
maximum and minimum stress magnitude respectively in seismically inactive regions Š va
and S,, are commonly known and the relationship can be used to place a limit on the more
poorly constrained value of SHmax'
Depending on the stress regime of in-situ stress, the above equation becomes:
- — =fq)= [u + (u2 + 1)1⁄2|Ý, for the normal faulting (2.10)Hmin''p
— az - 2 =f(u)= [u + (2 +1)” 2l, for the strike-slip faulting (2.11)
Hm Tp
Trang 31amare P= f(y) = [w+ (2 + 1)1 2|, for the reserve faulting (2.12)The allowable values for the horizontal principal stresses in the earth’s crust are calculated
by the above equations The plot has been depth normalized by dividing the horizontal
stresses by the vertical stress, which allows data at all depths to be plotted on the one
diagram, called the stress polygon Normal, reverse and strike-slip faulting environments
have been marked out according to Anderson's (1951) theory of faulting The in-situ
stresses are expected to plot within the area bound by the frictional limits (Figure 2.4)
Figure 2.4: Frictional limits to stress based on the frictional strength of favourably oriented
fault planes for u = 0.6 and 1.0 RF : reverse fault regime; SS: strike-slip fault regime; NF:
normal fault regime (After Moos and Zoback, 1990)
2.6 Stresses and rock failure
The rock properties and the in-situ stress tensor will control rock failure Failure occurs on
planes as a function of the shear and normal stress acting on a plane, its frictional properties
Trang 32The normal and shear stress acting on a plane in a two-dimensional stress field can be
calculated using:
6, = + (S, + $2) +5(S, — Sz) cos 2Ø (2.13)T= =(S, — Sz) sin 2Ø (2.14)
where on 1s the normal stress, t is the shear stress, S] 1s the maximum principal stress, S2
is the minimum principal stress and 9 is the angle between Sj] and the normal to the plane
(Jaeger and Cook, 1979) The shear and normal stress calculated from equations 2.13 and
2.14 can be simply displayed on a Mohr diagram Plotting the shear and normal stresses on a
Mohr diagram for @ varying between 0°and 90° and a given $1 and S2, forms a circle the
centre of which is at a normal stress of (S{ + S2)/2 and shear stress of zero, and the radius
of which is (Sj - S2)/2 All two-dimensional states-of-stress lie on the perimeter of this
circle (Figure 2.5)
Shear Stress30.0 -
20.0 10.0-
-0.0 r r L r i r L r L T L r r ' T ' r ' r T r L r '
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Normal Stress
Figure 2.5: Two-dimensional Mohr circle
A three-dimensional Mohr diagram can also be used to represent three-dimensional stress
Trang 33fields In this case the diagram contains three Mohr circles with centres at {S1 + S2)/2,0},
{(S1 + 53)2,0} and {S2 + S3)/2,0}, and radii of(S1 523⁄2,(S1 S3)/2 and (S2
-S3)/2 respectively All three-dimensional states of stress lie within the shaded area defined by
the three Mohr circles (Figure 2.6)
Shear Stress30.04
0.0 Ỹ u Ỹ v T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
Normal Stress
Figure 2.6: Three-dimensional Mohr circle
The rock properties can also be displayed on a Mohr diagram in the form of a failure
envelope A failure envelope separates two shear/normal stress regions Normal stress/shear
stress combinations within the region below the failure envelope do not result in failure while
those above the failure envelope do result in failure
Failure envelopes can either be theoretically or empirically determined An empirical failure
envelope is based on laboratory rock tests, in which the maximum stress applied to a rock is
increased until failure occurs This results in a shear and normal stress value for failure,
which can be plotted as a point on a Mohr diagram (Figure 2.7) A series of points, which
form a failure envelope, can be determined by failing the rock under many different stress
Trang 34Figure 2.7: Mohr diagram with a failure envelope that fits closely to laboratory rock testing
data (after Meyer, 2002)
A commonly used failure envelope 1s the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion For pre-existing
planes of weakness with no cohesive strength, the Coulomb failure envelope is
represented by a straight line passing through zero shear stress (Figure 2.8):
T=U(On - Pp) (2.15)
Where ơn and + are, respectively, the components of normal and shear stressacting on the failure plane, P, is pore pressure, and II 1s the coefficient of internal friction.
Laboratory experiments on a wide variety of rock types have suggested that the
coefficient of internal friction, u, lies between 0.6 and 1.0 (Byerlee, 1978) This range
suggested by laboratory measurements seems to be applicable to crustal faults (Zoback
and Healy, 1984) This failure envelope represents frictional sliding on a pre-existing failure
plain with no cohesive strength 1.e for a normal stress of zero, any shear stress greater than
zero causes sliding
For intact rocks where the cohesive strength is non-zero, the Coulomb failure
Trang 35criterion for frictional sliding is defined by:
t=C+u(On - Po), (2.16)
where C is the cohesive or shear strength of the rock In this case, the Coulomb failure
envelope is represented by a straight line passing through the value of non-zero shear stress
Figure 2.8: Three-dimensional Mohr diagram and Coulomb failure criterions for pre-existing
planes of weakness and for intact rock (after Reynolds, 2001)
Trang 36CHAPTER 3
3.1 Introduction
When petroleum wells are drilled into a formation, the stressed solid material is removed
The rock surrounding the borehole must support the stresses previously carried by the
removed material This causes an alteration of the stress state surrounding the borehole
because the fluid pressure in the hole generally does not match the in-situ formation stresses
There will be a stress concentration in the vicinity of the wellbore The stress concentration
in an elastic material depends on the far field in-situ stresses as well as the wellbore
trajectories This can also result in wellbore failures if induced stresses around wellbores are
over the rock strength These wellbore failures may be compressive failures known as
borehole breakouts BOs and/or tensile failures as drilling-induced tensile fractures DITFs at
the wellbore wall Therefore, observations of wellbore failures have also been proposed to
determine both stress orientations and magnitudes of the in-situ stress tensor (Bell and
Gough, 1979; Zoback et al., 1985, etc.)
3.2 Stress and failure analysis for a vertical cylindrical wellbore
3.2.1 Stresses around a vertical cylindrical wellbore
Assuming the vertical stress is a principal stress and the rock behaves elastically, stresses
around a vertical cylindrical wellbore are considered 1n cylindrical coordinates Kirsch (1898)
developed a set of equations describing the stress components around a circular borehole
subjected to far in-situ stresses in a thick, homogenous, isotropic elastic medium The three
principal wellbore stresses of a vertical cylindrical wellbore of radius R are the effective
radial stress (6,,), the effective axial stress (o,,) and the effective circumferential stress (Geo)
Trang 37as shown in figure 3.1 The radial stress Ø„ acts normal to the wellbore wall The axial stress
6,, acts parallel to the wellbore axis The circumferential stress ogo acts orthogonal to ø„ and
Øz; (in the horizontal direction in the plane tangential to the wellbore wall)
~ —=— 1= —
_—T^” ”“T—
Figure 3.1: Vertical cylindrical wellbore with the orientations of the circumferential stress
Øoo, the axial stress o-, and radial stress 6,,
Mathematically, the effective stresses around a vertical cylindrical wellbore of radius R are
described in terms of a cylindrical coordinate system by the following equations:
+5 (Sum ax— Suma) (1-455 + 34) cos 26 + APS (3.2)
1 R? R*\
;o= 5 (Sum ax— Suma) (1 + 25 — 3) sin 26 (3.3)
where 7;o 1s the tangential shear stress, R is the radius of the hole, r is the radial distance
Trang 38difference between the mud pressure Pm in the wellbore and the pore pressure Pp in the
surrounding formation
The stress concentration around the vertical cylindrical wellbore predicted by these equation
is illustrated in figure 3.2 The bunching up of stress trajectories at the azimuth of Shin
indicates strongly amplified compressive stress In contrast, the spreading out of stress
Figure 3.2: Stress concentration around a vertical in a bi-axial stress field based on the
Kirsch equations The principal stress trajectories are parallel and perpendicular to the
wellbore wall (after Zoback, 2002)
At the wellbore wall where R = r, these stress components reduce to:
O00 = (Sum ax? Sum in — 2P,) ~~ 2(SHm ax— SHm a) cos 26 — AP (3.4)
ø„- AP (3.5)
The axial stress at the wellbore wall can be calculated using:
where U is Poisson’s ratio and Sy is the vertical stress
The above equations are rewritten in terms of the far-field principal stresses as follows:
Trang 39Goo= (Sym axT Suma) — 2(SHm ax— Sumi ) COS 20 — Py — P, (3.8)
Gr= Ry — Py (3.9)
Ox = Sy — 20(SHm ax— Sum n)@S 28 — P, (3.10)
where P,, is the wellbore fluid (mud) pressure
The variation of effective principle stresses around a vertical wellbore wall is a function of
relative bearing (©) around the wellbore from the orientation of Snmax
In the case of a uniaxial stress field (Srrmax) the stress concentration should be clearer as
shown in figure 3.3 The stress at the wellbore wall subjected to only a uniaxial stress field is
reduced to the following equation:
Goo — ŠHmax 7 2 Sumax cos20 (3 1 1)
where Gee is the circumferential or hoop stress and @ is the angle around borehole wall
measured from the direction of Srmax
This figure 3.3 shows the stress concentration around a circular borehole in a plate of elastic
rock subject to uniaxial compression The maximum circumferential compression around the
borehole occurs at points M and N (6 = 90°) In this uniaxial case, equation (3.11) reduces to
3Stmax at those points The minimum amount of compression occurs at points A and B (9 =
0°) where equation 3.11 reduces to -Sumax Therefore, a total circumferential stress difference
Trang 40field compression, however due to the stress perturbation around the borehole points A and B
are subjected to tension
3.2.2 Failure analysis for a vertical wellbore Breakouts (BOs) or Compressive failure analysis for a vertical wellbore
Borehole breakouts are stress-induced ovalizations of the cross-sectional shape of the
wellbore (Bell and Gough, 1979) Ovalization 1s caused by compressive shear failure on
intersecting conjugate shear planes resulting in pieces of rock spalling off the wellbore wall
This occurs when the wellbore stress concentration exceeds that required to cause
compressive failure of intact rock
Assuming that the rock surrounding the wellbore is subjected to three principal stresses If
these stresses exceed the rock strength, the rock will fail The stress state at the wellbore wall
at the azimuth of Shmin (Where the stress concentration is most compressive) is compared to
the compressive failure law defining the strength of the rock The common used compressive
failure law 1s the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion expressed in the space of principal stresses
In general ø; 1s the circumferential stress and 6; 1s the radial stress (Moos and Zoback, 1990)
From equation (3.8) the maximum of the circumferential stress occurs at @ = + 90° and can
be rewritten in the form:
Ooomax = 3S Hmax - Shmin — Pw — Đụ, (3 12)
For the simple case where 6; iS zero (1.e 63 1S 6, and the wellbore is in balance, Pw = Pp)
and ơi is the circumferential stress, Equation 3.12 can be substituted into the Mohr-Coulomb
criterion in the space of principal stresses resulting in a simple failure criterion:
Ooomax = 3ŠHmax - Shmin - 2Pp = C, (3.13)
where C is the appropriated compressive rock strength
Compressive failure occurs when the circumferential stress exceeds the rock strength, for an
in balance wellbore (P,, = P,) The significance of Equation 3.11 to the situation where the
wellbore is not in balance (Pw +# Pp) is discussed later