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Luận văn thạc sĩ Hành chính công: Public service quality and customer satisfaction at Yen Bai department of Planning and Investment

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Tiêu đề Public Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment
Tác giả Nguyen Ngoc Anh
Người hướng dẫn Prof. Lars-Torsten Erikkson, Dr. Phan Chi Anh
Trường học VNU University of Economics & Business
Chuyên ngành Public Management
Thể loại Master Thesis
Năm xuất bản 2014
Thành phố Yenbai
Định dạng
Số trang 83
Dung lượng 28,84 MB

Cấu trúc

  • STEP | TASK — - CONTENT _ (13)
    • 1.1.3 Results at the Reception and Returning Result for Business Registration (14)
  • I0°VND) | | (14)
    • Number 7 new branches, | 142 | 138 128 108 96 (14)
      • 1.3 Research purpose and specific objectives (16)
    • Gap 1: is the difference between consumers’ expectation and management’s (17)
  • CUSTOMER | (18)
    • 3.2 Discuss relevance of research model in public sector (24)
  • SC QUOC GIA HA NO | (27)
    • IV. DATA ANALYSIS (34)
  • INFR4 12.8627 (41)
    • Variance 0 Variance (44)
    • Regression 2.308] 21.129 rin (56)
      • V. REFLECTION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of research findings (57)
        • 2.6 Infrastructures (64)
  • APPENDIX (71)
    • 1. Gender: [_]} Male (71)
    • APPENDIX 2: OUTLINE OF THE GROUP DISCUSSIONS (For the department of internal quality management and staff who receiving and (76)
      • 2. In your opinion, what do factors have impact on customer satisfaction with (80)
    • Question 6: The state authorities at department level is a state agency following (82)

Nội dung

Aim: The purposes of this study are to assess the public service quality based onopinions of customers making transactions at Yenbat Department of Planning and Investment; to study on th


Results at the Reception and Returning Result for Business Registration

Section of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment from 2008 to

The division of Reception and Return business registration has successfully completed its assigned tasks during the period 2008 - 2013 Registration business has made improvements towards transparent and simple The laws and guidelines on business registration are published transparently Infrastructures are invested with modern equipment, now are facilitated with information technology systems supporting business registration, storage and processing procedures Most of the processes and procedures are performed on software to ensure the accuracy, safety and fast Staffs that perform the processing operations are regularly trained to improve professional skills.

As a result, the processing time and the providing registration certificate have now been shortened considerably compared to regulations in the Business Law The registration for new establishment is 3-4 days; registration for changing 1s |-2 days.

The number of enterprises, branches, representative offices that are solved procedures in Reception and Return business registration accounts for an average of 5000-7000 per year.

In the period of 2008 - 2013, Department of Reception and Return results business registration has performed over 10,000 activities on examination and revicw of business activities in the city, in which the number of violations of the business law, and be revocated registration certificate 1s over 4,000 businesses.

‘Table I Results at the Reception and Returning Result for Business

Registration Section of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment |

| PONNU Take! Camper? [6 7.52% | -22.17% | -40.26% | -44.57% the previous year (%) | L

I0°VND) | |

new branches, | 142 | 138 128 108 96

Growth rate ooh to -2 82% 9 86% 23.94% | -32.39% the previous year (%)

Number of customers changing the contents of | 1,995 2,716 1.697 1,596 1,505 | business registration Growth rate compared to 36.14% | -14.94% -20.00% the previous year (%) | Ị H |

Number of enterprises 39 | 3] 33 registering to wind up

Growth rate compared to 20.51% -15.38% the previous year (%)

Number of branches, | representative offices 24 35 39 stopping operations {

(Source: Yenbai ‘Depar iment of Planning and Investment)

1.518) Ệ iG = là P b * mm mã mm => n

@ New branches Rep ottices 142 sd 128 108 oF Changing the contents of business Kep 1995 R/V 7 15% A

Figure 2 Results at the Reception and Returning Result for Business Registration Section of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment

How is the relationship between satisfaction? public service quelity and customer

What factors have impact on customer satisfaction level about public service quality at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment?

What are suggestions for improving public service quality and increasing customer satisfaction at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment?

1.3 Research purpose and specific objectives

The purposes of this study are to assess the public service quality based on opinions of customers making transactions at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment; to study on the relationship and factors affecting customer satisfaction; to give suggestions and recommendations to improve public service quality at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment.

Examine fundamentally theoretical issues of service, public service, and quality management, quality management in public service, customer and customer satisfaction to have an overview on this issue.

Collect and analyze survey data from customers using public services al

Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment.

Give some suggestions to improve quality and efficiency in public service performance toward higher customer satisfaction.

1.4Subjects and scope of the study

Public service quality, customer satisfaction when using public services at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment, and factors affecting customer satisfaction about public services performed by Yenbai Department of Planning and

In terms of space: The thesis focuses on studying public services performed by Yenbat Department of Planning and Investment at Reception of receiving and returning results for Business Registration Section.

In terms of time: survey time from July 2014 to August 2014

Participants of the survey: customers who come to make transactions at the Reception of receiving and returning results for Business Registration Section.

2.1 Five gaps service quality model

Parasuraman et al (1985) are the ptoneers of making specific and detail studies on service quality in marketing These researchers proposed a five GAP model of service quality,

is the difference between consumers’ expectation and management’s

perceptions of those expectations For example, when customers do not know about the service, they may have strange expectations which may cause significant different from managements perceptions.

Gap 2: is the difference between management’s perceptions of consumer’s expectations and service quality specifications This gap results from constraints and obstacles service providers have to face when they try to convert their perceptions of customers’ expectations into quality specifications to meet customers’ expectations These specifications will become marketing information to customers.

Gap 3: is the difference between service quality specifications and service actually delivered; 1c the service performance gap This gap refers to the case when employees deliver service for customers but 11s not meet the defined criteria The role of front line staff 1s very important in creating quality services.

Gap 4: 1s the difference between service delivery and the information customer received about service delivery This information may make mcrease in expectations but also make decrease in perceived quality when customers do not received what service providers committed.

Gap 5: is the difference between consumer’s expectation and perceived service.

Parasuraman et al (1985) stated that service quality is Gap 5 This gap depends on the above 4 Gaps.

Personal Past communication needs experience


Discuss relevance of research model in public sector

From experts’ ideas in service quality and customer satisfaction researching fields, we develop core ideas with basic survey to implement into public sector, for some explanations:

Public sector provides public services so that the relationship in this case is still between service provider and customer.

- In another hands, the relationship between the civil servant who working for public organization and customers who are citizens or representative of another organization, in generally, is relationship of human to human.

- Finally, from the frame of references we have interview some leaders, civil servants and some people involve into the topic research, in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 The results reflected the suitahle of factors

(dimensions) to investigate the relationship between public service quality and customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, from these reasons the research model is relevant for working on our master thesis.

Preliminary research was conducted using qualitative methods through legal documents, direct interviews with experts in the field of public administration management (Appendix 2, 3) This stage of study aims to explore factors affecting satisfaction, as well as the observed variables used to measure these factors Then, we design a research model which is suitable for Yenbai city context and a questionnaire for quantitative research The questionnaire designing will be consulted by experts in quality management and quality representatives of Yenbat

Department of Planning and Investment before conducting a formal survey.

The formal research uses quantitative approach through questionnaire survey Time to collect data is from July 15" 2015 to August 15" 2014 at the receiving and retuming documents section of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment.

Ihe purposes of this study are to valid the scale, to determine the importance of each service quality factors, to measure customer satisfaction as well as to test the hypothesis stated in the previous section.

The study will be conducted in two phases including preliminary research and formal research, as followed:

Theoretical background Current situation of the research problems

Screening the scales and questionnaire

Collecting data (Primary data, Secondary data)

From the research results, give solutions and suggested policies

3.4 Preliminary research (qualitative) 3.4.1 Research purposes

Qualitative research is a kind of exploratory research in which data collected are through secondary data and discussion The information in the research process includes documents regulating the administrative procedures, group discussions l6 with experts and specialists in the field of public administration, previous studies as a basis for building research model and modifying measurement scale of public service quality and customer satisfaction So through qualitative research, question items inherited previous studies will be customized and supplemented to suitable for actual situation of public services in Yenbai city.

Bilateral discussions are technique to collect data through discussion between researchers, and applied this approach to leaders because of time constraints.

Group discussion is a technique to collect data through focus group discussions.

This method is suitable for management activities of the internal quality department based on periodic meetings to review and evaluate the proposed quality objectives.

In this research, interviews and discussions with leader the city, representative for service quality management, head of internal quality management, the management staffs (head of division, deputy head of division) to collect extensive information on the whole quality system of providing public services.

Group discussions with experts who handle documents in the field of public administration with application of ISO 9000, team members of the internal quality management department (The Department of Quality Management) about the implementation of administrative procedures, in order to collect information on drawbacks in the system, to analyze and construct quality components and criteria for customer satisfaction evaluation in public services.

Direct interview with customers to collect suggestions and learn more about practical needs while using public services.

Information will be gathered through interviews, based on the theoretical basis and inherited from previous studies and combined with current application of ISO quality system in public administration at Yenbai city Qualitative research results confirm the suitable of research model with current situation of public service providing in Yenbai city through interviews and discussions with leaders, heads of


= woe - - ee | ơ | departments, and internal quality management department By qualitative research, a questionnaire survey is developed to collect data for quantitative analysis.

By combining SERVQUAL scale of Parasuraman, this study will assess public service quality through 6 dimensions: pee ee eee —



Among 100 questionnaires provided to customers, the researcher collected 51 responses After inputting data and screening questionnaires, there were 51 valid samples as in the table above and 49 missing samples Data analysis excluded 49 missing samples because participants did not provide sufficient information or their answers were the same choice for all questions.

In collecting surveys process, we do not collect all surveys for some reasons:

Based on Table | the total number transaction activities in 2013 is 2,642, and 278 working day per year It means 25 transaction activities per day so that we will collect 10% the number people The survey time period is 01 month so that we can collect maximum 60 survey After revising and deleting insufficient information samples, 51 samples what we collected 1s reasonable number.

In fact, not many people willing to fill in survey so that we need to pay a little bit money (] USD/ 01 response) to motivate them With tight budget, we could collected around 51 responses.

In conclusion, with all reasons above we strongly believe that all of responses are reliable to use for research and reflect exactly what happens tn real life.

| | Percent Percent cMalc- of 28 =| 549 | 54.9 : 549 Female 23 ; 451 | 45.1 1000

Among 51 participants who answered questionnaires, there are 23 females and 28 males give their responses back which correspond to 45.1% and 54.9%, respectively Ít can be seen that the number of male respondent is more than the number of female respondent.

DU | CỔ | Percent | Percent | ¡nder30 | - 9 | 176 180 | 180 |

In terms of age, the majority participant group has age of 40 - 50 years old, with 16 people or 31.4% of the total responses The second largest group 1s in age of 30 — 40 years old The quantity of this group is 14 people which represent 29.4% of total Interestingly, the groups in age over 50 years old and under 30 years old

25 have small proportion of 19.6% and 17.6%, respectively It can be seen that customers using public services are mostly the middle age group in our society.

4.1.3 Education level w Frequency Percent | Valid | Cumulative | ơ [ | Percent | Percent

High school Vocational school College University and over

As the chart shows, a great deal of participants has education level at College and University and over Among them, the number of customers’ attained

University and over degree is 22 people, which account for 43.1% of the pool sample The amount of customers obtained College degree is l3 people, corresponding to 25.5% Participants who have High school or Vocational school level account for a smaller volume with 11.8° and 19.60% respectively.

Other es ee ee ee |_ 100.0 |

Website Newspaper radio At reception desk Other

Registration for business — establishment, — branches — operations, representative offices, and business location;

Registration for edited the content of business registration, Registration for enterprise transformation,

Registration for pausing operations of enterprises, branches and representative offices;

Registration for winding up operations of branches, representative offices, and business places;

Among listed 6 services, customers participated largely assess on 2 services,namely: Registration for business establishment, branches operations, representative offices, and business location; and others.

4.2 Reliability analysis 4.2.1 Reliability of Transparency scale

Transparency scale includes five items: TRI, TR2, TR3 TR4, and TRS.

Table 5 Reliability statistics of Transparency scale Reliability Statistics

Scale Mean Cronbach's if Item Scale Variance] Corrected Item- | Alpha if Item

Deleted if Item Deleted | Total Correlation Deleted

The reliability test results show that Cronbach’s Alpha value of the

Transparency scale is 0.828 (greater than 0.6) The Corrected Item-Total

Correlations of four items — TR!, TR2, TR3, TR4 and TRS — are greater than 0.3 with value 0.667, 0.644, 0.668, 0.573 and 0.586 respectively Therefore, these four items (TRE, TR2, TR3, TR4 and TRS) of Transparency scale are accepted, and will be analyzed in the next step.

4.2.2) Rehability of Procedure scaleProcedure scale includes five items: PRI PR2, PR3, PR4, and PRS.

As the reliability analysis results indicate, the Cronbach’s Alpha of Procedure scale is 0.878 (greater than 0.6) All five items of this scale have Corrected Item-Total Correlation greater than 0.3 values (PRI is 0.667, PR2 1s 0.743, PR3 is 0.807, PR4 is 0.643, and PS is 0.699) Therefore, all five items of reliability scale are accepted and will be analyzed in the next step,

Attitude scale includes five items: AT], AT2, AT3, AT4, and ATS.

Table 7 Reliability statistics of Attitude scale Reliability Statistics

Scale Mean | Variance if | Corrected Alpha if if Item Item Item-Total Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted

It can be seen that Cronbach's Alpha value of the Attitude scale is 0.918 greater than 0.6) Moreover, five items of this scale ATI, AT2, AT3, AT4 and

ATS - have Corrected Item-Total Correlation of 0.726, 0 856, 0.833, 0.789 and (0.750 respectively; they are all greater than 0.3 Thus, these five items are accepted and will be analyzed in the next step.

4.2.4 Reliability of Competency scale Competency scale includes five items: CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, and COS.

Scale Mean | Varianee if | Corrected Alpha if if Item Item Item-Total Item Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted

Reliability test results of Competency scale illustrate that Cronbach's Alpha of this scale equals to 0.905 which 1s much higher than 0.6 In addition, Corrected [tem-Total Correlation values of five items are 0.731 0.807, 0.771 0.850 and 0.673 that all are greater than 0.3 Therefore, it can be concludes that Competency scale 1s reliable, and all five items are accepted These items will be analyzed in the next step,

Competency scale includes five items: EM1, EM2, EM3, EM4, and EMS.

Table 9 Reliability statistics of Empathy scale Reliability Statistics

From the reliability test results, it can be seen that Cronbach’s Alpha of empathy scale is 0.900 (greater than 0.6) Corrected Item-Total Correlation values of all five items in this scale are greater than 0.3 Thus, it can be concluded that five items EMI EM2, EM3, EM4, and EMS are accepted and will be analyzed in the next step.

Infrastructure scale includes five items: INFR1I, INFR2 INFR3 and INFR4.

Table 10 Reliability statistics of Infrastructure scale

Scale Mean if} Variance if Item-Total | Alpha if Item [tem Deleted | Item Deleted | Correlation Deleted nhan! 12.7647

INFR4 12.8627


Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis." a | components extracted.

In KMO and Bartlett's Test, KMO valuc measuring the sampling adequacy equals to 0.795 at the 5% significant level These numbers confirm the validity of the five observed variable of Transparency for factor analysis.

Factor analysis extracts one component with eigenvalues of 2.990 (greater than 1).

In addition, all five items define this component with factor loadings greater than 0.5 The cumulative variance is 59.798; means that these five items can explains 59.798% of transparency variance It can be concluded that these five items are validity to measure Transparency construct.

4.3.2 Factor analysis for Procedure scale

Extraction Sums of Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings

Component ]| Total Variance % Total Variance

The KMO and Bartlett's Test reveals KMO value equals to 0.815 at the 5% significant level These numbers confirm the sampling adequacy of the five observed variable of Procedure for factor analysis.

It can be seen from the factor analysis result that one component is extracted with eigenvalues of 3.371 (greater than 1) All five items define this component with factor loading values greater than 0.5 Moreover, the cumulative variance is 67.420, means that these five items can explains 67.420°%o of procedure variance It can be concluded that these five items are validity to measure Procedure construct.

4.3.3 Factor analysis for Attitude scale

Table 15 Attitude scale factor analysis KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling

Bartlett's Test of Approx Chi-

Component] Total Variance % Total Variance

In the KMO and Bartlett's Test, it can be seen KMO value cquals to 0.858 at the 5% significant level These numbers confirm the sampling adequacy of the five observed variable of Attitude for factor analysis.

The factor analysis results indicate that one factor 1s extracted with eigenvalues of 3.781 (greater than 1) All five items define this component with factor loading values greater than 0.5 Moreover, the cumulative variance 1s 75.619, means that these five items can explains 75.619°% of total variance from attitude It can be concluded that these five items are validity to measure Attitude construct.

4.3.4 Factor analysis for Competency scale

Table 16 Competency scale factor analysis KMO and Bartlett's Test

Extraction Sums of Squared Initial Eigenvalues Loadings

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. a | components extracted.

From the KMO and Bartlett's Test, 1t can be seen KMO value equals to 0.848 at the 5% significant level These numbers confirm the sampling adequacy of the five observed variable of Competency for factor analysis.

The factor analysis results indicate that one factor 1s extracted with eigenvalues of 3.660 (greater than 1) All five items define this component with factor loading values greater than 0.5 Furthermore, the cumulative variance 1s 73.198 means that these five items can explains 73.198°% of total variance from

38 competency It can be concluded that these five tems are validity to measure Competency construct.

4.3.5 Factor analysis for Empathy scale

Table 17 Empathy scale factor analysis KMO and Bartlett's Test

Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis."

From the KMO and Bartlett's Test, it can be seen KMO value equals to 0.807 at the 5% significant level These numbers confirm the sampling adequacy of the five observed variable of Empathy for factor analysis.

The factor analysis results indicate that one factor ts extracted with eigenvalues of 3.569 (greater than 1) All five items define this component with factor loading values greater than 0.5 Furthermore, the cumulative variance 1s 71.378, means that these five items can explains 71.378% of total variance from empathy It can be coneluded that these five items are validity to measure Empathy construct.

4.3.6 Factor analysis for Infrastructure scale

Table 18 Infrastructure scale factor analysis KMO and Bartlett's Test

Extraction Sums of Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings

INFRI 950 INFR2 950 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysts." a | components extracted.

From the KMO and Bartlett's Test, it can be seen KMO value equals to 0.500 at the 5% significant level These numbers confirm the sampling adequacy of the two observed variable of Infrastructure for factor analysis.

The factor analysis results indicate that one factor is extracted with eigenvalues of 1.806 (greater than 1) Both two ttems define this component with

40 factor loading values greater than 0.5 Furthermore, the cumulative variance is 90.276, means that these two items explains 90.276%o of total variance from

Infrastructure It can be concluded that these two items are validity to measure Infrastructure construct.

4.3.7 Factor analysis of customer satisfaction scale

In KMO and Bartlett's Test, KMO value measuring the sampling adequacy equals to 0.729 with Sig is 000 These numbers confirm the validity of data for factor analysis.

The analysis extracts | component which has eigenvalues of 3.513 (greater than 1) All five items define this component with factor loading values greater than 0.5.

Furthermore, the cumulative variance 1s 70.264, means that these five observed variable can explains 70.264% of total variance from Customer satisfaction It can be concluded that these five items are validity to measure Customer satisfaction construct.

Table 19 Customer satisfaction scale factor analysis KMO and Bartlett's

Bartlett's | Test) of Approx Chi-Square | 172.175

Extraction Sums of Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings

Component | Total Variance % Total Variance

After exploratory factor analysis, we calculate means score of dependent variances to investigate citizens’ feelings about public service quality.

4.4.1 Evaluating customer feelings of service quality performance

Figure 6 Means scores of service quality performance and customer satisfaction

Mean scores of service quality performance and customer satisfaction

Empathy 3 7 Infrastructur, eee =| 5.) Customer satisfaclion = 3,

The graphs shows citizens feelings about public service quality in Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment, it is highly appreciate the public service quality what Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment provided, average 4.0

42 score Some factors got high score (over 4.0) such as Infrastructure and Attitude; enuire factors got lower score, but still high close to 4.0 score In generally, citizens have highly appreciate with every factors of public service quality.

Figure 7 Mean scores of customer satisfaction components

Satitaction of Satifaction of Satifaction of Satitaction of Satifaction of Satifaction of

Transpetaimk ý Procedures Attitude Compentancy Empathy Infrasture

In comparison between citizens” satisfaction (customer satisfaction) in Figure 5 and citizens feelings of public service quality in Figure 4 where the score of Competency 1s the lowest score but in customer satisfaction in Figure 5 it reached fourth position That is specific aspect of public service in Vietnam because citizens have prejudice about civil servant capacities, but in fact the citizen have more appreciation than they thought about civil servant working performance In the same point of view, the citizen highly appreciate civil servant empathy but in fact with citizen bias, they do not happy with civil servant empathy or it means that the citizen do not satisfy with civil servant empathy Furthermore, entire factors have high score of citizen feelings score then they will get highly customer satisfaction.

21.129 rin

Total 16.456] 50 a Dependent Variable: CS b Predictors: (Constant), INFR, PR, AT, TR EM

|B | sid Error | Beta [Tolerance | vIE _|

In Table model summary, adjusted R-square value accounts for 0.668 This value indicates that 66.8% of the variance in customer satisfaction can be explained by four constructs, namely Transparency, Procedure, Attitude, Empathy and Infrastructure The ANOVA table shows that the Sig value is very small (0.000).

This value confirms that group of four factors have a statistically significant relationship with customer satisfaction variable.

With coefficients presented in Table 21, regression function is as following:

SATISFACTION = 1.14 + 0.23 PR + 0.26 AT + 0.30 EM From regression analysis table:

If we set a significant level at 5%, we find that I:mpathy and Atttude are significant factor that have strongly effects on Customer Satisfaction.

If we set a significant level at 10%, we find that Procedures, Attitude and Empathy which has effects on Customer Satisfaction Among public service quality components, Empathy shows the strongest impact on customer satisfaction with the highest coefficient value of 0.30 Procedures and Attitude component also reveal a rather high influence with coefficient of 0.23 and 0.26 respectively Furthermore, Infrastructures measuring the facilities and convenience of the public office represent smaller statistically with cocfficient value of 0.141 It can be said that

Infrastructures do not stress a statistical relationship with Customer satisfaction.

In additions, from Correlation matrix table (Table 20) it is clear that most of components are highly correlate with customer satisfaction where Pearson correlations of Transparency, Procedures, Attitude, Competency, Empathy and

Infrastructure ts 0.697, 0.725, 0.734, 0.764 0755 and 0.045, respectively Based on analysis results, the Empathy is significant factors impact on customer satisfaction, in spite of Infrastructure likely has little impact on customer satisfaction.

V REFLECTION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of research findings

Research findings are the basis to conclude the suitability of the data and the theoretical research model After analyzing the descriptive statistics, factor analysis and implementing the necessary validation, the thesis has calibrated the model for the second time After the regression analysis, the thesis has formed the final research model after removing a factor that does not meet the requirements.

Evaluation of hypotheses insisted that the satisfaction of customers who use public administrative services at the Department focuses on the factors: Procedures, Empathy and Attitude and Competency meanwhile remaining good performance of two items left (Transparency and Infrastructure) From this point of view, there are two main solutions will be implemented Firstly, the solutions 1s improving the quality of service in Procedures, Empathy and Attitude because there are significant factors impacts on customer service In another hand, transparency and

47 infrastructure do not dramatically contribute in customer service but if there is lack of good infrastructure or sufficient transparency lead to reduce customer sausfaction So that remaining the quality of Infrastructure, Competency,

‘Transparency 1s second main solutions as well.

The department of Planning and Investment of Yenbai has implemented several measures to reform the administration The application of information technology in management at the reception of receiving and returning business registration has supported many administrative reforms and created a transparent environment for the leaders and the citizens to easily manage and monitor The three basic objectives of the implementation of administrative reforms at the Department are Transparency; strengthen supervision and improvement of management efficiency.

The administrative procedures and processes related to the business registration, registration of investment incentives, evaluation of foreign investment projects, evaluation of funded investment projects, evaluation of the planning and bidding results, total loans of stimulus projects through investment, evaluation of credited investment projects are disclosed at the Department of Planning and Investment and the web page of the Department.

Businesses and investors casily find out directly or via internet the procedures and processes in the Reception of receiving and returning the business registration of Department of Planning and Investment In addition, the Department also established free reception for guidance, answering questions, cic for the enterprises and investors in two forms: direct and via electronic mail (email).

Administrative procedures accounted for the largest proportion of the regression function, so the administrative procedure factors most influence the customer satisfaction Administrative reform program has always been the focus of the state administrative agencies, including the reform of administrative procedures and mechanisms operating procedures

Institutional improvement and “one-stop shop” consolidating The policy of the state in administrative reform in the period 2001-2010 was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No 136/2001 QD dated 09/17/2001, it confirmed the extended implementation of the “one-stop shop” mechanism in addressing the work of individuals and organizations that come to the state administrative agencies The state administrative agencies at all levels also have the responsibility to transparently and fully public all procedures, orders and fees at the workplace.

The “one-stop” mechanism has expressed suitable and appropriate to the country’s development process and administrative reform process It affirmed a fundamental change m the relationship and procedures between the state administrative agencies and the citizens and organizations toward the reduction of troublesome for organizations and individuals and improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of the state management.

On 04/09/2003 the Prime Minister issued Decree No 181/2003/QD -TTg on issuing regulations to implement the “one-stop shop” at the state administrative agencies locally On 10/10/2007 the Prime Minister issued Decision No 30/QD- TTg approving the proposal to simplify administrative procedures in the field of state management over the period 2007 2010 in order to build a public administration that 1s closer to the people, serve the people, and is transparent, simple and convenient The purpose 1s removal of inappropriate regulations causing inconvenience to people, building a pure and logical public administration and preventing negative phenomena The Department of Planning and Investment of Yenbar has invested to the reception of receiving and returning documents, reviewed the progress of administrative procedures, provided free forms, developed the application software, etc that make convenient for the citizens to come and solve their public work and responsibility to the state.

However, the current legal provisions still show many inconsistencies, or lack, or excess information and do not create a safe legal environment for management activities Thus, the revision, supplement, repeal, or new construction of laws is needed and required the competent authorities to realize and organize For

49 implementing agencies, they should review the laws and regulations of the cities and districts to issue, detect and clarify the inappropriate provisions to propose amendment, supplement, or repeal At the same time, they also should continue to regulate the development of regulations on administrative procedures under the authority of the local government, firstly focus on the areas where the citizens are interested in, such as business license, construction permits, certificate of house ownership, land use rights, residential status, administrative violations, notarized, etc It also needs additional rules on the document transfer and recordkeeping through inter-system (circulation of files across the network).


Gender: [_]} Male

4 Where do you get information on public services:

[Website of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment [_]Newspapers, radio

Please indicate the level of your agreement with the statements below and mark X on the your choice:

Administrative procedures — and forms are published fully at the reception place

(5) forms are published in the website | of Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment

Administrative procedures are simple and easy to understand

Receiving and documents are accurate returning

Information and status of handling documents are easily found in the

| website of Yenbai Department of | Planning and Investment.

The number and requirements about contents of administrative documents at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment are reasonable

E- lime to handle a document is reasonable as public procedure

Procedures and handling steps as published are reasonable

[he administrative procedures are 1n accordance with the law and regulations lime to receive documents is reasonable and convenient

Staffs who receive documents have polite attitude when receive and return documents

Staffs who receive documents have friendly — attitude when answer questions from customers

Staffs who receive documents do not cause any inconvenience for | |

Staffs who receive and return documents are fair with all customers

Staffs who receive documents take high responsibility for all customers’ documents

Staffs who receive documents have good communication skills documents——— skills in Stalfs who receive have knowledge and handling related works

Staffs who possess receive documents | good professional knowledge and skills related to the job ơ _ +

Statfs who receive documents and consulting customers pive reasonably solve problems of customers

Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment settle customers’ complaints timely

Customers easily contact to staffs who are responsible tor their documents at the departments

Staffs try to decal with the document flexibly and promptly

Customers reasonable requirements are cared and | handled

Staffs easily understand the customer's req uirements

Staffs are patient to listen to customers’ opinions

Location and place of room for receiving and retuming documents are convenient for customers

Room for receiving and returning documents is spacious and airy

Room for receiving and returning documents has adequate facilities

(air conditioning, desk, chair, etc )

Equipments are quite modem (automatic numbering machine, computer, computer for customers to look up documents, etc )

You are completely satisfied with | transparency of public services

You are completely satisfied with administrative procedure of public services

You are completely satisfied with attitude of stalls who provide public services

You are completely satisfied with competency of stafls who provide public services

You are completely satisfied with | empathy of staffs who provide |

You are completely satistied with || infrastructures |

- Types of public services you participated in

1 Registration for establishment of enterprises branches and representative olfices registration for establishment of business places. ta Registration for edited the content of business registration. Ð Registration for enterprise transformation.

Q Registration for pausing operations of enterprises, branches and representative offices.

O Registration for winding up operations of branches, representative offices, and business places. ct Others.

- If possible, please let us know:

DỊ 0ù nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn an nan nẽananna aaann Sincerely thanks for answering our questionnaire!

Best wishes for health happiness and success!!!

OUTLINE OF THE GROUP DISCUSSIONS (For the department of internal quality management and staff who receiving and

returning documents receive and process applications)

My name is Nguyen Ngoc Anh, a student of master program in Public Management, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Currently | am conducting a research on "Public service quality and customer satisfaction at Yenbat Department of Planning and Investment” [ desire to examine what factors have great influence on customer satisfaction towards public services at

The focus of the discussion today is to explore and analyze important factors considerably affecting customer satisfaction with public services in Yenbai city The gathered information supports me to accumulate of knowledge and complete the research Then, we can together suggest the elements affecting the improvement of customer satisfaction with public services So that | am looking forward to your straightforward and sincere opinions from you.

I declare that the information provided by you will be o nly used for this scientific research.

1 Ín your opinion, the customer satisfaction towards public services 1s expressed through which factors? Why?

2 In addition to the factors that you stated above, whether the following factors Impact on customer satisfaction with public services or not? (The interviewer introduce factors in the scale to measure service quality which are not mentioned by the respondents)

3 In your opinion, whether service quality components (facilities, staff competency, serving attitude, reliability, working environment ) In the model of this study are suitable for customer satisfaction towards current public services or not?

(Discuss all service quality components).

4 Among the above factors, which one is the most important factor? (Making priority list)

5 In your opinion, which criteria would affect the above factors (analyze criteria based on all factors mentioned as above)?

6 In the interaction with customer, which factor, you think, ts customer most interested in’?

7 What difficulties do you have to face when the handling documents is miss deadline or documents are lost? What is the lesson and experience from such situations?

8 How do you handle the situation when customers ask you more functions than in regulation of an administrative agency at the department level? What lessons were learned from this situation?

9 In your opinion, how to effectively guide people when they participate administrative services?

10 In your opinion, how to tmprove customer satisfaction with public services?

Il Are you willing to participate when leaders of the city implement administrative reforms of the organization?

12 In your opinion, which part, section or contents need to take priority? Why?

Perhaps our discussion will stop here, thank you for taking the time and interest in providing us this valuable information Once again, sincerely thank you!

Question |: The satisfaction of customer with public service is expressed through following factors:

- Procedures and process to handle works - Serving of staffs

- Access to services - Receiving and processing feedbacks from customers - Conditions when welcome and serve customers

- Supporting equipments for providing services

Question 3: Whether the service components (infrastructures, staff competence, staffs’ attitude, reliability, working environment ) in research model are suitable for customer satisfaction with current public services or not?

Question 4: Among the above components, the most tmportant factor will be ranked as followed:

- Competency of staffs - Working environment - Serving attitude

Question 5: The eriteria will impact the above factors are:

Question 6: Factors that people are interested in: Results, schedule to handle the work

Question 7: When the documents are late or lost, customers may be angry or strongly react Thus, staffs need to keep calm, explain, persuade and make reasonable and acceptable arguments to persuade citizens.

Question 8: When people require more than regulated functions of administration agency at the department level, firstly it is necessary to explain for citizens to understand and then may ask experts in that field for advice.

The lesson is: need always training, improve professional skills and handling information skill.

Question 9: In order to effectively guide citizens to participate im public services, HỆ 1S necessary to:

- Disseminate information on the mass media such as radio, TV

- Publish information tn the receiving and returning document areas.

Question 10: To improve customer satisfaction with public services, administrative agency at Yenbal city have to carry out the following tasks:

- Enhance the professional skills of staffs who participate in handling administrative procedures

- Interest in and invested in equipments and facilities - Application of information technology in supporting handling administrative procedures

Question 11: Ready Question 12: Personal opinion: Stage of reforming administrative procedures and enhancing the professional skills of the staffs Reducing cumbersome procedures, reducing travel time, waiting time for customers Staffs have to deeply understand working processes to handle procedures quickly and flexibly.

APPENDIX 3: OUTLINE OF THE BILATERAL DISCUSSIONS (For leaders and heads of departments)

My name is Nguyen Ngoc Anh, a student of master program in Public Management, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Currently I'm conducting a research on "Public service quality and customer satisfaction at Yenbai Department of Planning and Investment" ẽ desire to examine what factors have great influence on customer satisfaction towards public services at

The focus of the discussion today is to explore and analyze important factors considerably affecting customer satisfaction with public services in Yenbai city The gathered information supports me to accumulate of knowledge and complete the research Then, we can together suggest the elements affecting the improvement of customer satisfaction with public services So, | am looking forward to your straightforward and sincere opinions from you.

[ declare that the information provided by you will be only used for this scientific research.

| The role of a manager, what is your assessment of the document percentage being processed in recent years after applying ISO standards?

2 In your opinion, what do factors have impact on customer satisfaction with public administration services at Yenbai city?

3 Based on the discussed factors impacting on the quality of public services following ISO standards, compared with the current situation of your department, what do you think about these factors? How do they impact on customer satisfaction?

4 In addition to the mentioned factors, is there any other factors? (The interviewer introduces the factors in the developed measurement scale that the interviewee did not mention).

Analysis of the impact of each individual factor:

You based on the following factors:

5 Based on the above factors you mentioned (repeat each factor: infrastructures, competency of staffs, attitude of staffs, reliability, working environment, procedures) the criteria measures the above factors? (Suggest criteria on the basis of previous studies and the previous discussion results).

6 What do you think about factors "procedures" when the administrative agency at the department level is a unit following law enforcement?

7 In your opinion, which standards are necessary for front staffs?

8 With the role of a leader, are you willing to invest more to Improve people's satisfaction with public services at Yenbai city?

Perhaps our discussion will stop here, thank you for taking the time and interest in providing us this valuable information Once again, sincerely thank you!

Question |: the document percentage being processed in recent years after applying ISO standards has a very positive change, the number of documents being processed next year 1s higher than last year (of the annual percentage 1s about 95 %).

Question 2: Factors affecting customer satisfaction with public services at

Yenbai city: Publicity and transparency about administrative procedures; Procedures

15 clear, adequate and in detail; time for handling administrative procedures, attitude of staffs when serving citizens.

Question 3: factors impacting on the quality of public services following ISO standards:

- Professional competency of staffs: 1s the critical factor in delivering public services, TẾ staffs’ competency is good, the handling of administrative procedures will be quick, timely and more efficient As a result, the quality of public administration services will increase,

- The serving attitude of staffs is a subjective factor strongly affecting the handling document process and = customer satisfaction when they making administrative procedures Because the current regulation in the administrative procedures are still general and not specific details for each location, thus, serving attitude has great influence on working outcomes and customer satisfaction.

Therefore, polite attitude of staffs is an important factor to improve the quality of

The state authorities at department level is a state agency following

law enforcement the agency shall comply with the regulated procedures Procedures are only changed in the process of receiving and handling administrative procedures for citizens and organizations State agencies at department level receive feedbacks from customers about the procedures which help promulgating procedures more completely.

Ngày đăng: 07/09/2024, 01:27

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