How to Beat the Energy Thieves ® And Make Your Life Better! Emotions Fear, Loneliness, Anger, Hatred, Envy, Greed, Lying, Arguing, Selfishness, Stress Jess Miller Smashwords Edition © Jess Miller & Millerbooks 2010 Emotions How to Stop Emotions Damaging Your Energy and Your Life Fear, Loneliness, Anger, Hatred, Envy, Greed, Lying, Selfishness, Arguing, Stress, etc. How to Beat the Energy Thieves ® And Make Your Life Better - Book 2 Emotions, Food, People, Major Problems, Traumas, How to Win © MillerBooks 2010 Print version first published in 2010 by MillerBooks ISBN: 978-0-9565831-1-6 Cover: Jess & Jess Miller asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, audio or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author/publisher – with the one exception of sharing a downloaded copy from a site such as Kindle where sharing has been permitted. Disclaimer: Jess Miller and/or Millerbooks do not accept any liability whatsoever for anything that happens that may be perceived to be detrimental in any way to any reader/person who attempts to beat any of the energy thieves discussed in this book using the methods described. Managing their energy and changing their lives and any and all consequences of their actions in relation to their efforts to beat any and all energy thieves remains the absolute liability of each individual reader/person at all times. "Even if you don't think you're acting out of fear in your life you suddenly realise that you are then Jess shows you what to do about it." A.Waller, London, UK "Young people everywhere need to read this book." R.Rex, Johannesburg, South Africa "I got goose bumps because some of this applies to me!" F.Ingram, USA I wrote this book for You This eBook will ensure you get perspective on your life and the Emotions that can become powerful energy thieves working against you. It covers the first 83 pages of the A5 size printed version, which is the whole of 'Emotions'. The complete book, Number 2 in the series, is available for download. The first 11 pages are a refresher for those who have read Book 1 as well as assisting the understanding of those who have somehow found themselves starting at Book 2! Individual sections of this book may not make sense on their own. Only if you read the book from the beginning will you fully understand how to beat the energy thieves operating against you or someone you know. You will be able to change your life for the better using this information and one thing is for sure, you'll certainly know about the energy thieves! You may find it of help if you have read Book 1 first. Table of Contents • A New Beginning • Understanding Energy • The System • The Great Reactionary • Honesty • The Question • Good and Evil • The Passing of Time • Energy Thieves Within Your Emotions • Fear • T-Rex • The D-Words • Making Transition • Credo’s Proverb • Loneliness • Big Event Nerves • Testing Yourself • Wherever I Hang My Hat • Giving Talks • Beating Fear • Anger • Think Thief! • Hatred • Envy • Greed • Lying • Selfishness • Arguing • Stress • Book 1 info • Book 3 info • Book 4 info • Jess’s other titles You may be under the impression that within the great scheme of things you are of complete and total insignificance. Nothing could be further from the truth. The energy you have been created as and the inner powers and attributes you have been given are highly significant because by accessing and using them to guide you on your journey you will have a hugely positive and constructive effect on the world around you and the wider world in consequence. Choosing the way in which you manage the energy you are and how you guide and use your energy while you are here is up to you alone and no one else, because it’s your energy. Your life is the tiniest fragment of time wrapped inside eternity and you only have this briefest of moments to make your choice as to which of the two life paths you will follow, good or evil. Whichever path you choose you can be sure that interference with whatever you intend doing with your life will be high and won’t stop, especially if you choose the path of good. Both evil and the system we live under will constantly attempt to impede your efforts to do good and many inviting looking, sugary coated energy thieves will come at you bearing the promise of adventure, friendship, comfort and the ability to make you feel ‘better’ so they can lure the energy that belongs to you down a dark and lonely road. You will only find your true path and purpose in this world if you manage the energy you have been given exceptionally well and if you do this you will live out your existence as a happy, fulfilled and content being living a beneficial existence for you and the world around you. Whether you choose your tiny fragment of time here goes to good or to evil understand that it does so forever. And forever is the longest time you could ever possibly imagine. Jess Miller [...]... your true path and destroy your life and your existence… How to Beat The Energy Thieves And Make Your Life Better! Emotions Energy Thieves Within Your Emotions Energy thieves don’t just exist outside of your being Be aware that your feelings and emotions can steal your energy away from you and can quite deviously be triggered and used against you specifically for that purpose 'Emotions are your enemy.'... chance These are the Energy Thieves The energy thieves have but one objective, to tear your life apart and stop you accessing and using your true powers to find and follow your true path and live out your true purpose as a happy, fulfilled and content human being filled with good purpose and living a beneficial existence for you and those around you The energy thieves are determined to stop you using your. .. just need to look at things that happen to you in your life and your reactions to them differently to the way the system has been training you to Let’s take a look at some negative emotions, how easily they can damage your life and how you might be able to get the better of them Fear Fear is possibly the most negative and damaging emotion of all It could be that in certain situations where your life is... our world by helping other people in whatever way you are able to and so drive the energy you have been given down the road of good By improving the life of others you will improve your own life And by living in this way you will consistently beat the system by taking the management of your energy, the energy that belongs to you, back into your own hands The Great Reactionary The system teaches you... using your energy to do good while you are here They are determined to stop you accessing the all important true powers that lie within you because through using these powers you really can make a difference for the better to your life and to our world Always think of yourself as the centre of the greatest gift in the universe, the energy that has been given to you, and be constantly aware of the multitude... energy to What you won’t give your energy to By doing so you determine for the greater part how your life will be Unfortunately there are many tempting things to reach out to in our world that: Look exciting Appear to be your friends Hold out the promise of comfort Guarantee they’ll make you feel better In reality their only intention is to steal all of your energy away from you if you give them half... know and it needs you to react to every event that happens in your life without thinking so that it can control your energy Look before you leap! If you don’t take a step back and think about what is happening before you react to events then the management of the energy that has been given to you is easy for the system we live under to control The more you learn and understand about life the bigger your. .. the multitude of energy thieves out there in our world who will never stop trying to steal your great gift of energy in order to do you serious damage and knock your life off course The System The system of life we live under involves everything that you get knowledge from, that teaches and trains and indoctrinates the energy and intelligence you are from the moment you arrive here The system cares... power too If the system gives you only the limited knowledge it wants you to have then it has power over you through its limitation of your knowledge and the consequent way it has been able to ensure you only have that limited knowledge with which to manage your energy and live out your life The biggest way the system ‘gives’ you knowledge about life is to force you to have to seek most of it out for yourself... once again Water, the life saver and bringer of the energy essential to the existence of life on earth, has finally arrived And all living creatures so dependent upon its lifeline can begin to regain their tenuous foothold upon the surface of our planet once more Understanding Energy Water is the energy that is life on earth Without the energy of water nothing lives, including you and me You are comprised . comfort Guarantee they’ll make you feel better In reality their only intention is to steal all of your energy away from you if you give them half a chance. These are the Energy Thieves The energy thieves. Selfishness, Arguing, Stress, etc. How to Beat the Energy Thieves ® And Make Your Life Better - Book 2 Emotions, Food, People, Major Problems, Traumas, How to Win © MillerBooks 2010 Print version. in which you manage the energy you are and how you guide and use your energy while you are here is up to you alone and no one else, because it’s your energy. Your life is the tiniest fragment