A different way of discovering and developing the best business ideas Jack Welch once said, "Someone, somewhere has a better idea." In this myth-busting book, the authors reveal that great business ideas do not spring from innate creativity, or necessarily from the brilliant minds of people. Rather, great ideas come to those who are in the habit of looking for great ideas all around them, all the time. Too often, people fall into the trap of thinking that the only worthwhile idea is a thoroughly original one. Idea Hunters know better. They understand that valuable ideas are already out there, waiting to be found - and not just in the usual places. · Shows how to expand your capacity to find and develop winning business ideas · Explains why ideas are a critical asset for every manager and professional, not just for those who do "creative" · Reveals how to seek out and select the ideas that best serve your purposes and goals and define who you are, as a professional · Offers practical tips on how to master the everyday habits of an Idea Hunter, which include cultivating great conversations
[...]... Carlton Hotels These people are expected (and trained) to look for fresh ideas about how to cater to each guest as an individual customer They do so, first of al , by noticing things; the word idea, ” in fact, is cul ed from the Greek idein, to see.” They look at the twelve crunched-up cans of soda in Andy Boynton’s hotel room, pul out pad and pencil, and make a note This explains why Andy now finds... they know how to find and handle ideas And those who do wel share one basic strategy They go Hunting INTRODUCTION Brilliance Not Required BREAKAWAY IDEAS COME TO those who are in the habit of looking for them That is the simple proposition of this book, which maps out a path for professionals of al cal ings, a way of getting ideas that make a difference And that way is the Hunt It’s a search for ideas. .. our work and research is that the most successful Idea Hunters are not, as a rule, geniuses Rather, they are just idea- active They have a voracious appetite for acquiring ideas, and they are skil ed at setting those ideas in motion—sel ing them and making them happen They think like Miles Davis, the legendary jazz trumpeter and band leader, who once remarked, “I’m happy if I could play one new idea on... Acknowledgments ABOUT THE AUTHORS INDEX This constitutes a continuation of the copyright page: “Boynton and Fischer get right to the heart of what it takes for people to create a superb idea the first step to any successful innovation By describing the characteristics of successful Idea Hunters, they provide guidance and tools that wil increase your capacity to find great ideas and put them into play.” —Michael... exist Boynton and Fischer show how each of us can get better at this critical skil — identifying and reapplying existing ideas. ” —Paul Romer, senior felow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research “Hunting is an apt metaphor Ideas exist everywhere in the wild The trick is knowing where to look for them and how to capture them Boynton and Fischer tel us how. ” —Ron Sargent, chairman and CEO, Staples,... goes And there are more pressing matters—such as figuring out how to make a more persuasive sales pitch, how to manage a project more effectively, how to ramp up a revenue stream, how to bring a product to market The most important tools for achieving those ends are in your head and in other heads Our focus is on individual managers and professionals: ideas matter to them, now more than ever You have to. .. for what they know and are rewarded for the ideas they’ve added to such generic items as search engines and MP3 players They look at things like music players and think of ways to make them more useable and appealing But Apple’s luminaries and Google’s giga-stars are scarcely the only ones who win with ideas During our travels, we have spent much time talking to customer-facing employees like the housekeepers... genius, but a genuine desire to engage in a daily search for ideas The Idea Hunter wil help transform the way you and your business operate.” —Jay Hooley, chairman, president, and CEO, State Street Corporation Ideas are the lifeblood of innovation, and innovation is the key to growth Boynton and Fischer offer powerful and practical advice on how to ‘jumpshift’ the flow of ideas in your organization... whenever he checks into a room at the Ritz Ideas matter to hotel workers Shouldn’t they matter also to people in sales and marketing, and to managers everywhere? The same could be said for teachers, engineers, consultants, and others who get ahead not just by working hard but also by thinking hard They are idea professionals (whether they describe themselves that way or not) They compete and col aborate... It has to do with the profound difference between a thing and an idea, between a mere object and a creative act George Bernard Shaw shed light on this distinction “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I wil stil have one apple,” he wrote “But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us wil have two ideas. ” The apple . references and index. ISBN 97 8-0 -4 7 0-7 677 6-4 (cloth); ISBN 97 8-1 - 11 8-0 388 4-0 (ebk); ISBN 97 8-1 -1 1 8-0 388 5-7 (ebk); ISBN 97 8-1 -1 1 8- 0388 6-4 (ebk) 1. Creative ability. Jossey-Bass directly call our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at 80 0-9 5 6-7 739, outside the U.S. at 31 7- 57 2-3 986, or fax 31 7-5 7 2-4 002. Jossey-Bass