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Switching Lanes on Life’s Journey (Abridged Version) ppt

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Cấu trúc

  • Behind the Wheel of Your Life Journey

  • Is Your Destination Your Destiny?

  • Changing landscapes

  • Over the Limit

  • Detailing Your Occupational Vehicle

  • A Little Polish Goes a Long Way

  • Accessing the Value of Networking

  • Resume: Travel Log of Your Vocational Journey

  • Watching the Road Signs: Emerging Trends

  • Navigation System Co-creator

  • Author’s Bio

Nội dung

Switching Lanes on Life’s Journey (Abridged Version) The middle-aged woman’s guide to re-discovering your vocational destiny By Alexandra B. Kelemen Smashwords Edition Text copyright © 2012 Alexandra B. Kelemen All Rights Reserved Thank you for downloading this free ebook. Although this is a free book, it remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied and distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoyed this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at Smashwords.com, where they can also discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support. Table of Contents Behind the Wheel of Your Life Journey Is Your Destination Your Destiny? Changing landscapes Over the Limit Detailing Your Occupational Vehicle A Little Polish Goes a Long Way Accessing the Value of Networking Resume: Travel Log of Your Vocational Journey Watching the Road Signs: Emerging Trends Navigation System Co-creator Author’s Bio Behind the Wheel of Your Life Journey Looking for work as a middle-aged woman is a humbling experience. You may feel discouraged, insulted or outright confused while navigating your way. Compounding to these feelings, the recent financial meltdown has shed light on how employers act (and feel) towards their employees. But you can always switch lanes and create the positive change you desire. You are the one behind the wheel of your life’s journey. Today’s financial situation has created some ugly truths: employers no longer direct our career paths and job security has been tossed out the window. As women, we must recognize that the only security we have is by being self- directed. Employers hire us to solve problems, which we typically solve through our skills. You’ve acquired a lot of experience through self-knowledge and life education. Now it’s time to use what you’ve learned to benefit yourself and set a clear path to success. As CEO of your life, you must hone and polish both your hard and soft skills to properly align them with what the current marketplace is demanding for your position within your industry. The marketplace is a revolving door, remaining competitive is imperative to success. You cannot afford to allow your skills to become stale; stale skills lead to skill gaps and therefore loss in competitive advantage. Challenging days are ahead for all of us, as we face an uncertain future. Our nation is treading uncharted waters with a shifting economy and diminishing resources. We are being forced to redefine our values, our lives, our careers, and our families. If you’re overwhelmed, you are not alone. Is Your Destination Your Destiny? Some people are born with an innate sense for what they hope to become and ultimately grow into (i.e. a dentist, a writer, or a business owner). Unfortunately for most of us, the majority of people have no clue of what they hope to accomplish or become. The only way to counter the ambiguity is by starting to pay attention to what gives us the most pleasure. Paying attention is as simple as listing to oneself and taking note of the things we do during our day to day life that really makes us happy. For some it’s as simple as helping the needy in a food bank, for others it’s singing at Church or Temple. Some of us have no idea and so we bounce from one thing to another, trying this and that. Then that one magical day, we feel the click. We do something for hours without noticing that time has passed. We are good at it. We feel empowered and rewarded. This is the moment we recognize our life path unfolding. Life purpose is the reason why we exist, and ultimately our mission on Earth - the reason we are alive. As we go through life we discover how important it is to find our purpose. Sometimes the process is painful, but once we’re on the other side, we see light at the end of the tunnel and know we have grown. When harmony is inside of us, the exterior gets stronger and becomes congruent. Every activity you do during the day is not pleasant. For example, drying your hair takes time, time you’d rather use an extra 10 minutes of sleep. But you do it because when you look into the mirror, you like the reflection staring back at you. Work is the same way. Some work activities are not pleasant, but they’re necessary. Let me make a distinction here: doing some tasks at work that you don’t enjoy is different than having a job where you cannot flourish or feel empowered, brilliant or satisfied. Nothing is 100% perfect. And who wants perfection? Seeking perfection is really an illusion; our deepest desire is simply to be whole. I enjoy the discrepancies much better than the perfection; I like handmade things because they are imperfect and unique. Like you and me. When you are looking for a job, visualize the ideal “situation” you want to have. Search for a position that allows you to capitalize on your skills, showing off what you love most and what you can do with ease. Forget the old school idea that you don’t know something that is important or that something is lacking. You cannot know everything but you are certainly good at something— and you can shine at it! What is it that you do that your friends talk about? What is it that you enjoy doing so much that it feels like a hobby instead of like work? Changing landscapes As you continue to navigate in this new territory, you’ll find that instability is the norm; uncertainty is the new assurance. You’ve probably already experienced this in one way or another. Our pensions and retirement plans aren’t guaranteed anymore. Many workers have either lost their pensions or have watched their 401K’s diminished. All those investments that we so cautiously made, no matter how conservative, are all changing. Corporations that once offered attractive pensions are no longer offering them. Even worse, companies with employees who have been loyal for years are eliminating past promised pension plans altogether with no consideration for seniority or decades of service. What employees have accumulated so far may be safe, but the savings plans have been discontinued. No special bonuses are given - nada. Instead, workers are informed that their pension plan, from this moment on, is gone. A dry statement, very hard to take. If you are out of work or you will soon be, you need to have your “Tool Kit” ready just as you’d prepare for winter storms, hurricanes or any other weather related emergency. If you’re going to emerge unharmed, your tools need to be ready. Stop procrastinating so you can be equipped to handle whatever comes your way. No need to ask for approval, just do it! Get your ducks in a row now. Over the Limit For much of your life, you’ve probably been cruising on autopilot. Your emotions and your brain were in “low gear,” you’ve been comfortable and you’ve known where you were going. Yet, something has changed. It’s clear that your comfort zone doesn’t exist anymore. Looking around, you discover why. For the first time since you can remember, you are the master of your own destiny. You are able to create whatever kind of life you desire at this moment because your responsibilities are no longer there; your kids graduated and left you may have gotten divorced, you don’t need to take care for your parents, or a number of other tasks that were holding you back are no longer there. Your obligations as you knew them no longer encumber or force you to take care of others or put your needs on the back-burner. It’s show time, and you’re the star. As you have been away, the marketplace has transitioned and looks dramatically different than it did a decade ago or even a few years ago. An unprecedented number of mature workers are remaining in the workforce well past retirement age, and many are being forced to work full-time just to stay afloat. The latest statistics show that the “graying” of the workforce is expected to continue. So how do you navigate when you don’t recognize the landscape and you don’t have a GPS? Understanding how changes in the marketplace affect you personally, financially and emotionally is key. Don’t panic if working for a corporation does not appeal to you, in fact, becoming an entrepreneur has never been easier. There are government programs out there designed to help people just like you to achieve your goals. For example, the Small Business Administration is offering training, classes, and loans to women at all levels to prepare them to embark in entrepreneurial businesses. Furthermore, take comfort that you are not alone as some women don’t want to work for a corporation anymore. The amount of independent workers has risen to unprecedented levels in recent years as workers have begun to question the normalcy of the corporate life, and instead, opted for more independent endeavors. You arrived here and now you need to choose your next step. You can see this as an impediment or you can see it as an adventure. The reality is that this is your opportunity to jump in. For example, remember the .com era? There are countless examples of companies that did not survive although they were filled with brilliant young entrepreneurs with an insatiable thirst for success. These entrepreneurs were eager, spontaneous, ambitious, and playful, but the majority did not have a senior staff member to help guide them with strategic leadership. There was an absolute lack of experience, which ultimately led to their demise. You have life’s experience and as such are able to jump in when opportunity presents itself. For every company, there are mature professionals serving as the backbone of the organization, the cultural acumen, the reservoirs of history that help advice (and ultimately guide) the corporation forward. These senior members are valued, respected and recognized because without them, the corporation would surely flounder. Detailing Your Occupational Vehicle You’ve achieved good success in your life and in your career. You have a few well-earned miles under your belt, and now all you need is a little more fuel to get there and a bit of detailing to look good while doing it. You’re not alone in your journey. That’s where I come in. I’ve worked with clients from all over the globe (and in four languages, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French), to ascertain where they want to go, and the best avenues to maximize their potential. I work with a diverse group of people who share a common theme of challenging themselves to do big things; some examples include (i) small business owners, (ii) high performers in corporate settings, (iii) expatriates, and (iv) normal men and women who want transformational results. My clients span many nationalities and industries, each facing distinct difficulties and challenges. Through my extensive experience I have gained the wherewithal to properly interpret cultural codes, balance integration challenges, bridge skill gaps, and build greater understanding, trust and rapport among diverse clienteles. It doesn’t matter from where you are, be it Europe, Latin America, or New York City, my global background gives me a unique strength to understand exactly what you need. I will help you assess and strengthen your skill sets, define and clarify your greatest passions and create a step-by-step plan to strategically help you achieve success. I have developed a comprehensive, time-proven system. And on the following pages, I’ll outline just a few basic steps you can take right now to dramatically improve your chances of creating the life you’ve always wanted. [...]... International Business and is a PCC Certified Professional Coach by the ICF International Coach Federation For the last 22+ years, she has worked in the personal development field Her combination of psychology training and unique cross-cultural background brings an uncommon dimension to her coaching methodology Alexandra is a specialist in HR and speaks four languages She has held several international... the traditional way of speaking face to face to people you know, and extend your circle to Social Media as well It’s not one or the other; it’s the right balance among all of them Resume: Travel Log of Your Vocational Journey I have a travel log to capture the places I visit It keeps my emotions recorded in sync, but also allows me to reflect on the places I’ve been and remember the astonishing features... with more education were more likely to use a computer at work In terms of occupation, there were large variations in the proportion of workers who used a computer at work Managers and professionals had a high rate of computer use (about 80 percent) and sales and office workers (67 percent) Only about 26 percent of workers used a computer while working in natural resources, construction, and maintenance... just one piece of life’s tapestry Relationships, personal passions and discovering one’s own creativity are all equal parts of life’s fullest experience We’ll explore all aspects of your world, what defines who you are, what blocks you, what drives you jump out of bed in the morning smiling We’ll get you there And you’ll be surprised and amazed at all the positive changes you can create Integrity, confidentially... conversation and discussion model of the past In fact, it's critical Here's why, the most valuable precious currency in today’s marketplace is not money, attractiveness or charisma, rather intellectual aptitude It is relationship connections The people in your circle, being your ex partners, colleagues or friends are most likely to recommend you in their own place of employments They know you personally... in HR and speaks four languages She has held several international positions and served for many years as a professional in the United Nations She is a senior consultant for NetExpat, bringing a rich mix of experience, techniques and passion to her work As an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation, she has developed many workshops over the years Her work has been published... integrated approach will define your life’s plan, both personal and professional And since you are unique and one-of-a-kind, my coaching style is completely customized to you You’ll learn how to: • Find your passion, • Create plans and objectives, and • Clarify your vision and strengthen your assets I understand firsthand the competitiveness of the global business environment, what business leaders expect... of value creation and bottom-line results for organizations My brand is authentic I call things as they are When executives are stuck, I give them solutions After working with me, they feel successful and accomplished I work with highly accomplished people, and it’s rewarding on both sides I propose an idea They elaborate on it, and then the magic is created I’m only the copilot of the journey Employment... not only at work but also in life Another aspect that is more subtle about networking but a huge bonus is the opportunity to “experiment” Getting together in professional settings allows you to practice and refine your elevator pitch as well as hone your communication skills It can also be a laboratory to try out your latest presentation to see if it works or needs to be tweaked Every time you’re on ... and maintenance and production, transportation, and material moving occupations Accessing the Internet and using email are the most commonly reported tasks for 77 million workers who used a computer at work So as you can see, if you’re not up-to-date on technology, you’re in the minority We all look for stability but life is changing in gigantic steps It would be wise to not only to get used to it, but . Switching Lanes on Life’s Journey (Abridged Version) The middle-aged woman’s guide to re-discovering your vocational destiny By Alexandra B. Kelemen Smashwords Edition Text copyright. rewarding on both sides. I propose an idea. They elaborate on it, and then the magic is created. I’m only the copilot of the journey. Employment is just one piece of life’s tapestry. Relationships,. percent). Only about 26 percent of workers used a computer while working in natural resources, construction, and maintenance and production, transportation, and material moving occupations. Accessing

Ngày đăng: 27/06/2014, 23:20