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501 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm về cách dùng từ đồng nghĩa và phản nghĩa tiếng anh nxb thanh niên 2014 lê quốc thảo 100 trang

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Loại bài tập này yêu cầu các bạn chỉ ra được từ đồng nghĩa hoặc trái nghĩa nhất với từ được cho, đó là phương pháp hiệu quả có thể cùng một lúc kiểm tra nghĩa của hai từ.. Tuy nhiên, nế

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Trang 3

Lời giới thi Lạng u Chúng tôi xin giới thiệu đến các bạn quyển sách “501 Synonym and Antonym Questions” (501 bài tập uê từ đông nghĩa uò trái

nghĩa) Quyển sách này được biên soạn để giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt về kỹ năng dùng từ trong các kỳ thi tuyển sinh Chúng tôi

bảo đảm rằng sau khi hoàn thành phần bài tập trong sách này,

các bạn sẽ củng cố và tăng cường vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh

Hiện nay, xu hướng sử dụng loại bài tập về từ đồng nghĩa, trái

nghĩa trong các kỳ thi ngày càng nhiêu Loại bài tập này yêu cầu các bạn chỉ ra được từ đồng nghĩa hoặc trái nghĩa nhất với từ

được cho, đó là phương pháp hiệu quả có thể cùng một lúc kiểm tra nghĩa của hai từ

Trong sách này, hầu hết phần bài tập từ đồng nghĩa và trái

nghĩa được tách riêng ra, duy chỉ có hai chương là gộp chung Bài tập này gia tăng độ khó theo từng chương Bởi vì quyển sách này được biên soạn theo từng cấp độ khác nhau, bạn có thể gặp phải

một số bài tập rất khó Nếu bạn dùng quyển sách này để học luyện cho các kỳ thi tuyển sinh trung học, bạn có thể thường làm sai phần bài tập phía sau sách Nhưng đừng lo lắng quá! Nếu bạn làm đúng bài tập ở phần đầu quyển sách thì bạn có thể làm bài thi tương đối tốt Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn muốn ôn luyện cho các kỳ thi ngang mức tốt nghiệp như thi GRE, thì tất cả các bài tập

trình bày trong quyển sách này rất phù hợp với trình độ của bạn

- Cuốn sách này có thể giúp bạn ôn luyện theo nhiều cách Thứ nhất, sau khi hoàn thành hết bài tập, bạn sẽ làm quen với hình thức câu hỏi thi cũng như nhạy bén hơn khi liên tưởng đến từ đồng nghĩa và trái nghĩa Trong lúc thi, bạn sẽ gặp khó

khăn khi chuyển từ bài tập đông nghĩa sang trái nghĩa, nhưng

sau khi luyện tập, bạn sẽ cảm thấy dễ dàng hơn khi làm loại bài

tập này.

Trang 4

Thứ hai, bạn sẽ kiểm tra được vốn từ vựng của mình Ví dụ như, khi bạn thấy một từ khá quen thuộc và biết sơ ý nghĩa của từ đó, nhưng khi được kiểm tra, bạn lại thấy rằng mình không

biết được nghĩa chính xác của chúng Thông qua bài tập này, bạn sẽ chỉ ra được những từ đồng nghĩa và học định nghĩa chính xác Bên cạnh đó, bạn cũng gặp phải một số từ trái nghĩa Chỉ cần nhớ nghĩa của từ, bạn đã có thể tăng cường vốn từ vựng và làm

bài thi đạt điểm tốt

Thứ ba, kiểm tra khả năng của bạn trong việc nhận ra sự khác biệt nhỏ giữa các nghĩa của từ Có thể bài tập yêu cầu bạn chỉ ra từ đồng nghĩa cho định nghĩa thứ hai của từ Ví dụ như “inclination hodc natural ability” 14 nghia thi hai cua ti “bent” Ngoài ra, hướng chung của bài tập này thường yêu cầu bạn chỉ ra từ đồng nghĩa nhất hoặc là từ trái nghĩa nhất với từ được cho Có nghĩa là bạn phải lựa chọn nghĩa thật sát sao Ví dụ như từ “atrocious” cé nghia là “utterly revolting”, trong trường hợp này ta dùng từ “revolting” sẽ chính xác hơn “unpleasant”

Mỗi bài tập đều có đáp án đây đủ ở phía sau Đáp án không chỉ đưa ra câu trả lời đúng mà còn định nghĩa của từ đó Sau khi làm bài, bạn có thể làm một danh sách các từ mà mình quên

nghĩa rồi học thuộc để tăng cường vốn từ vựng Trong một vài trường hợp, bạn cũng có lợi khi tìm nghĩa của từ mà bạn chọn sai, làm như thế bạn sẽ bảo đảm rằng mình biết chắc nghĩa của những từ đó Sau đó đưa chúng vào danh sách từ vựng cần học

Giờ đây với quyển sách trong tay, những gì bạn cần làm là

hoàn tất từ những bài tập trong sách, đọc kỹ câu trả lời và nhận

thấy rằng vốn từ vựng của mình đang tăng dan ngày một nhiều Thậm chí bạn có thể làm bằng bút chì rồi sau đó làm lại lần nữa để ôn những gì đã học

Chúc các bạn thành công!

Trang 5

a argue

b hate c discover

d reveal gracious a pretty b clever

c pleasant

d present

a foretell b decide c prevent d discover kin

Trang 6

b argument

c imposter d clown - saccharine a leave b sweet c arid

d quit drag a sleepy b crush c proud d pull jovial a incredulous b merry c revolting d dizzy

indifferent a neutral b unkind c precious d mean

a ghost

b force c charm

d courage apportion a divide b decide c cut d squabble


a general b cheap c fresh d elderly qualm a distress b impunity c persevere d scruple

wary calm curved

confused Cautious

Trang 7

d harm

sumptuous a delirious b gorgeous c perilous

d luxurious reel

a whirl b fish c hit d mistake inscrutable a difficult


a audacity b fearfulness c shyness d stupidity

educe a demand b elicit c ideal d unlawful

Trang 8

b satiate c carry d horror

sacrosanct a prayer b sanctuary

Trang 9

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions



10 11 12 13 14, 15 46

b b


remote means faraway, or distant

to detest means to feel intense or violent dislike, or to hate gracious means to be pleasant or considerate in social

an imposter

saccharine means overly sweet

to drag is to pull, or to cause movement in a direction with applied force

jovial means good humored or merry to be indifferent is to be marked by impartiality or to be neutral

to simulate is to assume the outward appearance of, or to


charisma is magnetic charm or appeal to apportion is to divide and share out generic means having the characteristic of a whole group, or general

Trang 10

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32



501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

a qualm is a feeling of uneasiness about a moral issue, or a scruple

wary means to be attentive especially to danger, or to be

cautious to distort means to twist out of a normal state, or to deform

sumptuous means excessively costly, rich, or luxurious one meaning of reel is to move round and round, or to whirl inscrutable means not easily interpreted or understood, or


to appall is to overcome with shock, or to dismay upright can mean either honorable or vertical; horizontal and

supine are both antonyms of upright

a reverie means the state of being lost in thought, or a daydream

loot means goods seized in war, or spoils

loquacious means excessively talkative, or garrulous a chimera is a fabrication of the mind, or an illusion

temerity means unreasonable contempt for danger or recklessness, or audacity

to educe means to develop something potential or latent; to

elicit means to draw out something hidden or latent a nabob is a person of great wealth or importance, or a bigwig

to pall can mean to deprive of pleasure in something by


Trang 11

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

33 d sacrosanct means the most sacred, or holy 34 d louche means not reputable, or indecent 35 c stentorian means loud and is usually used to imply a voice of

great power and range

Trang 13

d marry

rotund a round

b unimportant

c thin

d dull

talent a ungrateful b silent c show d inability common a strange b uneasy c quick d fast

brazen a bashful b boisterous c noisy

d heated

expect a attend b regret c despair d loathe

b pungent

c fragrant d delicious expound a besmirch b confuse

c confine

d condemn pique a value

b gully

c smooth d soothe abate a free b augment

c provoke

d wane dearth a lack

b poverty

c abundance

d foreign peaked a tired b arrogant

c pointy

d ruddy

Trang 14

d easy kindle a smother b detest c enemy d discourage meager a kind b generous c thoughtful d copious philistine

a novice

b intellectua! c pious d debutante zenith

a worst b apex

c nadir d past germane a irrelevant b indifferent

c impartial d improvident

11 60




65 irascible

b condemn

c dissatisfaction d master supercilious a unimportant b relevant c serious

d meek improvident

a cautious b fortunate c proven

d intelligent

demur a embrace b crude c boisterous d falter


a crafty b frugal

c sensible d inane

Trang 15

d prescient

sartorial 70

a cheerful

b sincere c inelegant d homespun

SapIent a hunched b strong

c simple d simian


matutinal a paternal b crepuscular

Trang 16

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

secret means hidden or covert; overt means open to view -3&

heartfelt means expressing genuine feeling, or sincere, so

impartial means to be without prejudice or bias, therefore

biased is the opposite ae

luminous means radiating or reflecting light, or glowing; dint®

means dark or dull

awe means a sense of deep respect or veneration; contempt-3® means a lack of respect, or disdain

a pit is a hole and a peak is the top of a hill or mountain’ We rotund means rounded or plump, therefore thin is the opposite a talent is a special creative or artistic ability, therefore inability

is the opposite

common means ordinary or familiar; strange means unfamil@t

brazen means to be defiant or insolent; bashful means to be shy

or timid 08

to expect is to wait for or to look forward to; to despair 8 toLé lose all hope

malodorous means to have a bad smell; fragrant means.) £8

smelling sweet or delicate

to expound means to explain; to confuse, or confound, is:thé4

opposite of expound


Trang 17

50 d S51 b

2 cal

60 b

61,;: b

62 d 63.:!:a

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

to pique means to excite or irritate; to soothe means to calm

to abate means to reduce in degree or intensity; to augment

means to increase

dearth means an inadequate supply or lack of something;

abundance means an ample quantity, or wealth

to be peaked is to appear pale or wan; to be ruddy is to have a healthy, red complexion

to abridge means to shorten and to extend means to lengthen to kindle means to start burning or ignite; to smother means to stifle or suppress

meager means lacking in quality or quantity; copious means present in large quantity, or abundant

philistine is used disparagingly to describe a person guided by

material rather than intellectual values; an intellectual is a

person who engages in creative use of his or her intellect zenith means the highest point or the apex; nadir means the lowest point

germane means to be appropriate or relevant, therefore irrelevant is the opposite

irascible means easily angered; placid means calm or serene to approbate means to approve or sanction; to condemn means to declare wrong or to convict

supercilious means coolly or patronizingly haughty; meek means enduring injury with patience and without resentment improvident means lacking prudent foresight, or careless; cautious means to be wary or to exercise forethought


Trang 18


66 67


501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

to demur means to delay or hesitate; to embrace means to

accept readily or gladly; demure means coy fatuous means inanely foolish; sensible is its nearest opposite quiescent means marked by inactivity or repose, therefore

active is the opposite sartorial means of or relating to tailored clothes; homespun means homemade

sapient means possessing great wisdom, or sage; one meaning of simple is deficient in intelligence

matutinal means of or relating to the morning; crepuscular means relating to or resembling twilight

impecunious means having little or no money, therefore wealthy is the opposite


Trang 19

ec current

d humble custom most nearly means 75 a dessert

b habit ce ethic de deliver

a extend b c relax

imply most nearly means a suggest

b stab c thick

d destroy

Trang 20

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

ramble most nearly means

a knot

b confuse c wander d wonder

beneficial most nearly means a help

b advantageous c charity d wise

flare most nearly means a judicial

b temper c style d blaze negligent most nearly means

a pajamas

b morbid c careless d dark

aloof most nearly means a above

b tidy c clever

d reserved resolve most nearly means a turn

b puzzle c decide

b cowardly c brave

d careful

negligible most nearly means

a insignificant b arguable c careless d dark placid most nearly means a calm

b lazy c solemn d devious rake most nearly means a thin

b scoundrel c gentleman d shovel

Trang 21





501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

dupe most nearly means a rancher

b trick c simpleton

a quiet

b sneaky ce lurking d greedy abide most nearly means

a endure b hate c attendance d live

shrewd most nearly means

a intractable mean astute intelligent

b c d

d persist flagrant most nearly mearts?~

a vibrant b glaring c vicious d pleasant mitigate most nearly mezfể

a relieve

b blend c defend d confuse

rail most nearly means *‘ a scold

b push c try d punish

meld most nearly means a character

b distinction c blend d firmness

rally most nearly means

a demonstrate b muster C course d truly

Trang 22

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

abject most nearly means a indigent

b desire

c despondent d extreme bespoke most nearly means a gentle

b quiet c tailored d handsome diffident most nearly means

a apathetic

b shy c arrogant d quarrelsome proffer most nearly means a mendicant

b wastrel c predict d tender mordant most nearly means a dead

b gruesome c fetid d Caustic

a antiquated

b parched

C nonsectarian d nonsensical

picayune most nearly means a petty

b spicy c paltry d southern

smite most nearly means a flee

b speck

c dirt

d strike winnow most nearly means a carve

b wind c weed

d carry

Trang 23

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions


71 d modest means to be free of conceit or pretension, or humble 72 b a custom means a long-established practice, or a habit 73 a to prolong means to lengthen in time, or to extend

74 b to hustle means to hurry

75 d solemn means marked by grave sobriety, or serious

76 a to imply means to express indirectly, or to suggest

77 +c to ramble means to move aimlessly from place to place, or to

wander 78 b beneficial means causing benefit, or advantageous

79 d flare means a fire or blaze used to signal; flair means talent or

style 80 c negligent means marked by neglect, or careless 81 d aloof means distant in feeling, or reserved 82 c one meaning of resolve is to decide, often to stop from doing

something 83 b to congregate means to gather in a group 84 a to utter means to express in words 85 c fearless means lacking fear, or brave 86 a negligible means so small or insignificant as to deserve little

attention 87 a placid means free of disturbance, or calm


Trang 24

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

88 b a rake is a dissolute person, or a scoundrel

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97

100 101 102 103 104



to dupe means to deceive or to trick stigma means a mark of shame or discredit, or a stain to reside means to occupy a place as one’s home, or to dwell covetous means having an inordinate desire for wealth, or

greedy to abide means to endure without yielding, or to withstand shrewd means marked by clever awareness, or astute to fetter means to hamper, or to restrain

flagrant means obviously wrong or immoral; glaring means painfully obvious

mitigate means to make less severe or painful, or to relieve to rail means to scold in harsh, abusive language

to meld means to merge or to blend to rally means to arouse for action, or to muster

abject means cast down in spirit, or utterly hopeless; despondent means having lost all hope

bespoke means custom-made; tailored also means custom- made

diffident means shy or lacking in confidence to proffer means to put something forward for acceptance, or to



Trang 25

105 106 107 108 109 110

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

- mordant means biting or caustic in means or speech

churlish means resembling an ill-bred or vulgar person, or

boorish antediluvian means so ancient that it could have come before

the time of the flood and Noah’s ark, or antiquated

picayune means trivial or of little value; paltry means trivial or meager

smite means to strike heavily especially with the hand

to winnow means to sift or get rid of, like weed, it is often used with “out”


Trang 27

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

a swift b weak c strong d pale


a steady b kind c please d finagle

inept is most opposite to 125

a clumsy b infer

a unkind b blunt c valid d dishonest

flaunt is most opposite to

a regard b sink c hide d propose

heal is most opposite to

a sew

b foot

c good d maim pacify is most opposite to

a excite

b land c coddle d unhand sullen is most opposite to a dirty

b cheerful c clean d risen

assure is most Opposite to

a alarm b reassure

C quiet

d unsure fallacious is most opposite to a perfect

b truthful c accidental d disarming

Trang 28

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

gumption is most oppositeto 135 obtuse is most opposite to a seriousness

b apathy c levity d despair

ecstasy is most opposite to a hate

b agony c languor d fatigue

astute is most Opposite to

a distraught b careful c generous d gullible

winsome is most opposite to a dour

d absurd enigmatic is most opposite to

a healthy

b watchful c disastrous d obvious

opaque thick

banal is most opposite to

a sincere

b wealthy ec extraordinary d trustworthy luguibrious is most

opposite to

a quick b cheerful c salubrious d dry

Trang 29

a calm easy

b c dull d winsome

elan is most opposite to

a inelegance b stupidity c obscure

d despair

recondite is most opposite to a manifest

b flexible c provident d sociable

gainsay Is most opposite to a regret

b own c prudent d prude effluvium is most opposite to a land

truculent is most opposite to a faltering

b gentle c facile d submissive

spurious is most opposite to

a disingenuous b thoughtless c placid d genuine

welter is most opposite to

a order b freeze

Trang 30

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions


141 a to detain means to hold or keep back; to release means to let go

112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125

to flaunt means to display showily, or to show off, therefore

hide is the opposite to heal means to restore to health; to maim means to injure to pacify means to soothe, or calm, therefore excite is the


Trang 31

126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

sullen means showing a disagreeable mood, or lacking cheer,

therefore cheerful is the opposite

to assure means to make sure by removing doubt or worry; alarm means to give warning or to arouse fear

fallacious means tending to deceive; truthful means disposed to tell the truth

gumption means initiative, or drive; apathy means a lack of

obsequious means subservient or fawning; domineering means

exercising overbearing control doleful means full of grief or cheerless; vivacious means full of life and spirit

one meaning of wanton is malicious or merciless, therefore merciful is the opposite


Trang 32

139 140 141 142 143 144, 145 146 147 148 149 150 b

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

banal means trite or commonplace, therefore extraordinary is

utter loss of hope

recondite means difficult for one of ordinary understanding to comprehend; manifest means easily understood or recognized

to gainsay means to deny; one meaning of to own is to admit

effluvium means an offensive smell; fragrance means a sweet or

spurious means lacking genuine qualities, or false, therefore

genuine is the opposite welter means a state of wild disorder, or turmoil, therefore

order is the opposite eclat means a dazzling effect, or brilliance, therefore dullness is the opposite


Trang 33

153 refute 156

a garbage b deny

c offer d difficult

cheat a suingy b argue c freckle d defraud


a cruel b wrong

c unhappy


a classic b alcoholic c disease

d spoiled

Trang 34

corner a display b trap

c paint

d hurry

zest a gusto b cram C worry d trial


a tired b climb c decrease

d bargain impel

a force b block c hinder d discredit

throng a garment b bell c mass d weight

34 163

d beautiful

diffuse a difficult b scatter c incomprehensible d unplug

hinder a lose b loose

c despair d check

latent a dormant b recent c effeminate

d desirable

wretched a twisted b forced c miserable d increased

irksome a outrageous b fearsome c impoverished d annoying

Trang 35

warrant a justify

b burrow

c hide d integrity

protract a hire b fold

c delay

d corner lax

b rope

c fix d excess discrete a leave b diminish

c squander

d distinct

35 175

c supple d dull misprize a despise b devalue c erroneous d covet impugn a imply b fret c assail d recalcitrant supervene

a intervene

b overreach

c displace

d follow exigent a urgent

b treatise c miser

d expedient


a delightful

b difficult c obstinate d ardent

Trang 36

impromptu vague

ubiquitous odorous



a lethargy

b c


„ hearness

capacity » tendency

Trang 37

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions


151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164



b deplete means to reduce or deprive or something essential;

exhaust means to empty completely voluntary means done by one5 own will, or willing

to refute means to prove wrong, or to deny the truth of to cheat means to influence by means of trickery, or to

defraud miserable means in a state of distress or unhappiness

vintage means of old and enduring interest, or classic

tart means pleasantly sharp or acid to the taste P y P

to corner means to drive into a corner, or to trap one meaning of zest is keen enjoyment, or gusto to haggle means to negotiate over terms or price, or to

bargain to impel means to drive forward using strong moral pressure, or to force

a throng is a large number of assembled people, or a mass imperial means befitting or suggesting an emperor; regal means befitting or suggesting a king

to diffuse means to break up or spread out, or to scatter


Trang 38

165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

to hinder means to hold back; one meaning of to check means

to slow or bring to a stop

latent means capable of becoming but not currently visible, or dormant

wretched means extremely distressed, or miserable

irksome means tedious or annoying to regulate means to bring under the control of law; to police

means to control or keep order

to warrant means to serve as adequate ground or reason, or to

justify to protract means to prolong in time or space, or to delay

lax means in a relaxed state, or slack

rigor means severity of life, or austerity discrete means individually distinct lissume means supple or flexible to misprize means to hold in contempt, or to despise to impugn means to attack verbally as false or lacking integrity; to assail means to attack

to supervene means to follow as an unexpected development

exigent means demanding immediate attention, or urgent

fervid means ardent or passionate ersatz means a usually artificial or inferior substitute


Trang 39

501 Synonym & Antonym Questions

182 b redolent means aromatic or full of a specific scent, or


183 d turpitude means wickedness, or depravity

184 b propinquity means nearness in place or time

185 c vociferous means loud and insistent, often in presentation of

demands or requests; strident also means loud and insistent


Trang 40



cordial rude furious tactile

190 cowardice

false drop


191 lenient




imaginative a playful b written c small

d dull


a wasteful b dense c clumsy d fast animosity a love

b plantlike

c barren d tiny

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2024, 11:53