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IELTS Speaking Sample

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IELTS Speaking Sample (Part 2) 10 topics for student, real test in 2022 ( Band 8+) Please buy it=))

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-IELTS Topic 1: Science subject

SPEAKING -Describe a science subject you're interested inYou should say: what science subject it is how you got interested in it how you learn this science

why this science is interesting to you

*part 3 for this cue card is 'Science'Since childhood I've been interested in Astronomy.Astrophysics, to be precise This is the branch of Astronomy that studies the physics of stellar phenomena and other objects in space Though I have to admitthat I'm not a science-obsessed person I mean if I come across an interesting article, I read it with pleasure, if I don't, I don't search for this information deliberately and I don't do it on a regular basis From time to time | watch documentaries, read articles on the Internet, get some new information from friends But as I've said before, I don't do it very often I don't remember what exactly made me interested in it because this interest in space and everything connected with it was already established by the time I had reliable memories about that interest By the time I was 5 l already recall having been interested inAstronomy I think I got started on the science track when I started reading a lotof science fiction books and encyclopedias as a child Also, my parents read me books on planets and my father told me many interesting facts about our solar system My interest to this topic was fueled several years ago after watching Interstellar, a wonderful science fiction movie which made me think about blackholes, wormholes space time, dark matter, time dilation for several we was more than impressed The main reason why I like Astrophysics is that everything mysterious captivates me really want to understand how everything that exists works, to have a better understanding of the universe we live in and understand how the cosmos influences different processes on planet

Topic 2: RuleDescribe an important rule at school or at workYou should say: what rule it is

why you think it is important what happens if someone breaks it how you

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feel about it

*part 3 - 'Rules'So, at my work, there's this one rule that everyone knows about, and it's all about being on time It's a pretty simple rule, really But it's super important for keeping things running smoothly I mean we work in a busy office where we have to coordinate a lot of tasks and projects If someone is late, it can mess up the whole schedule Meetings get delayed, deadlines get pushed back, and it canbe a real headache for everyone So if it weren't for this rule, we would have a really hard time getting work done Literally So, I totally get why this rule is in place, and I actually think it's a good one It helps us stay organized and make sure we're all on the same page Plus, it shows respect for our colleagues and thecompany because we're valuing everyone's time But here's the thing: not

everyone followed this rule There were a few coworkers who were constantly late, and it was frustrating It was not fair to the rest of us who made an effort tobe on time, and it often created tension in the office Now, if someone does break this rule and is late without a good reason, there are consequences Usually, our boss will have a chat with them and remind them of the importanceof being punctual If it keeps happening, they might get a formal warning And if it continues after that, well, they could even lose their job So, while the rule about being on time might seem strict, I think it's necessary to keep things running smoothly and maintain a respectful work environment And personally, I'm all for it because it makes workday a lot less stressful

Topic 7: Waiting for a nice thingDescribe a time you waited for a nice thingYou should say: what you were waiting for, how you felt what you did while waiting why you waited for it

*Part 3 for this cue card is 'Waiting and patience'I hate waiting in all its manifestations as I always feel like I'd be waiting forever, and this is what usually makes me feel restless especially when l'm waiting for something I'm looking forward to Several years ago there was one of such occasions | was waiting to get my visa to go to Canada And as it was my first trip abroad I was more than nervous I should say I was excited while

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collecting all the documents and planning my trip Even after I submitted a visa application, everything was more or less ok I knew I'd have to wait for some time, and, at first, this didn't make me scared If it hadn't been for my friends who kept telling me that Canada was one of the hardest places to get a visa to, I would have been relaxed and calm But because of them, I started feeling

panicky While my visa application was being processed, I felt like I was waiting for something that wasn't going to happen Sometimes it felt as though time had stopped Of course, I tried to distract myself with work, friends,

meetings, but it was difficult not to think about it The worst thing was that I was being kept in suspense as I could ask nobody about what was going on And I did not know when exactly I could expect to receive the res But I was looking forward to getting it as this would my dream to visit Canada come true

Topic 3: Bad serviceDescribe a time when you received bad service at a restaurant or shopYou should say:

• when and where it was what was wrong with the service how you felt about it

*part 3 for this cue card is 'Service'Last year had an experience of what I consider to be absolutely terrible rather than just bad customer service I wanted to buy a new laptop First, I wanted to find a suitable one online, but I was overwhelmed by the number of options available In the end, I decided to go to a reputable electronics store as it was too expensive to throw money away and buy the first thing I saw online When Ientered the store, one of the sales assistants greeted me He waited for some time to let me look around, then approached me only after I made eye contact with him, showing I needed his assistance The guy introduced himself and started asking me a lot of questions to find out what exactly I needed But when I started answering his questions telling him about my needs, he didn't listen to me carefully And it seemed to me that he didn't really care about what I

needed It looked like he just wanted to sell something that would pay him more At that point I was already upset because I came there hoping experts would help me find the right solution for my individual needs Somehow I managed to make up my mind and chose a laptop that I liked Unfortunately, themodel I'd chosen appeared out of stock, so he offered to contact other branches find the model I wanted Of course, I agreed to wait a wit They said that the

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purchase would be delivered within 3 days, but I received it after I had waited for 3 weeks just to find out that they had sent me a faulty item You can onlyimagine how disappointed I was Of course, I wanted to return it and get the oneI needed However, I was told that the model I wanted was out of stock

Needless to say, I contacted their customer service centre and requested a refund I had a hard time returning it and getting my money back I wrote tons of complaints to them It's a really long story Finally, I received a refund and the nightmare which lasted for several months over

Topic 4: Sportsperson you admireDescribe a sportsperson you admire

You should say: who this person is what this person has achieved how you know about this person

explain why you like this person

*Part 3 for this cue card is 'Athletes'The only sport I enjoy watching, and sometimes even playing, is football For this

reason, of course, my favourite sports star is a football player He is one of the greatest players of all time Football experts compare him to the legendary Maradona And I'm talking about Lionel Messi He started making headlines many years ago, and he's still very popular Messi was born in a small town in Argentina He was just 5 when he started playing football When he was a teenager, agents from Barcelona saw his talent, he moved to Spain He became one of the youngest players in Barcelona By the way, several weeks ago, he announced that he was leaving Barcelona after 21 years of playing for the club (the only club he has played for, by the way) 'cause the club said it could no longer afford to pay I even started crying when I saw him crying at his farewellpress conference He has had a lot of extraordinary achievements and won a lot of trophies so far For example, having scored 4 goals, he won the Golden Ball award for the World Cup's best player in 2014 He helped his club team

Barcelona win European Champions League and the World Club Championship What's more, he's Argentina's all-time leading goalscorer I love to watch him playing, especially when he scores his beautiful goals from quick counter attacks He is undoubtedly a natural talent You know, the ball seems to

be glued to his foot He is a master at reading the game, and he's very quick

Everyone calls him the greatest dribbler of his generation I particularly like

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when he dribbles at high speed, then he suddenly slows down, waits for the defender to get closer to him, then accelerates in the opposite direction It doesn't matter how many defenders try to stop him, it's simply impossible What's interesting is that everyone knows this trick, but he does it again and again, and defenders always go for that I can't help admiring Messi because does things that people talk about years later.

Topic 5: Problem with the computerDescribe a time when your computer broke downYou should say:

what the problem was, what you were doing when it waswhat you did about it

• how you felt about it

*part 3 for this cue card is 'Using things"Oh, once I accidently spilled water on my laptop, and then it didn't start This allhappened so fast that I didn't even realise what was going on I just saw the liquid

spreading over the keyboard I was afraid I'd get electrocuted, so I immediately disconnected the laptop from the power source Then! held the power switch and turned it off After that, I took a paper towel and tried to remove excess liquid I thought there had to be something else could do to solve the problem before it was too late So I called my tech savvy friend and asked him for help He told me not to shake the laptop, but to open it as wide as I could, so that the screen and keyboard are on the same level, then put it, face and keyboard down,on a towel or something absorbent, leave it there for at least a couple of hours so that the water can drip out Unfortunately, even though I took all those steps, my laptop didn't start and I had to take it to a specialized technician The laptop was very expensive | set aside a large percentage of my income every month foralmost a year Also, I was afraid I'd lose important data So, of course, I was really upset And, worst of all, I realised that it was my fault, and there was nobody to blame

Topic 6: Advice you gaveDescribe a time when you gave advice to othersYou should say: who you gave advice to what the situation was what advice

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you gave what the result was

*part 3 for this cue card is 'Advice'Just recently one of my close friend's decided to quit a job after an argument with some colleague What's more, he was determined to do this as soon as possible To be honest, I didn't want to interfere and tell my friend what I thought about his idea 'cause giving advice to people who don't ask for it just doesn't work Also, I'm sure people should make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons But I realized that this would impact his life significantly, so I just couldn't keep my mouth shut advised my friend not to make emotional decisions I said that I didn't think it was wise to quit a job without another one lined up because this would entail uncertainty and having no income for an indefinite period of time To my regret, my friend didn't listen to me as he is toostubborn to listen to anybody's advice A few days later, he resigned And a few months after that he called me to borrow some money because he was still looking for a job

Topic 7: Successful personDescribe a successful person you knowYou should say: who this person is how you know this person how this person behaves

• why you think this person is successful

*part 3 is 'Success'The person who, in my opinion, succeeded big time in life is my friend Ann She has been working for a fairly large manufacturing company for about 5 years now And what's interesting about it is that she started her career as a junior project manager But very soon she was acting like the team's lead although she wasn't actually one I know that she wasn't doing this because she wanted to get a promotion I remember we discussed this situation She was doing this because she felt it was the right thing to do for the company to succeed Of course, at some point, her boss completely took a back seat and didn't do anything at all It is not surprising, therefore, that eventually she was offered her boss's position And, of course, she agreed I don't know how exactly she manages her team 'cause we don't work together But we've been friends since childhood, so can assume that, first of all, she doesn't shout at

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people She is never rude to her subordinates She shows respect for their hard work and dedication I'm sure that she lets her team do their work without standing over their shoulders Also, she really likes holding brainstorming sessions from time to time She told me about it many times She listens to everyone's opinions, involves employees in decision-making and planning, which makes people feel involved and valued, of course Well, from what I know, her team is like a well-oiled machine, and she gets a pretty high salary I think that this is the best evidence of her success.

Topic 8: Beautiful cityDescribe a beautiful city

You should say: what city it is how you know it what it is famous for• why you think it is beautiful

*part 3 - 'Cities'Well, X is the city that I'm in love with And because I was overwhelmed by its size and beauty, I remember almost every minute that I spent there like it was just yesterday although I went there 2 years ago X is a bustling city, the capital of X It's so large that if you view the city from a tall building,you get the

feeling that it doesn't end And as I've just said it's by far the most beautiful city that l've ever visited X is divided into two parts, the old town and the modern city, therefore there's an eclectic mix of historic architecture and modern buildings that have bizarre shapes What is really amazing is that there are no ugly cooker-cutter buildings in the modern part of the city Due to a clever use of materials, almost each building has its unique design There are a lot of beautiful parks and green zones, too I'm a keen walker so I explored the whole city on foot And I really liked both parts of the city For example, while

walking around its historic part, I leisurely explored historically significant architecture, peaceful green spaces, and unique local attractions along the way You can walk for days and still have something new to see 'cause there are many places of cultural and historical value, and there are countless routes that can be taken in different parts of the city Sometimes just walked around the city having no destination in mind I also visited the observation deck It's one of the most famous attractions there just couldn't miss the opportunity to visit italthough it was a bit pricy So I walked, tried local food, visited famous

attractions and enjoyed the beauty around It really did feel like I was jumping

from antiquity into modern times all the time I think X is a magical place

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Topic 9: Person with interesting ideasDescribe a person who has interesting ideas and opinionsYou should say: who this person is what this person does how you know this person

why you think his or her ideas are interesting

part 3 for this cue card is 'Ideas and opinions'The person whom I consider really interesting is Marina Mogilko She is a YouTuber with 2 million subscribers, Instagram influencer and entrepreneur Her YouTube channel is dedicated to learning English And, actually, this is how I found her One day I was looking for an accent reduction course on YouTube I watched one of her videos, then another one They were really engaging I just couldn't stop watching them I found her personal account on Instagram and started following her Her posts proved to be even more

interesting than her videos because she wrote a lot about her life in America, described her business strategies, shared her insights with the audience So I've been following her on Instagram for almost a year now I still find her ideas interesting, so I never miss her posts, especially those that she writes afterattending some events I'm sure it is her ideas and beliefs have helped her achieve the results l'm dreaming about So I try to apply some of these things to my life Some of her ideas are totally different from mine, thus, they made me look at things from a different perspective For example, in one of her recent posts she said she started to say more noes than yeses She said this helps her focus on what's really important to her although there are lots of people who saythat we should seize every opportunity that we have Another interesting idea ofhers is not to try to improve more than 2 spheres of your life at a time

Otherwise, you risk spending the whole day digging deeper and deeper into all kinds of problems As a result, you'll just have a low self-esteem and a bad mood She also writes about difficulties she faces and what she does to overcome them She writes about her achievements It's inspiring For example, sometimes she starts her post from 'This is how I did something, for example, started my own business at the age of 21 how you can too

Topic 10: Interesting place in your countryDescribe an interesting place in your country that is not visited by many

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touristsYou should say:• what place it is where it iswhy it is interesting how you found out about it

part 3 for this cue card is 'Travelling'I'm going to tell you about the ancient monastery situated on top of the mountain This place is truly magical, mythical and mystical There are so manylegends about it For example, they say that all your wishes will come true after visiting this place All you have to do is leave a gift or coin near the statue of X.And there's a fertility statue that a woman should touch if she wants to get pregnant No one has ever checked it, but Oh you won't believe but there are rumours that this place is haunted But I don't think that someone has ever daredto spend a night there Also, I can't help mentioning that there is a stunning viewfrom the top I think it's a great Instagram-worthy photography spot It's a

magical place where every corner is steeped in history It's like a journey Back in time In my opinion, it's definitely worth a visit Despite this, very few

tourists visit it because, first of all, it's situated very far from popular tourist destinations Therefore it's very difficult to get there I mean it takes almost all day to get to the place, but there's nothing to do there for more than a couple of hours Many people consider such tours a waste of time What's more, as l've already said the monastery is situated on top of the mountain And the worst thing is that there are no roads, just a narrow path And if it were just narrow, that would be more or less ok But it is steep and slippery, with loose gravel, sand and mud So it's a bit dangerous too Many people think it's not worth risking their lives And it's necessary to be in very good shape to be able to climb up there This means that children, elderly people, most women won't be able to get there It's only feasible for young people, who are often lazy and don't want to visit places of historic value So it appears that those who would be interested in visiting this place will have difficulty doing it Those who couldget there aren't really interested As a result, this place is not popular with tourists But I believe it deserves much more attention

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2024, 15:53
