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IELTS Speaking Sample Part 1

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Danh sách các câu hỏi và câu trả lời sample part 1, đã có câu trả lời sẵn tham khảo hi vọng sẽ giúp các bạn luyện thi IETLS có bước đà chuẩn bị tốt để đối đầu với các cuộc thi khó nhằn của IETLS. Hi vọng bộ tài liệu náy sẽ giúp ích cho các bạn

PART COUNTRYSIDE Have you ever lived in the countryside? Yes, I did I was born and bred (raised) in the countryside It is a small village in the north of Vietnam around 50 kilometers from the capital Ha Noi But today, I’m living and studying in HCMc Do you enjoy living in the countryside? Not really I prefer living in the city because it's hard to find a well-paid job in the countryside But there's one thing I don't like in big cities is air pollution What you usually in the countryside? Actually, when I went to my hometown, i didn’t anything special It’s a small village and there are no entertaining centers So I spent all days watching TV with mom or playing games on my phone Spend something doing something Will you live in the countryside in the future? I think that I won’t live in the countryside In the future, I will find a job in Ho Chi Minh city to make a living, to build up a happy family and live the rest of my life with my partner in the city HOMETOWN What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)? Bac Ninh is my hometown which is a small province located in the north of Viet Nam Although it is a small village, but it is still a tourist attraction because of its stunning scenery (because it has various stunning scenery) Is that a big city or a small place? My hometown is the smallest province in the country But It has a reputation for ancient temples and some intangible /ɪnˈtændʒəbl/ cultural heritages /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ For example, Quan Ho Bac Ninh Sorry, there is no word in English to describe it But it is a sort of Traditional music of Vietnam Reputation for something ~ famous for something = renowned for something Reputation as something ~ famous as something = renowned as something How long have you been living there? I was born and bred (raised) there But when I was 18 years old, I went to Ho Chi Minh city to study at a university And I rarely go to my home because it’s quite far from where I’m living Do you like your hometown? Yes, of course Because I was born and bred (raised) there So I have had a lot of excellent /ˈeksələnt/ memories of my family, my school friends and my childhood Is there anything you dislike about it? Of course, I think I’d have to say that I’m not keen on the weather In the summer months, the temperatures under the sun can get as high as 40 degrees Celsius / ˈsel.si.əs/ So it’s quite uncomfortable if you have to go out Be (not) keen on something/Ving something I’d have to say What you like (most) about your hometown? I really love people there because they are very kind and friendly Everyone is usually willing (ADJ) to give others a hand when they need help (N) Give someone a hand: to help someone (to) something Do you like living there? No, I don’t I feel quite bored when I live in my hometown I prefer living in the city because I can easily hang out with some best friends of mine at pavement café, go shopping and watch movies in the cinema Prefer Ving something Please describe your hometown a little My hometown is both traditional and modern /ˈmɒdn/ On the one hand, tradition /trəˈdɪʃn/ is preserved by conserving a number of historical sites such as ancient temples On the other hand, a lot of high-rise buildings have been built, which turns my little hometown into a worth-living /wɜːθ/ place Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? No, I don’t I feel quite bored when I live in my hometown I prefer living in the city because I can easily hang out with some best friends of mine at pavement café /kæˈfeɪ/, go shopping and watch movies in the cinema HEALTH Is it important to you to eat healthy food? Yes, of course I believe that food plays a major role in our health For example, It’s easy to get obesity or diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/ if we eat too much sugar If you catch a cold, what you to help you feel better? It depends If I get a heavy cold like get high temperature, headache, cough, sore throat /θrəʊt/ (đau họng), runny /ˈrʌni/ nose (sổ mũi), I will go see a doctor for a check-up But if I have mild /maɪld/ symptoms (triệu chứng nhẹ), what I need to is just drinking hot tea with ginger, eating oranges, getting more rest to support my immune /ɪˈmjuːn/ system to get rid of the disease Get rid of something: đánh bại, tiêu diệt Cấu trúc hay ng xứ hay xài (văn nói) Do you pay attention to public information about health? These days? of course yes As we are living in the “decade /ˈdekeɪd/ of coronavirus” So I have to pay more attention about public information, for example how to prevent the virus from spreading among /əˈmʌŋ/ the community It’s better to keep hygiene, keep washing hands, wearing masks and staying at home as much as possible If I have to go out, I need to follow social distancing rule What could you to have a healthier lifestyle? To have a healthier lifestyle I suggest things to Firstly, it is diet I need to eat more seafood instead of red meat, eat more vegetable and consume less rice, sugar Next, exercises every day, at least 15 minutes a day And last but not least, I need to build good habits, for example eating at the right time, going to bed early and not overusing electrical devices, especially cell phone and laptop SONG AND SINGING Did you enjoy singing when you were younger? I really love music Music is an essential part of my life When I was a teenage boy or even right now when I’m an adult, I sing all the time, whenever I have free time, especially while taking a shower Singing makes my life livelier and more colorful How often you sing now? As I said, I can sing whenever I want But sometimes, I gather with friends of mine and we go to karaoke /ˌkæriˈəʊki/ room Each time doing this, I feel like I immerse myself in a different world, the world of joy and happiness Câu cuối bóng bẩy, dịch tơi cảm thấy tơi chìm đắm giới khác Câu em nói quen miệng hay dùng nhiều Nếu em thấy ko nhớ em nói đơn giản I feel like I am in a different world (nghĩa tương đương sắc thái khơng mạnh bằng) Do you have a favourite song you like listening to? Recently I’ve listened to a song named “memories” of Maroon The melody is ear-catching (bắt tai) and the lyric is meaningful This song is for anyone who has ever loss Catch chụp, túm Ear-catching (adj) = bắt tai Eye-catching (adj) = bắt mắt Listen to something Phải có giới từ ‘to’ How important is singing in your culture? As in any other cultures, singing is an important/essential part of Vietnamese culture It helps people express their feelings and emotions Not only in all festivals, people here also sing in wedding parties, birthday parties Besides, you can easily see youngsters singing and dancing on the street as a social activity or even there’re many people singing on the street for a living Khi trả lời câu hỏi mà em thấy kiểu kiểu đâu mà, em thêm ý As in any other culture vô Biến thể là: As anyone else (như bao người khác), I … (tơi thì…) As in any other country in the world, … Như nước khác giới As in the past, … Như khứ As many other parents, my parents want me… Như bậc phụ huynh khác, ba mẹ muốn … trở thành bác sĩ chẳng hạn CLOTHES Where you buy most of your clothes? Aeon Mall /mɔːl/ is my first option as (it’s located not far) (it’s quite near my house) from where I’m living There are many stores in the mall, so I have many options So I can buy clothes with reasonable price and good quality How often you buy new clothes for yourself? I just buy new clothes once or twice a year, but each time I spend a lot of money shopping For example, this lunar new year, I spent mostly 10 million VND buying clothes not only for me but also for my parents How you decide which clothes to buy? It depends on my feeling If I look at a T-shirt or a jean and I love it, I definitely will buy it I often don’t have a certain hobby to clothes Depend on something: phụ thuộc vào (ko qn giới từ) Have the kinds of clothes you like changed in recent years? Yes, it has changed over time In the past I got used to wearing shirts and trousers when I left (in the past) my house But recently, I prefer wearing T-shirts and jeans because I feel quite active and I can act more comfortable FUTURE What job would you like to have ten years from now? I’d like to become a speaker in ten years’ time I love being in front of the public to talk about animal rights as I love animals, especially dogs and cats How useful will English be for your future? English plays an essential role in my short-term career path I plan to study abroad by the end of this year, so I think if I master English language, it will be easier for me to follow the courses How much travelling you hope to in the future? I’d like to see more of the world It would be nice to be able to travel abroad once a year Europe is always my first destination as I’m very into its ancient architecture It would be nice to be able to + Vbare = thật tuyệt vời làm I’m into + something/Ving = I like/love something/ Ving How you think your life will change in the future? A lot of changes, I guess I’m quite young and there’re a lot of things that I’d like to achieve But eventually, I love to settle down, have babies and live the rest of my life with my partner VOICE Has your voice ever changed? Yes, I did When I hit puberty /ˈpjuːbəti/, my voice changed from high-pitched /pɪtʃt/ to low Today, I feel pretty confident about my voice And with this voice, I’d like to become a speaker in the future I really love being in front of the public, in front of hundreds of people to talk about interesting topics Hit puberty: the start of puberty High-pitched: the sound is very high Do you like your own voice? Yes, of course Some friends of mine said that: “I have a good voice” and I really love my voice But in the future, I will take part in some vocal courses to have a strong voice so that I can speak in front of the public for hours, as a speaker Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it? Yes, I When I started to study English, I have recorded my voice everyday in order to check progress /ˈprəʊɡres/ in terms of my accent /ˈæksent/ and my fluency Now I really love listening to my voice recordings Anh kiểm tra progression progress khác nha em Nếu em nói tiến em dùng progress Does your voice sound similar to your parents’? I’d have to say that my voice doesn’t sound like my parents’ voice My parents have the north accent and I have a mixed accent, between the North and the South Because I have lived in HCMc for years so my voice has changed a lot Hoặc em nói là: No, it’s different… sau lắp đoạn sau vơ SCIENCE CLASS Do you like science class? To be honest, I’m not really keen on science It’s quite hard for me to scientific exercises But I really love watching science fiction /ˈfɪkʃn/ movies, I feel like I immerse /ɪˈmɜːs/ myself in a different world when I watch them, the world of imagination /ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn/ and mystery /ˈmɪstri/ Did you have science class in primary school or high school? Actually, I didn’t study science in primary school But I started learning science subjects when I was in the 8th grade /ɡreɪd/ and in the whole time of high school I must admit it was a hard time to me because it’s quite difficult for me to pass science exams What kind of science did you at school? I did basic science such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics when I was a pupil I didn’t really enjoy these subjects So I just did exactly what the teachers asked me to in order to pass the final exams  Do you think science classes are important? Cho em câu nè: We can’t deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ the vital /ˈvaɪtl/ role of science to humankind So science classes are extremely necessary for young generation In schools, these subjects can help to build a fundamental /ˌfʌndəˈmentl/ knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/, and also awaken /əˈweɪkən/ the curiosity /ˌkjʊə.ri.ˈɒ.səti/ about life inside each pupil /ˈpjuːpl/ However, there’s no need to force /fɔːs/ youngsters to study science unless /ənˈles/ they really love it PEN & PENCIL Do you usually use pen or pencil? Yes, I As I’m a student, I often have to write my lessons down on my notebook /ˈnəʊtbʊk/ So In my backpack, there are always pens and pencils Jot/dʒɒt/ sth down = chép xuống, note lại mà viết siêu nhanh, cấp tốc Note sth down = write sth down = chép lại gì xuống bình thường Which you use more often? Pen or pencil? Actually, I prefer using pens to write something down I just use pencil if I want to draw a picture But it’s rare Paint = tô màu Draw = vẽ (bằng bút chì) Drawer = ngăn kéo (tủ) When was the last time you bought a pen or pencil? Near my house Far from my house Chỉ dung from nói ý xa (tính từ) chỗ Yesterday, I bought pens in a bookstore near my house: red and black It costs me around dollars What you think if someone gives you a pen or pencil as a present? Actually, I haven’t received a gift as a pen or a pencil However, if I could receive one, I would be glad and grateful And I think that it will be quite a particular present /ˈpreznt/ in my life PATIENCE 1) Were you patient when you were young? => Attention: Simple Past Tense I don’t have lots of memories of my childhood, I’m not sure Maybe I was or maybe I wasn’t However, it’s so common that children easily lose patience because they don’t know how to control their emotions yet Câu em học thuộc lòng để sử dụng trường hợp tương tự cần 2) How you feel when other people are not patient? Well, I don’t really mind because I don’t want to be stressed out with negative / ˈneɡətɪv/ things As long as I’m not the reason of their impatience, I won’t be affected /əˈfektɪd/ at all 3) Were you less or more patient when you were angry/ˈæŋɡri/? => Simple Past Tense again, mà chỗ tự nhiên dung khứ ngộ ghê When I lost my temper /ˈtempə(r)/ (mất bình tĩnh), I lost my patience, especially when I had to wait for someone for long time I think I need to learn how to control my temper to be more patient Lose my temper = get angry: trở nên tức giận Control my temper = kiểm soát nóng giận WATER SPORT 4) Have you done water sports? Yes, when I was a student, I went swimming with some friends of mine every weekend But after graduating, we don’t have time to this anymore 5) What water sports you like doing? I like doing swimming, diving and scuba diving However, I’m more fascinated with scuba diving, simply because I can explore the beauty of the ocean 6) Are water sports popular in your country? Yes of course Vietnam is a hot country and people love to be close to water There are a number of swimming pools in Ho Chi Minh City, and you can buy entrance tickets with a very low price 7) What kind of water sports you want to try? As I said, I’m interested in scuba diving but I haven’t had a chance to it I need to save money to go to Nha Trang, a beach city in the centre of Vietnam, and give it a try PERFUME 1) Do you use perfume? Yes, I wear perfume /ˈpɜːfjuːm/, but not every time I go out I just use it when I need to go to a party or an event Wear perfume = xịt nước lên người 2) What kind of perfume you like? I’m not a big fan of perfume, so I don’t know many kinds of perfumes I only use Bleu de Chanel (b.lớ đờ Sờ neo) It smells soft /sɒft/ and fresh 3) What does perfume mean to you? I think that there are benefits of having gardens in the city Firstly, people can play sports and work out to stay healthy and keep fit Secondly, trees in the gardens can help reduce the air pollution MARKET What street markets sell? I can say everything You can simply buy any things in street markets such as clothes, food, vegetables, and so on Are there many street markets in Viet Nam? I don’t know how about in other cities in VN But take HCM city for an example, you can see there are a lot of street markets in this city and it often open from early morning to midnight What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? Well, the biggest difference is that you can easily bargain with the shopkeepers to get a more reasonable price Do you often go to the supermarket? I can say rarely, I often buy food in a street market near my house I don’t like supermarket, it’s usually overcrowded, especially at weekend MOVIES What’s your favorite movie? One of my perennial /pəˈreniəl/ favorites is Harry potter It’s an amazing movie, I feel like I immerse myself in a different world when I watch it, the world of magic and mystery Do your friends like this movie? Yes, my best friend is very keen on Harry Potter Whenever we hang out, we often discuss this film Do you want to be a movie star? I can say No I really love watching movies, but I don’t have acting talent, in the future I’d like to become a speaker What kinds of movies you think young people like? I’m not sure But I think that youngsters like superhero movies, take Marvel studio for an example, their films always attract lots of audiences to go to the cinema to watch them WALKING Do you walk a lot? I can say every morning, I often walk in a park near my house, it’s just a small park but it’s usually very quiet and peaceful Do you walk more often than in the past? Yes, of course In the past, I was quite busy with my study so I don’t have time to it However, at the moment, I spend at least 30 minutes per day to walk Do you think people will walk more in the future? Yes, after the covid-19 pandemic, people are becoming more and more conscious of the important of health, so I’m sure they will more work out including walking Where you usually take a walk? As I mentioned, I often walk in a park but sometimes there are lots of people in this park I will walk around my house CAKE 1) Do you like dessert? Absolutely yes I prefer having fresh fruits /fruːt/ after meals, such as oranges and watermelon /ˈwɔːtəmelən/ It’s an ideal /aɪˈdiːəl/ dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/ for me 2) Do you like eating cakes? Yes definitely I have a sweet tooth /tuːθ/ and cakes are my favorite kind of dessert Eating a slice /slaɪs/ of cake after a meal is heaven on the Earth /ɜːθ/ 3) What desserts Vietnamese people like? Well, I don’t think Vietnamese people are a big fan of cakes after meals, because we, especially girls, are afraid of gaining weight So I suppose fruits are more popular in Vietnam 4) Have you ever made cakes? No, I’ve never had a chance to make a cake, simply because I don’t have an oven / ˈʌvn/ /ˈbeɪkə(r)/ at home SPENDING TIME BY YOURSELF Từ anh bôi đỏ đậm từ liên kết từ nhỏ nhỏ quan trọng để làm bật ý câu Mấy từ em phải nhớ để nói 1) Do you usually spend time by yourself? Well, I’m not living with my family in this city I’m living alone in a small studio / ˈstjuːdiəʊ/ That means I spend time by myself most of the time 2) What did you last time you were by yourself? Last night, when I was at home alone, I chilled on my bed with my laptop and thought about things which happened during the day 3) How you usually spend your time by yourself? At this time, I spend most of the time studying to improve my English because I don’t have any distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/ (Sự phân tâm), so I’m able to focus really well 4) Do you like spending time by yourself? Yes, but like everything there’s a fine line Too much and I’m lonely /ˈləʊnli/, but too little and I’m exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ A fine line = Đường mỏng manh, hay nói nơm na khác biệt nhỏ xíu thứ mà phải cẩn thận để ko thơi bị xẩy chân Anh lấy ví dụ người ta hay nói ranh giới tự tin tự kiêu mỏng manh Thì tiếng an hem nói a fine line between self-confidence and arrogance Hoặc a fine line between love and hate A fine line between humour and sarcasm (sarcasm cười mỉa mai à) CONCENTRATION 1) When you need to be focused? Well I really need to focus when I’m taking an exam Such as this one, right now I think deep concentration /ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn/ will help me perform better 2) What may distract /dɪˈstrækt/ (làm phân tâm) you when you’re trying to stay focused? Noise for sure I fail to stay focused if there is too much sound around me Besides, If I’m not in a good physical state, it’s much harder to force myself to focus on something Fail to = cannot 3) What you to help you concentrate? To make myself concentrate better, I have to remove things that may distract me For instance, closing the window and turning off my cell phone 4) Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something? I think yes, it’s a bit difficult As I said, what I need to help me stay focused is the quietness /ˈkwaɪətnəs/ Even it’s just the noise of a notification /ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ from my phone, that will distract me immediately PLANTS Anh bôi vàng nghĩa ý cần nhớ, gạch chân triển khai thêm để support Từ anh bôi đỏ đậm từ liên kết từ nhỏ nhỏ quan trọng để làm bật ý câu Mấy từ em phải nhớ để nói 1) Do you keep plants at home? No Actually It’s my dream to grow some herbs /hɜːb/ (thảo mộc), but due to the lack of land, I don’t have any plant at home 2) What plant did you grow when you were young? Well, I didn’t plant when I was a kid Even my parents were famers, but I just watched them growing plants on the farm 3) Do you know anything about growing a plant? Yes, I know some basic things like watering plants regularly but not too much water each time Some plants, such as orchids /ˈɔːkɪd/, don’t need too much sunlight /ˈsʌnlaɪt/ Orchid = hoa lan 4) Do Vietnamese people send plants as gifts? Yes, and it depends on which occasion For example, we send roses /rəʊzɪz/ to someone’s birthday party, we send sun flowers to a family for the Lunar New Year PLAN Anh bôi vàng nghĩa ý cần nhớ, gạch chân triển khai thêm để support Từ anh bôi đỏ đậm từ liên kết từ nhỏ nhỏ quan trọng để làm bật ý câu Mấy từ em phải nhớ để nói 8) What is the hardest part about making plans? I suppose the hardest part is to schedule the time and things exactly Things keep changing and you cannot predict everything Sometimes when you start to follow the plan, problems keep coming out (câu nhớ em nói ko thơi) 9) What is the latest plan you made? That’s the plan I made for my study abroad in France by the end of this summer Briefly, as soon as I get the IELTS certificate, I will submit my application in the middle of June, then prepare for the interview at the beginning of July weeks later, I will ask for the VISA /ˈviːzə/ That’s the latest plan I’ve made 10) Do you make plans every day? No, I don’t like to make plans every day I hope my daily life could be more casual / ˈkæʒuəl/ I only make plan in some special occasions, like when I have an important meeting or event to come 11) Are you good at managing your time? I have to say YES I usually complete tasks /tɑːsk/ before deadline I’m not the kind of person who let the grass grow under my feet Let the grass grow under your feet = Nước đến chân nhảy  Đây thành ngữ nha em Xài điểm nhảy vọt lên luôn, kaka PUBLIC HODIDAYS Anh bơi vàng nghĩa ý cần nhớ, gạch chân triển khai thêm để support Từ anh bôi đỏ đậm từ liên kết từ nhỏ nhỏ quan trọng để làm bật ý câu Mấy từ em phải nhớ để nói 1) How many public holidays you have in Vietnam? I don’t know the exact number of public holidays in Vietnam But I guess somewhere between 10 and 15 days a year 2) Do you think people need more public holidays? I don’t think so The current number of public holidays in VN is already enough If we add more, businesses will be affected 3) How you usually spend your holidays? It depends If I have consecutive /kənˈsekjətɪv/ holidays, I will travel abroad or go back to my hometown to be with my parents If the holiday is just or days, I will stay at home and rest 4) Which holiday is your favourite? Without a doubt, it’s Lunar New Year It’s always the best time of the year to me I like the ambiance /ˈæmbiəns/ I can feel the love people share wherever I go during the Lunar New Year HOME/ACCOMMODATION 1) Who you live with? I’m living with a friend in order to share the rent 2) What kind of housing/accommodation you live in? Well, I’m living in a small studio of around 20 m2 (meter square) It’s located quite far from the city center 3) Do you live in a house or a flat? As I said, it’s a studio It’s quite small for people but it’s ok for me At least I have a place to sleep 4) What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you had lived in the past? Well, in the past I lived with my parents in my hometown There’s a private / ˈpraɪvət/ room for me But now, I’m sharing my studio with a friend, so I have no privacy /ˈpraɪvəsi/ 5) Can you describe the place where you live? The studio is located in a small and quiet street It’s around 20m2 I live in the attic /ˈætɪk/ I leave my scooter /ˈskuːtə(r)/ on the ground floor There’s a small corner / ˈkɔːnə(r)/ to cook And the restroom is also on the ground floor Attic = gác mái 6) What room does your family spend most of the time in? As I mentioned, I’m not living with my family But in the past, when I was with my parents, we usually spent time together in the living room 7) How long have you lived there? I spent my childhood there Until I turned 18, I had to go to Ho Chi Minh City for my study 8) What you usually in your house/flat/room? Well, I work, study and chill out on my bed with my computer Sometimes, I invite or friends to my house for dinner 9) Do you plan to live there for a long time? No, I’m planning to study abroad by the end of this summer So, as soon as I get the VISA, I will leave my studio and go back to my hometown with my parents 10) Are the transport facilities to your home very good? There’s a bus stop not far from my house But I don’t use public transport at all because I have my own scooter 11) Please describe the room where you live? As question 12) Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? I prefer living in a house, but it’s so expensive to buy a house 13) What part of your home you like the most? I like the cooking corner in my studio the most As I love cooking, so I usually spend time cooking for myself the best meal NUMBER 1) What’s your favourite number? Well, my favourite number is number That’s the day my partner showed his love to me He asked me whether I wanted to become his partner, and I said yes It’s an unforgettable memory Whether = có hay khơng 2) Are you good at remembering phone numbers? No, I'm not very good at memorizing numbers I don't think it's necessary to learn them by heart; I just save them on my phone 3) Do you usually use numbers? At the moment, NO I have to concentrate 100% on studying English to get the IELTS certificate to study abroad So, I have no contact with numbers 4) Are you good at math? To tell you the truth, I’m not Back to the time when I was at high school, I usually struggled with math exams, and I didn’t get good scores Struggle with something = đương đầu với (face with, cope with) COOKING Is it difficult to cook Vietnamese food for you? No, it’s not I find cooking quite easy for me I am able to cook many Vietnamese dishes Do you want to learn how to cook? Yes, I want to learn how to cook Western food, then I can create some dishes that are mixed between Asian and Western styles Who taught you how cook to? My mom was my cooking teacher, as I spent most of my childhood in her kitchen Do you like cooking? Yes, I enjoy cooking, especially when I need to cook for my partner I love watching him enjoy my food SLEEP 1) How much sleep you need every day? I usually go to bed before midnight and wake up at 7AM So It’s around hours sleep per night However, if I have to work to meet a deadline, I sleep only 4-5 hours a day 2) Do you like to read before bed? No, I don’t because I’m a non- reader I prefer listening to a ballad /ˈbæləd/ song before going to sleep 3) How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young? Well I don’t get as much sleep as I did when I was a child My parents made me go to sleep pretty early as a kid Now I’m much busier and often stay up late until midnight 4) Do you take naps at noon? Yes, I take naps almost every day I wake up quite early in the morning, so I need a short nap to recharge /ˌriːˈtʃɑːdʒ/ (sạc) my energy FRIENDS 1) What kind of people you like to make friends with? I value honesty /ˈɒnəsti/, So If one possesses /pəˈzes/ this valuable trait /treɪt/ (đặc tính, tính cách), I can easily make friends with him or her 2) Do you think you are a good friend for others? I believe I am I always treat my friends well and always there if they need me However, it’s not easy to make friends with me because I’m a bit introvert / ˈɪntrəvɜːt/ (nội tâm) 3) What you think makes good friends? I believe this varies /ˈveəri/ from person to person To me, a person can be a true friend when he is supportive /səˈpɔːtɪv/ and he can be trusted Vary from sb/sth to sb/sth: thay đổi từ sang 4) Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? Well, only with the closest friends of mine I have childhood friends of them are still living in my hometown in the North The other is studying abroad Even we are far away, we keep talking on social networks Chỗ em có nhiêu bạn than đâu em nói theo ý em nhá MUSIC 1) When you listen to music? I like to listen to music, soft music, at night before going to bed Its slow rhythm will help me to get rid of the tiredness of a stressful day 2) How much time you spend listening to music every day? A couple of minutes before going to sleep and after waking up Ballad music at night to sleep better and energetic /ˌenəˈdʒetɪk/ music in the early morning to start a day 3) What kinds of music you like to listen to? I listen to different types of music It depends on my mood When I am happy, I usually come to dance or EDM to boost up my emotion When I need to relax, or concentrate for studying, I come to ballad 4) What’s your favourite kind of music? I listen to ballad music mainly because of its ambience It creates a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere around me 5) Have you ever been to a concert before? Yes, I was in the live show of My Tam, the most well-known singer in Vietnam It was the show to introduce her new album /ˈælbəm/ PHOTOS 1) Do you like to take photos? Yes definitely Taking photographs is one of my hobbies I think I should start to save money to invest in a high-quality camera /ˈkæmrə/ 2) Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people to take photos? I’m way more comfortable taking photos myself because I can see crystal-clear / ˌkrɪstl ˈklɪə(r)/ how ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjələs/ (ngớ ngẩn) my face expression looks like Crystal-clear = siêu rõ sắc nét 3) How often you take photos? Well, I take photos every time I travel, I’d like to keep great memories of people, scenery, every ancient corners of the place where I visit 4) In what situations you take photos? As I’ve mentioned, I snap a photo of anything that catches my eyes when I’m in a good mood So I take photos when my friends and I hang out or when I participate in social activities 5) How you keep your photos? I usually keep photos on my cell phone If my phone is out of memory, I will transfer /trænsˈfɜː(r)/ them into my laptop JEANS 5) Do you wear jeans? Yes, I I’m into wearing skinny jeans I really look taller on those pairs /peə(r)/ of jeans 6) How often you wear jeans? I think the only time you won’t see me wearing jeans is when I’m at the gym They are not flexible /ˈfleksəbl/ enough to work out 7) Do you like wearing jeans, why? I love wearing jeans because I find them comfortable and stylish /ˈstaɪlɪʃ/ And also it’s not expensive to afford one pair of jeans 8) Why you think jeans are popular? I think it’s because they can never be out-of-style In addition, it’s easy to mix different styles of T-shirts with jeans or pull /pʊl/ with jeans COLOR Do you like dark colors? I’m not keen on dark /dɑːk/ colors I look quite thin whenever I wear clothes in dark colors, so I prefer wearing clothes in bright /braɪt/ colors What’s your favorite color? White is my favorite color In the future, I want my ideal house will be painted in white and pink colors I’m sure, it will look so beautiful Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color? Yes, of course Whenever I hang out with some friends of mine, I tend to wear white T-Shirts or white Shirts My friends always said that: “I look more handsome when I put on clothes in bright colors, especially white.” Are there any colors you dislike? I’m really not into orange and purple /ˈpɜːpl/ it always brings me a depressing /dɪ ˈpresɪŋ/ (buồn bã) feeling, and I’m not confident in orange and purple at all ART Do you like art? Yes, I like art /ɑːt/, especially abstract ˈstɪmjuleɪt/ my imagination /ˈæbstrækt/ one It always stimulates / Have you ever visited an art gallery? Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to visit an art gallery But I will when I’m in France for my Master by the end of this summer Is there any artwork on the wall in your room? I’m living in a studio, and I don’t have any piece of artwork in my studio because it’s quite small, and its decoration is not compatible /kəmˈpỉtəbl/ with (tương thích với) any kind of artwork Have you ever had art classes? Yes, I had an art class when I was at primary school I learned how to paint, but to be honest, I was not good at drawing and painting SCENERY Is there good scenery in your hometown? Câu em trả lời giống câu hometown: Although my hometown is a small village, it’s still a tourist attraction because of its stunning scenery like some ancient temples that make classical scenery When you travel, you like to live in hotels with scenic views? Of course I guess everybody is into living in hotels with scenic /ˈsiːnɪk/views Imagine when you wake up in the morning, then you take a look at the beautiful natural scenery through the window, it will make your day It makes my day = đại ý điều làm nên ngày em, làm em vui phấn ngày Do you like to take pictures of good scenery with your smartphone? Why? Yes I I have a habit of taking photos of beautiful landscapes with my phone when I travel because I want to share them with my family and my friends on social media like Facebook and Instagram Is there good scenery in cities? It depends on which city For example, Hoi An in Vietnam is an ancient city There are plenty of old buildings that make classical /ˈklæsɪkl/ scenery for tourists to enjoy ... important/essential part of Vietnamese culture It helps people express their feelings and emotions Not only in all festivals, people here also sing in wedding parties, birthday parties Besides,... từ em phải nhớ để nói 1) How many public holidays you have in Vietnam? I don’t know the exact number of public holidays in Vietnam But I guess somewhere between 10 and 15 days a year 2) Do you... my parents 10 ) Are the transport facilities to your home very good? There’s a bus stop not far from my house But I don’t use public transport at all because I have my own scooter 11 ) Please describe

Ngày đăng: 05/10/2021, 07:58

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