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Trang 1

Câu hỏi 1

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen's role?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The Queen symbolises the tradition and unity of the British stateb The Queen selects the Prime Ministerandthe Cabinet

c The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Ministerd The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England

Phản hồi

Vì: Following a general election, the Queen invites the leader of the majority party represented in the Commons as the PM to form a government on her behalf As headof the government, the PM appoints about 100 ministers, of whom about 20 are in the Cabinet - a senior group which takes major policy decisions.

Tham khảo: Unit 1 Part 2Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 2

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT true about the Great Council?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a They represented the aristocrats as well as the communities

b They were sometimes summoned by the kings to contribute moneyc They later developed into what we now know as theCabinet

d They included barons and representatives from counties and towns

Phản hồi

Vì: if a king wanted to wage a war, which he frequently did he would try to persuade the Great Council, a gathering of leading, wealthy barons which met several times a year, to give him some extra money By the 13th Century, kings found they could not make ends meet by asking for money from this quite small group, and so they widened the Great Council to include representatives of counties, cities and towns, to get them to contribute to his projects

Tham khảo: Unit 1 Part 2Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 3

Trang 2

Which of the following is NOT true? Parents send their children to public schools because

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 4

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT true about Britain?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a It is a relatively wealthy and developed countryb It used to be a powerful imperial country in the worldc It plays an active role as a member of European Uniond It used to be one ofthe super powers in the world

Phản hồi

Vì: Britain is no longer an imperial country, though the effects of its imperial past may be often encountered in all sorts of ways./ It re- mains a relatively wealthy country, a member of the Group of Seven large developed economies

Tham khảo: Unit 1 Part 1Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 5

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination calleda General Certificate of Education-Advanced

Vì: Pupils who hope to attend university carry on their academic study in the sixth form for a further two years and then sit A-levels exams (General Certificate of Education-Advanced

Trang 3

Câu hỏi 6

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of British government?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a It is the oldest representative democracy in the worldb It has no written form of Constitution

c It is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchyd It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power

Phản hồi

Vì: the Queen is not sovereign in any

substantial sense since she receives her authority from Parliament, and is subject to its direction in almost all matters

Tham khảo: Unit 1 Part 2Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 7

Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the House of Lords?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Most of the lords in the House of Lords are males

b It consists of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal

c Lords do not receive salaries and many do not attend Parliament sittingsd The lords are expected to represent the interests of the public

Vì: Because peers are appointed or given the right by their birth into a particular family, in Parliament they speak and vote as individuals, not as representatives of the greater interests of the country

Câu hỏi 10

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT related to the Constitution?Chọn một câu trả lời:

Trang 4

a It is the foundation of British governance today

b It is a written document which lists the basic principles for government c Conventions and Laws passed by Parliament are part of the Constitutiond The common laws are part of the Constitution

Vì: Instead of having one particular document which lists out the basic principles of how a country should be governed, the foundations of the British state are laid out instatute law, that is, laws passed by Parliament

Câu hỏi 4

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Whichofthefollowing statements is NOT true?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Wales was not occupied by the Anglo-Saxons b Wales was invaded by the Romans

c Wales was threatened by the Englishd Wales was conquered by the Normans

Mô tả câu hỏi

Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a In the Uplandsb In the Highlandsc In the Lowlands

d In the west of Scotland

Phản hồi

Vì: Three-quarters of the population lives in the lowland zoneTham khảo: Unit 1 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 6

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Trang 5

Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT included in the National Curriculum?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Children must pass national tests

b Teachers must teach what they are told

c Children must study the subjects like English, mathematics, science and so on.d Children must sit in A-levelexams

Phản hồi

Vì: In 1989 the

government introduced a National Curriculum Now all children throughout the country must study the following subjects: English, mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language They must also pass national tests and schools are rankedaccording to the success of their pupils in reaching national targets.)

Tham khảo: Unit 1 Part 3Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 7

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations but is quite well-known in the world for

Chọn một câu trả lời:a its rich cultural lifeb itslowliving standards

c its most famous landmark,the "Giant's Causeway"d its endless political problems

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT true about the British education system?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a It'sdominated by the state b It's funded by the state

Trang 6

c It's run by the state

d It's supervised by the state

Mô tả câu hỏi

In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16Chọn một câu trả lời:

a cannot receive free education at allb can legally receive partly free education

c can legally receive a completely free education d cannot receive free education if their parents are rich

Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT a power of the president?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The president has the authority to appoint federal judges when vacancies occurb The president can veto any bill passed by Congress

c The presidentcan make laws

d The president has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments

Phản hồi

Vì: The legislative branch is made up of

elected representatives from all of the states and is the only branch that can make federal laws, levy federal taxes

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 2

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Trang 7

Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution?

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The Americans had the mixed blood of Europeans with blacks

b The Americans had the mixed blood of Europeans with American Indiansc The Americans had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendantsd The American had the blood of the English and their descendants

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes?

Chọn một câu trả lời:a The Judicial

b The legislative c The presidentd The executive

Phản hồi

Vì: The legislative branch is made up of

elected representatives from all of the states and is the only branch that can make

federal laws, levy federal taxes Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 4

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Mô tả câu hỏi

According to the author, the Articles of Confederation failed because of the following reasons Which is not true?

Trang 8

c The new states did not cooperate with the Congress or with each otherd The Congress had no power to tax any citizen

Phản hồi

Vì: The Articles of Confederation failed because the states did

not cooperate with the Congress or with each other When the Congress needed money to pay the national army or to pay debts owed to France and other nations, some states refused to contribute The Congress had been given no authority to force any state to do anything It could not tax any citizen

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu hỏi 7

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Nearly all students want to get into more desirable institutions becauseChọn một câu trả lời:

a they enjoy the high prestige of these institutions

b they like the teachers and surroundings in these institutions

c they find it easy for them to get jobs after having graduated from one of them d they prefer to have the Scholastic Aptitude Tests

Phản hồi

Vì: Simply by being admitted into one of the most respected universities in the

United States, a high school graduate achieves a degree of success

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 3

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 8

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Mô tả câu hỏi

On July 4, 1776, the 13 colonies issued a Declaration of Independence, and went to war for theirfrom

Chọn một câu trả lời:a freedom

b investmentc endowments

Trang 9

Câu hỏi 9

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

On July 4, 1776, the 13 colonies issued a, and went to war for their freedom from England

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Mô tả câu hỏi

In the, Americans are guaranteed freedom of religion, of speech and of the press.Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Bill of Rights b Congressc the basic rightsd Constitution

Phản hồi

Vì: In the Bill of

Rights, Americans are guaranteed freedom of religion, of speech and of the press

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu hỏi 2

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The sports centre b The business centre

Trang 10

c The cultural centred The financial centre

Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The freedom of religion

b The freedom of searching a person's home by police c The freedom of speech and of the press

d The right to own weapons if one wishes

Phản hồi

Vì: In the Bill of

Rights, Americans are guaranteed freedom of religion, of speech and of the press They have the right to assemble in public places, to protest government actions and to demand change They have the right to own weapons if they wish

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu hỏi 1

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Mô tả câu hỏi

The New World of America was peopled as a result of two long- continuing

immigration movements; the first one from Asia and the second from Europe and… ….

Chọn một câu trả lời:a Africa

b Americac Asiad Europe

Phản hồi

Vì: The American continents were peopled as a result of two long-continuing

immigration movements, the first from Asia, and the second from Europe and Africa

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 1

Trang 11

The Constitutional Convention was held in the year of 1787 and the president of the

Convention was ………

Chọn một câu trả lời:a George Washington b Benjamin Franklinc Literacy

d John Adams

Phản hồi

Vì: The meeting, later known as the Constitutional Convention, began in May of l787.

George Washington, the military hero of the War of Independence, was the presidingofficer

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 3

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Mô tả câu hỏi

The Bill of Rights consists ofChọn một câu trả lời:

a the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and thefreedom of religion

b 10 amendments adopted in 1787

c 10 very short paragraph sinan amendment

d 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791

Phản hồi

Vì: This consists of 10 very short paragraphs which guarantee freedom and

individual rights and forbid inter- ference with lives of individuals by the government.Each paragraph is an Amendment to the original Constitution

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 4

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

The New World of America was peopled as a result of two long- continuing immigration movements; the first one fromand the

second from Europe and Africa.

Chọn một câu trả lời:a Europe

b America

Trang 12

c Africad Asia

Phản hồi

Vì: The American continents were peopled as a result of two long-continuing

immigration movements, the first from Asia, and the second from Europe and Africa

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 1

Câu hỏi 5

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?

Vì: A: The growth of capitalism produced two new classes-the

bourgeois class and the working class B: The second major force that brought about the modern development of Europe was the Renaissance C: The third influential force was the Religious Reformation, a reli- gious reform movement that started fromGermany

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 1

Câu hỏi 6

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Politics and business education b Science and social studiesc Mathematics and languagesd Music and physical education

Phản hồi

Vì: Almost every elementary school

provides instruction in these subjects: mathematics; language arts (subject that includes reading, gram- mar, composition and literature); penmanship; science; social studies (a subject that includes history, geography, citizenship and

economics); music; art; and physical education

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 3

Câu trả lời đúng là:

Trang 13

Câu hỏi 7

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in American higher education?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Technical institutionsb Universities and collegesc Undergraduate institutionsd Research institutions

Phản hồi

Vì: The system of higher education comprises four categories of institutions: (1) the

university, which may contain: (a) several colleges …; (2) the four-year

undergraduate institution-the college- most of which are not part of a university; (3) the technical training institution, …; and (4) the two-year, or community college,

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 3

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 9

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Mô tả câu hỏi

The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided byThe expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by

Chọn một câu trả lời:a boards of education b teachers

c headmastersd students

Phản hồi

Vì: spending is guided by boards of educationThamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 3

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 10

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following statements is NOT correct?Chọn một câu trả lời:

Trang 14

a the relationships between the states and the national government were clearly defined

b the national government was called the Congress with little powerc each new state made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairsd each new state had its own government

Phản hồi

Vì: Each new state had its own government and was organized very much like an

independent nation.

Each made its own laws and handled all of its internal affairs.

During the war, the states had agreed to work together by sending representatives to a national congress patterned after the "Congress of

Delegates” that conducted the war with England

Thamkhảo: Unit 2 Part 2

Câu hỏi 2

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following schools would admit children without reference to their academic abilities?

Chọn một câu trả lời:a Grammar schoolsb Independent schoolsc Comprehensive schools d Secondary schools

Mô tả câu hỏi

Faced with conflicting demands the British government chose a compromise and organized a partition of Ireland in 1921, because

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Catholicsin Ireland demanded a partition of Ireland

b the British government wouldn't be able to control Ireland any longer by forcec Protestants welcomed the idea of partition

d the British government intended to satisfy both sides-Catholics and Protestants

Trang 15

Phản hồi

Vì: They thought of

themselves as British, and wished to remain a part of the British state Also, they were Protestants In 1921 the idea of being a part of an independent Irish State, where most people were Catholic, did not appeal

Tham khảo: Unit 1 Part 1Câu hỏi 9

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Columbus discovered the New World in the year of ………Chọn một câu trả lời:

a 1707b 1492 c 1942d 1497

Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following is NOT one of the prairie provinces?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a NewBrunswick b Saskatchewan.c Manitobad Alberta

Phản hồi

Vì:East of the Rockies lies the prairie provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and

Manitoba, Canada's breadbasket

Thamkhảo: Unit 3 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 2

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following statements about Central Canada is NOT true?

Trang 16

Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Early European settlements started from hereb It'swell-known for its mining and forestry industries c More than half of Canada's population live in hered It has the largest cities like Toronto and Montreal

Phản hồi

Thamkhảo: Unit 3 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 3

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following about the north region is NOT true?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a The north has rich oil and gas deposits

b The north is a scarcely populated area of ice and oceans.c People in this region depend only on arts and crafts for aliving d Most of the inhabitants are Aboriginal people.

Phản hồi

Vì:Nowadays, the northern economy is developing its oil and gas deposits, and the

Inuit peoples depend on arts and crafts, as well as hunting, for their livelihood

Thamkhảo: Unit 3 Part

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 4

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Where is Lake Louise located?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a On the east coast

b In the northern Arctic tundrac In the Rockies

d On the Canadian- American border

Phản hồi

Vì:You have almost

certainly seen pictures of a turquoise-jewel colored lake surrounded by snowy peaks - this is Lake Louise, located in the Rockies

Trang 17

Thamkhảo: Unit 3 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 5

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

What is the economic mainstay of British Columbia?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Mining industry

b Manufacturing industryc The hydroelectric industryd The for estry industry

Phản hồi

Vì: British Columbia has the most valuable forestry industry in CanadaThamkhảo: Unit 3 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 6

Câu trả lời đúng

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Which of the following was The Governor-General of NSW?Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Edward Wakefieldb Francis Greenawayc Lachlan Macquarie d Samuel Marsden

Phản hồi

Vì:Macquarie took over as governor in 1810Thamkhảo: Unit 4 Part 2

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 7

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Mô tả câu hỏi

80% of Australia’s population lives……….Chọn một câu trả lời:

a in the eastern, southern and south western borders of the country b in the eastern, central and western areas of the country

c in the north, east and southwest of the country

d in the northern, eastern and western hills of the country

Trang 18

Phản hồi

Vì:It is in the Mediterranean and temperate climates of the hills and fertile plains

bordering the east, south and the south west of the continent that 80% ofAustralians live today

Thamkhảo: Unit 4 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 8

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Under the assimilationpolicy, the aboriginal people………Chọn một câu trả lời:

a should forget their own cultureand take on the white culture b were forcibly removed from their own land

c were allowed to have their ownland as private reservesd were often employed by the Christian Church

Phản hồi

Vì: The double loss, of traditional culture and exclusion from main- stream Australian

society and culture, led to Aboriginal people being labelled as lazy, stupid and drunken and dirty

Thamkhảo: Unit 4 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 9

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Mô tả câu hỏi

Australia's practice of racial segregation was similar to that of…………Chọn một câu trả lời:

a Portugal and the USb South Africa and the US c Holland and South Africad Portugaland Holland

Phản hồi

Vì: This combination of exclusionary practices and cultural prejudices paralleled the

systems of apartheid practised in the United States and South Africa

Thamkhảo: Unit 4 Part 1

Câu trả lời đúng là:Câu hỏi 10

Câu trả lời đúng

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Ngày đăng: 15/08/2024, 15:14

