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final assignment course title business organization and management

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Course Title: Business Organization and ManagementGroup 4:

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III Main Body 14

1 Determining the question 14

2 Contextualization 15

3 External drivers 16

4 Ranking and ranging 19

5 Naming and framing 21

6 Logic and narrative 22

7 Distillation and dialogue 25

8 Validation and refinement 27

9 Interpretation and implementation 28

IV Conclusion 33

V Reference 34.

Contribution Table 35

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Granting branch managers independence and

decision-making authority. The chairman loss of control and oversight is an issue.Allocating clear profit responsibilities, to each

branch. Fragmentation and lack of coordination, between the branches are causing problems.Allowing customization of strategies and

policies to cater to the needs of each branch.

There is a potential for duplication and inefficiencies in procurement and HR functions.

Fostering a culture of innovation and

adaptability in response, to market dynamics. Decision-making might be delayed due, to therequirement of board approval.Facilitating the identification of branch

challenges and opportunities effectively

Branch general managers are expressing displeasure and resistance.

Enabling optimal utilization of local resourcesand expertise

Question 2:

The chairman made an error when establishing 16 branches.

Firstly he didn't provide guidelines and communication channels, between the branches and the company headquarters, which caused a lack of control and inconsistent decision-making.

Secondly, the chairman overlooked the issue of overlapping functions like procurement and human resources resulting in inefficiencies and confusion.

Thirdly he underestimated the importance of coordination and collaboration among the branches leading to a company structure.

Lastly, the chairman didn't involve branch managers adequately in the decision-making process causing their dissatisfaction and resistance, to losing autonomy.

Question 3:

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The chairman should retake control and make sure that important decisions such, as capital expenditures, launching products, marketing and pricing strategies expanding facilities, and making changes to personnel policies require board approval This step was necessary to address the company's fragmentation and lack of control By centralizing decision-making on these matters the chairman aims to ensure consistency, alignment with strategies, and accountability This approach can help prevent errors and losses that may occur when branch managers make decisions However, it is equally important for the chairman to strike a balance, between centralization and empowering branch managers while fostering collaboration to maintain a structure that maximizes efficiency and encourages innovation.

Nguyễn Bá Minh Tú - 210707361 Pros and Cos

a Pros:

- Profit Responsibility: The restructuring has placed each branch solely responsible for its earnings, allowing branch managers to boost productivity and profitability.

- Autonomy: Initially, branch managers were free to choose, which allowed them to come up with more creative and tailored plans.

- Alignment with Business Nature: The company's varied product lines and business nature may be more accurately reflected in the new structure.b Cos:

- Control Loss: The chairman, after reorganization, expressed concerns about maintaining control over branches, which could lead to potential

inconsistencies in company-wide strategies and policies.

- Function Overlap: Procurement and human resources activities had a great deal of overlap, which resulted in inefficiencies.

- Fragmentation: The business appears to be dividing into separate entities, potentially affecting its overall brand cohesiveness.

- Manager Unhappiness: The removal of branch managers' rights led to their dissatisfaction and protests against the company's uneven decentralization policy.

2 The mistakes made by the chairman:

- Lack of control systems- Overlaping function- Insufficient policy oherence

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- Too much delegation

- Variable decentralization regulation- Ignorance of resistance

3 The chairman’s decision to retake control and require the board’s approval for five key matters can be assessed as follows:

- Introduction of New Products: The introduction of new products can significantly impact a company’s market position, brand, and finances - Marketing and Pricing Policies and Strategies: These directly affect the

company’s competitiveness, customer perception, and profitability Centralizing these decisions can ensure consistency across branches and alignment with the company’s overall strategy.

- Expansion of Facilities: Board approval can ensure that expansion plans are in line with the company’s strategic growth plans and financial capacity.- Changes in Personnel Policies: These can significantly impact employee

morale, productivity, and retention.

Trần Việt Dũng – 21070726

Question 1: What are the primary external challenges that a firm may encounter in

pursuing environmental goals?

One of the foremost external challenges that a firm may face in pursuing environmental goals is the complex regulatory landscape Governments worldwideare increasingly imposing stringent environmental regulations, making compliance a major hurdle The variations in regulations across different regions can pose challenges for firms operating in multiple locations, requiring them to navigate a maze of legal requirements Additionally, the evolving nature of environmental policies can create uncertainty, making it challenging for firms to plan and invest with confidence.

Question 2: How do internal factors within a firm contribute to the challenges of

achieving environmental goals?

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Internal factors play a crucial role in influencing a firm's ability to achieve its environmental goals One significant challenge stems from the need for substantial financial investments in sustainable practices Firms may face financial constraints or short-term profit pressures, making it difficult to allocate resources to

environmentally friendly initiatives Moreover, the lack of awareness and commitment among employees can impede the successful implementation of greenstrategies Building a culture of environmental responsibility within the

organization becomes essential to overcoming this internal challenge.

Question 3: In what ways can technological advancements serve as both an

opportunity and a challenge for firms striving to meet environmental goals?Technological advancements present a dual scenario for firms pursuing environmental goals On the positive side, innovative technologies offer opportunities to enhance energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and develop sustainable products However, the rapid pace of technological change can also pose challenges Adopting new environmentally friendly technologies often requires significant upfront investments and may disrupt existing business processes Firms need to carefully navigate this landscape, balancing the potential benefits with the challenges of technological integration to ensure long-term environmental sustainability.

Nguyễn Danh Hải Đăng - 21070277Question 1:

The company's recent organizational restructuring created both positive and negative effects On the positive side, it allows the company to diversify its productportfolio and adapt quickly to local conditions, promoting innovation and the executive power of branch managers This decentralization allows senior leadership to focus more on the company's strategic direction However, there are still limitations, including problems with coordination between branches, the risk of deviation from company values and potential inefficiencies in some functions,

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leading to increased costs In addition, excessive micromanagement from senior leadership negatively affects the motivation and satisfaction of branch managers and employees.

Question 2:

The chairman's oversight in establishing 16 independent branches is apparent through critical mistakes Firstly, there was a need for improvement in analyzing the company's internal and external environment and evaluating strengths and weaknesses thoroughly Secondly, a lack of stakeholder consultation was evident before initiating the restructuring, including the board of directors, vice presidents, branch managers, and employees The absence of a clear organizational structure with well-defined roles and responsibilities further highlighted the oversight Coordination mechanisms among branches, such as a shared vision and feedback systems, must be established, hindering cohesive operations Lastly, the failure to monitor and evaluate branch performance, coupled with a lack of guidance and support, underscored a crucial oversight in ensuring the success of the newly established branches.

Question 3:

The president's decision to regain control has both positive and negative aspects As deemed appropriate, take charge of essential matters requiring board approval, such as significant capital expenditures, new product introductions, marketing policies and facility expansions However, branch managers should handle HR policy changes and minor operational issues instead of decision-makers The president's regaining control in these areas can impede effective responses and the adaptability critical to successful branch management.

Nguyễn Phúc Lâm - 21070666

Question 1: Evaluate the pros and cons of the company’s restructured organization.The decision to divide the company into 16 different branches has both advantages and disadvantages as will be analyzed below:

1 Advantages

-Expertise in the local market: The independent branches can use this knowledge to customize their tactics to fit the demands of clients.

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-Faster decision-making: If branch managers are given the power to make decisions, the business may be able to respond to client needs and changes in the market more quickly

-Entrepreneurial spirit: The restructure encourages an entrepreneurial spirit in each branch by giving branch managers more authority.

2 Drawbacks

-Insufficient centralized coordination: Dividing the organization into several branches may make it more difficult to share best practices, coordinate initiatives, and synchronize tactics throughout the whole, therefore, losing collaboration with others.-Possibility for inefficiencies: Following the reorganization, considerable overlaps

between the procurement and human resources departments were found, which suggests a risk of inefficiencies and higher expenses.

Question 2: Identify the mistakes made by the chairman in the establishment of 16 independent

-Poor assessment of the nature of the business: The chairman failed to consider the unique characteristics of the business's operations and the best organizational structure for fostering efficiency and teamwork Departmental teamwork was hampered by the exclusive emphasis on profit obligations, which was out of step withthe company's goals.

Question 3: Assess whether it was correct for the chairman to retake control (consider the five

key matters that necessitate the board's approval).

It is possible to see the chairman's decision to reassume responsibility over a few crucial issues as a corrective measure to deal with the problems that arose following the reorganization By reclaiming central authority over crucial decisions, the chairman attempts to assure alignment with the company's overarching goals and strategic direction To preserve the advantages of decentralization, it is crucial to find a balance between central control and autonomy The chairman need to think about striking a compromise that fosters cooperation across departments, permits independent decision-making within reasonable bounds, ensures that company-wide plans and policies are implemented consistently, and creates efficient lines of communication.

Nguyễn Bá Đức – 22070385

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Question 1: Pros and Cons of the Company's Rearchitected Organization

These are the advantages and disadvantages of the restructured organization A major plus point was establishing profit responsibility at the branch level, which ensured that costs would be kept in balance with profits Branch offices took a decentralized approach, adjusting strategies by region to match local market conditions This new flexibility enabled rapid reactions to changes in the market, and autonomy at branch level promoted innovation free from pressures of central decisions But with this newfound independence came a loss of control, lack of coordination and overlaps that resulted in wasted resources.

Question 2: Errors in Setting Up 16 Autonomous Branches

The chairman's decision to set up 16 separate branches contained several mistakes A lack of planning led to overlapping and role ambiguities Because of a lack in communication, branch managers began to diverge further and farther from company policies The lack of effective monitoring mechanisms allowed branches to operate as they will, and the initial overdelegation of powers caused a loss of control Disregarding the integration of functions and processes hampered collaboration, leading to inefficiencies.

Question 3: Looking Back at the Decision of the Chairman to Recapture Control

The chairman's decision to wrest back control on key issues has both its merits and drawbacks On the flip side, centralized decision-making means uniformity and reduced risk Alignment with company objectives, and major decisions are made inthe direction of a cohesive organization But this carries a price: branch general managers may feel their autonomy is being undermined, which affects morale and responsiveness But on the other hand, matrix management can cause decision-making to be delayed in an environment that requires rapid response Centralized approval places branches at a subordinate level and risks micromanagement killingcreativity throughout the company.

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Lê Hồng Phúc – 19071470Question 1:

The company's division into 16 independent branches is believed to have boosted local responsiveness and decision-making speed, allowing each branch to respond swiftly to its market conditions Because branches are solely accountable for their own income, financial performance and responsibility are highly valued at the branch level A varied product offering, and global presence might help to diversifyrisks and capitalize on numerous market opportunities Furthermore, the president'sfailure to monitor branches might lead to disagreements in the overall strategy and aims of the organization Operating procurement and personnel activities separately across branches might result in inefficiencies and resource duplication The company runs the danger of devolving into a loose collection of semi-autonomous divisions, losing the benefits of a coordinated strategy and shared resources.

Question 2:

Without adequate central monitoring measures, decentralization may result in a lack of coordination and plan misalignment Delegation is crucial, however excessive delegation may have resulted in a loss of control over critical key areas Failure to foresee procurement and human resource challenges indicates

inadequate planning during the restructuring process The chairman's strategy shift (from decentralization to regaining control) may indicate a lack of long-term planning and communication.

Question 3:

Capital expenditure control is critical for financial stability and investment alignment with corporate strategy It is vital to ensure that new products are in line with the overall brand and strategy of the organization Centralized solutions eliminate market confusion while maintaining brand integrity Managing facility expansion ensures that the company's development strategy is followed and that resources are used efficiently Consistent human resource rules help to maintain a cohesive organizational culture and operational efficiency In addition, there are several possible issues Because of their lack of decision-making authority, branch managers may become demotivated, reducing their initiative and innovation Centralization poses the risk of slowing the company's response to market

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developments and local needs Employees and management may become confused and distrustful when the move from decentralization to centralization occurs.

PART B: Scenario planning

Challenges a firm may face inpursuing environmental goals

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I Executive summary

This planning scenario is designed to anticipate and address Apple's challenges in achieving its environmental goals We research vital scenarios that could impact Apple's ecological sustainability goals using the PESTEL framework - Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal The goal is to provide strategic insights to mitigate risk in a dynamic external environment Our scenario planning includes the following:

Political instability: Changing political landscape and differing government positions on environmental policies.

Economic factors: Economic downturn affects consumer spending and sustainable investment.

Social awareness and values: Developing social attitudes towards environmental sustainability.

Technological challenges: Rapid technological changes impact the feasibility of sustainable practices.

Environmental regulations: Stringent global environmental regulations affect the manufacturing process.

Legal context: Changes in ecological law affect Apple's operations.

In short, this scenario plan is a strategic plan to solve the complex problems of the external environment for Apple Apple needs to proactively address underlying

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challenges and capitalize on opportunities to maintain its leadership in sustainable technology and realize its environmental goals while driving long-term success.

II Introduction

Balancing business success and environmental management takes much work So, it is being scrutinised more than ever by governments, consumers and environmentalists Apple is a prime example of a company in the technology industry committed to incorporating sustainability into its business The technology giant does not hesitate to set big goals in being kind to the

environment That is demonstrated by achieving carbon neutrality, implementinggreener supply chains, and more But to achieve these goals, the process still hasmany complex challenges that require managers to have a good enough strategicvision.

Our scenario plan explores Apple's challenges in pursuing environmental sustainability Complexity manifests from sustainable sourcing and management ofraw materials to the global complexity of supply chain logistics Therefore, overcoming the challenging obstacles of the future requires strategic vision and innovative solutions In addition, environmental regulations, technological advances, and rapidly evolving consumer expectations put significant pressure on Apple.

Our scenario planning covers many scenarios We carefully design each scenario to replicate external factors, internal choices, and unforeseeable future events Every scenario is intended to provide a comprehensive view of the landscape Apple may face.

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III Main Body1 Determining the question

The electronics industry worldwide is currently witnessing growth owing to the rising demand for devices like smartphones, laptops, and televisions However, thisexpansion has resulted in several concerning issues One of the concerns is air pollution since the manufacturing process of electronics heavily depends on fuel-derived energy leading to the release of greenhouse gases and contributing to air pollution levels According to reports from the United Nations, the electronics sector plays a role in polluting the air Another pressing matter is water pollution caused by wastewater discharged from electronics factories, which may contain substances such as metals and chemicals that pose a risk to water quality The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States has identified compounds like lead, mercury, arsenic, and other chemicals commonly found in manufacturing plants, within the electronics industry Additionally, improper wastehandling, including components and circuit boards containing substances like lead and mercury, can lead to soil pollution if not managed correctly.

To address these environmental challenges, Apple, one of the world's leading electronics companies, has announced a new environmental strategy Their goal is to achieve 100 percent carbon neutrality for both their supply chain and products by 2030 Apple plans to achieve this by increasing its use of renewable energy, investing in and developing energy-efficient products, increasing water reuse, and developing carbon capture technology This strategy reflects their commitment to minimizing their environmental impact and promoting sustainability within the electronics industry.

What are the key components of Apple's environmental strategy to achieve 100 percent carbon neutrality for their supply chain and products by 2030?

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How does Apple's environmental strategy align with its commitment to minimizing its environmental impact and promoting sustainability within the electronics industry?

2 Contextualization

In 2023 the world is expected to generate 57.4 million tonnes of e-waste which is a2% increase compared to 2022 Among all regions, Europe stands out with the per capita e-waste generation rate of 16.2 kg, per person followed by Oceania and the Americas The main culprits contributing to this growing e-waste stream are flat-screen TVs, laptops, and desktop computers These devices often get replaced due to advancements resulting in a rise in e-waste production The impact of e-waste goes beyond its quantity It poses health risks as it contributes around 2% of globalgreenhouse gas emissions and contains hazardous substances If not handled properly these substances can contaminate soil and water posing threats to ecosystems Unfortunately, only a mere 17% of e-waste is currently being recycled This highlights the need for improvements in collection and processing systems for e-waste worldwide To address this issue effectively it is crucial to implement regulations and establish producer responsibility schemes that encourage manufacturers to take their products for recycling Furthermore, technological innovations in recycling methods and sustainable design concepts play a role, in tackling the growing problem of e-waste.

Apple, one of the technology companies is also a significant contributor, to electronic waste The current issue surrounding e-waste poses a concern and Appleis actively working towards minimizing its impact A crucial step taken by Apple involves incorporating materials into their product manufacturing process In their report, Apple stated that they utilized 26,800 tons of recycled materials in 2022, which accounts for 13% of the total material usage Moreover, Apple has set a goalto achieve 100% utilization of renewable materials in their products by the year 2030 In addition to embracing recycled materials, Apple is committed to prolonging the lifespan of its products They have initiated the Trade-In program that enables customers to exchange their devices for ones at reduced prices Additionally, Apple offers repair services to ensure customers can continue using

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at reducing e-waste Notably, they have developed a liquid-based technology for recycling lithium-ion batteries – one of the challenging components to recycle, in electronic devices Apple is also exploring technologies to enhance battery life thereby reducing the necessity, for battery replacements.

3 External drivers

Experts Warn of e-waste Issues over iPhone Charging Port Switch

Apple has changed the charging port on the new iPhone due to the new EU rules However, warned some industry experts, this can cause a large amount of electronic waste The technology giant will unveil the latest iPhone 15, which has USB-C instead of Apple’s propriety Lightning port for the first time This change is given because of new European Union rules that smalland medium-sized must use a universal connector before 2025 as part of efforts to reduce costs and make users’ lives better Apple confirmed it would comply with the new rules, but the company was not entirely happy with the decision They are concerned e-waste will rise by forcing the producer to use a single cable at the expense of other longstanding connectors.Strict global environmental regulations impact Apple's manufacturing procedures by imposing chemical and material usage restrictions on their products, accessories and processes Apple is responsible for adhering to these regulations to safeguard health, protect the environment, and uphold its reputation while maintaining its market share.

Apple also has the opportunities to overcome these challenges An edge The company boasts a strong brand and an enthusiastic customer base, from which it derives its strength Apple's diversified and innovative strategy keeps them offering productsand services tailored to the needs of their customers, filling a niche as well priced for our people Moreover Apple has declared targets of carbon neutral supply chain and products by

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2030 Therefore, in order to achieve this Apple must invest in energy projects; employ recycling and reuse practices for materials and products; cooperate with partners, suppliers and governments promoting sustainable practices In addition, Appleshould also reduce costs to increase efficiency and enhance its image as a quality company too.

Consumers are becoming more concerned, about the sustainability of products including where the raw materials come from how they are manufactured and whether they can be recycled They value knowing the origins of the products and the production methods used It's important to them that products are made in compliance, with standards and that they can trace the source of materials Additionally, Apple customers have a view of Apple's strategy.

Apple faces a hurdle in ensuring its products and services align, with stringent global environmental standards It is crucial for Apple to limit the utilisation of substances or materials in their products, accessories, manufacturing procedures and packaging Additionally, they need to explore substitutes for nonrenewable or hard-to-recycle elements, like plastic, metal and glass.Apple faces another hurdle in technology; the need to enhance the energy efficiency of its products and services The objective is to ensure that Apple's offerings consume energy while satisfying customer demands Furthermore, Apple must actively incorporate energy sources, like wind or solar power, into their operations and supply chain.

In 2023, the world is expected to generate 57.4 million tonnes ofe-waste which is a 2% increase compared to 2022 Among all regions, Europe stands out with the per capita e-waste generation rate of 16.2 kg per person, followed by Oceania and the Americas The main culprits contributing to this growing e-waste stream are flat-screen TVs, laptops, and desktop computers These devices often get replaced due to

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advancements resulting in increased e-waste production The impact of e-waste goes beyond its quantity It poses health risks as it contributes around 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions and contains hazardous substances If not handled properly, these substances can contaminate soil and water, harming ecosystems Unfortunately, only a mere 17% of e-waste is currently being recycled This highlights the need to improve collection and processing systems for e-waste worldwide Apple's manufacturing process is impacted by regulations that impose specific requirements and limitations on utilising certain chemicals and materials in their products, accessories and procedures Complying with these regulations is crucial for Apple to safeguard health and the environment and maintain its reputation and market position.

Ngày đăng: 09/08/2024, 19:06