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Business Organization Management

Group Members:

Nguyễn Văn Dũng 19071328 Nguyễn Thị Nga 19071434 Nguyễn Thị Hương Ly 20070243 Luu Ngoc Thanh 20070325 Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Anh 20070094 Nguyễn Thị Thuý Huyền 20070202

HA NOI, 2022

This paper includes 23/23 pages, NOT including cover page

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"Empowerment" has become a widely used phrase in business, especially in the United States The term originates from the organizing methods used by populist social movements Still, it now refers to a developing organizational philosophy that essentially substitutes traditional hierarchies with nominally independent teams in commercial discourse Supporters of empowerment repeatedly point to communication innovation as a critical supporter of this transition without clearly explaining the logic behind the link A reconstruction of this reason supports creating a new concept of work specialization, appointment, and proportions control This regime is examined concerning demand active, Taylorism, and analysis of information technology's social community and application

The importance of computer-based data techniques in making organizations that promote empowering employees is investigated in this thesis The research’s primary claim is that, while information systems cannot empower individuals, they may assist the latest professional methods that appointment brings about, relying on the distinctive administrative affairs The results of an experiment sent to the highest 450 manufacturing companies in the United Kingdom are revealed, revealing the breadth and features of charge adoption besides, primary difficulties that arise from using information technology in this context These were invented by 20 deep consultations carried on at miscellaneous associations While the information from the consultations revealed the assistance that IS provides to employees and particular formidable areas, a better in-depth investigation of two extensive manufacturing companies offered a clearer sense of the character of these issues For data analysis, a conceptual framework established on structuring hypotheses was used


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According to the case studies, the relationship between data procedures and workers is frequently troublesome because it reproduces the organization’s fundamental structural qualities, which effectively limit empowerment While the promotion of empowerment has impacted some organizational activities, old institutionalized aspects have generally remained unchanged These are used both to notify the creation and expansion of current IS and continuously propagated through their service and administration However, this study discovered that in other cases, the relations between human representatives and IS did not duplicate structural features but altered them Examining these circumstances yielded new insights on the impact of information systems (IS) on organizational design and their position in the repetition and modification of structural features

This paper aims for communication techniques that can not only assist workers in their professional courses at the action class but can also cause a shift in the structural features of their organization, hence contributing to employee authorization The interplay between distinct classes of organizational performers and their reasons and claims for change is critical to this transition, which can be either deliberate or unintended An updated perspective on the role of IS in unanticipated structural modifications is presented, and some senses of the study for both IS hypothesis and IS rule are produced as a conclusion


Being limited in a small range is the worst feeling in the human life cycle, especially at work Employees can become aware that they have the possible capability to carry more load of work if they don't have enough authority and possible power resources to make their imagination reality (Guvenc G Alpander, 1991) Working in this situation is incredibly irritating, and it indeed causes a lack of enthusiasm, efficiency, and engagement Research on more than 6000


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employees pointed out that under-disempowered employees were ranked at the 24th percentile of company attachment, while highly empowered employees were rated at the 79th percentile (Killie Wong, 2020) A decade ago, people could not imagine the working life of this day Especially after the outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, technology is unchangeably attached to the modern affair— Technology can allow us to work remotely conveniently and enhance the global economy flatter This report aims to demonstrate how we can control by empowering employees, establishing new information technology, and forecasting how this trend can indeed be applied and deeply developed in the future as the structure of scenario planning framework through 9 stages:

e Determining the question e Contextualization e External drivers e Ranking and ranging e Naming and framing ® Logic and narrative e Distillation and dialogue e® Validation and refinement

e@ The last one is interpretation and implementation Til MAIN BODY

1 Determining the question:

Empowering employees means motivating staff to participate better in decision-making and movements influencing their jobs It provides employees with the foundation to demonstrate

what they may think of resolutions and implement their ideas (Qudah, S., & Melhem, Y., 2011)


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Information Technology (IT) is widely recognized as a valuable communication technique In today’s world, information technology can be a vital instrument for improving staff quality and

efficiency (Ajami, S., & Arab-Chadegani, R., 2014)

Organizations heavily use information technology in the twenty-first century The control that can be gained by empowering employees impacted by information technology has yet to be investigated IT organizational and technology chiefs have yet to recognize and quantify the impact As a result, they are unaware of the importance and impact of general data and information technology in controlling employee empowerment As a result, new information technology is expected to develop due to employee empowerment

2 Contextualization

Many new innovative technologies- clouding, blockchain, the internet of things (loT), and AI —are supplying more information than over the years This trend will impact the business range heavily (Lindsay, 2018) In 2018, Tomnes-Whitley said: “An eminent illustration of this is the affair that our company is applying with French public relations firm Publicis Groupe to advance Marcel, a unique method that applies cognitive services and AI to empower Publicis Groupe's people to join and perform together.” That shows empowering these deep insights into the right employees may distribute exceptional outcomes for companies, which can constantly make advancements in goods, services, and customer experiences to overcome competition in the customer services race

While many elements interfere with the capacity to evolve digitally grown, the lack of improvement still originates from losing control over unique operating methods with the organization’s long-term insight This highlights the essence of intelligent transformation management that can regulate new approaches, mindsets, and manners while improving the


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pace with which a company can acknowledge digital transformation’s advantages (Kaumil

Dalal, Gordana Radmilovic, 2022)

The data below show that four factors stood out in companies with over 10% growth rate in the last few years, and all can tie back to ways of working

Have clear vision and Have employees that Leverage data for Prioritize product dedicated leadership are engaged insights management

nsights, pr Itcomaes, team brings together multiple

and business growth functions to deliver products

ces using the latest

and s

tools and methods

Figure l

Source: Kaumil Dalal, Gordana Radmilovic,(2022) “Four factors tie back ways of working.” Available at: https://www.westmonroe.com/perspectives/point-of-view/empowering-employees-

strate gies-to-enable-a-winning-digital-business (Accessed June 22, 2022)\

AI may also be a unique path for the company to maintain the right management strategy Due to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study, 54% of business leaders state AI adoption has ultimately impacted effectively (PWC,2022) Comparable to how a smartwatch can admonish individuals to take more exercise and walk along more frequently, AI can transport promotive warnings to staff to encourage them about advanced missions and milestones


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By 2020, it’s anticipated that the number of interconnected devices per individual will be 6.58 —and odds exist that people will desire to utilize these devices for jobs better (Andy Markle, 2019)

When deciding to invest in technology innovation for the company, Aspire is one procedure that serves many critical positions From there, you can count on more complements if required Manufacturing your technical modification is a collective strategy, and maintain accounts of your group’s efficiency to pass on periods You will comprehend you completed the proper conclusion if your enterprise is enhancing, innovating, and reaching further measurements

(Cory Trenffiletti, 2020)

3 External drivers:

Even though the roots of empowerment are not new, management techniques and homilies include altered dramatically over the previous thirty years Because these ideas are inextricably linked to managerial addresses, they vary as economic situations and management concerns limit The growing competitor is an essential element in the adoption of employee involvement and empowerment According to an analysis of Fortune, more than 900 companies in the United States (Lawler, Albers Mohrman, et al 1992): "Simply stated, in this period, organizations have felt serious competitive pressures and have therefore been willing to consider management style

changes” (Lawler, Albers Mohrman, et al 1992, p.9)

Enhancing the qualification and executing qualified general management have also been inspired by advancing competitive intimidations Groups, such as quality processes, other problem-solving teams, or independent job parties, are standard for this type of empowerment


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(McArdle, Rowlinson, et al 1995) As a result, units can be delegated responsibility and authority, which can benefit quality control and performance improvement

As demands and hierarchies have documented an age of fluctuation, the requirement for flexibility and rapidity of reaction has also improved(Kerfoot & Knights 1995) Most standard management approaches cannot recognize and reply to functional transformations promptly “The lag is amplified by the time it takes to record, consolidate, transmit, and analyze data, move it up the hierarchy for review, then backs down for implementation” (Bartlett and Ghoshal 1995, p.138) As a result of these circumstances, businesses have been reluctant to respond to market needs, necessitating decentralization and front-line employee empowerment

Various technological advancements in every life sector depend on the urge for constant change Organizations are now expected to be capable of working as knowledge workers who create products and services utilizing innovative technology, and as a consequence, creativity emerges Managers must value people as human resources who contribute maximally to achieving the organization's vision and goal As a result, managers must modify their mindsets about loving their staff for the organization to be compatible with the intelligent technology it employs Most smart technologies require employee empowerment as a foundation for appropriately developing human resources with technology

Hence, it can not be denied that decentralization and the representatives of accountability and control to empowered groups and personal workers have existed extensively because they seem to be practical explanations for the current administrative situations


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4 Ranking and ranging:

If an organization is considered an approach of four key components: structure, tasks, technology, and people, then a modification in one aspect will probably induce changes in the others Individuals (actors) are strongly associated with the additional three elements that drive up the organizational strategy: structure, technology, and tasks, according to Leavitt's

"diamond" vision of organizations, which is a view of institutions(Leavitt, 1965) Since those

four are so intertwined, every change in one usually causes compensatory changes in the others

Thus, a shift in people's numbers, roles, responsibilities, abilities, perspectives, or movements

will almost always change specific tasks, structures, and technology

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provider and administrator of information systems Its activities and guidance will probably significantly impact how information systems are used within empowerment (Angell and

Smithson 1991)

If the organizational system remains stable, encouraging employee empowerment will presumably bring about other changes Nevertheless, authorization will not only impact civilization, strategy, individuals, and assignments but will affect them

5 Naming and framing:

Today, through advanced information systems, empowering organizations can extensively disseminate the details required to assemble conviction among staff and leaders By automating simple but time-consuming chores, information systems can indirectly encourage empowerment Employees no longer have to pursue time-consuming manual processes; instead, they now engage in automated operations, which should be more efficient and provide them a more additional period to "think" about possible modifications and resolutions to situations On an extra explicit level, information systems can assist employees in making decisions, which appears to be one of the most fundamental underlying causes for IT operation in modern industry, along with control of processes and procedures (Culpan 1995) Via electronic correspondence, video conferencing, and other comparable services, information systems can help facilitate inner-outer communication and create the right “open” civilization

(Pacanowsky 1988)

Employee empowerment through new IT initiatives is commonly used in the public sector to improve organizational performance The world is changing; the Fourth Industrial Revolution poses new challenges to business standards due to a slew of unique technologies affecting all


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sectors, economies, and industries Mobile, cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial

intelligence are significant technologies influencing business

Large corporations, for example, are embracing Microsoft's capabilities to empower people,

and Henkel, the firm behind labels such as Schwarzkopf, Persil, and Loctite, is a great example

With Office 365, the organization has made significant achievements in business engagement and agility, taking a considerable step towards linking its 50,000 employees through a single bunch of devices that boost efficiency and dexterity Henkel used Microsoft Office 365 to jumpstart the virtuality workplace transition, resulting in a contemporary workplace where everybody can take advantage of clouding services to exchange expertise without limitations in a hierarchy to improve a competitive position in a changing marketplace (Lindsay James 2018)

6 Logic and narrative:

All companies were actively involved in IS, as predicted (because the enterprises were picked in part based on their usage of IS) Most businesses use a mix of mainframe and PC systems regarding technology Most core systems are still operated on mainframes, even though PC- based systems are becoming increasingly common Many firms have local and wide area networks in place, with a noteworthy migration to Windows NT due to its widespread interoperability with Windows programs Online mail has been inducted into all 17 organizations and is widely applied in most circumstances, with Lotus Notes being implemented in a few of them Manufacturing companies have seen a substantial increase in PCs: one FMCG company (Walkers Snack Foods) jumped from 200 to 1,200 just around two years, when in 1992, a 700-person spot had only four PCs The organizations had similar trends:

one had installed more than 300 PCs in a "2,000-person” location in 1996, while another


Ngày đăng: 08/08/2024, 18:29