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undertake the modernization of its organization and management settings to better respond to new global market challenges of petroleum real estate join stock company

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Undertake the modernization of its organization and management settings to better respond to new global market challenges of


Full name’s Supervisor: PHD.PHAN VAN TINH

Full name’s Company Supervisor: MBA.NGUYEN VAN DUNG

Full name’s student: BA NGUYEN THI HOA

VIETNAM, 9/2011

University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

IAE Scholof Busines Administration THANG LONG UNIVERSITY

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University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

IAE Scholof Busines Administration THANG LONG UNIVERSITY

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Currently the real estate market, Vietnam is a rapidly growing steps Many new companies have been joined in this field Especially when Vietnam is expanding and calls from foreign investors According to 2015 estimates, the real estate market in Vietnam will have many outstanding developments Petroleum Real Estate - a company specializing in real estate investments are also trying to capitalize on the opportunity to improve market share and strive to compete successfully with other competitors on the domestic market as well as globally world To make a enhance property values in particular PVL and all the company's products in general, the implementation of the modernization of its setting and management organizations to better meet the challenge the new global market of PVL plays a key role It involves the entire company's operations from its marketing to the distribution of products to final consumers

From the above reasons, I chose the subject "Undertake the modernization of its organization and management settings to better respond to new global market challenges of Petroleum Real Estate Joint stock Company"

The structure consists of three thematic chapters: Chapter I: Company Background

Chapter II: Company Structure and Organization Chart Chapter III: The mission: Assigned task and goals Chapter IV: Development

Chapter V: Conclusion

In the implementation process, due to time constraints as well as some other factors should not avoid reporting the existence, limited Look forward to the contributions of teachers, your company to improve and further develop the activities of the company's development in particular and for the development of the whole company in general By the way, I sincerely thank the instructors - Dr Phan Van Tinh guidance they complete this article Please thank your company for helping and enabling me to complete report on this issue

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In the general economic environment, businesses must operate in a fiercely competitive environment and rapid changes in science - technology, new laws, policies and management of new commercial the loyalty of customers falling "Companies are racing together on a route with signs and changing laws, not the destination online, with no permanent victory They are forced to constantly run and hope that he is running in the correct direction in which the public wants "PVL impose very strong for the faith and life styles of consumers Thus, business people looking to satisfy the desired needs of consumers, creating products and services at prices that consumers can be paid

With the diversification and development of PVL property to a new level, the last few years a continued presence PVL equipment investment and raise the level of officials and technical workers in the field of tradition With the ability and experience, plus management

qualifications and enthusiasm of a group of staff members to unite and strive for the development of the company The company further PVL with international vision

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With the motto "Providing our customers the best products and services,” after four years of establishment the Petroleum Real Estate Joint Stock Company (PVL) has invested in many construction projects, both north and south, expecting to quickly provide our customerswith excellent products and service in the field of investment and the real estate business

With all these projects, in addition to ensure construction quality and progress, the company is very interested in providing these benefits to our customers Achieving this is a big challenge, requiring each employee of PVL to do their utmost to complete the goal The encouragement of employees is therefore very important, even imperative, for PVL The importance of encouraging and creating incentives to work cannot be overestimated.PVL has set the goal of “Creating a work environment which provides the most effective way to promote the financial wellbeing of individual employees.” The company therefore should immediately implement a new management model in which individuals and groups will work towards encouraging employee motivation to improve their work

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Petroleum Real Estate Joint Stock Company a unit of the PetroVietnam Construction Corporation and was established in the certificate of business registration No 0103019968 by the Department of Planning and Investment of Hanoi City October 4, 2007


PetroVietnam Construction Corporation – PVC

Song Da Urban & Industrial Zone Investment and Development Joint Stock Company (SUDICO)

Phong Phu Corporation – PHONGPHU Corp PetroVietnam Finance Corporation - PVFC Business Scope:

Consulting Services Real Estate Services Real Estate Auction Services Real Estate advertisement Services Real Estate Management

Undertake to build projects, such as hotels, offices, commercial centers, supermarkets, new urban areas, industrial zones, and economic zones Provide hi-tech, management, and exploit economic opportunities by providing business services in residential, urban or densely populated areas, including parking lots, hotels and tourism

Business, import and export of materials and equipment for construction of the projects

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Improving the quality of customer service requires efficient work processes, equipment and facilities and modern technology These factors are relatively stable

In addition, the efforts of the staff are equally important Only when employees have good work attitudes, will they be motivated to provide quality service over the long term Encouraging the staff to remain motivated.is not “stable.” It must be done comprehensively and continuously

For these reasons, the implementation of measures to encourage all employees to improve their work is very urgent

In any organization, a key factor for success (or failure) is the work of employees within the organization The work of the individual is a combination of ability and the desire to do their job The first step is, of course, hiring staff with the necessary abilities Once this is done, we must concentrate on motivating them to do their best at all times The encouragement of organizations which promote social relationships has proven to be very successful in motivating and stimulating employees

Motivation is the desire to try to achieve the goals of the company and also meet individual needs One who is stimulated will focus on getting the job done much more than one who is not excited Motivation is the desire to do whatever it takes to succeed Of course the basic reason for a company attempting to meet the individual needs of its employees is to encourage them to support the goals of the organization Thus the motivation of individuals is always associated with the objectives of the Company

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Motivation comes from trying to satisfy the unmet demand (when demand is satisfied there is no driving force) which is to promote motivation To promote motivation is expressed as follows:

Employee motivation

Workers in any organization need something to keep them working Most times the salary of the employee is enough to keep him or her working for an organization However, sometimes just working for salary is not enough for employees to stay at an organization An employee must be motivated to work for a company or organization If no motivation is present in an employee, then that employee’s quality of work or all work in general will deteriorate

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2.Function and task of department: 2.1 General Meeting of Shareholders

General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the highest authority to decide all important matters of the company under the Enterprise Law and the charter company General Meeting of shareholders is the body through the policies of long-term investment in the development of the company, capital structure decisions, elected bodies and executive management of production and business of the Company

2.2 Board of Directors

Board is the management company, has discretion on behalf of the company to decide all matters related to the purposes and interests of the Company, except for matters under the authority of the General Meeting shareholders to decide Board of (05) years of membership Each member of the Board have a maximum term of five years and can be re-elected at the general meeting of shareholders next Orientation of existing policies and development to implement the decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders by policymakers, a resolution for action from time to time in accordance with production and business situation of the company

Board may appoint and dismiss directors Executive Director of the activities of the company and responsible to the Board on the duties and powers assigned To decide all matters relating to daily operations of the company.The departments are those departments directly operating the company's functional expertise and recognize the direction of the Director

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P a g e | 10 2.5 The Board of Executive Management Project

Management of project staff with the leaders of companies in implementation of investment projects: Urban Infrastructure and industrial parks; Investment in construction of houses for sale, office, office rental, residential and urban areas; the new technology line as factories, factory construction materials, mechanical; the joint venture investment projects, links with other units in and abroad;

I am the staff of the management board of the project, my functions is to deploy an array of plans; Verification planning and project implementation progress annually, quarterly month Management and monitoring project progress; Synthesis report on implementation of projects and plans;

2.6 Real estate trading floor

Organizing, managing and operating business of real estate services Implementation of the business of real estate services

Provide support services real estate transactions

2.7 Administrative Organization Department

The main function of this Department is: recruitment and humans resource management, applying policy, rights for labourers in terms of salary, bonus, training, upgrading, labour safety, social insurance, health insurance and other social well-fair jobs, competitive campaign, commend and rewards, discipline, and other social and union activities….fair-play to maintain PVL principle: People are the key factors for the success or failure of any Enterprises, an invaluable price of property needs to be preserved and developed

2.8 Sales Department

As a professional divisions of the parent company Sales functions and tasks directly to organizations dealing in: import and export, trade and services, production processing and other business activities as business licenses and regulations; perform other duties assigned by the Director General

2.9 Economic Planning Department

This department has its functions to make plans and trade as Company targets We follow up

and control economic targets approved by Annual General Shareholder meeting Executing secretary's job to Management Board Besides the above tasks, this department is responsible for developing and applying informatic technology in management and production as well as

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local area network , intenet and website in order to promote Company trademark and seek for business cooperation opportunities

2.10 Financial and Accountant Department

Financial and Accountant Dept has tasks to control financial situation in company, to control

material, energy consumption, labour cost, construction machines cost… to ensure for the cost safe and product cost reduction

It executes responsibilities timely and sufficiently to National Budget, salary, and other regulations for staff and make Financial report as National Regulation

2.11 Construction Managing and Investment Department:

Besides the Management Board consultancy responsibilities in the plan making and controlling, attending bid-tender, seeking for business, Project Manaing Department also arranges construction, working process, quality observing, safe at work regulations Moreover, the Department is responsible for checking memorandum documents, sales contracts, and construction contracts for approval Especially for construction contracts or materials supplying contracts appointed by PVL Corp the Department has to check price and propose economic projects based on actual situation Subcontractor consideration and selection are important task because it relates directly to project quality and schedule

Information available:

✓ Attend bid tender and give quotation to civil, irrigation,

✓ Information about Self- Investment and construction and PVL production plan ✓ Investing infrastructure projects, house developing

✓ Investing industrial projects (industrial products such as ready-mixed concrete, construction stone of PVL)

✓ Investing and Constructing basic construction, expand company capacity ✓ Investing in joint venture projects with domestic and foreign partners ✓ Investing in high IZ, IPZ…

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3 Internship place: 3.1 Reason-based choice

I choose the rooms planned economy to practice because it is really with my expertise I also want to learn and hone your own ability As practiced in the planned economy in the room I really felt better after the plan Through this I have more experience and ideas to build the company with strategic plans and applications more efficiently with the global market

3.2 Internship contents

Research project looking for new investment on the basis of ensuring the viability and effectiveness Cooperation with other reputable partners, financial capacity, strong not only domestic but also the dread ng to raise capital and improve investment efficiency

Joint venture partners, international contractors to carry out the project through training of project managers by international standards

To study and formulate development strategies to companies in 2015 and in 2025 oriented to match the real estate market, the general direction of the corporation and the corporation

3.2.2 Studying orgazination sales

Stay close to your customers, investment opportunities in the customer's current and future From that helps companies improve service quality to satisfy customer needs not only domestic but also

international clients

To further improve the capacity and performance of real estate trading floor closed to investment models - business - real estate management needs transparency in property transactions, which contributed stabilize property prices, avoiding speculation and market manipulation disorder affecting the interests of customers

4 Conclusion

Continue to upgrade and improve the company's website, connected to the real estate trading floor on the domestic market and abroad Implementing PR and advertising on mass media around the globe recognize the products of PVL

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I The tasks assigned to my position

- Verification planning and progress of projects every year, quarter, month the company leadership for approval Management and monitoring progress of plans and promptly reported to the leadership problems need to be adjusted to ensure the project

implementation on scheduleal ready set

- Develop plans and estimate costs for the entire room as well as project management, general reports on the implementation of projects and plans Planning for procurement in each period, each stage of the project

- In charge of the drafting, amending and supplementing the contents of economic contracts, consulting contracts, service contracts and other contracts

- Update, monitor and reports the performance of economic contracts arising in management

- Implement the loan and raise capital;

- Directly working with the company office functions, management performance of media and advertising products Serving the business during the implementation and

development projects

II The link between the subject matter and my mision

- Doing business today is far different from what it was 20-30 years ago and before - This is because the context, the business playground changed

- The business community worldwide and every society are going through the globalization process that is changing virtually everything with serious impacts on every economic and social actor - Doing business today means necessarily doing business within one single global market, either

because old national/regional economies became increasingly interdependent or because borders –physical and institutional– are fading away, or because actors are looking for new, expanded markets or fear the competition worldwide

Such business tool that we will call a global business plan (GBP) is indeed the most important step towards any innovation process, the number one step that should describe it all as a project

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P a g e | 14 III Why is planning so important?

The planning process forces I to look at my future business operations and anticipate what will happen This process better prepares me for the future and makes me more knowledgeable about my business Planning is vital for marketing product in an international marketplace Any firm considering entering into international business transactions must understand that doing business internationally is not a simple task nor one for the faint of heart It is stimulating and potentially profitable in the long-term but requires much preparation and research prior to the first transaction In considering products for the international market, a business needs to be:

1 Successful in its present domestic operation

2 Willing to commit its resources of time, people and capital to the program Entry into the international market may take as long as two years to generate profit with cash outflow during that period

3 Sensitive and aware of the cultural implications of doing business internationally Developing a business plan helps you assess present market situation, business goals, and commitment which will increase opportunities for success

What's the bottom line for me if I do the plan?

Research shows that small business failure rates among new businesses are significantly lower for new businesses that have developed a business plan

Isn't planning just for the big companies?

Planning is important for any organization that wants to approach the future with a plan of action The future comes whether my company are prepared for it or not A business plan helps anticipate the future and make well-informed decisions because my company have thought about the alternatives will be facing

How often do I have to do this?

A plan must be revised as needed, at least once a year Planning is a continuous process I will be surprised how much easier it is to develop a business plan after the first time

Plus, after a revision or two I will know more about my international business market opportunities to export products

Ngày đăng: 06/06/2024, 14:52


