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Final Assignments Research Methodology.pdf

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Nội dung

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Student name : Nguyen Le Hong Nhung

Trang 2

Table of Contents

PART 1: RESEARCH MODEL (2 points) 0 ccccccecceecceesceeseeeseeeseeeseeeaeeeaeeeaeeaeeeaeeeeeeaeees 2 1 Identify the dependent variable: - -s + xxx ng ng ni, 2 2 Identify FOUR independent variables of the research: . «-<-+++ 2


2 Wrife out TWO research questions for your research -« <+<<+s++ 5 PART 3: SURVEY DESIGN (6 poITẨS) - Đ Á S2 +2 HH HH HH Hy 5 1 Introduction to survey to survey to explain the purpose of the research, the treatment of the data and the instructions for the respondenfs - -~- 5

3 Why shouldn’t you include many open-ended questions in the survey? 14

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PART 1: RESEARCH MODEL (2 points) Identifying the variable:

Course structure and organization Student satisfaction

1 Identify the dependent variable:

For this research “Research about the satisfaction of the students with International School” Student, “student satisfaction” is considered as a dependent variable Student satisfaction is the subjective perception of how well a learning environment supports academic success and for this detail research

2 Identify FOUR independent variables of the research: 2.1 Course structure and organization

Course structure and organization including the development and design of course resources, teaching strategies and methods, course schedules, and overview planning

for a full of course (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) Considered as an

important variable affecting students’ perception of online courses, Course structure includes course goals and expectations to align with and promote student learning (Moore, 1991) “Teachers need the expertise to develop a class structure that stimulates social interaction and affirms rigorous academic standards, while fostering independent learning skills” (Muirhead, 2004, p 50) Students’ perceptions of the course's overall usability can be correlated with students’ satisfaction and learning In other words, the more organized and logical the course layout, the students are more likely to be satisfied with their learning in the course Eom et al., 2006)

2.2 Instructor performance

In any learning environment, the roles of the instructor are not only the primary source of students’ knowledge but also the manager of students’ knowledge Moreover, during Covid-19 pandemic, the online learning environment is more and more popular; therefore, instructors are required a new set of skills to succeed because newest technology brings about as many changes for instructors as they do for students (Jones, 2003) Especially, in this online learning environment, Instructor is more and more important and they play a central role in transmitting knowledge Almost instructors must be able to dig deep students’ understanding of the subject


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matter “Through active intervention, the teacher draws in less active participants, acknowledges individual contributions, reinforces appropriate contributions, focuses discussion, and generally facilitates an educational transaction” (Garrison et al., 2000, p 101) The instructor is directly involved in any teaching in the form of

lectures, video or audio lessons, synchronous and asynchronous sessions,

constructive and explanatory feedback provided, and the selection and inclusion of course materials and references From that, instructor performance is considered as a important independent variable in this research

Campus Services and Facilities

Campus and student services and facilities are another important measure of satisfaction The greater the quantity and quality of these facilities and services, the higher their satisfaction and happiness will be One study has shown that faculty learning experiences and student-teacher relationships with campus services and basis (Emily et al., 2004)

Student-Instructor interaction

Previous research has studied relationship between the student's teacher and the teacher's personal qualities Kwok (2000) During nearly 4 years with Covid-19 pandemic, Student-Instructor relationship is more and more important Moore (1989) have shown three types of interactions: Student-content, student-instructor, and student-student and affirming the importance of three interactive categories on student satisfaction for distance education; Timely and quality interactions between students and between students and their instructors, and ultimately between students and their course content (Young, Norgard, 2006) In a course, the ability to access information, support and immediate feedback by the instructor determines the level of student satisfaction

Draw the research model (relationship between the dependent and independent variables)

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Student-Instructor interaction

Designed by student


1 THREE questions with answers to identify the demographics of the respondents

(1) What is your gender? Male

Female I rather not say

(2) What is your academic class standing? First year

Second year Junior Senior

Trang 6

Hospitality, Sport and Tourism Management Others:

2 Write out TWO research questions for your research Which is the level of your satisfaction with International School?

Do you have any suggestions for International School to increase the student


PART 3: SURVEY DESIGN (6 points)

1 Introduction to survey to survey to explain the purpose of the research, the treatment of the data and the instructions for the respondents


Since the last decade, the Post - Secondary Education (University) has become a major topic in our Country-Vietnam In the level of higher education - University, students are considered as customers and the University is viewed as the market place Every year, universities always enhances expand their enrollment and increase their “customers”; therefore, the needs of understanding about factors that effect on the student satisfaction with the learning environment is more and more increase The measuring of satisfaction shows how successful the organization is in providing services or products to people in the marketplace Therefore, student satisfaction is considered as an evaluative summary of how well a learning environment supports academic success

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The students’ needs and satisfaction is essential and need to be cared because student satisfaction may result in a wide range of important outcomes what university really care It is often suggested that university with the higher student satisfaction rates lead

to better graduates, have fewer dropouts, etc Therefore, extensive research has been

conducted aim at studying the factors which can effect on the satisfaction and retention of students

Much studies have been conducted to measure the level of student satisfaction at University school or studied about the factors that relate to student satisfaction with university environment One previous study on student satisfaction has focused on the characteristics of students and institutions that effect on their satisfaction (Knox,

Lindsay, & Kolb, 1992; Thomas & Galambos, 2004), considered how satisfaction is related to the academic results (A W Astin, 1993; Knox et al., 1992; Pike, 1991, 1993)

Previous research Aldridge and Rowley (1998) have shown that according to students’ point of view, a better quality education will provide a better learning opportunity and especially, the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of students have strongly affect to success or failure of their learning In 2005, Deshields et al said that university education is focusing on identifying and meeting the needs and expectations of their students The

factors may include classroom environment, school facilities, institution reputation,

faculty performance and student academic achievement

This research considers elements that evaluate student satisfaction in higher education and how they affect satisfaction levels Especially, this study will probe an effect of four factors that are considered to be primary in the evaluation of student satisfaction, namely: Course structure and organization, Instructor performance, Campus Services and Facilities, Student-teacher relationship Building the relationship with instructors is very essential to create good academic experiences and more satisfaction (Ting, 2000) Structure and organization of the course affect student satisfaction as most significantly (Feldman, 1977) The most important variable according to this research is the motivation level all the variables studied in this study affect directly the satisfaction level of students (Kelly, 2004)

The questionnaires were distributed to the students of the international school Total 500 respondents were reached through face-to-face meetings The research on International School student satisfaction will focus on the determination that will make the students considerably more pleased The difficulties that overseas students confront will be taken into account while developing study topics:

- To what extent are students satisfied with the learning activities of the International School?

- How do the factors of study, academic ability, gender and external factors from International school affect student satisfaction

2 Survey design

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Survey about the satisfaction of the

students with International School

Student name : Nguyen Le Hong Nhung

Student ID : 19071461 Class : IB 2019C School : VNU - IS Course code : MNS1052.04

® nhungnlh130101@gmail.com (not shared) Switch account a * Required

1 What is your full name ? *

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What is your gender? * O Male

O Female O Prefer not to say

Are you a student in International School? * O Yes

O No

What is your academic class standing? *

First year Second year Junior Senior

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What is your academic program that you are studying in International School? * O International Business

Accounting, Analyzing and Auditing Management Information Systems Business Data Analytics Accounting and Finance

Hospitality, Sport and Tourism Management

What do you think is important to evaluate the level of satisfaction for school? *

(You should choose the 3 most important options)

O Contents of course Course organization


Facilities Service Reputation Others

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Course structure and organization *

Completely disagree The layout of


Programme O O was reasonable

contents For each subject, the contents of examination

questions fit O O with the

learning programme The total number of

semester is appropriate Exams organizations

the proctor are serious

Disagree Neutral


Agree Completely agree


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Instructor performance *

Complete! Complete!

, y Disagree Neutral Agree pioley

disagree agree The teaching

staff has extensive

knowledge and good English proficiency



professional O O O O O teaching



arrive at their

classroom on O O O O O time


know how to use the information

technology O O O O O

equipment which support for teaching


treated all

Trang 13

treated all students fairly and respectively The instructors were available for questions and comments from students

Campus Services and Facilities * The facilities

(school auditorium, furniture, parking space, school toilet, etc.) meet the learning and training needs Classroom ensures the quality of lighting, sound and

Completely disagree



Disagree Netral Agree Completely agree

Trang 14

and breathability Students are adequately informed

information O O during studying

in International School The task of ensuring security order is conducted well to ensure

a safe and O O healthy

learning environment for students

Student-Instructor interaction *

Completel y : P ự Disagree disagree

Instructors always available to

receive O © questions and

comments from students The instructors encouraged me to actively

join in the O O course

discussion | was able to interact with the instructors

during the O O courses

discussions The instructors

treated me O O


Neutral Agree Complete agree


Trang 15

Which is the level of your satisfaction with International School ? *

Totally unsatisfied O O O O O Totally satisfied Do you have any suggestions for International School to increase the student satisfaction?

3 Why shouldn’t you include many open-ended questions in the survey? Open-ended question are free-form questions that allows the respondent write their answer comfortably and innovatively instead of fixed response choices and cannot simply be answered with Yes or No, True or False, multiple choice, or rate scale However, in a survey, we should not to provide too many open-ended questions because of some following reasons

Firstly, open-ended questions may lead to the lower response rates For the open-ended questions, respondents do not have the options to choose and they must to think and answer by themselves Therefore, because they take longer to answer, you are likely to receive a lower response rate than close-ended questions That also means we can get less data to analyze and less insights Secondly, much open-ended in a survey make us difficult to compare Most people do not write with perfect grammar - and misspellings, word mistakes, etc Some respondents may even just ramble, leaving you with information that is completely effective or makes no sense at all They are often objective, making comparisons difficult with consistent data points and results From that, we normally face to difficult when giving the conclusion for comparing Finally, open-ended questions are harder to analyze because they contain unstructured data Open-ended answers are not based on numbers or percentages, so they cannot be compared mathematically And it was for this reason that the conclusion for data can different base on different analysts

In conclusion, having open-ended question in a survey is an interesting way to create 14

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2024, 18:28
