TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter 1: Overview of research methodology Chapter 2: Research Philosophy and Ethics in Research Chapter 3: Clarifying the research topic and reviewing the literature
- Phương pháp nghiên cứu trong kinh doanh
- Qualitative and Quantitative Approach 7th edition
I Diligence (10%)
II Mid-term test (30%)
1 At 8 th -10 th lesson (after chapter 5)
2 Answer correctly all the MCQs
3 Answer clearly and completely all the short questions
4 Writing test (individual test)
III Final test (60%)
1 Form: Group report about research proposal
2 Criteria: Clearly and reasonably identify a feasible topic Conduct informative and critical literature review for the topic; Choose the appropriate research and
methodology; use appropriate data
Chapter 1: Overview of research methodology
Chapter 2: Research Philosophy and Ethics in Research
Chapter 3: Clarifying the research topic and reviewing the literature
Chapter 4: Formulating the research design
Chapter 5: Data for Economics and Business Researches
Chapter 6: Analyzing Qualitative Data
Chapter 7: Analyzing Quantitative Data
Chapter 8: Writing and Presenting Research Report
“Issues that we systematically explore to increase and understanding.” (Sauders and colleagues, 2007, p5)
“A careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it”
“A principle of finding information and investigating the unknown to solve a problem”
Systematic: Research is basesd on logical relationships and certainly not just beliefs
Discovery: Represents a multitude of purpose
The goal of scientific research is to discover “objective, intrinsic, repetitive|
relationships between factors, things and phenomena
Not about builidng a set of solutions, solving practical problems
“Scope” of a research depends on the novelty of the knowledge and information it
“Observing Phenomena” is the process of carrrying out research in which new laws
are formulated and verified in reality
Research objective is to build a set of practical problem – solving solutions?
“Scope” of a scientific research topic depends on the respective management level,
the size of the research sample
False It depends on the level of contribution of the research to the reality
Research method is the “dialectical materialism, historical materialism,…”
Research method does not need to present thoroughly in the report.
Readers have no basis to assess the reliability of research outcomes
I Research classification
There are two types of reseachs:
Discover and verify new principles
Heavy theoretically research and
theory development
Highly integrated, often with review
from international scientists
Often published in prestigious
international journals
The goal is to convey new scientific discoveries and real life application
In the field of economics and business, they are researches about policy, consulting…
(Ứng dụng lý thuyết để giải quyết vấn đề thực tiễn)
GOAL Developing theory in economies
and business
Applying theory in practical analysis in units/ industries/ enterprises
Theoretically heavy with the main result being a new model or theory
The work is both theoretical and highly applicable, directly into the specific research context
Attach much importance to literature review and performance
of review outcome in space and time
Appreciate the relevance of research outcome to one/several specific contexts
Experts and scientists from universities and research institutes
Theoretically experts, combined with practical activitists
Pulished on specialized scientific journals (theoretically)
Published on journals specialized for publication of practical results
Demand Determinants for Urban Consolidation Center – A case of Korea
= Applied research
Developing a conceptual framework for the evaluation of urban freight distribution initatives
= Basic Research (typical model)
II Research process
1 Research Questions
2 Literature Review
3 Conceptual Framework
4 Research Design
5 Collecting and Analyzing Data
6 Presenting research results
III Basic components of a research
1 Research data:
Finding research gaps
“What?” “Why does it make sense theoretically/ practically
Topic goal
2 Research Design
Determining how evidence needs to be gathered and conducted to be convincing and feasible
It is a combination and creative use of standard research methods to answer the research questions
Trang 43 Methods and tools
Increasing the reliability of the evidence and scientists’ productivity
Each methods has its own process and standards
What does the research find and why it is significant?
Finding research gaps in both theory and practice
Research question
Forming ideas about new points and contributions of the topic
Researcher’s knowledge
of the specialized field
Overview document
Experience with specific context
What evidence is needed to answer the research question?
How to collect evidence?
Overall approach and design
Specific processes, methods, tools
Action plan and resource and data requirements
The level of meeting the requirements of a scientific research
Riskes and limitations of the study
Understanding the research objectives and framework
Identifying research hypotheses
Understanding the methods and tools you can use
How is data collection and analysis performed?
Data collection methods
Data analysis methods and tools
Understanding the research question and framework
Understanding the process and technique of each method
This chapter focuses on the two outermost layers of the research “onion”: philosohy and approach to
Lớp ngoài cùng là triết lý nghiên cứu, mỗi người có một cái riêng
Lớp tiếp theo là cách tiếp cận như thế nào
Thuyết thực chứng và thuyết diễn giải luận
I Research philosophy
Research philosophy refers to the system of beliefs and assumptions of the
development and the nature of knowledge
Thân cây hệ hình nghiên cứu
Important question: What are the steps in the research processes? What is the language of research?
Role: Directing the process of finding, selecting, applying methods, orienting, suggesting by giving viewpoints and guiding principles
Practical example: The researcher focuses on specific before implementing
generalizations, gives a thorough description of this specific research context
Five approaches: chủ nghĩa thực chứng, diễn giải luận, hậu hiện đại
IV Approaches to theory
Deduction: Verifying theory
Induction: Building theory
V Research ethics
1 Definition
Research ethics is a part of social ethics, which are rules and norms aimed at regulating voluntary behaviour of scientists in scientific research activities
Idea => Research object => Literature Review => Conceptual Framework => Research Design
2 Some issues in research ethics
Fabricating, intentionally falsifying and modifying data
Ignoring results
Participant’s rights
Right to put out or withdraw from the research at any time
The right to fully informed about the research objectives/ processes
Trang 6 Right to privacy
Right to keep personal information anonymous and confidential
Right to receive compensation/ care for the consequences arising from participating in research
Intellectual property rìghts
Copyright infringement
Helping in disallowed condition
Using other research results without permission
I What is a good research topic?
3 Appropriateness
Does the research topic fit the specifications and meet the standards set by the examining institution?
Does the research topic contain issues that have a clear link to theory?
Are you able to state your research questions, aim and objectives clearly?
Will the proproses research be able to provide fresh insights into this topic?
Are the findings for this research topic likely to be symmetrical: that is, of similar value whatever the outcome?
4 Capability
Do you have or can you develop withing the project time frame, the necessary research skills to undertake the research topic?
Is the research topic achievable within the available time?
Is the research topic achievable within the financial resources that are likely to be available?
Are you reasonably certain of being able to gain access to data you are likely to require for this research topic?
Is it possible to collect the necessary information and data to conduct the research?
Material resources
5 Fulfillment
Does the research topic really interest and motivate you?
Will the research topic help towards the achievement of your future aspirations or career goals?
VI Generating and refining research topic ideas
1 Useful techniques
a Rational thinking
Examining your own strengths and interests
Examining academic staff research interests
Looking at past project titles
Searching existing literature
Scanning the media
b Creative thinking
Keeping a notebook of your ideas
Exploring personal preferences using past projects
Exploring relevance to business using the literature
Relevance trees
Trang 8c 5 WHY method
d Mind Mapping
2 Refine research ideas
Using Delphi technique
Do a preliminary research
Constantly testing ideas
Integrating ideas
Refining topics given by your employing organizations
3 How to name a research topic?
Rà soát nội dung và tìm hiểu câu trả lời cho các câu hỏi cơ bản như mục tiêu, câu hỏi nghiên cứu phương pháp, kết quả nghiên cứu?
Xác định và liệt kê các từ khóa và cụm từ
Viết câu dài với những từ khóa này
Tạo tiêu đề
Xóa tất cả các từ và cụm từ thừa, đặt từ khóa ở đầu và cuối
Ví dụ: Trả lời một số câu hỏi cơ bản về nghiên cứu của bạn
Nghiên cứu của tôi là về cái gì?
Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quyết định tiếp tục mua sắm online của thế hệ gen Z và gen
Y ở HN
Phương pháp/ kỹ thuật nghiên cứu sử dụng?
Bằng câu hỏi tự quản lý để thu nhập dữ liệu trên toàn quốc
Đối tượng nghiên cứu?
Nghiên cứu phản hồi của 1500 người tiêu dùng ở độ tuổi từ 18-65 trong Covid-19 tại VN
Kết quả?
Sự khác biệt giữa các mặt bằng thiết yếu được dự trữ bởi các hộ gia đình khác nhau
Viết câu dài:
Nghiên cứu này khảo sát 1500 người tiêu dùng VN từ 18-65 để tìm hiểu xem Covid 19 ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến việc tích trữ hoặc mua hàng hoảng loạn của họ; kết quả cho thấy mối tương quan thuận giữa trình độ học vấn và quy mô hộ gia đình và mối tương quan nghịch khi nguồn thông tin được đưa ra chính thống và chính thức.
Tạo tiêu đề:
Khảo sát 1500 người tiêu dùng VN trong độ tuổi 18-65 nghiên cứu tác động của Covid 19 đối với việc tích trữ trong gia đình và mua hàng hoảng loạn để chỉ ra những tác động tiêu cực khi nguồn thông tin là chính thức và chính thống
Phân tích thực nghiệm về dự trữ của các hộ gia đình Việt Nam trong đại dịch Covid
19: Vai trò của thông tin chính thức Với nội dung nghiên cứu đã tiến hành nên đặt tên cho chủ đề nghiên cứu đo như thế nào?
Trang 9Dự trữ trong gia đình để ứng phó với đại dịch Covid 19: Bằng chứng thực nghiệm từ
Việt Nam
4 Write clear research objectives
Criteria: SMART
Briefly state what we hope to achieve through this research
Research objectives must be written in a specific, clear and logical manner with the topic title and research content
Should start with a verb (Ex: Analyze, Evaluate, ) followed by object (who, what) and adverb (time, phase)
Research objectives must reflect the topic title as well as be related to the content of the subsequent research
Research objectives must be measurable, estimable
Research objectives must be shown through measurable indicators
Research objectives must be reasonable
There is a legal basis
Ethics in research is also a criterion to pay attention to
Research objectives should have a specific time range
5 Formulate research questions
Clearly turn research topics into research questions
What is the issue that you would like to study in depth?
What would you like to find out? Explain the problem? Answer what?
Determining the research questions is not easy
A descriptive questions Ex: What percentage of FTU graduates work for
multinational companies? => easy to answer
Why are FTU students more likely to be recruited to work in multinational
Any research questions you ask can begin with or include What, When, Where, Who, Why
or How?
Example: Researching employee engagement with the organization?
Objectives: To study the influence of organizational factors on employee engagement
Research questions:
How do the characteristics of the Vision, Mission of the organization affect employee engagement?
How does the leadership style of immediate supervisors affect employee engagement?
How does the fit between personal values and organizational values?
How do relationships with colleagues affect employee engagement?
Some mistakes when asking research questions
Trang 10 Confusing research questions with practical questions
How to improve the organizational and management apparattus of Enterprise A?
What solutions to increase business efficiency of Enterprise B in the period of
2021 – 2025?
How to manage risk at bank C?
The “universal” questions
What is the current state of the research problem?
The cause of the restrictions
Ssolutions to help improve the situation?
Unfounded research question
The question is not based on a research review
The question is not based on theory
The question is not based on specific contract
VII Literature review
1 What is a literature review?
A literature review is a complate synthesis of relevant documents (information, data, concepts, theories, results, conslusions) about the issue of interest
The literature review also helps the researcher to assess the strengths and weaknesses
in the previous research methods to select his research method
2 Objectives of the literature review
Identify gaps in research
State a need for your research, generate or form an idea
To conduct a preliminary search existing relevant documents.of
To identify other (similar) studies being conducted, avoid duplication of studies
Look for opposing points of view
Phân tích và làm rõ được những nội dung cập nhật mới nhất về chủ đề
Xác định khoảng trống nghiên cứu
Hoàn thiện thêm các câu hỏi nghiên cứu và mục tiêu nghiên cứu
Đề xuất mô hình và giả thiết nghiên cứu