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Current status of english self study of english majored students an university of van hien

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--- Page 1 --- MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VAN HIEN UNIVERSITY -------------- FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FINAL TEST SUBJECT: APPLIED LINGUISTICS ------***----- CURRENT STATUS OF ENGLISH SELF-STUDY OF ENGLISH-MAJORED STUDENTS AN UNIVERSITY OF VAN HIEN Class: 233ENG49101 & 233ENG49102 Group1: 1. A Thuên – 221A140433 2. Phan Thị Quế Trân – 221A170003 3. Đỗ Thị Ngọc Trâm – 221A140254 4. Thị Kim Hằng – 221A140622 5. Bùi Thị Thu Thương – 221A140563 --- Page 2 --- Lecturer: PhD(c). MA. Nguyễn Trường Giang HCMC, July 2024 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VAN HIEN UNIVERSITY -------------- FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FINAL TEST SUBJECT: APPLIED LINGUISTICS ------***----- CURRENT STATUS OF ENGLISH SELF-STUDY OF ENGLISH-MAJORED STUDENTS AN UNIVERSITY OF VAN HIEN Class: 233ENG49101 & 233ENG49102 Group1: 1. A Thuên – 221A140433 2. Phan Thị Quế Trân – 221A170003 3. Đỗ Thị Ngọc Trâm – 221A140254 --- Page 3 --- 4. Thị Kim Hằng – 221A140622 5. Bùi Thị Thu Thương – 221A140563 Lecturer: PhD(c). MA. Nguyễn Trường Giang ĐIỂM KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN (Học kỳ 3 – Năm học 2023-2024) Môn học: Ngôn ngữ học ứng dụng (Applied linguistics) Mã học phần: 233ENG49103 & 233ENG49104 Họ tên & MSSV: 1. A Thuên – 221A140433 2. Phan Thị Quế Trân – 221A170003 3. Đỗ Thị Ngọc Trâm – 221A140254 4. Thị Kim Hằng – 221A140622 5. Bùi Thị Thu Thương – 221A140563 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my course instructor, Mr. Nguyen Truong Giang, for his dedicated guidance, invaluable knowledge, and the conducive environment he provided for me to complete this research. I am truly grateful for his support and would appreciate any feedback he may have. Secondly, I would like to thank the University and the Foreign Language Faculty for providing me with the opportunity to learn new subjects, acquire new knowledge, and gain new experiences. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family for their constant support and encouragement throughout my studies. Finally, I would like to thank my classmates for their insightful discussions, shared resources, and assistance throughout the process. --- Page 4 --- THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS --- Page 5 --- TABLE Table 4-1 Challenges of Self-Directed English Language Learning Among Students 14 Table 4-2 Advantages of Self-Directed English Language Learning among Students 15 INTRODUCTION English has become an essential skill for success in many different areas of life in Vietnam. Therefore, universities like Van Hien University prioritize equipping students majoring in English with a solid language foundation. However, classroom learning alone is not enough for students to achieve fluency and proficiency. This study aims to understand the current situation of English self-study of English majors at Van Hien University. English proficiency is increasingly important for Vietnamese students, opening the door to educational and career opportunities . Universities like Van Hien University play an important role in equipping English majors with a solid language foundation. However, classroom instruction may not be enough for students to achieve fluency and proficiency. Self-study can narrow this gap, allowing students to take control of their learning and personalize their practice. The status of self-study of students majoring in English at a public university in Vietnam. European Journal of English Teaching has shown that self-study plays an important role in improving students'''' English proficiency, especially in developing communication skills. How widespread are self-directed learning practices among English majors at Van Hien University? What are the perceived challenges and motivations associated with self-directed English learning for these students? LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 What is learning autonomy? Learner autonomy, an important concept in language acquisition, refers to the ability of learners to own and control their learning journey . It emphasizes the shift from teacher-centered instruction to a student-centered approach in which learners become active participants in their learning process. In the context of self-study, learner autonomy helps English majors at Van Hien University: Autonomous learners can identify their strengths and weaknesses and set appropriate personal goals with their individual needs . They can explore a variety of resources beyond textbooks, such as online platforms, mobile applications, and authentic materials. Autonomous learners can experiment with different learning strategies and techniques to find those that work best for them . Track and evaluate their progress: They can reflect on their learning journey, identify areas for improvement, and adjust their learning strategies accordingly. By fostering learner autonomy, self-study can become an effective tool for English majors at Van Hien University to proactively study and achieve higher language proficiency. 2.2 Classification of Self-study 2.2.1 Completely self-study:

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Class: 233ENG49101 & 233ENG49102

Group1: 1 A Thuên – 221A140433

2 Phan Thị Quế Trân – 221A1700033 Đỗ Thị Ngọc Trâm – 221A1402544 Thị Kim Hằng – 221A1406225 Bùi Thị Thu Thương – 221A140563

Lecturer: PhD(c) MA Nguyễn Trường Giang

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ENGLISH-Class: 233ENG49101 & 233ENG49102

Group1: 1 A Thuên – 221A140433

2 Phan Thị Quế Trân – 221A1700033 Đỗ Thị Ngọc Trâm – 221A1402544 Thị Kim Hằng – 221A1406225 Bùi Thị Thu Thương – 221A140563

Lecturer: PhD(c) MA Nguyễn Trường Giang

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5 Bùi Thị Thu Thương – 221A140563

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Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my course instructor, Mr.Nguyen Truong Giang, for his dedicated guidance, invaluable knowledge, and theconducive environment he provided for me to complete this research I am truly gratefulfor his support and would appreciate any feedback he may have.

Secondly, I would like to thank the University and the Foreign Language Facultyfor providing me with the opportunity to learn new subjects, acquire new knowledge, andgain new experiences.

I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family for their constantsupport and encouragement throughout my studies.

Finally, I would like to thank my classmates for their insightful discussions, sharedresources, and assistance throughout the process.

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2.1 What is learning autonomy? 7

2.2 Classification of Self-study 7

2.2.1 Completely self-study: 7

2.2.2 Self-study under the organization, direction, and control of teachers 8

2.3 The role of self- study in English education 8

2.3.1 Concepts 8

2.3.2 Role 8

2.4 English self- study problems of Vietnamese students 8

2.4.1 Awareness of self-study English 8

2.4.2 Personal motivation 9

2.4.3 Learner initiative 10

2.5 Self-study method 10

2.5.1 Strategies 10

2.5.2 Strengthen learners’ confidence 11


3.1 Sample and sampling procedures 12

3.2 Research instruments 12

3.2.1 Questionnaires 12

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3.4 Data analysis procedures 13


4.1 Results 14

Chapter 5 CONCLUSION 19


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Table 4-1 Challenges of Self-Directed English Language Learning AmongStudents 14Table 4-2 Advantages of Self-Directed English Language Learning amongStudents 15

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English has become an essential skill for success in many different areas of life inVietnam Therefore, universities like Van Hien University prioritize equipping studentsmajoring in English with a solid language foundation However, classroom learning aloneis not enough for students to achieve fluency and proficiency This study aims tounderstand the current situation of English self-study of English majors at Van HienUniversity.

English proficiency is increasingly important for Vietnamese students, opening thedoor to educational and career opportunities [ CITATION Van20 \l 1033 ] Universitieslike Van Hien University play an important role in equipping English majors with a solidlanguage foundation However, classroom instruction may not be enough for students toachieve fluency and proficiency Self-study can narrow this gap, allowing students to takecontrol of their learning and personalize their practice The status of self-study of studentsmajoring in English at a public university in Vietnam European Journal of EnglishTeaching has shown that self-study plays an important role in improving students' Englishproficiency, especially in developing communication skills.

How widespread are self-directed learning practices among English majors at VanHien University?

What are the perceived challenges and motivations associated with self-directedEnglish learning for these students?

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 What is learning autonomy?

Learner autonomy, an important concept in language acquisition, refers to theability of learners to own and control their learning journey [ CITATION Hol09 \l 1033 ].It emphasizes the shift from teacher-centered instruction to a student-centered approach inwhich learners become active participants in their learning process.

In the context of self-study, learner autonomy helps English majors at Van HienUniversity: Autonomous learners can identify their strengths and weaknesses and setappropriate personal goals with their individual needs [ CITATION Oxf11 \l 1033 ] Theycan explore a variety of resources beyond textbooks, such as online platforms, mobileapplications, and authentic materials[ CITATION Ben13 \l 1033 ] Autonomous learnerscan experiment with different learning strategies and techniques to find those that workbest for them [ CITATION Wen91 \l 1033 ].

Track and evaluate their progress: They can reflect on their learning journey,identify areas for improvement, and adjust their learning strategies accordingly.

By fostering learner autonomy, self-study can become an effective tool for Englishmajors at Van Hien University to proactively study and achieve higher languageproficiency.

2.2 Classification of Self-study

2.2.1 Completely self-study:

Is a form in which learners study voluntarily without needing to be reminded byanyone, motivating themselves to complete their learning tasks The role of the learner isthe most important factor in the process of acquiring knowledge Is the process of activelyabsorbing knowledge and experience in society and in life through personal activitieswithout support from people around.

This form represents learners' self-awareness to expand and improve theirknowledge and skills, satisfying their needs and desires for understanding.

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2.2.2 Self-study under the organization, direction, and control of teachers

Through the organization, orientation, and design and direction of teachers to helplearners self-organize, self-design, and self-implement their learning activities throughself-research, self-examination, and self-adjustment to successfully complete learningtasks.

2.3 The role of self- study in English education

2.3.1 Concepts

Self-study is a student's active, proactive learning process, not completelydependent on the teacher's guidance English education is the process of imparting andacquiring knowledge and skills about English for the purposes of communication,learning and research

2.3.2 Role

Improving learning efficiency for students at Van Hien University Yang's research(2019) shows that self-studying English helps students significantly improve theirgrammar and vocabulary skills vocabulary and listening comprehension skills It hasbeen proven that students with self-study habits often score higher on English tests thanstudents without this habit by Smith's Research (2017) Comprehensive development byJones Research (2016) Show students that self-studying English helps students developindependent thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills Points out that students whoself-study English often have a higher sense of responsibility, more discipline and moreconfidence in communication Addressing the limitations of traditional learning hasproven that self-studying English helps students supplement knowledge and skills beyondthe curriculum according to Smith's Research (2017) Point out that students who studyEnglish on their own can improve their English proficiency according to their personalneeds and interests.

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2.4 English self- study problems of Vietnamese students

2.4.1 Awareness of self-study English

According to [ CITATION Hoa94 \l 1033 ], cognition is the process ofrecognizing, knowing, and understanding

When it comes to self-studying all subjects in general and self-studying English inparticular, learners first need to be aware Therefore, awareness is the first factor thatplays an important role in students' self-study And at the same time, students' awarenessof English self-study activities is similar to students' understanding of issues related toself-study activities, including: understanding of the nature of the activity self-study, therole and meaning of English self-study and the importance of English in today's society.With proper awareness, students always have the will to strive to improve and be self-aware in learning, find and create for themselves opportunities to practice and practice toimprove their knowledge On the contrary, when students are not aware of the importanceof English and self-studying English, they will only study with passion The ability tocope should not try to overcome obstacles in the self-study process, leading to lowlearning results or sometimes failure in learning.

2.4.2 Personal motivation

Surely everyone has their own motivation when starting to learn English It couldbe trying to get good grades, it could be admiring people who are good at English or anyother motivation.

According to [ CITATION Dör01 \l 1033 ], motivation is the reason why peopledecide to do something, governs their effort in pursuing it and the time they are willing tomaintain that activity Accordingly, learning motivation will directly affect self-study.

Learning motivation is the drive for effort, desire to achieve learning goals, andinterest in language learning[ CITATION Gar85 \l 1033 ].

Therefore, when there is no motivation to self-study English, there will be manysignificant negative effects First, learners will find learning boring and difficult tomaintain, leading to giving up halfway The next effect, lack of motivation, makes

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acquiring new knowledge more difficult, because learners do not have the interest andenthusiasm to explore and practice As a result, language skills will not improve, affectingcommunication abilities and future employment opportunities Finally, lack of motivationalso causes a loss of confidence, making learners feel defeated and lose faith in theirabilities Therefore, maintaining motivation is extremely important to achieve goodresults in the process of self-studying English.

2.4.3 Learner initiative

According to [ CITATION Hol09 \l 1033 ], personal initiative and initiative inlearning directly affect learners' English self-study activities [ CITATION Ben13 \l1033 ], believes that initiative in language learning needs to be placed in relationship withinitiative in learning, and more broadly, personal initiative He pointed out that personalinitiative will affect self-expression and initiative in learning and using language On thecontrary, language learning is a learning process that focuses on social interaction andpersonal development, or in other words, initiative in language learning is an experience,an important factor to achieve personal autonomy.

2.5 Self-study method

2.5.1 Strategies

English self-study strategies for students According to author Nguyen Trong Tri(2018), students can apply English self-study strategies Students must define clear goals,give specific, measurable goals Yes, have deadlines to motivate and track progress Forexample: Students improve their TOEIC test score to 600 in 3 months, and communicatefluently in English in 6 months Know Choose a learning method that suits your interests,learning style and learning goals Students must have some common methods such as:studying through books, studying online, practicing listening and speaking with nativespeakers, joining an English club Make a scientific study plan: Break down goals into

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Participate in regular English communication activities Use a variety of learningresources such as using textbooks, reference books, online documents, and video lectures.Take English courses online or offline Take advantage of English learning apps on yoursmartphone Practice regularly Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing Englishregularly Participate in English communication activities such as: chatting with nativespeakers, joining English clubs Use English in daily communication Track your learningprogress: Record your own learning progress Evaluate learning effectivenessperiodically Adjust appropriate learning methods In addition, students must know howto keep motivated to study: Find joy in learning English Set rewards for yourself whenyou achieve your learning goals Share your learning achievements with friends andfamily.

2.5.2 Strengthen learners’ confidence

In his diagram of developing autonomy through teaching, Littlewood mentionsfour elements that contribute to voluntariness and the ability to act independently: interest,confidence, knowledge, and skills We see that next to interest, confidence in foreignlanguage education is also a fundamental factor, but many Vietnamese learners have notyet achieved it because for many years they have experienced an educational pattern thatis heavy on theory and passive learning style, attaches importance to achievements, etccausing a lot of knowledge learned but not being able to use it.

However, it will be easier to change if we focus on learning the language andstrengthening the confidence of specific students in that field, rather than working towardsa general sense of self When learners feel confident, they will be willing to try newaspects of the language and be less afraid of making mistakes Along with creatinginterest, teachers can help learners temporarily forget about psychological obstacles toparticipate in communication in foreign languages by discussing areas and topics thatlearners are interested in (For example, Presentations in English, English-speakingexchanges with native speakers, etc or programs organized by the faculty with Englishspeaking critique contests ) putting students into specific tasks that need to think, think,implement and necessarily create tangible specific products.

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CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Sample and sampling procedures

This study included 44 students studying at Van Hien University in Ho Chi MinhCity, Vietnam Most of them students with basic English proficiency and a small numberof students who have lost their English roots Since this is the workplace where theresearcher conducts the courses The researcher wants to collect data from the populationat this institution As a result, the researcher was able to complete the article more easilyand effectively Their presentation topics are closely related to their classroom courses

Finally, participants were surveyed using a prepared questionnaire to obtainquantitative data, and five of them were asked to participate in an interview to collectqualitative data.

3.2 Research instruments

3.2.1 Questionnaires

The researcher employed a questionnaire The first tool used in this study was aquestionnaire The questionnaire is one of the common devices for collecting informationand a form or instrument including a set of questions and secure answers that respondentsfill to give the researcher information needed for the study The data given from aquestionnaire cannot be achieved from the secondary resources [ CITATION Pan21 \l1033 ] It is used to refer to students' ability to self-study English The set of questions inthis study has 12 questions, each question focuses on the difficulties in self-studyingEnglish and the students' level of self-studying English.

3.2.2 Interview

The researcher also chose an interview as the instrument to gather the data It was

Ngày đăng: 31/07/2024, 07:04


