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report retail management case study openning a new th true mart in hochiminh city

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Nội dung

Their goal is to become aclean milk and UHT milk supplier in Vietnam, while also developing a chain of conveniencestores called TH True mart to provide consumers with clean fresh produce

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Student’s Full Name ID

Trần Hoà Thục Anh IELSIU19108Dương Hoàng Hiếu IELSIU19019Nguyễn Ngọc Hân IEIEIU18152Trương Kim Khánh IEIEIU18037

Phạm Đình Phước IELSIU19240Phan Minh Thư IEIEIU18126Trần Hoàng Hải Yến IELSIU19319

Instructor: Nguyen Hoang Huy

Ho Chi Minh city, VietnamDecember 2021

Table of contents

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A Introduction 4B Content 5I Propose retail type 51.Retailer Characteristics 6 2 Foodretailer: 6 3.Specialty: 7II.Target Market 71.Target Market Analysis 7 2.Strategy 11III.Location Analysis 20 IV.Retailing Channels 251.Store 26 2 Salesthrough e-commerce 30 3 Conclusion 31V Merchandise Mix 311 Buyingorganization 31 2 Assortmentplan 33VI Retail pricing 371 Pricing strategy 37 2 Productpricing 38VII.Communication Mix 421.Types of paid advertisements 42 2 Typeof unpaid communication 46 3 Salespromotion 47VIII.Customer Service 491 Atstore 50 2 Onwebsite 50 3 THeLIFE app 51 4 ReceivingFeedbacks 53 5.Transportation Method 53 6.Payment Method 55IX.Store Layout and Design 551.Type of design layout 55 2.Customer flow effect 56


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A IntroductionExecutive Summary

The major purpose of this report is to develop a coherent retail business plan for TH TrueMilk, a leading brand in Vietnam’s Fresh Milk Market Based on findings through the internetand other reliable sources along with valuable knowledge acquired from the RetailManagement course, our group has successfully developed a retailing strategy that coveredvarious aspects with a domestic business approach This includes business analysis on thetargeted market, store location & layout design, the pricing & marketing program, etc hence,from there, created a customized retailing plan that can enhance the management of TH TrueMilk.

Company Overview

The TH Milk Joint-Stock Company, which is part of the TH Group and was founded with thefinancial advisor of North Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank, is a well-known brand in theVietnamese dairy industry Their main business since their inception in 2010 has beenprocessing and UHT milk The company is well-known for its advanced management systemand integrated production processes, which are synchronized by international standards fromgrass planting to barn construction, cattle feed processing, veterinary control management,processing and packaging, and product distribution to consumers Their goal is to become aclean milk and UHT milk supplier in Vietnam, while also developing a chain of conveniencestores called TH True mart to provide consumers with clean fresh produce from Farm TH, aswell as safe and high-end products.

TH True Milk makes the decision to forge its own path in producing clean and fresh milk

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products It can be stated that TH True Milk has its own position in the minds of Vietnameseconsumers and has achieved many successes up to this point.

Vision & Mission of The Company

TH True Milk are always interested in the question, "How can we improve Vietnam's Statueand assist Vietnam in taking its place among the world's strongest nations?" It is impossible todeny that this passion drives TH True Milk to forge a new path, with a clear vision andmission.

TH Group aspires to be Vietnam's leading manufacturer of clean natural origin products THTrue Milk Company is determined to become a world-class food brand that is likely

everyone's favorite and national pride through serious and long-term investments combinedwith cutting edge technology.

In the spirit of closeness to nature, TH Group has always tried its best to nourish theVietnamese physical and spiritual well-being by providing food products derived from naturethat are safe, clean, fresh, and nutrient-dense.

B ContentI Propose retail type

TH true mart is a food and beverage specialty store which focuses on selling merchandise ofTH true milk The full name of TH True Milk is TH dairy food joint stock company, which ismanaged by TH Group Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank provided financial guidance,which was used to form the company Since its establishment in 2010 with the slogan “THtrue milk - Thật sự thiên nhiên”, TH True Milk has aimed to provide consumers with clean,

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fresh milk products in their own right To distribute products to the customers better, one yearafter the establishment, TH true milk opens TH true marts.

1 Retailer Characteristicsa Service offered

As a leading producer of fresh milk in Vietnam, TH wants all of its customers to have accessto the freshest, most delicious, and most nutritious products available The Home Deliveryservice is the result of ongoing concerns and efforts to reduce and eliminate intermediary stepsin the transportation and distribution processes, thereby providing consumers with productsthat retain their integrity Natural, fresh, and pure ingredients can be obtained quickly andeasily.

+ TH only supports home delivery for orders up to 5 kilometers away from the nearestTH true mart store.

+ Orders over 300,000 VND qualify for free shipping Orders with a lower value willbe billed a VND 25,000 delivery fee per order.

TH also launches an application called TH eLIFE for customers to shop on that platform,accumulate points every time they buy product and use that point to exchange gifts.2 Foodretailer:

In order to make it easier for customers to choose suitable products, TH true mart providesmany types of merchandise with abundance in each merchandise category.❖ Milk


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Milk is the main merchandise of TH true mart, it is said by TH true milk that it is clean, freshand pure TH true mart offers UHT milk, pasteurized fresh milk, Topkid formula fresh milk,nut milk in several sizes including 1 liter, 180ml, 110ml and 220ml and in several flavors ofpure, strawberry or chocolate.

❖ Yoghurt merchandise:

6TH true mart knows that yoghurt will help to attract more customers , especially kids andwomen, thus for this merchandise, TH true mart provides customers 2 types of yoghurt whichare eating and drinking.

− For eating yoghurt, there are sweetened yogurt, less sugar yoghurt and natural yoghurtwhich consists of many flavors from different fruits.

− For drinking yoghurt, pasteurized drinking yogurt, UHT drinking yoghurt with flavorsof orange, vanilla, blueberry, strawberry are which TH true mart offers to consumers.❖ Other merchandise:

Besides, TH true mart also provides customers with products which are not from milk of thecow, these products are TH true water, TH True Juice, TH true milk juice, TH True MilkRICE roasted rice water and TH true tea.

3 Specialty:

Even though TH true milk entered the market later than other competitors, they haveimplemented several strategies to become the top brand in the field They decided to opentheir own store selling only their merchandise In fact, prior to the birth of TH true milk, no

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other companies in the same market, including big brands, opened stores to sell their owngoods, TH true milk made a difference in the distribution system.

The purpose of building a TH true mart store chain is:− Promoting images to consumers.

− This is also a channel to introduce products directly and sell directly to consumers −Become a modern chain of distribution stores, specializing in providing the cleanest, safestand freshest food products.

II Target Market

1 Target Market Analysis

a Demographic

Providing a wide variety of dairy products with the mission to promote locally farmed andhigh-quality goods, TH True Milk aims to research and improve healthy products that aresuitable for modern consumption trends, as well as meet the demand of consumers of all ages.With the main focus on hi-tech agricultural investment & innovation resulting in a premiumprice range, the company’s loyal customers are mostly those with higher income and betterinterest in health improvement.

At first, various product lines were introduced to appeal to a broad range of customers,ranging from mid-ranged to higher-priced: UHT Sterilized Fresh Milk, Organic Milk,Pasteurized Milk, and Yogurt/Lactic Acid Drink.

On the other hand, to target children aged 5-15, the company offers TH True Milk TOPKIDand TH True Yogurt TOPKID, of which the formula is purely made with organic fresh milk.Since children that age require the necessary supplements for their physical and mentaldevelopment, this product line contains high-quality micronutrients that help boost the

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immune system and the ability to absorb nutrients Besides, TH True Milk TOPKID remainsthe only specially made product for children in the domestic milk market at the moment.In 2015, TH True Milk Fresh Milk was developed with additional supplementations, including3 products: supplementation of calcium (for those from 20 - 30 years old to slow down boneaging process), Additional Collagen (recommended for women from the age of 25 as theeffective complement to maintain youthfulness & skin elasticity) and Additional Phytosterols(for people with high cholesterol absorption level, with regular intake may help with the riskreduction of cardiovascular disease).

b Geographic

8First entering the Vietnam milk market, TH True Milk’s investment project focused highly onthe integration of technologies into the production and management process for the sake ofhealth benefits as human beings are the driving force of the development of the country, alongwith the nation’s strategic sustainability with the desire to improve Vietnamese stature andprove ourselves among developed countries However, in Vietnam, at the time being, access tohigh-quality, safe, and natural dairy sources is not available for most people, and only a fewchildren/people consider daily milk intake as necessary The opening of new retail outlets,which supply fresh, premium dairy products to other beverages and functional food, allowingentry for all is one of the very first steps in the company’s journey of renovation to bring abrighter future and prosperity for the next generations.

In Vietnam, TH True Mart has created a geographic separation in the urban and semi-urbanareas The advertising programs, sales, and delivery of TH system take place almost in cities,such as Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi, Da Nang, etc Some of the products have been sold in suburbanor rural supermarkets and grocery stores The pricing of TH's products is set at a reasonable

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level so that everybody could purchase them.

Additionally, in view of the growth in Vietnam’s non-alcoholic beverage market and our hot,humid climax, TH introduces a beverage product line, which is not only refreshing but alsoprovides adequate energy, minerals, vitamins to support digestion and metabolism Thisincludes TH true MALT, TH true HERBAL, TH true JUICE, and most recently, TH true TEA.

c Psychographic

The health of Vietnamese consumers is one of their main concerns It is not only tasty, but it isalso safe Consumers will favor products that focus on natural aspects due to their benign andhealthy ingredients.

9TH is concerned about the health of their customers, which is not only shown through thename TH “True Happiness”, but also shown through the products The fresh milk productsand yogurt products come in varieties to meet their customer needs: sweetened, low sugar,and unsweetened The remaining products (ice cream, food, and beverage) are likewise madeusing natural herbs and fruits, which helps to shift consumer preferences away fromchemically manufactured products toward natural ones In Vietnam, TH was one of the firstdairy companies to produce nut milk Products do not contain refined cane sugar but onlynatural sweetness from the date with low-fat content.

The packaging of TH pasteurized milk products is made from Tetra Pak (Sweden) and SIGCombibloc (Germany), both of which are manufactured on modern and advancedtechnological lines in the world That keeps the quality of milk in good condition andconvenient to use Each type of product has a variety of packaging designs and volumeswhich are suitably used for any need and any situation About milk products, there are

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small/large milk boxes, milk boxes with screw caps, paper bag milk Ice cream products haveice cream sticks, ice cream cones, and ice cream boxes The beverage products have 2versions: bottle and can And the yogurt products, they have yogurt cups, yogurt paper boxes,small/large yogurt bottles.

Figure 1: Packaging of milk product

10However, on the market, consumers are divided into two groups Those who value milk for itsquality and safety rather than its price They are strong believers in the price-qualityrelationship Those that are price-sensitive, prioritize pricing while deciding whether or not topurchase.

TH focuses on the customers who demand “fresh” milk, “fresh” products, and high quality.

d Behavioral segmentation

TH products are convenient daily products They are used as ideal for all occasions such asbreakfast, midday, evening and night Customers purchase TH items at any time and in anyquantity, small or large, such as a pack of four milk bottles or a carton of milk Based on thegoal of TH is providing healthy and quality products, customers buy TH products like milk

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products as a gift for visiting or holiday That's what makes its loyalty status relatively strong.

2 Strategy

TH Truemart creates a standard business chain rule system The chain's stores must trulyconnect and identify with one another The same products and equipment are available at eachretail location To create a consistent formal sense in the hearts of clients, the layout, andservice in retail branches must all be identical Customers who purchase products at anybranch of the TH True Mart system receive the same level of service This is useful forestablishing a brand image in the minds of customers We must assure those elements as astore that completes the TH Truemart chain of stores.

a Instore

❖ Location

Figure 2: TH true mart locates in Phan Đăng Lưu street

When it comes to operating a retail store, the location is the most significant component indetermining the business's success We choose a location where people will be able to easily

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observe and visit Areas near the center, hospitals, schools, offices, and densely inhabitedareas are examples of convenient business settings (Retail stores should be close to oneanother, forming a complex that works well together.) When buyers see it, they are quick topurchase.

The front of the store is the first thing clients notice when they walk in As a result, wedecided to take advantage of the situation in order to attract additional clients TH TRUEMART created billboards to promote products in front of the door, which is the mostprominent location Only until a specific target demographic has been defined can appropriateadvertising designs be chosen To highlight the store's pictures and design, we must keep thesidewalk space in front of the store tidy.

Figure 3: Outside of TH truemart

12The convenience of doing business is also aided by the traffic situation, since clients are morelikely to notice the store The store must also consider the parking space, which must be largeenough to handle the cars of consumers.

❖ Store layout

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Figure 4: Overview of grand openning TH truemart store

The design of TH is cohesive and in line with the brand's concept From the logo to the box,from the website interface to the store's decorating, the dominant hue is the calm, pure skyblue To create a positive image in the eyes of customers, TH has spent in producing elegantand professional labels Few milk providers can match TH truemart's ability to provide clientswith a chilled, fresh, and pleasant experience.

LCD panels are also visible, which show adverts for the company's products on a continualbasis The basic principles of TH's product value to customers are always fresh, pure, andnatural.

❖ Visual merchandise in store


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Figure 4: Shelf for beverage Figure 5: Freezer for cold productThe way products areexhibited in the store's center attracts consumers' attention, which helps to boost sales Weerected a TV screen in the center of the room to show commercials for new products, hotproducts that are selling well, and extremely profitable things Basic things should be kept inthe store's back.

When arranging products, the following rules must be followed:−Easy to see, easy to get.

−Sorting must be done scientifically, with prices ranging from low to high.−The product'sbrand image must be turned to the front, not upside down and the display must alwaysmaintain cleanliness and orderliness.

−According to the season, the display must be seasonal.−Place key products in the best possible location.

−Low-selling items should be exhibited at the cashier's counter.

14− Approximately 90% of shoppers turn to the right when they enter a store As a result, you

can place products that need to enhance sales in the right-hand section of the store to

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attract more attention from customers.

❖ Sales associates

Figure 6: Sales people introduce products information to customers

Staffs who understand the psychology of clients while they are still deciding whether or not toacquire a product will easily persuade customers to buy products Staff that are familiar withthe items are better able to stay up with trends and client wants Staff must not onlyunderstand but also have in-depth understanding of the product in order to deliver goodservice.

Sales associates that are happy work more efficiently A retail store's success is partlyinfluenced by the attitude of its staff Staff should be focus on training and store mustdevelope the best policies possible This will motivate staff to be more committed to theirjobs Customers will have a positive service experience as a result of this.

Building a store culture is also a smart method to improve staff engagement by showing themhow their work fits into the overall system and emphasizing the importance of customerservice mindset.

❖ Apply technology

The development of computers and the Internet marks a watershed moment in human history,especially in the retail industry The use of information technology in retail is compulsory, as


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it stores data on goods, sales, and consumer information, among other things Salesmanagement software, PCs, barcode scanners, bill printers, surveillance cameras, and otherstore equipment

Figure 7: TH truemilk’s salepromotions

• Cooperate with external partners to provide customers a variety of payment options thatinclude incentives:

Customers can pick from a variety of payment options when purchasing goods at the store,including cash, bank card, and e-wallet payments.

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Figure 8: External partner with providing a variety of payment

− Bac A Bank - TH truemart co-branded cardholders will receive numerous benefits,including the ability to sample a wide range of high-quality products at the TH truemart chain

of stores Bac A Bank, in collaboration with TH truemart, offers co-branded

cardholders a variety of appealing benefits Customers will receive a 20,000 VND refundfor orders from 100,000 to 200,000 VND, and a 10% refund (maximum of 50,000 VND)for orders worth more than 200,000 VND, starting April 15 Each customer receives theoffer once a week on the first transaction that qualifies for the promotion, and thepromotional value is received within 15 days of the transaction date Customers who payat any of the more than 300 TH truemart locations across the country are eligible for theprogram.

− Paying VNPAY-QR at TH TRUE MART for a 10% discount, scan now in three easy steps:VUICUOITUAN is a discount code that you can use to get a discount From Friday toSunday, get 10% off up to $50,000, and from Monday to Thursday, get 10% off up to$30,000.

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❖ Special events in store:

Free sample distribution is a powerful promotion in driving sales for an existing product, orfor a new brand Even without other promotional or advertising efforts, 33% of people whoreceive

17a sample of a new coffee brand will tell friends and family about the brand Especially, in thefood industry, product tastings can trigger a purchase immediately after trying 8 out of 10 time

Figure 9: Promotional Free Samples

TH truemart not only serves as a retail outlet, but also as a showroom for promoting the brand.This is also a way to directly introduce things to consumers and sell them to them TH truemart store created a product tasting program within a month of its opening: (TH true milkwith canned sugar 110 ml and strawberry flavor 110 ml) Customers have the opportunity tolearn about the product, try it out, and accept it through this program This is an opportunityfor TH to get things in front of shoppers as soon as possible.

❖ Exploit the relationship between different retail channels• Mobile channel:

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Customers can now go shopping and use their smartphones at the same time Expanding intothe mobile area helps to expand the market and make it easier to reach clients Mobile servicesare available on many e-commerce sites As a result, the store will have an easier time sellingthings to clients.

18Currently, TH TRUE MART offers a service that allows customers to call directly to thebranch where they want to purchase products When customers use this service, one staff willbe assigned to them from start to finish, making it easier to track order status and betterunderstand customer demands.

• Website channel

The retail websites show all available nearest store, where customers chose their address, onthe website to take advantage of the synergies between physical stores and online shopping.This will decrease the chances that consumers visit the store.

• Internet channel

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Applying the Internet's power to promote the store's image is a highly effective strategy.Understanding the social media trend can also help stores understand customer psychology.

The store will therefore spend less on advertising and communication as part of its overall19business strategy Of course, the result is far more practical than traditional marketing

methods The bigger the number of people who read and share the content, the more peopleare aware of it And, without a doubt, there are some who require the store's product orservice.III Location Analysis

TH genuine milk, which first opened its doors in Nghe An in 2009, is quickly establishingitself as one of Vietnam's premier dairy brands, with over 300 locations around the nation.We've chosen four stores in District 10, which we consider to be one of the city's most denselypopulated regions with the most amenities By doing this, We can achieve a better result thanin other areas.

4 stores:

− TH true mart Tô Hiến Thành, quận 10, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh− TH true mart Trần Nhân Tôn, quận 10, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh− TH true mart Lê Hồng Phong, quận 10, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh− TH true mart Bà Hạt, quận 10, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to the Ideal Solution (or TOPSIS) selects thealternative that is closest to the ideal solution and farthest from the negative ideal alternative.

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●Ideal alternative: the one which has best level for all attributes considered●Negative ideal alternative: the one which has the worst attribute values

This technique assumes that we have m alternatives (options) and n attributes/criteria and wehave a score for each option with respect to each criterion.

Let xij is score of option i with respect to criterion jWe have a matrix X = (xij), m×n matrix.

20Let J be the set of benefit attributes or criteria (more is better)

Let J' be the set of negative attributes or criteria (less is better)

❖ Step 1: Weighting the criteria

We give weight to the attributes, which is considered more important than others will havehigher weight In our opinions, the level of importance is increasing from Restriction <Convenience of store location < Pedestrian and vehicle customer < Occupancy cost < Size oftrade area

❖ Step 2: Normalize scores or data as follows:

√∑ ������2

for i = 1, …, m; j =1, …, n

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vj* ={ max (vij) if j ∈ J ; min (vij) if j ∈ J' }

Negative ideal solution: A' = { v1' , …, vn' }, wherev' = { min (vij) if j ∈ J ; max (vij) if j ∈ J' }

❖ Step 5: Calculate the separation measures for each alternative.

The separation from the ideal alternative is:Si * = [ Σ (vj*– vij)2 ] ½ i = 1, …, m

Similarly, the separation from the negative ideal alternative is:

21S'i = [ Σ (vj' – vij)2 ] ½ i = 1, …, m

❖ Step 6: Calculate the relative closeness to the ideal solution Ci*

Ci* = Si* / (Si* +S'i ) , Select the Alternative with Ci* closest to 0.

● Give weight and raw score:

CriteriaThe size of

trade areaoccupancyThecost

Thepedestrianand vehiclecustomer traffic

restrictionsconvenienceTheof thelocationfor customers

Table 1: Weight and raw score

● Normalize the score and multiply with weight

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CriteriaThe size of

trade areaoccupancyThecost

Thepedestrianand vehicle

restrictionsconvenienceTheof thelocation for

cy cost

Table 3: Distance from the best alternatives

● Distance from the worst alt

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CriteriaThesize of

cy cost

Thepedestrianand vehiclecustomer traffic

restrictionsconvenienThece of the

Table 4: Distance from the worst alternatives

● Final result

Le Hong Phong Street0.710.291

Table 5: Final ranking result

We conclude that having a great location for retail is one of the pivotal impacts within themarketing strategy of retail because many of the related long-term choices and commitments

23are dependent on the location of the retail after analyzing and observing existing retail storesthat play the same type as TH True Mart One of the most important factors in attractingprospects and consumers is having the right location An excellent retail location is acompetitive advantage that the competitors cannot match One retail store can be found in asingle location, and time also plays an important role in the area.

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1 Huff’s Gravity Model:

24sales or consumers for a business, which may be determined by looking at current sales data.

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Conclusion: Before expanding a business, it is critical to monitor and determine theprospective market size.

The market sizes of Districts 11 and 3 are estimated at 12 billions VNĐ/year and 15.6 billionsVNĐ/year, respectively.

❖ The expected sales of the Le Hong Phong store:

P(district 11) = 2568 1.52 = 0.57741.52+3535

P(district 3) = 2568 1.52 = 0.49021.52+3989

Expected annual sales = 0.5774 x 12 + 0.4902 x 15.6 = 14.57 billions per year.

With the initial expected average month sales is 1 billion per month, it is clear that the revenueof the new store is better So, our team should be considered to open the Le Hong Phong Storein the proposed location.

IV Retailing Channels

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TH True Milk is already pursuing the Vietnamese market since 2010, and it has to competewith a number of formidable competitors, including Vinamilk, Dutch Lady, Moc Chau, andothers However, TH True Milk's distribution infrastructure was successfully established.One of the aspects contributing to this company's excellent performance is the development ofa methodical product distribution channel plan.

25In fact, before TH true Milk, no other companies in the same industry, including top brands,opened stores to sell their own products, therefore TH true Milk stands out in the distributionsystem.

The TH true Milk distribution channel system consists of three main channels: TH True Mart,online and phone shopping, catalog.

TH True Milk sells merchandise through more than one channel By using a combination ofchannels, TH True Milk can exploit the unique benefits provided by each channel.1 Store

a General description:

TH True Milk now has 28 locations across the country, all of which were opened to provideclients with easy access to fresh and clean food Customers can register for home services,VIP customers, and customers in TH True Mart stores, which act as a huge showroom withan area for display models, farm and factory models, and an area for customers to register forhome services, VIP customers, and customers purchase in large quantities

TH True Mart was opened with the main purposes:− Advertising images to consumers

− This is also a channel to introduce products directly and sell directly to consumers −Forming a modern chain of distribution stores, specializing in providing the cleanest, safestand freshest food products.

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TH True Mart is a location where customers and brands can interact directly, with the most upto-date product information TH True Milk's brand name has swiftly gained the trust of

customers and consumers thanks to this approach, which has been in place since the product'sinception.

b The layout of store

26TH True Milk was the first to operate individual stores outside, and they were also the first tobuild a showroom system To ensure the highest product quality, the complete TH True Martstore system is equipped with modern amenities, such as air conditioning and hardwood,rattan, bamboo, and knitted shelving, which are less susceptible to oxidation At TH TrueMart, the company will decorate according to the identification system, with two usual milkcolors of white and blue, as well as a clean, healthy dairy cow with a symbolic round udder,to represent the company's clean milk source This is a distinguishing feature of TH that noother competitor can match.

❖ Advantages

− Between store employees and customers, there is excellent interaction and consultation −Customers will be able to understand more about the merchandise, make more informedpurchasing decisions, and have greater faith in the brand's quality as a result.− Consumerscan pay in cash, avoiding the need to provide personal information.− Customers can getquick gratification because they can take the product home the same day they buy it.

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guarantee that they are getting the highest quality, price, and/or value.

− Customers also have to deal with the added inconvenience of choosing out their ownmerchandise and standing in long checkout queues.

Figure 9: TH True Mart

2 Home Delivery by TH’s websitea General description

As a leading manufacturer of fresh milk in Vietnam, TH wants all customers to enjoy thefreshest, most delicious and nutritious products The Home Delivery service is the result ofconstant concerns and efforts to shorten and eliminate the intermediary steps in thetransportation and distribution process, providing consumers with products that keep theirintegrity Natural, fresh, pure ingredients quickly and easily.

When in need, please order in one of the ways below:

Customers can use their smartphones or laptops while using online ordering → The order issubmitted to the control center→ Staff will double-check customer details and call to confirmthat the order was successfully placed → Staff select the nearest distribution center or THTrue Mart store to transport the order to the customer's specified location and deliver the

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items within 48 hours, free of charge.

b The characteristic and the layout

Information technology is developing day by day, with just one click, consumers know allinformation about each type of milk, which can be compared easily without going to the store.This way of selling helps customers save time and travel effort.

28TH True Milk milk brand with funny ads with the participation of lovely dairy cows is alsoone of the big brands in Vietnam.

The website of TH True Milk satisfies high aesthetic standards; the website's interface must beelegant, appealing to customers, and has unique qualities Customers are drawn in by theattractive interface from the first few seconds, and they stay to investigate the company'swebsite Customers may easily choose items thanks to TH True Milk's comprehensiveinterface system, which is suited and straightforward to their demands.

Figure 10: TH truemilk website show all merchandises

❖ Advantages

− Selling online business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without regard for time or space − Awide range of services are available, and product information is updated on a regular basis.− Get expert customer assistance and feedback.

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❖ Disadvantages

− The consumer, on the other hand, thinks that the order will not be fulfilled, that shippingpromises will not be honored, or that the product quality will not be as described.

29− Customers also perceive substantial dangers, particularly when providing personal and

credit card information via the Internet.

Figure 11: Online ordering with local delivery

Different strategies will be implemented for each store Customers who have purchased goodsfrom our store can phone the business directly the next time they shop to receive the greatestservice from the staff.

This is a strategy to build domestic consumer trust in TH True Milk's product quality.

2 Sales through e-commerce

❖ General description

TH True Milk will use this shift in shopping behavior during the covid 19 pandemic to drivesales channels on e-commerce floors The organization believes that with effective incentivesand cooperation from the e-commerce floor, commercial growth may be achieved throughoutthe epidemic season Shopee is a good example of the benefits that sellers can get from the e

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❖ Advantage

-The greatest benefit that e-commerce floors provide to sellers is the massive amount of trafficgenerated by users TH True Milk is able to reach a far bigger number of people than retail.As a result, temporal and geographical limits in business are reduced; clients can access awide

30range of product categories from an online store at any time, even if the seller and the buyerare thousands of miles apart.

-Cost reductions and transaction ease are two of the advantages of e-commerce With ecommerce, TH True Milk may avoid paying a high rent for a store with a significant numberof employees Instead, we'll spend the money on improving the quality of our products orrunning advertisements to attract more people.

3 Conclusion

According to the above analysis, it is completely obvious that TH True Milk's businessstrategy and TH True Milk's business strategy will attract more customers if TH True Milkallows brands to connect with customers through social media platforms such as Twitter,

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2024, 16:05


