The team''''s task will be toidentify and analyze the problem that the organization is facing using concepts from the course.Following that, we will devise a plan to help the organization i
Lecturers Pham Thi Minh Thuy Truong Bao Ngoc
Trang 2Nguyen Ngoc Quynh Anh 21010081 Ngo Tri Dung
21060001 Tran Thi Khanh Huyen 2101008 Nguyen Tran Kim Ngan 21010077 Nguyen Xuan Nguyen 21050020
Le Anh Thu 21010108 Nguyen Ngoc Tuong Uyen 21050016 T E
Trang 3I Abstract 04
II Introduction 05
III Club Overview 06
IV Problem Overview 07
Structure Hierarchical Structure Tuckman Model Motivation
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Structure Motivation
Potential Structure Risk Motivation
Trang 4I Abstract
For a long time, it was very common to form clubs at universities It seems that no university iswithout these exciting playgrounds Clubs are established to become a place where individuals canrelieve stress and help develop different skills However, it still has problems that always exist inclubs, such as problems with leaders, between members, or countless other issues Every individual in
an organization, big or small, has a responsibility to contribute so that everyone can grow together.Through this research paper, we will analyze the problems a club is facing, the ways to solve them, andalso the risks and barriers that can occur if different solutions are implemented through the lens ofthe course Organizational Behavior
Trang 5II Introduction
“The study of how people behave in an organizational environment is known as organizational behavior”(Robbins & Judge, 2022) Its principles are applied to make organizations and the people in theirwork more effectively together Organizational behavior research can focus on individual behaviorwithin the organization, how groups work together, how the organization itself behaves, and how all
of these are interconnected and impact each other
Specifically, OB assists students in understanding the behavior of individuals in a group ororganization through research, analysis, and practical application of knowledge and lessons.Students can then understand how people interact in a group or organization
According to Patel Ganesh (2020), “Organizational behavior is an applied behavioral science built
on contributions from several behavioral disciplines, mainly psychology and social psychology,sociology, and anthropology Psychology’s contributions have been mainly at the individual ormicro level of analysis, while the other disciplines have contributed to our understanding of macroconcepts such as group processes and organization.”
In addition, we learn about this subject in class through lectures, individual exercises, and solvingcase studies Following the completion of the course, we will have a presentation and a final report Wewill be able to analyze and apply OB concepts in a real organization We had to find a local institution
to conduct research via interviews, observations, or surveys The organization could be a localbusiness, extracurricular club, sports team, or other social groups in its area The team's task will be toidentify and analyze the problem that the organization is facing using concepts from the course.Following that, we will devise a plan to help the organization in addressing the critical issue
Following the group meeting, we decided to choose the music club for this final report For reasons
of privacy, we will not reveal the name of the club
Trang 6Chairman of music club III. Cl Club ub ub Ov Ov Overview erview
Team leader of finance
Team leader of singing
Members Members Members Members Members
Club activities are closely coordinated between the chairman and members The manager is responsiblefor leading the club in meetings and activities under the direction of the school and the leader of thecommittees is responsible for running the club in his absence, performing other tasks assigned by thechairman
Club members are divided into departments such as the marketing department, singing department, eventsdepartment, finance department, musical instrument band, media department, and members so that theclub is easy to manage, and discover the potential and strengths of members
The club often organizes activities of music, charity, healthy entertainment, cultural exchanges, andfestivals to support members to find opportunities to connect with people, create a healthy playground,vibrant, useful, and the club attracts a large number of members
Members will be assigned tasks, training schedules, and running events when the host announces an eventsuch as opening day, cultural exchange, charity night, the welcome day for new students, etc
Trang 7IV. Pr Problem Overview oblem Overview
We have the opportunity to interview at a music club After interviewing a few members of the club,
we recognized several issues with the Motivation, and Structure of the club
Regarding the way of working, according to a member who has joined the club for 2 years: “Althoughthe club has been active for a long time, the club often does not make plans by herself, but based onthe school calendar Moreover, the leader rarely appears and interacts with the members, only whennew events appear to inform everyone."
All in all, after listening to a few members of the club, these problems probably persisted for quitesome time First, at the member recruitment stage, each time recruiting many members are, itbecomes more and more diluted, many people do not know each other as well as many people whohave capacity but have not been developed and divided into many boards but only concentrate onactivities in certain departments Next, the club rarely organizes activities for members to interact withand rarely organizes offline meetings to work Moreover, the leadership's way of working makes manymembers unsatisfied Since then, things have become complicated, causing many members to becomediscouraged and leave the club
In addition to identifying the problem of the club’s way of working and structure, we also recognizedthe connection problem among club members First, as we have interviewed, this club is crowdedwith members and divided into many boards, which leads to many members not knowing each other,feeling lost, and not feeling belonging Moreover, the club organizes very few bonding sessions formembers to interact, which makes many people feel depressed There are even frictions but neverfrankly speak to each other and since then, the members feel disrespected And I especially found thatthe club splits into many boards, so they will play together in groups or with close friends, and it will bedifficult for them to get out to connect with more people The members-only work with their boards,there is no interaction between the club and the lack of cohesion, so the members get bored and leavethe club
With the above unpleasant things, there were quite a few members who decided to leave the club,and those who stayed completely disagreed with what happened, but they still wanted to work hardfor the club, and because their whole passion is music
Trang 8V P Probl P robl roblem Analyz em Analyze em Analyz e
After interviewing and discussing together, we analyze the issues according to the OB concepts as follows:
1 Hierarchical Structure:
After the interview, we realized that the club's structure is based on a hierarchical structure As a report byBragg Steven (2022), “A hierarchical organizational structure contains a direct chain of commandfrom the top of the organization to the bottom Senior management makes all critical decisions, whichare then passed down through subsidiary levels of management.” A pyramid can be used to illustrate ahierarchical organization The management levels at the top have the most power, while the generalmembers at the bottom have less authority but a larger number of participants
Therefore, at the club we interview, members who want to give opinions or any information must gothrough the club president, all decisions or selections such as song theme or duration, are made bythe chairman As can be seen in the overview of the club we analyzed, the structure of the club isdivided into many boards with many different positions, plus many members are joining the club andspread out into various committees, making the organization diluted and not much connected, onlyoperating mainly singing and instrumental bands
Another problem is that the regulations in the club are not clear, leading to no specific agreement when theclub has events or prizes This is also a rather troublesome problem in the club's management system
Trang 9Tuckman’s theory was first proposed by psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965 It stated that teamswould go through 5 stages of development: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.These stages supposedly start when the group first meets and last until the project ends.
In this first stage (Forming), the club members gather, get to know each other, and work as a team.Moreover, it helps part in relationship building Members will clearly define their role to contribute tothe club They will develop a common goal and mission set for the club But at this stage, they oftenwork on their terms or don't bother others much, or share their own opinions and ideas very little.People will socialize, observe how others work, and work in their way, not revealing themselves toomuch Because the first step is to build relationships between members
Besides, the club is having problems with the group structure, the way of working… That is shownthrough our interviews and analysis The club is divided into many groups, has many members, and
is diluted as well as focusing activities on certain groups Infrequent meetings as well as bondingsessions between members make many members feel depressed That also leads to the next step inthe Tuckman model called Storming
Trang 10The second stage of the Tuckman model is storming The storming period is a difficult and importantone to navigate This is the stage where the ego can begin to manifest and tempers can flare up Theteam may disagree on how to complete a particular task or voice any concerns At this stage, theyalready have an understanding of the group's rules, structure, dynamics, and place and role within thegroup They will state their views and opinions and begin to express themselves without hesitation.Small groups and factions may form around this powerful stage.
At present, the club can hardly overcome this stage because according to the interview, we know: "Theclub is divided into many groups but mainly operates in certain groups", "The club rarely organizesmeetings to work together, only when an event is announced and each group will meet by itself, notknowing the general situation of the whole club", "Although the club has been active for a long timefew bonding sessions are held to connect members", "Each recruitment is quite large, so many people
do not know each other", "The division of many groups leads to them often playing in groups" It isthese things that speak to the unresolved frustrations and debates in the club
Therefore, this club only stops at the Storming step and cannot proceed to the next steps Because ofthe next stage (Norming), the group has to step out of the conflicts and start settling down, functioning
as a real team
Trang 11First of all, despite joining the club, the group members still have time to attend to their basicphysical needs, such as, eating, drinking, finding a place to stay, getting dressed, sleeping, etc “Thehuman body cannot perform at its highest level if these needs are not addressed All others want tobecome secondary until a person's physiological requirements are addressed, hence according toMaslow, they are the most crucial.”(Mcleod, 2020) The second requirement for safety is likewise satisfied
by the club members' need for fun and entertainment, which means that nobody's social, familial, orprivate lives are negatively impacted The majority of the club's members, it was discovered during theinterview, joined because they believed it to be a vibrant environment with lots of events, but when theyarrived, they were disappointed This club is renowned for attracting a large number of members, butbecause it is not selective and has no standards, the membership becomes diluted Few membersconnect, which prevents them from working cohesively as a group Some members are also split upand feel lost, which causes many members to believe they don't belong in this group In this case,the club fell short of the third need “A sense of belonging is a social desire that falls under the thirdlevel of human need The term "belonging" describes the psychological demand people have for groupmembership, affiliation, and connection.”
The fourth level of Maslow's hierarchy is respect, which encompasses self-worth, achievement, andrespect In this case, however, the club does not recognize the contributions of everyone, many ofwhom are competent but undeveloped The need for improving oneself is the last In this club, themajority of members desire to grow personally, demonstrate their skills, and identify their areas ofstrength, but there are few opportunities for these things to happen because there are so few activities,events, and regular practices among the members “Since this level—which is the highest in Maslow'shierarchy—is about realizing one's potential, finding contentment in oneself, seeking personalimprovement, and experiencing peaks, it is also the highest This level, according to Maslow (1943), iswhere a person wants to give it their all and be the best version of themselves, but their needs are notbeing satisfied.” (Mcleod, 2020)
Trang 13VI Solution
To solve the problem of structure, we first planned to restructure the organization: Currently, the club has apretty good structure in terms of dividing the boards among themselves, but their division is too manyother boards This has resulted in members who have never met each other and find it difficult to connect
Step 1: Set up quarterly or monthly meeting plans when there is an event to communicate and help
members when needed After the meetings, there should be a summary so that those who cannotattend can understand the situation
Step 2: Contribute more to the club by actively providing definitive strategies and decisions or supporting
ideas for everyone
Step 3: Should bridge the gap between team members and understand, sympathize with, and respect each
department's viewpoints (can recognize the disadvantages or advantages of the opinions appearingfrom the small group and influence the entire club)