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Reading comprehension

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bài tập đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh 12 giúp học sinh luyện tập và phát triển kĩ năng đọc hiểu Tiếng Anh. Ngoài ra học sinh làm quen với định dạng các câu hỏi trong các đề thi hiện nay.

Trang 1

(Adapted from Compact PET for Schools)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 32 to 36.

It wasn't my usual holiday experience: standing on the beach, getting ready to release a baby sea turtle no biggerthan my hand But that was how I spent my final night in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico During my week there, I hadseen other tourists releasing the turtles in the early evening, and as my stay came to an end, I decided to join in.Oscar, the organiser, runs Sociedad Ecológica de Occidente - a conservation project that brings tourists and

residents together to save the sea turtles of Puerta Vallarta These turtles are under threat from poachers who

want their meat and eggs But Oscar and his volunteers collect the eggs and take them to protected areas wherethey are allowed to hatch in safety.

We listened to Oscar's instructions He told us that the turtles were released as the sun goes down so the bright

lights of the hotels and nightclubs don't stop them finding their way back to the sea We stood a few metres

from the sea's edge holding our one-day-old turtles carefully in both hands At a signal from Oscar, we gentlyplaced them on the sand, stepped back and watched as they crawled slowly into the sea.

Back home, I still think of the tiny baby turtle and wonder where it is now Did it make it to the open sea? Is itsafe? Oscar Aranda has dedicated his life to saving the sea turtles; I only gave a few minutes of my time, butthose minutes will stay with me for a lifetime.

(Adapted from On Screen)

Question 32 What does the passage mainly discuss?

Question 33 According to the passage, the author decided to help with the project because _ A he was concerned with protecting species and their habitats

B he wanted to do something different before his holiday ended

C he aimed to inspire other tourists to join the conservation effortD he accepted Oscar’s offer to join other tourists to save sea turtles

Question 34 The word threat in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _

Question 35 The word them in paragraph 3 refers to _

Question 36 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A Oscar and other volunteers take the turtles’ eggs to safe places.B The residents of Puerta Vallarta join in the project and help Oscar.

Trang 2

C The experience in Mexico made the author more interested in wildlife.

D The author didn’t leave right away after he placed sea turtles on the sand.

ead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 37 to 43.

Los Angeles dancer, Brian Perez, was eating out with his friends one evening when suddenly everyone wentquiet To his horror, he saw that the reason for this was that people were checking their phones Realising he had

to do something to stop this, Brian made a rather daring suggestion What if they all put their gadgets in a pile

in the middle of the table until they had finished the meal? If anyone picked up their phone, that person wouldhave to pay the whole bill And so, it is said, the game of 'phone stacking' was born.

The necessity for action like this highlights a major problem in today's society: our inability to disconnect from

technology But while Brian's idea deals with the obsession in a social context, measures also need to be taken at

home Some people drop their smartphones into a box the moment they arrive home, which gives them the

chance to interact with the people they live with.

A less drastic solution is to ban electronic devices at certain times of day when the whole family is likely to betogether, for example at meal times This can be hard for everyone On a normal day, however, dinner takes lessthan an hour, and the benefits of exchanging opinions with the rest of the family certainly makes up for the timespent offline.

Taking a break from technology is one thing, but knowing when to turn off a device is another This is where adigital curfew comes in handy, a set time when all devices must be put away.

And then it's time for bed One of the best ways of ensuring you can sleep at night is to ban electronic devicesaltogether from the bedroom With technology out of the room, a line has been drawn between daytime andsleep time, which enables us to switch off ourselves and drift off to sleep.

(Adapted from Solutions)

Question 37 Which could be the best title for the passage?

A The Society that Cannot Switch Off

B Lack of Sleep: Is Technology to Blame?C Screen Time Control: For Better or Worse?D Technology and Communication at Home

Question 38 The word daring in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _

Question 39 According to paragraph 1, Brian Perez introduced the game of ‘phone stacking’ to _

Question 40 The word highlights in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _

Question 41 The word them in paragraph 2 refers to _

Question 42 Which of the following is true according to the passage?A Brian’s idea to disconnect people from technology isn’t suitable at home.

B Banning electronic device use at meal times is far from easy for anyone.

C Some people drop their smartphones into a box to concentrate on their work.D A ‘digital curfew’ should be tried if you want to take a break from social life.Question 43 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A Using electronic devices at meal times can encourage discussion.B Technological advances can pose a big threat to family harmony.C There’s little recognition of the danger of using electronic devices.

D It’s important to set boundaries with technology before bedtime.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word orphrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

Trang 3

In the past, summer fires were common in Australia Now, because of climate change, there's an even highernumber than there used to be And they're larger, too Recently, one fire grew so (26) _ that it created atornado nearly 500 metres wide It destroyed (27) _ homes in the capital city, Canberra These unluckyhouses were situated less than 100 metres from a large area of pine trees on the edge of the city.

Several individual fires started burning and, (28) _ it was difficult for firefighters to reach them, theycontinued to burn When the wind speed suddenly increased a few days later, the fires joined together Scientistsnow (29) _ this Australia's first 'fire tornado' This was an extremely rare event in Australia's history andwas produced by storms (30) _ accompanied the fire.

(Adapted from Prepare)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

RoboCup is a football competition that has taken place every year since 1997 But the players are not human;they are robots The aim is to create, by the middle of the 21st century, a team of robot footballers that are able toplay against and beat the winners of the real World Cup.

In order for robots to play football, robotics companies have had to develop special technologies Each robot is

fitted with a webcam which is connected to a computer inside the robot The robot is able to see where the other

players are, where the goal is and, most importantly, where the ball is.

They are programmed to make their own decisions and during the match the robots' creators are not allowed to

tell them what to do The robots are, however, able to communicate with other members of their team, via a

wireless network.

The technologies that are being developed for scoring goals have other uses as well It may be possible todevelop robots that can be used in search and rescue, for example, finding people trapped in buildings afterearthquakes They may not be as fun to watch as real footballers, but at least they don't demand enormoussalaries!

(Adapted from Solutions)

Question 31 The passage is mainly about _

C intelligent robot footballersD a normal football competitionQuestion 32 According to paragraph 1, what is special about RoboCup?

C The players are not humans.D Both robots and humans take part in it.Question 33 The word fitted in paragraph 2 mostly means _

Question 34 The word them in paragraph 3 refers to _

Question 35 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A Robots have the potential for doing search and rescue work.

B Robot footballers earn more money than human footballers.

C Robot footballers have to make their own choices during the match.D With special technologies, robots can play football like humans.

Trang 4

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Scientist Dr Russell Carley is interested in finding out about friendship in the 21st century He started by tryingto answer the question: “Can online friends be as good as face-to-face friends?” Surprisingly, he found that theanswer is a big yes! A friend is someone who gives you honest advice and support, and, of course, an online

friend can do that When you feel anxious in the middle of the night, there's always someone who can give you

support through a text, a message or just a 'like'.

Having online friends is good for your memory, too There's a lot of information to check every day When yousee an interesting holiday picture, you make a note in your mind to ask your pal about it next time they're online,

or when you're together in person Also, you can find friends who have the same interests as you more easily.

For most of us, the online community provides support, it builds our confidence, and we feel loved.

So, if online friends are so good, do we need real friends? Interestingly, Dr Carley's research suggests that wedo As he points out, with your real friends, you are in the same physical space; you create memories together asyou experience and enjoy doing things with each other You have to be more responsible with your real friends,

as you can't just 'unfriend' them if you disagree with them!

Dr Carley explains the science “When you are with your friends, you get hugs and high fives Hugging is goodfor us because our body produces a chemical called oxytocin that makes us feel good and we also feel trust andlove Chatting to your best pals, you copy their words and gestures When they smile, you smile too! So, inconclusion, both real friends and online friends are great - they just help us in different ways.”

(Adapted from Prepare)

Question 36 Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A The Surprising Truth about Real-life Friendships

B Online Friendships are a Joke!

C Can Online Friends be a Solution to Loneliness?D Friendship in the 21st Century

Question 37 According to paragraph 1, Dr Russell Carley wants to find out whether _ A online friendships can be as fulfilling as real-life friendships

B online friends are willing to help their real-life friends

C there are any differences between friendships in the past and nowD an online friend is more supportive than a face-to-face friend

Question 38 The word anxious in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _

Question 39 The word interests in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _

Question 40 The word them in paragraph 3 refers to _

Question 41 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A Your memory can become worse if you spend too much time with online friends.B An online friend can give you support and advice if you are in a bad situation.C It is not easy to create memorable experiences with your face-to-face friends.D Oxytocin can only be produced when we hug one of our closest friends.Question 42 It can be inferred from the passage that _

A real friends offer us more support than online friends in times of troubleB it is normal to stop being friendly with an online friend after an argumentC spending time with your real friends can lead to a shared emotional experience

Trang 5

D both real-life and online friendships shape the way we interact with others

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word orphrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

According to a recently published study, people who only get six or seven hours of sleep have longer life(26) _ than those who sleep eight or more hours “The idea that we need eight hours of sleep iscompletely unscientific,” said Professor Daniel Kripke, who led the study The methods used, (27) _ ,have been criticised Investigators relied on people's own accounts of how long they slept, (28) _ couldbe rather imprecise, as no one really knows when they fall asleep.

Contrary to Professor Kripke's findings, (29) _ experts believe that getting insufficient sleep is aserious problem What all scientists agree on is that more research is needed to discover exactly what therelationship is between sleep and longevity This research is essential because with all the (30) _ ofmodern life, such as cable TV and the Internet, it seems that a good night's rest is becoming increasingly rare.

(Adapted from Mastermind Use of English)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.

Going to the gym or the sports centre often feels like a joyless necessity The sweaty rooms and irritatingmusic seem to be part of the price you pay for getting fit In actual fact, your exercise routine will have somebad side-effects and we don't just mean aching muscles! Gyms and sports centres need huge amounts of energyfor lights, air conditioning, heating - and of course, pools and machines.

Luckily, there's now another way for people who care about more than calorie-counting Green Fitness

allows you to exercise in the open air, surrounded by birdsong What's more, rather than destroying the planet,

you'll be helping to preserve it How? By doing conservation work in some of the most beautiful parts of the

If you've never done any gardening before, don't worry We'll give you all the training you need Volunteerscooperate to achieve tasks together, so you won't be on your own The team spirit is amazing- something whichyou're never going to find at the gym! What's more, many volunteers have reported that taking part in sessions

has boosted their self-esteem and happiness However, this is not a 'soft' alternative and laziness is not an

option! An hour's moderate gardening is at least as demanding as a six-kilometre jog and builds strength in allparts of your body.

(Adapted from Insight)

Question 31 Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?

Question 32 According to paragraph 1, which of the following is a bad side-effect of gyms and sports centres?A The price is too expensive for everyone to afford.

B They only play annoying music during workout sessions.

C They use huge amounts of energy for different purposes.

D They are not well equipped with modern facilities.

Question 33 The word preserve in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _

Question 34 The word their in paragraph 3 refers to _

Trang 6

Question 35 According to the passage, what is NOT indicated about Green Fitness?

A It combines conservation work with exercise.B It allows people to exercise in the open air.C It provides training in gardening for its members.

D Its participants have to jog for six kilometres.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

Welcome to Nunavik - a beautiful landscape of forests, blue skies and clear waters You might think thatNunavik's geographical position at the ends of the Earth keeps it safe from big city problems like air and waterpollution.

Unfortunately, the pretty villages of Nunavik have not escaped the problems that the rest of the world is

facing, too Some years ago, scientists made a worrying discovery An extremely dangerous group of chemicalsknown as 'persistent organic pollutants' (or POPs) were attacking the Arctic environment POPs are usedeverywhere - in TVs, in lights and in paint They are also sprayed onto crops as pesticides Over time, they

become gas and go into the air, and the wind carries them thousands of kilometres.

POPs can cause cancer and allergies, as well as other damage They can also cause developmental problemsin babies and children Clearly, something had to be done about the problem and so in the 1990s, the UnitedNations held a meeting called the Stockholm Convention to discuss banning lots of the POP chemicals Sincethen, many countries have agreed to start producing fewer POP chemicals, and as a result, levels of POPs in the

Arctic are falling.

It will take many years for the problem to go away For one thing, buildings around the world still have manytons of POPs in their paint and wiring For all the people and animals in the Arctic regions, their only hope isthe work of scientists and the help of the rest of the world in putting an end to POPs once and for all.

(Adapted from Close-up)

Question 36 Which best serves as the best title for the passage?

Question 37 The word escaped in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _

Question 38 According to paragraph 2, what is said about POPs?

C They had a bad impact on the Arctic.D They were discovered by chance.Question 39 The word them in paragraph 2 refers to _

Question 40 The word falling in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _

Question 41 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A People who are exposed to POPs are likely to suffer from cancer and allergies.B When POPs go into the air, they can be carried by the wind thousands of kilometres.C The United Nations took necessary measures to deal with the POP chemicals.

D Many countries have still produced POPs despite the ban enacted by the United Nations.

Question 42 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A It’s impossible to eliminate POPs because of their high presence in buildings.

B People and animals in the Arctic regions are vulnerable to the effects of POPs.

C The Stockholm Convention plays a vital role in deciding the world’s future.

Trang 7

D It will take considerable time to get used to the presence of POPs in daily life.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word orphrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 34 to 38.

According to a recent study of teenagers, most of them do not do housework just for pocket money While manydo household chores because they see it as a way of getting ready for adult life, (34) _ feel they have aduty to help their parents because it is fair, especially if their parents work.

More than two-thirds of the young people (35) _ were surveyed clean floors at least once a week andmore than 80% regularly set the table for meals or do the washing-up Girls are more (36) than boys to washtheir own clothes There are, (37) _ , a few teens who only do the housework because they are made toby their parents They argue that they should not be expected to help out at home because in their view, theirteenage years are a period which should be enjoyed rather than (38) _ with household responsibilities.

(Adapted from Complete First)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 39 to 43.

In the Indian city of Agra, close to the Yamuna River, stands the Taj Mahal, a well-known mausoleum and aUNESCO World Heritage Site The huge white dome in the centre of the Taj Mahal is its most iconic feature Itis surrounded by four smaller domes and is 35 metres high The interior spaces of the building are decorated

with lovely arches and priceless stones set into the walls There are gardens with walkways, pools, and

fountains around the structures.

The Taj Mahal's construction began in 1631 and was completed in 1648 It was built using materials in Indiaand other Asian countries However, the main material is white marble The Indians also used other high-qualitybuilding materials at that time.

Emperor Shah Jahan had the Taj Mahal built as a burial place for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal According tolegend, he intended to create a black Taj Mahal on the other side of the river, but this never came true Duringthe Indian Rebellion of 1857, British soldiers destroyed many areas of the Taj Mahal, taking some of the

precious stones from its walls The Taj Mahal has suffered from environmental damage over the years, and

significant government efforts have been made to preserve its beauty.

The Taj Mahal is one of India's most well-known landmarks Every year, millions of people come to see themausoleum The Taj Mahal is mentioned in lists of iconic buildings to see and is considered one of the NewSeven Wonders of the World.

(Adapted from Bright)

Question 39 Which would be the best title for the passage?A The Timeless Majesty of a Ruined Heritage

B The Taj Mahal: A Symbol of Love and Legacy

C Collective Efforts to Preserve a Legacy

D Shocking Facts about a New Wonder of the World

Question 40 According to paragraph 1, which of the following is the most impressive feature of the Taj Mahal?

C the huge white dome in the centreD the modern architectural styleQuestion 41 The word priceless in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _

Question 42 The word its in paragraph 3 refers to _ ?

Trang 8

A the Indian RebellionB the other side of the river

Question 43 Which of the following is NOT stated about the Taj Mahal in the passage?A The Indians used materials in India and other Asian countries during its construction.B Emperor Shah Jahan had it constructed in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

C It is recognised as a new man-made wonder of the world thanks to its artistic features.

D The government of India has made significant efforts to preserve its beauty.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 44 to 50.

The Internet is by far and away the most important invention of our lifetime, and it’s made great changes toour lives It’s changed the way we shop and think about money Undeniably, the future of money has never been

so uncertain Twenty years from now, will we still be using notes and coins, or will we be using something

completely different? Many experts predict that soon everyone all over the world will be using a singlecurrency, the Bitcoin – digital money.

Up to now, digital money has mostly been the stuff of science fiction films Recently, however, a number ofstories about Bitcoin have made their way into our newspapers, and governments around the world have startedto think about the consequences of such a monetary system Bitcoin first made an appearance in 2009, when

computer whizz-kids invented ‘mining’, a way of earning them by solving very complicated mathematical

One such person was James Howells, an IT expert from Newport in Wales Like many of the Bitcoinpioneers, he probably didn’t think too much about his earnings That was until, one day in 2013, he discoveredthat the value of his Bitcoins had gone up, and they were now worth about £4 million!

So where had Howells stored his treasure? After looking for a long time – on the hard disk of his computer,

on every single USB stick he could find in his home – the terrible truth slowly dawned on him He’d stored the

Bitcoins on an old hard disk, and he’d thrown it away while clearing out old computer stuff the previoussummer Howells rushed to the recycling centre he’d taken it to He was told he’d have to search through wastemore than a metre deep in an area the size of a football field.

(Adapted from THiNK)

Question 44 Which best serves as the title for the passage?

C Digital Money: Here to Stay?D Bitcoin: For Better or Worse?Question 45 The word uncertain in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _

Question 46 According to paragraph 1, many experts predict that _ A paper money won’t be replaced by digital money

B a sole currency will be used by everyone

C digital money will disrupt the financial marketD notes and coins will become dominant

Question 47 The word them in paragraph 2 refers to _

Question 48 The phrase dawned on in paragraph 4 mostly means _

Trang 9

Question 49 Which of the following is true according to the passage?A Governments across the world don’t take the Bitcoin very seriously.B Digital money has only been used in low-quality science fiction movies.C James Howells had stored his Bitcoin earnings in a bank account.

D The value of the Bitcoin greatly increased in its first four years.

Question 50 Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A Bitcoin pioneers were quite optimistic about the value of the Bitcoin.B Howells discarded his old hard disk because it contained his Bitcoins.

C There is little chance that Howells will ever find his Bitcoin fortune.

D Digital money will change our way of spending money for the worse.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the word orphrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 27 to 31.

Psychologists tell us that humour and laughter are good for our social relationships Having a good (27) _ of humour is often regarded as being one of the most important characteristics that people look for in afriend In classrooms, a humorous teacher can make learning far more enjoyable and improve a student's (28) _

In one study, students on a psychology course are split into two different groups: one group was taught with acertain amount of humour, and (29) _ group with no humour at all Later, when researchers tested thestudents to see how much they had retained of what they had heard in the lectures, they found that those (30) _ had attended lectures containing humour scored significantly higher than the other students Humourand laughter make us feel happy, and our laughter makes others laugh as well, (31) _ if we laugh a lot wemay be helping to make other people feel happy.

(Adapted from Cambridge English First for Schools)

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 32 to 36.

According to recent research, nearly three-quarters of workers spend 4 to 8 hours sitting during office hours.Worryingly, 73% have had health problems such as back, neck and shoulder pain, which may all be caused bylong periods without moving.

Evie Scott experienced just that after she had changed job 'I used to work in a department store, where I was onmy feet talking to customers all day,' she says, 'but I needed a higher salary so I got an office job instead.

Although the challenge of the new job was quite exciting and I quickly made friends there, for a while I

wondered whether I'd made a big mistake.'

So Evie, who travels into town by rail every day, decided to do something about her fitness level She explains:'I didn't want to move house and it took far too long by bike, but what's really helped is getting off severalstations before the city centre and then walking I'm also thinking of going to the gym opposite work, and Imight also take up squash after work, too.’

She's made some small changes at work, too 'I avoid sitting still for too long, for instance by making phone

calls standing up, walking over to colleagues' desks rather than emailing them and simply standing up every ten

minutes I've even moved things like my printer so that I have to get up to use it Over a working day all thisadds up to a fair amount of extra exercise, which I'm convinced helps me work more efficiently - and happily.'

(Adapted from Complete Preliminary)

Question 32 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? Giaoandethitienganh.info sưu tầm

Trang 10

A An Unusual Office JobB Exercise at Work

Question 33 According to the passage, Evie stopped working in a department store to _

Question 34 The word exciting in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _

Question 35 The word them in paragraph 4 refers to _

Question 36 All of the following are mentioned in the passage as a way Evie has done to improve her fitness

level EXCEPT _

C taking up squash after workD moving her printer to get up to use it

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correctanswer to each of the questions from 37 to 43.

The first day at school can be quite scary for any pupil but imagine being one among 50,000 or more! That isthe total number of students at the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India The school, better known asCMS, employs 4,500 staff including teachers, support staff, and others such as cleaners and gardeners Theschool was set up by husband and wife team Dr Jagdish Gandhi and Bharti Gandhi in 1959 The first pupilswere the children of family members - and there were only five of them As time went by, more people started

to hear about the school and they wanted their children to attend Slowly, the numbers rose.

The school educates students between the ages of 3 and 17.They all wear a uniform and each class has about 45pupils But due to the size of the school, it is never possible for everyone to meet as there is no place that is bigenough for everyone to fit in One of the school's heads, Dr Gandhi's daughter Geeta Kingdon, said in an

interview that, 'The whole of Lucknow would be jammed if we tried because one bus holds 50 children, so we'd

need 1,000 buses to bring everyone together The school doesn't receive any money from the government andthe children's parents are only charged a small amount for their children to attend.

For each pupil, there is also one teacher responsible for his or her health and life outside the classroom In thisway, the staff believe that no one is forgotten Besides the traditional subjects such as maths, English andgeography, the students also learn about world peace CMS is the only school in the world to be awarded a

UNESCO Peace Prize for Education for its efforts in this field.

Today, the school is famous for its exam results and its international exchange programmes The school hassome well-respected past students, who have gone on to work in international organisations However, withinthe school, and especially with everyone wearing the same uniform, it can be difficult to get noticed, so thestudents have to work especially hard Dr Gandhi believes that the children receive not only an education, butalso a love of the world.

(Adapted from Prepare)

Question 37 Which best serves as the title for the passage?

C The Largest School in the WorldD A Frightening Experience at SchoolQuestion 38 The word they in paragraph 1 refers to _

Question 39 According to paragraph 1, what is indicated about the City Montessori School?A It employs more than 4,000 staff from other countries.

B It provides both scary and exciting learning experiences.

C Its first five students were relatives of Dr Gandhi.

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2024, 09:48

