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sử dụng verilog thiết kế mạch nhân 8 bit

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Nội dung

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Thành Viên

01 02

Hứa Phi Vũ Đỗ Văn Tấn

Trang 3


Mạch nhân 2 số (

Trang 8

START c A Q M 0 0000 1101 1011 Initial values 0 1011 1101 1011 Add Ƒ First CA<0 0 0101 1110 1011 Shift cycle M < Multiplicand Second Q < Multiplier 0 0010 1111 1011 Shift t er Count — n 0 1101 1111 1011 Add | 0 0110 1111 1011 Shift cycle

1 0001 1111 1011 Add t Fourth 0 1000 1111 1011 Shift cycle

(b) Example from Figure 10.7 (product in A, Q)

Figure 11.8 Hardware Implementation of Unsigned Binary Multiplication


Shift right C, A, Q Count <—Count - 1

Product inA, Q

Trang 9

Số bịnhân M = 0110 (6) S6 nhan Q= 0101 (5) Tich = (30)

c A Q

0 0000 0101 Các giá trị khởi đầu

0 0110 0101 A «.A+M 0 0011 0010 Dịch phải 0 0001 1001 Dịch phải O 0111 1001 A ~ A+M O 0011 1100 Dich phai

Trang 10


Trang 11

verilog HDL

Verilog HDL là một chuẩn "ngôn ngữ mô tả phần cứng" của IEEE, là một ngôn ngữ dạng text thuần túy được sử dụng để mô tả các mạch Số (thậm chí các mạch Số này có thể

Trang 14

Multiple 8bit

by Wallace Tree

Trang 15

Half Adder (HA) Implementation

ay, = Cray module ha (Cout, Sum, A, B);

by " b |

y | js, input A, B;

output Cout, Sum;

Figure 3.1 Half Adder (HA) Implementation

Trang 16

Full Adder (FA) Implementation ee module fa (Cout, Sum, A, B, Cin); a input A, B, Cin;

output Sum, Cout;

Figure 3.3 Full Adder (FA) Implementation

ha hal (gi, tempi, A, B); ha ha2 (g2, Sum, templ, Cin);

or o1, (Couk, gly 2);

A A HALF C _ >w


Pee endmodule fa

Trang 17

Full Adder (FA) Implementation

module fulladd (Cin, x, y, s, Cout):

Gj ” ` input Cin, x, y: x << tf —ễx se z 7 oufput s Cout:

y, HA Gc Ci4+]

ae xor (s, x, y, Cin); and (z1, x, y): (a) Block diagram and (z2, x, Cin);

and (z3, y, Cin):

or (Cout, z1, 22, 23): C¡ ) :

} Si endmodule Ke — J

ry Figure 3.18 Verilog code for the full-adder using gate-level yi 7 primitives module fulladd (Cin, x, y, s, Cout); input Cin, x, y: output s, Cout;

(b) Detailed diagram xor (s, x, y, Cin);

and (zl, x, y) ° 8 : oo, (72: x, Cin),

Figure 3.4 A decomposed implementation of the full-adder circuit (73 y Cin):

or (Cout, z1, 22, 23): endmodule

Trang 20

Mach nhan 4 bit Wallace tree

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Mach nhan 4 bit Wallace tree

module PP (P3, P2, Pi, PO, X, Y); |hodule array4 (X, Y, Z):

input [3:0] X, Y-;

input [3:0] Y; output [7:0] Z;

input [3:0] X; // Partial Product Generation

wire [3:0] P3, P2, P1, PO; EP:bDpU (Đ3; E27 E1;.P0;-.X,.Y)z output [3:0] P3, P2, P1, P0; // Partial Product Reduction

// Partial Product Generation wire [2:0] carry3,carry2,carryl;

and pp1(P0O[3], X[3], Y[0]); wire [2:0] sum3,sum2,suml; and pp2(P0[2], XL2], Y[0]);

and pp3(P0[1], X[1], Y[0]); ha HAI (carryl[2],suml[2],P1[2],PO[3]) ha HA2 (cCarrvyl[1],suml[1],P1[1],PO[2]): :

and pp4(PO[0], x{0], Y[0]); ha HA3 (carryl[0],sum1[0],P1[0],P0[1]);:

and pp5(P1[3], X[3], Y[1]); fa FAl (carry2[2],sum2[2],P2[2],P1[3],carryl[2]):;

and pp6(P1[2], X[2], Y[1]); fa FA2 (carry2[1],sum2[1],P2[1],suml[2],carryl[1]);

and pp7(P1[1], x11], Y[E1l)› fa FA3 (carry2[0],sum2[0],P2[0], suml[1],carrv1l[0]): and pp8(P1[0], x[0], Y[1]); fa FA4 (carry3[2],sum3[2],P3[2],P2[3],carrvy2[2]):

fa FA5 (carry3[1],sum3[1],P3[1], sum2 [2], carry2[1]) :

and pp9(P2[3], X{3], Y[2]); fa FA6 (carry3[0],sum3[0],P3[0],sum2[1],carry2[0]);

and pp10(P2L2], X[2], Y[2]); // Generate lower product bits YBITS

and pp11(P2[1], X[1]1, Y[2]); buf bl(Z[0], P0[0]):; and pp12(P2[0]1, X[0], Y[2]); buf b2(Z[1], suml[0]);

Trang 22

Thuc hién mach nhan 8 bit 7 a6 a5 a4 b7 b6 b5 bá b3 b2 b1 b0 23 a2 a1 a0 a7 a6 a5 a4(43 b7 b6 b5 b4'b3 b2 b1 b0 a2 a1 a0) b[7:4] b[7:4] b[3:0] b[3:0] a[7:4] + 4 a[3:0] + ng ‡ 4 a[3:0] A mn ma a es > Nhân phân multiply block multinly block multiply block multiply block | + + %1) AT 07:0] D h O | {q3[7:0] , 0000 ] {0000, q2[7:0] FF (60607Á)) - > 2 bê ^ Ộ cộng 6 = ——T _ bit uc > 1 bộ cộng 12 | bit QI15:4] Q{3:0] a7 a6 a5 a4'a3 a2 a1 a0 0 b3 b2 b1 b0

Trang 23

module add_8 bit (X,Y,2Z);

input [7:0] Y;

input [7:0] X;

Trang 24

module add 12 bit (X,Y,Z); input [11:0] Y;

input [11:0] xX; output [11:0] Z; wire [11:0] carry; wire [11:0] sum;

//assign Z = X + Y;

ha fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa




FA1O(carry[9] ,sum[9] ,Y[9] ,X[9] ,carry[8] ); EA11 (carry[10],sum[10],Y[10],X[E10],carry[9] ); EA12 (carry[11],sum[11] ,Y[11],X[11],carry[L10]);

(carry[9],sum[©2],Y[2],X[LS] is (carry[:],sum[° ],Y[:],X[:],carry[9]); (carry[2],sum[2],Y[2],X[2],carry[1i]); (carry[3] ,sum[3] ,Y[3] ,X[3]1,carry[2]) ; (carry[4],sum[4],Y[4],X[4],carry[3]);

(carry[5],sum[5],Y[5],X[5],carry[4]); (carry[6],sum[6],Y[6],X[6],carry[5]); (carry[7],sum[7],Y[7],X[7],carry[6]); (carry[8],sum[8],Y[(8],X[8],carry[7]);

assign Z = sum;


Trang 25

Ne Oo WwW Nw oe oe oe oe oe oe wow on wo hb Ww ww = © H3 Hà Hà Hà Hà Ww Ww Ww Ww Ww Ww ow Ww HAOoOePWNkrF OF HW OTA oO NN 37 module array8 (X, input [7:0] X; input [7:0] Y-; output [15:0] Z; wire

wire wire



wire wire wire wire wire

wire [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [7:0] [11:0] [11:0] [11:0] [7:0] [11:0] [11:0]


q0; q1; g2; q3: templ; temp2; temp3; temp4; q4;



// using 4 4x4 multipliers array4

array4 array4 array4

z1(X[3:0],Y[3 z2(X[7:4],Y{[3 z3(X[3:0],Y([7 z4(X[T:4],Y[L7

// stage 1 adders

assign templ ={4'b0,gq0[7:4]};

add_ 8

:0),q0[7 :0),ql[7 :4),q2[7 :4),q3[7

:0]); :0]); :0]);

:0]); _ bịt Z5(g1[7:0],templ, g4) ; assign temp2 ={4'b0O,q2[7:0]}; assign temp3 ={q3[7:0],4'bO}; add 12 bit z6é(temp2,temp3,q5); assign temp4={4'b0O,q4[7:0]}; // stage 2 adder

add 12 bit z7(temp4,q5,q6); // final output assignment assign Z[3:0]=q0[3:0]; assign Z[15:4]=q6[11:0]; endmodule

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// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish

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module test; ari Ÿ q ¡| b »p% 1.00us ~) Ge J Re-aunch

// Inputs 62.500 ns

reg [7:0] X; reg [7:0] Y;

CC“ iiitttnliiii] ii ~=—t—“‘i;S™Ci«S; 000000000000000U ý 0000000000001000 '0

// Outputs

immjj mi HA ẰẲ 0000D0 10 00000 100 0 00000000) — `) 0000D001 0000D0 10 om

wire [15:0] 2;

// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)

array8 uut (

-X(X), -Y(Y),

.2(2) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs X = 0; Y=0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; // Add stimulus here X = 2; Y=1; : operator1 (8 bit) operator2 (8 bit)

Result (16 bit)

// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish


Trang 30

Kién truc

may tinh 8-

Trang 31

Bộ luận lý số học ( ALU) ALU8bit SNe [ Ops | Ope

4 _ 1 000 Result = Operand] + Operand2 Opcode(2:0) Result(15:0) 2 001 Result = Operand] - Operand2

R) 010 Result = Operandl * Operand2 Operand 1 (7:0) — —— ——— _ fiag C 4 011 Result = Operand] & Operand2 Operan d2 (7:0) fl ag 7 5 100 Result = Operand] | Operand2

Trang 32

BỘ xử lý trung tâm

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May tinh 8-bit ( vi diéu khién 8



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Nhom chung em cam

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2024, 14:29



