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research about casual labour satisfaction working at la brasserie restaurant in ho chi minh city

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Group member: 1 La Minh Hiéu 2 Lê Hoàng Minh Y

3 Trần Đức Tín

Class Code: 2321910006901 Lecturer: Nguyễn Ngọc Hoàng


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1 Presentation & structure

InCasual Laborudes all required contents, follows

logical structure, and cohesive structure and keeps to „0.5 the word limit Spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc

(Also refers to the “look” of the report) 2 Referencing Follows APA-style for in-text citation & reference „0.5 list Used a minimum of 10 academic resources 3 Content development Answers the questions with accuracy, focus, Casual Laborarity, and cohesiveness Exhibits control in development of ideas

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Table of contents CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION S2 2,21 1112121111 101111111 0111110111 011110011 0111211 He 5 L [introduction oss 5 1.1 Introduetion of the tOpIC - c2 22 2212212211211 151 1511151121151 1811181181181 H1 5 1.2 Research Objectives a.14Ầ 5 V3 ODfOCts occ ccc ccc ccteccecceccseteeccseseeseseseessesseescesseessesesessasssesessssssessesssessesssesseesees 5 CHAPTER 2: REPORT oo.ccccccccccccccecesessceseeeseaeeessceeseaeaesenecscaenesecseecaeeececseeceeecaeaeaeessasaeeeneeeneses 5 Question 1: Describe the job title and job description - 2-5522 25 2222 22zsssxs<s2 5 LL Job tithe 5

1.2 Job deScriptiO0 0 6

Question 2: Explain what 1s an Intrinsic and extrinsic reward :c 5-5+ 5-2 6 2.1 Birthday program of the montÏ: .- - ¿2c 22 2212221211211 211 1511111151111 1511 11212 6 2.2 Excellent employee emulation program of the month: - 5-5: 6 Question 3 Explain what causes Job satisfaction and Job dissastisfaction 7

Em ion 7

3.2 Dissatisfaction: nh 8

Question 4: Based on your interviews, are the respondent satisfie with their jobs? JUSfIÍY YOUT 8ñISW€Y Q20 002012011201 211111 1112111111 1111 11111 119111 TH HH kg HH HH 8 Question 5 Using appropriate materials and motivational theory from the course, propose a plan to improve their satisfaction Explain how the plan works and justify \jJ/MI M20 ,(dgliiÝÝÝÝỔÝỶỔỶỔỔỔẮẶẦẶAA II 5.1 Aplly appropriate materials and motivational theory -: : 5s: c2 ccssss2 11 5.2 From Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs we propose plan to improve their 1000117 12

Question 6 Propose a hiring recommendation based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality framework to find people better suited for the Job 16

6.1 Myers-Bripgss Type Indieator personality ffameWOfÏk - co cccccseces2 16 6.2 Analyze each personality group to find people better suited the Job 16

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{0 51 20

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1.1 Introduction of the topic

Did you know that the casual workforce currently plays a significant part in the restaurant- hotel industry Due to the significant staffing requirements of restaurants and hotels, this is an ideal employment for students to hold part-time during their leisure time in order to supplement their income In addition, it ensures that there are enough staff of the nght caliber and quantity to fulfill Casual Labor demand

As a result, we decided to research job happiness using Casual Labor workers at the La Brasserie restaurant within the Nikko hotel in Ho Chi Minh City Understanding the satisfaction index can help us motivate and engender greater employee loyalty for Casual Labor 1.2 Research Objectives Find out the cause of the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the Casual Labor members and make a plan to improve the policy to increase the level of employee satisfaction 1.3 Objects Interviewed 10 Casual Labor (Casual Labor) employees working at La Brasserie 5-star restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City to find out their level of job satisfaction CHAPTER 2: REPORT Question 1: Describe the job title and job description 1.1 Job title

The part-time job in a hotel restaurant is called Casual Labor or CLfor short

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1.2 Job description

The specific job of a Casual Labor in La Brasserie restaurant is that employees will be divided into jobs:

+ Staff bring food to the table for guests

+ Staff serving orders, making water for customers + Staffin charge of customers’ plates

+ Staffin charge of filling dishes for customers

+ There are also Casual Labor staff in the restaurant's kitchen helping the cook preparing food for customer

Casual Labor staff at La Brasserie restaurant will have two shifts: + Morning shift: Start from 6a.m to 3p.m

+ Evening shift: Start from 3p.m to 1lp.m

Question 2: Explain what is an intrinsic and extrinsic reward

Below are the forms of rewards for employees with good working attitude in La Brasserie restaurant Along with rewarding employees, of course, there will be penalties for employees who do not do well at work:

La Brasserie restaurant will organize 2 reward programs to encourage morale, as well as the desire to acknowledge the outstanding efforts and progress of Casual Labor friends

2.1 Birthday program of the month:

In La Brasserie, all employees (official staff, Casual Labor, trainees) have a celebration with birthdays in that month

Time of organization: 10th of every month Gift: Casual Labor | slice of cake

2.2 Excellent employee emulation program of the month: Rating Criteria:

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+ Performance at work Reward form:

+ Certificates of Merit (with photos) are placed on the board throughout the month + Cash: double tip in the most recent period

+ Total of 1 prize per month: | for Casual Labor Time of awarding: Ist of every month

Besides being rewarded will go hand in hand with punishment In order to limit broken items and ensure the safety and health of your employees Each reminder, will be recorded, criticized in the briefing sessions

+ Ist time: Deduct 50% tip + 2nd time: 100% deduction of tip + 3rd time: No pay that day + 4th time: Temporarily laid off

In addition, the above rewards every summer each year, the restaurant will organize for Casual Labor employees to participate in outing trip parties (For example: most recently, the restaurant's managers organized an outing trip for Casual Labor employees outing at Amazing Bay in Dong Nai, last year Casual Labor friends were held in Vung Tau for | day) As mentioned above, rewards and punishments are intended to encourage good employees and also reprimand those who have not completed their tasks so that the restaurant thrives on a daily basis

Question 3 Explain what causes job satisfaction and job dissastisfaction 3.1 Satisfaction:

- Work environment: La Brasseries is a 5-star restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City with a professional and comfortable working environment, facilitating the development of employees and helping them to complete their work well The location is right in the center of the city, very convenient for moving to the workplace of employees

- Career Advancement Opportunities: As a part-time employee at a restaurant, hard- working and diligent employees with a dedicated and attentive customer service attitude

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will be arranged many hours of work with a high income, special benefits Arrange catering for important parties at the restaurant If you do well and have long-term experience, you will be nominated as an official employee and hold a high position (Ex: Human Resources Supervisor, F&B Secretary, ) The restaurant is always fair to the efforts of all employees - Income: One of the main factors leading to employee satisfaction is income The salary that the restaurant pays depends on the number of working hours of employees with part- time employees, which is 35,000 VND/hour, which is quite high compared to the common ground in Ho Chi Minh City In addition, tips sent by customers will be summed up and divided equally among all service staff on that working day to create fairness for all - Manager: There is no distance between superiors and subordinates Always support to teach enthusiastically and understand the difficulties that employees face to create a friendly, open and united working environment to build a strong restaurant

3.2 Dissatisfaction:

- Colleague: There is still a situation of oppression and division among employees Ex- employees put a lot of work, bully new employees working with high workload and talk bad about each other in the restaurant

- Uniform: Not suitable for some employees with small body Quite wide and uncomfortable for them

There are still a few managers who do not really pay attention to employees and work Entrust most of your work to employees in exchange for free time for yourself On top of that, some managers still do not distinguish between public and private affairs, using their emotions and feelings in their work

Question 4: Based on your interviews, are the respondent satisfie with their jobs? Justify your answer

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JS4 Overall, I am satisfied with my current job Below are the outcomes from the 10 interviews focusing on job satisfaction using the given set of questions The responses for each question were rated on a scale ranging from | to 5, where | represented "Strongly Disagree" and 5 denoted "Strongly Agree." Additionally, the mean scores for each question have been calculated

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AVERAGE 3,9 4,0 4,3 4,2

@ JS1:” [like doing the things that i do at my workplace”

The collective enthusiastic support from participants leads to a notable average rating of 3,9 for this query This rating aligns with the influential research by Hackman and Oldham (1976), highlighting the significant influence of elements such as task diversity, autonomy, and skill utilization in nurturing an individual's feelings of achievement and personal development This elevated rating serves as evidence of an organizational setting that not only acknowledges the importance of matching tasks with employees’ abilities but also actively fosters an environment of involvement and contentment This aligns with the core tenets of the Job Characteristics Theory

@ JS2: ”I am satisfied with my earning from my current job”

Based on an average score of 4.0, it can be observed that the level of employee satisfaction with the current income is quite high This indicates that they perceive the salary they receive as proportional to what they invest in their work This score also reflects consideration for factors such as personal financial needs, industry standards, and individual expectations

Employees may be feeling that the salary they receive not only ensures financial security but also reflects the complexity and responsibilities of the tasks they are undertaking They may recognize this salary as a significant part of the value they bring to the organization A high average score could also denote positive understanding and estimation from the company's side regarding the value of employees

In summary, this score demonstrates that employee satisfaction level doesn't just reflect their ability to meet personal financial needs but is also linked to the sense of fairness, recognition, and appreciation of their contributions from the company's perspective

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@ JS3:”ÏI am extremely glad that I choose this institution to work for, over other institutions”

With an exceptionally high average score of 4.3, the opinions of the participants in the survey leave no room for doubt regarding their choice of workplace This demonstrates that they feel as if they are working in an environment where they are truly respected, empathized with, and their personal values align with the restaurant's culture

@ JS4: “Overall, I am satisfied with my current job”

The average job satisfaction score of 4.2, encompassing all aspects, indicates a noteworthy level of contentment among the participants This highlights the organization's praiseworthy efforts in establishing a conducive environment for promoting job satisfaction However, the variations in scores highlight the multifaceted nature of job satisfaction, which calls for a comprehensive approach

The celebration of task enjoyment and overall contentment underscores the significance of cultivating a dynamic work environment that thrives on active engagement and meaningful contributions The emphasis on satisfaction with compensation acts as a reminder for organizations to consistently evaluate and adjust their compensation frameworks to align with both industry norms and employee expectations

Moreover, the alignment of employees’ values with the organization underscores the importance of upholding an inCasual Laborusive culture

Question 5, Using appropriate materials and motivational theory from the course, propose a plan to improve their satisfaction Explain how the plan works and justify your answer

5.1 Aplly appropriate materials and motivational theory

From the survey results, we decided to apply Maslow's hypothesis to boost employee motivation

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According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs there are 5 categories of human needs:

Accepted, valved by others



Personal & Financial Security, Health; Safety Net

PHYSIOLOGICAL — Required for human survival: Air, water, food, clothing, shelter

- Physiological needs: This is an individual's most basic and essential physiological needs such as the needs for shelter, food, Casual Laborothing and sleep - Safety and Security: This is the second most important and essential human need for health, financial security and personal safety (job security, bank accounts, insurance, stability)

- Love and Belonging: This is an individual’s social needs for relationships and social connection (friendship, intimacy, family and love)

- Self-esteem: This is one of the crucial phases in reaching self-actualization is highest level of these demands This is a person's need for self-respect, which inCasual Laborudes having faith in self power and talents as well as a want to be respected and recognized by others

- Self-Actualization: This is the highest level of needs in Maslow's hierarchy, known as self-actualization, is concerned with realizing one's potential, finding contentment in oneself, pursuing personal improvement, and having peak experiences

5.2 From Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs we propose plan to improve their satisfaction

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2024, 15:58