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group assignment module asian entrepreneurshipand innovation

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Trang 1




Group members: 1 VAN CONG KHANH LAN ID: 2121013124 2 BANG MINH THU ID: 2121012811

Class code: 2331910011105 Lecturer: Dr Hoang Thu Thao

Date/Time: 15/12/2023

Trang 2


Some but not all required questions are addressed Content and/or terminology is not properly used or referenced Little or no original thought is present presented are merely restated from the source, or ideas presented do not reasoning presented

throughout the writing All required

addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful consideration and/or may not questions are

reflect proper use of content terminology or additional original not be present and/or may not be

properly cited sources All required questions are addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning theyve clearly presented throughout the writing

Criteria Inadequate Minimal Adequate Exemplary Organization 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt

and format Wnting ` lacks logical Writing is coherent and logically we Writing ` is coherent and Writing shows high degree of ` organization It may show organized, using a format suitable logically organized, using a attention to details and some coherence but ideas for the material presented Some format suitable for the material presentation of points Format lack unity Serious errors pomts may be contextually presented Transitions between used enhances understanding and generally is an misplaced and/or stray from the ideas and paragraphs create of material presented Unity unorganized format and topic Transitions may be evident coherence Overall unity of clearly leads the reader to the information but not used throughout the essay ideas is supported by the format writer’s conclusion and the Organization and format used may and organization of the material format and information could detract from understanding the presented be used independently material presented

Content 0.5 pts 1 pt 2 pts 3 pts

All required questions are addressed with thoughtful in- depth consideration reflecting both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought Additional from properly cited sources, or originated by the author following logic and reasoning throughout the writing

Trang 3

Development 0.5 pt 1 pt 1.5 pts 2 pts

- Critical Shows some thinking and Content indicates thinking and Content indicates original Content indicates synthesis of Thinking reasoning but most ideas reasoning applied with original thinking, cohesive conclusions, ideas, in-depth analysis and are underdeveloped, thought on a few ideas, but may and developed ideas with evidence beyond the unoriginal, and/or do not repeat information provided and/ sufficient and firm evidence questions or requirements address the questions or does not address all of the Clearly addresses all of the asked Original thought asked Conclusions drawn questions asked The author questions or requirements supports the topic, and is may be unsupported, presents no original ideas, or ideas asked The evidence presented clearly a well-constructed illogical or merely the do not follow clear logic and supports conclusions drawn response to the questions author’s opinion with no reasoning The evidence presented asked The evidence supporting evidence may not support conclusions presented makes a compelling presented drawn case for any conclusions

drawn Grammar, 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt

Mechanics, Writing contains many " Some spelling, punctuation, and Writing is free of most spelling, ¬= Writing is free of all spelling, Le —— spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors are present, punctuation, and grammatical punctuation, and grammatical

grammatical errors, making it difficult for the reader to may be sentence fragments and run-ons The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices disrupts Additional information may be

the content presented but im an unsuitable style, detracting from its

There are no citations understanding

interrupting the reader from following the ideas presented fragments and run-ons The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices may detract from the Additional information may be presented, but


in a style of writing that does not support understanding of the content Some in-text citations and academic references may be presented but mostly in a wrong format or not academic resources

errors, allowing the reader to follow ideas clearly There are no sentence fragments and run- ons The style of writing, tone, and use of rhetorical devices information is presented in a style that supports understand ing of the content In- cohesive

text citations and academic references are presented properly but still exist minor wrong format

errors and written in a style that enhances the reader’s ability to follow ideas clearly There are no sentence fragments and run-ons The of rhetorical devices enhance Additional information is presented to enhance understanding of the content the contem encourage and In-text citations and academic references are very well presented


Trang 4


Criteria Inadequate Minimal Adequate Exemplary Organization 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt amd format Slides lack logical Slides are coherent and logically Slides are coherent and logically Slides show high degree of organization It may show organized, using a format suitable organized, using a format attention to details and some coherence but ideas for the material presented Some suitable for the material presentation of points Format lack unity Serious errors pomts may be contextually presented Transitions between used enhances understanding and generally is an misplaced and/or stray from the ideas and paragraphs create of material presented Unity unorganized format and topic Transitions may be evident coherence Overall unity of clearly leads the reader to the information Little or no but not used throughout the essay ideas is supported by the format writer’s conclusion and the sourcing are provided Organization and format used may and organization of the material format and information could detract from understanding the presented Sourcing is generally be used _ independently material presented Sourcing may adequate and current Sourcing is current and be outdated, or thin, visual aids supports major ideas need work

Delivery 0.25 pt 0.5 pt 0.75 pt 1 pt

Low volume or energy; More volume/energy needed at Adequate volume and energy; Good volume and energy; pace too slow or fast; poor times; pace too slow or fast; some generally good pace and diction; proper pace and diction; diction; distracting gestures distracting gestures or posture; few or no distracting gestures; avoidance of distracting or posture; unprofessional adequate appearance; visual aids professional appearance; visual gestures; professional appearance; visual aids may be used but not effective aids used adequately appearance; visual aids used poorly used effectively

Content 0.25 pt 0.5 pt 0.75 pt 1 pt

Some but not all required All required questions are All required questions are All required questions are questions are addressed addressed but may not be addressed with thoughtful addressed with thoughtful in- Content and/or terminology addressed with thoughtful consideration reflecting both depth consideration reflecting

Trang 5

is not properly used or referenced Little or no original thought is present in the writing Concepts presented are merely restated from the source, or

consideration and/or may not terminology or additional original thought Additional concepts may not be present and/or may not be properly cited sources

proper use of content terminology and additional original thought Some additional concepts may be presented from other properly cited sources, or originated by

both proper use of content terminology and additional original thought Additional concepts are clearly presented from properly cited sources, or originated by the author

ideas presented do not the author following logic and following logic and reasoning follow the logic and reasoning theyve clearly they've clearly presented reasoning presented presented throughout the throughout the writing throughout the writing writing

Development 0.25 pt 0.5 pt 0.75 pt 1 pt

- Critical Shows some thinking and Content indicates thinking and Content indicates original Content indicates synthesis of Thinking reasoning but most ideas reasoning applied with original thinking, cohesive conclusions, ideas, in-depth analysis and are underdeveloped, thought on a few ideas, but may and developed ideas with evidence beyond the unoriginal, and/or do not repeat information provided and/ sufficient and firm evidence questions or requirements address the questions or does not address all of the Clearly addresses all of the asked Original thought asked Conclusions drawn questions asked The author questions or requirements supports the topic, and is may be unsupported, presents no original ideas, or ideas asked The evidence presented clearly a well-constructed illogical or merely the do not follow clear logic and supports conclusions drawn response to the questions author’s opinion with no reasoning The evidence presented asked The evidence supporting evidence may not support conclusions presented makes a compelling presented drawn case for any conclusions

drawn Grammar, 0.2 pt 0.3 pt 0.4 pt 0.5 pt Mechanics, " Style Presentation does not Additional depth needed in places; Presentation provides adequate Presentation provides good

provide adequate depth; key details are omitted or undeveloped; presentation is too short or too long

important information omitted or not fully developed; presentation is too short or too long

depth; few needed details are omitted; major ideas adequately developed; presentation is within specified length

depth and detail; ideas well developed; facts have adequate background; presentation 1S within specified length


Trang 6


Complete this form by filling in the table below with each member’s name, student number and the percentage of contribution/participation made to the assignment You will not receive a final grade for the assignment unless this form is signed by each group member and submitted along with the assignment

Student Name Student ID | Percentage of | Signature of Final

Trang 7

CONTENTS I Execufive suImnHmArV c Tnhh HH ng KH kh kg kh hờy 10 1 Concept sfafeImen( nh nh ng KH kg kg kết 10 PM on nh ố ađdaẫa 10 TL Industry ẢnaÌysiS L LG nàn nh KH kh KH kg vn thờ ll

1 Industry Size, Growth Đafe€ nen Tnhh ky ll

2 Industry SfFUCfUT€ L LH HT HH kg ket 12

HH Company Descripfion 2G ST HH HH TT khu 13 IV ng aấtttiảaẳầẳŸ 13 2 Mission Sfaf€I€H( HT ng KT kg kết 13 3 Products and S€TVIC€S LH HT HH KH khe gà kh thờ 13 3.Í Producfs L LH ng KH kg kiệt 13 3.2 SGTVICG HH nh HH kg kh kg kg kệ 14 Ä cố nn ctiẩiiiiiiiiii 15

IV Market Analysis LH ng kg ng kh 15

1 Market Sepmentation and Target Market Selection cày 15

1.1 Economic trend LH Tnhh 15

1.2 The current state of health in Vieftnam LH nhe 15

Trang 8


Revenue driver He (đddđă 21

Profit margin oo ccc ằẮ aiaậR 22

5m9 ng ằ«ắa aaaIIiáin 23

Marketing Plan nh Tnhh kg 24

Overall Marketing SŠ{rafepy LH kh tk kh thờ 24

Product, Price, Promotions, and IDistribution -ccc c2 222cc xxs 24

Design and Developmenf Plan nh Tnhh 24

Development Status and Tasks LH 24

Challenges and R1sks HH HH ng khen 25

Management Team - TH KĐT TH TH gen 25

Overall Schedule - nàng ng kh kg kg ru 26

Trang 9


Picture I: The Healing Cookie business model teamplafe . ẶẶẶằĂ nà sese ll Picture 2: Predict total revenue of The Healing Cookie in the Íirst quarter 22

Picture 3: Total online order in one week OŸ COIP€ẨIẨOT Tnhh 22

Picture 4: Fixed and Varlable COsSf§ Tnhh ru 23

Picture 5: Starf — UP COSÍS LH nh HH Khen 23

Picture 6: Timeline of The Healing Cookle nh Tnhh 26


Figure 1: Reasons why buyers decide to buy the product and become a loyalty customer in 51 22 14 Figure 2: The texture o£Êcookles that customers would prefer to buy 14 Figure 3: The platform consumers choose to purchase the product cà 15

Figure 4: The Healing Cookie°s market septmenftafIOn Tnhh 17

Figure 5: Several factors that affect pastry purchasing behavIor cà ssằ 17 Figure 6: Reasons why buyers decide to buy the product and become a loyalty customer in

1¬ 18


Table 1: Conclusion of industry anaÏyS15 - LH Tnhh ket 12

Table 2: The comparison between ‘The Healing Cookie’ and other direct competitors 18 Table 3: The comparison between ‘The Healing Cookie’ and other indirect competitors 20

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2024, 16:24